Tuesday, 2016-07-26

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar-ui: Imported Translations from Zanata  https://review.openstack.org/34662200:08
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shameemthe ports 8888 and 9000 are listening to the IP which I have configured, I tried creating queue using command # openstack queue create05:52
shameemBut when I try to list the queue, I am getting this error http://paste.openstack.org/show/541977/05:53
shameemCan anyone help me to solve this Issue05:53
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wxyshameem: you used "openstack queue list"?07:41
shameemCan you share deocumentation regarding zaqar operations using curl08:13
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wxyOur client is broken dut to this openstackclient patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329189/1812:39
wxythe error log: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542066/12:40
wxyshameem, you can use client with "--debug" to see the curl link12:40
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therveReusing private attribute was probably not a good idea13:09
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pmathewsI can't seem to get zaqar to auth to mongo - I've tried turning security.authorization: disabled in mongodb, but still no dice. I can auth without creds to mongodb, but zaqar seems to be having an issue somewhere http://paste.openstack.org/show/542160/18:27
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thervepmathews, What's your pymongo version?19:20
flwang1pmathews: i'm looking your paste19:40
flwang1pmathews: the error said zaqar failed to create index, but can you see any collection in zaqar's db?19:41
pmathewsthere is19:44
flwang1pmathews: it's related to permission i think19:47
flwang1google the failure, you can see lot https://www.google.co.nz/search?client=ubuntu&hs=1IV&channel=fs&q=OperationFailure%3A+not+authorized+on++to+execute+command+{+createIndexes&oq=OperationFailure%3A+not+authorized+on++to+execute+command+{+createIndexes&gs_l=serp.3...5028.5028.0.5360.
flwang1now i can remember i saw this issue before, but i can't recall the details, but that's related to the permission of the user IIRC19:48
pmathewswhere are the creds it uses for mongodb defined in the config?19:55
flwang1pmathews: no config option for creds, it's in the uri20:02
flwang1i'm wondering if it's related to the pymongo version20:06
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pmathewsinteresting. I tried adding a zaqar_mgmt_queues database, and I get a slightly different error: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542173/20:33
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pmathewsthe createIndex command seems to run fine from the cli also: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542178/21:29
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flwangpmathews: why you said different error, seems they are same error22:03
flwangpmathews: could you please open a bug and add the steps how do reproduce it?22:03
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flwangthen i will take and work on it22:03
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flwangpmathews: and btw, i saw the user name of your mongo for zaqar db is **zaqar**,  so what's your **zaqar** user's roles/permissions?22:05
pmathewsI'm super-secure that way22:06
pmathewsit has readWrite - which according to the mongo docs, allows createIndex22:07
flwangpmathews: can you try add 'dbAdmin', 'userAdmin' to the user ?22:14
pmathews@flwang: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542183/22:32
flwangpmathews: interesting, so it seems like it's either a problem of pymongo or the way how zaqar use pymongo22:33
flwangpmathews: we can do some test based on this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28878147/mongoengine-user-with-readwrite-can-not-create-indexes22:33
pmathewscurrently I'm using 3.3.0 - I can easily just downgrade it to a known-good revision if you think that will help22:34
flwangpmathews: i would suggest 3.2.222:35
pmathewslooks like I'm currently using master… lemme go to liberty and pymongo 3.2.222:36
flwangmaster is not a problem22:36
flwangi don't think we changed anything related to this22:36
pmathewswell, no change going to pymongo 3.2.2; going to liberty + 3.2.2 results in missing the memory driver: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542184/22:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/zaqar: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/33995322:50
flwangpmathews: you just checkout the liberty and restart zaqar server, right?22:52
pmathewswell, it's not actually running; so just trying to start it, yes22:53
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flwangpmathews: i have seen the 'memory' backend error, but i can't recall details. can you share with me your conf file?22:57
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pmathewssure: http://paste.openstack.org/show/542186/22:59
flwanghad i shared my conf with you?23:05
flwangpmathews: for a quick test env setup, i would suggest use devstack, but i will still check your mongo auth issue23:07
pmathewsyeah, I was using it, but have stripped some things out trying to get it working23:13
flwangpmathews: because i can't touch your env, so it's a little bit hard to debug the root cause23:15
flwangso the fast way to get a working env, is using devstack, and then based on that23:16
flwangyou can figure out what's the difference between that one and your manually installed one23:16
pmathewsI'll setup a devstack and try it out there23:17
flwangas for the mongodb auth issue, it could be a bug, since i always use mongo without auth23:17
flwangnot sure the others23:17
flwangpmathews: with devstack, you could get zaqar in 30 mins i think23:17
flwangi'm happy to help23:18
pmathewsI've tried it with and without auth; further, mongodb is set with security.authorization: disabled23:18
flwangpmathews: if so, that's weird, are you using master branch of zaqar?23:19
pmathewsI was, I switched to liberty after the pymongo 3.2.2 version didn't help23:20
flwangok, i see.23:20
flwangwhich doc you're following now?23:20
flwangi can try it again on a fresh env23:20
pmathewsI was trying https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar/Give_Zaqar_a_try23:21
pmathewsyes, 14.04 is what I've been running on, though I'm going to spin devstack on a 16.04 box23:22
flwangpmathews: i would suggest follow this  http://docs-draft.openstack.org/36/333536/5/check/gate-zaqar-install-guide/450e695//install-guide/build/html/install-ubuntu.html23:23
flwangthough because of the openstack community docs strategy, we haven't published it officially23:23
flwangbut we will publish it in this release asap23:24
flwangsorry for any inconvenience23:24
pmathewsthis is more along the lines of what I expected to find, thanks :)23:24
flwangit's always not easy to deploy a new service ;)23:24
pmathewsyup, I get it23:24
flwangi have some questions about your current work, so IIUC, you're testing zaqar since bluehost is planning to use zaqar as the messaging service, right?23:28

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