Friday, 2015-10-09

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vkmcakanksha_, it run on its own00:09
vkmcakanksha_, you can use the screens to check it00:09
vkmcscreen -r stack will connect you to the screen00:09
vkmcalt+a n and alt+a p to navigate screens00:09
vkmcalt+a d to detach from a screen00:09
Eva-iscreens are pseudo-graphic interface to openstack?00:10
vkmcEva-i, screens is gnu-screen00:11
vkmcconsole multiplexer00:11
Eva-iokay, thanks00:11
vkmcEva-i, how are you doing with the code? anything I can help with?00:14
Eva-ivkmc: I'm still inspecting the code00:16
Eva-ivkmc: there are lines I don't understand like "_list = abc.abstractmethod(lambda x: None)"00:17
vkmcEva-i, ah well, those are optimizations and refactorings00:18
vkmcno need to understand them now00:18
vkmcdid you find a bug for you to start working on?00:18
Eva-ivkmc: no, I still haven't00:20
vkmclet's find one00:22
Eva-ivkmc: for now I just want to understand how everything is connected to see a big picture00:22
vkmcEva-i, that makes sense, but its something you will learn with time, fixing things and testing different scenarios00:23
vkmcgenerally its part of the internship00:23
vkmcwe reserve the first weeks for you to gain more confidence with the code00:23
Eva-ivkmc: alright, you have convinced me, lets choose a lovely bug00:24
vkmcEva-i, I saw one today while reviewing things00:24
Eva-ivkmc: which one?00:26
vkmcEva-i, so I was going to report it, but I prefer you do it00:26
vkmcand you fix it as well00:27
vkmcso there are some tests that do assertEqual(true, ...)00:27
vkmcthe correct way of testing that is... assertTrue(...)00:27
vkmcits simple but good enough for you to submit your first patch00:27
vkmcyou should register your contributor accounts, if you haven't already00:28
vkmcreport the bug in launchpad
vkmcand propose a fix for it00:28
Eva-ivkmc: alright, I'm going to find such tests now00:31
vkmcthanks elmiko00:31
vkmcsorry elmiko00:31
vkmcEva-i, ^00:31
akanksha_vkmc, I tried running the examples and I am getting forrbidden errors00:32
akanksha_*zaqarclient examples00:32
vkmcakanksha_, in the client right?00:32
vkmcakanksha_, did you updated the keystone credentials in the examples?00:32
akanksha_No not in the client.00:32
akanksha_do you mean the openstack client vkmc?00:33
vkmcakanksha_, nope, python-zaqarclient00:33
akanksha_I ran the examples from the zaqarclient directly.00:34
akanksha_Checking keystone credentials now00:34
vkmcakanksha_, I hit some issues with some examples as well00:35
vkmcnot with the one with auth00:35
vkmcand I have a devstack deployment00:35
akanksha_vkmc, I ran this one.00:36
akanksha_I get forbidden errors.00:37
vkmcakanksha_, its usually helpful that you paste the errors you get and you give me more details on how did you deploy things00:37
akanksha_I also get forbidden errors with curl commands.00:37
vkmcthat way I can try to reproduce00:37
akanksha_Okay wait00:37
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mdnadeemelmiko: hi, regarding issue you face zaqarclient and the queues() operation, can you provide me your zaqar.conf file?00:42
vkmcakanksha_, and how did you deploy zaqar? devstack?00:43
akanksha_vkmc, i enabled it as a plugin in devsatck00:44
vkmcakanksha_, cool00:47
vkmcI'm setting up a new env00:50
vkmcI broke the last one :100:51
Eva-ivkmc: there are few occurences of "assertEqual(True, ...)". And I just thought there might be any tests with "assertEqual(..., True)".00:52
Eva-iSo I tried to find them via regex expression "assertEqual\((.*), True\)", and I got no results.00:52
Eva-iWill report bug now00:52
vkmcEva-i, awesome :)00:53
vkmcyeah, there are not many occurrences00:53
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akanksha_vkmc, meanwhile I was going through the project for Outreachy that has been listed for Zaqar. I looked up the websocket implementation in zaqar and saw that it has used autobahn.asyncio python pakage for implementing websockets. This has support for sending and recieving binary data in utf8 and json forms. My guess is we'll be requiring json data mostly. I01:07
akanksha_am in the process of reading up more about it so I can propose a timeline for the project.01:07
vkmcakanksha_, good call01:09
akanksha_vkmc, what are the exact requirements for the project?01:10
vkmcakanksha_, yeah basically we want to enhance the perf a bit more and add support for different type of data01:10
vkmcthat will need some research probably01:11
vkmcwe want to make sure that data is consistent across different datastores and transmission protocols01:11
Eva-ivkmc: can I use tag "tests" for such bug? Someone used this tag once in zaqar launchpad.01:11
vkmcakanksha_, requirements... in what sense?01:11
vkmcEva-i, sure01:11
vkmcbbl, dinner01:14
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Eva-ivkmc: bon appetit, please check it after your meal:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1504368 in zaqar "Incorrect usage of assertEqual() in some tests: "assertEqual(True, ...)"" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Eva Balycheva (ubershy)01:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Adding namespace for [drivers] section in oslo-config-generator
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mdnadeemDear Team : For those who are attaining tokyo summit: Please get E-ticket- OpenStack Community Official Evening Event Sponsored by HP, Scality, Cisco, & Bit-isle03:16
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements
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Sanika_hi,Sanika here .Can anyone pls help me with this error generating config file using tox -e genconfig
therveSanika_, One of your dependencies is outdated, like pip or setuptools06:37
therveYou should remove the sudo too06:37
therveTry tox -r -e genconfig as your regular user. You may need to remove the .tox directory though06:37
Sanika_i should remove the .tox directory?i had tried as a normal user but there was same error..thanx06:49
Sanika_upgraded pip n setuptools.. removed the .tox dir. as a normal user it gives permission denied so tried  with sudo tox -r -e genconfig ..same error again :(07:13
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elmikomdnadeem: i used the zaqar plugin for devstack without modification, not sure what it uses for a config file.12:49
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vkmcmdnadeem, if you have a moment later, could you fix the commit message?
vkmcso we can move it fwd13:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements
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mdnadeem_vkmc: Thanks for pointing, i just do it in a minute.14:24
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openstackgerritMD NADEEM proposed openstack/zaqar: FIX TypeError for list queue command.
mdnadeem_vkmc: Done :)14:31
vkmcmdnadeem_, awesome! thanks a lot14:31
mdnadeem_vkmc : I have investigating some issue with pool and flavor, and need to discuss it with you guys14:33
mdnadeem_vkmc: Can i do it in weekly meeting?14:33
Eva-iHello, can someone confirm the bug I reported?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1504368 in zaqar "Incorrect usage of assertEqual() in some tests: "assertEqual(True, ...)"" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Eva Balycheva (ubershy)14:35
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vkmcmdnadeem_, that sounds great, add it to the agenda here
vkmcEva-i, sure14:40
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mdnadeem_vkmc: meeting date is not updated yet?14:42
vkmcmdnadeem_, nope, will do it right away14:42
vkmcmdnadeem_, but it's next Monday at 21.00UTC14:43
mdnadeem_vkmc: next means on 19th?14:44
Eva-ivkmc: thank you14:44
vkmcmdnadeem_, , 1214:44
vkmcEva-i, np14:44
mdnadeem_vkmc: Ohk, 21.00 UTC , omg its 6 am of tuesday here, i am not sure if i can woke up so early . But i try my best to attain it :)14:47
Eva-ivkmc: I created new branch for my commit before running "git review -s". Is it okay?14:54
Eva-iIn manuals I see the command "git review -s" is executed first.14:54
vkmcEva-i, it is!14:54
vkmcyeah, is to set up the repository with your gerrit credentials14:55
vkmcyou can fix that later, is the same14:55
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openstackgerritEva Balycheva proposed openstack/zaqar: Fix incorrect usage of assertEqual() in some tests
vkmcEva-i, wohoo :) good job15:11
Eva-ivkmc: thanks =) I need to do some things now, then I will aim for a new bug15:16
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vkmcEva-i, sounds good, thanks15:16
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Eva-iI'm trying to perform python34 tests on zaqar. I got failed test and then crash. Is something wrong with my environment?19:33
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vkmcEva-i, checking20:17
Eva-ivkmc: btw it pass py27 tests without problems20:20
vkmcEva-i, seems there is a bug there20:28
sriramlooks likes a non existent queue, whoa how did a 201 come there.20:29
vkmcsriram, something on the websocket drive apparently20:31
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Eva-ivkmc: okay20:50
vkmcits odd that it works for py27 and not for py34 though20:50
akanksha_Could the reason for py34 failing be that all requirements for py34 aren't satisfied?20:52
vkmcakanksha_, like which requirement?21:04
akanksha_So, my env has python version 2.7. Will that mean that py34 test might fail?21:05
vkmcakanksha_, if you have python 3.4 dev just for run the tests, then it should work for you21:08
akanksha_It worked for me later on. But I was just wondering if that could be a possible problem for Eva.21:10
Eva-iakanksha_: python3-dev package must be installed in OS to perform the tests21:10
akanksha_Me, I am facing problems with tempest logs. I cant figure out how my patch is going wrong. Can you review it once?21:11
akanksha_I tried reading the tempest logs but can't pinpoint how mit connects to my change, vkmc
akanksha_tempest tests can't be run on my environment locally  right?21:13
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vkmcakanksha_, so... its not tempest, its the functional tests the ones failing21:18
vkmcnot sure what is failing there21:19
vkmcthe redis gate is the one failing21:19
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Eva-iI think I have also have discovered many bugs in zaqar documentation. But maybe you already know about such problems.21:35
Eva-i*I also have discovered21:35
Eva-ivkmc: lets choose a bug for me? Maybe something harder this time? =)21:46
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