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wanghao | hi ,guys, let's begin our meeting | 02:00 |
wxy | o/ | 02:00 |
gecong | hi | 02:00 |
wanghao | #startmeeting zaqar | 02:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Apr 3 02:00:48 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is wanghao. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 02:00 |
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openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 02:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'zaqar' | 02:00 |
wanghao | hi | 02:00 |
flwang | o/ | 02:01 |
wanghao | #topic Rocky Tasks Trace | 02:01 |
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wanghao | let's see our tasks in Rocky | 02:02 |
wanghao | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-rocky-plan | 02:02 |
wanghao | yesterday we have merged spec of queue filter | 02:03 |
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wanghao | the code patch I'm improving. | 02:03 |
wanghao | anyone else want to share the process? | 02:04 |
wanghao | wxy: ? | 02:05 |
wanghao | gecong: ? | 02:05 |
wanghao | flwang: ? | 02:05 |
wxy | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531106/ Seems zhenyu added a question there. | 02:05 |
gengchc2 | ? | 02:06 |
wanghao | wxy: yeah, I'm trying to improve this | 02:07 |
wxy | Otherwise the code looks well for me. | 02:07 |
gecong | I will share the process | 02:07 |
wanghao | gecong: sure | 02:07 |
wanghao | wxy: yeah, it's working actually now | 02:07 |
wanghao | gengchc2: wanna share your tasks? | 02:08 |
wanghao | gecong: here? | 02:10 |
wxy | FYI: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558180/ | 02:11 |
wxy | the patch from yufei for email delivery and i18n Chinese support. | 02:12 |
wanghao | yes | 02:13 |
gecong | I am just begin to think about JsonSchema | 02:13 |
wxy | wanghao: If my memory is correct, you are the expert for i18n Chinese support :) | 02:13 |
wanghao | so guys pls to review this | 02:13 |
wanghao | wxy: haha that's old story | 02:14 |
wxy | wanghao: maybe you can dig into the CI failure for i18n | 02:14 |
gecong | there are ci failure in this review | 02:14 |
wanghao | sure | 02:14 |
wanghao | will check this patch if have time. | 02:15 |
gengchc2 | wanghao: I am busy for these days. My task is just benining, and there is nothing to share. | 02:15 |
wanghao | gengchc2: sure, thanks | 02:15 |
wanghao | gengchc2: if wanna some help, plz feel free to ask | 02:15 |
chang | thanks! :) | 02:16 |
wxy | chang: hi | 02:16 |
wanghao | chang: hi | 02:16 |
wanghao | gecong: okay, it's a useful feature about JsonSchema I think. | 02:17 |
chang | yeah,I sees what you're talking about | 02:17 |
gengchc2 | ok | 02:17 |
wxy | chang: I think we can separate the patch into two. one is for email delivery, another is for Chinese support. | 02:17 |
wxy | s/we/you | 02:17 |
wanghao | agree | 02:18 |
chang | The file I submitted to Gerrit is tested on my machine. | 02:18 |
wxy | chang: and for email delivery, it's not only a tool, but also a email subscription plugin. | 02:18 |
chang | en | 02:19 |
wanghao | https://releases.openstack.org/rocky/schedule.html | 02:19 |
wxy | so I think you can move it to somewhere like https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/tree/master/zaqar/notification/tasks | 02:19 |
wxy | equal to mailto, but is controlled by config options. | 02:20 |
wanghao | the Rocky-1 is Apr 16, seems we can merge the filter queue. | 02:20 |
wxy | chang: this one : https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/a8215f72f960aeb22f3e3e30abf79b74617def4f/zaqar/common/configs.py#L65 | 02:21 |
wxy | wanghao: yeah. Some specs need to move to Rocky folder. | 02:22 |
wanghao | en sure | 02:23 |
chang | This default sendmail.py is located in /usr/sbin/locale | 02:23 |
wanghao | guys, plz check your specs, move them to Rocky folder. | 02:24 |
wanghao | if nothing to be shared, let's jump to next topic. | 02:25 |
wxy | chang: we can talk about the implantation after meeting. | 02:25 |
wanghao | #topic contribution and review | 02:26 |
*** openstack changes topic to "contribution and review (Meeting topic: zaqar)" | 02:26 | |
wanghao | http://stackalytics.com/report/contribution/zaqar-group/30 | 02:27 |
wanghao | thanks for guys work | 02:28 |
wanghao | seems I need to enhance the review : ( sorry for that. | 02:30 |
gecong | me too :( | 02:30 |
wanghao | wxy: Xiyuan Wang is not you, right/ | 02:31 |
wanghao | ? | 02:31 |
gengchc2 | me too! | 02:31 |
wxy | it's me. hah | 02:31 |
wanghao | ... | 02:31 |
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gecong | haha | 02:31 |
wanghao | double face haha | 02:32 |
wanghao | okay, next topic | 02:32 |
chang | The code I submitted is not very standard. I hope it will be guided by 大牛. :) | 02:32 |
wanghao | #topic free discuss | 02:32 |
*** openstack changes topic to "free discuss (Meeting topic: zaqar)" | 02:32 | |
wanghao | chang: sure, this's not a problem. | 02:32 |
chang | thanks! | 02:33 |
wanghao | is anyone here going to the summit? | 02:33 |
gengchc2 | [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525093/] can be merged? | 02:33 |
gengchc2 | [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525093/] is for removing group api. | 02:34 |
wxy | I'll not go for summit | 02:34 |
gecong | It seems that I can not go to the summit | 02:34 |
wanghao | gengchc2: seems ok here | 02:35 |
gengchc2 | Can we review [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/525093/] ? | 02:36 |
gecong | sure | 02:36 |
wanghao | sure | 02:37 |
wxy | gengchc2: Sorry that I almost forgot the context. I'll take a look later. | 02:37 |
wanghao | I can't go to summit too. | 02:37 |
wanghao | too busy | 02:38 |
chang | oh,about WEBSOCKET i want to implement,Can you give me some advice?maybe after meeting。 | 02:40 |
wanghao | chang: you can ask wxy, he is very good at WEBSOCKET. | 02:40 |
wxy | gengchc2: so base on the patch in Queens: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/511662 you should remove the pool group's code first. Then remove the related api-ref | 02:41 |
wxy | gengchc2: right? | 02:41 |
chang | oh,sorry,Click the wrong place | 02:42 |
gengchc2 | I think that old group can be reserved ,because new function can be co-existed with old one. | 02:42 |
wanghao | gengchc2: but we planed to remove the api too in Rocky | 02:43 |
wanghao | co-existed in Queens | 02:43 |
gengchc2 | Ok. I will remove old group code first, then summit api doc. | 02:44 |
wanghao | personally I don't want to let user to use the old way in Rocky anymore. | 02:44 |
wxy | gengchc2: ++ | 02:44 |
wanghao | gengchc2: thanks | 02:44 |
wanghao | you can make some dependence. | 02:44 |
gecong | ++ | 02:45 |
gengchc2 | Some dependence? What should I do? | 02:46 |
wxy | chang: I'm not the expert or 大牛, but I'l glad to help you if I can. :) | 02:50 |
gengchc2 | wanghao:After meeting, We can discuss it in details. | 02:51 |
wanghao | gengchc2: you can add depend-on in your api patch. | 02:51 |
wanghao | sure | 02:51 |
wanghao | okay anything else wanna to discuss here? | 02:51 |
gecong | nothing from me | 02:52 |
wxy | nothing for me. | 02:52 |
gengchc2 | Ok | 02:52 |
chang | ok,thank you all! | 02:52 |
gengchc2 | noting for me. | 02:52 |
wanghao | sure | 02:52 |
wanghao | thanks guys for attending | 02:52 |
wanghao | #endmeeting | 02:52 |
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack Queuing and Notification Service || Smile :D || Meetings every Monday @ 21:00 UTC/15:00 UTC || Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Zaqar || Paste: http://paste.openstack.org/ || Send messages and make some noise :D" | 02:52 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Apr 3 02:52:57 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 02:52 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zaqar/2018/zaqar.2018-04-03-02.00.html | 02:53 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zaqar/2018/zaqar.2018-04-03-02.00.txt | 02:53 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/zaqar/2018/zaqar.2018-04-03-02.00.log.html | 02:53 |
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openstackgerrit | changyufei proposed openstack/zaqar master: Improve the configuration of Zaqar mail delivery https://review.openstack.org/558180 | 11:00 |
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