opendevreview | chandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher master: Enable prometheus and node_exporter from devstack-plugin-prometheus | 06:25 |
opendevreview | chandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher master: Enable prometheus and node_exporter from devstack-plugin-prometheus | 07:34 |
mtembo | #startmeeting Watcher IRC Weekly Meeting - 13 February 2025 | 12:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Thu Feb 13 12:00:15 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mtembo. Information about MeetBot at | 12:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 12:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'watcher_irc_weekly_meeting___13_february_2025' | 12:00 |
mtembo | o/ hello everyone | 12:00 |
rlandy_ | o/ | 12:00 |
mtembo | who's present today ? | 12:01 |
sean-k-mooney | o/ | 12:01 |
amoralej | o/ | 12:02 |
jgilaber | o/ | 12:02 |
dviroel | o/ | 12:03 |
mtembo | okay. lets getting going with the etherpad topics | 12:03 |
mtembo | #topic: OpenInfra Foundation Board Considering Partnership with Linux Foundation | 12:03 |
marios | \o | 12:04 |
marios | hello | 12:04 |
mtembo | #link | 12:04 |
mtembo | I added the topic, here. would anyone like to discuss it ? | 12:06 |
chandankumar | o/ | 12:06 |
marios | related mailing list post about that | 12:07 |
marios | [all] Important discussion about the OpenInfra Foundation's future | 12:07 |
marios | Jeremy Stanley | 12:07 |
marios | 6 Feb 2025 6:03 p.m. | 12:07 |
mtembo | Moving on to the bugs list. | 12:09 |
mtembo | #topic: (mtembo) Bug list for review | 12:09 |
mtembo | #link | 12:10 |
amoralej | that's pretty old | 12:11 |
amoralej | and on python2 | 12:12 |
rlandy_ | so we know if this is still a problem "How to produce: Dont know" | 12:12 |
amoralej | unless we can reproduce it, I'd say move to invalid | 12:12 |
rlandy_ | we have stopped and started cont audits | 12:12 |
amoralej | it may be good to do a long-running instance test at some point | 12:13 |
mtembo | alright, moving it to invalid | 12:13 |
marios | +1 to invalid "please move back to active if you disagree and reach out to us on irc or reply here with more information" | 12:13 |
rlandy_ | I second invalid here | 12:13 |
sean-k-mooney | it may have been a oslo.service bug | 12:13 |
amoralej | right | 12:13 |
sean-k-mooney | as in not actully in watcher so ya i agree | 12:13 |
rlandy_ | mtembo do you need someone to edit the bugs in the background? or you prefer to do it off line after the meeting? | 12:14 |
mtembo | alright, moving on. rlandy, on it, thanks! | 12:14 |
mtembo | link: | 12:14 |
sean-k-mooney | i feel like that another python 3 issue | 12:18 |
mtembo | On py2.7 again, pretty old | 12:19 |
sean-k-mooney | right so the items() function on dicst changed datatype between 2.7 and 3.0 | 12:19 |
sean-k-mooney | and there were other similar changes | 12:19 |
sean-k-mooney | so i wonder fi this was just an issue with the 2.7 to 3 tansition | 12:20 |
sean-k-mooney | its also coming form oslo policy | 12:20 |
sean-k-mooney | so it may not be a watcher issues | 12:20 |
amoralej | hard to say, but unless we can reproduce it, i think we can also close as invalid | 12:21 |
sean-k-mooney | so this is where we woudl normaly use openseach | 12:21 |
sean-k-mooney | to check the logs to see if it stilll happens | 12:21 |
rlandy_ | ack - was looking for the last run on that test | 12:22 |
rlandy_ | in zuul | 12:22 |
mtembo | what do we move this one to? | 12:24 |
sean-k-mooney | im not gettign any hits | 12:25 |
sean-k-mooney | in | 12:25 |
sean-k-mooney | so i think we can mark invalid | 12:25 |
rlandy_ | I think the test names may have been redone | 12:25 |
rlandy_ | I see the .py code | 12:26 |
sean-k-mooney | i was not lookign at the test names jsut the string | 12:26 |
sean-k-mooney | Expected a Mapping, got <class 'watcher.objects.action_plan.ActionPlan'> instead | 12:26 |
rlandy_ | | 12:27 |
sean-k-mooney | even reducign to just "Expected a Mapping" is clean | 12:27 |
rlandy_ | watcher-tempest-basic_optim on line 12 | 12:27 |
rlandy_ | but not anymore | 12:27 |
mtembo | moved to invalid | 12:27 |
mtembo | link: | 12:28 |
marios | i don't think we have anything in ci running grafana datasource | 12:29 |
marios | so not sure how/who would be able to repro or check this | 12:29 |
rlandy_ | nobody has checked that so far | 12:30 |
rlandy_ | maybe retriage later? | 12:30 |
rlandy_ | needs-re-triage tag | 12:30 |
marios | yeah we can't say right now if valid or not (or no longer/fixed elsewhere for example) | 12:31 |
marios | i mean no longer valid even if it once was | 12:31 |
rlandy_ | I'll add the tag and we can carry on | 12:34 |
amoralej | I suspect that the issue is still there but it's hard to debug without any ci or testing env | 12:34 |
rlandy_ | ack - so left it open | 12:34 |
mtembo | alright then, moving along | 12:34 |
mtembo | link: | 12:35 |
marios | honestly there are a lot of things we could improve in docs. the points raised in this bug seem reasonable too. i am just not sure we need a bug for tracking it | 12:36 |
sean-k-mooney | well | 12:36 |
sean-k-mooney | we in general should avoid commit that are not assocated with either a bug, blueprint or spec | 12:37 |
amoralej | i checked those points | 12:38 |
sean-k-mooney | we do sometiems allow small changes with out a tracker if we dicuss them first but we do not backport any change upstream if they dont have an assocated bug | 12:38 |
marios | so triaged and low priority perhaps | 12:38 |
amoralej | I'd say the reported issues are fixed, although it may be improved | 12:39 |
marios | again, we may or not agree with the suggestions being made here they read more like request for improving rather than 'fix this line it is wrong information docs bug' | 12:39 |
marios | so it is opinion maybe | 12:39 |
sean-k-mooney | reading amoralej's comment it seasm most are done | 12:39 |
sean-k-mooney | so ya may fixed released | 12:39 |
sean-k-mooney | ths was for rocky | 12:39 |
amoralej | | 12:39 |
dviroel | amoralej++ | 12:40 |
amoralej | said so, docs could be improved but it seems much better that when the bug was reported | 12:40 |
mtembo | i'll move this one to fix released | 12:41 |
amoralej | i.e. content in admin guide could be moved or referended from user guide | 12:41 |
amoralej | but yeah, that should be a docs-focused conversation to discuss | 12:41 |
mtembo | link: | 12:41 |
chandankumar | tls job got added long time back | 12:45 |
marios | nice find but | 12:47 |
marios | the bug is from 2023 | 12:47 |
marios | but the commit says 2018 | 12:47 |
rlandy_ | :) can we copy that comment and close out? | 12:47 |
chandankumar | Note the job got removed, I am trying to find out that commit | 12:47 |
chandankumar | we have support of tls-proxy in devstack plugin, we just need to enable it | 12:48 |
marios | | 12:48 |
chandankumar | It would be a good low hanging fruit also | 12:48 |
marios | that is the commit you pointed to earlier ^^ | 12:48 |
chandankumar | marios, yes correct | 12:51 |
chandankumar | I am trying to locate what review removed watcher-tls-test job | 12:51 |
chandankumar | marios: for this bug, I think we can close it pointing to the above review | 12:52 |
marios | sounds good... we can file new one if there is an issue with tls ci moving forward | 12:52 |
chandankumar | For zuul job (being removed), not sure what to do there | 12:52 |
chandankumar | +1 | 12:53 |
chandankumar | mtembo: Do you want me to update the bug? marking it as fixed relased? | 12:54 |
mtembo | chandankumar: yes please go ahead | 12:54 |
mtembo | #topic: Volunteers for chair for 20 Feb meeting | 12:55 |
amoralej | i can take it | 12:55 |
mtembo | Thanks amoralej for volunteering :-) | 12:56 |
rlandy_ | amoralej++ thank you | 12:56 |
mtembo | I think we care done for today. Is there anything else we missed ? | 12:57 |
mtembo | thank you all | 12:58 |
mtembo | #endmeeting | 12:58 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Thu Feb 13 12:58:31 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 12:58 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 12:58 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 12:58 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 12:58 |
dviroel | mtembo+= | 12:58 |
dviroel | mtembo++ | 12:58 |
rlandy_ | mtembo++ nicely done | 12:59 |
marios | nice one mtembo | 12:59 |
mtembo | Thank you :) | 13:01 |
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