Thursday, 2015-04-23

flwangI have got two enquiries from my company inside about using zaqar00:09
flwangwe need to deploy it asap00:09
vkmcwhat are those inquiries?00:10
vkmchi flwang o/00:10
vkmcwas the diagram helpful for you?00:11
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flwangvkmc: one for notification but they need a SMS driver01:03
vkmcI see01:03
flwangone for messaging service, they want to save the backlog from two clusters into a central queue which can provide persistent storage and can be queried on demand01:04
flwangand yes, the links you gave me are very helpful01:11
vkmcand the sms driver?01:12
vkmccool :)01:12
flwangbtw, i'm still keen to meet with you and flaper87 to discuss what's the next step for us to promote zaqar01:12
vkmcyeah, I'd certainly would like to do that as well01:12
flwangit really matters01:13
vkmcit does01:13
vkmcand more now that your company wants to deploy Zaqar01:13
vkmcwe have to be up for the game01:13
flwangvkmc: yep01:15
vkmcIIRC flaper87 will be back next week... he was away for a conference01:16
flwangvkmc: sometimes, I even think we should compare our features with SQS/SNS and fill the gaps one by one01:16
vkmcwould you like to schedule something?01:16
flwangschedule the meeting with flaper87?01:17
vkmclike... we can put a date and a time now, and see if he can join us or reschedule01:17
vkmcgenerally writing down things help me to actually do it ;)01:17
flwangif so, pls :)01:17
flwangpersonally, given the ^good discussion^ with other teams about the intergration01:18
flwangi would like to switch my focus01:18
flwangi think I will focus on the basic functions of zaqar compared with SQS/SNS01:19
vkmcsounds good to me, we have to make Zaqar more stable01:20
vkmcand make the purpose of the project clearer01:20
flwangexcept seeking the colloboration with other components, we may also should focus on some basic stuff, like the deployment, doc, scalability, stability, etc01:21
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vkmcflwang, invitation sent01:48
vkmcflwang, feel free to change it01:48
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flwangvkmc: thank you so much02:17
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OneLostSoulflwang, I have a question about a line of code in, is this the place to ask?02:59
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flwangOneLostSoul: sure, i'm listening :)03:02
flwangbtw, I have received your mail but i haven't got the time to replied, sorry about that03:02
OneLostSoulLine 6403:03
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OneLostSoulfor s in list(next(subscribers)):03:03
OneLostSoulLooks to me as it should be just     for s in subscribers:03:04
OneLostSoulWhat is the benefit of collecting all the iterations into a list just iterate over them again?03:05
OneLostSouls/just/just to/03:08
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flwangnope, it maybe a place deserved an improvement :)03:15
flwangwe was in a rush to deliver the patch since the release was closing03:15
flwangfeel free submit any patch to make it better03:15
vkmcwelcome! :)03:18
flwangvkmc: what's your time now?03:18
flwangyou should go to bed, otherwise your mom will kick you :)03:20
vkmchaha yes03:20
vkmcshe won't allow me to come to work tomorrow03:21
vkmcok, have a great day guys o/ ttyt03:22
flwangvkmc: good night03:22
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flwang1anybody there? :)09:43
flwang1flaper87: ?09:43
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RichardRaseleyflwang: Hallo, just dropping in to follow-up on your email.22:53
flwangRichardRaseley: cool22:56
flwangthanks again for your support on zaqar22:56
flwangnow my company is going to deploy zaqar, so we really need the puppet module for zaqar, though i'm not a devops but we do have other devops guy can support you if it's necessary22:57
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RichardRaseleySorry for the delay23:16
RichardRaseleyAre you going to be deploying prior to the Vancouver Summit? If possible, that'd be the best time to sit down and talk about things in person.23:16
RichardRaseleyPlease feel free to send me an email directly ( or post with the [puppet] tag to the openstack-dev mailing list and we can pick up the conversation there.23:17
RichardRaseleyGotta run now, hope to talk soon!23:18
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