Monday, 2025-02-24

opendevreviewDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/watcher master: DNM - Testing prometheus job in podified env
sean-k-mooneydviroel: can you take a look at
dviroelsean-k-mooney: sure, adding to my todo list here17:23
sean-k-mooneyi think that is the last patch we should land before the release note prelude patch17:27
sean-k-mooneyi need to check but i think the remaining open patches for master are all test covergae related17:28
sean-k-mooneyoh no we should merge the monasca deprecation patch too. ill go review that now17:29
sean-k-mooneydviroel: if you can include in your list too that would be great17:46
sean-k-mooneydviroel: check rdo experimental is causing it to show up in teh status page and then it abort17:50
sean-k-mooneyim not entirly sure why17:53
sean-k-mooneydviroel: it looks liek there are two diffent defiention of openstack/watcher17:54
sean-k-mooneyone in rdo and the other in opendev17:54
sean-k-mooney and
sean-k-mooneyso that might be part of the problem17:55
sean-k-mooneyhum although only the upstream verison has the job config17:57
sean-k-mooneyso i guess im unsure why its not working17:57
opendevreviewDouglas Viroel proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: Add support to run promtool in a podified deployment

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