Monday, 2010-07-19

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antonymlooks like todd fixed the links04:11
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creihtmtaylor: we should add a link to the docs at on the swift launchpad page04:19
mtaylorcreiht: yes04:20
creihtis there a way I can edit that page?04:20
mtaylorcreiht: you should be able to04:20
creihtand should we really point to the wiki?04:20
mtaylorcreiht: "Change Details"04:20
lbiebermtaylor: and on the nova page as well04:20
creihtsince a. it is completly open and b. it is a little of a mess at the moment04:21
* creiht doesn't see a "Change Details"04:21
mtaylorcreiht: I recommend putting links and stuff in the description section...04:21
mtaylorhang on04:21
creihtI have change details for swift-core04:21
mtaylorcreiht: you should have it for swift now04:22
mtaylorlbieber: can you do it for nova?04:22
creihtcool thanks04:22
lbiebermtaylor:  sure04:22
mtaylorlbieber: thanks04:22
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greenisuswe're now #2 on hacker news: news.ycombinator.com04:28
creihtand #404:29
_0x44#2 and #3 now04:29
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creihtthere are a lot of funky ?'s on the faq page04:32
mtaylorcreiht: that sounds like an encoding problem and/or an encoding declaration problem04:33
creihtThe "Who has contributed?" question has an incomplete sentence for an answer04:33
* mtaylor cries a little bit that the hackers are finding english errors04:34
lbiebermtaylor:  are you requesting the swift mailing list on launchpad?04:34
mtaylorlbieber: yes. spm is working on it04:35
lbiebermtaylor:   Thanks!04:35
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creihttoddmorey: howdy!04:37
lbieberozone team needs to subscribe to if they haven't already04:37
creihttoddmorey: the faq page has weird ? symbols on it04:38
lbiebertoddmorey:   watch out, you are about to get an onslaught of requests :)04:38
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creihtseats: !!!04:38
toddmoreyI'm sure I am. :) Bring 'em on!04:38
creihttoddmorey: The "Who has contributed?" question has an incomplete sentence for an answer04:38
antonymseats: oh hai04:38
lbiebertoddmorey:  Remove "San Antonio, Texas" from the job description for the Community Manager, it can be any location04:38
seatscreiht, howdy04:38
seatshey ant04:38
_0x44Hey seats04:39
antonymhow's it going?04:39
creiht<- chuck04:39
seatsthier, i got the backward name04:39
mtaylorlbieber: well, any location except for washington04:39
lbiebermtaylor:  :( :(04:39
seatsjust dropping in to lurk04:39
toddmoreylbieber: done!04:41
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lbiebertoddmorey:  Thanks!   Did you put in the "How to Contribute" section on, I can't seem to find it.04:44
lbiebertoddmorey: its on the wiki at
toddmoreyThat was certainly a positive writeup on thenextweb04:45
creihtyeah... overall pretty decent press04:45
mtayloranybody with blogs ... please add yourself to planet.openstack.org04:46
toddmoreylbieber: there's a link to that very page in the second box at the top of the community page04:46
lbiebertoddmorey:  Ahhh yes,  very nice04:46
creihtand it begins04:48
creihtasenchi Seriously, uses bzr and launchpad? #failhard04:48
mtaylorhaters are so boring04:51
creihtCloudCEO RT @jclouds: #openstack is the biggest cloud news since #ec2<-Why? Why is this bigger news than any of the other open stacks out there?04:53
creihtonly other negative tweet so far04:53
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creihtat least that I have seent04:53
creihterm seen04:53
creihtjesse is steve wozniak's son?04:55
antonymhah, i saw that too04:55
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creihtthat's awesome :)04:55
creihtmtaylor: bumping to 1.0.1?04:56
mtaylorcreiht: yeah - I finally got around to cutting the 1.0 release I was supposed to do on friday :)04:57
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anotherjessecongrats guys04:57
mtaylorcreiht: so -
creihtanotherjesse: are you really the woz's son?04:58
anotherjessefirst I ever heard of that04:58
patcitowhat do you guys think of ? it is supposed to be another "open source cloud stack"04:58
anotherjesseis there a jesse at rackspace?04:58
creihtor is that a different jesse at nasa?04:58
creihtI don't think so04:58
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mtaylorpatcito: I don't want to get all flame-orientied - but eucalyptus is really more open core than open source05:00
patcitomtaylor, ok, thanks for the info05:00
mtaylorok. I'm supposed to be on a beach vacation... :) I'm going to go to bed... I'll obviously be around and online though05:02
creihtmtaylor: do we have to bump version in the debian stuff?05:02
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mtaylor|beachcreiht: well, we should probably properly cut debs based off of the now-released 1.0.0 tarball05:02
* mtaylor|beach adds to todo05:03
creihtmtaylor|beach: no worries.. enjoy the vacation05:03
mtaylor|beachcreiht: thanks!05:03
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jdmaturen"written in Python, using the Tornado and Twisted frameworks, and relies on the standard AMQP messaging protocol as well as the Redis distributed KVS." <= Redis isn't distributed, did you guys do additional work on making redis clusterable?05:15
jdmaturenre: OpenStack Compute05:15
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dendrobatesjdmaturen: no we did not.05:16
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jeromatronany chance of moving to something like cassandra? :)05:16
dendrobatesjdmaturen: YES!05:16
jdmaturendendrobates: so is "distributed" a misnomer?05:17
sorenVery few things are set in stone at this point. We're not married to Redis at all.05:17
jeromatrondendrobates - what did you say YES to?05:17
bretpiat1jdmaturen, where did you pull that from?  I'll get the marketing folks to fix it ;)05:17
dendrobatesthere are some things in the current version that will be fixed05:17
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jdmaturengot my hopes up ;)05:18
jeromatronsoren - if you are interested in using cassandra - the #cassandra channel has a ton of people who would be willing to help I think :)05:18
dendrobateswe plan on adding cassandra support as soon as we can.05:19
bretpiattjdmaturen, Does Redis have specific features you want that a Cassandra implementation would not?05:19
sorenjeromatron: Let's just say that we have pretty good contacts in the Cassandra community :)05:19
dendrobatesnot sure about the first release though05:19
creihtsoren: haha!05:19
jeromatron(disclaimer - I work at rackspace on cassandra)05:19
creihtjeromatron: I sit on the other side of the partition from you :)05:20
sorenjeromatron: Oh :)05:20
creihtjeromatron: if you are who I think you are :)05:20
jeromatroncreiht - do you work in Austin or San Antonio?05:20
creihtSan Antonio05:21
bretpiattjeromatron, take a look at and look at where Redis plugs in, you could help with the implementation :)05:21
creihtbut I just realized that there are no more cassandra guys on the other side of the partition in SA, except for Eric05:21
patcitodendrobates, so OpenStack Object Storage is like a CDN and OpenStack Compute a DB to do map/reduce stuff? not sure05:21
jeromatronokay - eric and gary work on cassandra in san antonio.  we have 4 guys up in austin working on cassandra now.  I'm up in Austin though I occasionally go to SA.05:22
creihtpatcito: Object Storage is more like Amazon's S305:22
jeromatronbretpiatt: cool - tx!05:22
creihtFor Rackspace's cloud files, we do integrate with Limelight to provide CDN functionality05:22
creihtwe are currently working with Limelight to open source the connecter to them as well05:23
patcitocreiht, ok, and what about OpenStack Compute?05:23
* creiht passes the buck to the compute guys :)05:23
jdmaturenbretpiatt: in general? failure scenarios for cassandra are too painful. I need redis for in memory data structures w/ atomic operations05:23
jdmatureni don't use redis as kv personally05:24
jeromatronjdmaturen - failure scenarios?  atomic operations like multi-row transactions?05:25
jdmaturenlists, sets, sorted sets, etc05:25
antonympatcito: OpenStack Compute is the software to provision large scale deployments of compute instances, it currently runs KVM but more support is being added05:26
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jdmaturenjeromatron: not so much transactions05:26
patcitoantonym, are there any equivalent (proprietary or not)? so I can get an idea05:26
jeromatronjdmaturen: I'm not sure why cassandra couldn't handle lists, sets, and sorted sets - its architecture borrows from bigtables columnfamily for example. you may have already looked into the data model though.05:28
sorenpatcito: The software that runs Rackspace Cloud Servers or Amazon EC2. That sort of thing.05:28
jeromatron(well column family/super column familiy)05:28
jdmaturenjeromatron: i have looked into it, yea, perhaps its just the perceived difficulty compared to looking at the redis command list :)05:30
justinsbIf you're going to look at Cassandra, you could consider working from my branch (or at least looking at it):
justinsbMy focus is on getting traditional SQL support (for e.g. moderate sized private clouds), but I'm really abstracting out the data storage layer05:31
patcitosoren, ok thanks, so to sum it up I could build images of eg. ubuntu10.04 and Compute would manage those images while OpenStorage would provide an easy interface for CDN?05:31
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anotherjessegood luck guys! I have to sleep to be in DC tomorrow :(  5am flight05:31
creihtmtaylor|beach: doh!!! /doc directory isn't in the tarball for swift05:32
creihtanotherjesse: safe travels05:32
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sorenpatcito: That will eventually be true, yes.05:32
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jeromatronjustinsb - cool.  I'll check that out.  there was a paper on PIQL that talked about a generalized query mechanism for stuff like - not sure if that would be interesting -
patcitosoren, cool, maybe you should explain it like that on the web page because at first look it's kind of confusing if I may suggest05:33
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justinsbjeromatron: Interesting stuff.  I think there's a solid need for traditional SQL databases for the private cloud case though.  Some enterprises will insist on Oracle or DB2 or whatever...05:37
jeromatronjustinsb: I'm sure...  there are just times when you need scalability and that gets expensive with proprietary dbs...05:38
jeromatronjustinsb - is your launchpad fork something that might make it into mainline?  would it be better to look at how redis is currently plugged into nova or look more at your stuff to hack at making cassandra plug in?05:39
justinsbjeromatron: Well, another advantage is that we can actually benchmark them head-to-head :-)  Digging in to the data-store code, it seems that a K-V DB might not be quite so advantageous, because many operations that could be a single operation in SQL end up being multiple operations in Redis.   But I want to avoid religious wars here!05:40
justinsbI would certainly hope that my fork will make it into mainline.  It's not really a fork so much as a branch - the standard way of working on features in launchpad.05:41
jeromatronjustinsb - sure - makes sense.  just wanted to see the best way to plug in. cool - just wondered since it said experimental in the description.05:41
Guest60859From scoble's post: "Every startup, nearly, uses the LAMP stack and those who don’t go that way tell each other at private industry events like the one I’m at right now in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, that jumping off the open source stack brings negative results for companies." I guess that's not vendor lockin, but now it's LAMP lockin? Kidding, this looks fantastic.05:42
justinsbjeromatron: I would look at how nova does it, but then I'd start from my fork.  It's super-buggy right now, but most of the work was actually in abstracting out redis, not in the SQL stuff.  I haven't really tested the SQL stuff much yet.05:42
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holowaycongrats, guys06:16
pvoThanks! Lots of work ahead....06:17
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* creiht is already getting bug reports :)06:17
bretpiattcreiht, can you give me a link to the bug report?06:18
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creihtbretpiatt: just little things so far06:18
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* creiht points his finger at mtaylor|beach 06:20
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PredominantHey stackers06:22
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PredominantWhat is everyone up to?06:23
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pvoHey there06:24
pvoDon't really like stackers... What06:24
dendrobatesPredominant: just experiencing the excitement of the launch06:24
pvoOther name can we use?06:24
antonymbetter than slackers :)06:25
creihtracker stacker06:25
pvoWhy don't I like it?06:26
pvoDo we have to be something?06:27
redbowhy is everyone trying to make me cry?06:27
PredominantWhats the license on the projects06:27
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pvoHey hey it's joshuamckenty06:28
joshuamckentyevening, all06:28
joshuamckentyjust watching the twitter traffic06:28
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PredominantDoes Apache2 allow me to host a copy of this elsewhere?06:29
joshuamckentyOh, I have a patch for mac dev environments again, btw06:29
joshuamckentyPredominant: yup06:29
joshuamckentyApache2 allows you to do basically anything you want06:29
pvojoshuamckenty: Oh awesome06:29
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spackestlooking to me like openstack is going to be the internal cloud building winner?  that sound about right?06:30
PredominantWhas the bzr link for the repo06:30
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sorenPredominant: lp:nova or lp:swift depending on which you want.06:31
spackestwe've been playing with eucalyptus with about 80 cores and ten terabytes, but looking like openstack is way ahead06:31
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spackestwe just might be a month or two early for open stack, does that sound right?06:31
PredominantWho is working on the web control panel?06:32
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pvoTher should be a ref panel coming soon06:32
spackestso is openstack going to speak the amazon or rackspace api?  think I saw something about ec2 api, is that right?06:33
greenisus@Predominant, I'm building the web control panel06:33
larissagreenisus: Error: "Predominant," is not a valid command.06:33
creihtspackest: storage is already what is what is in production, so if you want to start looking at that, by all means go ahead :)06:33
Predominantgreenisus: Have you begun work on that?06:33
creihtcompute still has some work to do06:34
spackestcreiht: right now we run gpfs to our walrus and storage controller with five two TB luns, that going to be easy to switch over?06:34
creihtgreenisus: this is irc, not twitter :)06:34
Predominantcreiht: There is only twitter.06:34
spackestwe're kind of on our last legs with eucalyptus06:34
joshuamckentyPredominant: both apis for now, but ec2 is essentially just legacy06:34
* creiht googles gpds06:34
creihterm gpfs06:35
greenisussorry about that06:35
joshuamckentysorry, spackest: ==^06:35
pvoThe rackspace API will be the default long term but can support any APi if you want to write support06:35
antonymgetting the bot all confused heh06:35
spackestyou ever play with deltacloud?06:35
greenisusyeah, i've begun work on the control panel, and i'll get it in launchpad soon06:35
spackestanyone?  it speaks rackspace and amazon06:35
greenisusat the moment it offers compute support.  working on storage next06:35
greenisuscompute speaks amazon at the moment, but storage speaks the rackspace API only06:36
pvoIt speaks amazon today but will speak rackspace by default soon06:36
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creihtspackest: from a quick look at ibm's site on gpfs, I'm not sure06:36
spackestour infrastructure team has been beating up eucalyptus pretty good, would be nice to have a real system that it sounds like powers rackspace, the second largest public cloud?06:36
spackestcreiht: we'll have to play around06:36
creihtI would have to research it a bit further06:36
creihthow does it interface with walrus?06:36
spackestwe end up just mounting everything to a single directory06:37
spackestfor walrus, and another for the storage controller06:37
* creiht isn't very familiar with walrus either :/06:37
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creihtso swift is a object storage backend that provides a RESTful interface06:37
spackestbasically you get a single directory that ends up be your walrus (s3)06:37
pvojoshuamckenty: You on mobile?06:37
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spackestguess I should go look at the storage api06:38
creihtthe api has some similarities to s3, but doesn't match one to one06:38
spackestanything for ebs?06:38
pvoNot yet06:38
creihtIt isn't a filesystem or block storage06:38
spackestwe're much more interested in ebs06:38
pvoSwift is object storage06:38
spackestor at least something mountable06:39
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creihtwe are interested in ebs as well, just don't have a solution *yet*06:39
spackestbut I guess there are plans for ebs / filesystem storage?06:39
spackestlots of folks would be interested :)06:40
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antonymspackest: you might want to check this out,
pvoYes were working on it06:40
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spackestyou guys all rackspace folks?06:40
creihtsome are06:41
pvoI am06:41
greenisusi am, but we're a diverse group06:41
antonymsome rs, some nasa, some others as well06:41
spackestand rackspace's motivation?06:41
spackestwe're currently using ata over ethernet for our eucalyptus cloud, so that sounds pretty reasonable06:42
pvomeaning? Why open up? No one was real doing this. Fully open design and collab06:42
creihtmight go a ways to explaining that06:42
spackestyes, why help another company build a potential rs competitor06:43
spackestreading the post . . .06:43
creihtspackest: We differentiate ourselves by service, not by technology06:44
creihtjust like anyone can build hosting witha a LAMP stack, we want everyone to be able to build a cloud with openstack06:44
creihtwe want open standards, and portability06:44
spackestfanatical support!06:45
spackestsounds great06:45
spackestnot sure I will be able to sleep :)06:45
spackestwe've been in talks with vmware and they are less than compelling to me06:45
creihtis an interview with Lew Moorman, which explains a bit about it as well06:45
spackestwe have a decent sized internal vmware farm, but it still isn't develop self-serve06:46
antonymwe'd like to see vmware contribute to the project06:46
pvoDeveloper self serve is awesome06:47
spackestdoes amazon consider rs a threat?  like rs is number two, but is it close?06:47
patcitoif I want to build my own rackspace competitor, will openstack allow me to track what each of my customer are using (cpu/ram etc) so I can charge my customer easily by writing some glue code or is that not open source?06:47
creihtspackest: that would be a good question to ask amazon :)06:48
spackestyou guys seen this?
spackestI manage a cloud services team and we're trying to help developers provision their own stuff using lasic06:49
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spackestcould pretty well change our world, just need a beter cloud to offer folks06:49
creihtspackest: I think that is what we are hoping for :)06:49
pvopatcito: It can06:49
spackestwouldn't be too hard to add an openstack provider to lasic06:50
spackestbeen pondering adding a deltacloud provider06:50
patcitogotta go06:50
spackestwhat do folks use to describe the instances they are launching?  like it has to be scriptable, right?06:51
spackestjust python or the like?06:51
spackestor ruby for deltacloud06:51
spackestfolks have liked lasic06:51
spackestwe have scripted instance launch for several teams generally in less than an hour06:52
spackestand yes, it's nice an open06:52
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spackestseems like openstack has need for a nice, simple way for describing / launching / managing instances06:53
greenisuswhat do you mean?06:53
pvoOutside of the API?06:54
spackestwriting something simpler than code06:54
greenisuswe'll have a few things up soon:06:54
spackestlike lasic :)06:54
greenisusweb control panel, iphone app, android app, ipad app06:54
spackestso our teams write lasic, which brings up their instance(s) to a viable state06:55
pvoAnd chrome and ff apps06:55
creihtgreenisus: he's talking about something a bit different than that06:55
greenisusoh yes, forgot about the chrome/ff app06:55
pvospackest: Go for it06:55
spackestlike bringing up a load balancer, tomcat(s) and database(s) all at once06:55
pvospackest: At would be awesome06:55
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antonympvo: that auto correct is killing you :)06:56
spackestwe're using it to manage 30-40 instances that make up a viable reference06:56
driftxlast I checked eucalyptus/walrus was pretty weak, SPOF everywhere06:56
pvoantonym: It sure makes it interesting :)06:56
spackestso much easier than manual or a control panel06:56
spackestthe 30-40 instances are at amazon06:57
antonymyeah, i disabled it on mine06:57
spackesteucalyptus says they are doing a ha version, but it is a quarter or two away06:57
driftxmongodb says similar crap.06:57
spackestand who knows if it will really be ha06:57
spackestyou guys must have seen the need for scriptable launch, right?06:58
pvospackest: Sure06:58
spackestwhen one of my teams started playing at amazon we spent way too much time tinkering with instances06:58
spackestI wrote some code using typica which lasic uses06:59
spackesthonestly, I think openstack could just crush07:01
spackestbetting eucalyptus, opennebula, nimbula and the like aren't incredibly excited07:01
spackestor maybe they could just offer support for openstack of building their own technologies07:01
pvoHeh. I bet they aren't happy07:01
Guest60859This could be seen as a good move against all other cloud providers, since Rackspace isn't just limited to the cloud. It says, "We'll commoditize the hell out of the cloud, and we'll win the game by driving down everyone else's profit margin in that arena while consolidating our hold on custom/managed hosting."07:02
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spackestthanks for the links07:03
pvoLater all. Long day....07:04
* creiht needs some sleep as well07:04
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spackestcongrats, I look forward to following / implementing your progress :)07:05
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joshuamckentygnight, all07:18
joshuamckentyopenstack just hit cnet, btw:
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chuhnkI salute your openness07:29
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brainproxyhey, congrats on the launch-announcement guys07:36
brainproxyas a former racker I'm really proud to see this happen :)07:37
chuhnkoh btw is down07:37
chuhnkthank god for google cached pages07:38
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joshuamckentychuhnk: thanks for the heads up07:46
joshuamckentyI think the hudson bot is going to rebuild that somewhere07:46
joshuamckentyto go along with
chuhnkcool, I was just trying to checkout docs on the architecture. Does it have to be used with EC2 or will this allow cloud infrastructure to be built on ones own machines?07:47
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joshuamckentyany hardware, anywhere08:17
joshuamckentydocs are up at
joshuamckentybut they haven't been updated since before the openstack work started08:17
joshuamckentyso there aren't any docs for the rackspace APIs yet08:18
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chuhnkah ok08:24
chuhnkI look forward to seeing some stuff and experimenting with it08:24
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spikehi, great to see this project happening08:25
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spikeone thing that is not clear to me is if it integrates with ec2 or other cloud services like eucalyptus does08:27
chuhnk(09:17:41) joshuamckenty: any hardware, anywhere08:27
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chuhnkI just asked the same question08:27
spikechuhnk: nope, I'm asking a different question08:27
spikeI'm asking about integration, not requirements08:27
spikeI'd like to be able to bridge my private cloud with a public one like eucalytus does with rightscale08:28
dendrobatesrightscale does that, not eucalyptus08:28
dendrobatesand rightscale is working with openstack08:29
dendrobatesso hopefully it will be work soon08:29
spikedendrobates: well, ecucalyptus does have code to integrate with righscale, no?08:29
spikeok, cool, that's great news08:29
spikethat said, I'd like to remove the middleman, I have no particular interest or necessity to work with rightscale so I'd like my cloud to plug straight into ec208:30
spikeI guess it's "just" a matter of adding plugins/modules to the controller so that whenever you issue some "start" command and target "othercloud" it can tell what other cloud is and translate that "start" command to the appropriate API call08:32
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joshuamckentyspike: we've been looking at that as a concept called "cloud brokering / brokerage"08:34
joshuamckentybut it's still mostly theoretical, since we want to support seamless migration / splits, etc.08:34
joshuamckentyand there's still not a good conceptual model for a globall-portable virtual network08:35
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spikejoshuamckenty: is there any document on that design? i'd be very happy to try to help with that08:37
joshuamckentyit's still internal to NASA right now, I've got a meeting this week to try and break that loose08:37
spikeawesome, thanks08:38
* spike is very excited about openstack08:38
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Garo_hi, I'm wandering around Switft code. Are there somewhere examples how to add new objects to the cloud? if there are then I haven't found those examples nor docs yet :<09:19
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redboGaro_: there's sort of a reference client in the swift source code between bin/st (cli) and swift/common/ (library)11:11
redboGaro_: there's also the rackspace cloud api developer guide, most of which also applies to swift from
redboWe probably need to duplicate that in the swift docs.11:16
redbocreiht: ^^^ :)11:20
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ttxmtaylor|beach, soren, dendrobates: congrats on the announcement !12:38
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W3b3r_Hello guys12:59
W3b3r_Openstack is a all-software solution?12:59
W3b3r_Or is a frontend to a another software, like Eucalyptus?12:59
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mtaylor|beachW3b3r_: it's a complete solution in itself.13:15
W3b3r_mtaylor|beach, hum, thank you13:16
ttxmtaylor|beach: I think the question is, does it build on top of other software, like KVM13:16
mtaylor|beachttx: ah - well...13:16
mtaylor|beachW3b3r_: if that is your question, then yes, it does build on top of other software like kvm13:16
ttxI think frontend is a bit reductive :)13:16
mtaylor|beachW3b3r_: but it does not build on top of other cloud implementations such as eucalyptus13:17
mtaylor|beachoh, and thanks ttx13:17
ttxmtaylor|beach: you're welcome ;)13:17
ttxmtaylor|beach: you're actually at the beach, or at the beach of Portland ?13:18
mtaylor|beachttx: the beach13:19
mtaylor|beachttx: cozumel13:19
ttxmtaylor|beach: looks nice, enjoy it :)13:20
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mtaylor|beachttx: mmm. already am :)13:20
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issackellyWhat would a minimal hardware setup be to tinker with the openstack storage?13:32
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creihtredbo: re: developer docs, check!13:33
* creiht goes to add a bug13:33
mtaylor|beachcreiht: saw the bug you filed...13:33
mtaylor|beachcreiht: I'm thinking perhaps we fix these little small bugs and cut a 1.0.1?13:33
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creihtmtaylor|beach: sounds good... did you see that the tarfile was missing files?13:34
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kirklanddendrobates: soren: mtaylor|beach: hey guys, is there a complete list of all of the Etherpad documents from Wednesday?13:40
creihtmtaylor|beach: did you get a chance to upload a new one?13:40
kirklanddendrobates: soren: mtaylor|beach: I have all of them from Tuesday, but missed a couple of URLs from Wednesday13:40
mtaylor|beachcreiht: not yet13:41
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kirklanddendrobates: soren: mtaylor|beach: nevermind, found links on the wiki13:43
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notmynameissackelly: I'm running swift on a VM for dev purposes. so minimal storage requirements are really light. you could run it on one server with several (~4) drives or a small collection of servers (again, ~4)13:51
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issackellynotmyname: cool, I'll probably try it out on a VM and see how it goes.  I really like the idea of a local 4-16TB datastore13:51
notmynameissackelly: check out the SAIO page on for instructions on how to set up a VM13:52
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jonesyI see that nova uses libvirt, but I'm wondering if there's anything else in the code base that assumes or requires kvm as the virtualization mechanism...?14:03
creihtjonesy: it will be plugable14:03
jonesygood to know, but the current launchpad stuff assumes kvm?14:04
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* jonesy doesn't care, just wants to know so he can set things up as the code downloads14:04
creihtI believe so14:04
creihthas docs that you can browse while the code is downloading :)14:05
jonesyI'm reading them now - that's where I found the references to libvirt and kvm.14:08
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dendrobatesjonesy: the work to start adding xen support is under review now14:52
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EricInBNEis swift built on cassandra?14:58
notmynameEricInBNE: swift is all python developed in-house and uses packages like eventlet and WebOb14:59
EricInBNEnotmyname, so rackspace is sticking with it?15:00
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matclaytonhow does swift actually serve files?15:00
notmynameyup. we're running it in production now as Cloud Files15:01
creihtmatclayton: Through a RESTful api15:01
creihtin the same way you would interact with Rackspace's cloud files product15:01
EricInBNEnotmyname, what does rackspace use cassandra for?15:02
matclaytonsure, more wondering whether it is sendfile based or now15:02
creihtEricInBNE: Not sure, and if we did know, not sure if we could talk about it yet :)15:02
creihtmatclayton: There are proxy servers in front that serve the files via HTTP15:03
matclaytoncreiht: these python also?15:03
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matclaytoncreiht: any reason why nginx etc aren't used for the proxy part?15:04
notmynamematclayton: sendfile isn't a good fit because this is run on multiple servers15:04
creihtmatclayton: we looked at using nginx for load balancing, but the biggest issue is that nginx spools all content before sending on to backend services15:04
gholtnginx spools to disk :(15:04
matclaytonyeah we know!15:04
gholtWe wanted to patch it up, but as the author of nginx says: It's hard.15:05
creihtfor web apps that is fine, but for a storage system, not so much :)15:05
matclaytoncreiht: we are an entire python shop, and have ended up using nginx direct to disk, and a proxy infront which essentially redirects the user to the correct nginx machine15:05
notmynameswift's use case is pretty mush the opposite of web pages: we have large variable uploads with small downloads15:05
notmynamethat is, we have to handle large uploads that have a small return payload15:06
creihtmatclayton: the biggest issue is that we want to store all replicas of an incoming object at once, so in swift as an object comes in throught the proxy, the object is written to all replicas15:06
matclaytonfair enough, just trying to figure out it is a good fit for what we are trying to do15:06
creihtwe didn't want to write once, then replicate15:06
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creihtmatclayton: no worries, and ask away15:07
matclaytoncreiht: makes a lot of sense15:07
matclaytonso our use case is, we essentially handle ~100Meg files on averge, and have about 250k of these, incoming is about 5Mbit constant and growing15:07
matclaytonoutgoing is about 3.6Gig at peak, although we have reduced this a lot recently15:08
creihtgiven the right hardware setup, that should be doable15:08
matclaytoncurrently we are ducting it together with a lot of sshfs and nginx15:08
matclaytonand logic in the app layer15:09
notmynamesounds complicated15:09
creihtwalks you through setting up a dev vm instance of swift15:09
matclaytonsaw that, biggest concern was python performance reading from disk->network15:09
creihtif you would like to try poking at it15:09
matclaytonneed to get it setup and have a play I guess15:10
notmynamematclayton: eventlet helps a lot with the IO15:10
matclaytoncool, in generally what have you found is the limitation?15:11
matclaytonor what is it bound by?15:11
creihtyour network and disk io15:11
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creihtand can be cpu if you are pushing a lot of network (like 10g)15:11
creihtthe proxies tend to be more cpu bound15:12
creihtthe storage nodes are more io bound15:12
matclaytonall our stuff is 1g15:12
creihtswift can easily saturate the 1g links15:12
matclaytondo you guys typically run different proxy/storage nodes? or run on the same boxes?15:12
jdarcyAre objects streamed directly to replicas, or buffered at the proxy?15:12
gholtProxies will be very cpu bound if you ask them to do SSL, but you can scale them out.15:12
creihtjdarcy: streamed directly15:12
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creihtmatclayton: we run proxy's separate from the storage nodes, but that is mostly an implementation detail... there is nothing stopping you from running them all on the same server15:13
creihtthe system is very flexible on that side of things15:15
matclaytonbtw one minor point I found really frustrating when scanning the docs is much like MogileFS there isn't a clear one page saying what each different piece of architecture does and what a complete setup should look like. unless I missed it, meant to be constructive :)15:15
creihtmatclayton: Oh I hear you... we are working on that :)15:15
matclaytonsure you are!15:15
jdarcyI was fairly impressed by this morning's examination of the code, and am looking forward to taking it for a spin.  Nice work, guys.15:15
gholtmatclayton: Absolutely; we were busy coding.15:15
creihtThe open source timeline got ramped up, so I haven't had time to work on that yet15:16
jonesythanks, dendrobates -- I'm pretty vm-agnostic (at least for the time being), but good to know that it's not as simple as 'libvirt==anything'15:16
creihtjdarcy: awesome, and thanks!15:16
matclaytoncool, what typical spec of machines do you run each part on?15:16
* gholt thinks, "Yeah, it's all creiht's fault."15:16
creihtmatclayton: I can't go into a whole lot of detail, other than the storage boxes are 4U machines with 24 2G spindles15:17
creihtproxies are smaller machines that are mostly cpu15:17
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* JordanRinke looks around15:17
creihtJordanRinke: howdy15:17
* h1tman wave's at JordanRinke15:17
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notmynamematclayton: the point is to optimize proxies for CPU and storage nodes for disk in the most cost-effective way15:18
matclaytonsure of course, more wondered if they are cheap commodity stuff or high end servers15:18
creihtit is designed to run on commodity stuff15:18
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creihtand thusly designed to handle failures :)15:19
jdarcySo a single machine with 24 spindles is still I/O-bound rather than CPU-bound?  Nice.15:19
matclaytonthanks, our limits are also the ratio of BW to HD space15:19
JordanRinkecreiht:  Hello15:19
creihtjdarcy: yes15:20
jonesyHaven't seen any mention of monitoring in docs yet. There are plenty of tools to do it, but just wondering if there's some integrated monitoring component somewhere that has yet to be released?15:21
creihtWe do pretty standard monitoring with zenoss15:21
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notmynamejonesy: also, we have a log processor system that can be set up to feed a stats system (but it is yet-to-be-released)15:23
matclaytonthanks guys, will try and get a small cluster setup and tested the next week or so. Are the rest enpoints compatitble for the rackspace cloud ones, (wondering if the django rackspace cloud storage classes will work out of the box)15:24
creihtmatclayton: should be15:25
notmynamematclayton: it should be compatible (other than auth differences)15:25
creihtIt also includes a dev auth server that emulates rackspace auth15:25
creihtmatclayton: if you run into issues, let us know15:25
notmynamewhat creiht said ^ ;-)15:25
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matclaytondont care about auth, will disable that straight away :) will let you know if we have any issues.15:26
gholtWhat IP are you going to set it up on? ;)15:26
matclaytonall in a VPN anyways15:26
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h1tmanhmm.. does the current release require a specific python version?15:28
gholtI believe 2.6 is required atm.15:28
notmynameh1tman: we use 2.615:28
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JordanRinkeiRTermite: HELLO!15:29
iRTermite  :P15:29
h1tmanthought that might be the issue.. I tried running the install on CentOS(2.4.3) as well as Ubuntu, and the CentOS install failed with syntax errors15:29
h1tmansorry that was not clear.. the python version on CentOS is 2.4.315:29
jdarcyI'll be trying on RHEL6, so I'll keep note of issues I find.15:30
johnblueIs there a particular OS distro that the install is ez'r on?  I prefer FreeBSD ...15:30
creihth1tman: yeah we are aware of that... not sure we can easily make it 2.4 compatibale, but 2.5 compatible should be doable15:31
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* creiht needs to add a getting started page to the docs :)15:31
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creihtjohnblue: We target Ubuntu Server when developing swift, but it *should* work on freebsd, as long as you can get the dependencies15:32
h1tmannp, just didnt see any documentation on that.. or I am blind15:32
creihth1tman: not it isn't there yet... on my list :)15:32
h1tmanah ha! :p15:32
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johnbluecreiht: roger.  I haven't started yet .. still reading about OpenStack trying to get my arms around it.  Has a list of dependencies already been created?  Could whip up a BSD install port ..15:35
creihtjohnblue: not yet, unless you look in the debian packaging stuff for it :)15:35
johnbluecreiht:  ;)  *smack*  lol.15:36
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creihtmain dependencies are python 2.6 and the latest eventlet, python-xattr, webob, simplejson15:37
jaypipesmornin folks. :)15:40
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johnbluemorn'n.  Had your your cup O joe yet?  :D15:41
jaypipesjohnblue: yep :)15:41
jaypipesjohnblue: actually, already had a 5-mile walk, breakfast, and two cups of coffee this morning :) ready to go!15:41
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jaypipesjohnblue: oh, and fixed a bug too ;)15:41
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jdarcyI tried to fix a bug once, but the tweezers kept shaking.15:42
johnbluejaypipes:  ummm .. I'll just be over here --->.  lol.  PT in the morn'n gotta love it bro!15:42
jaypipesjdarcy: lol15:42
* jaypipes laughing a bit at all the hubbub about "open core" vs "open source"...15:44
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jdarcyI've only looked at Swift so far.  Does Nova store its images there, or can it?15:49
creihtjdarcy: that is an upcomming milestone15:49
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jaypipesjdarcy: Nova's image store is pretty adaptable.  In the next milestones, Swift will be an image store possibility (currently it uses s3), and I'm sure other options will materialize in the next 6-12 months.15:52
tobymIs there a good description somewhere describing differences between Compute & Storage APIs vs EC2 and S3 APIs?15:52
jaypipestobym: the Compute API is currently the ec2 API, but the Rackspace API will become the canonical API shortly (without dropping support for ec2 api of course)15:53
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: you should already have indirect memebership in openstack-planet via swift-core or nova-core15:53
jdarcytobym: Just as one data point, I already had some CURL-based code to talk to S3.  It took me half a day on Friday to adapt it to use CloudFiles as well.15:54
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: doesn't work.  readonly error.15:54
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: weird. looking in to it then15:54
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: I wouldn't have edited that wiki page if everything had worked as described :P15:54
creihtIs a good post that describes how the rackspace compute apis differ15:54
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: oh - you aren't actually in swift-core or nova-core15:54
jdarcytobym: It wasn't even what I'd call a hard day's work.  Basically they're similar enough semantically that if you know one you can rip through the API differences easily.15:54
jaypipescreiht: nice article... ++15:54
tobymjaypipes, creiht, jdarcy: thanks15:55
creihttobym: and the storage api is similar15:55
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: try again15:55
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: done. cheers.15:57
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: how had I not added you to swift-core or nova-core before now...15:57
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: how do you like the add-your-own-damn-self process there?15:57
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: because the team was called ozone, then ozone-core, then nova-core, then nova? ;)15:57
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: well, yeah15:57
johnbluesuper-nova  ;)15:57
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: nope - nova-core and nova are two separate teams15:57
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: it was fine.  I updated the wiki page with proper instructions, though ;)15:57
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: sweet15:58
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: s/config.ini/planet.ini15:58
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: s/heads/images15:58
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: heh. thanks :)15:58
jaypipesmtaylor|beach: np15:58
* jaypipes just glad the damn thing is public now and we don't need to hide for some PR release :)15:59
mtaylor|beachjaypipes: zomg. yes15:59
pvomtaylor|beach: no kidding15:59
jaypipespvo: mornin. how's the weather in SA today? hotter than Austin last week?!15:59
pvoin Portland.... who knows about SA. Probably hot. : )16:00
* jaypipes enjoying Columbus weather...16:00
jaypipespvo: ah, yes! OSCON :)16:00
pvoweather here is beyootiful16:00
jaypipespvo: nice :)16:00
* jaypipes loves Portland.16:00
jaypipesanyone know if Josh McKenty is at OSCON?16:00
pvojaypipes: dunno16:01
jdarcyWhat's a practical minimum for running some tests?  Four nodes?16:01
pvohe was bouncing off irc late last night16:01
creihtjdarcy: what types of tests would you like to run?16:02
creihtyou can run everything on one machine if you want to just play around with it16:02
creihtif you want to start playing with a cluster, then 4-5 nodes is a pretty good start16:02
creihtthough we don't have good docs for running a cluster yet, so if you do that, let me know if you have any questions, or run into issues16:03
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jdarcyI think I'll want to run some very basic perf tests, just so I can do a fair comparison between Swift and Hail (S3-compatible) as a back end for another project, so I'll probably scrounge up four actual machines.16:06
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jaypipesjdarcy: I'm working on end-to-end performance regression testing for nova.  I'll be adding in the same for swift as well.  I'll update the ML when progress is sufficient to show off.16:07
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jdarcyjaypipes: Cool, that'll be helpful.16:08
jaypipesjdarcy: we want to get to the point where Tarmac/Hudson simply fires off a regression run for each commit into staging and automatically logs a history of performance/scalability data over time.16:08
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jaypipesjdarcy: hudson.openstack.org16:08
jaypipesjdarcy: automation++16:08
mtaylorjaypipes: when you get it - I also want a pass/fail response from that system16:08
mtaylorjaypipes: so that we can properly hook it in to the pre-merge testing hook16:09
jaypipesjdarcy: we do the same for Drizzle over at and I wrote automation software for checking regressions for Drizzle that is very helpful to show regressions (for instance:  Hoping to do the same for openstack.16:09
creihtjdarcy: when you get around to doing that, let us know, as there are some system tweeks that make a huge difference16:09
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mtaylorjaypipes: also - there are some hudson plugins that will display the graphing trends and stuff for us ... I'd love to chat with you on making sure your system can output things in a format that hudson can read and process16:11
mtayloror at least can do so optionally16:11
jaypipesmtaylor: hells yeah.16:13
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jdarcycreiht: Will do.  Thanks!16:15
mtaylorjaypipes: also - just while I'm making feature requests on software you haven't released yet...16:15
mtaylorjaypipes: if you're going to model it after d-a at all, it would be great if there were at least a mode where, if I'm running it from hudson, I can let hudson handle the code branching and then run your software on a given branch, cause right now d-a and hudson are duplicating effort (although I know why d-a does what it does)16:16
jaypipesmtaylor: understood.16:17
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justinsb"qemu: linux kernel too old to load a ram disk"  Anyone seen that from KVM while trying to launch an instance?16:35
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edayjustinsb: nope, but I can guess what the fix would be :)16:42
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justinsbeday: Upgrading the kernel?  I'm on Lucid Lynx, so I'd be surprised if that was the fix...16:44
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edayjustinsb: ahh, ok. I'm not sure then16:51
jaypipesmtaylor: needs non-privating...16:53
mtaylorjaypipes: actually, working on that right now16:53
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jaypipesmtaylor: cheers16:53
mtaylorjaypipes: we're gonna rename ~openstack to ~openstack-admins and make a new open ~openstack team (so that it'll match the ~swift/~nova open team approach)16:54
mtaylorjaypipes: then we'll hang the mailing list off of ~openstack16:54
mtaylorjaypipes: but yes.16:54
jaypipesmtaylor: l16:54
jaypipesmtaylor: k16:55
PiotrSikoraguys, i'm not sure if you've noticed, but ~swift overview page isn't accessible by anonymous users while ~nova and ~openstack are...17:00
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mtaylorPiotrSikora: hrm. that should change...17:01
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poliAnd this was just announced today?!17:02
mtaylorPiotrSikora: aroo? it works for me?17:03
mtaylorPiotrSikora: (as an anonymous user...)17:03
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PiotrSikoramtaylor: erm... sorry... ~ works, but /swift doesn't (but /nova and /openstack does)17:06
mtaylorPiotrSikora: ah. ok. thanks17:06
mtaylorPiotrSikora: thanks. I've filed a ticket to look in to that. very odd17:08
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PiotrSikoranp :)17:10
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mtaylorcreiht: ok. cut the 1.0.1... I'll write up the walkthrough of that any old time now... but writing docs are less interesting than the beach :)17:17
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johnbluemtaylor: sand, water, sun .. all over-rated.  ;)17:38
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PiotrSikorahmm... i've got a few questions about design of swift...17:43
PiotrSikora1) why do you guys use X-Storage-{User,Pass} instead of Authorization header?17:43
PiotrSikora2) why do you use rsync'ed sqlite instead of mysql/drizzle/postgres for object database?17:43
notmynamePiotrSikora: the auth system we included is compatible with the one that Rackspace Cloud uses17:44
PiotrSikoranotmyname: heh, i thought so...17:44
notmynamePiotrSikora: as to sqlite->it's simple, fast, and good enough. the complexity of the others was too high a cost17:45
politwo releases in 12 hours. I am falling in love with this project ;)17:45
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PiotrSikorabut it doesn't make it really good open standard when its just open-sourced software that was make to meet specific needs of a single company17:46
PiotrSikoranot that i don't appreciate the you work, but it seems that mogilefs or cornea are still better "general" fit than swift17:47
notmynametrue. but up until now, it has been for one company ;-) patches are welcome17:47
notmynameI would need to see better performance for a more complicated db system before I would be interested in including it in the main trunk, though17:48
creihtPiotrSikora: It depends on your use case... for example mogilefs can not scale to the level of storage that we required17:48
PiotrSikoracreiht: do you mean performance problems with metadata storage?17:48
notmynamewe didn't choose sqlite because of company needs, per se. I mean, we have drizzle and cassandra devs working here.17:48
creihtmogilefs is likely a good candidate for a lot of use cases17:48
PiotrSikorathis is easily solved by sharding metadata database17:49
PiotrSikorait was good enough for yahoo china ;)17:49
creihtPiotrSikora: it has been a while since I have looked at it, but for example the centralized tracker makes it hard to scale17:49
PiotrSikoracreiht: AFAIK tracker isn't centrailized17:49
creihtand replace hard with other things like expensive17:50
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PiotrSikorathe bottleneck was always metadata database, but this is sharedable(?) ;)17:50
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redboSo... what happens after my patch has been approved for merge?17:51
creihtredbo: it should get automerged17:51
notmynameI think *magic*17:51
redbowhen does that happen?17:51
redboand what happens if there's a conflict?17:52
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creihtmtaylor: -^17:53
creihtPiotrSikora: Like I said... MogileFS is probably a reasonable solution for many people and many problems.  It wasn't for us17:53
creihtnor did it work for NASA17:54
creihtand I'm a big fan of the danga guys (we use memcached quite a bit for example)17:54
bretpiattPiotrSikora swift does not have a central metadata database, the database is shared across all of the nodes in the cluster so it is already "sharded"17:55
mtaylorcreiht: arroo?17:55
creihtmtaylor: if a merge request is accepted, but auto-merge fails, what happens?17:56
PiotrSikorabretpiatt: yeah... but that's pretty much what yahoo did with their mogilefs fork (ylem)17:56
PiotrSikorasharding metadata database17:56
mtaylorcreiht: then tarmac makes a comment on the merge request and sets the status back away from approved17:56
creihtoh so they had to fork mogilefs to make it work for them? :)17:56
mtaylorcreiht: the comment will contain the failure17:56
creihtmtaylor: ahh cool thanks17:56
PiotrSikoracreiht: since sharding isn't present in default mogilefs release, then i guess so... ;)17:57
redboWhat we have now is essentially a metadata table sharded by container, with automatic replication and balancing.  It's not a real distinction.17:57
creihtredbo: nicely put :)17:58
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mtaylorwould have been nice if had contributed back their sharding to mogile...17:59
PiotrSikoramtaylor: whole project is here:
PiotrSikoraAFAIK it was released after social projects were canceled, so its not maintained whatsoever18:00
mtaylorPiotrSikora: great. but that's just a random renamed fork ... if they're going to publish - why not work with upstream?18:00
mtaylorI know all of the mogile guys, I'm sure they would have been happy to receive and then _maintain_ patches18:00
* mtaylor grumbles, rants and tosses arms around like a crazy me18:00
mtaylorit would be great if I could type18:01
PiotrSikoramtaylor: don't ask me, i have no answers :P18:01
mtaylorPiotrSikora: don't mind me - I'm just crotchey - which I think means it's time for lunch :)18:01
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PiotrSikoramtaylor|lunch: bon appetit18:02
PiotrSikoraoh... and one more question...18:02
PiotrSikorasince i wasn't able to find this in docs18:03
PiotrSikoraor actually, nvm18:03
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notmynamePiotrSikora: ask. we may need to add it to the docs or someone else may want to know18:05
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PiotrSikoranotmyname: erm... i wanted to ask how do you serve the files to end-user18:07
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PiotrSikorakind of high-level flow overview18:07
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notmynamerequest -> proxy -> (account|container|object) -> proxy -> response18:08
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PiotrSikoraproxy being python wsgi app?18:09
notmynamethe proxy server code18:09
redboMogilefs+sharding is very similar to our original architecture, dozens of db servers, they were a constant headache for availability, scale, and maintenance.18:09
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notmynamethe proxy handles the requests and serves out to the appropriate account, container, or object servers and then figures out the best response to send to the client (based on what the storage servers responded with)18:10
redboYou can make it work (youtube notably does)18:10
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PiotrSikoraok, so let me ask the ultimate question, how can 3rd party application locate requested file without touching your proxy app?18:11
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PiotrSikorais this even possible?18:11
rtylercreiht: why didn't you do it in my favorite way?18:11
* creiht smacks rtyler 18:11
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redbothat's what... aww...18:11
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* rtyler cries and runs back to #eventlet18:11
_0x44creiht: Yeah, you could have written it in PHP and chewing gum!18:11
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creihtPiotrSikora: if the 3rd party application is outside the system, then it has to use the proxy18:12
notmynamePiotrSikora: the 3rd party app would essentially have to act like a proxy server: look up the right server(s) in the ring18:12
byteehi! the Object Store (swift) - what is this based on, drizzle? i can't seem to find more details online18:12
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adrian_ottoPiotrSikora: It's possible to bypass the proxy if you know where the content is stored.18:12
creihtbytee: It is custom built using python18:12
notmynamebytee: not based on anything. completely in house18:12
creihtand some other libs and tools18:12
byteecreiht, notmyname ah ok, thanks18:13
adrian_ottobut you essentially need the function of the proxy built into the app to do that18:13
creihtplus the proxy holds all the smarts to handle failure, etc.18:13
PiotrSikoraand access to all sqlite databases?18:13
notmynameno, those are handled by the account and container servers18:13
PiotrSikoraor do you also rolled-up your own "storage server"?18:14
adrian_ottocreiht: exactly, which keeps the clients simple, which is a key maintenance benefit.18:14
notmynamePiotrSikora: I used "storage server" as a stand-in for account, container, and object servers18:14
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creihteach "server" is a self contained service, responsible for its own innards18:15
creihtso the proxy doesn't have to know anything about sqlite18:15
creihtyou could for example replace the account and container to use some other technology if you like18:16
creihtas long as it exposed the same RESTful interface18:16
PiotrSikorawouldn't it be more efficient to use webdav or existing webservers infrastructure to do that?18:16
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PiotrSikorai would imagine that calling python for all this stuff isn't "free"18:17
glangeimport free18:17
adrian_ottoPiotrSikora: trouble with using WebDav is then you would need to come up with a way to handle the per object metadata18:17
adrian_ottothe existing solution solves the metadata issue with XFS18:17
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creihtPiotrSikora: Python isn't a bottle neck.  You run into problems with network and disk io long before running into issues with python18:18
adrian_ottoso that you get an atomic window to updating objects and related metadata together18:18
creihtthe metadata is stored in xattrs which is available in most filesystems now adays18:18
KnuckleSangwichexciting stuff guys!18:19
creihtKnuckleSangwich: thanks!  we think so too ;)18:19
PiotrSikoraadrian_otto: ah, you're probably right :)18:19
creihtPiotrSikora: Most of these components have been through many iterations of different designs18:20
creihtto get to where we are today18:20
PiotrSikoracreiht: yeah... it isn't bottle-neck, but it also isn't free ;)18:21
creihtIf someone finds a better way to do any component, our ears are open :)18:21
creihtPiotrSikora: it is good enough TM :)18:22
PiotrSikorabut the reason why i'm asking all those question is because with cornea (and mogilefs, i think) i was able to write nginx module that would issue single query to memcached/mysql/postgresql to get file location (node address + path)18:22
PiotrSikoraand it would serve it right away from the node18:22
johnblueDoes swift talk directly to curl or to libcurl via a python interface?18:22
PiotrSikorawithout involving number of different services to get to the actual file18:23
creihtjohnblue: swift provides a restful interface which you can hit using curl if you want... internally we do not use curl18:23
creihtPiotrSikora: You are still talking about a design that doesn't inheritly scale easily18:23
creihtand when I say scale, I'm talking billions of objects in 100's of petabytes18:24
PiotrSikorawell, i still assume sharded version of mogilefs/cornea ;)18:24
PiotrSikoraand i assume that rdbms scale as good as sqlite18:25
PiotrSikorawhich might be wrong assumption :P18:25
creihtPiotrSikora: If it works for you, then that is great :)18:25
PiotrSikorahmm... is sqlite filename always the same?18:27
PiotrSikoraor does it change over time?18:27
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creihtPiotrSikora: it should be the same18:28
creihtand also remember each sqlite db is responisble for just one container18:28
spikekind of OT question, but I saw it mentioned several times and I'm failing at googling it: what's tarmac?18:28
spikepart of the CI? hudson plugin?18:29
creihtspike: tarmac is a bot for launchpad that assists with workflow type things18:29
spikeah, ok18:29
creihtit will spawn hudson jobs when new code is merged for example18:29
creihtthose container dbs are thusly spread evenly accross the cluster18:29
PiotrSikorahmm... than i could probably use libdrizzle's sqlite->drizzle server18:29
PiotrSikoraso it would act as rdbms18:30
creihtPiotrSikora: if you really wanted to, sure :)18:30
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redbowhy do you want it to be a database server process?18:30
PiotrSikorai want to be able to query it remotely18:31
creihtwhat types of queries?18:31
PiotrSikora"get me location of that file" type of queries ;)18:31
glangePiotrSikora: you could put a database in front of swift :)18:32
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creihtif you know an account, container, and object name, then that can be obtained from the ring18:32
* creiht smacks glange 18:32
rdwdoes your hudson instance automatically file bugs for you?18:32
creihtrdw: hah!18:32
glangePiotrSikora: you could name that database server, "bottleneck" :)18:32
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PiotrSikoraglange: lol ;)18:32
creihtPiotrSikora: and we actually have command line tools that make it easy to find information like that18:33
byteewhere does OpenStack see a traditional rdbms like MySQL fitting in?18:34
PiotrSikorabytee: it doesn't :P18:35
PiotrSikoracreiht: cool, i'll look into it18:35
byteePiotrSikora: ok, and drizzle, then?18:35
redboThe object layer is basically a distributed hash table.  The sqlite stuff is an index of that.18:35
* bytee hasn't read up on everything... trying to sneak a peek, etc. while at oscon18:35
PiotrSikorabytee: same, and same for postgresql... it's sqlite all the way ;)18:36
creihtbytee: Compute and Storage are the first two projects that fit into openstack.  I can imagine that other things will eventually fit in as well, but I don't know if any other parts are defined yet18:36
justinsbI'm working on an traditional rdbms backend for Nova Compute.  Might not prove applicable to Rackspace scale, but hopefully useful for private clouds.  But it's an open source project, so I think it's more about sensible contributions than policy18:37
PiotrSikorabytee: duh... sorry, guess i mis-understood your question18:37
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PiotrSikoracreiht: but yeah... swift definiately needs some high-level overview like the one mogilefs has (
creihtPiotrSikora: it is on my list :)18:38
creihtand you aren't the first to ask18:38
byteecreiht: is the Storage code available ? i got a launchpad login note (or it could just be interent - lp seems slow)18:38
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creihtmtaylor|lunch: I've seen what bytee is talking about before, to access swift you have to be logged into launchpad18:39
creihtbytee: at the moment I think you just have to be logged in to launchpad18:39
rdwand their login interface is terrible18:39
PiotrSikorabytee: bzr branch lp:swift18:39
creihtbytee: you can also browse current docs at http://swift.openstack.org18:40
* bytee just has a selfish interest to see where mysql/drizzle might fit in, that's all ;)18:40
PiotrSikoracreiht: mtaylor|lunch already filled ticket for that ;)18:40
byteePiotrSikora: ok, lemme try that though i can imagine this branch taking ages18:40
johnbluebytee: have ya got any cool bling from OSCON yet?18:40
byteejohnblue: i took my bag yesterday, and didn't get a chance to look at it yet, sorry18:41
creihtbytee: if you are at oscon, I highly recommend going to Will Reeses talk (one of my coworkers)18:41
byteecreiht: i will. lemme check the schedule18:42
creihthe will give an overview of the architecture and how we got there18:42
byteecreiht: thanks a bunch. i think i'll also go to the summit tomorrow18:42
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creihttime for a meeting :)18:44
exltls -al18:47
* exlt is tired of fighting with bzr-buildpackage for the day18:47
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jaypipesdendrobates: question for ya..18:51
sorenexlt: Need help?18:52
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exltsoren: pristine-tar is creating a very small orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz ends up with lots that should be in orig.tar.gz - that's the biggest issue18:56
exltso I started looking for bzr export --exclude=.. that doesn't seem to exist18:57
exltso I'm reading on pristine-tar delta - didn't really think the default of "everything but /debian dir and .bzr" would fail so badly18:59
sorenI've never used pristine-tar directly.18:59
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jaypipesdendrobates: around?19:00
exltbzr-buildpackage calls pristine-tar to generate the orig.tar.gz from the bzr repo19:00
* jaypipes has a feeling OSCON-itis has affected many colleagues... ;)19:01
exltand I've never used it directly, either19:01
pvojaypipes: whats shakin?19:01
pvoI haven't seen him19:01
comstudjay, yeah... SOME of us are actually working!19:01
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comstudoh... hi pvo19:01
pvocomstud: hey there19:01
jaypipespvo: oh, just wondering about blueprints and nova project on Launchpad...should I throw a ping to the openstack-discuss ML about ones I've created and want feedback on, or...something else?19:02
edayjaypipes: he's here next to me, but talking with folks19:02
jaypipescomstud: morning Chris.19:02
comstudmornin..  or well.. it's after noon now19:02
pvojaypipes: I would. Drop them here too to get more eyes on it.19:03
jaypipesah, well, yes it is..19:03
jaypipespvo: cool, will do.19:03
comstudagree about the config variables19:04
comstudalthough it sounds like someone is working on ditching gflags19:04
comstudreplacing with what.. i dunno.19:05
* johnblue just sold my old samsung blu-ray player via craigslist .. loving the streaming netflix on the new samsung.19:05
comstudthere's all sorts of abstraction work to do19:05
jaypipescomstud: I'm not going to get into those battles...just suggesting grouping the mq-based config and getting rid of the boolean fake_rabbit stuff in favour of a real adapter model.19:06
jaypipesjohnblue: I've got the new samsung.  awesome to play pandora straight through it. :)19:06
sorenexlt: Right, I've always had a dsc I wanted to import.19:07
johnbluejaypipes:  rock on.  I got the C5500 about a week ago and its been sweet.19:07
* comstud just got a ps319:07
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mtaylor|lunchbytee: hey!19:08
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mtaylor|lunchexlt: hey there19:08
mtaylor|lunchexlt: sorry - didn't read the whole scrollback...19:09
mtaylor|lunchexlt: you may want to merge the latest thing I just put up for merge19:09
mtaylor|lunchexlt: should have much less diff19:09
mtaylor|lunchexlt: bzr merge lp:~mordred/swift/release-1.0.119:09
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exltah, I was merging from trunk19:10
johnbluejaypipes: are ya running an HTPC?  I did some personal data recovery for co-worker and got him to spring for a gigabyte H55-USB3 + RAM.  Haven't fired it up yet but it has an HDMI out option.19:12
jaypipesjohnblue: hehe, not sure what that, I guess no :)19:13
mtaylorexlt: the lastest merge-upstream hasn't hit trunk yet19:13
johnbluejay: hehe .. no worries.
jaypipesmtaylor: openstack-discuss going to be non-private?19:14
jaypipesjohnblue: ah! :)19:14
jaypipesjohnblue: negative on that one :)19:14
mtaylorjaypipes: yes. but spm isn't awake yet19:14
jaypipesmtaylor: ah, k19:14
mtaylorjaypipes: and they haven't given me root on launchpad yet :)19:14
jaypipesmtaylor: oh, why not? ;019:15
creihtI approved that hours ago, but it never got merged19:15
mtaylorcreiht: it is missing a commit message19:15
* mtaylor really needs to add an option to tarmac to deal with that better19:16
mtaylorcreiht: ok. it's on my todo list... at the moment I don't feel it's a huge value add to always require both a description and a commit message19:18
mtaylorcreiht: I'm going to see if I can't make it cook up a default commit message if there isn't one19:19
creihtcould it pull in the description if the commit message isn't there?19:19
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mtaylorcreiht: yeah - that's what I was thinking19:20
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creihtmtaylor: did you see the merge failure?19:24
mtayloryeah - fixing now19:24
creihtnow that I have changed his commit message, do I need to change the status for hudson to see it?19:24
mtaylorcreiht: nope. as long as it's approved, it'll get picked up19:26
creihtyeah it just did... cool19:26
jdarcyFrom reading the code, it seems like a container GET at the proxy causes the proxy to fan out to a bunch of storage nodes and collate the results.  Is that accurate?19:26
jdarcySwift code, that is.19:26
redboyay!  how long until it disappears?19:26
* creiht promises to not stomp on any more of redbo's commits :)19:27
exltmtaylor: so it must be swift.egg-info/SOURCES.txt that pristine-tar is using to create the orig.tar.gz - since it was being ignored previously, all I was getting was bin/, swift/, and basically19:28
creihtjdarcy: on a container read, it will return the first response that it gets... there currently is no collation19:29
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jdarcycreiht: OK, but container-content-list placement is completely independent of object placement, right?19:30
creihtthere is no guarantee of order, if that is what you are asking19:30
redbothey're completely independent19:31
creihtand that too :)19:31
jdarcyContext: a colleague is trying to claim that object placement based on lexicographic order is a must-have.  I'm claiming that it's somewhere between "don't give a $#@!" and outright incompatible with high scale.19:32
creihtso yeah they are completly independant of one another19:34
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jdarcyThe use cases where concentration of similarly-named objects onto a single server would be anything but destructive seem vanishingly rare to me.19:34
creihtjdarcy: and I would agree with you :)19:34
jdarcyMaybe in some Hadoop cases, but that's pretty contrived at best.19:34
creihtor if you want that, you could just change the hashing algorithm to the built in python hash :)19:34
redboI guess cassandra makes the in-order distribution mode work.  It would hurt with how we do things.19:35
creihtand see how things go19:35
exltmtaylor: there is far less extraneous stuff in the diff.gz, but there is still some:
creihtThe problem with that type of scheme in out situation is that you don't get a very even distribution of data accross drives19:35
jdarcyFrom what I can tell, Cassandra's OPP is fraught with peril and a source of many headaches for the devs.  But you guys would know that better than I.19:35
jdarcyNot to say it isn't valuable if used *very carefully*, just that it's troublesome.19:36
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creihtwe strive for simplicity if possible19:37
jonesyjdarcy: fwiw, I have experience in 2 env's where the whole word-based sharding thing was put into production. In one it caused hotspots, and in the other it led to amazing amounts of complexity in the data layer.19:37
jdarcyjonesy: Yeah, that's my experience too.  Which env's, if I may ask?19:38
jonesyone I can't talk about. The other was addthis.com19:38
jdarcyGood to know.  Thanks.19:38
jonesynote: no longer architects things that way (jdarcy)19:38
mtaylorexlt: interesting19:39
mtaylorexlt: so, things in that diff are things that are in the tree but not in the tar.gz19:39
exltmtaylor: looking at the details, and swift.egg-info/PKG-INFO are just 1.0.2 versions listed in there19:39
mtaylorexlt: ah. hrm. well that's because the tree has been advanced... so that would make sense19:40
mtaylorthe others are things we should figure out how to make sure hit the tar.gz19:40
exltthe test/* are all the full files - not in the orig.tar.gz19:40
mtaylorand then next time we cut a tar.gz have the goal be that this diff is non-existant19:40
mtayloryup. we should probably include them :)19:41
exltwell, the diff.gz should really be only debian/  ;)19:41
mtaylorit's a feature ... to facilitate building with your changes to the trunk being kept in vc...19:42
mtaylorexlt: OH - there's another bug...19:42
mtaylorwe need to add a debian/source/format file so that this will go into the quilt diff instead19:42
mtaylorexlt: changes have hit trunk, btw19:43
mtaylorexlt: at the moment the feature is pointing out to us that we've got crap in the tree that we're not shipping out in the tarball and should fix in the "upstream" tarball :)19:43
redbocreiht: I think we could get a pretty even distribution, but the amount of data you have to redistribute every time you add or remove a node is pretty prohibitive.19:44
creihtthat is a good point19:44
creihtand it seems like it would add a lot of complexity19:44
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exltmtaylor: I'm working my way through the package build issues - just haven't hit format, nor watch file, etc19:48
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mtaylorexlt: :)19:49
mtaylorexlt: I thought I'd already fixed the watch file. blast19:50
exltspeaking of tarballs.. I see the download link has 'em now - sweet19:50
mtaylorheck yes19:50
exltyou have a watch file already?19:51
mtaylorI thought I did. but I don't - I _do_ have a watch file for other projects already for getting tarballs from launchpad19:51
exltletting uscan pull the tarball makes some of the issues I was having go away19:51
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mtaylorexlt: heh. I still use bzr bd even with uscan enabled... but I'm weird lke that19:52
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exltmtaylor: bzr bd tries uscan first, I think19:53
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mtaylorexlt: ok. I've got fixed so that missing files wind up in the tarball properly19:57
mtaylorexlt: 1.0.2 shouldn't have a diff19:57
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mtaylorexlt: lp:~mordred/swift/debian-source-format19:59
creiht%quote rax20:00
mtaylorexlt: source format, and watch20:00
creihtheh... mischan20:00
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* mtaylor apologizes for the ugliness if you're merging from trunk right now re: .egginfo dirs... shouldn't happen again. 20:06
aliguoriHi, congrats on the announcement of openstack!  I had one question that I couldn't seem to find an answer to, what are the target hypervisors?  Is the goal to support heterogeneous environments or to support just one hypervisor?  I see libvirt and xen-api are used so I'm expecting KVM and Xen are supported, what about other things supported by libvirt (like ESX, VBox, etc.)?20:12
mtayloraliguori: I could be completely wrong (so don't quote me) but I believe the eventual idea is to be able to support many hypervisors20:13
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aliguorimtaylor, thanks, do you happen to know what works today?20:17
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lbiebermtaylor:  you are correct, we want to support multiple hypervisors20:17
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lbieberinitially nova supports kvm with work on support for xen coming very quickly20:18
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aliguorikvm support was the bit I was most interested in :-)20:19
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exltugh.. bzr merge hosed my branch..20:32
exltwell, time for food20:33
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justinsbFor Nova/Compute, I'm struggling to launch instances (  Why do we need kernel images/ramdisks at all?  Is this just a throwback to the days before hardware virtualization support?20:38
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JordanRinkeSo, quick question... trying to build nova off the trunk, issue with the redis-server - anyone have a quick guide on how to replace the 1.2v from the repo with the 2.0rc2 from the site? I am a linux newb :(20:48
pvoa linux newb trying to setup a cloud cluster! shoot for the stars man!20:49
bretpiattJordanRinke, what isn't working with 1.2v from trunk?20:49
iRTermitepvo: only way to REALLY learn20:49
iRTermite ;)20:49
JordanRinkepvo: haha well, I have used ESX/RHEL but I have never used Ubuntu which this seems like it would be easiest to poke at with20:49
pvoiRTermite: totally agree. That was meant as encouragement20:49
johnbluenothing like getting your hands dirty.20:49
iRTermitepvo: I felt what you were saying; just elaborating on it.20:50
JordanRinkebretpiatt: When I attempt to run the make it is saying there is a dep on redis-server >=2.0.0rc1 from the trunk build I pulled down on20:50
JordanRinkedpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: redis-server (>= 2:2.0.0~rc1)20:51
JordanRinkedpkg-buildpackage: warning: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.20:51
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creihtmtaylor: current trunk has a failing unit test... how did that get past hudson? :)20:52
jdarcyResolving dependencies on RHEL6 was more of a pain than I expected.  I'll write up some notes tonight.20:52
justinsbbretpiatt: Nova uses redis hashes pretty extensively.  I think those were only introduced in 2.020:53
JordanRinkejdarcy: Would love to see that when done20:53
creihtjdarcy: cool thanks20:53
jdarcyWhere should I send/post when I'm done?20:53
* creiht tries another checkout of code for unit tests20:53
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creihtjdarcy: good question :)20:55
mtaylorcreiht: interesting... I will investigate :)20:55
redboit probably doesn't have PATH_TO_TEST_XFS set20:56
jdarcyI'll give that a shot, Twitch.20:56
jdarcyThanks for all the help, folks.  Heading home.20:56
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creihtmtaylor: redbo has a good point... hudson isn't going to see it since it doesn't have the env var set20:57
mtaylorcreiht: AH20:58
redbothat particular test should be taken outside and shot20:58
mtaylorwell... the hudson box is on ext3 - we should set up a build slave or something that _is_ running on xfs so that we can test that20:58
mtayloror - can we just make an XFS volume and set the env var to point at it?20:59
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exltI would love a bzr rebase  ;)21:00
exltthink I'm going to create a diff and then pull a fresh branch21:00
creihtmtaylor: you can run them on ext3 if you enable xattrs in /etc/fstab21:00
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mtaylorexlt: there is a bzr rebase plugin ... although it does something different from what the git command odes21:02
holowaymtaylor: you can always use a loopback device21:02
holowaymtaylor: which will be great for testing21:02
creihtyeah that too21:02
mtaylorexlt: you can alternately do "bzr uncommit -r<last revision you want> ; bzr shelve ; bzr pull ; bzr unshelve ; bzr commit"21:02
holowaymtaylor: check out the chef cookbooks for the SAIO for the raw commands21:02
mtaylorholoway: got a link for the chef cookbooks?21:03
holowaymtaylor: yep!21:03
* creiht can't vouch for weather or not the chef script still works21:03
creihtbut it will have the loopback setup in the script21:03
mtaylorholoway: sweet21:04
holowaythe install script is at
mtaylordoes one still have to be root to mount loopback devices?21:04
holowaymtaylor: I think so21:05
holowaymtaylor: you might be able to play tricks with permissions on the loopback device21:05
holowaymtaylor: ah, just use 'users' in the mount options21:05
holowaymtaylor: you would have an fstab entry that includes 'users', but that does noauto21:06
holowaymtaylor: (which is required anyway, since you can't have it auto-mount at boot regardless)21:06
holowaymtaylor: you can do that with normal filesystems as well21:06
_0x44exlt: If you use a mac you can bzr diff | pbcopy && bzr branch new_branch && cd to_the_new_branch && pbpaste | patch21:06
exlt_0x44: that's very close to what I just did21:07
mtaylorexlt: play with uncommit and shelve some time21:07
* exlt is a linux kind of guy21:07
_0x44shelve doesn't work across branches.21:07
_0x44So shelve isn't very helpful for my workflow21:07
mtaylorfair enough21:07
exltmtaylor: that's what I was going to do before going all manual on it's a__21:07
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exlteww.. uncommit -r doesn't understand commit-parent_merge-commit-another_parent-merge, etc..21:12
exltgoin' manual ;)21:12
scotticusswitchin to guns21:14
mtaylorcreiht: yay! I've got a setup on hudson that can test the XFS now21:15
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mtaylorit's not fancy and should be improved - but should work for now21:16
mtaylorcreiht: next merge should fail unless it's one fixing the xfs bug :)21:16
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byteemtaylor: howdy ho!21:17
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mtaylorbytee: how're things?21:18
byteemtaylor: good, good. you?21:18
mtaylorbytee: excellent21:19
byteemtaylor: congrats with all this open stack goodnewss. it does look exciting alright21:19
mtaylorbytee: I seem to be at the beach - although you might not know it by my activity here today21:19
mtaylorbytee: thanks!21:19
mtaylorbytee: you at oscon?21:19
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byteemtaylor: yah. enjoy the beach, sun is better than the laptop21:19
mtaylorbytee: well... as soon as the sun actually comes out, I will enjoy it21:20
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joshuamckentysomeone was asking about blueprints against nova earlier, yeah?21:24
joshuamckentyre: redis2.0 - redis 1.2 doesn't have hashes21:25
mtaylorcreiht: yay! your fix seems to have worked21:28
mtayloror rather:21:29
mtaylorredbo: yay! your fix seems to have worked21:29
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dendrobatesjoshuamckenty: We are getting all the component leads to create blueprints any chance NASA can do it for their features?21:30
joshuamckentyheck yeah21:30
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joshuamckentyI'll see if folks can get their items from this sprint written up ASAP (started today)21:31
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holowaywhat would you guys think about flagging some of the open issues as low-hanging fruit for new contributors?21:37
joshuamckentywe've got a long TODO list of easy stuff21:37
holowayfor example, I would love to fix a few bugs while my daughter sleeps late at night21:37
joshuamckentywe should get those bugified in lp21:37
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dendrobatesI have some stuff that I want to push after I get some more sleep to ensure it's not insane.21:40
joshuamckentyWe were only halfway through the transition from internal tools to github when we switched gears and started moving to launchpad21:40
joshuamckentypush early and often; you don't have to request a merge yet :)21:41
joshuamckentymtaylor: who can delete this merge proposal?
joshuamckentyis that only vish, or only jesse, or either?21:41
sorenjoshuamckenty: I can.21:42
joshuamckentycause they're both on planes right now21:42
sorenjoshuamckenty: Shall I?21:42
joshuamckentyyes please, I think it was landed to trunk separately21:42
soren(I can since it's a proposal to merge into one of my branches)21:42
joshuamckentyah, gotcha21:42
sorenjoshuamckenty: Thanks.21:42
joshuamckentythank you21:43
joshuamckentysoren: do we need to resubmit as a merge against trunk?21:44
joshuamckentyI don't think vish meant to propose it as a merge against his own branch21:44
JordanRinkesweet, got Redis setup finally21:45
joshuamckentyThere's a good deb package of 2.0 built by the rdio guys21:45
joshuamckentythat's what we use21:45
joshuamckentynot sure where it is atm, though21:46
joshuamckentysoren: got time for one more review?
JordanRinkeI had to find it in the experimental repo, and get that setup21:46
joshuamckentyit's jaypipes mop-up to make the network tests more readable.21:46
JordanRinkeonce I knew it was there / had access to update etc it was cake21:46
joshuamckentyah, yeah21:47
joshuamckentyyou can build it from source pretty easily, as well21:47
JordanRinkeI compiled from source and rip/replaced it initially21:47
joshuamckentyredis builds really cleanly21:47
JordanRinkebut figured that was a smoother way to do it21:47
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joshuamckentymtaylor: / soren: are we planning on building deb packages from trunk via hudson as well?21:49
JordanRinkeso I have a quick text on how to update to redis 2.0 rc1, where should I post it for anyone else that is trying to quick start and hitting that compile error21:52
joshuamckentyall: we know that the use of gflags has gotten insane. Now is a great time to be proposing a more better way.21:52
joshuamckentyJordanRinke: add it to the site, somewhere near to the install instructions?21:53
JordanRinkewill do21:53
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ThweetchYou get any sleep Josh?21:56
jk0oh, other Josh :)21:56
gholtcreiht: Do you know what this nonsense about swift.egg-info is or how we/I should fix it? [in swift]21:57
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joshuamckentynot much22:01
gholtcreiht: Well, I chowned some stuff and repulled/updated/discarded "conflicts" and that seems okay. But now develop doesn't work searching for WebOb=0.9.8.post122:01
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ghchinoyHi all22:05
ghchinoyIs openstack a set of addons to eucalyptus?22:06
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patcitoghchinoy, no, it another beast22:06
ghchinoypatcito: but it's similar?  a management set for compute and storage nodes that follow ec2 and s3?22:06
patcitoghchinoy, indeed22:07
ghchinoyAha, ok22:07
patcitobut it's not compatible22:07
patcitoAPI wise22:07
creihtgholt: I need to talk to mtaylor about the swift.egg-info stuff22:07
creihtideally we don't want that in the source22:07
justinsbHow can we see the merge discussion for a revision?  For example, this one:  I think it's introduced some bugs, but I'd like to read the merge request first.22:07
ghchinoyIs eucalyptus compatible with aws or is it also not compbatible?22:08
patcitoI think it's supposed to be, but eucalyptus doesn't scala well22:08
ghchinoyCan swift interoperate with google storage, or is that on the roadmap?22:09
ghchinoypatcito: oh ho, i didn't know that.22:09
joshuamckentyghchinoy: openstack is currently ec2/s3 compatible, but I don't think that's a core feature going forward22:09
ghchinoyjoshuamckenty: ok, cool22:09
ghchinoyare there goals/principles for the project somewhere?22:09
patcitocool, joshuamckenty where can I read about that?22:09
creihtswift isn't s3 compatible api wise... it is similar22:09
patcitoI mean s3/ec2 compatibility22:10
joshuamckentycreiht: I imagine it'll be s3-compatible in a couple of days22:10
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redbowe can do that in middleware :P22:10
joshuamckentythat's what she said22:10
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ghchinoyjoshuamckenty: on the wiki?22:11
creihtmtaylor: when you get a min, we need to talk about swift.egg-info22:11
joshuamckentyghchinoy: goals and principles are discussed in a lot of the press from last night, and also in:22:12
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ghchinoyOk, maybe I'm asking more about non-functional requirements like scalablity, etc22:13
ghchinoyNot so much definitions of openness22:13
joshuamckentythe goal is 1 million host machines,22:13
joshuamckentywith 60 million virtual servers22:13
joshuamckentyNot sure where that ended up in writing22:14
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ghchinoy /BasicDesignTenets has some22:15
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ghchinoy /BasicDesignTenets has some, joshuamckenty, seems like it needs to be filled out more.22:19
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sorenjoshuamckenty: Well... It won't resubmit itself :D22:20
ghchinoyCool, I'll be back later to ask more dumb questions :)  thanks joshuamckenty, patcito22:20
dendrobatesaliguori: we really missed you at the summit22:21
aliguoridendrobates, yeah, i didn't realize how soon it was22:21
sorenjoshuamckenty: Both you and vish approved it. Just go ahead and set a commit message and set it to approved.22:21
aliguoridendrobates, sounds like it was productive at least :-)22:21
joshuamckentyah, damn commit messages. K.22:22
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sorenjoshuamckenty: Yeah, in most cases it would probably just be the same as the text you put in the merge proposal.22:24
sorenOh, he buggered off.22:24
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soren22:24 <+soren> joshuamckenty: Yeah, in most cases it would probably just be the same as the text you put in the merge proposal.22:28
joshuamckentyah, k22:28
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sorenjoshuamckenty: Although having them separate lets you have a less formal style in the merge proposal (like if you really don't expect it to be merged in its current form, but are just looking for feedback).22:29
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aspxhow does the storage work e.g. is it similar to applogic's (3tera)22:31
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creihtaspx: I'm not familiar with 3tera... is there something specific you are wanting to know?22:32
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aspx3tera uses local storage on each node that is raided across different nodes how is openstack's storage configured22:33
creihtswift stores 3 replicas of each object distributed accross the cluster22:34
creihteach replica being isolated depending on configuration22:34
aspxso does it use local storage?22:35
creihtthe devices can be raided if you like, but we recommend against that22:35
creihtIn what context do you define local storage?22:35
creihtIn context to compute nodes?22:36
aspxnot san but inside the physical server itself e.g sas drive22:36
creihtit is designed to be run on commodity hardware22:36
creihtthis is just blob storage though22:37
creihtnot like a filesystem like EBS, that will be a separate product22:37
aspxawesome thank you which of the websites would be best to look at tech stats22:37
aspxopps specs not stats22:37
creihtaspx: well we have preliminary docs available at, but they may not have what you are looking for yet22:38
creihtthe code is at
creihtuntil I get docs written for that, are there any specifics you would like to know?22:38
aspxok thanks for your help :-)22:38
creihtWhich may actually help me write those docs :)22:38
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aspxjust the storage config we want local storage used with copies across different nodes22:39
creihtdoes anyone know if OSCON presentations are on video?22:39
aspxcause san to expensive22:39
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creihtaspx: that is by default how we usually set it up22:39
creihtthe docs have a page describing how to set a single dev vm which has the services running on one box22:40
iRTermitecreiht: the link is on the front page22:40
aspxok will investigate and come back with more questions22:40
iRTermitedon't think all are on video though22:40
creihtiRTermite: thanks... one of our coworkers is giving a talk on the swift architecture there22:41
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creihtI'll watch tomorrow to see if they upload video of it22:41
iRTermiteI'm certain (just like other cons) one would have to request for the session to be recorded?22:41
iRTermitecool, I'll check that out tomorrow as well22:43
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creihtoh I guess it is on Wed..
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devcamcar_hey all, what is the ppa for nova? can't find it on the wiki22:49
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sorenSo some of you must know this.. If I subscribe to openstack bug mail, do I also get bug mail for its subprojects?22:52
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bretpiattcreiht, more OSCON info @oscon: Speaker slides are being posted here as we get them: #oscon22:53
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sorenbug #60735522:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607355 in nova "Problems launching instances" [Undecided,New]
creihtbtw... if anyone is at OSCON:
justinsbsoren: The new twisted-based objectstore doesn23:00
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sorenIt doesn?23:02
sorenDArn it.23:02
justinsbsoren: Sorry, the new twisted-based objectstore doesn't seem to be flushing its responses correctly for me.  e.g. a curl on curl will return the 1st half of the data and then hang.  If I kill the daemon, I do get the rest of the data.  Any ideas?  The same problem seems to affect the compute API23:02
sorenI was hoping it woul23:02
justinsbsoren: Actually, the nova-api... I get IncompleteRead errors there when doing e.g. euca-describe-images23:03
sorenInteresting. I'll look into it.23:04
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g-ramevening all23:04
notmynamehowdy g-ram23:06
justinsbsoren: May have just found it... I think it's a missing call to request.finish() in render_GET in ImageResource.  I suddenly noticed it was JSON, not XML so I was looking in the wrong place :-)23:06
sorenjustinsb: That would do it.23:06
* soren looks23:06
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sorenjustinsb: Oh, you're absolutely right.23:07
justinsbsoren: Yup, that fixed it.  Put it as another comment here:
justinsbsoren: A couple more comments there as I was trying to track this one down!!23:08
sorenjustinsb: Add a call to request.finish() just before return server.NOT_DONE_YET23:08
sorenjustinsb: That merge proposal was already approved and merged. I think it's better to file a bug in such a case. There's no way to undo the merge (per se).23:09
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justinsbsoren: OK... I'll pop the comments into a bug23:09
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sorenjustinsb: Great stuff. Thanks!23:10
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justinsbbug #60750123:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607501 in nova "Issues in commit 146 (twisted)" [Undecided,New]
justinsbuvirtbot is cool!23:13
uvirtbotjustinsb: Error: "is" is not a valid command.23:13
ghchinoyI'm back with more stupid questions... is openstack designed to run on a particular linux distro or is it akin to xen, as a baremetal install?23:14
sorenjustinsb: Had you given it a minute, it would have announce the bug on its own.23:14
sorenjustinsb: That's how cool it is :)23:14
justinsbsoren: very cool, even if it can't take a compliment :-)23:14
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sorenjustinsb: :)23:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607501 in nova "Issues in commit 146 (twisted)" [Undecided,New]
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sorenjustinsb: There it goes ^23:22
sorenjustinsb: The delay is due to the fact that Launchpad doesn't send out e-mail until there's been 8 minutes of inactivity on a bug (so that people who change multiple things on a bug don't cause a bajillion e-mails to be sent to a bajillion people).23:23
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sorenIn case anyone anyone is wondering, yes, subscribing to bugmail for openstack automatically subscribes you to nova and swift bugmail.23:30
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g-ramso a question from someone who's pretty clueless at this point -- is openstack a distribution, or. . . how exactly does the installation work?23:36
sorenjustinsb: Are you up for fixing bug #607501 yourself? Just shout if you need bzr/lp pointers for something.23:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607501 in nova "Issues in commit 146 (twisted)" [Undecided,New]
pvog-ram it isn't a distribution but a software installation package23:38
g-ramgot it23:38
g-ramso all of the nodes in a cluster would need the same packages installed I'm assuming?23:38
pvothey might do different things, so it would depend on how you built your cluster23:39
g-ram(also, I'm assuming at this point that openstack is distribution agnostic -- that is, it should work on any of the mainstream linux distros?)23:39
pvog-ram: it should but its been developed on ubuntu, iirc23:39
g-ramgreat -- that's helpful; if it works on ubuntu I imagine I shouldn't have much trouble using it on debian23:40
exltg-ram: if building a big storage cluster with swift, for instance, filesystem choice is key - somethat not all distros allow unfortunately23:40
exltmissed a few characters there.. "something that"23:41
g-ramwhat fs would you recommend? ext3? brtfs? zfs?23:41
notmynameg-ram: swift requires xattr support23:41
g-ramok, cool23:42
exltwe use XFS with Cloud Files - evaluated most every filesytem23:42
g-ramI've never played with xfs but have heard good things23:42
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g-ramalso (sorry for so many questions) what's the difference between swift and nova?23:44
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pvonova is compute controller software23:48
pvoswift is a distributed object store23:48
pvothink nova == ec223:48
pvoand swift == s323:48
g-ramgot it23:49
g-ramprobably interested in nova then23:49
pvothey can be run independently or used together for superpowers combined23:49
chiltsheh, I was wondering the same ... g-ram, thanks for quizzing :)23:49
g-ramI'm interested in building a test cluster with a few quad core xeons to do computational fluid dynamics modeling23:49
chiltspvo: so I guess there are also thoughts about equivalent things like SQS, SNS, SimpleDB even?23:50
pvochilts: yes, eventually. These two projects are the core of what we're trying to build23:50
g-rameven on a single quad core box CFD models can take a lot of time23:50
chiltspvo: sweet ... am liking OpenStack already ...23:50
chiltsI was gonna start my business on EC2 but actually started using RackspaceCloud instead about 4 weeks ago23:51
pvothose other services are accessory to the core offerings23:51
chiltsI love it already and I think now I definitely made the right choice23:51
g-ramchilts: what type of business?23:51
chiltsyeah true, but also very useful :)23:51
chiltsg-ram: online applications :) (to be pretty general)23:51
pvochilts: though if you want to start on one of the other services, we'd gladly accept the work. : )23:51
chiltsso it's a very good fit23:51
g-ramthat's fair :)23:52
chiltspvo: sounds like a winner ... though I haven't checked out the code yet, what are you guys writing it all in?23:52
* chilts did a mock queue using Node.js23:52
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chiltssweet, am just glad it's not Java :)23:52
g-ramha, java would be terrible for this type of application23:52
chiltsI'm gonna do a very simple notification system in Node.js too23:52
chiltswell, Java has it's uses - I just don't use it :D23:53
notmynameseen on the internets: "Java is a DSL for turning XML into stack traces"23:53
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justinsbsoren: I suppose I can fix bug #607501 as I have it locally.  I'll just create a branch now.  Sorry for delay - late lunch!00:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607501 in nova "Issues in commit 146 (twisted)" [Undecided,New]
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sorenjustinsb: No worries. Thanks!00:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607512 in nova "Authorization not checked on objectstore" [Undecided,New]
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exltjust for fun :) -
vish1wow, lots of people here00:22
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exltoh, it'll get busier, I hope - go look at  ;)00:25
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driftx"in production you aren't actually going to pipe shit through it" hah, nice.00:27
exltoh, that is a good one, driftx00:28
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vish1hoyoo devin00:31
* arcane stretches00:31
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mtaylorw00t! I'm second on
mtaylorexlt: would it be hard for you to add #drizzle ?00:33
*** Thweetch has joined #openstack00:33 -- that's clever00:34
g-ramwhat's the am TLD for again?00:35
g-ramguess I could google that as well00:35
* mtaylor needs that hooked in to his launchpad karma...00:36
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exltmtaylor: there won't be any history.. got any irssi logs that go back on #drizzle?00:45
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mtaylorexlt: I don't, but eday probably does00:47
* mtaylor is pretty sure eday does irc via ssh/screen/irssi00:48
exltsame here - screen ftw00:48
* mtaylor has been meaning to learn irssi00:49
mtaylorproblem is - I spend _soooooooo_ much time in IRC - learning something new, even if for the better, would sort of suck00:49
mtaylorof course, this doesn't mean it's a bad idea00:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #607523 in nova "There should be a separate flag for fake_ldap" [Undecided,New]
g-ramis there a flag for real_ldap?00:52
g-ram(sorry, my sense of humor degrades dramatically as I get tired)00:52
creihtheh... I was worried that the auth bug earlier was for swift00:53
creihtguess not00:53
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creihtexlt: nice stats :)00:55
exltbleh - point pisg to the log file and cron - 30 seconds00:55
exltbut they are fun to look at from time to time00:56
justinsbcreiht: yes, don't worry, the auth bug is on nova's objectstore.  I can't imagine anyone's running nova in production yet, which is why I set the status to public :-)00:57
creihthehe... well even the auth we have in swift is meant for development purposes only00:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607527 in nova "VPN not created for auto-created project" [Undecided,New]
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notmynameit's interesting to look at how openstack tweets have changed throughout the day. now, there are a good number in japanese. it's interesting to watch the news follow the sun01:31
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matiuJapan new about it before USA :) as it was released USA midnight which is like early morning Japan :P01:59
chiltsyeah, I knew about it last night (or at least, _my_ last night) ... did a blog post about 15 hrs ago :D02:00
chiltsit was fun reading everything02:00
chiltsam very excited02:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #607541 in nova "ObjectStore must throw 404 when bucket does not exist (Commit 146)" [Undecided,New]
notmynameI admit I don't know much about nova, but some of these bugs look very storage focused, not compute02:02
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vish1notmyname: we have a ghetto version of storage which we need to support until nova-storage integration is complete02:10
vish1er openstack-storage02:10
vish1anyone here who has installed m2crypto and redis2 successfully on mac?02:11
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notmynameI get all excited as I'm reading the bug title. "!...that's odd, I thought we tested that...oh, it's nova"02:12
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607355 in nova "Problems launching instances" [Undecided,New]
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pvoanyone in the cloudcamp talk?03:12
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chmouelanyone know how to get a rss feed of a launchpad repo (ie: for swift)03:43
creihtchmouel: which part do you want rss of... commits?03:44
chmouelyup i get the bugs by email03:44
notmynamechmouel: feed://
creihtchmouel: you can also go here:
chmouelnotmyname: what do you do up at this time :) kids asleep ? thanks by the way03:46
creihtand click on the subscribe yourself to get notifications by email03:46
notmynamechmouel: ya. everyone is asleep. about to go to bed myself03:46
chmouelah nice
creihtchmouel: ahh nice fi03:47
creihterm find03:48
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notmynamewhat's the best way to pep8-ify a comment line that has a URL that busts the 80 char limit?03:54
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creihtnotmyname: tinyurl? :)03:54
creihtand yeah that type of thing can be frustrating03:55
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chmouelanyone tried ?03:56
pvoyep, seems to work ok03:56
chmouelpvo: did you have to apply the patch to git and recompile?03:57
pvono jsut teh plugins03:57
chmouelah k it's for < 1.6.0 to apply the patch..03:58
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notmynamegah! can't even put the URL in the docstring (less indentation). it still overflows. why does stackoverflow have to use such long urls?04:05
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notmynameI suppose I could remove the comment, but that seems wrong too  :)04:05
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Renichcongrats on the release!04:08
RenichOne question... kvm/qemu or xen???04:09
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chmouelRenich: i don't know much but i believe it's kvm via libvirt and xen seems to be planned for the future04:10
chmouelbut i could be wrong as well :)04:10
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Renichchmouel: I'm interested on kvm/qemu via libvirt04:11
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Renichchmouel: is no longer the best... kvm/qemu has the upperhand04:12
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chmouelah yeah seems like xen does not keep up with the latest kernels as well04:22
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sorenHey, NASA guys: Just glancing at:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607512 in nova "Authorization not checked on objectstore" [Undecided,New]04:50
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sorenWe clearly do check the signature in the line just above it.04:51
sorenWhat's the comment really about?04:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #607388 in swift "Add graceful init.d script option" [Wishlist,Invalid]
sorenIs it just a one that was never removed after the signature check was added or does it refer to the RBAC ACL check?04:51
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sorenOr some third option I did not consider?04:51
sorenJust trying to understand the history here.04:52
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justinsbsoren: What was the motivation behind the twisted rewrite of the objectstore, if it's a stopgap measure anyway?  I keep finding more and more incompatibilities...05:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607572 in nova "ObjectStore now checks security (Commit 146), compute node doesn't authenticate" [Undecided,New]
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sorenjustinsb: I'm not sure I understand what you mean by it being a stopgap measure?06:22
sorenjustinsb: In fact, I'm completely sure I don't understand it :)06:23
sorenjustinsb: ...regardless, the motivation was to get rid of tornado.06:23
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jdmaturenout of curiosity, why get rid of tornado?06:30
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jdmaturen[feel free to not touch that question, its late and whatnot …]06:30
sorenjdmaturen: In this particular care, it simply wasn't up to the task of serving these quite big files.06:30
jdmaturenmakes sense06:30
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sorenBesides, it didn't really buy us anything. The twisted replacement is, if I may say so myself, quite lovely. It's shorter than the version that uses tornado and actually gets the job done without nginx in front of it.06:32
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justinsbWell, it seems that the swift team thinks that we'll be replacing the nova objectstore with swift!06:41
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justinsbe.g. vish1: "notmyname: we have a ghetto version of storage which we need to support until nova-storage integration is complete"06:42
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justinsbSo if we're going to rip it out anyway, seems silly to rewrite it for performance reasons06:42
justinsbI'm just frustrated because I've spent the whole day chasing bugs that the rewrite introduced06:42
sorenjustinsb: I don't think the S3 implementation will go away.06:43
justinsb(Some of which aren't really bugs, just incompatibilities.  Sometimes the rewrite is better.)06:43
sorenjustinsb: Swift will just be the preferred objectstore.06:43
justinsbIsn't swift the S3 implementation?  Or is that the current nova objectstore?06:44
sorenSwift is Rackspace Cloud Files.06:44
justinsbAh ... so we still need the nova objectstore so that it can speak S3 to e.g. the euca tools?06:45
sorenHmmm.. Does that answer your question?06:45
sorenjustinsb: I'm not entirely sure how this is going to pan out.06:45
sorenI see a couple of options.06:45
sorenThe thing is, we don't want to force people who are really mostly intereested in Nova to run a full swift installation. That'd be overkill.06:46
justinsbFair enough.  But I'm afraid that the twisted implementation isn't going to be quite so lovely once all the patches and bugfixes are in :-)06:46
sorenSo Swift needs a simple mode of operation for Nova development.06:46
sorenWe need a simple implementation of Swift's API inside Nova, akin to the S3 implementation.06:46
justinsbI definitely agree that we need a low-dependency initial install of Nova06:47
sorenDepending on what we're going to do there, maybe Swift will grow an S3 frontend.06:47
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sorenjustinsb: Let me look at the current bugs reported. Gimme a minute.06:48
justinsbI do think it seems very likely that someone will add a S3 frontend to Swift (if there isn't one there already).  And I also see that we need our own micro-implementation06:48
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sorenjustinsb: Or Swift will need a very simple mode of operation that basically does the same thing.06:49
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justinsbMy personal feeling is that the EC2 approach for images is overly complex, and so I like the fact that we 'control our own destiny here'06:50
justinsbIt's just painful along the way!!06:51
sorenjustinsb: I agree. I have a few things I need to sort of before bed, and I'll work on getting all of this fallout fixed first thing in the morning. Are we in the same timezone right now?06:52
justinsbYes indeed!  Are you in Portland?06:53
sorenI am.06:53
justinsbHope OSCON is good.  I think I've got past all these problems... upload now works with all the patches, and download works by setting use_s3=false06:53
sorenAh, tricksy :)06:53
justinsbBecause it turns out the old objectstore didn't enforce security on image download!!06:54
sorenI forgot about the use_s3 option.06:54
justinsbAnyway, on to the template06:54
sorenAs a byproduct of the nginx dependency, it didn't really have to.06:54
justinsbTrying to get it so that libvirt.xml doesn't have an image or ramdisk if one isn't specified06:54
soren...since image downloads were on a different port, you couldn firewall it off.06:54
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sorenjustinsb: That's going to be more tricky than that.06:55
sorenjustinsb: ...since there are default values for kernels and ramdisks.06:55
justinsbYes... for the unit tests.  Right now, I seem to be getting away with it (I think because the round-trip via redis makes the values empty strings rather than None)06:56
justinsbAnd I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth for nwo06:56
justinsbnwo -> now06:56
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holowaysoren: it also feels like swift is built like a CDN more than a simpler blob store07:04
holowaysoren: I haven't looked at how the publishing works in swift, but the cloudfiles stuff feels much more like a cdn than a blob store07:05
holowaysoren: to the end user07:05
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sorenholoway: How so?07:06
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holowaysoren: for example, there is a publishing step in the current cloudfiles stuff07:06
holowaysoren: TTLs built in by default07:06
holowaywhereas S3 feels like a distributed blob store, and you can build a CDN on top07:07
holowayif that makes sense07:07
sorenThe data model just allows for the metadata for a CDN to be included in the primary store. If you don't CDN-enable a container, there's not much CDN-y about it. You can only access things through the cloud files API then.07:09
holowayah, gotcha07:09
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thomhey, the process appears to be wrong - the cookbooks that are downloaded wants to pull from lp:~swift-core/swift/trunk , which doesn't exist. lp:swift/trunk works tho10:21
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tempspacegod morning all11:47
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jonesymy question list is getting long :-P12:04
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creihtthom: that recipe is a bit old now.  I need to track down adam and see if he will update it12:07
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exltjonesy: there are mailing lists, if irc gets a little busy and your questions need more careful consideration  :)12:07
exltjonesy: but fire away here - instant gratification is a good thing sometimes12:09
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creihtsoren: it may be that a simplified version of swift could be created pretty easily... let me ponder that while I eat breakfast12:13
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jonesyexlt: I've moved from docs to the code itself, so I'm trying to answer some of my own questions and make the list smaller.12:16
jonesyexlt: but if I can't resist the urge, I'll ask -- thanks a bunch :)12:17
exltresistance is futile12:18
thomcreiht: right; you could actually fix it without altering the recipe - just add     "bzr_branch": "lp:swift/trunk", into swift-template.json12:19
exltbut I'm glad you're digging in - that's awesome - nitpicking is welcomed12:19
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jdarcyWhat's the deal with all the rsync stuff in development_saio?  Do I really need that?12:23
jonesyexlt: I don't know the code well enough to really pick at it, and some of my nits are addressed in the copious TODOs in the code, which is awesome.12:24
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jonesyexlt: ok, so I'm getting into code when what I really want is an answer about higher-level architecture. I've seen the (rather nice) diagrams on the wiki, but it didn't answer my question, which is basically this: does Nova deployment need to be "all or nothing"? Can I introduce it to a client by having them leverage, say, the autodeployment features of Nova without forcing them to immediately have an API server and the rest?12:29
jonesyfrom looking at the code, it seems modular enough, but I haven't been able to map out all of the interdependencies.12:30
jonesyyet :)12:30
jonesyI'm wondering if I'd need to have them use a model where they leave existing stuff as it is and deploy new things to a cloud, or if I can have them migrate some existing services to a cloud with minimal disruption to things that depend on those services.12:31
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CnCtheres no one simple answer to that question12:32
h1tmanmorning all12:32
h1tmanhows everything going with openstack? any breakthroughs overnight?12:34
jonesyCnC: hence the code-sifting. I imagine it's possible. Question is whether it's practical. We'll see :)12:37
CnCits more of a business question than a technical question really12:38
jonesyit's a deployment question. It's related to how decoupled the various pieces *within* Nova are.12:39
jonesyIf all I need to do is satisfy the requirements of node.Instance, and write some wrapper code to build an autodeployment system, that's a starting point for deployment.12:40
jonesyif I posed this question to the business folks, they'd look at me sideways and say "we hired you to answer that question"12:41
CnCif you asked the question in the wrong way yes they would12:41
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jonesyCnC: the reality is that it's not a business question. If I've posed the question in some way that makes you think it is a business question, let me know, because then I've been unclear.12:45
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jonesyI provide technical solutions to business problems. At the end of the day, almost all of the questions that come my way can be turned back around on the business, but nothing gets done that way.12:45
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joshuamckentysoren / mtaylor - do you have a strong opinion about where on the wiki I should be sticking blueprints?13:04
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creihtjdarcy: re: rsync in saio... replication uses rsync, so if you want to turn replication on, you will need the rsync configs.  If you do not want to play with replication, then you can skip the rsync configuration13:23
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chmouelis conrad around ?14:13
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chmouelanyone wants to help some user with his php on macos regards to the cloudfiles/swift PHP-API14:19
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vish1good morning14:29
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JordanRinkevish1: Morning14:29
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bretpiattvish1, good morning, time for the OSCON Cloud Summit today!14:29
creihtmmmmm... bacon14:29
vish1summit going well?14:30
com1Impressively active channel :)14:30
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com1Any rackers here?14:31
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creihtcom1: several14:31
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bretpiattvish1, summit is 1 day, today, starts in 1.5 hours, so as of now everything has gone perfectly14:32
notmynamecom1: hi14:32
jsmis there a good doc anywhere detailing eucalyptus vs nova?14:32
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vish1jsm: not really14:33
com1gholt: creiht: great! I am a rackspace customer and partner, and just saw the news on openstack in my inbox from lanham's release this morning. Great news! Congratulations!14:33
creihtcom1: thanks! and welcome14:33
anotherjessejsm: not that I know of. the major difference for me is not the features but the architecture14:33
jsmvish1: something must be better about it.. trying to decide why rackspace uses it instead of eucalyptus .14:34
g0rdyor OpenNebula for that matter ..14:34
jonesy_jsm: reportedly, the ability to scale :)14:35
creihtjsm: is an interesting article that seems to touch on it a bit14:35
com1creiht: Thanks! i've also spent a lot of time with the not-so-openstack, microsoft virtualization and platforms (things like DDC) and eager to see how things develop and ways they may fit in.14:36
anotherjessejsm: eucalyptus's queue, db, user system, ... is all part of the cloud controller java process14:36
anotherjesseinstead of having external components (datastore/queues/users) that can scale independently14:36
jsmInteresting, when I was working for the government, I was told that the only license the government could release software with was Public Domain14:37
jsmor completely closed :)14:38
anotherjessejsm: open source + govt is complicated ... we have spent over a year working on getting apache approved14:38
com1I've also been following a conversation on various cloud platforms, is ubuntu's enterprise cloud somehow tied into eucalyptus?14:38
chmouelcom1: yes uec use eucalyptus14:38
jsmI won't be surprised if there is some anti-competition lawsuit..14:39
anotherjessejsm: how does apache license not allow companies to use it?14:39
anotherjessefor either open or closed products with apache code14:39
jsmanotherjesse: i'm not validating the lawsuits :)..  i'm just saying14:39
jsmpeople are sue happy14:39
jsmanotherjesse: iirc, the argument used to be, if the software was created with government tax dollars, then it shouldn't be restricted to any license.14:41
jsmi'd be interested to read how this project got around that... i would have loved to release some open source stuff while i was working for the gov't.. maybe the process should be detailed and documented so other agencies can do the same.14:42
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jsmanotherjesse: is there someone I can contact wrt to this?14:44
jonesy_jsm: I'd think that argument is easy to defeat when the assumption that only Americans will use it is thrown out :)14:45
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anotherjessejsm: use - - we are working on fixing the process at nasa...14:48
anotherjesseit is a many step process14:48
jsmanotherjesse: thks14:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #607068 in swift "swift-1.0.0.tar.gz is missing doc directory" [High,Fix released]
uvirtbotNew bug: #607074 in swift " find_packages typo" [Undecided,Fix released]
uvirtbotNew bug: #607186 in swift "proxy should return 500 on exception" [Medium,Fix released]
creihtanotherjesse: there was some talk over the evening about the built in object store for nova14:52
anotherjessedo we have scrollback?14:52
creihtIf there was a simple striped down version of swift, would that help?14:53
creihtnot sure if we have a logger14:53
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notmynamecreiht: I've got the channel logged14:55
creihtmtaylor|breakfas: We need a channel logger :)14:55
creihtso someone could go to say and see channel logs14:56
anotherjessecreiht: I think so - we were debating just updating the objectstore in nova to have the same API14:56
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anotherjesseif there is swift-mini that would be hawt though14:58
creihtanotherjesse: I'm contemplating something like that14:59
creihtlet me think about it a little more15:00
anotherjessecreiht: would be nice to remove the objectstore since it was the minimal naive implementation to support uploading/registered bundled images - minimal because we knew a raid backed objectstore was wasted effort15:03
creihtanotherjesse: would it be an issue if it still required the swift source?15:04
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jonesylooking for a testbed for my openstack playground. Considered putting it on my existing rackspace cloud ;-p15:07
creihtyo dawg, I heard you like clouds15:07
soulresinput a cloud in yo cloud15:08
anotherjessejonesy: it should work with 2 modifications - you need to use QEMU not KVM (modify the libvirt template) and use flat_networking15:08
JordanRinkesoulresin: would that create a double rainbow?15:08
jonesyheh -- I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna repurpose some physical hardware somewhere. Or find a client with hardware I can use (I have *one* that should have lots of it)15:08
com1anotherjesse: might it possibly work within hyper-v (xen) too?15:09
soulresindoesn't everyone use a cloud for their desktop?15:09
anotherjessecom1: yes - there are patches for that already15:09
jonesysoulresin: does Xnest count? ;-)15:09
exltsoulresin: my kbd would fall through the vapor..15:09
anotherjessecom1: also if you are using kvm & amd you can do kvm inside of kvm15:10
anotherjessesoulresin: we run cloud on our linux desktops all the time during dev :)15:10
com1anotherjesse: very nice, we were on amd, now we're on some shiny new dell servers with nehalem procs ... from your experience, do you have any preference?15:11
anotherjessecom1: soren has done amd+nested kvm --- our production hardware is various vendors - mostly westmere15:13
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WaterDogIs there any benefit to swift vs Gluster?15:14
creihtWhere's devin when you need him? :)15:16
creihtWaterDog: I personally haven't used glusterfs15:16
anotherjesseWaterDog: at least you didn't say lustre15:17
creihtanotherjesse: were you guys using glusterfs or lusterfs?15:17
WaterDogI'm fairly certain lustre would lead to an early death for me.15:17
anotherjessecreiht: lustre - which is great for the supercomputer - which operates in batch mode - but is not that good for "online storage"15:17
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creihtWaterDog: Well the first thing is that the docs seem to indicate scaling to an upper bound of scaling to severla petabytes, where we are designing swift to scale to 100's of petabytes15:20
creihtWaterDog: Gluster also seems to work more around filesystem semantics, while swift is more blob storage like S315:21
* creiht notes that he is making these assumptions just from what he reads online15:21
anotherjesseWaterDog: glusterfs is very interesting for certain usecases - but yeah what creiht said - at nasa the earth scientists come to use with pilots for nebula that run in the multi-petabytes... some of the data is irreplaceable without relaunching spacecrafts15:22
anotherjesseWaterDog: so swift is really interesting to us because we can modify the user interface so users can say that this data is really important and keep > 3 copies15:23
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WaterDogOh, I totally get the limitations around filesystems, etc. It is just a more familiar tradition (to me)15:24
jdarcyIs there any particular reason the scripts and config files included inline in developer-SAIO can't be checked in separately in a samples directory?15:25
creihtjdarcy: We are thinking about something like that15:25
jdarcycreiht: Cool.  In the RHEL instructions, should I refer to them in the doc for now, and update later?15:26
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creihtyeah I would just refer to them in the doc for now15:27
jdarcyFYI, since I see that folks are discussing Lustre/GlusterFS vs. Swift above, I was just in a meeting where I was pushing both GlusterFS and S3/Swift for different uses.15:27
jdarcyI have nothing good to say about Lustre, other than that a full-time team of developers and admins can make it work well given enough time.15:28
creihtseems like GlusterFS is much more like something one would use for block storage (like EBS)15:28
* jdarcy spent two years trying to make the damn thing usable at SiCortex.15:29
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jdarcyI think GlusterFS is a good way to share and distribute things that need to be accessed *as files*, such as VM images, and also as a shared filesystem directly visible within instances.15:29
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com1Jdarcy, forgive my ignorance on the subject, but do you happen to know what azure uses for its highly available block storage, and how it compares to ebs?15:31
com1jdarcy: i saw your benchmarks on the various cloud providers on your blog (which was excellent btw), and thought you may have some insight15:32
jdarcycom1: I'm pretty sure it's natively developed, and I haven't seen any details or comparisons.15:32
pvojdarcy: we have plans to release our vm image caching app which will pull images out of various locations and drop them onto the hosts.15:33
pvomay not be a shared fs15:33
jdarcyFor distributed block storage, you can either go the simple route with *nbd or images within a distributed filesystem, or the more sophisticated route with something like sheepdog or vinzvault.15:33
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jdarcypvo: Yeah, we're working on something similar at $dayjob, though it's more of a push model than pull so we can deal with "dumb" destination repositories where we have no pull capability.15:35
com1jdarcy: yes, i may do some testing, as i was quite interested from the performance aspect15:35
jdarcypvo: Unfortunately there's some jockeying between you guys and us (Red Hat) over that.15:35
com1jdarcy: why is that?15:36
jdarcycom1: Both trying to establish leadership/influence/whatever over the APIs, that kind of thing.15:37
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jdarcycom1: Nothing horrible, just healthy competition.15:37
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com1Yes, was about to say it sounds healthy :)15:37
jdarcyI only say "unfortunately" because it puts me in a difficult position personally.15:38
com1jdarcy: i imagine at certain *large* companies you might even find that internally between different divisions15:39
creihtcom1: that never happens... what are you talking about? :)15:40
jdarcycom1: Yep.  Funniest was when I was at a small company trying to play referee between three IBM divisions.15:40
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com1creiht: oh...nothing :)15:41
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com1jdarcy: politics reigns... slows everybody down15:41
vish1just proposed a merge of massive auth refactor15:43
vish1feedback welcome15:43
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jdarcycreiht: Where the SAIO instructions say to create /srv/1/node/sdb1,  /srv/2/node/sdb2 etc. shouldn't those all be .../sdb1 instead?15:45
creihtwe use different numbers so it makes it a little easier to debug if there are issues15:45
com1Very interested to see this announcement as i've seen similiar happenings on the telephony side of things with voxeo (standards based, voicexml leader) & their cloud service tropo for which they've open sourced the key parts (moho)-unlike competitors15:46
creihtif something is going to sdb2, you know it was on srv/2 for example15:46
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jdarcycreight: So "sdb2" is what would show up in logs etc.?  Does that last path component really have a direct connection to the device name on a remote node?15:48
creihtjdarcy: we do that just for development15:48
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creihtin a production setup, we wouldn't do that15:48
jdarcyI'm just writing a script to do all the mkdirs, and want to embed the proper conventions.15:49
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com1blakeyeager: hi! another racker I recognise from the cloud!16:03
blakeyeagercom1?  who is that?16:04
com1blakeyeager: greetings...just a rackspace customer/partner! thanks for helping to bring windows (especially r2) to the cloud earlier this year, works superbly!16:06
blakeyeagerawesome, glad it is working out for you guys, and glad to see our customers/partners getting involved16:07
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com1blakeyeager: thanks, eaglerly following the new developments, especially as a bit of our strategy relates windows virtualization in managed, and they're all very complementary.16:09
com1I'm especially interested in geographic redundancy (we were in the uk once, have some customers in hk, in dallas ourselves, and see cloud is now in chicago very interested to see what openstack might enable on a geographic level :)16:10
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creihtbtw... If anyone is in the Texas area, some of the swift devs will be at (and likely giving talks) at pytexas next month16:27
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com1creiht: it's a little way from here, but wouldn't mind visiting (the general) texas area again :)16:33
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com1Just reading through the swift docs...which are refreshingly well put together.16:37
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chmouelyeah kudo to creiht16:52
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chmoueland others ...16:53
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HollyRainthanks for opening it17:02
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HollyRainbut I believe that Go would be there a better choice17:04
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HollyRainGo has a lot better performance and a lesser consume of memory, a great concurrency and it's really simple17:05
creihtHollyRain: Everyone has their favorite language :)17:05
HollyRaincreiht: yes, right but I think that since that I saw that was used twisted for openstack17:06
bretpiattHollyRain, thanks for having interest in what we've opened, Go is new and looks like a great language but it doesn't yet have the talent pool that python does in infrastructure orchestration programming17:06
creihtAnd this isn't the place for language wars :)17:06
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apocrathiahey guys.17:14
bretpiattgood day17:14
apocrathiai had a few questions about the project if anyone has a minute.17:14
bretpiattask away17:15
apocrathiai run a small colo, and right now we're using citrix xenserver to do all of out vps's. is virtualization a part of what you're trying to accomplish openstack, or is it just services instead of vms17:16
apocrathiawe've tried using openqrm in the past to launch a cloud-based service, and it didn't really suit our needs.17:16
bretpiattopenstack compute is the orchestration management around the hypervisor17:16
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apocrathiaso we could provision vms through xenserver, and openstack would manage all of the processing distribution?17:17
bretpiattyou would provision the vms through the openstack apis, it will deploy them to the host machines and start them up17:18
apocrathiathis really seems like a promising project, i'm just thinking ahead into migration from what we have.17:18
com1bretpiatt: do you have plans to be able to support multiple hypervisors?17:18
pvocom1: sure do17:18
apocrathiaokay, so is there a management node required, or does the entire system function as one. like, say i have 10 hardware nodes, does one need to be a management console?17:19
pvoright know it supports KVM but work is already being done to support XenServer17:19
bretpiattthanks, we're really excited about it, for a starting point take a look through and to get more background on what it does and how it works17:19
bretpiattcom1, yes, compute will support many hypervisors as while they all provide vms, they also service workloads differently17:19
bretpiattapocrathia, it is designed to have management and orchestration nodes, right now it isn't a single server simple to setup orchestration system, we started with solving the "run at scale" problem, we're going to work on ease of deployment over time17:21
com1pvo: Excellent, and i know it's probably far out of the ballpark (and probably not *exactly* the spirit of the project), but hyper-v too?17:21
bretpiattcom1, we'd love to have hyper-v support, it needs somebody committed to making the code from our abstraction layer through to hyper-v supported and maintained17:22
pvo^^ +117:23
uvirtbotpvo: Error: "^" is not a valid command.17:23
pvooh yes it is17:23
apocrathiabretpiatt, so with 2 different types of nodes, what is the failover for such a system. right now, I have 10 hardware nodes all running xenserver independently. once this project gets released, how could I go about deploying it to my current hardware. Assuming there is support for the xen hypervisor built in at that point, migration should be simple, but what about how openstack is going to use my actual hardware. will I simply install a stock version17:25
apocrathiaubuntu server or centos, compile openstack, and add it into the cloud , letting openstack take care of the rest?17:25
com1bretpiatt: i've been doing a lot of work, almost exclusively in the windows virtualization domain (admittedly on a small scale, but close to the hypervisor) and such a layer would be a dream17:26
com1i'd be seriously considering helping to build it myself17:26
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zagi1apocrathia, what are you trying to accomplish by adding OpenStack to your 10 hardware nodes :)?17:30
apocrathiaright now, our xenserver setup isn't exactly high available, we're looking for a foss means of implementing a highly available virtualization platform, be it through provisioning virtual services in a cloud, or virtual machines17:31
zagi1from the sound of it you're not using central storage, and so what you have wtih your Xen systems is a VPS platform, OpenStack is meant more for building a Cloud architecture17:31
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WaterDogThe difference between a cloud and a vps platform is central storage? =D17:32
zagi1no but its certainly important17:32
apocrathiawe're trying to implement an iscsi powered san for central storage right now17:32
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WaterDoghmm.. not sure I agree there, not to mince words about what defines one vs the other though17:32
apocrathiaessentially, local storage should be used for swap imo.17:33
zagi1you may be right, central storage may not be a requirement, it would just suck to have the vm go down and lose all of your info ;)17:33
bretpiattThe difference is more about being able to manage the instances and move images around, you don't have to have central storage to do that, you "might" need central storage for live migration, you do need it for live failover17:33
WaterDogMore ram should be used for swap (IMO)17:33
zagi1you could always provision another instance and rebuild everything into it, but that would be painful for a lot of applications17:34
WaterDogWell I agree that it's a good idea to use central storage where appropriate my only sticking point was the assertion that a 'cloud' without central storage is a VPS17:34
com1zagi1: or use a periodic snapshot, automatic restore scenario for less than live migration17:35
bretpiattzagi1, the host machine can go down but it doesn't have to have all of the instances vanish, how durable you want the vms to be is part of the configuration17:35
WaterDogbut anyway like i said, words meet mincing...17:35
zagi1com1: so long as the snapshot is not stored on the same local hypervisor, but then with local storage you have a long restore period if you have a 50GB image17:35
apocrathiawe're really trying to set up something that we can use all of our resources as one, with the ability for virtual machines and services to process across multiple systems.17:35
zagi1bretpiatt: if you are using local storage, than any hypervisor failure will take all vms offline with it17:36
zagi1apocrathia: that is not possible :)17:36
WaterDogWell, I don't think you'll find a 'cloud' solution that lets a single VM run on 2 nodes simultaneously17:36
zagi1you are still confined to the physical resources of 1 hypervisor17:36
WaterDogyou could use load balancing to spread the load to multiple copies of the same VM17:37
zagi1unless your DB is inside the VM, and then you need to reconcile that :)17:37
apocrathiait's more about h.a. than load balancing.17:37
com1zagi1: yes, it's quite long, but if it's automatic the pain is reduced with substantially less cost17:37
WaterDogzagi1: you could cluster the DBs on the vms across nodes17:38
WaterDogmight be a nightmare17:38
WaterDogbut you could do it17:38
adrian_ottoapocrathia: You might want to have a look at Remus
adrian_ottoand use a shared storage solution for the data17:39
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com1I have a few thoughts, what would be your guidelines performance-wise for using swift as shared storage?17:45
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com1In the same DC it seems the throughput isn't bad at all...I haven't tested it extensively as data gets hit harder? Are there any interesting use cases where its limits have really been stretched, but it still holds up for the application?17:48
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devcamcarbretpiatt: just pinged you in email about the python lib18:18
anotherjessedevcamcar: devin - welcome to the IRCs ... for when you are at nasa works18:19
devcamcarhah, really? no irc?18:20
anotherjessedevcamcar: surprised?18:20
devcamcaranotherjesse: this is me not looking surprised18:20
_0x44devcamcar: Your not surprised face looks a lot like your surprised face.18:21
devcamcar_0x44: yes, its quite subtle18:21
adrian_ottocom1: i have tested swift extensively from a performance perspective. You will notice writes will slow down then you have a very large number of objects. From my experience it starts to matter in the 1 million object per container range. The workaround there is simply to distribute your objects into more containers.18:23
adrian_ottoyou will also notice that with ridiculous number of objects in your containers that replication may take longer.18:24
adrian_ottobut I did cram something like 800 million objects into a single account, over a span of a couple of days.18:24
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adrian_ottoactually, no, it was more than that. I crossed the two billion object mark.18:25
adrian_ottoalso, the more write concurrency you place on a single container, the slower the request processing will get.18:28
adrian_ottoI found that concurrencies of about 10 concurrent connections constantly doing writes was about the performance sweet spot18:28
adrian_ottobut I I sprayed the writes across numerous containers, I was able to scale out the write performance horizontally18:29
adrian_ottoI hope that helps18:29
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g0rdyadrian_otto: do you have that published anywhere? I'd like to tote that info to some decision makers -18:31
adrian_ottoat the time it was an internal study, but I'll see what I have that's suitable for publication18:32
devcamcaradrian_otto: the write concurrency can be limited by sqlite internals.  i am dealing with similar issues as we prepare to roll out for nebula18:34
g0rdythank you, performance data is beneficial :)18:35
devcamcaradrian_otto: our internal test case is for a customer that will use a half billion images18:35
adrian_ottodevcamcar: images probably are mostly read (not mostly write) correct? In that case, you probably don't even need to worry a whole lot about spreading those into a bunch of different containers.18:38
devcamcaradrian_otto: yes, it is somewhat academic, but in our case the images are the result of a largescale processing batch18:38
adrian_ottoswift also employs a read cache, so your read concurrency is not really much of a concern. Where you could get snagged is trying to focus way too much write concurrency into a single container.18:39
devcamcarsometimes there are issues with the batch, color correction, etc. and they are run multiple times sometimes18:39
devcamcarso being able to write out and test and throw away 30T of data and try again is important18:39
devcamcarbut yes, the solution is to write to as may containers as you reasonably can18:39
adrian_ottook, so if you plan to batch them, and want batch processing as fast as possible, then it would not hurt to find a way to divide those objects such that each container holds about a million of them.18:40
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anotherjessedevcamcar: purging an entire container that isn't empty would probably help with that18:40
devcamcaradrian_otto: sounds reasonable18:40
adrian_ottoanotherjesse: I don't think that's currently supported18:41
anotherjesseadrian_otto: yeppers18:41
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adrian_ottoanotherjesse: but I could think of some ways to adapt swift so that it could be much better at that particular trick.18:42
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adrian_ottoadding the concept of hierarchy would help, but tI expect that would come with some costs as well. Maybe using a filesystem per container would be another way to do that. You could drop the whole filesystem when you want to do a "delete this full container" operation.18:44
adrian_otto(along with the related database files)18:45
anotherjesseadrian_otto / devcamcar I don't think the mars data sets need the LIST funcitonality - eg, we would sacrifice LIST against 1B objects ..18:45
adrian_ottothat would probably need to be combined with a filesystem grow/shrink capability too18:45
devcamcaryes, we've discussed adding an "opaque" flag to a container that disables listing18:46
adrian_ottodevcamcar: what benefits does that offer?18:47
adrian_ottowould you still need a SQlite file for each container then?18:48
devcamcaradrian_otto: in our case there's no need to ever list the objects once they are there.  the data is stored at zoom levels as tiles, similar to google maps, etc, so the data is accessed algorithimically18:48
devcamcargood question, i assume the sqlite data needs to be there for auditing18:48
adrian_ottoI can certainly see that not _using_ list has benefits, but I'm wondering what additional benefit you'd see by disabling it.18:49
devcamcaradrian_otto: metaphorically it'd be like putting the safety on a gun :)18:50
adrian_ottofair enough.18:50
adrian_ottobut it will only show you 10,00 results at a time anyway18:50
notmynameadrian_otto: I'm curious what you mean by a read cache in swift? can you tell me more about that?18:50
adrian_ottoso it's essentially got a safety already18:50
adrian_ottonotmyname: it uses memcached so subsequent readers of the same object can get it from cache, right?18:51
adrian_ottoI have not verified that by inspecting the source, but that's the only thing I can think of that would explain the performance behavior I observed while testing it.18:52
adrian_ottoand I do see a memcached here running on each node of my swift install18:52
notmynamethere is no read cache in swift18:52
notmynamealso, replication isn't really dependent on container size18:53
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devcamcarxtoddx: hoyoo18:53
xtoddxdevcamcar: yoyo18:54
notmynamePUTs will slow down on large containers. that is a function of sqlite. recommended practice is to go wide, like you said18:54
notmynamewe have investigated sqlite's recent WAL feature and are hoping that it will give some good performance gains18:55
notmynamedevcamcar: there is no advantage in the current design to disable listings. simply don't do a GET on containers, and you don't do listings18:56
redboThe performance would be very different if you got rid of container listings.  But then it's just a DHT that handles large objects hopefully well.18:56
notmynameI mean, I suppose you could rip out the whole container part of the system...18:56
redboyeah, if you could flag a container not to insert any data18:57
notmynameadrian_otto: memcache is used for things like auth credentials and account/container existence.18:57
adrian_ottoI see, thanks for the clarity.18:58
adrian_ottoare you using the Linux page cache at all? I suppose that might also explain my observations.18:59
creihtadrian_otto: which observations are you referring to, then I could probably tell you what you are observing? :)18:59
creihtare you talking about read throughput from multiple GETs to the same object?19:00
adrian_ottoinitial reads are not as fast as subsequent reads, and the speed of the subsequent reads, while substantially faster, did not appear to be sensitive to system abuse like writes were sensitive to it.19:00
devcamcarnotmyname: cool, sounds like we won't need to worry about disabling listings then19:01
adrian_ottowhen doing a GET on an object19:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #607912 in swift "swift-auth-create-account lets you create multiple users with same params but only single token exists causing problems on reset" [Undecided,New]
redbooh yeah19:01
adrian_ottoalso, when doing subsequent GET's on an object the performance was very consistent19:01
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devcamcarcreiht: greetings! thanks again for the help last week getting our test lab up to speed.19:02
creihtadrian_otto: that is either due to linux's built in cache, or the caching on the raid controller19:02
creihtdevcamcar: hey man! How goes the testing?19:02
notmynamedevcamcar: if you want to disable listings, you can take out the @public decorator in the proxy server that is on the ContainerController GET method19:02
adrian_ottowhere the performance of a first read on a file varied at about the same standard deviation that writes did.19:02
creihtnotmyname: It is more than just disabling listing, but disabling contianer updates on writes, etc.19:02
notmynamewell that would be step 2 :-)19:03
devcamcarcreiht: we are in final phases of hardware reqs gathering for ordering a few columns to run cloud files on nebula. do you guys have recommendations about # of spindles per box?19:03
creihtdevcamcar: we talked a little bit about it friday19:03
creihtWe are currently doing 24 per box19:03
devcamcarcreiht: we're looking at 30 right now19:03
creihtthe only downside with the more spindles per server, is that if you have a node go down, that is more data that has to be replicated19:04
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devcamcarcreiht: we're looking at rolling out about 800T in about 4-6 weeks19:04
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notmynamebut that is a concern to be weighed against the size of the network connected to the storage node19:05
creihtI'm not sure what type of upper bound that would be19:05
creihtyeah... and since you guys are on all 10g that is much less of a concern19:05
redbomaaan... I want all 10G networking.19:06
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devcamcarredbo: as nasa you get 10G networking but no irc :)19:06
anotherjesseredbo: they cost 10x as much ... and break ... be careful what you wish for19:06
devcamcarall about trade offs... and strange ones19:06
redbowith 10g networking I'll make my own irc network19:06
pandemicsyneven at 10G replicating a 30 drive box (say with 2T drives) is gonna take a bit19:07
devcamcarpandemiscsyn: yes 2T drives all around19:07
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creihtdevcamcar: btw pandemicsyn is one of our ops guys19:07
devcamcarpandemicsyn: i'm a dev on the nebula team, nice to meet you <319:08
creihtdevcamcar: so about 14 boxes?19:08
pandemicsyndevcamcar: o/ , nice to meet ya19:08
anotherjessecreiht: we have a few different clusters we are testing on - the cluster I look forward to testing is 24 - 12 2T disks, 96GB ram, 24 cores19:09
anotherjessecreiht: but that cluster is not going to be pure swift - a mix of swift and nova19:10
anotherjessebut first a pure swift just for testing19:10
devcamcarcreiht / anotherjesse: that is what we'll be testing on next, but won't be what we're rolling out on in about 2 months19:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #607920 in nova "Basic quota system" [Undecided,New]
devcamcarcreiht: its new hardware, we're going to load it up with no raid, and purely use it for swift testing, then tear it down and rebuild it as compute/volumes19:11
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devcamcardon't think we'll have too much trouble hitting 5k writes/sec with that set up19:11
creihtsorry... accidently hit keys while transporting the laptop19:11
creihtSo it *feels* a little top heavy on the device to node ratio for how many nodes you would have19:12
anotherjessedevcamcar: have we tested read?19:12
creihtbut that is what testing for right? :)19:12
creihtanotherjesse: your current dev cluster has raid, and we saw some perf issues with it19:13
creihtIt would be nice to un-raid that and do testing to just be academically complete :)19:13
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devcamcarcreiht: we'd like to and may get to still19:14
devcamcaranotherjesse: we haven't scientifically tested read yet19:15
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creihtdevcamcar: it will also be interesting to see what the performance looks like when you guys get your cluster set up19:18
creihtit may be good enough that we don't have to make any changes to the container :)19:18
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redboStand back... I'm going to use science.19:20
jdarcyDid webob move some stuff to webob.request between 0.9.6 and 0.9.8?19:23
creihtjdarcy: not sure19:25
devcamcarcreiht: we'll keep you guys posted on our progress19:26
jdarcy"from webob.request import Request" (in gets "ImportError: No module named request"19:26
jdarcyLooking in /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/webob I see no signs of a request sub-module.19:26
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creihtSplit into four modules: request, response, descriptors and datetime_utils.19:27
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creihtjdarcy: I highly recommend an updated version of webob for swift19:28
jdarcyYep, I see it now.  Working around...19:28
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devcamcarwe're going to start work soon on integrating the rackspace python api into nova and working to obsolete euca2ools19:29
devcamcarand create our own suite of nova-* command line tools19:30
jdarcyWorking now.  Looks like I'll need to document that in the RHEL instructions.  Thanks, creiht.19:30
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creihtFor those interested in swift, the swift docs have been updated to now include a short getting started section and an architectural overview19:32
creihtrdw: welcome! :)19:32
anotherjessecreiht: how often does get rebuilt?19:32
creihtanotherjesse: docs are rebuilt on every merge19:32
creihtvia hudson19:33
* creiht thanks mtaylor for setting all that up19:33
rdwhi  :)19:33
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RandalSchwartzRick Clark confirmed for FLOSS Weekly interview tomorrow.19:38
anotherjessethere is a bug with19:40
rdw....newlines in irc19:40
anotherjesseyeah - sorry19:41
creihtmtaylor: when you are around, and have some time, I would like to talk about the swift.egg-info dir19:41
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tsalMainly here to check things out, as I am a python developer and a systems engineer looking to push a cloud solution at work.  :)20:12
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notmynametsal: let us know if you have any questions, from tech details to points to mention to your boss20:13
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tsalWill do.  I have done some twisted development so I may see about contributing, too.20:14
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tsalJust don't know how often I'll be on irc during the day as it's blocked.   I'm using my android for this as it is.20:17
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anotherjessetsal: try webchat.freenode.net20:18
notmynamehave you considered a job at nasa? ;-)20:18
tsalLol, yes, but no degree so I'll have a hard time20:19
scotticusget a slice, ssh in, irc from there :)20:20
tsalWebchat is blocked too :/20:20
notmynamewe were talking earlier about how nasa has a great netowrk but doesn't allow irc access20:20
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joshuamckentytry mibbit20:20
joshuamckentyused to work20:20
tsalAh, this client is functional enough for me.20:21
creihttsal: ConnectBot?20:21
creihtwell.. maybe not... I use that to log into a slice and then use screen :)20:21
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mtaylorcreiht: yes. I'm not really here right now- but I'll grab you when I actually am, k?20:23
sanderWhats the major advantages between openstack and eucalyptus ?20:23
creihtmtaylor: sounds good... thanks!20:23
aliguoriare there any demo appliances for openstack?20:23
aliguorilike pre-canned virtual machines that can be used to build an openstack cluster on a single box?20:24
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aliguoriovirt did something like that and it was pretty useful20:24
tsalI have several irc capable hosts I can use but external ssh is blocked too.   I can probably get around that but it's not worth my job. ;)20:24
ThweetchIm pretty sure someone who has deployed it onto a cloud server could backup the image export it to cloudfiles and offer it as a download20:24
PiotrSikorathat should be PM ;P20:25
creihtaliguori: I don't think there is anything official yet, but that would be very nice indeed20:25
ThweetchIf I get the chance to roll it out tonight and noone has yet, ill dump a cs image and load it onto the wiki20:26
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aliguorithat would be neat20:27
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aliguoriare there any architectural docs available?  I've found some very high level docs, and lots of very low level docs, but I'm trying to understand how some of the basic workflows operate.  For instance, does nova implement persistent or empheral storage, is persistent storage stored in the Object Store, how are nodes chosen for provision, etc.?20:29
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devcamcaraliguori: check out
devcamcarit may be too high level but hopefully its a good start20:39
aliguoridevcamcar, thanks, I've seen that20:40
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aliguoridevcamcar, so does nova have a persistent storage model?20:40
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aliguorii'm assuming the use of an image cache implies ephemeral storage20:41
aliguoriIOW, is there an EBS equivalent20:41
devcamcaraliguori: yes, nova has persistent storage, similar to amazon EBS20:41
aliguoridevcamcar, is Nova integrated with Object Storage yet or is that a separate project right now?20:42
devcamcaraliguori: nova was originally built with its own object store, though it is very simple20:42
aliguoriyeah, I was just looking at it :-)20:42
devcamcarit is currently used internally by nova to store images/kernels20:42
devcamcarand some other bits20:42
devcamcarwe are debating moving all of that to cloudfiles, though we don't force a hard dependency on cloudfiles20:43
devcamcarso we'll probably support both in the future20:43
dhdennyaliguori: this link may also be helpful, if you haven't seen it already20:43
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aliguoridevcamcar, okay, last question :-)  when selecting a cluster controller to provision to, is it basically just round robin?20:43
aliguorior is there something more sophisticated?20:43
aliguoridhdenny, ah, aoe is an interesting choice20:44
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aliguoridhdenny, so does that fundamentally limit the size of a cluster to a single subnet?20:45
dhdennyaliguori:  i should note that i'm just an intrigued rackspace employee, who has no direct involvement in the project. :)   i'll have to defer to the experts20:45
aliguoriheh, okay :-)20:46
devcamcaraliguori: its pretty simple right now but we're going to make it more sophisticated in the future and allow compute nodes to be dedicated to certain instance types (so you could have a node of tiny only instances for example)20:46
devcamcaronce a node is at capacity it starts ignoring run requests from the queue20:47
justinsbDumb KVM question: why does the network device appear as eth3 in the guest (and not eth0)?  Does it always come as eth3?  How does this get determined?20:47
aliguorijustinsb, that's your distro20:47
jdarcyEverything seems set up OK, running functest now.20:47
creihtjdarcy: woot20:48
aliguoria lot of distros remember network devices and give them persistent names.  so if the image was installed with two network devices, and then you launch the image with just one (that happens to have a different mac from the previous two), it'll be eth220:48
justinsbaliguori: Running Ubuntu Lucid.  Trying to figure out how to handle this for templating /etc/network/interfaces on initial build.  Any idea where the mapping is stored or how I could override it?20:48
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aliguorijustinsb, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:50
aliguoriif you just rm -f that file, you'll get eth0 next time you boot20:50
justinsbaliguori: Sweet - thank you!  Do you know if that's the same for most distros?20:51
aliguorijustinsb, the rule name is sometimes different and some distros depending on their age don't do it20:51
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justinsbaliguori: Thanks!  I guess I'll just delete it if it's there for now...20:52
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jdarcyIs there a description somewhere of what this "EBS-like" storage in Nova is like?20:52
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jdarcyBTW, hi Anthony.  You probably don't remember me, but RicW introduced us when you were visiting here at RH Westford.20:53
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aliguorijdarcy, yup, I remember you :-)20:53
devcamcarjustinb: for ubuntu i recommend always killing 70-persistent-net.rules before bundling20:53
devcamcarmakes life simpler20:53
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aliguorijdarcy, how's it going?20:54
jdarcyaliguori: Not bad.  I think we'll see some acceleration in the cloud-storage area shortly.20:54
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jdarcyMeanwhile, I'm getting Swift to run on RHEL6.  Fun.20:55
aliguoriyeah, I'm very interested in these storage systems..20:56
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tsal-mobilejdarcy, since that is our likely target platform,  do you mind emailing me any gotchas you run into?21:00
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jdarcytsal-mobile: Check out for some tips.  It's not linked anywhere else yet, but it might be helpful.21:01
tsal-mobileAwesome, thanks!21:01
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tsal-mobileGotta run! See you all around!21:05
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jdarcyHow long should these functional tests take to run?21:10
creihtjdarcy: not very long21:11
creihthave you seen any . ?21:11
creiht(it runs like a unit test)21:11
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jdarcyYeah, about a hundred dots so far.21:12
joshuamckentyno 'E' ?21:12
jdarcyNo 'E' but the machines all seem idle.21:12
joshuamckentythere's a lot of waiting21:12
* creiht goes to run the functests21:13
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creihtjdarcy: you might check either /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages to see if there are any errors21:14
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creihtI just ran them on my vm: 141 tests in 83.485s21:15
jdarcyI just got a bunch of rsync errors in /var/log/messages.  Hm.21:15
creihtI don't think the func tests directly test replication21:17
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creihtjdarcy: the unit tests all pass right?21:19
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jdarcyLet me re-check.21:21
jdarcyRan 289 tests in 13.929s21:21
jdarcyLooks OK at that level.21:21
jdarcyIs there any way to make the tests more verbose, see where it's bogging down?21:22
* creiht looks21:22
ghchinoySaw that tweet about using for the web control panel - neat21:23
chmouelnosetest -v ?21:23
glangejdarcy: you ran 289 tests in 14 seconds?21:23
jdarcyThat's what it said.21:23
glangedid it actually take 14 seconds?21:24
creihtjsm: yeah run nosetests -v from the tests/functional dir21:24
jdarcySeemed about right.21:24
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creihtit will tell you at least what test it hangs on21:24
glangeand that's not fast enough ?21:24
creihtglange: the functional tests hang at the end21:24
creihtthe above was for the unit tests21:24
* creiht blames any functests issues on glange :)21:25
* glange dodges21:25
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justinsbaliguori, devcamcar: Thanks for your help.  Networking config now works in my experimental branch
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jdarcynosetest -v is making progress, but slowly.  I have to head home; I'll get back to this tonight/tomorrow.21:36
gholtIf you're getting rsync errors in the logs, I wonder if that means you're running all the daemons all at once and the poor box just can't keep up?21:37
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jdarcygholt: I am seeing a pretty high context-switch rate on the host.  I'll just let this run and see what happens.21:39
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rdwon unit tests taking surprisingly long times: last time this happened to me, it was because my system did not have enough entropy22:07
rdwlaunching a process on Linux blocks until it gets ~128 bytes of entropy, so if you have forky tests and a slowly-replenishing entropy pool (which Debian's is by default for some reason), you will be fucked, man22:08
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justinsbAnyone know how to force the guest to 'look for a disk' I've just attached.  I'm trying to get iSCSI support working; I have an Ubuntu guest I built using vmbuilder; I've attached the disk using virsh attach-disk on vdb; I've modprobe-d acpiphp; udev is running, but it doesn't show up...22:19
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holowaybtw, I hate you all for giving me a reason to buy a python book :)00:00
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holowaypvo: thanks!00:03
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pvoholoway: you're welcome : )00:05
holowaypvo: and I'm kidding - more languages, more better00:06
holoway(what's another language between friends?)00:06
joshuamckentythat's what she said00:09
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joshuamckentybody language?00:09
_0x44joshuamckenty: You can't say that.00:10
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vish1bzr geniuses: how does one associate a branch with a bug?02:26
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anotherjessesoren - when do you use blueprints instead of bugs? (I'm thinking about writing about making the vpn system more generic)02:31
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edayanotherjesse: we should be using blueprints for plans like that (like the quota "bug" today too). usually bugs in LP are for existing bugs that are found02:35
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sorenanotherjesse: It's a matter of taste, really. In Ubuntu it's more obvious since a blueprint often involves creating a new package or involves work on a multitude of packages.02:40
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sorenanotherjesse: Using the same heuristic in Nova, it depends on how holistic the "issue" is.02:41
sorenvish1: Two ways:02:41
sorenvish1: You can either -- after the fact -- link a bug to a branch..02:42
sorenvish1: ..or..02:42
sorenvish1: as you commit, you pass "--fixes lp:bugnumber" to bzr.02:42
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sorenvish1: That embeds a reference to the bug in the bzr commit metadata which launchpad in turn notices and creates the link.02:42
vish1how do you do it after the fact?02:45
anotherjessevish1: you have a lot of patches outstanding - which ones would you like reviewed most?02:48
vish1cert-fix is tiny02:49
vish1twisted-volume is medium02:49
sorenvish1: Open the bug page on Launchpad..02:49
vish1clean-auth is huge02:50
sorenvish1: On the right, the second box from the top..02:50
sorenvish1: click "Link to related branch"..02:50
vish1so go in order of small to big?02:50
anotherjessesoren: why has not been merged by hudson?02:50
sorenvish1: and input the ~vishvananda/nova/whatever thing.02:50
sorenanotherjesse: I was just about to say something about that :)02:50
sorenanotherjesse: It's because there's no commit message set.02:51
sorenanotherjesse: I was about to just set it to Jay's initial text from the merge proposal, but I wasn't sure if it was still accurate after the revisions.02:51
anotherjessei'll set02:51
vish1ah cool thnx02:51
anotherjessethe merge queue is nice02:52
sorenI'm not sure how Jay managed the "dependent branch" thing.02:52
sorenThat's pretty neat.02:52
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sorenIt might just be a matter of pushing both of the branches and Launchpad will work out the relationship. Maybe. Perhaps. I don't know.02:58
creihtso my first attempt at hacking a swift-lite was a bit of faail02:58
vish1swift-lite is swift - all functionality?02:59
creihtI was trying to use wsgi_intercept to patch the different backend services together into one simple server, but it turns out it isn't quite robust enough to handle it02:59
anotherjesseI was just thinking of taking objectstore as it exists and use the same api02:59
creihtvish1: I was trying to make a simple version of swift that you guys could use for swift (based on the current swift code)02:59
anotherjessekeeping it simple and unscalable03:00
vish1ah nice, as an out of the box replacement for objectstore03:00
creihtinterface would be the same, but would be only one replica, no replication, etc.03:00
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creihtI thought it might be easy, but turns out, not so much03:00
edaysoren: during the merge proposal request you can specify a dependent branch03:02
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soreneday: Wow. I've never noticed that. That's cool.03:03
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edaysoren: yup :)03:04
sorenvish1: ^^ that's probably what you want for those two branches you wanted to merge where one included the other.03:04
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* soren considers graphing the number of people in this channel03:05
vish1soren: cool, i'll do that next time03:08
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pandemicsyngholt: so swift-init shutdown = graceful ?03:25
notmynamesoren: (via exlt)03:25
notmynamepandemicsyn: yes03:26
creihtIt's like karma, but in IRC03:27
pandemicsyndang, gholt must have subconciously anticipated my feature request today03:27
pandemicsyni made him open - for me today03:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607388 in swift "Add graceful init.d script option" [Wishlist,Invalid]03:28
notmynamepandemicsyn: looking at the code, shutdown will send SIGHUP to ['account-server', 'container-server','object-server', 'proxy-server', 'ring-server', 'services-server','auth-server'] and SIGTERM to the rest03:29
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sorennotmyname: Awesome.03:33
notmynamedon't thank me. exlt made it :-)03:34
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holowayhey, in
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607912 in swift "swift-auth-create-account lets you create multiple users with same params but only single token exists causing problems on reset" [Undecided,New]04:33
holowayis the fix that we should check to see if the user already exists, and if so, do nothing?04:33
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spackesthow goes the buzz?05:27
spackestfolks loving openstack?05:27
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spackestwe're pretty excited about trying it out05:27
RandalSchwartzSimon Phipps and I are interviewing Rick Clark for FLOSS Weekly tomorrow05:28
RandalSchwartzif you're around the hallway at 9:30am, you can get into the background of the video. :)05:28
spackestis that RandalSchwartz of perl fame?05:28
RandalSchwartzand FLOSS Weekly05:28
spackestwe've met at oscon a time or two05:28
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spackestare you at rackspace?05:28
spackeststill doing your own thing?05:29
chiltsyay, more people to thank ... thanks for all you've done over the years RandalSchwartz05:29
* RandalSchwartz bows05:29
* chilts likes randomly bumping into people05:29
* RandalSchwartz hits head on desk05:29
spackestI am a little unsure about the current level of both the object store and compute stuff05:30
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spackestis the object store released?  and does it mirror what rs uses in production?05:31
chiltsyeah, I think at the moment it's a little big and scary to have a play, but in a week or so I'll have more time :)05:31
chiltsspackest: I don't think it currently mirrors what RS have05:31
chiltsI think they have plans to migrate to it later in the year05:31
chiltsfor both compute and storage05:31
spackeststorage is rather mature though, and compute less so?05:32
spackestfeels to me like someone has to start an opennstack commercial company, somehow blessed by openstack05:33
holowayspackest: I believe swift, the storage part, is basically what they have in production05:34
spackestI mean eucalyptus was getting some 100,000,000 valuation, something with the openstack pull could hit there, right?05:34
chiltsI think the plan is that many cloud server companies can use it (after all, they had 25 companies at their meeting the week before last)05:34
holowayspackest: at least that's what I understood at the summit05:34
holowayspackest: and nova is in use @ nasa05:34
chiltsholoway: is that the sumit I was just referring to (the week before last)?05:34
holowaybut there is work to be odne on moth05:34
holowaychilts: yep05:34
holowaywow, that was "done on both"05:35
chiltsholoway: cool, which company were you representing?05:35
holowaychilts: Opscode - I'm CTO (we build Chef)05:35
chiltssweet, I'll go check it out05:35
chiltsah Chef, yeah, I've read about that05:35
chiltslooks nice05:35
holowaychilts: I think it's pretty sweet, but I'm biased05:36
RandalSchwartzChef - on my list for FLOSS Weekly05:36
chiltsholoway: yep, fair enough05:36
holowaynobody thinks they have an ugly baby, you know? :)05:36
holowayRandalSchwartz: I'll be there Thursday to give a talk, and Friday as well05:36
holoway(where there == OSCON)05:37
RandalSchwartzyeah, I'm pretty swamped this week05:37
RandalSchwartzI have to retype the entire Learning Perl course into Keynote before next tuesday05:37
RandalSchwartzstarting tomorrow. :)05:37
holowayRandalSchwartz: good luck!05:37
holowayRandalSchwartz: that book taught me how to program05:38
RandalSchwartzas well as interviewing Rick Clark05:38
spackestso let's say I work for a rather large company and we would potentially like to be included in the fun05:38
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spackestis there an application process or the like?05:39
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holowayspackest: you can start contributing without doing anything at all other than signing the CLA05:40
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holowayspackest: you can talk to Bret Piatt and other similar folks @ Rackspace about getting more on board in the participants page knid of way05:41
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spackestthanks, will try to have my people :)  talk to him05:49
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dendrobatesspackest: just go to and start looking around.07:03
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dendrobatesmtaylor: have you had a chance to submit your launchpad patch that would allow us to integrate CLA signing?07:13
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bahadirSo openstack runs on which host OS? I assume it is debian or ubuntu from the installation commands. But I couldn't find any details in the documentation.10:11
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PiotrSikorabahadir: which piece of the software?11:16
PiotrSikoraswift is mostly python, so it should run on almost every OS11:16
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bahadirI am mainly interested in the compute part11:33
bahadirIn the intro it says "OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers."11:35
bahadirbut I don't see any explanation how it does that. XMV, virtualbox, xen ??11:35
bahadirthis part should be OS specific I guess11:36
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termiebahadir: compute uses libvirt12:20
termievish1: yay irc12:21
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notmynamebahadir: swift currently targets (or we at rackspace) target ubuntu 10.0412:21
ker2xfriendly greetings \o/12:21
notmynamechilts: spackest: swift is what we run in production for Rackspace Cloud Files (ok, there are a few packaging differences, but it is our production code)12:22
notmynameker2x: hi12:23
ker2xi'm exploring the website right now :)12:23
notmynamegreat. just ask if you have any questions12:24
ker2xi will. thank you :)12:24
* notmyname is out for a bit. just checking in to see what people talked about overnight12:26
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chmouelPiotrSikora: run almost every OS is a long shot.. there is a lot of Unix/Linux specifics in the code and performance could be bad with wrong FS13:53
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jdarcyFYI, I got the Swift functional tests to run on RHEL6 last night.14:01
jdarcyI fixed a couple of self-inflicted problems, but testRangedGets was still hanging (timeouts).14:02
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jdarcyI did a "bzr pull" to get the last couple of days' updates and it went away, but I don't see any bug reports for it.14:02
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creihtjdarcy: good to hear you got the functional tests running14:57
creihtand to mirror notmyname's response, swift is the exact same code that we run at Rackspace for CloudFiles14:57
creihtWe are currently running it on two large production clusters14:58
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jdarcyYeah, if nothing else this will enable to run more intensive tests of our CloudFiles support e.g. in Deltacloud.14:58
creihtjdarcy: great!14:58
jdarcySeems like a win/win to me.  :)14:58
creihtalso a reminder for all of those at OSCON today and who are interested in swift, check out Will Reese's talk on how we built swift14:59
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johnbluecreiht: Is Will Reese's talk going to be recorded in some fashion for review later?15:19
creihtjohnblue: I hope so, but I am not sure15:20
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creihtas soon as I find out, I will post the info here15:20
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johnbluecool.  Thanks.15:22
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jaypipesdendrobates: morning poison frog.15:27
dendrobatesjaypipes: morning.  happy to see you decided to stay with us.15:28
jaypipesdendrobates: :)15:28
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* jaypipes wonders whether 67 tabs in Firefox is a few too many...15:29
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dendrobatesif you can see any text on them, it's too few15:30
dendrobatesI'm off to oscon.  I'll be at the booth talking openstack, please come say hi.15:30
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jdarcyjaypipes: 67 tabs in Firefox is 67 too many, for a Chrome user.  ;)15:46
JordanRinkeoh snap15:46
pvooh its gonna be that kinda party, eh?15:48
anm_in the nova setup wiki, there's the statement: "Vendored python libaries (don’t require any installation)" and in the list is Torando, but when trying to start nova-api, i get:15:48
anm_from tornado import httpserver15:48
anm_ImportError: No module named tornado15:49
anm_is there somehing I nee to do to get the Tornado python libs on Ubuntu 10.04 server?15:49
anm_easy_install maybe?15:49
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binaryWarriorinstall instructions are on there as well as the ubuntu pre-requiosites15:54
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anm_binaryWarrior: thanks, i got past that and the other modules twisted, boto, and ipy, and now when starting nova-api, get:15:56
anm_from gflags import *15:56
anm_ImportError: No module named gflags15:56
binaryWarriordid you run the pre-requsite first15:57
binaryWarriorsudo apt-get install python-dev python-pycurl python-simplejson15:57
binaryWarriorif you happen to have no gflags though, looks liek this guy compiled it15:58
anm_i did the prereqs from the wiki, but it differs from what you say a re the prereqs15:59
anm_apt-get install -y python-setuptools python-dev python-pycurl python-m2crypto15:59
anm_should I create a wiki account and add this info?16:00
binaryWarriortry it first16:00
anm_is it time to start getting the wiki up to speed?16:00
anm_perfect, I may start adding stuff like this to the wiki16:02
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anm_I'm a small hosting company that has looked at EVERY cloud framework that exists, and this one shows promise16:03
anm_solely based on the backers16:03
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anm_We tried OpenQRM for a few weeks, that was two weeks I'll never get back  :)16:04
vish1anm_ are you using the PPA?16:05
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vish1hmm did we lose the instructions on installing from the ppa that were on the wiki?16:07
anm_vish1: no, I'm installing from scratch16:07
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anm_maybe, the wiki is very slim on info from the view of an openstack newb16:07
anm_searching nova on returns three PPAs16:09
antonymanm_: there are some instructions i think justinsb wrote up in the orange, i haven't had a chance to try it out yet16:09
anm_one called "Nova", and one called "Nova Packages"16:09
_0x44Summit install day instructions.16:10
antonymyeah, those are from the packges, the one i posted is supposed to be starting from source16:10
_0x44They're probably still relevant.16:10
vish1especially for twisted16:10
antonymi'll paste justin's over to the wiki16:10
vish1you probably need to use soren's ppa release of twisted unless you want to patch it yourself16:11
_0x44That reminds me that I'll need to do that.16:11
anm_awesome, lots of chatter about OpenStack right now, came out of nowhere!16:12
anm_opinions on production quality?16:12
anm_as a hosting company, I love contributing to projects that I use in house, so if this works, i'll be pretty active16:13
creihtanm_: For the storage side, swift is the same code that we run currently on Cloud Files16:13
creiht(at Rackspace)16:13
anm_cool, thanks16:14
justinsbMy instructions on getting nova going from source are a bit of a mess... If you copy them into the wiki, send me a link and I can update.  The code is moving quite fast (e.g. objectstore now uses twisted, nginx no longer required)16:14
jonesy_awesome. I was hoping more howto docs would surface today. Time constraints (projects) are keeping me from spending time playing with openstack. This will speed things up tremendously. Thanks guys!16:14
anm_i have many terabytes of iSCSI storage, and no good way to make it available save for openfiler, so swift is next16:15
* jonesy_ wishes for more r&d in his role16:15
jdarcyjonesy_: Should RhelInstructions be among those howtos?  That's specific to Swift, but still.16:15
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jonesy_jdarcy: the more the merrier. I only just stumbled upon the installfest instructions.16:16
jonesy_I'm testing each component individually to start, so instructions for swift are great too.16:16
jonesy_SAIO looks like it should be good enough to get started with.16:16
creihtjonesy_: if you run into any issues setting it up, let me know16:17
jonesy_but like I said, more docs are always better (assuming they actually work and all that) ;-P16:17
jonesy_creiht: will do, thanks.16:17
jonesy_creiht: are you an engineer on some part/all parts of openstack?16:18
notmynamejonesy_: several of the swift and nova devs are in here16:18
creihtI work for rackspace on CloudFiles, and thusly on swift16:18
jonesy_I know, but I don't know who's who.16:19
notmynamehint: look for the "+" on the names in the channel :-)16:19
jdarcyjonesy_: SAIO is a bit Ubuntu-specific, though.  I think the standard punishment for running Ubuntu around here (Red Hat) is a hundred hours of Fedora-community service.16:19
jonesy_notmyname: ah - I had that pane hidden.16:19
jonesy_good call16:19
antonymthere's a few of us there16:19
pandemicsynmaybe we need a whos who in the world of openstack wiki page16:19
jonesy_jdarcy: I was an *nix admin in a former life. I don't usually care what distro docs are written for.16:19
antonymwe should probably just expand that list16:20
jonesy_jdarcy: thought I recognized the handle from somewhere. You in #trilug?16:20
jdarcyjonesy_: Yeah, I wouldn't either except when things like an old version of python-webob in the repo trip me up.16:20
jonesy_jdarcy: sure, but that's only a problem on redhat16:20
creihtWe use ubuntu internally, and thus the reason for the focus on the docs.  I would much like to make instructions for other distros as well16:20
jdarcyjonesy_: Don't know what #trilug is, but we could have met before.16:21
jdarcycreiht: Yeah, perfectly understandable.  I don't think Deltacloud generally writes up Gentoo install instructions either.  ;)16:21
jonesy_jdarcy: #trilug is the research triangle (NC) LUG, which holds meetings at RH HQ there.16:21
jdarcyjonesy_: Ah, no, I'm in Westford MA.16:21
pandemicsynantonym: ah cool, didn't even see that page16:21
antonymyeah, we just need to expand it up a bit16:22
jonesy_antonym: where's that linked from? Is there some page that aggregates howto docs like that?16:24
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antonymi'm putting together a pointer page on the front page right now :)16:25
antonymi don't think there's a place to tell how to get stuff installed yet on the front page16:25
antonymyou can find it via the recent changes right now i guess16:25
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antonym linked off the main page now16:31
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jaypipesjdarcy: heh, went to lunch. but yeah, everyone keeps trying to get me to switch to chrome...I will eventually I think. just lazy...16:42
gustavomzwsorry wrong window16:43
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* jaypipes writes down gustavomzw's password...16:43
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_0x44gustavomzw: Don't worry, when you type hunter2 all we see is ******* :P16:44
jaypipes_0x44: whatup dude? how's things?16:44
jaypipes_0x44: getting used to bzr yet?  or still a pain in your ass? ;)16:45
_0x44jaypipes: I installed git-bzr so I wouldn't have to worry about that anymore.16:45
jaypipes_0x44: rock.16:45
_0x44jaypipes: My latest bane is eldritch non-json json parsing in BASH.16:45
thom_0x44: does it work reasonably? (git-bzr_16:45
_0x44thom: For everything I've tried so far, it does.16:45
silassewelldid anyone use bzr before this project was released?16:46
_0x44thom: I have non-openstack work I have to do before the 1st, or RS business people's heads will spin and we'll need an old priest and a young priest.16:46
_0x44silassewell: jaypipes, soren, eday, and lbieber16:46
thom_0x44: heh :)16:46
silassewellgotcha, I was kinda thinking it was brought over with the project lead or something16:47
_0x44silassewell: Oh, dendro-afk also but he hardly counts.16:47
jdarcyJSON parsing in bash?  Nah, not gonna ask.16:48
jaypipesme neither.16:48
_0x44jdarcy: The JSON parsing is in C, but it's exporting it as NOT-JSON.16:49
_0x44It's... not pretty.16:49
_0x44It's not nearly as ugly as the original JSON parser in BASH, that only didn't work because BASH doesn't like nested arrays and hashes.16:50
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soren_0x44: I still don't understand what you need that for. You only need to support crap like that when you don't know what data you're looking for and just want to parse random stuff.17:10
_0x44soren: Because we don't know what data we're looking for. The number of IPs assigned to a slice is not fixed.17:10
soren_0x44: So? You know the structure. Querying is way easier than parsing.17:11
soren_0x44: If you know the structure, all you really need are loops and grep. :)17:11
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_0x44I'm using loops and set/sed, which is why it's not nearly as scary as the original bash json parser was.17:12
sorenI can imagine :)17:13
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jonesy_hey I have a question: was Python chosen because NASA was already using it, or RS was already using it? Were both teams coincidentally using it?17:23
jonesy_just curious. :)17:23
jbryceboth teams were using it17:24
pvocloudservers team is rails back-ended but we're moving to python17:25
PiotrSikoraany of the swift guys around?17:26
jonesy_pvo: you eyeballing python frameworks to mirror the rails experience, or rolling your own? I guess you just mean rails was used for the API server?17:27
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_0x44jonesy_: The CloudServers/Slicehost backend is Rails end to end.17:28
pvowe've transitioning to the nova arch17:28
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pvojonesy_: its rails almost front to back.17:28
notmynamePiotrSikora: what's uo?17:28
adrian_otto1the Cloud Servers API is not a Rails system, but the part that touches the physical hosts is.17:29
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PiotrSikoranotmyname: i've got a question regarding data in node's sqlite3 database...17:29
pvoslicehost is rails... rackspace api is different, that is true17:29
PiotrSikoranotmyname: what data is in there? only about single node or about few nodes?17:30
pvoadrian_otto1: it is more than just the part that touches the hosts17:30
PiotrSikoranotmyname: and how many times that sqlite3 database is replicated in the ring?17:30
notmynamePiotrSikora: there is one db for each container and each account17:30
notmynamethere are 3 replica's of each throughout the system17:30
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notmynameand the contents are all about the contents of the container or account17:31
notmynamelike the listing, the size, etc17:31
adrian_ottopvo: my point is that it's not an all Rails system, it's a combination of things.17:31
PiotrSikoranotmyname: does this go in pair with object replicas? or does it go to random nodes?17:31
PiotrSikoraie. if db from node A is replicated on node E and F17:32
PiotrSikorathen is all data from node A also on node E and F17:32
PiotrSikoraor is it all random?17:32
notmynamePiotrSikora: the accounts and contianers have rings, just like the objects17:32
notmynamewhere is it stored is based on that partitioner17:32
notmyname(it's called The Ring only for historical reasons. It's not actually a ring anymore. "partitioner" is  better word)17:33
pvoadrian_otto: right.. thats why I said its "amost rails front to back".. the interesting parts I think are currently rails that are going to be transitioning to nova17:33
PiotrSikoranotmyname: thank you very much :)17:33
notmynamePiotrSikora: we added some archetecture notes yesterday.
g0rdyAw.. The Ring sounded much nice, take the lead in terminology17:34
_0x44adrian_otto: The parts that compare to Nova are entirely rails. The customer-facing parts not-specific to cloud servers are whatever they use for the customer facing fiddly bits.17:35
PiotrSikoranotmyname: nice, thx :)17:35
PiotrSikoranotmyname: but if you want to ditch "The Ring" you should probably stop using this name everywhere :P17:36
notmynameI doubt we will get rid of the name of it17:36
notmynameit hasn't been a "ring" for probably over 6 months :-)17:36
adrian_ottoPiotrSikora: +1 on dropping that name17:36
PiotrSikorawell, project is open for 2 days to the public17:36
notmynameit does the same thing as a consistent hashing ring (where the name comes from). it's just handles our needs a little better.17:37
notmynameso, conceptually, it fills the same role as a hash ring in other systems.17:37
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justinsbJust cleaned up the notes on running nova from source in the wiki:  I think it should still have big warning flags all over it though, because nova is a-changing pretty fast right now...17:39
RandalSchwartzjust finished recording FLOSS Weekly with Rick Clark17:40
RandalSchwartzshould go live later today17:40
RandalSchwartzaudio *and* video17:40
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jonesy_the new arch overview doc for swift is great. However, swift now kinda reminds me of pvfs a little ;-P17:43
notmynameI have to admit, I'm not familiar with pvfs. just pulled up the web page17:45
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jonesy_the wheel hasn't been reinvented, but there's a bit of a pattern between filesystems like pvfs, lustre, etc that were designed for HPC (at least I think they were. That's the only context I've used them in)17:45
adrian_ottothere is a typo under Proxy server "they are streamed directly through the proxy server to of from the user" should be "to or from the user"17:46
jonesy_pvfs certainly has no proxy server, and v1 couldn't deal with.... well... v1 just kinda sucked.17:46
jonesy_I imagine (but lemme know if I'm wrong) that swift is designed such that the pieces are loosely coupled, which is not the case for any of the HPC fs's I know of.17:48
jaypipesjustinsb: yo, ping!17:48
notmynamethanks adrian_otto17:48
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notmynamejonesy_: the pieces are very loosely coupled17:48
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notmynameI know there is a slide in Will Reese's talk to day at oscon about that (different deployment options). I hope those slides (or a recording) are posted later17:49
brejochi everyone17:49
* notmyname is trying to type and eat pizza. sorry for typos and slowness17:50
justinsbjaypipes: Hi!17:50
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justinsbjaypipes: On that unit test... I don't think checks the HTTP side, just the internals17:50
justinsbjaypipes: But I think the smoketest should fail, because euca-upload-bundle fails17:51
justinsbjaypipes: (presuming the bucket hasn't already been created)17:51
jaypipesjustinsb: disregard smoketests for right now... :) devcamcar and I are working on cleaning it up...17:51
jaypipesjustinsb: the unittest does check raised exceptions, though.17:51
jaypipesjustinsb: badly, but it does check it...17:51
notmynameactually, it looks like Will is giving his talk at oscon right now17:52
jaypipesjustinsb: lemme throw some code together for a test for the bug in question.  I'll post the code on the merge prop.17:52
jaypipesjustinsb: also, see my note on ...17:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607572 in nova "ObjectStore now checks security (Commit 146), compute node doesn't authenticate" [Undecided,New]17:52
justinsbjaypipes: That would be great; I think the unit tests that exist test the inner 'model' classes, not the webserver class.17:52
justinsbjaypipes: And I only started learning Python on Thursday, so this is all very new to me :-)17:53
jaypipesjustinsb: no worries, mate! :)17:53
jaypipesjustinsb: what I'll do is pull your branch, code in some unittests for your work, and push up a branch to LP for you to see and then merge into your branch before going into trunk...17:54
justinsbjaypipes: Re comment on 607572, the ObjectStore now checks that an authentication header is present.  Before the twisted rewrite, I don't think it did.17:54
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justinsbjaypipes: I don't think it actually verifies that the header is actually correct :-)17:54
jaypipesjustinsb: one of those bugs invalid now?17:54
justinsbjaypipes: I don't think so...  607512 says you can make up Authentication headers without knowing the secret; 607572 says that the compute node doesn't pass any header at all17:55
justinsbjaypipes: I think that's a good summary ... I'll pop that into the bug report17:56
jaypipesjustinsb: k.  I was just confused because the title of one is "Objectstore doesn't check security" and the other is "17:56
jaypipesObjectStore now checks security" :)17:56
creihtI think the ring name should stay, since someone could use a "consistently hashed ring" if they wanted to17:57
justinsbjaypipes: Yeah, sorry!  I'll try to change the titles to make it clearer17:57
creihtand the idea of a ring is pretty well known17:57
jaypipesjustinsb: cool! :)17:57
notmynameadrian_otto: changed pushed. should be merged and docs rebuilt soon17:57
adrian_ottooh, thanks. Sounds like a lot of fanfare for a one word change :-)17:58
creihtnotmyname needed something to do anyways :)17:59
notmynameone letter then17:59
notmynameya. I solved all the other problems this morning and was looking for something to do17:59
adrian_ottowell if it were a semicolon, we'd be getting excited.17:59
jonesy_some terminology confusion in this first paragraph of the swift docs.
notmynamethis is a python project. we frown on semicolons (even in docs!)18:00
mshadlesecurity is overrated18:00
jonesy_it says a ring is a mapping, and then says it consists of partitions. I'm pretty sure I can figure out what's going on there, but it's kinda confusing if you're coming in cold.18:00
notmynamejonesy_: that's why were here!18:01
justinsbAny nova developers good on twisted and want to take on a TODO: ? TODO is for a better way to convert exceptions into 404/403 HTTP response codes18:01
notmynamebut seriously, we want to make them readable. the trick is that the ring is a mapping. of partitions.18:02
jonesy_sorry, notmyname, I'm kind of a documentation freak I guess. This was one area where the SAIO was clearer than the docs.18:02
notmynameyou may be creiht's new best friend18:02
jonesy_notmyname: maybe the idea to be conveyed is that what the Ring represents within the larger deployment is a little different than what it *consists of*.18:03
jonesy_it consists of partitions, but is used in the context of finding things :)18:03
jonesy_so it represents a map, but consists of partitions.18:03
jonesy_of course, that could be totally wrong.18:03
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notmynameno, that sounds pretty close18:03
jonesy_good, then I wasn't too tripped up by the verbage. :-D18:04
notmynamejonesy_: so what you're saying is that the docs tell you what the ring is, but not what it's there for18:04
notmynameat least, in the context of the system as a whole18:05
jonesy_notmyname: even more confusing, the docs conflate the two notions of representation and construction.18:05
jonesy_....just in the first paragraph!18:05
notmynamehey! we didn't have those docs 2 days ago! creiht worked very hard on it :-)18:06
jonesy_notmyname: and believe me, I'm appreciative. They rock compared to what was there just yesterday, and are miles ahead of lots of projects that have nothing.18:07
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jonesy_pfft. Did I say projects? I meant corporations, open source projects, and entire governmental institutions. :)18:07
jonesy_anyway, I'm not trying to criticize the docs as much as make sure your docs make you all look like rock stars :)18:08
g0rdyjonesy_: does that include universities ? ;)18:08
jonesy_g0rdy: the ones I've had experience with... yeah, mostly.18:09
notmynameno, no. I understand.18:09
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notmynameand always, patches are welcome :-)18:09
jonesy_notmyname: for the docs? Do they use the same mechanism for patches as everything else?18:10
notmynameya. currently the docs are in the same source tree18:10
jonesy_I believe I have finally reached the day when I can no longer avoid Launchpad.18:10
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creihtjonesy_: thanks for the feedback18:14
creihtand yes, the docs are ReStructured text files in the source tree18:15
jonesy_creiht: I'm writing a patch.18:15
creihtI'm working on deployment docs at the moment18:15
jonesy_well, you haven't seen the patch yet.18:15
creihtthose might take me a little longer though18:15
creihtmeeting time :)18:15
jonesy_progress is progress.18:15
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chmouelFLOSS weekly ?18:18
adrian_ottoSo, some thoughts on What this page really talks about are the foundational components of the system. When describing the architecture, it may be better to describe the overall design, its purpose, and the intended use case(s) for the system. The architecture page may actually be more helpful as a narrative rather than specific descriptions of each component that implements the archit18:18
adrian_ottoSomething that covers design concepts that were employed to reach specific objectives.18:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #608386 in nova "Bucket.delete() throws NotAuthorized exception when Bucket is not empty" [Low,New]
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RandalSchwartzFLOSS Weekly,
RandalSchwartztoday's show, openstack, with rick clark18:24
RandalSchwartzshould be pushed in a few hours18:24
jtdowneyRandalSchwartz: looking forward to it18:25
justinsbI've created a launchpad blueprint for tracking abstracting out the Redis dependency:  Do I link this to a page on the wiki?  It doesn't seem that launchpad actually lets me type anything other than metadata!!18:30
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jonesy_a question (notmyname?) -- in the context of this sentence (from the swift docs) would 'cluster' == 'zone'?   --> "The partitions of the ring are equally divided among all the devices in the18:33
notmynameno. that should stay as cluster18:33
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jonesy_hm. So a cluster contains zones, contains replicas of partitions, which live on devices, right?18:34
notmynamethe partitions are evenly distributed throughout the entire swift installation (whether a single machine or multi-dc)18:34
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jonesy_oh right. I'm discounting the single-machine use case.18:35
notmynameI think your statement is right18:35
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jaypipesjustinsb: somewhat related..
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justinsbjaypipes: Good catch on NotAuthorized/NotEmpty.  I'm not sure how S3 surfaces NotEmpty.  Currently, if you don't wrap it explicitly, it'll be a 500 error from Twisted.18:45
holowayhey guys, on bug 60791218:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607912 in swift "swift-auth-create-account lets you create multiple users with same params but only single token exists causing problems on reset" [Undecided,New]
justinsbjaypipes: Also you need to be careful that you're throwing the exception within the main handler function and not the continuation, otherwise I haven't figured out how to wrap it18:45
holowayis the fix to have the create user method return false if the user exists?18:45
justinsbjaypipes: No idea how to do that in twisted - hence the TODO that I'm looking for somebody to take ownership of :-)18:45
holowayI have code and tests that do just that, but nobody was around to confirm it was even the right thing :)18:46
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jaypipesjustinsb: I'll look into that...18:47
justinsbjaypipes: As an aside, do I create the content for launchpad blueprint designs on the wiki ?18:47
creihtholoway: I think you would want to check for existence, and if it is there, then return true18:47
holowaycreiht: if we that's the case, we'll want to confirm that all the arugments are identical, yes?18:47
* jaypipes would prefer raising a UserExists exception and enable the caller to decide action..18:47
holowaycreiht: ie: if you said "create me a user on this account with password foo", and it was actually bar, that would be a failure18:47
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holowayjaypipes: that sound smart18:48
jaypipescreiht: thoughts on raising an exception instead?18:48
* creiht thinks18:48
holowayjaypipes: well, that code returns false on error right now18:48
holowayjaypipes: so there is probably code that already exists that relies on that18:49
creihtsome of that is a byproduct of older systems18:49
anm_hey, how do I get a wiki account setup on to start adding to the docs?  is that the "official" nova related docs?  there are bits and pieces scattered all over the place18:49
* creiht goes to look at that code18:50
holowayis my changes to swift/auth/server.py18:50
holowaylook at line 269 for the added select18:50
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creihtso looking at the code, the api endpoint is a REST call to PUT the account18:52
jaypipesanm_: that is auto-generated documentation18:52
creihtso if someone tries to put a new account/user it should replace the current account info with whatever was sent18:52
creihtholoway: looking now18:52
anm_jaypipes: ok, where is the official user contributed docs?18:53
jaypipesanm_: is the wiki docs18:53
jaypipesanm_: still very much in progress ;)18:53
anm_jaypipes: i understand, Im interested in contributing!18:53
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jaypipesanm_: awesome!18:53
holowaycreiht: yeah, I had that question for you actually18:54
holowaycreiht: at the moment we always PUT18:54
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jaypipesanm_: let us know if you run into any issues or need assistance...happy to help.18:54
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holowaycreiht: and it does feel like RESTfully, that would mean we should just replace18:54
creihtholoway: also keep in mind, the intention is for this to be just a dev auth server18:54
holowaycreiht: that's what I figured18:55
holowaycreiht: replace would be easy18:55
creihtyeah... and would probably prevent most issues18:55
creihtif someone created the same account again, they wouldn't run into any issues18:55
holowaycreiht: right18:55
holowayand the intention is clear18:55
creihtThis would also allow them to change their password if they needed to18:55
anm_ok, running through python dependencies right now, and trying to keep up with which ones are missing18:55
holoway"give me this user in dev with this set of attributes"18:55
jaypipesholoway, creiht: Adam Jacobs aassigned himself to that bug...might want to coordinate with him :)18:55
holowayjaypipes: that is me18:56
anm_says redis is missing now18:56
jaypipesholoway: ha! ok then! :)18:56
holoway(and there is no S in Jacob :)18:56
jaypipesholoway: oops, my bad!18:56
holowayjaypipes: from Opscode, we met in Austin18:56
jaypipesholoway: yes, I know you ;) didn't realize you were holoway :)18:56
holowayit does tend to throw people off18:57
holowaycreiht: so, I'm +1 on replace18:57
jaypipesholoway: and I didn't want y'all to get out of sync18:57
creihtsounds good to me as well18:57
holowaycreiht: want me to just do it?18:57
creihtholoway: by all means :)18:57
silassewellso my understanding is that rackspace will be switching over to nova eventually, anyone know if they're switching to kvm as well (just curious)?18:58
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alekibangohello. i am new here and i am also interested in kvm hosting19:00
creihtsilassewell: The vm will be pluggable, so that RS will stay with Xen19:00
alekibangocreiht: so writing kvm support should be easy?19:01
creihtalekibango: kvm support is already there since that is what NASA uses19:01
alekibangogood :)19:01
anm_I dont know if it helps, since Rackspace is around here, but I'm a small startup data center/hosting company, and have resources to volunteer to the project, as long as my end state results in a usable OpenStack cluster!19:01
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anm_I have 10 dell servers, 28tb iSCSI strage appliance, and 300mb of bandwidth19:02
creihtanm_: all help is welcome :)19:02
silassewellcreiht: that's what I figured, I was just curious, I haven't heard of any big kvm deployments (probably not as up on the subjects as others though)19:02
anm_dedicated to building a cloud infrastructure19:02
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creihtholoway: btw... have you tried the chef scripts lately for the SAIO install?  I've had a couple of reports of them not working19:03
holowaycreiht: I'm about to try them myself again19:03
vish1silassewell: nasa nebula uses kvm19:03
holowaycreiht: so if they b0rk, I'll fix 'em19:03
holowaycreiht: wow, this is going to be a very small fix19:04
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creihtholoway: don't forget a unit test :)19:06
holowaycreiht: but of course!19:06
notmynameanm_: are you talking about that hardware for a public test cluster or something? or as in "i can test stuff on more than one machine"?19:06
silassewellvish1: yeah, I should have said that was the first big deployment I'd heard of, although I didn't see how big their setup is (probably in a press release I read to quickly)19:07
anm_either, right now I'm running xenserver on all nodes, and for testing, I can create VMs for use by the project, and I can also migrate VMs off and rebuild hw nodes as ubuntu for use as well19:08
anm_I'd probably only volunteer their use to the project right now, not hosting publicly accessible clusters, but may want to do that soon19:09
silassewellvish1: so assuming 8-core boxes that would be 1875 servers, that's pretty good19:10
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anm_also, these are 8 core boxes, but only 8gb ram19:11
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holowaycreiht: ah, the upstream swift branch in launchpad has changed19:20
holowaycreiht: is why that cookbookk is failing19:20
holowayI'll publish a fix19:21
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creihtholoway: ahh... thanks19:21
holowaycreiht: perhaps it would be wise to just stick it in the source?19:21
holowaycreiht: so then the steps would be "check out the source on your box, run the SAIO installer, and be done"19:21
holowaycreiht: which seems like it would suit the dev workflow better19:21
holowaycreiht: you know you want some ruby infecting your python project, man19:22
creihtbut that also would mean that we would have to maintain the chef script in the source tree :)19:22
holowaycreiht: I'm going to do that anyway19:22
holowayI don't care either way, happy to do whatever works19:22
creihtholoway: I think we would be fine with that19:23
creihtmaybe in a /contrib directory19:23
holowaycreiht: exactly19:24
creihtsounds good to me19:24
holowaycreiht: I'll file a bug/ticket thingy19:24
holowaycreiht: and a merge request19:24
redboAnd we could do a "quick start with chef" page in the docs or something.  I don't want to lose the verbose instructions, because understanding the process is important do doing a real installation.19:25
holowayredbo: yep19:25
holowayredbo: we'll be building cookbooks for real installation too19:25
holowayredbo: just haven't gotten around to it yet19:25
creihtI think that is the most that I have ever seen redbo write in IRC before :)19:25
holowayredbo: I have a saying about automating this kind of stuff - it runs as root, so you better know what it's doing19:26
holowayredbo: doesn't absolve you, just speeds you on your way :)19:26
creihtholoway: If you don't mind, it also might be worthwhile adding a blurb at the top of the SAIO instructions pointing to the chef script19:26
holowaycreiht: I will19:26
creihtholoway: and thanks for the contributions!19:26
holowaycreiht: of course19:26
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holowaycreiht: it's my first few lines of python, so thank me if you don't have to re-write it all19:29
* holoway grins19:29
holowaycreiht: so that create user function returns an url19:29
* creiht will be happy if there are no end's :)19:29
holowaycreiht: and the other tests look for a matching hash?19:29
holowaycreiht: thus far!19:30
holowaycreiht: I'll try and sneak one in19:30
holowaycreiht: basically the account_hash should change, right?19:30
creihtthe url that it returns is the storage url for that account19:30
pandemicsynholoway: first few lines of python eh, before you know it you'll have ported Chef to python19:30
creihtwe don't want the account_hash to change19:31
holowaypandemicsyn: we've wanted a python DSL forever19:31
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holowaypandemicsyn: the integration points are there to hook one in19:31
holowaypandemicsyn: we just need someone whose python-fu is strong enough that they know what idiomatic pythonized chef would look like19:31
creihtthe account hash is based off of the account and username19:32
* jonesy_ wrings hands19:32
creihtthe only thing that should change is the password19:32
creihtif the username changes, that is a whole new account all together19:32
holowaycreiht: cool - so if we call the hash generation function we'll get the same result19:33
creihtI know that might be kind of confusing, but is due to legacy stuff19:33
creihtholoway: if you did it right, it should :)19:33
holowaycreiht: because the fix for the SQL is just 'INSERT OR REPLACE'19:33
jonesy_I thought about doing that with puppet, holoway. Chef might be fun to do too!19:33
holowayjonesy_: doing it with Chef is just serializing objects to JSON19:33
redbono, the hash is just a UUID19:33
creihtyeah what redbo said :)19:34
holowayjonesy_: I have a working example of doing it with Perl inside a cookbook, and our VP of eng has a working lsip example19:34
holowayredbo: ah, so we need to be sure not to call that function if we don't need it19:34
holowayso it's not as easy as INSERT OR REPLACE19:34
redboor you could try an update, and if that doesn't update any rows, do an insert19:34
jonesy_Oh man. I went to Python as a means of replacing perl.19:34
holowayit needs to be select ? update : insert19:34
jonesy_you used perl to replace... ruby?19:34
creihtholoway: yeah19:34
holowayjeremydei: not to replace, to extend19:35
jonesy_I think I missed some context.19:35
jonesy_my bad.19:35
jonesy_oh, gotcha.19:35
jonesy_I was talking about rewriting Puppet in Python. What kind of ruby project starts with P anyway? ;-P19:36
holowayjonesy_: gotcha - I'm saying use Chef as a library, and get the DSL in Python, because that's what you care about19:36
jonesy_I was doing it as an academic exercise because its creator sort of arrogantly criticized my evangelizing Python's use in system administration.19:36
holowayjonesy_: no need to replicate all the logic in the providers, or dealing with crazy use cases19:37
jonesy_yeah, understood.19:37
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holowayjonesy_: yeah, I'm all about pragmatism19:37
holowayjonesy_: and Chef is as well, by virtue of that19:37
holowayjonesy_: I think it's a bug you can't write Chef in python if that's what makes you happy19:37
holowayjonesy_: even though I don't want it at all :)19:37
jonesy_glad to have met a rubyist who hasn't taken vows and put on funny clothes and stuff.19:38
holowaycreiht: the password is stored in plain text, yes?19:39
creihteven more reason to be only a dev server! :)19:40
creihtnotmyname: I wonder how many yeats of openstack experience they are looking for? :)19:40
redboJust 1 yeat19:40
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holowaycreiht: hrm, so we call add_storage_account19:46
holowaycreiht: is there anything that needs to change there as well?19:46
redboYou can call that multiple times with the same account hash and it'll be fine.  Maybe better!19:46
creihtwhat redbo said19:47
holowayredbo: gotcha, so if it exists we should extract the account hash19:47
holowayredbo: and pass it to the call19:47
holowayredbo: otherwise, let it generate a new one like it does now19:47
creihtall add_storage_account does is go out and make sure the account is in the swift cluster19:47
creihtholoway: correct19:47
redboI think that'd be best, yeah.19:48
creihtWe want to do that because a user may have cleared the environment (which doesn't clear the db)  which in this case if they add their user again, it will make sure that the account gets propigated into swift19:49
holowayis this valid python?
creihtholy crap what is that?19:51
_0x44holoway: Nope.19:51
jdmaturenSyntaxError: invalid syntax19:52
redbolooks... perly.19:52
_0x44I just commented on your gist19:52
jdmaturen[ on the comment]19:52
_0x44Ah, good call jdmaturen19:53
redboyou could do "account_hash = account_hash or self.add_storage_account()"19:53
* creiht hates it when redbo does that :)19:54
_0x44I wish that python had a shortcutting ||=19:54
holoway_0x44: yeah, I was just about to ask about ||=19:54
RandalSchwartzthere's a reason there's lots of stuff in Perl :)19:54
notmynameaccount_hash = account_hash if account_hash else self.add_storage_account()19:54
notmynamejust to be thorough :-)19:55
jonesy_python does have a ternary operator, holoway, but it uses 'if' and 'else' instead of '?' and ':'19:55
holowayjonesy_: crazy!19:55
jonesy_it would've been clumsy there anyway, but just for future reference.19:55
* holoway nods19:55
redboand it was added in 2.5.  I don't know what we're targeting anymore.  Probably 2.5.19:56
creihtIt would be nice to get to 2.5 compatibility19:56
_0x44I think all the docs say 2.619:56
creihtbut at the moment it only works in 2.619:56
creiht2.4 wouldn't be reasonable19:56
redboit requires 2.6 right now, but I think mostly we'd have to do a bunch of "from __future__ import with_statement"s to do 2.5.19:56
jonesy_is there some key thing that requires 2.6, or a bunch of syntactic things sprinkled about?19:56
notmynamethe with statements for timeouts19:57
jonesy_oh. So make context managers not be context managers. That's kind of a bummer.19:57
_0x44What about the exception syntax, that changed between 2.5 and 2.6 didn't it?19:57
creihtjonesy_: they are available in 2.5 with an import19:58
jonesy__0x44: actually, I think the 2.6 syntax is valid in 2.5, but 2.5 supported the older comma syntax. I could be forgetting.19:58
creihtI think 2.6 made it so that you didn't have to nest try/except in a try/finally if you wanted both19:58
creihtso we may have some changes there19:59
redboI think that was 2.519:59
creihtyeah I think you are right now19:59
jonesy_me too19:59
gholtHe might be right later too19:59
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_0x44redbo's right per
creihtso yeah, shouldn't be difficult to make it 2.5 compatible20:02
jaypipescreiht: do we use the multiprocessing module?  if so, that's 2.6-only20:03
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creihtjaypipes: I think wre do for some log processing stuff, but you can also pull that in externally20:03
creiht(the log processing stuff isn't in the swift codebase yet)20:04
creihtIt will be once we have it smoothed out a bit20:04
jaypipescreiht: nova uses multiprocessing module, too...20:04
redboyou can install it for 2.520:04
jaypipescreiht: in a number of places...20:04
redboit'll just be an external dependency20:05
jaypipesredbo: true..20:05
anm_i have a user behind NAT, and their phone has worked for three months, and now, they dont receive any inbound calls, outbound is fine. looking t the registration, i get this:20:05
creihtanm_: that requires a username and password20:05
redboI think that's a mischan ;)20:05
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creihtwrong channel?20:05
jaypipescreiht: user/pass is on the dialog box :)20:06
jaypipescreiht: but yeah, wrong channel20:06
anm_creiht: snap, wrong channel!20:06
vish1just proposed another refactor for merge20:06
jaypipesvish1: hola.20:06
redboanm_: have you tried rebooting it?20:06
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vish1jaypipes: hi20:06
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redboanm_: is it plugged in?20:07
jaypipesvish1: how are ya?  I'm also getting a number of refactoring things done around testing...20:07
anm_redbo: i think i did, i sent the reboot command from the FS_cli console, but not sure the command made it to it20:07
anm_i'll switch to #freeswitch now20:07
anm_the life of a datacenter owner!  :P20:07
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jaypipesvish1: is anyone working on generalizing the datastore using a driver/adapter model?  If so, I wouldn't mind doing that...20:08
vish1yes i think justin was making steps in that direction20:08
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jaypipesvish1: awesome, thx.20:10
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vish1jaypipes: in all seriousness, do you think an abstract base class is necessary for the interface?20:16
vish1jaypipes: I like having the flexibility to change the interface in only one place, especially since there are plans to completely redo auth soon20:17
creihtABC's aren't available in 2.5 :)20:18
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jonesy_I was about to type that20:18
vish1well it doesn't have to be a true ABC20:18
vish1i can just put the methods in with raise NotImplemented()20:18
jaypipesvish1: an abstract  base class is designed so the interface only needs to be changed in one place, and that stabilizes the interface. Implementing classes should adhere to the ABC's interface20:18
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jaypipesvish1: so, yeah, I still think an ABC is the right choice...20:19
jaypipesvish1: but if it's more bother than it's worth right now, no worries ;)20:19
jonesy_vish1: were you thinking that just extending a base class might be an option?20:19
vish1i am considering turning fakeldapdriver into a subclass of ldapdriver20:20
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* jonesy_ thinks that little subproject looks cool, like 100 other subprojects within openstack he's stumbled across.20:20
vish1with a different __enter__20:20
vish1rather than checking a flag in the constructor20:20
jaypipesvish1: why? why not just a FakeAuthDriver?  Do we want to follow LDAP's semantics/API or devise a common auth API and have the LdapDriver do LDAP specific stuff privately?20:21
vish1well we will have other AuthDrivers like RedisDriver or DataStoreDriver20:22
vish1but i think the fake is still useful for testing ldap without installing it20:22
jaypipesvish1: right, but no need to have a FakeRedisDriver...20:22
jonesy_vish1: so?20:22
vish1(since we still have to support ldap)20:22
jaypipesvish1: all I'm saying is that I think there should be a single generic interface...and we only need a single FakeAuthInterface if that is the case..20:23
jaypipessorry, FakeAuthDriver..20:23
vish1i understand what you are saying20:23
* jonesy_ looks for code for non-fake AuthDriver20:23
vish1but fakeldap serves another purpose20:23
jaypipesjonesy: :)20:23
jaypipesvish1: explain?20:24
vish1which is write ldap code for the ldapdriver and be able to test it without installing ldap20:24
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vish1installing ldap on a mac is kind of a pain20:24
jonesyohhh. vish1 -- you want to mock out an ldap server?20:24
jonesyfor testing?20:24
joshuamckentythere's fakeldap20:24
joshuamckentyvish wrote that20:24
joshuamckentyor do we need something more feature-ful20:25
jaypipesvish1: but there is no need to fake an LDAP on mac...just fake the Auth interface..20:25
joshuamckentyyeah, the xen-server patch from Ewan has a nicer approach to multiple implementations of the same interface20:25
jaypipesjoshuamckenty, vish1: all I'm saying is that we should focus as much as possible on the interface, not an implemention of an interface (which is what LDAP is...)20:25
jonesyvish1: is fakeldap the same mocked ldap server as the one written as part of the Twisted project for their testing?20:26
joshuamckentywell, technically LDAP is an implementation of the x500 interface, but I don't think we want to standardize at that layer20:26
vish1sure...that is the point of driver20:26
vish1so driver is the interface20:26
vish1ldap is an implementation of interface20:26
vish1fakeldap is an implementation of interface that happens to use a fake for ldap instead of real ldap20:27
vish1hence the idea of a subclass20:27
adrian_ottojaypipes: didn't we have this same problem wit Drizzle... trouble getting good unit tests for the LDAP auth?20:27
jaypipesadrian_otto: no, nothing to do with unittests yet :)20:27
vish1class hierarchy as follows AbstractDriver > LdapDriver > FakeLdapDriver20:27
vish1FakeLdapDriver just overrides the import in LdapDriver to use fake20:28
jaypipesvish1: why not just AbstractDriver -> FakeDriver and AbstractDriver -> LdapDriver?20:28
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vish1jonesy: no i didn't know that existed.  Ours is an ultra simple one that backends to redis20:29
creihtjaypipes: I imagine they want to be able to test the code in LdapDriver, without having to actually connect to ldap20:29
jaypipescreiht: well then that's not testing the LDAP driver is it? ;)20:29
vish1because I can't test ldap code with FakeDriver20:29
vish1i think we should have FakeDriver as well that doesn't use ldap at all20:29
jaypipescreiht, vish1: I got you...20:29
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creihtOr you guys could just pull it out into wsgi middleware, and it doesn't matter what the auth interface looks like :)20:30
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vish1so i'll change fakeldap to inherit from ldap and make a todo to put in an ABC20:31
jaypipesvish1: sounds good :)20:31
* creiht doesn't even know if ya'lls services use wsgi20:31
redboI think you should use zope.interfaces.  How else are you going to auto discover available auth drivers?20:32
glangeredbo: true20:32
* creiht smacks redbo 20:32
creihtdon't tempt them :)20:32
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* joshuamckenty smacks redbo as well20:36
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spackestso, I am trying to go through and on fdisk /dev/sdb I get Unable to open /dev/sdb20:44
spackestany ideas20:44
creihtspackest: what platform?20:44
spackestubuntu 10.420:44
creihtand are you doing it as root?20:44
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spackestbare metal20:45
creihtdo you have another device on /dev/sdb (or could it be named something else)20:45
jonesyspackest: is there some bit in the error after "Unable to open /dev/sdb"?20:45
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spackestI don't see anything, the next line is my prompt20:46
creihtspackest: how many drives do you have on this server?20:46
spackestgood question :)20:46
creihtwell it sounds like you don't have a drive connected to /dev/sdb20:46
spackestI think you're right20:46
jonesyinside the box is a big, wide, ribbon cable....20:47
creihtor hopefully a small sata cable :)20:47
spackestwe're only an hour drive away20:47
spackestcan we do swift on the drive running the os?20:48
creihtspackest: what filesystem is the drive running?20:48
creihtI wouldn't recommend it for production use that way20:48
spackestlooks like ext420:48
spackestyeah, we're just trying to get our feet wet :)20:48
creihtI think you have to set a mount option to support extended attributes20:49
creihtbut after you do that, it should be fine20:49
spackestmight try virtual box20:49
creihtIt is a lot nicer to play around on a vm20:50
spackestthis guy?  user_xattr20:50
jonesyspackest: I believe that's it. I was thinking 'xattr', but I'm not at a linux box to check.20:51
creihtspackest: after a quick google, that looks right20:51
redboWe need to specify those are the VMWare instructions more clearly.  I've always used loopback devices on my OS drive for my VMs.20:52
creihtyeah you can do that too20:52
spackesttrying this user_xattr,acl,extents20:52
holowayspackest: yep, that's it for ext320:52
holowayspackest: you might want to just use a loopback device20:52
holowayspackest: if you don't have ane xtra disk20:53
* creiht always forgets about the loopback device20:53
holowaycreiht: I should update the SAIO manual instructions with loopback device stuff20:53
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gholtredbo: We should probably just change the destructions to do loopback and let others tune things other ways if they want.20:53
creihtholoway: that would be cool, since redbo never seems to get around to it :)20:53
redbohere's what I do:
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holowaygholt: yeah, it would be trivial to blow it away and rebuild it20:54
holowayredbo: you might need to stick a noauto in there20:55
holowayredbo: so you don't try and mount it on reboot20:55
redboI'm fine with it mounting on reboots!20:55
holowayredbo: does loop handle the losetup step for you?20:55
holowayredbo: I believe I've been doing it old skool!20:55
redboit'll use the first available loop device20:55
holowayI'll change my stuff to look like yours then20:56
jonesy_darn. vish1 is gone. Here's the link to the twisted ldap server. Might be useful to him.
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holowayis python like perl, in that the first argument being 'self' is implied if you do ''?21:10
RandalSchwartzthat's not true in Perl, so I'm already confused. :)21:11
holowayRandalSchwartz: what I meant was $foo->bar('baz') in perl causes $foo to get passed to the bar method as the first argument21:11
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RandalSchwartzthat's true21:11
RandalSchwartzI just didn't parse the analogy21:11
holowayand it looks like in Python something similar is happening with 'self' as the first argument to some of these methods21:12
holowayso I'm unclear about whether I have to pass self explicitly, or like perl, it's being passed in implicitly21:12
_0x44holoway: You have to pass self explicitly in Python21:12
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holoway_0x44: thanks!21:16
_0x44You're welcome :)21:16
chmouelholoway: do python -m this to understand the concept of python21:17
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holowayI think I'm down to a failure because I don't understand how the mock http stuff is working:
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notmynameholoway: I think someone told you wrong. for methods on an object, you don't explicitly pass self. but you do have to define self in the argument list21:22
notmynameerr..parameter list of the method21:22
holowaynotmyname: that makes more sense21:23
notmynameso ", arg1)" should be "" and the definition is "def foo(self, a)"21:23
_0x44holoway: Oh sorry, I misunderstood your question.21:23
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holowayno worries21:23
holowayI think I was not very clear21:24
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spackest1redbo: thanks, worked like a champ21:25
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spackest1in swift, what user/group do you folks use for <your-user-name>:<your-group-name>21:27
spackest1might want to put a note in the saio, just kind of in there21:27
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spackest1for just playing around can we use root?21:28
holowayspackest1: whatever your own username/groupname is21:28
holowayspackest1: for the SAIO, it's better to run it as yourself21:28
spackest1this box currently just has root, so make a swift user / group?21:28
notmynamespackest1: I use "john:john". But that might not work for you21:28
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spackest1just thinking an saio note might be nice21:29
spackest1I have done guides where I do something like export MY_USER=john, then use $MY_USER in the other commands21:29
notmynameI think the idea is to use whatever you used when you set up the distro (step one of SAIO)21:29
spackest1a little less cut and paste21:29
notmynameya, that would be nice21:30
spackest1I can buy that, guess since we're doing bare metal it is a little different21:30
notmynameI always get about halfway through it and think that21:30
gholtThere's also the idea that you'd be setting things up to do development; and generally you want to be who you are so you don't get confused when you push changes. :)21:32
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rdwwhat is SAIO?21:34
notmynameswift all in one21:34
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creihtwhich are instructions to run swift on one vm for development21:34
rdwah cool21:34
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holowaycreiht: okay, that bug is now set to fix committed and a merge is proposed21:44
holowaycreiht: which seems like the two right things to do, yes?21:44
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creihtholoway: I think it should be in progress21:45
creihtAnd when merged, changed to fix committed21:45
holowaycreiht: done21:45
creiht(after the approval)21:45
holowaycreiht: gotcha21:45
spackest1might be worth putting something in about how your launchpad id is the username part of your email address21:46
holowayspackest1: it isn't always21:46
spackest1and maybe a little launchpad help21:46
holoway(mine isn't, for example)21:46
spackest1a little confusing :)21:46
spackest1I am new to launchpad21:46
spackest1like having to do a key21:46
creihtholoway: yeah I'm still a bit new to this as well21:46
creihtis useful21:47
spackest1but yes, I understand this is a swift guide, not a launchpad guide :)21:47
holowaythat's how I got this far21:47
holowaycreiht: yay, patches21:47
holowayokay, now back to the rest of my day job21:47
spackest1maybe a link to that page in saio21:47
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holowayoh no21:48
holowayI left a debug statemnet in21:48
holowaylame me21:48
creihtholoway: at least when you push to your branch on lp, the merge request gets auto updated21:48
spackest1I do this bzr branch lp:swift trunk and get bzr: ERROR: exceptions.NotImplementedError: should resend request to, but this isn't implemented21:49
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creihtspackest1: what version of bzr do you have?21:49
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spackest1just what installed from apt-get install bzr21:49
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spackest1on ubuntu 10.421:50
creihtsame here21:50
spackest1I am behind a proxy which has been biting me a bit21:50
spackest1there a bzr proxy setting somewhere?21:50
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creihtjust tried in a clean area and had no problems21:50
creihtyeah I wonder if the proxy is causing an issue21:50
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johnblue... speaking of Ubuntu ...
johnbluespackest1: can't ya set an enviroment variable for root that will pass proxy traffic?21:53
johnblueie:  setenv http_proxy
creihtspackest1: it does indeed look like a proxy issue21:55
spackest1http_proxy is already set, as is https_proxy21:55
creihtbut it might also be part of a bug21:55
creihtwhich is fixed in 2.221:55
spackest1creiht: yeah, that's what I am seeing21:55
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creihtthat kinds of stinks :/21:56
spackest1so, something like this?  apt-get install bzr=2.2.121:57
spackest1(but with the right version :) )21:57
creihtI think 2.2 is still in beta21:57
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creihtor maybe not21:58
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creihtgets you nightly builds of 2.222:00
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spackest1think I will just try this
spackest1I think I have to do this /etc/swift/auth-server.conf as root, but it is in the As you section?22:04
creihtspackest1: root creates the /etc/swift folder and then sets the owner:group to your user22:04
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spackest1sorry, right you are22:05
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spackest1hmm, I grabbed and there isn't a unittests file22:19
spackest1there is a test/unit directory22:19
creihtmtaylor: -^22:20
creihtspackest1: you can run the unit tests by running:22:21
creihtnosetests test/unit22:21
creihtfrom the base dir22:21
spackest1thanks, only got two failures :)22:22
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creihtspackest1: hrm22:26
creihtspackest1: did you export your python path?22:26
creihtor do python develop yet?22:26
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spackest1is this good for my path?  /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/home/swift/bin22:31
creihtspackest1: that's different22:31
spackest1I ran the develop22:31
creihtthat should take care of things22:31
spackest1the /home/swift/bin is the addition22:31
spackest1let me try again22:31
spackest1yeah, I get the two failures22:32
creihtok then that must be a different issue22:32
spackest1how about the functests?22:32
spackest1things seem ok22:32
creihtdo you have something in the test/unit/ file?22:32
creihtor is it blank22:32
spackest1there's stuff22:33
creihtlet me try on my vm22:34
redbohe might have a package installed named "test" or something22:34
creihtyeah the local path should override that though right?22:34
spackest1I think?22:35
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redboummmm... well I'd probably just launch a python interpreter and "import test" and "import test.unit" and see what it says.22:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #608469 in swift ".* script is not in the 1.0.1 download" [Medium,New]
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rdwthe test package is included with many Python installs22:36
rdwit contains the python regression tests22:36
redboyeah, ours is outside right now22:36
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creihtthere must be something wrong with the download22:41
spackest1I think it all worked, though I am not completely sure22:41
creihtI get errors if I run unit tests on the download, but not so from code22:41
spackest1I got a url and auth back22:41
spackest1so swift speaks s3?22:42
* creiht sighs... there is a lot of stuff missing from the download :/22:42
spackest1sounds a little too good to be true :)22:42
creihtspackest1: our api differes a little from s322:42
spackest1glad we could help ;)22:42
* creiht smacks mtaylor 22:42
spackest1have this vision of using swift with eucalyptus as walrus22:43
spackest1or with s3fox22:43
creihtahh... the test dir is missing the __init__.py22:44
_jc___tornado web server has a primitive s3 server22:44
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_jc___I like the simplicity of the cloudfiles api22:45
creihtprimative being a key word :)22:45
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redboThe simplicity is nice.  There's stuff we'd like to do that like the XML format isn't really extensible enough for.22:46
_0x44It's scary that the extensible markup language isn't extensible enough. :|22:47
redbohaha.. well, I was just short-sighted and didn't realize we'd want to include more information in it later.  I wish the list of files was a level deeper.22:48
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spackest1so, we have this and I am pondering making a nice install for swift22:50
spackest1things very stable?22:50
spackest1or what is the release schedule like22:50
spackest1it would deploy at amazon, given your credentials22:50
_0x44Here's the expected release schedule:
mshadlewill openstack make my laptop faster?22:51
spackest1or mow my lawn?22:52
_0x44Yes. Additionally, it will give you not one, but two unicorns.22:52
mshadlei hope they keep their horns aligned the same way, that could get dangerrrrrrrheerous22:52
creihtspackest1: I consider swift to be very stable22:52
_jc___are those release dates for both swift and nova?22:52
spackest1so, I would pull down a tarball with the swift code, just wondering the best way to do that22:52
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spackest1since the launchpad stuff would be hard to automate22:53
creihtspackest1: once we get the kinks of the tarball build fixed, that should be good22:53
redboI don't consider the installation to be very stable :)22:53
_0x44_jc___: Those are the release dates for the next release of both swift and nova, but swift is in production now at RS22:53
redbothere's a lot of packaging stuff I think is still settling down22:54
_jc___so RS uses this code base? not some branch or something older?22:54
redboit was forked a few weeks ago22:54
notmynameswift is what we use in production for cloud files22:54
creiht_jc___: There are some very minor differences22:54
creihtMainly for things like auth22:54
_jc___I assume RS has their own auth thing22:54
_0x44And unicorns22:54
creihthandling billing, etc.22:54
_jc___I see22:55
creihtThere is more code coming as well, but it is a bit auxillary to swift running22:55
spackest1is the cloud files size public?22:55
mshadleRS has unicorns?22:55
creihtspackest1: don't think so22:55
mshadlethey'd probably get more job apps if they listed it on the paper22:55
redboWe're working on getting our production environments onto this code base, though.22:55
spackest1like 100 gig? :)22:55
_0x44mshadle: RS doesn't have unicorns. :(22:55
creihtspackest1: you really think that is all we have in production? :)22:55
spackest1100 PB?22:56
redbo_0x44: you didn't get a unicorn?22:56
spackest1well, I saw some 300,000 server number, so I am betting you have a non-trivial amount stored :)22:56
_0x44redbo: I was grandfathered in, so I didn't attend rookie-o and didn't get a unicorn.22:56
creihtman... when I came back, I had to do rookie-o all over again :/22:57
dubsyea Will and I had to as well.  everyone who walked in the room already knew us :)22:59
spackest1any known significant differences between ubuntu 9.04 and 10.04?22:59
creihtspackest1: 10.04 has python 2.622:59
_0x44When RS acquired us, they asked if we wanted to. I don't think anyone from pre-RS Slicehost did.22:59
mshadlegrub2, upstart22:59
redbocreiht: you needed a refresher sexual harassment video viewing anyway23:00
_jc___I trid using cyberduck against swift on a deployment I have here, but it seems like the GUI is hardcoded to go to, are there are similar user interface tools I can browse my containers and upload files, etc that work with swift?23:00
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spackest1hmm, I get this from 9.04 Python 2.6.223:00
creihtspackest1: oh cool23:01
notmyname_jc___: I've used Cloud Mobile on the iPhone (it lets you set the auth server)23:01
_0x44redbo: We need to send Major back to rookie-o then23:01
spackest1ay idea when the tarball will have everything?23:01
creiht_jc___: for command line, swift comes with the st tool23:01
creihtspackest1: I've let the guy who handles that know, but he is on vacation :/23:01
* creiht smacks mtaylor again for good measure23:01
notmyname_jc___: any tool that lets you set the auth server should work23:02
spackest1just can't run all the tests23:02
spackest1but I could add them later23:02
creihtspackest1: if you  touch test/, your unit tests should all run23:03
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dubscreiht: are public containers slotted to go in the next release?23:05
dubs(or redbo or notmyname)23:05
redbodubs: he just packed up.  I don't think anything's slotted yet, but if you mean the "5 months from now" release, I'd say there's a good likelihood.23:06
dubsi mean the "3 months from now" release :)23:06
_0x44The 2 months from now feature-freeze23:06
redbooh :)  I read somewhere the first release would be in 6 months.23:08
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_0x44Destro announced that the first release was going to be in October in the Releases/Projectwhoozawotzit talk at the summit.23:09
redbodubs: do you have a requirement for that?23:09
redboWe'll probably start planning it whenever wreese gets back.23:10
_0x44redbo: If swift supports public containers, it means iback v2 will be easier for this next release23:10
dubswell, we are drafting our roadmap for the image service and registry.  if swift supports public containers then we can work on the assumption that, at least initially, images are all publicly available23:10
dubsthere's already a lot scheduled for our initial version, so dealing with authenticated object stores would be nice to leave for v2.  swift supporting public containers would be a big deal for us.23:12
dubsi spoke to creiht and wreese about it briefly last week, and both seemed to indicate it was one of the next things on the list23:12
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dubsredbo: not asking you to commit to it here on the spot, I was just wondering if it had already been decided23:14
redbodubs: No, we don't have anything on paper yet.  Will's been too busy.23:14
dubsredbo: thanks, I'll follow up with him23:15
spackest1creiht: yeah, all the tests passed after the touch, thanks23:16
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spackest1fwiw, 9.04 doesn't have python-eventlet23:33
_jc___maybe its better to use easy_install for that, then its distro independent?23:35
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mtaylorcreiht: should be fixed in my latest merge23:44
mtaylorcreiht: you want I should release tarball again?23:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #608496 in nova "README URLs are out of date" [Undecided,New]
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notmynamemtaylor: yes please rerelease the tarball00:50
mtaylornotmyname: k00:57
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uvirtbotNew bug: #608505 in nova "Error in unit test NetworkTestCase test_subnet_edge" [Undecided,New]
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exlt(I brought this up before..) the header link to makes it rather difficult to search the wiki  ;-)02:19
exltis there a high res copy of the logo used on launchpad that I can grab from somewhere - the 64x64 one is a little small02:28
exltcreiht: perfect - thanks!02:31
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exltthat makes the gravatar image a lot better for the github mirror  :-)02:34
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pvois it automatically pulling from launchpad?02:34
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creihtheh... forgot tha tI had created a github login :)02:35
exltpvo yes - cron02:35
exltevery 30 minutes02:35
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mshadleholy crap, comstud03:34
mshadlethat's a name for the ages03:35
comstuddo i know you?03:35
mshadlelast time your name got brought up was when i met eday03:35
comstudoh, you know eric03:36
mshadleand have been efneter for like, ever03:36
comstudahh :)03:36
mshadleeven ran csircd for a couple days03:36
comstudlol.. a couple of days... great!03:36
mshadlei wasnt leet enough to be an ircop03:36
comstudtoo bad I could never 'finish' it03:36
mshadlehey, being able to reload the server without restarting was great03:37
mshadlean idea before its time03:37
comstudyeah... it's very poorly implemented, but it worked03:37
comstudwas a last minute thing03:37
mshadle-everything- nowadays should be designed in that fashion03:37
mshadlean angelesque master03:37
comstudpretty much anything I do is modular like that03:37
comstudi'm working for Rackspace now03:38
mshadlewould be great when microsoft figures it out03:38
comstudyeah really03:38
mshadlerackspace is snatching up everyone!03:38
comstudyeah :)03:38
mshadlepart of openstack should be a new cloud-friendly ircd03:38
mshadleless netsplits. use gearman for relay!03:39
comstudi would like to implement a new one03:39
comstuderic and I are working on: scalestack.org03:39
mshadlei wanted to bug him about how everything intersects03:39
comstud(the name similarity to openstack is i think coincidental :)03:39
comstudi will be creating an irc module for it at some point03:39
mshadlehe's been wanting to call it scalestack before brian put pandora on it03:39
comstudi have a feeling :)03:39
mshadlehaha nice03:40
comstudit's always weird running into ppl that know me :)03:41
comstudwhere do you work/what you do?03:41
jk0yeah, asl?03:42
comstudjk0 :)03:42
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mshadlecomstud: you still talk to tay? :)03:49
comstudrandom comments exchanged on facebook sometimes.03:49
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mshadleshe liked me.03:50
comstudshe liked everyone03:50
mtaylorcreiht: internet ... terrible... uploading ... ass ... tomorrow ... USA ... better ... will do then03:54
mshadlemtaylor: what beach at you at?03:55
mtaylormshadle: cozumel03:55
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mshadleprobably faster than the wifi at oscon on monday/tuesday03:56
mtaylormshadle: did some excellent snorkeling today - but now my back is, well, quite burned03:56
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mshadlei could walk the 1's and 0's on paper quicker03:56
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terjeahoy, ahoy... I'm interested in fiddling around with swift and have a couple of questions03:57
terjedoes it show up as a file system on the compute nodes?03:58
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pvoterje: no, you use it like S303:58
chmouelterje: it's not a POSIX FS it's designed to be used via API03:58
terjesorry, I mean the vm container systems03:58
terjeI get how VM's will access it03:58
pvothey will use it just like they would any other api03:59
terjeor, perhaps I don't.03:59
pvothe vm would run and your code would run inside the vm operating system03:59
terjeok, that's for my customer's VM's03:59
* pvo thinks maybe we need a good diagram detailing how this all works together03:59
pvoI realize it can be kind of vague03:59
terjewell, I've run eucalyptus04:00
terjeso I do understand s3 and ebs04:00
terjeI was hoping for some kind of distributed file system04:00
pvono, that isn't what swift is04:00
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terjeso, how do you do block storage then?04:01
pvothere are a ton of those out there though. Lots to choose from04:01
terjeis that swift also?04:01
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comstudswift doesn't provide block storage04:01
pvonova uses aoe right now, iirc04:01
comstudiscsi support in a branch04:02
terjeso, unrelated question then..04:03
comstudgo for it04:03
terjewill nova manage infrastructure systems?04:03
terjelike, imaging servers, etc.04:03
terjesay, I want to add a compute node04:04
comstudi think the answer is yes.. but depends on what you mean04:04
_0x44terje: The image proxy/pusher sub-projects aren't done yet.04:04
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pvoit should hit the blueprints soon04:04
terjeso, to get started, I take my OS of choice and drop them on a set of systems?04:04
pvoanything kvm supports, sure04:05
pvokvm today, xen server soonish04:05
terjeCentOS it is.04:05
terjeok, thanks.04:05
terjeor that04:07
terjeah.. so does swift use rsync on the back end for file replication?04:13
terjethat's very clever, is it.04:13
pvowhy reinvent the wheel?04:14
terjewhy xfs I wonder?04:14
pandemicsynterje: should check out particularly the Object Replication bit04:15
redbodoesn't have to be xfs, it just performs the best04:15
terjeI like this project already..04:16
terjei will, thanks.04:16
pvoterje: thats good to hear. Tell your friends!04:19
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pandemicsynI just setup a openstack group on linkedin any idea who our community/marketing person is so I can give them ownership of the group ?04:21
jk0Rick Clark04:23
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pvojk0: not sure Rick would want to run the linked in marketing stuff.04:24
jk0he'll know who to give it to, if anything04:25
pvoI suggested someone in recruiting. I hear they like that stuff04:25
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terjeever consider hadoop to do the work of swift?04:34
terjehdfs, even04:34
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chmouelterje: what for ? hadoop need a backend like swift or s3 to work not the other way around04:34
terjefor replication04:34
terjejust a thought..04:35
chmouelreplication is actually quick and not data intensive enough to need a mapreduce kind of data sets04:35
terjeok, so replication isn't a big deal.04:37
terjeI was just suggesting using hadoop's file system, not really map reduce04:38
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terjeI was just curious, I would like to find something akin to gfs04:38
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chmouelah I did not know about HDFS thought it was still using S3 as backend04:39
terjesure, s3 is kind of independent of how you store and replicate the data.04:40
redbohdfs is nice as storage for hadoop, but it has some availability and scaling problems.04:40
terjeok, that's what I was wondering about.04:40
redbomostly single point of failure in the namespace server, and I think the entire filesystem has to fit in RAM on the namespace server.04:41
redboI mean the metadata of course, not the file data :)04:42
chmouelthere is the CEPH distributed file system that I think is getting integrated in the linux-kernel if I am not wrong if you look for something GFS alike04:42
terjeso the metadata has to be replicated too04:43
chmouelit's one of the reason why GFS(1) have so much locking problem sometime :-\04:44
terjeI see04:44
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mshadlei cannot figure out where a confirmation that it is okay to use this: // and the browser will auto fill in http or https, appropriately (good for cross-domain requests that may be mixed mode otherwise)05:23
joshuamckentyEvening everyone, did I miss the excitement?05:26
pvoyea, pretty dead in here right now05:27
pvomshadle: not sure05:27
mshadlei can't tell if it's a nice little browser thing or a universal05:27
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redbomshadle: looks like that's called a "network-path reference"05:27
mshadle"network-path reference"05:29
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sureshgvHi all05:40
sureshgvThis is sureshgv from India05:41
mshadle  :)05:41
sureshgvwould like to involve in development of opestack05:41
sureshgvmshadle: hey05:41
sureshgvi thought u guys are sleep :)05:41
sureshgvlogger url05:43
_0x44sureshgv: Not all of us are.05:43
_0x44sureshgv: Some of us are in the middle of a deploy. :P05:43
sureshgvwhats the deploy?05:44
sureshgvcan you give me the details..05:45
sureshgvany one around?05:50
antonymi need sleep05:50
sureshgvam just curious about what you guys are hacking on..05:51
sureshgvantonym: please let me know05:51
_0x44sureshgv: Ah, we're not hacking on openstack stuff right now, just old stuff05:51
sureshgvold stuff means?05:51
mshadlei'm gonna port openstack to php05:52
antonymsureshgv: we're working on an internal rackspace deploy05:52
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sureshgvmshadle: cool05:52
sureshgvantonym: thnx05:52
redbomshadle: about time05:52
antonymno prob05:52
jk0mshadle: I was thinking ColdFusion might make for a better port05:53
mshadlei don't know python and hate the idea of whitespace dependent stuff and i know procedural php awesome.05:53
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mshadleso.. i don't want to adjust for openstack i want openstack to adjust for me05:53
sureshgvhe he..05:53
redboWell, php is really the best choice anyway.  And why isn't everything stored in mysql?05:54
jk0redbo: how about some sort of PHP/ColdFusion combo?05:55
redboI like how you think05:55
jk0that way we can run it on Windows05:55
mshadlePHP could be the model and coldfusion could be the controller05:55
redbook, someone write up a blueprint05:56
jk0we have ourselves a project05:56
* jk0 nominates sureshgv 05:56
sureshgvoh.. yeah05:56
sureshgvlet me know who can i help u guys05:57
mshadlecan we run it through parrot and make it into php05:57
mshadlethat would save a couple steps05:57
sureshgvjk0: what should i do06:00
jk0sureshgv: we were just joking around about the PHP/ColdFusion version (or at least I was) :)06:01
sureshgv:) okie06:03
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sureshgvmean while will go through the wiki of openstack ..06:03
sureshgvand nova development06:03
sureshgvhave a question..06:05
sureshgvnova and swift both developed in python right?06:06
sureshgvjk0: ^^06:06
jk0that is correct06:07
sureshgvjk0: there is some meetup on jul 29th for nova development etc06:08
sureshgvis there any special irc for it?06:08
sureshgvsuppose if i want to know what going on there06:09
jk0I haven't heard anything, but I'm sure they'll post something on the twitter account:
sureshgvi just get the new from meetup06:10
sureshgvwill follow twitter from now onwards06:10
jk0they're pretty good about posting updates there06:11
sureshgvnice ..06:11
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spackestso, I think I have a couple scripts that will install saio06:25
spackeststill don't have a good feel for how to really use it though it looks like I have it working06:25
spackestsomehow I thought I could point s3 tools at my saio, but it sounds like that's not true?06:26
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spackestor something I can do in a browser?06:31
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joshuamckentysureshgv: the meetup is organized by cloudkick06:33
joshuamckentyit's at the cloudkick offices in the South Bay06:33
joshuamckentyand posted on (I believe) eventbrite06:33
joshuamckentyit's also listed on the wiki somewhere...06:34
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comstudactually in the city.. not south bay06:38
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joshuamckentyah, my bad06:47
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joshuamckentySo I noticed we've got a bot running, any chance we know where the logs end up?07:09
joshuamckentyI'd love to be able to read through scrollback and figure out what was going on while I was on airplanes07:09
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joshuamckentyah, of course. There's carousing right now07:16
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sureshgvjmckenty|away: oh..okie07:25
sureshgvthank you so much for the info07:25
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ralphwhich hypervisors will openstack support?08:05
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adjohn_ralph:  kvm now, xen later.08:39
gianyopenstack works only on ubuntu?08:39
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dendrobatesanyone notice we got a wikipedia page:
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matttthat didn't take long :)09:19
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jonesyjaypipes: you work for RS now?!11:44
* jonesy met jaypipes at OSCON... '08? 11:45
jonesyanyway, congrats on the move.11:46
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jaypipesjonesy: ya, RS now :) since March.12:02
jaypipesjonesy: and thx!12:02
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jonesyso, is there a patch submission howto for launchpad, or is it just a matter of posting a diff in a bug ticket, or mirroring a branch and pointing to a changeset....  ?12:23
* jonesy is new to launchpad, and to a lesser extent, bzr. 12:23
* jonesy has a doc patch. 12:24
mtaylorjonesy: the general process is to push a branch to launchpad with the fix12:25
jonesyok, thanks.12:25
mtaylorjonesy: and then to request a merge on that branch12:25
mtaylorjonesy: I've got a link for you real quick...12:26
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*** mtaylor changes topic to "Find out more and get involved here: | Nova Docs: | Swift Docs: | Wiki: |"12:26
jonesyoh man. I was reading that page, but didn't get to the 'patch queue manager' bit :-/  my bad.12:26
mtaylorrealized that should probably be prominently displayed for now12:26
mtaylorI should probably make a greatest-hits version12:27
mtaylorjaypipes: what are you doing awake?12:27
jaypipesmtaylor: :)12:28
jaypipesmtaylor: workin.12:28
mtaylorjaypipes: heh12:28
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mtaylorjaypipes: if you get 3 secs, could you give me a quick merge review - I need to cut a new tarball for creiht but need a fix in first12:29
jaypipesmtaylor: yep12:30
mtaylorthanks bug12:30
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jonesyyou know, from an end-user perspective (someone looking for info or code for a project they're interested in), I've never liked launchpad, but I just did a merge proposal, and it was one of the easiest experiences I've had outside of maybe github.12:45
mtaylorjonesy: YAY!12:52
clayggood morning13:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #608725 in swift "swift should be internationalized/translated" [Undecided,New]
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jonesy_mtaylor: I whipped this up this morning and am wondering if I should change the 'Swift Cluster' to 'Example Ring'.
mtaylorooh. nice job with uvirtbot whoever added that13:22
mtaylorjonesy_: looking13:22
jonesy_it can stand alone, but I also want it to be a piece of a larger swift deployment diagram (which I haven't seen, is there one?)13:22
mtaylorjonesy_: I'm not sure re: large diagram ... but yeah, I'm a fan of genercising graphics like that13:23
jonesy_it can help tie things together in more complex scenarios for folks who don't have their hands in this type of thing a lot. Guys like me bring stuff like that to people who wear ties :)13:24
anm_hey, I'm following, and it falls apart at: wget -q -O - | tar xSv13:28
anm_euca-bundle-image -i vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server --kernel true13:28
anm_because euca-bundle-image says it requires a cert must be specified.13:29
anm_private key must be specified.13:29
anm_user must be specified.13:29
anm_ec2cert must be specified.13:29
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anm_so im on the HackDay-Slices page trying to sort it out13:33
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* creiht stretches13:47
creihtjonesy_: I'm currently working on deployment docs for swift13:48
creihtand you aren't too far off with that graph13:49
jonesy_creiht: sweet. For my own use, can you answer the question I posed earlier? Should the label in the pic be changed?13:49
jonesy_yeah, but I think I'm a little off. :)13:49
creihtI think swift cluster is right13:49
creihtdoes D stand for data, and P for proxy?13:50
jonesywow, I was way off ;-P13:50
mtaylorcreiht: 1.0.2 tarball released - also released to pypi13:50
jonesyD is device, P is partition13:50
creihtmtaylor: woot13:50
jonesyit's a lower-level diagram I guess, creiht13:50
creihtjonesy_: ahh13:50
jonesyI'm building a larger diagram bottom-up13:51
jonesy....because it's easier to do that in omnigraffle (and other diag tools)13:51
jonesy...I can just import the smaller bits into the larger diag.13:51
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creihtok so I thought you were describing a cluster at first, but if you are describing the ring with that diagram, then you would rename the swift cluster to the ring13:52
jonesyso, what I'm expressing there is the notion of separate zones inside one ring, which guarantees a partition only appears once in a given zone, and is replicated three times.13:52
creihtjonesy: yeah that is starting to make sense now13:53
* creiht is still waking up13:53
jonesycreiht: well, yeah, but what I'm asking for is confirmation that the diagram is valid :)13:53
jonesyok, thanks creiht!13:53
creihtso is there  a reason there are several devices named D1?13:53
jonesyso then I can make copies of that to represent other rings in a larger deployment diag.13:53
jonesycreiht: yeah, I messed up and didn't change the D's when I copy/pasted13:54
creihtI think otherwsie it looks valid, though I would also mix partitions from the top row with the bottom row so people wouldn't think that partitions are mapped in some sort of logical order13:55
jonesygood idea. Will do.13:55
creihtIt is a different way of looking at it13:55
creihtI would also add a legend so it makes it obvious what the parts are13:56
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creihtUsually when we diagram the ring, we have a ring of partitions, and then show one of those partitions getting mapped to 3 devices, each in a different zone13:57
jonesycreiht: if it's not the intended way of looking at it, then I'll do more work on the docs after I do an actual setup, 'cos that diagram is what's in my head as a result of reading the docs.13:57
creihtWill has a diagram in his presentation for OSCON that was pretty good13:57
creihtjonesy: I think it is more of just a different way of looking at it... nothing wrong with that13:57
g0rdycreiht: Is Will's diagram available anywhere ?13:57
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* creiht goes to check again13:58
* creiht doesn't see it on the oscon site yet13:58
jonesycreiht: an actual ring in the diagram would be good, but my plan is to put the bits that use the ring in the same diagram, up to the proxy server, and I only have so much space :)13:59
jonesyif Will's diagram includes all that, I'd love to get it.13:59
creihtNext time I hear from him, I will ping him about the presentation14:00
g0rdyExcellent, thanks much  - I'm with Washington University's Genome Center in St Louis, and we are very intrigued with this14:01
creihtg0rdy: great... feel free to ask any questions14:01
creihtcool... swift is now in pypi14:01
jaypipesjustinsb: ping me if you want to chat about the BasicModel stuff...I've got lots of thoughts ;)14:02
creihtjonesy: looking at your merge proposal for the doc changes now14:06
jonesycool. Hope it's useful.14:07
jaypipesdendrobates: ping14:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #606340 in nova "test_too_many_addresses is not idempotent" [Low,Fix released]
uvirtbotNew bug: #608772 in nova "Failure in NetworkTestCase for range_allocation and  " [Undecided,New]
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jonesywow. Just.... wow.
* creiht looks to see if it is 4/114:40
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gholtI would laugh about it, but I'm too sad.14:41
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cory_I'd be sad about it, but it's too funny14:43
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j2darcySo, what is testYourmomContainer all about anyway?14:55
creihtredbo: would you like to comment? :)14:56
creihtj2darcy: is that in the functests?14:57
alekibangothat name sounds terrible. having mom in a container is evil.14:58
creihtso um... that was an easter egg that was removed a while ago14:58
jonesyor not :)14:58
creihtI guess they forgot to remove the test for it14:58
jonesythat's awesome.14:59
j2darcyI was amused.15:00
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creihtwill be removed shortly :)15:04
anm_i wish i could put my mom in a container sometimes15:05
anm_Im trying to walk through, and i got all the way to the steps where you bundle an image, and it fails:15:06
anm_euca-bundle-image -i vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server --kernel true15:06
anm_requires more parameters than this15:06
anm_I'll be happy to update if I knew what to put15:06
anm_I think it mneeds some environment variables that are not set15:07
anm_based on the error in euca-bundle-image:15:08
anm_Euca2ools will use the environment variables EC2_URL, EC2_ACCESS_KEY, EC2_SECRET_KEY, EC2_CERT, EC2_PRIVATE_KEY, S3_URL, EUCALYPTUS_CERT by default.15:08
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anm_does anyone have a hint?15:11
mtaylorcreiht: I also set up a nightly builds ppa for swift15:15
creihtmtaylor: cool15:15
creihtmtaylor: so is there a reason that we need the swift.egg-info dir in the repo?15:15
mtaylorcreiht: yes and no. (and to be clear, I'm not particularly pleased with it being there either)15:16
mtaylorcreiht: here's the thing...15:16
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mtaylorcreiht: there's a couple of ways to manage the whole debian dir as an upstream who maintains it. none of them are fully pleasant.15:18
creihtIt's debian, what did you expect? :)15:18
mtaylorcreiht: the one I've found to be the best when upstream is using bzr is to use bzr-builddeb and the import-dsc/merge-upstream workflow - but this puts the contents of the released tarball into the branch...15:18
mtaylorcreiht: "normally" ... one would have this be a branch from trunk that does not get merged back in15:19
mtaylorso you have trunk, and you have a packaging branch, and it's not ugly that the packaging branch has a few more files checked in15:19
mtaylorbut then you normally remove the debian dir from trunk15:19
mtaylorI _like_ having the debian dir in trunk, because then normal devs can update stuff in the packaging - but I may be weird15:20
chmoueli think debian advise to keep debian dir not in upstream but in an another branch15:21
mtaylorwe could certainly adopt that model... (it's how I do all of my other projects, honestly) but I think since you already had an internal debian dir, it would be worth poking at options that might keep that workflow around15:22
creihtI don't think I'm adverse to having the debian dir in a separate branch15:22
jmckenty|awayanm_: I haven't checked the instructions recently, but sourcing the novarc file should set the necessary environment variables15:23
anm_ok, let me check that out -15:23
mtaylorok. how about I put up a couple of branches - a trunk minus files that aren't needed and a trunk+packaging and let you look at them?15:23
jmckenty|awaymtaylor: I like having the debian dir in trunk, but I'm not attached to it15:23
creihtmtaylor: that would be great, thanks!15:23
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chmouelmtaylor: for all other public repo for rackspace we have used that model based on exlt recommendation15:24
anm_jmckenty|away: looks like thats whats needed - thanks15:24
* anm_ updates wiki15:24
mtaylorcool. I'll make some branches for folks to look at15:24
mtaylorexlt: you have non-merged debian dir changes right now, yes?15:24
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anm_whan i click in the serach box on the OpenStack wiki, it takes me to the home page  :|15:25
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gholtanm_: You're now part of exlt's club (he's been mentioning that daily for a bit as well).15:28
gholtI'm not sure who "owns" that page to ping them...15:29
anm_gholt: sorry, I just started with OpenStack Yesterday!15:29
gholtNo, np, weird things amuse me, and that particular bug is one of those things. :)15:29
chmouelcan always write a greasemonkey to 'fix' it15:31
chmouelgreasemonkey script..15:31
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jonesyhm. I have a client that uses isilon storage, which is NAS (they access it using NFS). For some reason I thought that swift assumed direct attached storage, but I must've gotten that idea from the code or something 'cos I can't find mention of it in the docs. Clue?15:41
j2darcyNot sure why it would care, or even how it would tell, though it is kind of redundant running a distributed object store on top of clustered NAS.15:42
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jonesyj2darcy: then why doesn't rackspace just use NFS? ;-P15:42
exltmtaylor: I started working on init script changes, but got a little wrapped up in LDAP+ssh-keys15:43
creihtjonesy: swift is designed to use commodity hardware15:43
mtaylorexlt: ok - well, I'll have a new branch for you to look at (probably after my flight) ... will have to diff/patch/re-apply to it15:43
creihtFor example are storage nodes are fairly basic 4u servers with 24 drives15:43
exltwrt init scripts, would we want to stick with using swift-init instead of start-stop-daemon?15:44
jonesyI think there's still benefit over and above using NFS. They have issues related to managing large numbers of files in a million directories for example.15:44
j2darcyjonesy: I'll best cost is one reason (open-source clustered NFS is in a sorry state) and also needed a slightly different feature set.  But they're right here to answer more authoritatively.15:44
creihtThat said, there isn't anything that prevents you from using DAS with it15:44
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mtaylorexlt: would we _not_ want to use start-stop-daemon?15:44
creihtAn actually interesting use case is the possibility of using a 1U or blade server connected to dense DAS storage units15:46
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exltmtaylor: I started looking at swift-init, and it has all the needed pid and actions, etc - that was really my question - what is the best way to do it? start-stop-daemon is the debian way and I think keeping pid locations, etc. the same as swift-init would be a must, but leave primary use of swift-init to source installs15:47
exltand, he left..15:47
creihtSwift would not work very well on NFS (not only for for performance reasons) but also due to how we use the filesystem for things like locking15:48
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exltscreen ftw.. conversational history on irc is one of the killer features for me - without it, it's like missing messages in a long email thread15:49
spackestso, wrote some scripts and a blog post about getting saio up and running15:49
spackestit is here
spackestwould be happy to contribute the scripts15:49
exltanyway.. creiht, do you have any thoughts on init?15:50
spackestthere are three
j2darcycreiht: What about the locking particularly?15:51
creihtj2darcy: for example sqlite uses posix file locking to do it's locking, and that can be very problematic on NFS15:51
notmynamesqlite 3.7 released with WAL
alekibangowoot really15:52
j2darcyThe stuff I'm working on will probably run on top of Swift or GlusterFS separately.  Don't see any particular need to stack them, but it would be good to know of any reasons I couldn't.\15:52
j2darcyI'll have to check the status of sqlite3 on gluster.  I'm pretty sure it's supposed to work.15:53
chmouelis GlusterFS support xattr?15:53
creihtspackest: hah... that's awesome... installing swift on Amazon EC2 :)15:53
j2darcychmouel: Yep.  Depends heavily on them, in fact.15:53
spackestcreiht: thanks, we were trying bare metal, but it is pretty nice to be able to just start from scratch15:53
chmouelthat script could work on a anything really good job spacktest15:53
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spackestyou're welcome to link to the post on here if you like15:55
creihtspackest: I'll take a look at the scripts shortly15:56
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alekibangowhat does this line mean?   why 18 3 1 ??  >> swift-ring-builder object.builder create 18 3 115:57
creihtspackest: by the way, holoway is also contributing a chef script that sets up SAIO15:58
alekibangoi think more about debian FAI setup to configure the cluster. that would help15:58
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creihtexlt: back to init scripts, sorry16:01
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gholtalekibango: 18 == number of ring partitions (2**18), 3 == replicas to make of each object, 1 == hours to wait before moving a partition a second time.16:02
chmouelj2darcy: i started to read about GlusterFS but I am wondering why would you want to run swift on top of it ?16:02
creihtswift-init is useful when you haven't installed it via packaging16:02
creihtfor example when you are doing development16:02
chmouelcreiht: or other OS than debian based ones16:03
creihtI think we have some stuff in the debian packaging for creating init scripts16:03
spackestchef script would be nice, too16:04
creihtbut not sure how comprehensive it is16:04
creihtthe ops guys got used to using swift-init :)16:04
creihtso I'm all for having init scripts, but would also like to keep swift-init16:04
spackestso, is there a swift client that will allow me to mess around with swift a bit, without having to write code?16:04
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creihtspackest: there is the st commandline tool that comes with swift16:05
creihtwhich will allow you to upload and download files16:05
creihtget stats, etc16:05
creihtjust run st, and it should give you all the options available16:05
silassewelleww, swift on glusterfs sounds terrible16:06
creihtany cloudfiles tools that allow you to set the auth url should work as well16:06
gholtYou know, I have tried fireuploader in a while; wonder if he lets you change the auth url.16:06
creihtthat would be nice16:06
spackestI bet I could have my script set ST_AUTH, ST_USER, and ST_KEY16:08
jonesyah. The code leads once again to enlightenment. :)16:08
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creihtjonesy: care to share the enlightenment? :)16:09
jonesyin the arch overview, I'd propose that the proxy server is the first thing to be covered, working toward the ring, following the path of a request handled by the proxy server.16:10
* jonesy has too much time on his hands while long-running tests grind on. 16:10
creihtjonesy: ahh16:11
jonesyunderstanding the ring requires, I think, prior knowledge of all of the other stuff on the page, which is the context for the concept of the ring, and its purpose.16:11
creihtyeah I can see where you are coming from16:11
spackestfwiw, from an outsider, that page is a little tough to grok ;)16:12
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exltcreiht: cool - thanks.  I'll go down the path of using start-stop-daemon in the debian init scripts, and I'll mirror pid file placements, etc - it should "just work" regardless of which the user actually calls16:12
jonesywell, lemme see what I can do.16:12
creihtexlt: sounds good... thanks16:12
justinsbjaypipes: Just catching up on IRC & bugs... looking at bug 608772, is that against trunk or from abstract-data-store?  I started checking exit codes in abstract-data-store, because I ran into some problems in dhcpbridge.  Maybe I broke things if you're on my branch?16:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 608772 in nova "Failure in NetworkTestCase for range_allocation and  " [Undecided,New]
exltcreiht: dunno if I'll actually get to that, today, though..16:13
creihtspackest: yeah... we are getting there, if you think of things that will make the docs more clear, let me know16:13
jaypipesjustinsb: trunk. totally unrelated to your stuff16:13
creihtexlt: oh yeah man, no rush :)16:13
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spackestso based on what would I use for ST_AUTH, ST_USER and ST_KEY16:14
justinsbjaypipes: That's a relief!  If you push it up though, I'm happy to try to run it on mine to see if it 'works for me'16:14
justinsbjaypipes: As I've been playing with it anyway!16:14
creihtnote that the key can change16:14
creihtignore what I just said :)16:15
jaypipesjustinsb: push what?  608772 is a bug I'm trying to tackle right now to no avail :( vish is trying to assist, but no luck yet :(16:15
creihtgholt: thanks16:15
justinsbjaypipes: Ah, so totally clean trunk?16:15
jaypipesjustinsb: yeah :( been happening ever since I started working on nova.16:16
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jaypipesjustinsb: I'm sure it's some sort of sys.path issue, but I'm a little frustrated right now and prolly with work on something else for a bit ;)16:16
justinsbjaypipes: OK, well totally out of my depth here, but are your PYTHONPATH and/or /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nova.pth pointing to the right branch?16:21
justinsbjaypipes: Or we could talk about the data model ... much more fun!16:21
jaypipesjustinsb: yeah, I think I'd rather talk about the data model for right now! :)16:22
jaypipesjustinsb: did you read my code review on your merge prop?16:22
justinsbjaypipes: Let me read it again so it's fresh16:23
jmckenty|awayjaypipes: Vish and I created the dhcp_flagfile thing to fix this specific issue16:24
jmckenty|awayjustinsb: and jaypipes : just sent comments on the data model stuff16:25
jaypipesjmckenty|away: yep, just read em :) ORMs16:25
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jaypipesjmckenty|away: the "canonical" ORM for Python is probably SQLAlchemy.  The issue we'll have with it is, well, it's SQL-based :)16:26
jmckenty|awayright, that's why I was asking about OMs :)16:26
jmckenty|awayjaypipes: <module '' from '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/nova/compute/'> is your clue16:26
jmckenty|awaythat's loading the network module that was installed from a package or easy_install16:27
jmckenty|awaynot the one from the trunk that you're trying to work in16:27
jaypipesjmckenty|away: The BasicModel that's in there right now is OK and with a few adaptations (like making an ABC for the datastore driver), I think we'd be 90% there.16:27
jaypipesjmckenty|away: to fix?  suggestions?16:27
jmckenty|awayjaypipes: which is the reason for the flagfile16:27
jmckenty|awaydo you have a nova-dhcp.conf flagfile?16:28
jaypipesjmckenty|away: not that I know of...16:28
spackesthmm, so can I create a container with st?16:28
jaypipesjmckenty|away: is it in the the branch somewhere?16:28
jmckenty|awayk, two secs16:28
jaypipesjmckenty|away: thx mate :)16:28
justinsbFor the DataModel, I think there are 3 cases that are co-mingled currently: 1) Creating a new object 2) Loading an object by PK and 3) Building an object from datastore results.16:29
justinsbI think there should be 3 separate calls, for clarity & safety & efficiency.16:29
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jaypipesjustinsb: agreed, but with 3) Building multiple objects from datastore results16:29
justinsbIn particular, for a SQL back-end, we want to avoid the 1+N reads problem16:30
jmckenty|awayjustinsb: can you clarify how 2 is different from 3?16:30
jaypipesjmckenty|away: 1 vs. more than 1 object...16:30
jmckenty|awaye.g., does 3 always call 2 eventually?16:30
jmckenty|awayah, gotcha16:30
jaypipesjmckenty|away: I tried to show some example code because I think it's easier to show in code than describe some of this stuff :)16:31
jmckenty|awayWhile I like the idea of both a) being able to specify a filter with multiple params, and b) getting a good generator pattern,16:31
jmckenty|awayI'm not sold on the syntax of having the base class support .next16:31
jmckenty|awayI don't object, I just want to see a couple of other cases stubbed out16:32
jaypipesjmckenty|away: k.  you prefer the all() methods?16:32
jaypipesjmckenty|away: classmethods, that is..16:32
jmckenty|awaythe only advantage of those16:32
jmckenty|away(method or property)16:32
spackestI think this could be a little more clear Usage: st [options] upload [options] container file_or_directory [file_or_directory] [...]16:32
jmckenty|awayis that the external callers don't need to know the name of the 'field' that you want to search on16:32
jmckenty|awayit's conceptual, and exposed in the class def16:33
jmckenty|awaye.g., 'all', or 'by_project'16:33
jmckenty|awaybut that's a pretty weak defense16:33
jaypipesjmckenty|away: yes, I understand that argument.16:33
jmckenty|awayfor something that admittedly doesn't extend nicely16:33
justinsbThe other advantage is indexing...16:33
justinsbParticularly for Redis, there's a world of difference between a scan of all objects and something we've indexed manually16:34
justinsbI mean it's still bad in SQL, but it's catastrophic in Redis16:34
jaypipesjustinsb: indexing is an implementation detail that can be hidden in the datastore driver...16:34
spackestI keep getting ClientException: Object PUT failed: 503 Service Unavailable and I am at a bit of a loss16:34
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justinsbjaypipes: I totally agree... we should hide indexing16:34
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spackestan example or two for st upload would be nice16:34
creihtspackest: first thing is to check to make sure the services are running16:34
justinsbjaypipes: (Not least because I love reimplementing relational DBs on top of key-value stores) :-)16:34
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jaypipesjustinsb: :)16:35
jmckenty|awayI *do* love the symmetry between the 'filters' and the context object that's used elsewhere16:35
justinsbjaypipes: But the advantage of having specific by_project methods is that you can see more easily which secondary indexes you need16:35
jmckenty|awayesp. since (often), the context 'will' be the filter16:35
spackestst stat works and it looks like I made two containers, container and directory :)16:35
jaypipesjmckenty|away: come to think of it, there's really no reason both interfaces couldn't exist...16:35
creihtspackest: and then check /var/log/syslog (or messages if it isn't in syslog) to see what errors are there16:35
justinsbPerhaps the16:35
justinsbPerhaps the 'filters' should be private16:35
jaypipesjmckenty|away: meaning, the filtering constructor could stay around, and stuff like by_project() would be a simple wrapper around it..16:36
justinsbAnd called by the by_project/by_X methods16:36
jmckenty|awayI have to run for a meeting, alas16:36
jaypipesjustinsb: sure, though there's really no "privacy" in Python ;)16:36
spackestguess I just mean basic syntax for adding a container and then adding something to that container16:36
jmckenty|awayI like that pattern, though16:36
jaypipesjmckenty|away: cya16:36
jmckenty|awayso BasicModel gets filter16:36
justinsbjaypipes: True, but the underscore thing serves as a big warning!16:36
jaypipesand subclasses can have whatever they like :)16:36
jmckenty|awayand the object-specific properties are thin, index-aware wrappers16:36
jmckenty|awayI like16:37
jaypipesjmckenty|away: precisely16:37
creihtspackest: I don't think there is a create container command in st, but if you upload an object to a container that doesn't exist with st, it will create the container first16:37
jaypipesjustinsb: ack on that :)16:37
jmckenty|awayjaypipes: that's link will give you which flags are required for dhcpleasor to work16:37
jaypipesjustinsb: I come from C++, where there actually *is* privacy ;)16:37
jaypipesjmckenty|away: thx. cheers!16:37
jmckenty|awaytalk later16:37
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justinsbjaypipes: I come from Java/C++, and am really missing static typing right now16:37
jaypipesjustinsb: heh, yeah :)16:37
creihtstay a while, and you will get used to it :)16:38
jaypipesjustinsb: though I do love Python.  such an elegant language.16:38
jaypipesjustinsb: compared to C++, which can be, well, a difficult red-headed stepchild at times.16:38
justinsbjaypipes: Well, I want to stay away from the language wars, but the self. and cls. thing is bugging me right now16:38
jaypipesjustinsb: hehe, and that's better than "this"? ;P16:39
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justinsbjaypipes: Anyway, I think we've got consensus on the model classes16:39
jaypipesjustinsb: there's actually nothing special about the word "self" in's just a convention.  You could replace self with "me" if you really felt like pissing everyone off ;)16:39
justinsbjaypipes: That they can use your super-magic filters, which we'll keep 'private', wrapped by public methods named by_project etc16:40
jaypipesjustinsb: yeah, I agree on the data model stuff.  How do you want to split up the work?  I'm all ears.16:40
justinsbjaypipes: Do you want to do the magic kwargs stuff?16:40
jaypipessure thing :)16:40
justinsbjaypipes: I might attack the 1+n problem16:40
jaypipesjustinsb: perfect.16:40
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justinsbjaypipes: I think we should also have a benchmark suite for the datastore16:41
creihtspackest: did you get it working?16:41
jaypipesjustinsb: I'll just push to LP and ping you when I'm to get another coffee...16:41
jaypipesjustinsb: yep, that is planned.16:41
justinsbjaypipes: Just to make sure it can scale to Rackspace's needs16:41
justinsbjaypipes: Might slay some sacred cows as well ;-)16:41
jaypipesjustinsb: yep, I'm creating something similar to drizzle-automation for openstack that should stress the systems pretty well.16:41
jaypipeshehe :)16:41
justinsbjaypipes: Yes, I think plugging in Drizzle / MySQL should be next16:42
spackestyip, had a bug, will try a fresh deploy.  missed a <your-user-name> or the like or two16:42
justinsbjaypipes: But probably best to figure out all this with SQLite first!16:42
creihtspackest: ahh good16:42
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justinsbjaypipes: See you after your coffee!  That sounds like a good idea right now...16:43
spackesthoping to add some actual interaction, so I (or other users) can see a file going into swift16:43
justinsbjaypipes: I'm happy to give you commit access to the abstract-data-store branch if you let me know how I can do that (and if that's the right thing to do)!16:45
* jonesy_ returns from lunch and scrolls16:48
jonesy_that was the weakest language war I've ever witnessed.16:48
jonesythanks for updating the review status, creiht -- I was probably supposed to do that.16:50
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spackestyeah!  it works :)17:01
spackestI can put things in and get them out again17:01
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chmoueli have run the script btw: on a fresh vm and aside of a missing cd /home/${MY_USER} before wgetting the other script it seems to work well good job17:15
creihtjonesy: nah... I forgot to do that17:15
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jaypipesjustinsb: trying to fix my paths issue right now...after that, on to the datastore code :)17:23
justinsbjaypipes: Cool.  I do have a question on the best Pythonic way to do something...17:25
jaypipesjustinsb: shoot.17:25
justinsbjaypipes: I'm trying to avoid the 1+N problem, so want to pass in the ID and the state map into the constructor17:25
justinsbjaypipes: What's the best way to do that with the *args, *kwargs pattern?17:26
justinsbjaypipes: Pass the state as an optional named parameter?17:26
chmouelany idea why i am getting that when running the func test /
jaypipesjustinsb: pass *args and **kwargs in the constructor, and ensure args[0] is the identifier (first unnamed param)17:27
chmoueli don't know where that X11 access come from17:27
creihtchmouel: are you running X11 on the box you are testing on?17:27
chmouelcreiht: noip.. i have ubuntu server installed nothing X11 there17:28
justinsbjaypipes: And pass my 'state' hash as the second unnamed parameter?17:28
justinsbjaypipes:  def _build_object_from_data_row(self, kls, row):17:29
justinsb        state = self._build_state_from_row(row)17:29
justinsb        return kls(row['id']) #, state)17:29
jaypipesjustinsb: I'd pass it as the first named param.17:29
jaypipesjustinsb: kls(row['id'], state=state)17:29
creihtchmouel: haven't seen that before17:29
justinsbjaypipes: Cool, thanks!  Then I guess the filtering code will need to check for the magic 'state' parameter and not treat it as a filter...17:30
justinsbjaypipes: Might call it __state to avoid name collisions!17:30
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jonesyjustinsb: I don't have all the background, but if that results in like 50 magical attributes, I wouldn't call it the most Pythonic way.17:30
justinsbjonesy: Should just be one magical attribute... the one that contains the map of all the object's properties.  But suggestions welcome!17:31
jaypipesjustinsb: the filter code will only check for non-sequence params...17:31
jonesyyeah, and if it's just one that you're returning from the method, no big deal17:31
justinsbjaypipes: Forgive my Python noob-ish ness.  I'll read up on this stuff!17:32
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jaypipesjustinsb: I planned on getting rid of the state attribute entirely.  it's pointless.  we should just use self.__getattr__ and self.__dict__[key]17:33
jaypipesjustinsb: no prob :)17:33
jaypipesjustinsb: the state dict is not really necessary since BasicModel inherits from object and therefore has an attribute dict already...17:34
jaypipesjustinsb: in other words, the BasicModel really should just be plan old data, with a few wrappers/constructors for convenience.17:34
justinsbjaypipes: Ah... cool.  I'm guessing maybe the problem is that sometimes there are variables that they don't want to save to the datastore maybe?  But who knows...!17:35
jaypipesjustinsb: there might be...but just prefix em with _...17:36
justinsbjaypipes: Sounds like you want POPOs (Plain-Old-Python-Objects)? ;-)17:36
jaypipesjustinsb: as of right now, though, there aren't any "hidden" variables.17:36
jaypipesjustinsb: :)17:36
chmouelcreiht: yeah weird, if i connect with ssh -x and remove libx11-6 and connect with ssh -x it seems to don't do that anymore17:37
justinsbjaypipes: So long term the state can be passed in using your new named-arg constructor pattern17:37
justinsbjaypipes: But in the short term we'll just get something that works!17:38
jaypipesjustinsb: yep.  though we'll need to review Ewan's code and get that merged in first...he changes a number of things that will conflict with our work.17:38
chmouelcan we add that by the way to allow to pass -v to the unit tests or other args17:39
jonesychmouel: have you tried just using ssh -Y ?17:40
jonesyinstead of -x17:40
creihtchmouel: that is a good idea, why don't you send a merge proposal? :)17:42
chmouelcreiht: damn i'll need to learn launchpad for a two char diff :)17:45
chmoueljonesy: seems to be it when I have the xauth installed (and accessing without -Y) its trying to access some X11 related stuff  (or at least to libX11 from the strace) cf: chmouel@lutece:~$ ssh
jonesychmouel: use the wiki page. Got me through pretty painlessly.
chmouelcf: i mean
chmoueljonesy: yeah i am just being lazy but tks17:47
jonesychmouel: iirc, the error you're getting, and the fact that you don't get it using -Y means that whatever you're running requires root access to an X11 resource, and you're not root (or, whoever you need to be to access the resource, usually a window in my experience)17:49
jonesyalso going on memory, the error comes from your local machine, not the remote one.17:51
chmouelsounds about right but I wonder what in python unit test would need access to X1117:51
jonesyI think -Y was added to openssh to encourage people not to use 'xhost +'17:51
jonesyyeah, that I don't know.17:51
jonesyhope python isn't linked to idle or something on that box ;-P17:52
jonesythat would be really weird.17:52
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chmouelit's a straight install from ubuntu server17:53
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jaypipesyeah \o/.  friggin paths.  resolved finally.  thank goodness for virtualenv.18:00
* jaypipes goes off to write a blog entry on developing nova in virtualenv...18:01
* jonesy wishes for time for developing nova with or without virtualenv18:01
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creihtI just got confirmation that Will's talk about swift at OSCON was filmed, I'll update everyone when it is available online18:02
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jonesyhow does this page not have a feed?
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jk0wrong window18:14
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gholmsWould anyone be willing to stop by #fedora-meeting in about 2h15m to help answer questions people from the Fedora cloud group may have about Openstack?18:42
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pvogholms: I'll see if I can scare up folks. What time are you talking? 4PM EST?18:44
joshuamckentyooh, that would be cool18:44
pvo^^ he would be one of those folks18:45
uvirtbotpvo: Error: "^" is not a valid command.18:45
joshuamckentyIf I can track down reliable power and network, I'll come18:45
gholms5 PM EDT, or whatever that is in $localtime.18:45
pvogholms: sounds good.. I think that would be 2pm west coast... I'm time zone confused right now18:46
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joshuamckentyyeah, pretty sure that's 2PM18:48
joshuamckentyk, I have to find a venue with power, down to 10 minutes18:49
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gholmsGood luck  ;)18:49
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creihtgholms: Do you need represenatives for both compute and storage?18:52
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gholmscreiht: It wouldn't hurt.  From the sound of things everyone on the mailing list is unfamiliar with how things work on openstack.18:55
creihtgholms: I can't be there, but I will try to round up someone else from our group to be there18:56
gholmsThe goal is basically to get official Fedora images on some of the more popular cloud platforms and/or make it easy to create one for one's platform of choice.18:56
gholmscreiht: Thanks!18:56
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creihtjaypipes: last image on the blog doesn't load for me (the one about passing tests)19:05
creihtIt does if I see the article from your front page though19:06
jaypipescreiht: thx for the heads up...fixing now.19:06
jaypipescreiht: should be fixed now. thx again :)19:08
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justinsbjaypipes: Awesome... what works for me is not to install anything and to use export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` instead... but your blog post made me realize I've been forgetting to do that... :-(19:10
jaypipesjustinsb: that's essentially what virtualenv does for you, plus some extra goodness...19:11
justinsbjaypipes: Good tip, thanks!  Can it remind me when I've forgotten to run it? :-)19:12
jaypipesjustinsb: hehe, no, but failed test cases will do that just fine ;P19:13
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creihtThe added advantage of virtualenv is that it isolates all the packages that you are using, not just the one project that you are developing on19:13
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jaypipescreiht: which is critical when you're working in numerous branches...especially when those branches have different dependencies ;)19:14
* creiht is glad swift has very few external dependencies :)19:14
* jaypipes smacks swift with hundreds of dependencies, just for fun.19:15
creihtman... documentation can be monotonous :/19:15
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* jonesy applauds jaypipes for properly spelling 'dependencies' in his blog post (and for the blog post as a whole) :) 19:18
glangecreiht: spice it up by "lieing"19:20
jaypipesjonesy: hehe19:23
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RandalSchwartzFLOSS Weekly 128 is out... recorded live at OSCON...
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jaypipesRandalSchwartz: awesome :) thx!19:35
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spackestok, I updated the post and the scripts to include some st support and examples19:36
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notmynamedid everyone go to a meeting. I think this is the quietest it's been in here for days :-)20:27
creihtshhh... I'm finally able to get some work done :)20:29
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* _0x44 stomps around clanging pots together.20:29
notmynamecreiht: I thought this was your full time job now!20:29
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gholmsWell, there is the Fedora Cloud SIG meeting in 30 minutes...  ;)20:30
pvolooking for dendrobates now. He was just here....20:31
* jaypipes yells at creiht 20:31
jaypipespvo: heya, tell rick I need him to create a new milestone...can't do it since I'm not an admin...was going to create a low-hanging-fruit milestone for small or easy/medium-difficulty tasks we can toss up for interested contributors20:32
jaypipespvo: of course, nothing urgent, just a thought...20:33
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notmynamegholms: I don't know anything about fedora, but I do know (a bit) about swift. will you be talking about packaging or more about what the projects do?20:34
spackestbtw, I got the swift-1.0.2 download and it looks much the same, missing things as per
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 608469 in swift ".* script is not in the 1.0.1 download" [Medium,Fix released]20:34
gholmsnotmyname: Probably both.  There are people looking to package openstack bits and people looking to build images for a number of cloud platforms.20:35
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creihtspackest: gah!20:36
pvojaypipes: yea, thats right. We do need to do that.20:37
spackestI might be missing it, but this doesn't get me anything find . -name unittests20:37
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creihtspackest: it is called .unittests20:38
creihtand I see it in my download20:38
creihtgotta run... but will be back later20:38
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alekibangogholt: thansk for answer you gave me 4 hours ago20:40
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RandalSchwartzRuh roh.  the editors left the closing off the FLOSS Weekly show. :(20:44
* RandalSchwartz fires off a hasty email20:45
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spackestcreiht: darn, my bad, yes I see them20:47
spackestbetter than a nasty email20:47
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joshuamckentyit's time?20:58
gholmsReminder:  Fedora Cloud SIG meeting in 2 minutes in #fedora-meeting20:58
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holowayjoshuamckenty: you going to be in SF next week?20:58
pvoyea, think so.20:58
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joshuamckentyholoway: no, Zurich next week20:58
mcgurrinI have a question about the mailing lists and a few other qwuestions on OS compatibility20:58
holowayjoshuamckenty: nice!20:58
joshuamckentywork, not holiday20:58
joshuamckentybut still sort of nice20:59
mcgurrinI can't seem t find the mailings lists on launchpad20:59
RandalSchwartzI'll be in SF tomorrow20:59
notmynamemcgurrin: I'll defer to a launchpad guru about the mailing lists, but what questions do you have about OS compatibility?20:59
mcgurrinwill at least the object storage run on a mac?21:00
mcgurrinI think I might have a use for it but it is for a mac centric pace21:00
_jcsmithprobably, just don't do the xfs part of the install?21:00
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notmynamethe requirements are python and a filesystem that support xattrs (HFS+ does, I think)21:00
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mcgurrinand can the disk used on any node be limited?21:01
mcgurrinI am thinking of putting this on a set of workstations to provide reliable storage for large media files21:01
mcgurrinbut we need to keep disk free for other things21:02
adrian_otto_jcsmith: Use python 2.6. I ran into trouble using an older version21:02
notmynamemcgurrin: there is no way to limit nodes right now21:02
mcgurrindang, can I chose where on the filesystem it stores files, maybe a partition?21:03
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gholtYes, no problem there. It uses /srv/node/* by default.21:03
mcgurrinI would also wonder if the components are availible to run the compute on a mac?21:04
mcgurrinI work at a school where we do a lot of media editing so the main thing would be the storage but compute might be nice21:04
notmynamemcgurrin: one solution may be to write an auth server that tracks usage and limit accordingly21:05
JordanRinkeSo, there is free cotton candy at one of the Rackspace buildings right now and it is... AWESOME - just wanted to share my sugar high. Carry on.21:06
mcgurrinI have need to limit per computer node, not per user21:06
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_jcsmithone hack maybe would be to run more object servers on servers you want more data to be put on, since the partitioner would see them as seperate instances21:07
mcgurrinthese computers would be primarily workstations so I need to keep spae free for local users21:07
mcgurrinthat would be a neat solution21:07
gholtWell, if you just want a "soft" limit, the weights of the devices you add to the ring would do that.21:07
mcgurrinthats the issue, I need hard limits, I think that is solved though, just partition the drives so that it can't use to much21:08
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gholtAnother option is to use quota. Mac supports that I believe21:08
_jcsmithmaybe put a quota on the swift user?21:08
mcgurrinI think that might be possible but a pain, I don't think there is an easy way to do quotas on anything other than the server OS21:09
holowaycreiht: do you have some sample tests for the sqlite database?21:09
holowaycreiht: sucked that my unit test didn't actually test the database part :)21:09
creihtmcgurrin: yeah i think a separate partition would solve your problem21:09
redboWe pull in fallocate(2) with ctypes, that would have to fail gracefully for it to work on mac.  That's the only linux-ism I know of.  Maybe posix_fadvise.21:09
creihtholoway: not at the moment but i can help later21:10
holowaycreiht: no worries21:10
mcgurrinI think partitioning is the best option though because I need to protect it from re images as well21:10
holowayI'm going to fix it and test manually21:10
holowaywe can get around 2 it :)21:10
mcgurrinwell, thanks, I might come back later but I have to get other stuff done.21:12
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ratasxyi have a problem21:53
ratasxywith swift21:53
ratasxyratasxy@ratasxy-desktop:~/cloudstorage/swift$ python build_sphinx21:53
ratasxyTraceback (most recent call last):21:53
ratasxy  File "", line 17, in <module>21:53
ratasxy    from setuptools import setup, find_packages21:53
ratasxyImportError: No module named setuptools21:53
anm_ratasxy: you need to instakl setuptools21:53
_jcsmithapt-get install python-setuptools21:53
ratasxythamks anm_ _jcsmith21:54
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anm_ratasxy: you'll probably find more missing dependencies as soon as you get past that one21:54
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_jcsmithcheck out the packages on here21:55
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anm_if i could just get nova running, i'd breathe a big sigh and know that everythings gonna be ok ;)22:18
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anm_ive cut and pasted my way through every wiki howto and hackday slice, no joy22:18
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ratasxyhi pandemicsyn22:22
ratasxyhi patcito22:23
patcitohey :p22:23
anm_can anyone help with this error, returnrd from euca-register: TypeError: character mapping must return integer, None or unicode22:25
antonymanm_: we ran into that during our installfest and i *think* this was the fix,
anm_i'm following teh installfest directions, so maybe so, thanks22:29
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anm_antonym: that was it22:45
anm_is that patch in the trunk?22:45
anm_sorry, all I know is svn terminology22:46
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antonymanm_: cool, yeah, i believe it's been added22:47
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anm_so, can I manage nova instances using something like ElasticFox?22:50
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holowaycreiht: I've got an updated version of that patch, but I'm not in a position to test it22:53
anm_antonym: well, i thought that was it :  euca-register mybucket/vmlinuz-2.6.32-23-server.manifest.xml22:53
anm_TypeError: character mapping must return integer, None or unicode22:53
holowaycreiht: you want me to push it up anyway, in case one of ya'll gets a chance?22:53
anm_i was alomost to the bottom of the installfest howto22:53
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_jcsmithwhats the preferred way to distribute load for the proxies in swift? run a bunch of them and front end them with haproxy/zeus/hw load balancer, or is the auth server returning different storage urls and spreading load?23:07
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anm_argh, if i had any hair, i would pull it out23:14
anm_euca-run-instances $machine --kernel $kernel --ramdisk $ramdisk23:14
anm_ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded23:14
anm_does openstack have its own pastebin?23:15
anm_or use etherpad maybe?23:15
anm_nova-api is spilling its guts when trying to run an instance23:16
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anm_heres the errors I'm getting:23:20
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mtaylorcrappit. what's exlt's real-life name?23:40
alekibangoMichael Shuler?23:41
alekibangojust write /whois exlt23:41
mtayloralekibango: hehe. oh crappit - I didn't see him up there in the voiced list23:42
mtayloralekibango: I was trying to be lazy and use the mouse23:42
* mtaylor smacks self23:42
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anm_ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded23:44
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vish1what did i miss?00:26
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patcitoviewlogic, the bus00:33
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viewlogicoh, i see, autocomplete fail ;)00:36
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bretpiattvish1, NTT's block storage is out if you haven't seen it yet http://www.osrg.net00:47
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creihtholoway: Go ahead and push it and I will take a look01:58
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alekibango <- seen this?02:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #608988 in nova "checksum images before booting" [Undecided,New]
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creihtIs Lew's talk about openstack at OSCON03:10
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PiotrSikoracreiht: thanks!03:12
creihtHaven't seen anything about Wills talk yet03:12
PiotrSikoraonly 8mins long?03:12
creihtI think most of their keynote type talks are pretty short03:13
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PiotrSikoracreiht: ah... i thought it was supposed to be whole presentation03:25
PiotrSikoraor maybe there will be that as well?03:25
creihtPiotrSikora: There are more presentations, but the videos have not been posted yet03:26
PiotrSikoraok, thx03:26
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tobymis OpenNebula related to NASA's Nebula project?03:58
sureshgvhi all..04:02
silassewellCould anyone explain real quick what swift-auth-recreate-accounts is used for?04:03
silassewellOther than recreating accounts...04:03
pandemicsynsilassewell: thats basically it04:04
pandemicsynif you wipe an enviornment for example04:04
pandemicsynwow keyboard doesn't wanna cooperate today sorry04:05
pandemicsynif you wipe an enviornment for example you can just swift-auth-recreate-accounts and it will run out and recreate the auth accounts on the storage nodes04:05
silassewellPerfect, that makes sense, thanks.04:05
pandemicsyncomes in handy during hardware/config testing04:06
silassewellI'm packaging this stuff for Fedora and they require at least a stub man page, trying to fill out something semi-useful without just bs'ing from the bin name04:07
pandemicsynawesome (we're an ubuntu/debian shop) but im still a Rhel/fedora guy deep down04:09
silassewellhaha, cool04:10
silassewellstandardizing on optparse (or whatever) and creating a man page generator from that would be pretty cool04:10
* redbo shakes his head in shame.04:10
silassewellseems like ever bin uses a different option parser package04:11
redboha... didn't even notice.04:12
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redboapparently I'm stuck on getopt and everyone else has moved on to optparse04:16
silassewellits easier once you pick it up, plus it gives you free help and basic type checking04:17
silassewellmight be a fun little project to force myself to learn bzr04:17
silassewellfun being defined as something I can do while drinking04:18
wreeseredbo: you suck ;)04:19
wreesePiotrSikora: they did not record my presentation. I'm not cool enough :P04:20
redboI wish people would quit saying that.04:20
wreeseI will post my slides soon04:20
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wreesebut they are probably not that interesting without some audio04:21
pandemicsynthats easily fixed ;)04:22
vish1tobym: unrelated04:24
tobymvish1: thought so, thanks.04:24
redboJust wait until creiht's 70s Carl Sagan style videos about swift come out.04:25
chmouelredbo: and in 2.7 there is again a new option parsing library
wreesethat's exactly what I thought of for an wasy fix :P04:28
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wreesetobym: this you?
tobymwreese: yes...been trying to make sense of the state of things after openstack was announced04:30
tobymwreese: any feedback?04:30
wreeseyou were at the top of the list for "openstack" on a google blog search sorted by date :P04:30
tobymwow nice...I just posted that 20 minutes ago04:30
wreesenice post04:31
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PiotrSikorawreese: shame on thme :/04:37
PiotrSikorawreese: please let me know when you'll post slides ;)04:37
vish1are all of you rs guys still in portland?04:45
PredominantI am04:46
_0x44vish1: pvo leaves tomorrow04:47
vish1i'd love to see more of the servers team participate on launchpad....04:47
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vish1but i guess you guys are all busy with oscon04:47
* vish1 is trying to get his patches reviewed more quickly04:47
_0x44We haven't participated more this week on LP/nova because we had a release for our current code on Wednesday04:48
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vish1ah gotcha04:48
_0x44It was originally planned to have gone out on Monday, but someone realized that might be problematic. I wonder why? ;)04:49
vish1by the time you look at nova again it is going to be completely unrecognizable04:49
vish1(assuming i get the rest of my refactoring patches through)04:49
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_0x44Awesome, I won't look at it until those refactoring patches are through. ;)04:50
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ratasxyhow compile swift?12:15
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jonesyratasxy: try this -->
ratasxyjonesy, thanks12:17
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mcgurrincan anyone help me join your mailng list, I see on the website that they are on launchpad but I can't find them there, it may be my inexperiance with launchpad though, I normally use sourceforge13:20
mcgurrinlaunchpad seems to say there isn't one wen I looked13:20
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_0x44mcgurrin: The mailing lists are linked from: and
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jsgotangcogood morning!13:25
mcgurrinthats what I thought but:13:26
mcgurrinThis team does not use Launchpad to host a mailing list.13:26
mcgurrincomes up under mailing list13:26
_0x44mcgurrin: OH, right... you have to be a member of those teams to be able to subscribe to those lists.13:26
_0x44mcgurrin: I think this one should be public:
mcgurrinThere’s no page with this address in Launchpad.13:27
mcgurrinI see the member thing for nova13:27
_0x44Also, it doesn't look like swift has a mailing list yet.13:27
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mcgurrinthats what it looked like13:28
_0x44Sorry, I thought they had.13:28
mcgurrinI just wanted to make sure I was looking where I should13:28
mcgurrinit's fine13:28
mcgurrinany other ideas on the public list?13:29
mcgurrinI could use to have one for my questions and I might be able to help out a little as well, I'm more of an email guy than IRC usually13:29
mcgurrinthanks for what you have been able to do13:31
mcgurrinIt helps to know I am not missing something, the website/launchpad differences had me thinking I might have13:31
_0x44You're welcome :)13:31
_0x44I think monty or will will have to create the swift list, but they're both away one on vacation the other at oscon13:32
notmynameI think it might be creiht rather than wreese13:33
_0x44That makes sense.13:33
notmyname(but I'm just saying that to make sure they see their names highlighted when they get on)13:33
_0x44I didn't look for creiht or wreese because I saw mtaylor wasn't on...13:34
anm_awaycan anyone give me some assistance?  Im at the end of the installfest instructions for getting nova running, and when I finally try to launce an instance using euca-run0instances, i get:13:38
anm_awayValueError: No JSON object could be decoded13:38
anm_awayeverything was fine up until trying to launce the instance13:38
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anm_so, i've built the machine, but the gas tank is empty13:41
anm_this ride takes 3 tickets, and I only have two13:41
anm_etc. etc.13:41
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exltmtay<TAB> isn't here.. but, got your branch review request - soon as I can, I'll look  ;)14:02
mcgurrindo you guys know if any other software will support openstack like cyberduck, (I am really thinking about software that supports cloud files currently.14:05
notmynamemcgurrin: swift is API compatible with Cloud Files14:06
notmynameso any program that supports Cloud FIles (like cyberduck) will support swift14:07
notmynamethere is a trick, though14:07
mcgurrinI figured that but if any URL's are hardcoded into something like cyberduck it won't work14:07
notmynamemost of those programs have the rackpsace auth server hardcoded14:07
mcgurrinThat's the sort of thing Iwas figuring14:07
mcgurrinyou mean faking14:07
mcgurrinthe DNS or hosts file?14:07
notmynamethere is only one app I know of that will work out of the box. "cloud mobile" on the iphone allows you to set the auth server14:08
notmynameother tools (like wordpress plugins) could be made to work very easily by editing the PHP code14:08
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notmynameyou might be able to get away with some faking via dns or hosts14:09
notmynamethe auth server included in swift is compatible with the rackspace auth server, so it should work14:09
mcgurrinI think I could even do IP based rewriting through our firewall14:10
notmynameyou will need to rewrite and (I think that 2nd one is right. it's an older url that some tools still have hard coded)14:11
exltduplicity will also honor the env var CLOUDFILES_AUTHURL=<https://yourauthsrvr>14:11
mcgurrinthat would work, do you know of any backup programs that use cloud files and support keeping old versions of files?14:12
mcgurrinhis might be a cool backup solution for servers to extra workstation space14:12
exltI use duplicity monthly full backups with nightly incrementals and 90-day retention - that gives me 3 months of rolling back, if I want14:13
notmynamemcgurrin: that second one should be api.mosso.com14:13
mcgurrindoes duplicity use cloud files I assume then?14:14
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exltmcgurrin: yep14:14
mcgurrinthanks notmyname14:14
mcgurrinwe were looking at a fairly expensive remote backup solution, this might be a cool one to try for free/cheap14:14
exltduplicity uses a wide range of back end services, ftp, scp, local/remote fs mounts, s3, CF..14:14
mcgurrincool, we might even be able to use it for both then14:15
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mcgurrinthanks you guys, I'm slowly hashing out uses with your help14:16
notmynameany time. i just think it's awesome that someone wants to use some code I helped write :-)14:16
exltmcgurrin: I use it for dual backups to cloud files and s3 on important data -
exltthat script need some love - it's just the backup run - it needs listing, verify, etc..14:17
mcgurrinwe already backup to a second hard drive in case of system failure, we are already talking second and maybe third full backup ere14:17
notmynameif you had a small swift cluster, you would have 3 copies of the data protected against many system and drive failures (dependent a little on how you deployed the hardware)14:18
mcgurrinwe are looking at a relatively cheap dedi with extremely cheap SAN storage to backup to and now this14:18
mcgurrin$1/month per 100GB of storage14:19
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jonesyso, in launchpad, if I do a merge proposal, and then I get feedback, and make some changes, do I then have to resubmit the proposal?14:54
jonesyI committed my changes to my branch, and changed the status back to Needs Review, but I don't see a change on the lp page at all.14:55
jonesy....which is kind of unintuitive.14:55
jonesydamn. Nevermind. It's covered on the wiki. Again. :-P14:56
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anm_can I use EC2 tools with to manage instances in nova? euca tools are not working for me15:10
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dendrobatesanm_: the ec2 tools license says they can only be used with ec215:12
anm_ok, well crap15:13
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anm_euca-tools --debug provides no more debug than without, so im stuck15:13
creihtjonesy: cool... I'll review it shortly15:14
jonesycreiht: thx!15:14
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anm_is there a way to put more debug output from the euca tools at runtime?15:16
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anm_this is the error from nova-api:
anm_so i think the error is in nova, not euca-tools the more I look15:21
anm_should I report this as a bug in launchpad?15:21
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anm_and do I file it against openstack or nova in launchpad?  nova doesnt appear to have any bugs in launchpad15:23
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mtayloranm_: then you'll be the first!15:25
mtayloranm_: (file against nova)15:25
creihtmtaylor: evidently swift doesn't have a mailing list15:26
creihtand good morning :)15:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 609203 in nova "Error trying to start instance" [Undecided,New]15:26
anm_my first nova bug  :D15:26
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mtaylorcreiht: yes. working on it :(15:27
mtaylorcreiht: and good morning to you!15:27
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creihtmtaylor: hope you had a good trip, and that we didn't ruin it too much15:31
mtaylorcreiht: trip was great - and really what's better than hacking on stuff while at the beach :)15:32
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creihtjonesy: btw...  have you signed the CLA?15:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #609203 in nova "Error trying to start instance" [Undecided,New]
jonesyI'm gonna say no, creiht15:36
jonesysince I don't know what/where it is.15:36
creihtit isn't a big deal15:37
jonesycreiht: loading now. :)15:38
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jonesythat is a pretty cool e-sign tool.15:40
jonesycreiht: ok, I'm all signed and verified.15:41
creihtjonesy: awesome15:41
creihtjonesy: one more small change needed... sorry15:41
silassewellso swift-init, do we think its going to stay pretty much the same as it is now for the near future?15:45
creihtsilassewell: I don't expect it to change15:46
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creihtsilassewell: Are you asking in the context of using it for init scripts?15:46
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silassewellcreiht: yeah, just trying to figure out the best way to integrate it with the fedora/el init stuff15:48
creihtsilassewell: you might ask exlt as he has been doing the same with the debian packaging15:49
silassewellcreiht: yeah, I've looked at the debian stuff which basically just calls it directly, fedora likes some extra information. trying to decide if it would be easier to rewrite it in bash or just patch what's there15:50
exltsilassewell: it's on my honey-do list as soon as I can get to it - proper debian inits15:51
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silassewellexlt: do you think you're going to update swift-init or just write them from scratch? looking over swift-init there looks like there are some cases where things might fail and there is no way for an init script to know15:55
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jonesytornado released 1.0 last night,15:57
exltsilassewell: mtaylor and I talked about this yesterday - I think leaving swift-init there for source install use is great - the debian inits will use the standard start-stop-daemon with PID files, etc in the same locations15:58
silassewellexlt: ok, I'll just plan on doing that as well15:59
exlttime is my only factor, atm - not a difficult branch, just tedious15:59
silassewellexlt: definitely15:59
mtaylorexlt: you saw the packaging split went through, yeah?16:01
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jonesycreiht: tried again. Someone else chimed in too :)16:06
allsystemsaregowhat Linux distributions is openstack already packaged for?16:06
chmoueli think fedora is working on it16:07
creihtallsystemsarego: we have some basic ubuntu packaging, but it needs some work16:07
silassewellallsystemsarego: -- its still rough through16:08 bug 617632 in Package Review "Review Request: swift - OpenStack Object Storage (swift)" [Medium,New]16:08
rbergeronthanks, silassewell :)16:09
notmynamejonesy: I was the "someone else"16:12
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silassewellexlt: are you creating a user for each service or just one for all? don't really know enough about how the services interact yet16:15
creihtsilassewell: We run it as just one user for everything16:17
silassewellcreiht: ok16:17
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exltsilassewell: that user/group is set up in debian/swift.postinst16:22
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silassewellexlt: thanks, must have missed that (still figuring out the debian packaging stuff)16:23
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sparkycollierGood day JordanRinke + world16:26
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jonesynotmyname: well thanks for the input!16:58
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lbieberanm_  file bugs against nova -
PiotrSikorawreese: did you have time to upload your slides yet?17:06
* jonesy 's still waiting for the vid to be posted. 17:12
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* jaypipes wishes for autumn...this summer heat is killing him...17:19
jonesyjaypipes: are you in TX?17:20
jonesythey don't have autumn there. They just have summer and February.17:20
jaypipesjonesy: hehe, no, in Columbus Ohio.  I thought it was hot in Austin last back, it's the same here ;)17:20
bretpiattjaypipes, yeah I was looking forward to a cool weekend in NYC for DrupalCamp, it's going to be as hot there as it is in San Antonio :(17:21
jonesy...but more humid :(17:21
jaypipesbretpiatt, jonesy: more humid than Austin?!17:22
jonesyno, than SA17:22
bretpiattmore excitement about swift today, the folks from nasuni pulled down code and got it running in their lab in an hour, they're happy to finally have a scalable backend for testing in their own lab17:25
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jaypipesbretpiatt: we have to work on that "in an hour" thing ;)  5 minute installs FTW.17:26
* jaypipes happy to see termie's Makefile in nova...made my blog post irrelevant in, like, 1 day ;)17:27
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jaypipesbretpiatt: It would be super-excellent to get someone to code up a custom installer for openstack as a  whole, that would download and install each/all components of the stack and lead someone through the various setup stuffs...17:29
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jonesyjaypipes: what? I was planning to use that blog post, like, next week. I also don't see a Makefile. Where's that?17:30
bretpiattjaypipes, jordanrinke put some additional docs in the wiki, we're talking to the fedora team about packages there, soren or ? is working on ubuntu packages, we have a few debian packages guys involved too (not sure who specifically is on it there)17:31
jaypipesjonesy: termie put in a merge prop on it a little while ago...not in trunk yet.17:31
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jaypipesjonesy: you can still follow my blog post, though. termie's work simply lays out the dependencies properly.17:31
jaypipeslemme grab a link for ya...17:31
bretpiattjaypipes, we will need long term an installer app though that lets people pick which components to install to ensure they get a fully functioning system17:32
jaypipesbretpiatt: yup.17:32
jonesyheh - I was already there :)17:32
jaypipesbretpiatt: especially with so much necessary configuration/setup work and so many components.17:32
bretpiattjaypipes, greenisus and adrian cole may be able to sort that out together after we have packages, they're going to integrate chef into the mobile and web apps, part of those apps could have a screen for "install new deployment"17:33
jaypipesnice :)17:34
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creihtjonesy: sadly, they may not be posting video... I will let you know if that changes though :/17:55
jonesyoh man :(17:55
jonesynice "open source" conference :-/17:56
creihtjaypipes: Re: install, there are already chef scripts and bash scripts in the wild17:56
creihtfor the SAIO at least17:58
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jaypipescreiht: sure, understood, I was talking more about an OSAIO, though :)18:01
creihtfor sure... I'm working on a deployment document right now that should help someone start on an effort like that18:04
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anm_jaypipes: is setuptools robust enough to do a setup with?18:23
anm_ive never actually tried to build a setup using it18:23
anm_or maybe easy_install?18:23
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creihtanm_: easy_install is powered by setuptools18:23
anm_i see18:23
creihtsetuptools will get python packages installed, and even dependencies if configured right18:24
creihtmost ops people don't like managing python packages with though and prefer os packaging in stead18:25
creihtSo for deployment, there are two steps.  1. is getting packages installed (and dependencies) 2. Configuration of the cluster18:25
creiht1. is almost there with OS packaging18:25
creiht2. can be done with some automation18:26
creihtat this point, I'm a little leary of automation, as there are a lot of decisions to make when setting up a production cluster18:26
justinsbanm_: I commented on your bug... I think it's an auth issue between the objectstore and the compute node if you're running trunk18:27
creihtI don't want people to think they can just throw some servers together with some drives, and then install the software and think they are done18:27
anm_justinsb: is that something I have control of? I just do . novarc to get all the keys loaded into env vars18:29
mcgurrinI might be able to help with any efforts to make a mac installer18:30
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mcgurrinI think that would not be terribly difficult using the mac package installing system and a post install script for setup18:31
jaypipescreiht: that's why I suggested an installer that walked the user through those steps..18:31
mtayloror debconf questions18:31
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mcgurrinwhat is the minimum cluster size btw?18:33
creihtmcgurrin: for swift?18:33
termiemy makefile stuff, btw, is specifically for testing for development18:33
termiedinner time though, bbiab18:34
creihtwell you can run everything on 1 server, but that wouldn't be very failure resistant :)18:34
mcgurrinok, it will accept that though like for testing?18:34
creihtmcgurrin: yeah that is how we do development18:34
anm_justinsb: saw the notes, I'm running from soren's PPA debs.18:34
mcgurrinok, thats good, I thought dev might be through a few VM's or something18:35
creihtIf you want to do some performance testing though, I recommend a more realistic cluster of at least 4-5 nodes18:35
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creihtmcgurrin: yeah we do dev on one vm with all the services running18:35
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mcgurrinI'm looking for quick usability testing and making sure it will work for my purposes, not for speed18:35
creihtthen we have a small dev cluster that we can push to inorder to do more realistic testing18:35
anm_i may go back to pulling source to stay on trunk, but the docs seem more sketchy on running from trunk18:36
mcgurrincan anyone guide me through a setup if I pull the code?18:36
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creihtis the instructions to set up a dev vm18:37
creihtand several swift devs are on this channel if you have any questions18:37
mcgurrincool, thanks, I will take a look into this in a few minutes, I just need to see about freeing up disk space18:38
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justinsbanm_: I wrote those docs, so thanks! :-)18:45
justinsbanm_: I never got it to work from the PPAs.  Others may have...18:45
anm_ok, I'll try building from source18:46
anm_I'm doing that now using the installfest doc18:46
justinsbanm_: I think trunk, with use_s3=False, should work18:46
justinsbanm_: Certainly people will be more able to help you if you're closer to trunk!18:46
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justinsbanm_: Use these instructions:, not the etherpad.  Both are mine, but I updated the wiki and not the etherpad.18:49
anm_justinsb:    Yeah, I m using the wiki - need to fix a few things on it, is that ok?18:49
anm_bzr init-repo .18:50
anm_cd nova18:50
anm_bzr branch lp:nova18:50
anm_nova doesnt exist yet18:50
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justinsbanm_: Definitely... be my guest!18:50
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sorenmtaylor: Just the man I wanted to talk to!19:48
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mtaylorsoren: yay!19:48
mtaylorsoren: well here I am!19:48
sorenmtaylor: I forget if you answered this already, but are you intending to set up automatic ppa uploads for nova?19:48
mtaylorsoren: yes. it's done already for swift ... I hadn't gotten to it for nova yet19:49
sorenmtaylor: Excellent.19:49
mtaylorsoren: actually, I've got launchpad doing nightlies for swift with the new daily-ppa-build stuff they added19:49
jaypipesmtaylor: ping, any reason my recent blog post didn't show up on openstack planet?19:50
mtaylorjaypipes: because you suck?19:50
jaypipesmtaylor: well, there's that...19:50
mtaylorjaypipes: btw - it's being run by a hudson job...19:50
sorenjaypipes: The feed url you provided is not an rss feed, afaict.19:51
mtaylorjaypipes: I agree with soren19:51
sorenjaypipes: Add "/feed/" to the end, and you should be golden.19:51
mtaylorjaypipes: you wanted
mtaylorsoren: those daily ppas they have would be _great_ if you could configure it to occur on branch push ...19:52
sorenmtaylor: Yes. Yes, they would.19:52
sorenmtaylor: I think having a package in the PPA 20 minutes after a bzr push is *sexy*.19:53
mtaylorsoren: agree19:53
mtaylorsoren: until the get branch-push, we can have hudson upload them for us :)19:53
mtaylorright now, /me is filing bugs against tarmac...19:53
mtaylorrockstar is going to hate me19:53
jaypipesmtaylor: hmm...ok, I'll change it. thx.19:55
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mtaylorjaypipes: woot. you're on20:16
mtaylorjaypipes: man - you need to remove that white box from your hackergotchi20:16
mtaylorjaypipes: love the pic though20:16
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jaypipeshmm....white box eh?20:18
mtaylorjaypipes: yeah - replace with transparent and you'll be gold20:19
* soren sees it too20:19
jaypipesmtaylor, soren: ya, I see it...hmm.20:19
jaypipesBring out the Gimp.20:19
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 609298 in launchpad "daily PPA system should be able to be triggered by branch push" [Undecided,New]20:40
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sorenmtaylor: Make that two cookies.20:44
mtaylorsoren: :)20:45
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rackerhackerhappy friday afternoon, folks
notmynameit's techno viking!20:53
rackerhackeryou betcha20:54
glangeit's sara palin!20:54
notmynameevery day must be friday for him20:54
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uvirtbotNew bug: #609312 in nova "Comments on raw-disk-image branch" [Undecided,New]
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creihtAnd a parting gift for the weekend22:34
creihtIt is just a start, but should be enough for those who are interested in deploying real swift cluster to start thinking22:35
creihtand looks like wreese's presentation can be downloaded here:
redbothe slides?22:38
creihtsorry... sounds like there will not be video after all :/22:38
exltI love that comment:  # disable TIME_WAIT.. wait..22:38
exltglad it made it in there22:38
exltcreiht: that looks really good so far22:39
creihtexlt: thanks!  If you think of other sections that need to be there, let me know22:40
redboor submit a patch :P22:40
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creihtindeed :)22:40
cwcreiht: why use a partion table at all?22:45
cwalso, 1024 byte inodes are quite large ... did you really profile the amount of data in these and determine it's really better than 512 most of the time?22:46
cwusing less slab is quite desirable for millions of objects22:47
glangecw: you'll need to get with creiht later, he's driving home right now :)22:47
redboyeah, 1k inodes are nice, our metadata regularly pushes close to that22:48
cwyou have that many xattrs?22:48
cww/ attr2  they pack quite nicely so it's probably something like 950 bytes of them raw then22:49
redboIt's a serialized python dictionary split into xattrs of 256 bytes each, I think.22:50
redbokind of horrible, but if anyone xattr goes over 256 bytes, it goes into an extent22:51
redbo*any one22:51
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cw8-bit size when packed into inods22:51
redboSome small percentage of objects don't fit in the inode, but 1024 gets most of them.  Obviously that can vary a bit by use case.22:54
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cwredbo: is the account_stats table global?  ie. can it be used to get basic billing details?22:55
cwno, i guess it's not22:57
redboNo, there's one per account.  We don't have a list of all accounts easily accessible, I imagine we'll need to build something along those lines soon.22:57
redboWe use our auth system for the list of accounts, basically.22:58
redboand go through that list and do a HEAD request to get the storage used for each account, basically22:58
_jcsmithare those counters from the beginning of time and you do deltas, or do they reset at some point?22:59
_jcsmithlike for operations23:00
_jcsmithnumber of api requests23:00
redboThere's some stats collecting/reporting stuff that's being cleaned up and made less Rackspace billing-specific come out soon.23:01
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redboIt works by processing log files, that's how we bill ops.  We just have counters for amount of storage used.23:02
_jcsmithwould would be the best way to roll up bytes transfered ? the log files?23:02
_jcsmithI see23:02
redboI don't know as much about those parts, notmyname may be able to provide more information.23:03
_jcsmithI saw some stats stuff in the code that writes to a csv, is that just for like getting metrics on the systems workload?23:03
redboThat's more for our operations to know the state of the cluster.  It reports on what percentage of things are where they're supposed to be, to give you an idea of how healthy replication is.23:05
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_jcsmithI wonder if it would make sense to allow http byte range requests through the proxy?23:07
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redboWe already allow requests with a Range header.  Is that what you mean?23:07
_jcsmithyeah, oh cool, I didnt realize that23:08
_jcsmithlike being able to request a part of a file23:08
redboyeah, the proxy just passes that along to the object servers, which know how to handle it.23:09
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notmynamethere were questions on stats and billing in swift?00:08
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notmynamecw: did you have some questions about tracking account stats or usage?00:24
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creihtcw: yeah redbo covered it pretty well.  The default inode size is 256 bytes, and an average file seems to use about 100 bytes.  An average object adds about 500 bytes, and then we leave a little head room for user defined metadata00:40
creihtIf I remember correctly, upping inode increased performance by a large amount00:41
notmynameindeed it did00:44
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redboOne app that uses us regularly goes over what'd fit in 512 byte inodes just with object names.00:53
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PiotrSikorahm... this tweet got me thinking03:11
PiotrSikorawhat are the "upstream core components" ? :)03:11
notmynamewhich tweet?03:12
notmynameI guess what I'm asking is, "what's the context?"03:13
wreesePiotrSikora: slides are up now.
PiotrSikorapandemicsyn: you've won :P03:14
PiotrSikorawreese: cheers, thx :)03:14
notmynamebut pandemicsyn's link doesn't work :-)03:14
rbergeronsomeone should get out the stopwatch next time....03:14
PiotrSikoranotmyname: ah... guess i won then :)03:15
wreesehis link worked for me03:15
PiotrSikorahmm... it seems that both links works03:16
notmynameI'm guessing the upstream core components have more to do with nova than swift (read: I don't know). maybe things like the hypervisors?03:16
notmynamehuh. now it's working for me03:16
notmynameI got a timeout the first time I clicked it03:16
PiotrSikoranotmyname: i don't know, i'm the one asking :)03:16
PiotrSikorawho's posting under @OpenStack anyway?03:16
wreesenotmyname: you seemed surprised. it's twitter :P03:18
notmynameya, well I'm optimistic :-)03:18
PiotrSikorawreese: hmm... i just had neat idea for swift while reading slides03:19
PiotrSikoramaybe its already implemented, but i dont know that ;)03:19
PiotrSikorado you think it would be cool to replicate "hot" (highly requested) content on more nodes?03:20
PiotrSikorato scale I/O03:20
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pandemicsynhighly requested , like many reads (GET's) ?03:21
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PiotrSikoraif (reads_in_last_10mins > XXX) { number_of_replicatas++; }03:22
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notmynamethat implies that the number of replicas is set per object03:22
PiotrSikorayes, it does03:22
notmynamewhich isn't supported now, but may be in the future for reduced redundancy type things03:23
PiotrSikorai just thought i'll share the idea :)03:23
wreesewhat he said and you would need to randomize the read requests across servers as well. :)03:23
PiotrSikorai did something like this for web backends last year03:24
PiotrSikorangx_supervisord - it is bringing backend servers depending on current load03:24
notmynameI think the way it works now is to request from each server in sequence and return the data from the first object server that doesn't error03:24
PiotrSikoraso if there are many request to the website it would bring up to max backends03:24
notmynamerather than concurrently request from all copies and return the first one03:24
PiotrSikorabut it would cool-down to just 1 when there were no loads03:25
PiotrSikora(nginx module)03:25
PiotrSikorawreese, notmyname: yeah... but maybe that will change by the time for 2.0 :)03:25
notmynameit's not a bad idea. but it would require some changes to the way things work. (patches welcome!)03:25
notmynamewe've talked about how to do arbitrary redundancy stuff (or talked about wanting to talk about it)03:26
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gholtCurrently, a CDN layer provides the requested-a-lot niche. But, obviously only for that particular use case.03:26
notmynameif we supported it, a "hot files" concept might be a performance improvement. I'd want to see tests, though03:27
wreesenot to mention a single server can handle a few thousand requests per second (depending on file size, hardware, network)03:27
pandemicsyncould do something on the proxy's like ye'old henhouse cache...didn't work out so well there though03:28
PiotrSikorawreese: agreed, but i guess when we're talking about 100PBs of data this might become bottleneck at one point ;)03:29
wreesetrue, but we haven't run into that yet. but we have limelight to thank for that :)03:29
PiotrSikoranotmyname: well, it would be performance improvement for sure, there is no reason why it wouldn't be... but i guess you wouldn't notice it under "normal" circumstances03:33
notmynameya. that's all I mean. would the extra complexity give real world improvements for enough use cases to justify it?03:34
PiotrSikorafor few use cases, maybe... definiately not for many03:35
PiotrSikorabut like i said... it was "cool idea" :)03:35
notmynamedefinitely. I do like it03:35
notmynameand it may be one of those things that may be more appropriate as a tunable feature that can be set per-deployment. so nasa can set it high for their mars image viewer that has a swift backend, and cloud files can turn it down for the more general use case03:36
rbergeronwhere's the "awesome ideas for the future" wiki / mailing list / how to capture ideas that will be great down the road spot?03:41
PiotrSikorarbergeron: i just started one on the paper on my desk :P03:42
notmynameI'm no launchpad expert, but is that something that can be captured there? in blueprints or bugs or something?03:42
rbergeronyeah - i'm not sure.03:42
* rbergeron usually follows the "it's a wiki, be bold" rule - and at least have a place to say "if you have ideas, here's what to do with them"03:42
rbergeroneven if it's a pointer elsewhere03:43
* rbergeron goes and looks at launchpad03:43
rbergeronoh, airplane battery fail. why is my cord in cargo....03:43
notmynamewhy not add a page to
rbergeronthat's an excellent suggestion.03:44
* rbergeron will do that... probably when she gets home, unless someone beats her to it, since my laptop is about to go byebye.03:45
* rbergeron wonders if that is what a blueprint is03:46
mtaylorshort version from /me ...03:46
mtaylorbug == what - blueprint == how03:47
mtaylorthis is the meme I keep trying to sell people on  - of course, I could be wrong :)03:47
rbergeronwell - do you think of it as bug - or "feature request"03:48
PiotrSikoramtaylor: but features arent bugs03:48
* rbergeron grins03:48
rbergeroni think noting that kind of thing in the wiki at least as pointing to the blueprints spot is a reasonable idea03:49
* rbergeron will wield her wiki skillz03:50
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PiotrSikorawreese: nice slides, got me few ideas :)03:54
PiotrSikoraother then the "hot files" feature03:54
PiotrSikorawouldn't it be a good idea to off-load serving files to "real webserver"?03:55
PiotrSikoraso python proxy sould only send X-sendfile with file location to nginx/lighttp/etc and it would server the content itself03:55
PiotrSikorai don't think that serving GB+ files on through any high level language is good idea03:56
PiotrSikoraHi Mike :)03:57
mshadlei need to make sure my drupal install uses x-accel-redirect03:57
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wreesePiotrSikora: the python/eventlet servers have no trouble saturating the 10GbE links on the proxies, much less the 1GbE links on the storage nodes. x-sendfile in c with zero-copy would be more efficient, but you would be optimizing where optimization isn't needed.04:08
PiotrSikorabut it still reads (copies) content of the file to the userspace04:10
PiotrSikoraand sendfile is handled on the kernel level04:10
PiotrSikorabut yeah... it probably isn't a bottleneck ;)04:11
wreeseright, but the cpu on those servers is nearly idle, while everything is waiting on disk and network. there really isn't a need to optimize there, at least for any use case we've seen.04:11
PiotrSikorabtw: would you mind sharing some numbers on what swift handles in production?04:13
notmynameour product guy really doesn't want us to do that :-)04:13
PiotrSikorabut are we talking about few PB and GBps or hundreds?04:13
PiotrSikorajust the order of magnitude :)04:14
wreesewe worked very hard to be as objective as possible everytime we were tempted to introduce an optimization. it's better to keep things simple and manageable04:14
PiotrSikorawreese: thats great04:15
PiotrSikora...but in this case this depends a lot on your background04:15
PiotrSikorafor me using proxy as "traffic router" (tell me where the data is) would be easier :)04:16
pandemicsynhow come ?04:16
wreesethat's basically what the system does, but sometimes the data isn't where you think it is and you need to take a different course of action. that's why you can't hand of the request to a "real webserver".04:17
wreesethe proxy has to use many techniques to ensure it's able to locate and succesfully send the correct data to the client04:18
PiotrSikorapandemicsyn: erm... i meant it on the design/conceptual level04:18
PiotrSikorawreese: but couldn't real webserver do this as well?04:18
PiotrSikoraor to put it differently04:18
creihtWhat problem would you be trying to solve by putting a *real* webserver in front of it?04:19
pandemicsynseems like you'd just be recreating the proxy-server as a nginx module04:19
PiotrSikorathere is a moment when proxy already used all those techniques to ensure that data is there04:19
PiotrSikoraand instead of sending data it would sent x-sendfile header04:20
PiotrSikoracreiht: no problem, it was just a thought04:20
creihtIf it aint broke, don't fix it :)04:20
PiotrSikorapre-optimialization, if you will ;)04:21
creihton the other side of things there are still a lot of interesting things to figure out04:21
creihtLike container meta data04:21
notmynamethat's a good one. let's do that04:21
wreesewe will be :)04:21
creihtwreese: I guess we should talk about that on monday to plan a real roadmap :)04:22
wreeseyeah. right after I complete your reviews :P04:22
notmynamewreese: are you ready for the endless stream of "hey, Will"?04:22
redboWe did play around with using sendfile(2), but we were pretty hard-pressed to make it show any speed improvements over the read/send loop.  The performance characteristics are sort of bound by disk i/o.04:22
PiotrSikoraredbo: ah, ok04:24
wreeseand that's coming from the guy that always wants to rewrite certain sections in c  ;)04:24
PiotrSikorahehe :)04:24
PiotrSikorai know the type ;)04:25
redbowhen I rewrite things in C, nobody will ever look at it :(04:26
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PiotrSikorahmm.. what is ozone subproject?05:14
redboI think that name has been retired.  It was the group/project working on rewriting Cloud Servers in Rackspace.  At least the project part has been retired in favor of nova.05:15
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norm_what would be some good books for getting familiar with cloud computing? I admin VMware VMs, and am not clear on what a cloud would look like05:43
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chelzi just watched the video from OSCON about OpenStack and the parts asking for input on how to best "do" open source reminded me of this great talk by Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman called "The Myth of the Genius Programmer" from Google I/O 2009 about collaboration and related fun stuff. it's 55min long:
chelzthey've also given two talks that are available on either or both google video and youtube on the topic of "poisonous people". all very good.06:02
mshadleopenstack should be redone in javascript. and use node.js! i'd be able to contribute easier then06:03
mshadleor go the php route as previously suggested!06:03
mshadlemtaylor: get onit06:03
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_anmI'm getting a: nova.exception.NotFound: None15:18
_anmwhen trying to upload a bundle to a new bucket15:18
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_anmit actually dumps a huge html exception file15:19
_anmto th console15:19
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mtaylormshadle: wha?17:22
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PiotrSikoramtaylor: i guess mshadle forgot to use the <sarcasm /> sign ;)17:35
mtaylorPiotrSikora: :)17:35
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_anmcan these wikis be edited?  I'd like to clean up some typos and grammer18:37
_anmor are these built from source?18:37
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eday_anm: those are built from source, see swift/doc/source18:40
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eday_anm: you can just fix/propose merges on launchpad just like other src changes18:41
bretpiatt_anm is the doc repository that can be edited18:41
bretpiattbut we really should fix in swift/doc/source as it'll be more detailed than the stuff on wiki18:42
_anmok, i'll submit patches to launchpad.18:44
eday_anm: thanks!18:45
_anmmy project contributios usually revolve around usability, docs, and setup issues, end-user admin stuff18:45
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bretpiattawesome, building rome doesn't help without a guide book for people to avoid getting lost in it :)18:46
_anmso, without contrib priveleges, do I just submit issues with patches attached?  I'm very new to bzr/launchapad - I'm reading the wiki about it now18:49
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eday_anm: You should follow the branch/merge propsal for just as you would for source. Once your changes are proposed, folks can review and approve them to get merged into trunk18:50
eday_anm: at that point we have automated systems to merge and update the docs18:51
_anmok, thanks18:51
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mtayloryay automated systems!18:53
edayyay mtaylor for setting them all up!18:53
edaymtaylor: you still on vacation?18:53
mtayloreday: nope. I'm back now18:53
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edaymtaylor: ahh. feeling mroe relaxed? you were in Cozumel correct?18:55
mtayloreday: yes. it was a very useful vacation - I'm feeling great now18:56
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notmyname_anm: be sure to sign the CLA too. we can't accept your patches until you do19:27
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* mtaylor really needs to get the CLA signing integrated into the merge-request system...19:59
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jtimbermannotmyname: how much flak have you guys gotten about CLAs?20:07
jtimbermanwe've gotten a little bit (on chef)20:07
creihtSo far it hasn't been that bad20:09
creihtThe e signing is very nice20:09
jtimbermanyes. echosign was awesome for us.20:09
jtimbermanlot higher rate of CLA signing w/ it20:09
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notmynamewhat creiht said20:13
notmynamemtaylor: would that tie the name with the lp account. cause when I see a merge request, I don't really have a good way to map the two20:15
mtaylornotmyname: yes.20:16
mtaylornotmyname: the eventual goal there will be that the system will just not let you file a merge request unless you've signed20:17
notmynameooohh. fancy20:17
mtaylorit's on my todo list of patches to write for launchpad :)20:17
notmynameI've realized that I have a problem not ending questions with "?". I need to work on that.20:18
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mtaylornah. why bother ;)20:18
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notmynamethat's pretty neat20:56
mtaylorwill get updated on every merge20:56
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_anmmtaylor:  do you have a link to the CLA20:59
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notmynamelinked on that page21:00
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_anmnotmyname:  DONE!21:04
notmynamemtaylor: now that's what I'm talking about. how do I match _anm with someone on the approved contributors list? /whois says his name is "real real", and I don't see that on the list ;-)21:06
_anmdo i need to use my real name here?21:06
notmynamejust giving mtaylor a hard time21:06
_anmthsi IS IRC, you know :)21:06
_anmi need a bit of anonymity around these parts21:07
notmynamehey, my name is "notmyname"21:07
mtaylorwell.. you _do_ need to set up your bzr whoami to be some name that matches what you signed the CLA as21:07
mtaylorand honestly - if we're going to be doing this, we should probably require signed commits...21:08
notmyname(of course, I put my real name in whois, but I find it useful in openstack stuff)21:08
_anmyeah, IRC is where i claim "non-attribution"  on anything i say21:08
_anmmtaylor:  Ok21:08
mtaylorbut we don't require signing21:08
mtaylorI'm just faffing about atm21:08
mtaylornotmyname: hey! swift is pretty clean pep8-wise21:09
notmynameya, creiht and gholt beat me into submission about that :-)21:09
mtayloroh -nevermind21:10
mtaylorI should have run with --repeat  to show all instances of a particular violation :)21:10
mtaylorstill, only 67 violations - not nearly as bad as  pylint ;)21:10
notmynamemtaylor: in reference to the whoami matching the CLA, how does that work with name versus display name in launchpad? for example, I've got my real name as display name, but notmyname as my name (
mtaylornotmyname: not fully sure ... we may just have to eyeball make some sort of mapping list until we get actual integration going21:16
notmynamealso, how does signing work? does it use the OpenPGP key that lp has a field for?21:17
mtaylorsigning commits?21:17
mtaylorthat's actually a local thing - you can either run "bzr sign-my-commits"21:18
mtaylorand it'll go through and sign all commits in the tree that you made21:18
mtayloror, you can put  create_signatures = always in the [DEFAULT] section of ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf and it'll sign each commit as you make it21:19
mtaylornothing really consumes this at the moment- but I personally think it would be cool to eventually put in a filter in the merge testing thing to make sure all commits being merged are signed by a person we know21:20
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rbergeronhow does the cla work wrt wiki, documentation, etc? ie - non-code type contributions? same story?21:20
rbergeronmust sign to edit?21:20
* rbergeron nearly started wiki-ing away until she thought otherwise re: cla signing21:21
mtaylorright now it's just related to things in the source tree21:21
_anmi was making comnits to the wiki with justinsb  yesterday, sooo not sure21:22
mtaylorI have heard nothing that indicate we want a CLA for wiki edits - if the lawyers think that's a good idea, I think they're crazy21:22
mtaylorso go for it  :)21:23 wiki, not the src built wikis21:23
mtaylorwell, the other docs aren't wikis as much as they're just html documenation - but yes21:23
notmynamemtaylor: so sign-my-commits works (that is --dry-run works). but what key is it using to sign?21:25
mtaylornotmyname: it's using whatever your primary gpg key is ...21:25
mtaylorit _should_ be matching your key id with the email listed in the committer in the commit message I think21:25
mtaylorlooking at source...21:26
mtayloryeah. that seems to be correct21:28
termiemtaylor: heya, if i want to make a new launchpad project to test some bzr stuff, how do i go about that?21:29
notmynamehmm. forgive my ignorance, but I'm not even sure that I have gpg installed. I guess I must..21:29
termiei see this ~termie/+junk/<new project> stuff but i'd prefer to have something that was more like an actual project21:29
mtaylortermie: hrm - are you just wanting to poke around with bzr things? or else what sort of project things do you want to poke at?21:30
mtaylortermie: (just trying to understand so I can give good advice)21:30
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termiemtaylor: i've just found '', reading through it, what i am doing is testing a git<--> bzr bridge21:31
termiemtaylor: and want to put it through some paces21:31
mtaylortermie: ah. k.21:31
notmynamemtaylor: here's a bzr bug: bzr sign-my-commits --dry-run works even if gpg isn't installed (bzr sign-my-commits fails without the --dry-run option). this makes it kinda hard to play with21:32
mtaylornotmyname: heh. well - oh- so I sort of misspoke earlier21:33
mtaylornotmyname: regarding order of things...21:33
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mtaylorit looks to see what your bzr whoami is - then it looks for revision where the committer matches that21:33
mtaylorthen it tries to sign that21:34
mtaylorso the list of revisions reported by sign-my-commits should still be what it's expecting to be able to sign21:34
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notmynameI see that, but it doesn't help me figure out what to set up or do for signing until I actually want to do it21:36
mtaylorhrm. ah, I see what you're saying21:37
termiemtaylor: are you affiliated with launchpad in any way? i assumed so from your comment before but i may be mistaken21:38
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termiemtaylor: don't want to keep bugging you with launchpad issues if you're not ;)21:38
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mtaylortermie: sort of - I'm with rackspace, but one of the things I do for the project is hack on launchpad ... so I'm the right person to bug here21:42
mtaylortermie: I think there may be some mix up though in what a project is and what a branch is ...21:43
mtaylortermie: I'd use the terms "~termie/+junk/<new branch>" above- because a project is really just a collection of a bunch of things like bug trackers and possibly branches21:44
mtaylortermie: but if you're looking to test out git/bzr integration, then all you need is a branch or two, really21:44
termiemtaylor: aye, i'll see where it goes21:44
termiemtaylor: times out on loading a project, btw21:45
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mtaylorunlike git, there is nothing special server side needed for a branch (you don't have to do a remote repo initialization ... so the step you need in github of creating a place to stick something just isn't relevant here )21:45
mtaylortermie: excellent21:45
mtaylorBUT - there is of course nothing wrong with creating things and poking at them :)21:45
mtaylorother than timeouts21:45
termiemtaylor: does rackspace's side of openstack have anybody in the european timezones?21:48
termiei notice the timezone feature on lp but haven't yet figured out how to use it21:48
mtaylortermie: soren21:48
mtaylortermie: soren is in denmark21:48
termie(or tried to figure out, i am mostly in the asking you all the questions that pop to mind mode :p)21:49
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mtaylortermie: if you look at a team page, such as:
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mtaylortermie: you'll see a location map with pins in it for team members who have indicated their location21:51
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termieah, nifty :)21:51
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mtaylorcreiht: hey - what platform are you on?22:45
mtaylorcreiht: you had that problem a while back about build_sphinx not working and I had to change something - I was going to try to track down what the actual problem was22:45
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mtaylorsoren: hey. I got coverage set up in hudson for swift, but it doesn't work with nova22:54
mtaylorsoren: running through coverage causes tests to fail :(22:54
gasbakidi have the same problem with the build_sphinx22:54
mtaylorgasbakid: oh you do? great! what sort of problem are you seeing? and what version of python-sphinx do you have installed?22:55
gasbakidit tells me that its an invalid command22:59
gasbakidthe build sphinx one22:59
mtaylorah. well that ones easier - you need to have sphinx installed ... do you?22:59
mtaylorhrm. what versoin?22:59
mtaylorsphinx-build --version 2>&1 | head -123:01
gasbakidi think i was not on the right version23:04
gasbakidit passes when i update the package and i dont know on what version i was23:05
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mtaylorheh. well that's ok - at least it's working for you :)23:11
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gasbakidyeahh great thankssssssssssss23:11
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creihtmtaylor: I'm on Ubuntu 10.04, and I can remember what the error that I had was23:45
mtaylor10.04 -- that's karmic, right?23:45
mtayloroh wait - no, that's lucid. hrm23:45
creihtyup lucid23:51
mtaylorhrm. weird00:01
mtayloroh well00:01
* creiht votes that nova should change their docs directory to doc :)00:02
mtaylorI suppose I could also submit a branch that does that...00:03
mtaylorOR - I could just change both of you to an independent third approach00:04
creihtso in the new approach, there is no makefile for the docs00:04
creiht(or at least in your branch)00:04
mtayloryeah... is it really useful anymore?00:05
creihtIf you want to build something other than html00:05
mtayloryou mean like : python build_sphinx -b latex00:05
creihtoh heh00:05
mtayloractually - I was thinking - I should build the latex docs and publish the pdf too...00:06
creihtis there a reason the build directory is named _build trather than build?00:07
creihtor is that just a sphinx default?00:07
mtaylorguh... erm... gah...00:07
mtaylor"You have two options for placing the build directory for Sphinx output.00:08
mtaylorEither, you use a directory "_build" within the root path, or you separate00:08
mtaylor"source" and "build" directories within the root path.00:08
mtaylorso it seems that they picked one of the branches and you picked the other :)00:08
creihtif we keep it this way, we should change .bzrignore to ignore the docs dir00:09
mtaylormmm. good call00:09
creihtI mean the _build dir00:09
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creihtmtaylor: and the README has to change00:11
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mtaylorcreiht: k. pushed those changes00:12
mtaylorcreiht: mind you - I'm not convinced this is the right thing to do00:13
creihtI guess I don't have a strong opinion, I kinda preferred the separate dirs, but I could live either way00:13
mtaylorlemme make the mirror patch for nova...00:14
creihtI'll make a comment on the merge request, and see what the other guys00:15
creihthave to say00:15
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mtaylorcreiht: ok. I think I like your approach with the source/build dirs better - but I they've got some nice config stuff done00:37
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creihtmtaylor: what does superceded mean?01:09
creihtsuperseded even01:09
mtaylorcreiht: it means I clicked "resubmit proposal"01:09
mtaylorsort of a way to trigger that I had just overwritten the tree and stuff01:10
creihtI see now01:11
creihtmtaylor: I like that better, though I get a warning when building the docs about the intersphinx stuff01:16
mtayloroh do you?01:16
mtaylorcreiht: what warning do you get?01:16
mtaylorand what version of sphinx are you running?01:16
mtaylorsphinx-build --version 2>&1 | head -101:17
mtaylorit's becomming clear to me now01:17
* mtaylor has 1.0b1 installed01:17
mtaylorI betcha this is the cause of our previous issue too...01:18
creihtintersphinx was available in .5+, but maybe the use of it changed01:18
mtayloryeah - the config dict it gets is differnet now01:18
mtaylordifferent even01:18
mtaylormine is installed from the drizzle-developers ppa. bother01:19
creihtoh interesting01:19
mtaylorI guess I should spin up a vm that has the version of sphinx other folks have01:19
creihteasy_install -U sphinx gives me 1.0 now01:19
mtaylorOR - we could require 1.0 if someone wants to build the docs...01:19
* mtaylor is torn01:20
mtaylorone of them is less work for /me01:20
creihtsphinx website says current version is 0.6.701:20
creihtnot sure if it just got updated01:21
creihtthe otherside is, docs still build with the other version, they just get that warning (and no crosslinking)01:21
creihtso I'm thinking that requiring 1.0 to build may be alright01:21
creihtheh... I reload the sphinx page, and current version is now 1.0 :)01:22
creihtSo I'm fine with the 1.0 req01:22
mtaylorcool. cause yeah - it's not a _hard_ req01:22
* creiht goes to look at what is new in 1.0 :)01:23
creihtthe intersphinx stuff is cool... I hadn't known about that before01:24
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mtaylormorning lbieber !01:30
notmynamecreiht: mtaylor: I don't have strong feelings about the docs. I think they need to be buildable and accessible. beyond that....meh.01:33
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notmynameso how much would I be in trouble if I blogged about the undocumented features in swift on my personal blog?01:35
notmynamethe code's out there, so it's not really a secret any more01:35
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PiotrSikoranotmyname: you wouldn't be in trouble01:41
PiotrSikorayou've got my word :P01:41
notmynamethanks :-)01:43
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mtaylornotmyname: agree01:44
mtaylorfirst rule of running an open source department in a company - don't get people in trouble for blogging. anything.01:44
redboJust wait until gholt starts a blog.  He has a way of making trouble.01:46
* mtaylor should introduce gholt and stewart then...01:47
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dendrobatesThis is new to rackspace, there will probably be some initial issues as they get used to transparency.03:44
dendrobatesI will back up anyone who needs it, as long as they did not blog about embargoed unfixed security issues.03:44
dendrobatesbtw, is anyone at rackspace on vendorsec?03:45
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mtaylordendrobates: not I03:52
mtaylordendrobates: did you see the new coverage reports?03:52
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dendrobatesmtaylor: no03:57
mtaylordendrobates: nova tests break when coverage is turned on, so there's a little more work to do there03:59
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mtaylordendrobates: sorry ... is a better link04:00
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dendrobatesmtaylor: awesome, thanks04:09
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dendrobatesI love hudson04:10
termie... and success04:12
termiealso, the sun has risen04:13
creihtnotmyname: -^04:15
rbergeronmmmmm, code coverage. delicious04:16
* creiht is embarrased by the couple of scripts that don't have any coverage and brings the whole percentage down04:17
PiotrSikoramtaylor: i never understood this approach, why do you create separate *-coverage, *-pylint, etc instead of enabling all those features in master build?04:20
redbocreiht: psh... not me.  Some of those uncovered files aren't important, or were being knocked out the last day before our deadline, and get covered by probe and func tests anyway.  We can backfill unit tests as we work on it.04:22
creihthaving a shiny web page that points it out makes it more evident though :)04:23
redboSo long as we don't accept any code without it being tested, it'll go in the right direction.04:26
redboI compared our object server against nginx last night in the lab.04:34
creihtoh yeah?04:35
redbonginx is almost twice as fast on a cached file04:35
redbobut the difference is very small compared to the time it takes to pull an uncached file off disk04:36
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PiotrSikoraredbo: told you! :D04:37
redbotold me what?04:37
PiotrSikorathat you should use sendfile from real webserver04:37
PiotrSikorayesterday, afaik ;)04:37
redboI know nginx is faster than a python webserver.  It just doesn't matter.04:37
PiotrSikoraafair* even04:37
creihtredbo: Was that cached in memory for nginx?04:39
PiotrSikorait was cached by the operating system for any process, if i got this right :)04:39
redboI did cached file for both, and uncached file for both.  Yeah, just talking page cache.04:40
creihtjust curious04:40
PiotrSikoraredbo: but even if this doesn't matter performance wise04:40
creihtPiotrSikora: I don't think we ever argued that nginx wouldn't be faster, but what we had been doing was fast enough for our use cases04:41
creihtPlus the fact that we optimize for writes04:41
PiotrSikorathen you should take into account the fact that nginx won't copy that data from kernel memory into user space04:41
PiotrSikorawhich means that virtually all memory will be used for kernel file cache04:41
PiotrSikoraand with python webserver only half will be used (more or so)04:42
PiotrSikoraso you'll get more cache-hits with sendfile04:42
redboyeah, like that 64k of memory we use per file is really putting a lot of pressure on our page cache.04:42
PiotrSikoraredbo: erm... right :)04:43
creihtPiotrSikora: The other side is that in our use case, we don't get a lot of concurrent or subsequent reads to the same object04:43
creihtthe CDN integration has handled that04:43
PiotrSikoracreiht: true, i always forget that you're behind limelight04:43
redboActually, right now we kill the page cache after serving a file.04:43
redboso we can cache more inodes and directoryies04:44
redbobut that will likely change as we have different use cases04:44
PiotrSikoraby "we" do you mean your internal tools or is this enabled in swift by default?04:44
redbothat's swift right now04:44
PiotrSikoraah, that's probably not-so-good04:44
redboit's good for us04:45
redbobut like I said, it'll probably change when people want to use swift for other stuff04:45
PiotrSikorayeah... i know, i meant that its ofn by default04:45
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PiotrSikorajust out of curiosity, does single request pull data from cludfiles to limelight and spreads it to all CDN nodes?04:46
redboso anyway... like 95% of the time it takes to download a file is disk access.  nginx would just cut the other 5% in half.  Not really worth another moving part for a 2.5% speedup.04:46
PiotrSikoraor does each request to unique CDN node pulls it straight from cloudfiles?04:47
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creihtPiotrSikora: either way, it is easy enough to make into a config value if it becomes an issue04:47
redboPiotrSikora: there's a cache between them04:47
creihtPiotrSikora: There is a server that the file gets fed to, that then feeds the edge networks04:47
PiotrSikoracool, thx :)04:47
creihtPiotrSikora: btw, that piece is supposed to be open sourced as well04:48
redboWe couldn't use nginx like that anyway.  Maybe lighttpd would work, I haven't looked at it.04:48
PiotrSikorathat piece? i thought it was done on the limelight side of network?04:48
creihtWell there is a piece that is needed for their integration04:49
redboYeah, that cache is part of llnw.04:49
creihtsorry if I made that sounds confusing... I was more talking about the llnw integration in general04:49
PiotrSikoracreiht: ah, ok :)04:49
PiotrSikoraredbo: just for the sake of argument, why you couldn't use nginx but lighttpd would work?04:50
redbowell, I guess we could have different ports for uploading and downloading04:50
redbodownloading goes through nginx and uploading goes directly to object server04:50
redbobasically, you can't proxy big uploads through nginx04:51
PiotrSikoraredbo: that isn't true04:51
redbookay you can, but they get spooled to disk04:52
creihtredbo: we can't in swift, since it spools requests locally04:52
PiotrSikoraredbo: you can just set buffers bigger than they are by default04:52
PiotrSikoraso it wouldn't spool so fast04:52
PiotrSikorayou can tune pretty much everything with nginx04:53
creihtit still doesn't matter.. we don't want it to spool04:53
PiotrSikorathen you just set buffer big enough ;)04:53
redbosure, we just need 5GB of ram dedicated to nginx04:54
creihtmore than that if we want to support concurrent uploads :)04:54
redboactually you can turn off the file writing completely, but uploads just spill over into swap and it's even worse04:54
creihtPiotrSikora: Don't get us wrong... we are big fans of nginx, it just wouldn't work for our use case04:55
redboYeah, it's cool for most people.  It's just bad as a proxy for big uploads.04:55
PiotrSikoracreiht: yeah, i get this, i was just wondering about the reasons :)04:55
PiotrSikoraredbo: well, IMHO nginx buffers uploads for very good reason04:56
redboright, so it can retry if the backend has an error04:56
redbobut it bottlenecks the network when we tested using it as a load balancer04:56
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PiotrSikorasingle nginx? then yes, probably it was :)04:57
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PiotrSikoraJFYI: i'm not trying to convince you to nginx or pretend that i know your use case better than you04:59
PiotrSikorai just like the discussion :)04:59
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redboWe evaluated nginx pretty closely for our load balancing, and it just couldn't get anywhere near 10gbps for uploads.  We'd have to have a crazy disk setup.05:01
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PiotrSikoraor huge amount of RAM ;)05:02
redboHow does nginx deal with the fact that sendfile() can block?  Does it do some readahead() magic, or does it just put it in a separate thread?05:06
PiotrSikoraAFAIK it uses asynchronous interface to sendifle, so it cannot block05:07
PiotrSikoralet me double-check that05:08
redboor does it mess with the horrible aio api05:08
PiotrSikorawhy horrible?05:10
PiotrSikoraunder FreeBSD is same syscall05:10
PiotrSikorait just return EAGAIN05:10
redbowell, I know you can do sendfile nonblocking for the socket, but I'm pretty sure it still blocks on disk access.05:11
PiotrSikoraerm... it shouldn't05:12
PiotrSikorathat would be just stupid implementation IMHO05:12
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PiotrSikoraSF_NODISKIO.  This flag causes any sendfile() call which would05:13
PiotrSikora   block on disk I/O to instead return EBUSY.05:13
PiotrSikora(from the manpage)05:14
PiotrSikorabut thats tunable only in FreeBSD05:14
PiotrSikorato be honest i have no idea what it would behave under Linux05:15
PiotrSikorabut answering your original question, nginx uses this flag, so it wouldn't block05:15
redboI can't find any documentation on it, but I've read stuff like   that says sendfile will block.05:15
pquernaon freebsd.05:15
PiotrSikoraat least not on FreeBSD05:15
PiotrSikoraredbo: please note that this post is 4 years old05:15
PiotrSikoraa lot changed since then :)05:16
pquernanot in regards to sendilfe really.05:16
redboit's the only thing I have to go on05:16
creihtAIO on linux has very poor documentation, and it is very difficult to find many sources that say weather or not it even works very well05:17
creihtmost references that I found when first researching it, indicated that it could be very problematic05:17
creiht(mostly related to AIO and file access)05:17
cworacle uses it05:17
redboThe thing I hate about aio, there's no way to use it in like a select or epoll event loop in a reasonable way.05:17
cwaio interfaces are unpleasant to say the least, but it works fairly well05:18
PiotrSikoracreiht: you could always switch to FreeBSD + ZFS :D05:18
redbodon't tempt him05:18
cwredbo: check out mason's aiocp for something simplish05:18
pquernaactually, don't.05:18
cwor the fio code05:18
pquernawell, sorry, actually, do05:18
PiotrSikoraredbo: erm... what? AIO is exactly to be used with event loops05:18
pquernafreebsd + zfs is awesome, but freebsd + zfs + sendfile is actually kinda broken right now05:18
pquernafor we had to turn off sendfile05:19
creihtI went down the path once of setting up a freebsd vm with zfs to test, but just didn't have time to keep messing with it05:19
PiotrSikorapquerna: ouch, i didn't know that... i assume they didnt fix it yet?05:20
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PiotrSikoraah, its there... kern/14130505:21
creihtand then when you add that we are doing this with python, it adds an extra layer of complexity with using aio05:22
PiotrSikorapquerna: thanks for the detailed info :)05:22
PiotrSikorapquerna: you don't know whatever sendfile works reliably with (open)solaris's zfs?05:23
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pquernaPiotrSikora: it worked on solaris05:23
creihtHas a lot of links similar to some of the issues that I found05:23
pquernaPiotrSikora: until 2 weeks ago was on solaris 10, and it had sendfile on w/ a zfs array05:23
redboman, why do I always feel like I'm trailblazing when I want to make asynchronous io work?05:24
pquernatwo weeks ago we switched to fbsd8.1 + zfs, and had to turn off sendfile05:24
PiotrSikorapquerna: ah... that's disapointing :(05:24
creihtI really hope someone can figure out how to make async file io work well on linux and then also with python :)05:24
pquernaits called threading :x05:25
pquerna(a small number of threads)05:25
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pquerna(not 1:1 with clients, but.. anyways)05:25
redbohe said it had to work with python05:25
PiotrSikoraredbo, creiht: well, but if you would use real webserver, then you wouldn't have to do AIO in python :P05:25
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PiotrSikorabut going back to python, you could probably could use stackless?05:26
creiht*only if we run on freebsd05:26
redboactually my test of nginx vs our server was bad.  nevermind the results, I'll do a better test later.05:26
PiotrSikorawith 1:1 clients:greenlets ratio05:26
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creihtPiotrSikora: eventlet/greenlet gives us most of the advantages of stackless in regular python05:27
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creihtThere is a huge advantage for being able to use the standard python interpreter05:27
PiotrSikoraerm... so why do you need AIO?05:27
creihtWe don't *need* it, it just could have been nice05:28
redbodisk io can block the whole process05:28
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PiotrSikoraredbo: yeah... i just checked eventlet/greenlet05:28
PiotrSikorai thought they worked like stackless (lots of microthreads)05:28
pquernaeventlet/greenlet don't farm out to a thread pool for file io?05:29
creihtstackless doesn't do anything for you in the way of async file io05:29
pquernaI had assumed they did05:29
PiotrSikoraso even if they would block it wouldn't matter05:29
creihtpquerna: that is left up to the dev05:29
pquerna(like how node.js interacts with libeio)05:29
PiotrSikoracreiht: exactly, because you dont need it05:29
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creihtAll of the above said, we've managed to work around it05:30
PiotrSikorayou can just create new microthread for each client and dont worry about it blocking on i/o05:30
PiotrSikoracreiht: yeah... i guess we went a bit off-topic from the nginx discussion :)05:30
creihtPiotrSikora: If you do any disk file operation, it will block the whole process until that file operation is complete05:31
redbodisk io will block a whole stackless process as well.  greenlet is literally the stackless part of stackless.05:31
PiotrSikoracreiht: whole process or whole thread?05:31
redbowell, it's actually a whole bunch more stacks.  but whatever.05:31
creihtPiotrSikora: there are no real threads in stackless, it is all cooperative, so it blocks the whole process (and in turn all microthreads you have running)05:32
creihtIn the end, chunking your reads/writes works out pretty well05:32
PiotrSikorathat's disappointing05:32
creihtPiotrSikora: That's why async file io would be nice if it worked, because then it wouldn't block05:34
PiotrSikorai know :)05:35
creihtEven with all of that said, we can pretty easy saturate the disk and network io, so it isn't a huge issue05:35
cwcreiht: how much concurrnent 'aio' do you want in fight?05:35
redboI guess what we'd probably have to do is read in another thread.  Or at least posix_fadvise/readahead in another thread.05:36
cwa few hundred threads would probably keep most IO subsystems busy assuming 24 spindles05:36
cwand threads aren't that expensive (though they are pretty ugly)05:36
creihtcw: well you can't even get that far, because (at least on gig-E) you run out of network real qucik05:36
cwcreiht: assuming a LOT of small very seeky IO you could fave a few 1000s IOs in flight05:37
redboyeah, but someday I'd like downloads of uncached files to not interfere with each other if they're on the same process.05:37
cwcreiht: small ones would git in GbE05:37
creihtredbo: indeed05:37
creihtcw: true05:37
creihtcw: Things actually work well enough as is, I would still like to test AIO if I could figure out how it works, just to see if it would allow for us to handle more concurrency05:38
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cwcreiht: it might be fun to play with, but my gut feeling is that it's a premature optimization right now05:38
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cwcreiht: maybe 48-96 disk systems with 10GbE ports and you'll be closer to a load where it might help05:39
creihtcw: yeah that is what we concluded back when I initially looked into it05:39
cwsyscalls are cheap, and context switches also05:39
cwcpus are fast05:39
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redbowell, I do want to work on our CPU usage, but file downloads are far from the biggest culprit.05:40
cwwrt to zones, the recommended number is 5 not less05:40
creihtAnd there are a lot of features to add that are a lot more important :)05:40
cwis there any reason to think 3 zones would actually cause issues for a small deployment?05:40
creihtcw: That is true for adequately handling failures05:41
redboIt'd be sweet if you could strap an atom processor to 8 drives and have that be a node.05:41
creiht3 is the absolute minimum05:41
cwright, but 3 != 505:41
creihtcw: deployment for testing, or for use?05:41
redbocw: I think the 5 node thing is an old superstition.05:41
redboer 5 zone05:41
cwinitial deployment of three phyiscal jbod style machines for very small deployments05:42
cwcreiht: are you going to the meetup next week?05:42
creihtcw: As the code is right now, handoffs are sent to other zones05:42
creihtso if you only have 3 zones, then it can't handoff05:43
redbooh, good point05:43
wreeseredbo: I think we have logic that tries 3 zones, and picks a 4th on failure (not pick a 3rd that's not already chosen)05:43
creihtEverything still works, but the system can't work around failures05:43
cwcreiht: handoff?05:43
creihtcw: say a drive has failed, and you want to write to it05:43
creihtthe system detects the failure, and writes to another node instead, (in another zone)05:44
creihtWhen the drive is replaced, that data gets replicated back05:44
cwcreiht: and this is orthogonal to having 3+ copies?05:44
creihtIt provides greater availability05:44
redbodid we ever fix that problem where handoffs were clumping on even-numbered nodes?  that seems like something we could fix.05:44
creihtredbo: yeah we need to look closer into that05:44
wreeseyeah. gholt fixed that05:44
creihtoh cool05:44
* creiht didn't know that05:45
creihtcw: We try as much as possible to always have 3 copies (even in the event of failure)05:45
wreesewell, we should ask him to be sure, but I'm almost positive he fixed it :P05:45
creihtfor example in the above example, at least 2 writes have to complete successfully for the system to return success05:45
redboI'd like in the future for the handoff node for a partition to become a real node for it if one of the others fails.  Then the stuff is already where we would have moved it.05:46
cwcreiht: meetup i think is more focused on Nova for now ... next week05:46
creihtcw: where is the meetup at?05:46
cwcloudkick in san francisco05:46
creihtahh... Then I guess probably not05:46
cwlee bieber might be there05:46
creihtredbo: that is an interesting idea05:47
cwcreiht: how do you know a write has completed?05:47
cwit could be cached ... even w/ O_SYNC05:47
wreeseyeah. it's non-deterministic atm05:47
cwso there is a small racy05:47
cwerr, race05:47
creihtThe write is proxied through the proxy server, and streamed to 3 servers05:47
creiht3 object servers05:47
redbowe do fsync.  That's the best we can do :)05:47
creihtthose object servers return to the proxy success or failure05:48
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cwah, fsync on xfs will work quite well actually05:48
cweven on cheapo disks05:48
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creihtcw: yeah... we go out of our way to make sure things get to disk05:48
wreeseand we ensure disk caches are disabled05:48
cwcreiht: you might wan to play with delay logging at some point ... if you have metadata heavy loads (though fsync heavy it won't help a lot)05:48
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cwdelayed logging05:48
cwgod im retarded05:48
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* creiht googles05:49
cwi have beer ... but it's near emtpy and the kids are in bed05:49
cwhow can i possibly get another one then05:49
redboalso, all 3 nodes would have to fail for the file to be lost, presumably05:49
creihtlooks like a fairly new feature?05:49
cwwould it be wrong to throw things at the wall and wake my eldest so she can get me a beer?05:49
cwsurely not05:49
cwwreese: disabling the disk caches shouldn't be necessary05:50
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cwwreese: i would advise against it in some cases ... if you fsync you get things to the oxide anyhow05:50
cww/o caches you're slowing other writes down between the critical barriers05:50
redboI'm intrigued by ext4 with write ordering instead of fsyncing (for consistency), and relying on multiple nodes for durability.05:50
PiotrSikorahm... so you're streaming in the real-time while its being uploaded?05:50
PiotrSikorainstead of post-upload spreading?05:50
creihtPiotrSikora: yes05:50
PiotrSikorathat's really, really cool05:51
wreesemany drives/controllers noop the barriers and fsync just gets it out of the kernel05:51
PiotrSikorai don't think i saw "distributed fs" that did this05:51
cwyou use zeus in front of the proxies right?  to get the needed perf?05:51
PiotrSikoracreiht: tricky question, do you also compare checksums post-upload?05:51
PiotrSikorato verify that each node got the same file and it isnt corrupted?05:52
creihtcurrently we use zeus for load balancing to get the most possible out of SSL and 10g05:52
redboPiotrSikora: we don't re-read the file, but we check the checksums that each node received and make sure they match.05:52
cwredbo: do you ever in production see checksum failures and invalidate?05:52
PiotrSikoraredbo: but where do you get the checksum from?05:53
cwdoing some math on that tells me they should be very rare even on cheap hardware05:53
redboas each node is receiving the data, it adds it to an md5, then each node sends the checksum back with its response, and the proxy makes sure they all match05:53
PiotrSikoracw: amazon had this once, one of their load balancers was introducing errors05:54
creihtPiotrSikora: The client can also send the expected checksum in the header, and it will be checked against that05:54
redbowe also have a process that randomly checks files on disk to be sure their checksum when uploaded matches what's on disk05:54
wreesecw: we have auditors that scan for that, and I don't think they've come across any bit rot yet05:54
PiotrSikoraredbo: ah, ok... seems reasonable enough :)05:55
creihtcw: do you have a link for xfs delayed logging?05:55
cwwreese: you've injected errors to verify the auditors DTRT right?05:55
cwcreiht: it's in recent mainline05:55
cwi think dave got it into '3305:55
cwfor stock ubuntu won't have it05:55
creihtcw: k05:55
cwor do you just want docs?05:56
creihtdocs would be cool05:56
cwcreiht: do you know off hand if many of your stored objects span multiple extents?05:57
cwon disk i mean ... ie. delalloc doesn't work so well if htey are written out slowly and there is memory pressure05:57
cwso a linear read of larger objects will cause seeking05:58
redbovery few should have multiple extents05:58
wreesecw: I believe we did, but gholt would know for sure. the code reads the file and computes the checksum, then compares to the checksum in the xattr data. if they differ, the file is quarantined and replicated back in place05:58
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redboif the user gives us an upload size, we fallocate the space first05:58
cwredbo: there is some EOF preallocation that's trimmed on close ... but even so slow writes would tend to cause fragmentation05:58
creihtcw: We preallocate the filesize if we know beforehand05:58
creihtyeah what redbo said05:58
cwcreiht: using the ioctl?05:58
cwsorry, i should just check the code :-)05:58
cwwe have swift up in the lab, i'm being lazy05:59
redboif only we could fallocate directories, those are worse05:59
cwfragmentation there?06:00
cwyou can tweak the allocator sometimes a little actually06:00
redbolistdirs take forever06:00
cwredbo: how many entries?06:00
cwxfs readdir has pretty good readahead unlike everything else06:00
redboum... hundreds to a few thousand06:00
cwthat's nothing06:00
cwso slow growth here right?06:01
creihtthat is the issue06:01
cwso they are fragmenting to 20+ extents?06:01
redboyou say that.  but it's normal to have a listdir that takes 10 or 20 seconds.06:01
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creihtor even up to a minute in some cases06:01
cwredbo: xfs_bmap -vp and see what it looks like06:01
cwthat sounds grossly excessive06:01
cweven with a LOT of other IO going on06:02
redbolet's see... "time ls" -> real    0m18.162s06:04
cwhow many extents?06:04
redboonly 10 extents06:04
cw5500 entries here and only 22 extents06:04
redbo2696 entries06:04
cwls is doing a stat06:04
creihtcw: I think the problem is with the extents being all over the disk06:04
cwfor every entry i bet06:04
redbooh, true06:04
cwls is retarded06:04
cwno options06:04
cwit's not the dir reading, it's the seeking from ls06:04
cwyou can optimize that a lot if you care06:05
creihtright... but for our purposes, we need the stat info06:05
cwwhat do you need from it?06:05
creihtlisting just gives the name right?06:05
cwname, inode and type06:06
redboyeah.  well, we were using os.walk a lot, which does stat everything06:06
creihtfor example the biggest issue was rsync crawling the partitions to make their changelists06:06
cwthough type isn't in the old ABI06:06
creihtcw: btw, this is why we have hashlists for the partitions to help get around this issue06:06
cwcreiht: ok ... i'm very intersted in that06:07
cwthe issue is rsync doing the read + stat kills perf?06:07
creihtcw: and I would be interested in hearing how to make the stat calls better06:07
creihtIt made replication take too long06:07
redbotoo bad xfs doesn't support the d_type field in dirents.06:07
cwit does06:07
cwman getdents06:07
redbohrm... when I looked up the docs a while back, it said it didn't.  I'll check it out.06:08
redbothat would make file system walking considerably faster.06:09
cwwell, it depends what you want06:09
cwpython also doesn't have all the interfaces exposed06:09
redboto know if something's a directory or file, mostly06:09
cwok, that it has06:09
cwis this the python code that needs this or rsync?06:09
cwrsync is horrible for lots of little files06:09
cwi would just say "don't do that"06:09
cwbut ... if you really must use it, well, there are things you can do to make it better06:10
redboI don't know anything about rsync internals, but we use os.walk for stuff, and that gets pretty slow with all the stat calls.06:10
creihtWell now we use the hashes to determine if something has changed, and if something has changed, then we do run rsync06:10
cwi have bulkstat working at over 100,000 inodes/s a while back06:10
cwactually, i think it peaked at over 260,000 inodes/s cold-cache and over 1M hot-cache06:10
cwos.walk isn't very clean internally last i did an strace of it06:10
redbono, it's horrible, but it's simple :)06:11
cwthe python interface to it is very nice06:11
cwi've broken down and used it in a lot of place, i even have:06:11
creihtsome of the code we manually do listdirs, and then walk manually06:11
cw                # don't cross mountpoints06:11
cw                dirs[:] = [d for d in dirs if not os.path.ismount(os.path.join(root, d))]06:11
cwwhich is nice to write but nasty when you look at what happens under the hood06:12
redboyeah, but if we could have an interface that was as fast as listdirs but has the interface of os.walk, we'd be sitting pretty06:12
redboyeah, ismount stats the file and its parent to see if they have the same device id06:12
cwos.walk also doesn't iterate the way i would expect it too06:12
redbothere's an option to make it sane, I think06:13
cwin so far as it reads a LOT of entries then next()... gives details06:13
cwit's not a fine grained as i expected06:13
cwthough a lot of this is python 2.4 & 2.5 experience06:13
PiotrSikorawell, if python wrappers are so unoptimized06:14
PiotrSikoracant you embed C syscalls within python?06:15
cwredbo: don't you know roughly what to sync when you havr to sync it?06:15
cwrather than making rsync work it out?06:15
redboyeah, we're doing okay now06:15
redbowe use hashes of directory contents to decide better what needs to actually rsync at a pretty granularity that gives a pretty good balance06:16
redboer.. not pretty granularity06:16
redbobut there's still parts of our code where execution time is ruled primarily by listdirs.  So it's something to go after.06:17
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cwthe reason to use rsync is because it's prety robust and easy?06:28
cwsomething less to embed in the code?06:29
creihtIt works06:29
creihtWe tried to reuse tools where we could (until we found them to not work at our scale)06:29
cwit requires some config you could avoid though06:30
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redboavoid config by rewriting rsync?06:31
cwheh, that came out wrong06:31
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PiotrSikorafast question (sorry, i'm being lazy) but does the object server/proxy support byte-ranges and/or gzipping?06:35
redboranges, yes.  gzipping, no.06:35
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PiotrSikoraredbo: thx06:36
PiotrSikorai had a feeling that would be the answer06:36
PiotrSikoragzipping probably isn't best business idea when you charge for transfer ;)06:36
redboright, letting users use more CPU to pay less wasn't the best idea06:37
redbowe actually had it in the code at some point, but took it out06:37
PiotrSikorawell, you aren't CPU-bound so this probably wasn't big problem06:38
redboI'm sure we could put it back in as optional, there's not much to it.06:38
PiotrSikorai was just going to ask you about doing that :)06:38
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PiotrSikoraoohhh... i just remembered06:40
redboAlso we'll have to do like vary: accept-encoding so caches will know to grab different versions for people who accept or don't accept gzip and test all that.06:40
PiotrSikoraone of my friend is working for a portal that uses cloudfiles06:40
PiotrSikoraand he told me that little % of uploaded files reguraly disappear06:41
PiotrSikorado you know about such issue?06:41
creihtPiotrSikora: how is he uploading them?06:42
PiotrSikoracreiht: to be honest? i don't know06:42
PiotrSikorahe just mentioned this over a drink06:42
PiotrSikorathat they have to re-upload few files almost everyday06:42
PiotrSikorai'll get details out of him when he wakes up06:43
redboI haven't seen that.  If he could give us an example file that disappeared, we could find out a lot.06:43
redbowell, account and filename06:43
creihtIf he was using a third party tool, then lots of things can go wrong there :)06:44
creihtIf he was uploading directly using an api, then it would also be interesting to hear what return codes he sees when he uploads06:44
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PiotrSikorai'll ask him about details06:46
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PiotrSikoraone more tricky question, what happens when 1 or 2 (or n < total number of replicas) nodes go offline during file upload?07:52
PiotrSikorais this handled gracefully by the proxy? and is file replicated right away to another node after upload completes?07:52
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redboif a majority of the uploads fail, it'll fail for the user.  If one fails, it'll have to wait for replication to be put back in place.08:52
redbowell, it'll get replicated to a fourth node, then when the drive is replaced or removed from the ring, the file will go where it's supposed to.08:57
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PiotrSikoraredbo: thx :)09:15
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PiotrSikoraredbo, creiht: i just talked with my friend10:09
PiotrSikorathey didn't log those lost files10:10
PiotrSikorabut he told me that he'll enable process in their infrastrucutre10:10
PiotrSikoraso this will be logged next time it will happen10:10
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PiotrSikoraenable logging*10:28
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uvirtbotNew bug: #609749 in nova "nova.process singleton isn't working, causing "Someone released me too many times: too many tokens!" assertion" [Undecided,In progress]
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pvoEwan is cranking stuff out on a Sunday afternoon. : )14:44
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allsystemsaregohas anyone pitted the nova/swift duo against hadoop/mapreduce feature-wise?14:56
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_anmallsystemsarego: that sounds like an apples/oranges comparison to me15:54
_anmhadoop/mapreduce  is a distributed processing and storage system, whereas nova/swift are cloud computing a dnblock storage platforms, mot akin to amazon ec2 and S315:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #609791 in nova "AMQPChannelException when running instance" [Undecided,In progress]
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uvirtbotNew bug: #609792 in nova "Hardcoded exchange name should be replaced with flags.control_exchange" [Undecided,Fix committed]
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al-maisanhello .. starting nova-api fails with "ImportError: No module named daemon" .. I guess I am missing a dependency04:56
al-maisanI guess it will be "python-daemon"04:57
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dendrobatesal-maisan: yep05:00
dendrobatesal-maisan: nice to see you in our channel05:01
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al-maisanWhen running "python" all but 2 pass:
al-maisanAny idea what's going wrong here?06:11
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al-maisanhmm .. probably an old tornado version06:20
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al-maisanah, apparently the 'HTTPHeaders' class was moved from httpserver to httputil in tornado06:25
al-maisanthis change is all it takes to make the last 2 tests pass:
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uvirtbotNew bug: #610035 in nova "New admin create caused bug  by using LDAP" [Undecided,New]
bobnormalopenstack suitable for use with LXC / vserver / openvz virtualisation?11:20
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bobnormal(mostly interested in compute cloud with container-based virt for IO bandwidth preservation vs. hypervisors)11:31
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termiewhen i look at bzr missing when i get conflicts, some commits have 'branch nick' in them... how do i set that? is there a way to assign a nick when i run bzr branch XXX?12:18
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redboit's the name of the directory where you make your branch12:21
termieif i do bzr branch init-repo foo; cp foo; bzr branch lp:nova nova it seems to result in no branch nick12:25
termieat least when i do bzr missing12:25
termiethe commits i am trying to import have a branch nick, but the local ones conflict because they have none12:26
termies/local/local copies of the original commits at lp:nova/12:27
redbothat's more than I know how to deal with12:27
termiei'll try a standalone repo and see if it changes things12:27
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termiehmm, so it seems that the branch nick isn't causing the conflict12:37
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termiethere must be something fishy in the mapping between commit "numbers"12:38
termiedoes bzr have a secret commit id somewhere?12:39
termiethe revno, message, and so forth are all the same12:39
termiei just don't know bzr well enough to know how it determines conflicts12:39
termiethe commits are obviously the same in all ways, but there must be a secret properties12:40
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al-maisantermie: try one of the other merge algorithms (e.g. --lca) ; they may yield better results, see also 'bzr help merge"12:46
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aliguorihrm, imap still down?12:53
aliguorii guess it's not 9am EST yet..12:53
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termiebzr fast-export uses a different format that git's12:58
termieand it is solvable by file munging :)12:59
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termiesuccessfully fixed all the (known) bugs :) but now github is partially down so nobody can see :p13:56
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MaxR_Hello, I've downloaded, installed the SAIO and was interested in checking out Swift. I'm fairly new to cloud technologies in general and have been doing quite a bit of reading anywhere I could.13:59
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MaxR_As best I can tell, Swift is installed and functioning properly.. However, I can't help but feel I'm missing something here in my knowledge of how to utilize it. It appears that it has an HTTP API I'd guess there is some other management-type of software that I'd need in order to utilize it?14:00
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MaxR_If someone could point me in the right directions, software package, docs, website, anything; I'd greatly appreciate it :)14:00
MaxR_I understand SAIO was released as more of a developer preview, however I have a firm believe that OpenStack is the future of cloud computing, and wanted to jump in and start gaining experience utilizing it14:01
notmynameMaxR_: glad you got it up and running14:02
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notmynameall the docs for swift are at swift.openstack.org14:02
notmynameas far as taking to swift, you can use the Rackspace Cloud Files developer guide and/or any of the cloud files language bindings at
MaxR_Unless I've missed a page somewhere, I've read through everything there. The docs seem to be written on how to configure Swift, and explaining the different pieces and applications...14:03
MaxR_there we go14:03
MaxR_that's what I was looking for (=14:03
MaxR_thank you14:03
notmynameya, we should probably make that more clear, I guess14:04
notmynamedid you have any issues or questions when setting up the SAIO?14:04
MaxR_As someone new to cloud computing, that part is very unclear from the website/wiki. And unfortunately it's hard to tell what other information in cloud computing is compatible with OpenStack :)14:04
MaxR_But I'm determined nevertheless to make this technology work hehe :)14:04
MaxR_Not at all.. the instructions were very clear for me with SAIO...14:05
MaxR_The only other comment I'd say..14:05
notmynameyou can also use the st program that is included in the swift code14:05
MaxR_it may be helpful to provide another guide that explains how to set it up, but with actual servers instead of SAIO. As it stands, I'll have to extrapolate out what to do based on the SAIO and the other various pages that explain how the pieces work14:05
notmynameor look at for a callable python module14:05
notmynamewe are working on some deployment guide docs14:06
MaxR_I love a challenge, but I can imagine it may turn others away from checking out the technology if it isnt sufficiently easy for them to get it up and running14:06
MaxR_I must say though..14:06
MaxR_I give the programmers some serious credit for their implementation of the various ring building apps and whatnot14:07
MaxR_it appears to be very well thought out and easy to use in general14:07
notmynamethanks :-)14:07
MaxR_but retaining the power of many options as well14:07
bobnormalsorry im using an oldschool irc client with short scrollback buffer .. i was asking about using openstack with container-based virtualisation systems (lxc/vserver/openvz)... anyone done this / have some basic info on direction to get it happening?14:08
MaxR_Okay, so my nxt step is to read the Rackspace Cloud Files developer guide, check out the cloud files language bindings at, the st program included in the code, and the python module14:08
notmynamethat should keep you busy for a while :-)14:08
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MaxR_hehe yeah, but I'm addicted to new technologies.. this is fun stuff to have the privilege of 'toying' with :)14:09
MaxR_I hope others see this as I do, the future of not only cloud computing, but computing in general14:09
MaxR_Anyway, thank you for the guidance notmyname. :) I greatly appreciate it14:09
MaxR_I'm sure I'll probably end up back here with more questions at some point14:10
notmynameif you need any help or advice as you deploy to real servers, let us know. we've walked through a lot of that already for our clusters14:10
MaxR_Fair enough.. I'm doing my best to take notes as I go through this and learn it from a "newbie" perspective so that I can pass it along for others in the same situation14:10
notmynamegreat. and we welcome patches to both the code and docs14:11
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MaxR_Thank you again for providing such a gem to the world.14:12
* MaxR_ waves14:12
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notmynamebobnormal: I'm not ignoring you, I just don't have an answer14:12
bobnormalnotmyname: ok.14:13
bobnormalnotmyname: hoping to build an efficient video transcoding cluster using this stuff... otherwise will have to write something from scratch thats less useful / hardware-sharable for other tasks = not ideal14:15
notmynameI"m sure someone can answer your questions, but I'm a dev on the storage side. You probably know more than I do about virtualization, etc14:15
bobnormalnotmyname: storage system in openstack... how useful for VERY large files with guaranteed IO throughput requirements?14:16
bobnormalnotmyname: the globalised replication concept would be super useful .. im just worried about performance with huge files (high resolution video)14:17
bobnormalnotmyname: kind of assuming it's not a good match .. would like to hear otherwise :)14:17
notmynameswift supports 5GB files out of the box. but that is simply a constant in the code. we've talked about support for arbitrary sized files, but for now the answer is to split on the client side14:17
bobnormalnotmyname: why do you encourage a split?14:18
notmynameIO throughput is a function of the cluster size14:18
notmynamewe have a few reasons for the 5GB limit: 1) larger uploads have a higher chance of failure, necessitation a complete re-upload 2) cluster balance is determined by the ratio of max file size to drive size14:19
notmynamenecessitation, nice new word. s/necessitation/necessitating14:20
notmynamehowever, if you are using a swift cluster for strictly internal purposes and have a reliable connectivity to it, you could get rid of excuse 114:21
notmynameand reason 2 is more of a cost/benefit analysis for your use case. for example, if you had only (or mostly) 20GB files, the balance wouldn't be as big of an issue. in our case (cloud files), we have to support both large and small files14:22
notmyname(and replace 20GB files with any filesize you want)14:23
notmynamethe only limit on filesize is the size of the independent drives14:23
notmynameso if you make a cluster with 2T drives, you will have an upper bound of 2T for your max file size. (not that I recommend doing that)14:24
notmynamebobnormal: and back to the throughput question, it is also determined by the IO speed of a single disk spindle. aggregate throughput is based on the size of the cluster. single operation throughput is based on the speed of a single disk spindle14:25
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bobnormalnotmyname: thanks, thats a lot clearer.14:33
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anm_Hello, back at it on a MOnday - justinsb walked with through the installfest directions he wrote on instaling from Source, does anyone object on these instructions becoming a standalon page on the wiki?  It's by far the most complete set to date14:35
anm_I'll be glad to build it and link it from the home page14:36
anm_on the wiki14:36
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anm_also, after going through the excellent installfest instructions, when uploaded my first  image to a bucket, I get a HUGE html error back from euca-upload-bundle14:38
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anm_i copied it ito my browser, and it says: 'nova.exception.NotFound'14:38
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anm_does Openstack have a pastebin of its own?15:55
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anm_i have a BIG error message I'd like to pb if someone has a sec to look at it15:56
g0rdyanm_: good idea15:56
creihtanm_: Not yet15:56
creihtmtaylor: -^ :)15:56
mtaylorcreiht: :) thanks - somehow it fell off of my todo list.15:56
anm_etherpad would probably work, but does no markup15:56
* mtaylor uses pastebin.com15:57
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pvohave a etherpad.opstack.org15:59
MaxR_Okay.. so Swift allows me to store data into an HTTP-driven object store... through a tip earlier here, I read the Cloud Files Developer Guide which mentions a few windows apps that give me FTP-like access to the storage space...but I'm not clear on how the data stored into Swift would be accessible without an HTTP call?15:59
pvoer, that'd be etherpad.openstack.org15:59
notmynameMaxR_: the trick is setting the auth url16:00
MaxR_Like if let's say, I wanted to have my backup software store directly to it...or if I wanted to run a VMWare container off it?16:00
notmynameMaxR_: for example, duplicity (I'm told) allows you to change the auth url. CyberDuck doesn't16:00
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creihtMaxR_: My guess on the ftp software is that it acts as a proxy, converting the ftp requests to swift16:01
notmynamesince swift == cloud files, the API works. but, of course, it can't work if it doesn't know how to talk to your swift cluster16:01
MaxR_yeah.. I found out Cloud Files Manager is hard coded to work with Rackspace's cloud16:01
MaxR_already sent the developer an email.. he had never even heard of openstack.. I informed him and pointed to website16:01
notmynamethat surprises you? ;-016:01
MaxR_not really.. hehe :) I feel like I've ventured into the wild wild west16:01
creihthopefully now that swift is open source, more of those tools will allow for configurable servers16:02
LoRezis the guy that gave the OSCON keynote about openstack in here?16:02
notmynameah, that's not what I thought you were referring to16:02
creihtLoRez: -> wreese16:02
notmynameunless he meenw lew16:02
creihtLoRez: you talking about for swift or openstack in general?16:02
MaxR_But that still doesn't explain how to access the data without one of those applications16:02
MaxR_those apps are great if all I want to do is store data into an FTP-like account...16:03
LoRezthere was a swift keynote?16:03
notmynameMaxR_: I thought you were referring to the rackspace cloud files manager (in the rackspace control panel)16:03
MaxR_but doesnt help if I need to access that same data directly16:03
creihtLoRez: there was a talk at oscon about how we built swift16:03
MaxR_no.. www.cloudfilesmanager.com16:03
LoReza talk or a keynote?16:03
creihtI read talk when you said keynote :)16:03
MaxR_I did read that iSCSI is in the works.. that would easily solve my question..16:04
LoRezI'm speaking about the keynote, although someone probably made the same mistake in your talk16:04
MaxR_but there must be a way to do it now, as this code is already in use?16:04
notmynameMaxR_: how do you want to access it? if you use a 3rd party tool, you should be able to access it through the same tool. are you looking for something like public access?16:04
LoRezit's irc.freenode._*NET*_, not ._*COM*_16:04
creihtLoRez: Feel free to ask your question here, as someone may be able to answer16:05
notmynameMaxR_: I'm a little confused on what you mean about accessing the data. it's not write-only :-)16:05
MaxR_Okay let me give an example what I mean16:05
creihtMaxR_: Perhaps if you let us know a little more about what you want to do, then we can point you in the right direction16:05
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MaxR_The simplest example I can think of.. is tar backups on a linux server.. people often want to store their backups offsite. If I wanted to provide someone space that they could map on their Linux server.. so that their swift-stored data shows up as a folder on their linux server16:07
mcgurrinMaxR, are you asking how to access it with a more standard access protocol that has been around for longer like FTP, SFTP, etc. instead of the API?16:07
notmynameMaxR_: swift doesn't map directly to a file system16:07
mcgurrinoh, it does with software16:07
notmynameMaxR_: swift is a blob store, not a block store16:08
MaxR_That's the part I'm trying to figure out.. if it doesnt map directly to a file system.. that means there is no way to directly access it without some sort of interface.. correct?16:08
mcgurrinI saw a cloudfiles FUSE driver a while ago16:08
notmynamemcgurrin: yes. redbo wrote that16:08
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mcgurrinI think that might solve this issue16:08
notmynameMaxR_: the way to access the data is through the REST API. you could write a wrapper for it or use other products (like duplicity)16:09
MaxR_alright... then let's move on to example #216:09
mcgurrinI have a question or 2 once this is solved16:09
creihtMaxR_: If it helps conceptually, swift has similar functionality to S316:09
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MaxR_creiht: I'm about as new as new gets to cloud computing in general. I thought I understood the basics, lol, but I'm beginning to see I apparently didn't even have that. hehe16:10
MaxR_Okay.. if let's say I get Nova up and running.. between Nova and Swift, I'd *guess* that there should be some way to run a VPS container...? Or is that a bad assumption?16:11
creihtMaxR_: So in the above example, swift might be used to store nova images, but to run a container (if I understand the terminology correctly) I think you are looking for block storage16:12
creihtWhich swift is not16:12
mcgurringiven that this is opensource software I would assume I have the legal ability if I do it correctly but I would like to avoid angering people, can I put up a ovf format virtual appluance set up by following the SAIO guide for public download?16:12
notmynameI think that's a bad assumption (for now). I would hope that would be a possibility for the future. but you can't run an image stored in swift16:12
creihtmcgurrin: by all means! :)16:12
notmynamemcgurrin: go for it!16:12
mcgurrinok, I will do that once the ubunto download finishes16:13
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MaxR_I know this is kind of an ambiguous question here.. but what do most people use this kind of object store for?16:13
mcgurrinI will send out the link here once its up16:13
notmynameMaxR_: 2 main use cases: backups and static web content16:13
creihtMaxR_: the biggest use cases are for storing data, and backups16:13
MaxR_Okay.. so for static web content.. Is there a way to set it up so that the content can be pulled from the object store, without authorization? Like if let's say I put an .ISO up on it, and wanted to link to it from my website for others to download...16:14
creihtMaxR_: That is coming16:14
notmynamecurrently, that only works on cloud files through the cdn16:15
creihtIn the current cloud files from Rackspace, that would be done through the CDN integration16:15
notmynamebut, what creiht said16:15
notmynameok, only one of us should answer him :-)16:15
* creiht hands of to notmyname 16:15
notmynamebut I want to go to lunch!16:15
creihtme too :)16:15
MaxR_okay, I think I'm understanding this now. Just like the docs say, this is a new method of storing..16:16
creihtMaxR_: Short answer is, public containers are high on the list16:16
notmynameMaxR_: so any other questions before we go to lunch?16:16
creihtas is the piece that works with the CDN16:16
MaxR_Nope, you guys have been a great help for me understanding this. :)16:16
MaxR_Thanks for being so approachable and willing to help me understand16:17
notmynameany time (unless we are at lunch)16:17
MaxR_lol lunch sounds good16:17
MaxR_I think I'll follow your lead on that one16:17
creihtand feel free to leave any questions on IRC, and we can answer them when we get back from lunch :)16:17
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mtaylorlunch. bah16:18
mtaylormmm. coffee...16:19
mcgurrinI should have lunch to, I'ss see everyone later16:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #610140 in nova "r164 - ApiEc2TestCase failures - HTTPHeaders" [Undecided,New]
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jaypipesanyone know Ewan Mellors'16:47
jaypipesIRC nick?16:47
_0x44jaypipes: It was originally ewanmellor it may now be ewan_16:50
jaypipes_0x44: k, cheers :)16:50
jaypipes_0x44: didn't know if it was something obscure like _0x44 ;)16:51
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_0x44jaypipes: I could change to rootkit like on Ryder, then everyone would know who I am :P16:51
jaypipes_0x44: :)16:52
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* mtaylor still wishes that lp had an irc network so that his lp id would match his irc id ....16:53
* mtaylor realizes others probably do not share his wish 16:53
lbiebermtaylor:  any updates on getting the swift mailing list going?16:53
mtaylorlbieber: nope. lemme go poke someone again16:54
lbiebermtaylor:  please do, its taking way too long16:54
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mtaylorlbieber: and in case you want to follow along16:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 608785 in launchpad-registry "OOPSes due to renaming of teams with mailing lists/privacy switch" [Low,Incomplete]16:59
joshuamckentymtaylor: is there somewhere I can grab logs of this channel?17:08
joshuamckentyI keep missing interesting things while I'm travelling and don't have scrollback17:08
joshuamckentyI can log in from a server if needed, just checking17:08
mtaylorjoshuamckenty: I think someone setup a logger... but I've been meaning to get something more official going17:09
_0x44joshuamckenty: Didn't _cerberus_ set you guys up with accounts on his bip server?17:09
mtaylorjoshuamckenty: lemme add that to my list of things to get done here RSN17:09
joshuamckenty_0x44: negative17:09
joshuamckentywhat's bip?17:09
joshuamckentybuild in progress?17:10
joshuamckentyI have lots of servers, that's not an issue17:10
_0x44joshuamckenty: It's an IRC proxy that does scroll back17:10
joshuamckentyooh, nice17:10
joshuamckentywhy am I not running that?17:10
_0x44I use screen+irssi, but most of the ozone guys use bip+colloquy17:10
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joshuamckentyYeah, I'm not very good with irssi :(17:11
joshuamckentyI use screen for everything else, though17:11
joshuamckentymulti-user screen is the best form of pair programming on the planet17:11
_0x44joshuamckenty: I can give you a tar of the logs since the room was opened.17:11
_0x44Wholly agree about that.17:11
joshuamckentythat would be awesome17:11
_0x44Email address you'd like it sent to?17:13
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joshuamckenty400MB email box suckz17:14
_0x44Oh wow... one sec.17:14
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mcgurrinjoshuamckenty, I have a cool solution you can use to avoid size hassles for email17:16
joshuamckentyis it called POP3?17:17
mcgurrinfetchmail+sendmail+procmail+mail server17:17
* joshuamckenty is married to IMAP17:17
joshuamckentyyeah, I used to run my own mail server for this sort of thing17:17
_0x44joshuamckenty: You should have mail17:17
mcgurrinno, download email through fetchmail to a different mail server17:17
joshuamckentybefore SPF came out17:17
joshuamckentyah, hmm17:17
joshuamckentyyeah, that would work17:17
mcgurrinthen access through imap from there17:17
joshuamckentythat's kind of insane17:17
joshuamckenty_0x44: thank you17:18
mcgurrinI use it to collect my 3+ different accounts into one17:18
_0x44joshuamckenty: You're welcome :)17:18
mcgurrinit also bypasses limits on connections per hour when you have a lot of devices like me17:18
joshuamckentyK, I'm offline again for a while - driving to Seattle to get a flight to Zurich.17:18
jbryce_0x44: can i get a copy of the logs too? jbryce@rackspace.com17:18
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joshuamckentyWill consider the fetchmail solution17:18
joshuamckentyand get bip set up shortly17:19
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mcgurrinI can help you with it if you need it, just let me know17:19
joshuamckentyI'm still working on turning NASA Nebula roadmap into blueprints17:19
joshuamckentyI know I owe a lot of people that roadmap17:19
joshuamckentywill work on it on the plane17:19
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joshuamckentyoh, dendrobates :17:19
mcgurrinI'm installing ubunto right now in a vm to set up via the SAIO instructions17:19
joshuamckentyA couple more companies want to join openstack, can I introduce them to you, or to Jim?17:20
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joshuamckentydendrobates: specifically to work on security integration17:20
jbrycejoshuamckenty: you can send them to any of us, but i think at the end of the day mark collier is managing those relationships17:21
joshuamckentyah, cool17:21
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jbrycemark.collier@rackspace - he's on vacation this week so rick or jim or i can get things going17:22
joshuamckentyI told them it was easier just to fire up colloquoy, but they said something about logos and stuff17:22
* joshuamckenty laughs at silly business people17:22
jbrycehaha…yeah…that sounds like mark's area. = )17:22
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joshuamckentyk, I'm out17:26
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_0x44jbryce: Email is sent17:28
_0x44No problem :)17:28
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mcgurrinany recommendations on how to include the applicable licenses in my virtual appliance?17:33
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termieaha, i didn't realize i was filtering out the emails about reviews17:34
creihtmcgurrin: applicable licenses, as in like the apache license for swift?17:34
mcgurrinyes that and the ubuntu licence17:34
holowaymcgurrin: I'm not sure that's even required, beyond having the license available on disk17:36
holowayfor example, there is no 'ubuntu license' neccessarily17:36
mcgurrinI mean the one they release it under17:36
mcgurrinbut I see your point about being on disk17:36
creihtmcgurrin: yeah not entirely sure I understand17:37
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mcgurrinDo I need to have a license agreement page that needs to be gone through or anything before people download my pre made SAIO virtual appluance17:38
creihtmcgurrin: ahh... I wouldn't think so17:38
cwcreiht: do you have any rough guesses on how often metadata is read w/o the data?17:38
cwcreiht: and how often it's updated?17:38
creihtcw: metadata is read on HEAD requests17:38
mcgurrinok, just checking17:38
holowaymcgurrin: it's very polite of you to ask17:38
creihtcw: it is updated on a POST request, which in our use case doesn't happen very often17:39
cwcreiht: right, so my thinking is that's probably not much more common than reading the data17:39
mcgurrinthanks holoway17:39
holowaymcgurrin: in general, there is a NOTICE file in apache licensed projects17:39
creihtcw: it depends, on some use cases (mainly backup clients) they can do a lot of HEADS to get info on files currently in swift17:39
mcgurrinWhere would that go?17:39
holowaymcgurrin: in general, you need to make sure that file and the license are in a reasonable location17:40
holowaymcgurrin: see section 4 (d) of the ASL17:40
mcgurrinso I should probably copy them to the archive that it will be distributed in then, not just have them inside the vm?17:40
creihtcw: In a future version, I would imagine that the metadata could also be read to help determine which object server to use to serve data17:41
notmynamemtaylor: why are swift devs getting nova bug emails now?17:42
creihtcw: for example we have been talking about a change that would get versions from each object server before serving, and ensuring that only the most recent versions get served17:42
mtaylornotmyname: uh. because I suck?17:42
mtaylornotmyname: I think I was supposed to be investigating that last week and then forgot :)17:42
notmynamelooks likw swift is subscribed to nova17:42
mtaylorit really shouldn't be17:42
notmynamei agree :-)17:43
creihtholoway: btw... were you waiting on me for anything for your auth fix?17:43
holowaycreiht: yes!17:43
redboif they subscribe to each other, will the universe explode?17:43
holowaycreiht: I totally broke python on my laptop, like a moron :)17:43
creihtI hadn't seen it come back for review, so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't blocking17:43
holowaycreiht: so once I get bzr up again, I'll push my changes17:43
creihtholoway: ahh cool... just wanted to check in17:44
holowaycreiht: it's a small change, really just needs t3esting17:44
holowaycreiht: thank you17:44
mtayloractually, neither ~nova nor swift should have been subscribed to nova bugs... that's what ~nova-bugs is for17:44
mtaylornotmyname: thanks! fixed17:44
holowaycreiht: I assumed that a schema change to have unique column constrains to make INSER OR REPLACE work was harder than just having a conditional that does INSERT/UPDATE17:45
creihtholoway: agreed17:45
holowaycreiht: cool - I pushed the change, but it needs tested17:46
creihtholoway: cool.. when I get a chance, I will try it out17:46
holowaycreiht: thanks :)17:47
mcgurrinhow much configuration is location/cluster size dependent?17:49
mcgurrinI was thinking it might be cool to set up a virtual cluster distribution for locations that already have servers doing virtualization17:50
creihtmcgurrin: Most of everything that is cluster size dependent is going to be in the ring17:50
mcgurrinI mean in the config and such is there any differences17:51
creihtmcgurrin: The ring is what holds the mapping of requests to the servers/devices17:51
mcgurrinah, so that would not affect a new installation, just once there are actually files in it?17:52
mcgurrinI was thinking that this would also be useful for testing load, especially scalability, you could run up to several VM's per machine and see if to many machines would start to slow it down as well17:53
creihtwell lets back up a bit, maybe I am misunderstanding your question17:53
creihtSo from an individual server's perspective, it doesn't have to know about the rest of the cluster17:53
mcgurrinI was thinking besides just a SAIO virtual appluance I could distribute a virtual cluster set of alppliances17:54
creihtThe ring is what holds the smarts/config for where everything goes17:54
creihtSo if you get a basic storage vm setup, you could pop as many of those you want, then set up a ring that points to all those servers17:55
creihtmcgurrin: btw... have you looked at this?
mcgurrinso there is config needed that is dependant on the number of servers?17:55
mcgurrinI will17:55
creihtmcgurrin: Not from the servers perspective17:55
mcgurrinthen from where?17:56
creihtAll the config values are dependent on what the individual server can handle17:56
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creihtmcgurrin: Pretty much everything that is server away is in the ring17:57
notmynamemcgurrin: the ring is the only thing that knows about the whole cluster17:57
creihtmcgurrin: doh... I gave you the wrong link17:57
creihtIs what I meant17:57
mcgurrinah, ok, so I could distribute just 2 images, the ring and the cluster node image and then have some way to detect the number of cluster nodes and set them up in the ring?17:58
creihtAlso has some overview of the ring that might help17:58
creihtmcgurrin: I think you could do it with one image17:58
mcgurrinthat would then give me a fully scalable cluster VM set that could be deployed to any number of VM's?17:58
jonesycreiht: my first look at the deployment guide -- nice work!17:58
JordanRinke_any bzr gurus here have a second to chat?17:59
creihtInclude the ring stuff in the image, the user chooses one of them to do admin from, builds the ring, and then copies the ring to all of the images17:59
mtaylorJordanRinke_: what' sup?17:59
JordanRinke_need to figure out how to review a merge request and commit / deny it17:59
creihtjonesy: thanks!  It is a first stab, but let me know if there are any areas where you find questions18:00
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mtaylorJordanRinke_: so, there's two ways - you can do it all via email, or you can do it via the web interface18:00
JordanRinke_mind if I send you a dm mtaylor?18:00
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mtaylorJordanRinke_: go for it18:01
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mcgurrinIs there any sensitive data in the ring files?18:07
mcgurrinok, I am thinking that it might be possible to make a eplication service then18:08
notmynamewell, it has all of you servers in it, so don't give it to someone who you don't want to know your network topology18:08
mcgurrinyeah but that should not be to much of an issue for someone using my virtual apliances18:09
notmynamethat is, it details each drive on each machine and has the IP addresses and a weight for the drive18:09
mcgurrinyeah, I got that but this system is mostly for testing and small environments, a major production environment will probably not use my applances18:10
mcgurrinthe service would be only for my appliance users18:10
notmynameso yeah, no problems distributing the ring files then18:10
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chromakodekarmabot, logs18:25
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* mtaylor really needs to put a hostname on that18:26
mtaylorchromakode: ok. now we need to write a nice pretty web front end for those logs...18:27
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mtaylorchromakode: or convince someone else to18:27
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jbrycemtaylor: i'm doing dns stuff right you have a hostname in mind?18:37
mtaylorjbryce: uh... how about ?18:38's set up18:40
mtaylorjbryce: know anybody who wants to write a quick web frontend on top of a pile of irc logs?18:40
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jbrycethe dns hasn't propagated yet so it may take a little while longer for that link to work18:41
mtaylorgood point18:41
MaxR_AWYis iSCSI support planned or just being considered?18:42
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notmynameMaxR_: for swift?18:42
notmynameor nova?18:43
MaxR_I guess both?18:43
MaxR_The mention I saw just said "OpenStack"18:43
MaxR_article on securecloudreview.com18:43
notmynameI would guess nova (compute) then. there is no plan (that I am aware of) for iSCSI support in swift18:44
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jbryceMaxR_: that article was referring to compute18:45
jbryceMaxR_: it's a little confusing because they mentioned the storage project, but where it talks about supported storage mechanisms in that article (AoE,pNFS,iSCSI), it's referring to storage for the virtual compute18:47
MaxR_alright, thank you for the explanation18:47
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jbrycemtaylor: have you seen ?18:51
mtaylorjbryce: I have not18:52
mtaylorjbryce: ooh. that web front end is nice18:52
mtaylorjbryce: well, I say nice - it exists - there doesn't seem to be much data in his example :)18:53
jbrycemtaylor: i just googled and found it, so i know nothing else about it other than it seems to try to solve a similar problem (and it's bsd licensed)18:53
mtaylorjbryce: is the one chromakode just stuck in here18:55
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MaxR_It would be great if Nova and Swift were combined in such a way that would allow Swift to store the VMs that Nova runs. :P19:09
creihtMaxR_: that is the plan :)19:09
MaxR_I found a project called Nimbus that appears to have done similar already.. however their backend storage component Cumulus is nowhere near as good as Swift. No idea on their compute portion19:10
MaxR_creiht, I know this is a bad question to even ask.. but is there any idae at this point how far out that idea is from beign implemented?19:11
* MaxR_ watches as his spelling skills go out the window as the day progresses...19:11
creihtMaxR_: That is more on the nova side of things, but last I looked, I thought it was on the roadmap for the initial release19:12
redboWell, we'll store the images, not the actual vms.  You need block storage for that.19:12
creihtyeah what redbo said19:12
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MaxR_I see that Amazon has cloud block storage...are there any other projects out there doing the same?19:12
creihtcumulus nimbus is very difficult to search for19:13
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MaxR_lol creiht.. yeah I found it the same (check their changelog for info on cumulus)19:14
MaxR_not very well thought out name :P19:14
anm_MaxR_:  I'd think if the distro running swift has an iscsi initiator, you can mount an iSCSI server and be off an running on iSCSI with swift. it shouldn;t care19:15
creihtanm_: swift doesn't have support for iSCSI (unless you are talking about running them side by side)19:16
MaxR_My reading on Nova is not as thorough as I've been on Swift, so I apologize ahead of time if this question is answered somewhere on the site. But how does Nova do the user scheduling of CPU time for a VM? Is it per-core?19:17
g0rdyHi folks, is there anyone in St Louis that can evangelize OpenStack for us, in person?19:18
MaxR_anm_: From what I've gathered today, swift to use iSCSI you'd need a block-level storage. swift is object-level storage.19:18
anm_creiht: I was referring to side by side, so swift's node just mounts an iscsi target and mounts/maps it into the local filesystem - swift wouldn;t necessarily know that /srv/node/1-999 is an iSCSI target, right?19:19
MaxR_err that first swift shouldn't be in my comment :P19:19
MaxR_evangelize.. lol19:19
anm_I may be thinking about it all wrong too19:19
creihtanm_: in theory yes, but not sure you would want to do that :)19:19
anm_creiht: probably not, but I started building my cloud with xen, so I have this 28TB iSCSI server sitting here  :(19:20
MaxR_anm_: All data in swift is stored and retrieved via an HTTP API.. to utilize the data in a live environment would require an intermediary piece of software, like an FTP-type client19:20
anm_so, I can mount each drive as jbod on my swift box19:20
MaxR_now that makes sense...19:21
creihtthat would work, but I would be concerned about performance19:21
anm_creiht: yes, performanc is an issue19:21
creihtNow a better use for that server may be to use with nova for block storage19:22
anm_I have dual gb nics in a separate iSCSI network, lagged together, and MPIO'd together on my stoareg server19:22
anm_creiht: That's actaully more in line with how I'm goig to use it19:22
creihtThen you could expose that to nova through whatever block storage method they provide19:24
creihtTake all that with a grain of salt of course, since I work mainly on swift :)19:24
creihtso looking at cumulus docs, it looks like it is a very simple implementation of the S3 api on top of a file system19:26
creihtIt isn't distributed19:27
MaxR_yeah.. :(19:27
MaxR_inferior for sure19:27
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dubsg0rdy: you're in luck.  Rick Clark (dendrobates) is from St Louis19:29
dubsand there he is now :)19:29
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g0rdydubs: thanks I just found the wiki people page :)19:30
MaxR_I see mention in the Nova documentation: "Nova Storage manages creating, attaching, detaching, and destroying persistent storage volumes, ala EBS. Currently uses ATA-over-Ethernet." -- Where can I read more information about the Nova Storage EBS specifically?19:35
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MaxR_Are there any other locations for information about Nova other than the wiki site? (In terms of documentation)19:49
creihtMaxR_: nova.openstack.org19:50
chromakodelumberjack looks cool19:50
chromakodeone of the core tenets of karmabot is that it's ridiculously easy to extend19:50
MaxR_That's where I'm at already lol Perhaps I'm just looking in the wrong place, but there seems to be very little information about the Nova Storage EBS...19:51
MaxR_other than just a mention on one page that it even has an EBS19:51
creihtMaxR_: I have to defer to the nova devs19:52
MaxR_Fair nuff.. guess I'll just be patient and wait for one of them to poke their head in here (=19:52
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justinsbMaxR_: There's little documentation for the Nova EBS.  It's called the volume store.  Currently it uses ATA over Ethernet.  I'm working on getting iSCSI working as well (works great in a branch, but getting anything merged is a battle with Launchpad)19:59
MaxR_Is it redundant or distributed?19:59
MaxR_Not sure how the AOE is implemented20:00
justinsbATA over Ethernet is just a transport20:00
justinsbAt the most basic level, you're just exposing a disk for use by a remote machine20:00
justinsbBut that disk could itself be RAIDed or distributed20:00
MaxR_okay.. so if I want redundancy then I need to do it via RAID or some other method before exposing it20:01
justinsbBut that's currently not part of Nova20:01
justinsbMaxR_: Exactly20:01
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justinsbCurrently, it's just a way of "attaching a remote disk"20:01
justinsbiSCSI is much the same at the moment20:01
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justinsbBret and some others have pointed at a project called SheepDog as looking interesting long term20:01
redbostep 1: buy a SAN20:02
mtaylorjustinsb: what problems are you having getting a branch merged?20:02
creihtstep 2: buy another SAN to back it up :)20:02
MaxR_yeah... :/ Which adds up to a LOT of money20:02
mtaylorstep 3: hire many many SAN consultants to turn either SAN on20:02
justinsbmtaylor: Just feels that launchpad is more work than writing the actual code!20:02
redboit's hard to tell from the sheepdog page if it's block storage or blob storage.20:03
mtaylorjustinsb: heh. well, certainly interested in working on improving that. keep poking me in the eye as you have pain20:03
MaxR_What I'd love to see is a component for the cloud platform that has the redundancy and configurability of swift's object store, with the convenience of block-level access.. and the ability to just add commodity servers and storage to the cloud to expand the overall available space on the cloud :P20:04
MaxR_I get the feeling like my hope is still way out on the horizon20:04
redboand a cookie?20:04
MaxR_lol I'll settle for cake :)20:04
MaxR_as long as I get to eat it too20:04
mtaylorlet them eat cake!20:04
justinsbmtaylor: Well I think you've set it up well (I presume you've set it up).  It's just annoying that e.g. bug reports are separate from merge requests, and the blueprints don't have a good discussion platform built in... Just feels like I have to repeat everything two or three times to keep launchpad happy...20:05
MaxR_But seriously... if there way some way to have block-level storage even with just easy expandability.. that seems like an important piece towards improving virtualization technologies20:05
redbothere's ceph, but it's not perfect20:05
MaxR_Step at a time though (=20:05
justinsbMaxR_: I think that's what SheepDog is aiming for20:05
creihtMaxR_: I think we all want that, a good solution hasn't been identified/built yet20:06
creihtat least that I am aware of yet20:06
mtaylorjustinsb: the blueprints definitely have much room for improvement - I've got a couple of todo-list items for them - specifically hooking them into a discussion thread similar to merge requests would be good20:06
MaxR_Alright, glad to hear I'm not out in left field, or missing some crucial point hehe20:06
_jcsmithIs the cloud files NTT deployment annouced today based on swift? does anybody know?20:06
mtaylorjustinsb: do you have any thoughts on how bug reports and merge requests might be better integrated?20:06
MaxR_I'll check out Ceph and SheepDog though. I appreciate the suggestions20:06
creiht_jcsmith: We are curious as well :)20:07
mtaylorjustinsb: I had a thought the other day on auto-populating a merge request from a blueprint or vice-versa ... but then I didn't write it down and have forgotten what I came up with :(20:08
_jcsmithit talks about mounting the filesystem from inside a server, which is interesting20:08
justinsbmtaylor: I think the way JIRA does it seems to work.  Patches are proposed and discussed within the bug report20:08
_jcsmithI saw redbo has a fuse plugin20:08
MaxR_it appears to have some serious limitations though :/20:09
justinsbmtaylor: I don't really grok blueprints yet20:09
justinsbmtaylor: But I really don't get why bug reports and merge requests are separate20:09
justinsbmtaylor: Seems like the sort of thing which makes sense to a programmer, but no sense in practice20:09
edaymtaylor: perhaps a Bugs state that automatically proposes for merge if a branch is linked?20:09
justinsbmtaylor: And I say that because it feels like the sort of mistake I usually make as a programmer :-)20:10
mtaylorjustinsb: I think the two are meant to be two different discussions - although I certainly understand what you're saying...20:10
MaxR_I love how on the press release of NTT Cloud Files it says that enterprises can eliminate the capital invetment into teh purchase of a SAN...20:10
mtaylorI think the bug discussion is meant to be a discussion of the bug itself, whereas the merge request is meant to be a code review of the solution... combining is an interesting idea I'll have to think about though20:11
mtayloreday: problem is, I often push branches that aren't ready for review... triggering review based on having declared that I fixed a bug would be odd20:12
mtaylorjustinsb: I'm going to go chat about bugs/merge requests with some folks...20:13
edaymtaylor: it may not be automatic when a branch is linked, could still be manual, just on the bugs page20:13
redbo_jcsmith: yeah, it does some not great stuff, but it works :)20:13
edaymtaylor: or just a button on the bugs to propose for merge directly20:13
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MaxR_This Ceph programs looks very cool..and the fact that it made its way into the Linux kernel certainly gives it some clout.. ashame it's only at 0.20.2 :)20:15
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edaymtaylor: I'm actually fine with the current process, but just looking for other shortcuts :)20:15
mcgurrinI think some organizations are looking at ceph as well, I know dreamhost is20:16
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mtayloreday: well yeah, I actually really like hearing things that irk people... it will at least get me to reconsider things that I may not have bothered thinking about20:16
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thinkscientistHello all20:16
thinkscientistNot only do I have irc working on Android20:17
justinsbmtaylor: Maybe it's also my fault... maybe I shouldn't be opening bugs, but just pushing the fixes?20:17
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thinkscientistI am on the open stack channel :)20:17
MaxR_hehe <3 Android20:17
redboCeph looks pretty nice, but there are a few things that scare me.  Like it has no topological awareness, so it can assign every copy of a block to the same cabinet.20:18
mtaylorjustinsb: funny, I was _just_ discussion something similar but in the other direction20:19
thinkscientistSoooo guys new to open stack looked at nova site but not too informative20:19
thinkscientistDidn't realise there was a wiki gonna go look there20:19
MaxR_ouch, thank you for the heads up on that redbo20:19
mtaylorjustinsb: I was thinking a little while ago that all branches to be merged should really be related to a bug or a blueprint, but often the overhead there is too much work20:19
mtaylorjustinsb: so I was wondering if we couldn't auto-populate some intormation and some linkage in one direction or the other20:19
thinkscientistAny advice of where to look?20:21
MaxR_thinkscientist: is what I was given...20:21
MaxR_But like you said, there's only a limited about of information there20:21
justinsbmtaylor: I like the idea that all work is related to a bug or a blueprint (feature)20:21
MaxR_and it appears to still be so new, that there is no external documentation or information available either20:21
mtaylorjustinsb: yeah - the trick is how to do that without making is _way_ more work for everyone20:22
MaxR_"wild wild west" ;)20:22
thinkscientistHas anyone installed20:22
thinkscientistTried house.f20:22
justinsbmtaylor: Hmmm... does launchpad have an API?20:22
thinkscientistGoing hands on ignore last msg20:23
mtaylorjustinsb: sorry, that was for you - yup20:23
justinsbmtaylor: I'm just wondering if it would be possible to write a quick script that would do things like 'open bug'20:23
justinsbmtaylor: Which would do the branch as well20:23
mtaylorjustinsb: absolutely. actually, there are already bzr plugins which do launchpadlib operations20:23
justinsbmtaylor: And then make the merge proposal super-simple (templated), and auto-linked to the bug20:23
justinsbmtaylor: Ah ... so it's a case of me being an incompetent workman and blaming my tools!20:24
mtaylorjustinsb: well, there is a new command in bzr 2.2 (which originally came from the pipeline plugin)20:24
mtaylorjustinsb: which is bzr lp-submit - which will make the merge prop for you from your current branch20:24
mtaylorjustinsb: making one similar that links in bug meta info or whatnot shouldn't be too hard20:24
MaxR_Is there a list anywhere that shows the expected differences between the swift code that is available now as a developer preview, versus what will be available on the first non-developer release?20:24
justinsbmtaylor: I'll check it out... thanks!20:25
mtaylorjustinsb: sure thing!20:26
creihtbtw... there is also thathas some info as well20:26
creihtMaxR_: We still need to work on that20:26
mtaylorjustinsb: and definitely keep poking me about workflow improvements20:26
creihtMaxR_: I expect the main differences will be packaging, documentation, and whatever features nova needs for their first release :)20:27
MaxR_Nova used to be called Nebula... is OpenNebula the same thing?20:28
creihtnice: hah... the nova readme is quite awesome20:28
creihtMaxR_: Different things20:28
thinkscientistHmmm what platforms are you guys installing nova under20:28
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dendrobatesthinkscientist: debian and ubuntu for now, but the fedora team is working in it20:31
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mrayanyone else notice that when you hit the Search box on it redirects automatically?20:33
MaxR_lol I thought IW as going crazy20:34
MaxR_I kept clicking in it and hitting A and the page would submit20:34
creihtmtaylor: Who is in charge of the wiki?20:34
creihtmray: Yeah it has been reported several times :/20:34
MaxR_I just chalked it up to browser issue as I eventually was able to do a search20:34
mraycreiht: thanks20:34
dendrobateshmm, soren or I will look into it.20:35
dendrobateswe need a wikimaster\20:35
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mtaylordendrobates: feel free to dump that on my plate ... although I don't have root on it right now20:40
thinkscientistJust couldn't hack the irc on such a small screen20:41
lbieberdendrobates:  Todd Morey has been maintaining the wiki but as Monty noted he can help with that also20:41
thinkscientistLol one of those f20:41
thinkscientistGreat ideas that sucked in implementation20:41
dendrobateslbieber: I don't think todd has access to the box20:41
thinkscientistAnyone feel that way about open stack so far20:41
lbieberdendrobates:  hmmm, I could be wrong then20:42
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dendrobatessoren, ant, pvo and me maintain it.20:42
MaxR_thinkscientist: I think OpenStack is the future of cloud computing, personally. :)20:42
dendrobatesI am far from a moin expert though20:42
_jcsmithany thoughts on some methods to performance benchmark a swift cluster? API calls, uploads/downloads? I figure ab or siege for the actual objects, what about the api? I could write something, but maybe there is something already out there?20:43
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creiht_jcsmith: I have a tool that can help with that... I need to refactor it a bit and release in swift20:44
MaxR_throughput of upload/download20:44
creihtapache ab can be difficult to get auth to work with it20:44
creihtThough you could disable auth20:44
thinkscientistI don't know eucalyptus has a headstart20:44
_jcsmiththat reminds me, auth is another part to benchmark20:45
creiht_jcsmith: just a reminder that the auth in swift is for dev purposes only :)20:45
MaxR_thinkscientist: If you want quota management in Eucalyptus, you'll need to pay for the software.. heh20:45
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_jcsmithcreiht: I've read that, is that because it's sqllite? I've added a few users. I'm sure that scaling to 1000s of users and handing high auth volume would break at some point. Doesn't the memcache layer help the auth stuff too? what do you think would break first in the current implementation?20:46
creiht_jcsmith: Well the passwords are in clear text :)20:47
creiht_jcsmith: Under benchmarking, it should be fine since the auth is cached in memcache20:48
_jcsmithtrue, I did notice that, but I see it grabbing the key and comparing it, obviously not much extra code to hash and compare hashes20:48
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creihtThere also isn't any security on things like adding accounts20:49
creihtIt is the bare minimum needed for the system to still work20:50
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thinkscientistanyone tried authenticating against ad20:50
creihtIt also mimics the auth that the rackspace cloud uses20:50
_jcsmithI see, that makes sense.20:50
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_jcsmiththats a good question, is anybody working on an ldap plugin?20:50
thinkscientistFor any large organization that will need to be possible even if it piggybacks on ldap20:50
creihtWe figured that most people would already have an auth system (like AD), and would prefer to plug into it20:50
_jcsmithI hate LDAP but customers always seem to use it20:50
creihtIn swift auth is wsgi middleware, so it would just require writing the middleware piece20:51
creihtand then configuring swift to use the middleware20:51
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thinkscientistNeed to go understand how swift fits in20:52
creihtthinkscientist: Swift is an object store, similar in some respects to amazon's S320:52
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thinkscientistO.O so that won't help too much with linking into enterprise20:53
MaxR_I still find it amazingly ambigous speaking about storing things "on the cloud"... that can be interpreted so many ways20:53
* jaypipes wonders how married folks are to gflags...20:53
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thinkscientistMaxR_: Agreed20:54
_jcsmithim a little ignorant of WSGI, is any auth WSGI middleware going to work? or do I have to modify swift code to callback to the auth WSGI module?20:54
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thinkscientistI think I need to go do the install in a vm and then I will come back20:55
creiht_jcsmith: WSGI is a specification of an interface for how python web apps should interact with each other20:56
sorendendrobates: It's a by-product to the way... err.. Chris, I think, made the logo link to the homepage.20:56
creihtAn oversimplified way of thinking of it is that it is kinda like unix pipes20:56
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_0x44soren: I didn't make anything link to the homepage20:57
soren_0x44: The other Chris.20:57
_0x44Too many Chrises.20:57
vish1...on the dance floor20:57
dubsvish1: nice20:58
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creihtso the request gets piped to auth which pipes to the swift app20:59
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_0x44vish1: So you saw the video from the wedding I attended this weekend?21:00
_jcsmithcreiht: thanks, give me a good place to start21:00
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creihtIn theory, other wsgi auth middleware should be easy to integrate with swift, but I haven't tried personally21:00
* soren has unbroken Nova :)21:01
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creiht_jcsmith: If you are going to do some perf testing, let me know so that we can go through some things to make sure swift is set up optimally for the cluster21:02
creihtcovers a lot of it actually21:03
_jcsmithwe will be setting up a virtual environment, then onto bare metal, measuring along at different phases of the project21:03
_jcsmithI saw that guide, very helpful21:03
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creiht_jcsmith: Well if you run into isssues, let me know21:03
_jcsmithdo you have a preference for load balancers in front of the proxy, haproxy, zeus, lvs?21:04
creiht_jcsmith: Are you going to be using 10g or 1g networking?21:04
creihtand do you require https?21:05
_jcsmithstarting with 1g for alpha, possibly 10g on release21:05
_jcsmithyeah, https21:05
redbomtaylor: are the other swift packages not being built and added to the PPA?21:06
creihtWe terminate ssl at the proxy layer, and most of the load balancers that support ssl can saturate 1g pretty well21:06
creihtI think pound did pretty good21:06
creihtWe like haproxy a lot, but doesn't have ssl support21:06
creihtOnce you bump up to 10g, zeus is much more efficient (at least in our testing so far) at utilizing 10g21:07
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creihtWe are still doing more testing on that side of things though, trying to find a better solution21:07
g0rdy+creiht: F5 maybe ?21:07
mcgurrinI know it is not mainly for load balencing but has anyone tried the load balencing built into astaro's ASG?21:08
* creiht is looking forward to seeing openssl performance on intel chips with AES accel.21:08
_jcsmithwhen I worked on CDN stuff we did a lot of stuff with foundry and lvs, but we werent doing SSL21:08
_jcsmithgoo points21:08
creihtg0rdy: We didn't test F5's mainly due to price, but I imagine they would do :)21:08
creihtssl really throws a wrench into everything21:09
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creihtand I imagine most hardware based LB solutions could work well, as long as the cost doesn't bother you21:09
mcgurrinI think astaro can do SSL or work on the TCP level and have the application do the SSL, would that help?21:09
vishvanandaircfail :(21:10
* creiht looks up astaro21:10
creihtmcgurrin: not sure21:11
creihtmcgurrin: they seem to be more focused on firewalls21:11
redbohaproxy can do tcp-only forwarding, but then you have to deal with the fact that you don't get x-forwarded-for headers.21:11
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mcgurrinI iuse one and they do have a server load balancing tool built in21:12
mcgurrinif you want to try it get the free home licence or a free trial21:12
mcgurrinthey have VM based solutions or phisical or special hardware21:12
creihtmcgurrin: My initial guess is that at 1g networking, it might work, but I'm initially sceptical of 10g21:12
mcgurrinI'm not sure that they have 10g support in the hardware models but they do use link aggressages or your own hardware so I'm not sure on that21:13
creihtOf course if someone wants to try it out, I'm always curious to hear how it goes :)21:13
creihtturns out that saturating 10g with SSL traffic is difficult21:14
mcgurrinanyone know what a Gigabit SFP Ports is?21:14
creihtAnd if you want to do it in hardware, it gets pretty expensive21:14
mcgurrinyeah, you would want the software appliance I assume21:15
mcgurrinone cool thing with the astaro's though is that they themselves can be clustered to handle more load21:16
redbounless the new westmere chips turn out to be awesome21:17
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redbo"clustered to handle more load"?  That would take some explanation.21:18
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mcgurrinyou can cluster ASGs to split the processing and such so if you were dealing with decrypting SSL at the load balancer you would have more processing power21:19
pandemicsynmcgurrin: Gigabit SFP is probably a 1G fiber port21:19
mcgurrinthe clustering also provides High availability21:19
mcgurrinso you have less chance of going down21:20
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thinkscientistIt's a small form factor pluggable port21:21
thinkscientistJust a kind of connector for connectivity (physical)21:21
thinkscientistI don't agree with the whole hierarchical architecture21:22
thinkscientistI think we need to just get away from hierarchies21:22
creihtthinkscientist: hierarchical architecture?21:22
thinkscientistI think peer to peer is the way forward for a distributed architecture21:22
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creiht_jcsmith: btw, the proxies can be configured to terminate ssl, if you want to do that, but that will of course slow the proxy down a bit21:23
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pandemicsyng0rdy: F5's are cool put expensive - a BigIP 8800 still only does 6Gbps of SSL throughput but for *alot* more $$$ (was just scrolling back catching up channel)21:24
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thinkscientistcreiht: since we're talking about the clusters I thought I'd add my 2c about the arch21:25
creihtthinkscientist: When we began the design of swift, we gave some thought to some of the p2p architectures21:26
creihtthe problem is that it adds a lot of complexity to the system21:26
thinkscientistIt does but in the's the way forward21:26
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creihtWe wanted to see if we could solve it using simpler concepts21:26
thinkscientistRecommend you visit itunes and watch a lecture in the computer systems colloquium series21:26
thinkscientistIt's called rethinking time21:27
creihtthinkscientist: that may very well be, and if some of those concepts make it into swift that's great... patches welcome :)21:27
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thinkscientistThat's a rewrite21:27
* creiht was joking a bit21:27
thinkscientistMe too21:28
thinkscientistI think my thoughts are more applicable to nova than to swift itself21:28
edaythinkscientist: we've been thinking about this quite a bit, the are pros and cons to each arch21:29
eday(in nova context)21:29
redboThere are some problems we could solve with a mesh network or gossip.  Mostly sharing failures around.  But swift is really pretty simple.21:29
thinkscientistCons for21:29
thinkscientistPeer to peer21:29
creiht#1: complexity :)21:29
thinkscientistI mean even in respect of swift peer to peer is still great, definitely looking at global scaling it makes sense21:30
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thinkscientistWe gotta find a way to overcome the complexities, what things do you think make it complex?21:31
redboman.. there are peers, they talk to each other.21:31
antonymdendrobates: jk0 fixed the header on the wiki, search should work now21:31
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sorenvishvananda: In you added a nova-dhcpbridge.conf to debian/nova-api.install, but you forgot to add the actual nova-dhcpbridge.conf. Can you fix that please? My packages are very unhappy with me :)21:32
thinkscientistsoren: Lol21:32
edaythinkscientist: complexities of keeping things in sync, advertising resource availability to it's peers21:33
edaythinkscientist: also most likely different types of peering relationships (read-only, provision, ...). with a hierarchical nature, you're looking at one logical path and events get bubbled up as needed.21:34
edaythinkscientist: having said all that, it may still be worth it :)21:35
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soreneday: Did you ever work out what was wrong with that echoserver test thing?21:36
vishvanandasoren: sure21:36
edaysoren: my tornado vs twisted vs c++ load test? not yet, was poking at it this weekend for a few minutes21:36
edaysoren: i should fix that and get some #s today21:37
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soreneday: Excellent.21:38
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sorenvishvananda: Ta.21:38
thinkscientistBut in an d21:38
thinkscientistIdeal world the babdwidth won't be a problem21:38
thinkscientistand it would mean a proper cloud,21:38
thinkscientistCloud and hierarchy just doesn't fit with me21:38
thinkscientistShouldn't everything be everywhere?21:39
thinkscientistFrom a dr perspective it would be great21:39
mtayloreday: is the c++ part of your load test using scalestack?21:39
edaymtaylor: yeah, the client and server reference are scalestack21:39
thinkscientistDefinitely make sense if you were a large org21:39
thinkscientistYou could then have a RAIC21:39
thinkscientistRedundant Array of Independent Clouds21:40
edayvishvananda: in your daemon-refactor branch, any reason you choose nova/compute/ => nova/compute/  instead of compute/ compute/computeservice seems redundant :)21:40
thinkscientistAnd since it's peer to peer downtime of one cloud shouldn't cause any issues21:40
edayvishvananda: rework looks really good otherwise though :)21:40
edaythinkscientist: you can accomplish the same reliability with a properly distributed hierarchical service as well. ie: DNS21:42
thinkscientistso when you make dns changes depending on where you are you don't get hit with propagation times?21:42
sorenmtaylor: You mentioned there was a command line tool to request merges, didn't you?21:42
gustavomzweday: there is a p2p arch proposal in, is it in the plans?21:43
edaysoren: bzr pipelines have that feature21:43
vishvanandasoren: connection problems, the file is there but named nova-dhcp.conf insteadd21:43
sorenvishvananda: Oh, yes, there it is.21:44
edaygustavomzw: there are both hier. and p2p proposals, neither has really been decided for the long term yet, but leaning towards the hier. one. I'm going to be putting some things up on the mailing list to discuss this soon21:45
sorenvishvananda: No rush, just push a fix whenever you've got your intertubes fixed.21:45
mtaylorsoren: yes.21:45
gustavomzweday: great21:45
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mtaylorsoren: also, it's in mainline if you upgrade to 2.2beta21:45
soreneday: bzr pipelines sounds like something I should know about already.21:45
mtaylorsoren: bzr lp-submit21:45
mtaylorsoren: but also, you should learn all about pipelines anyway21:46
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* mtaylor needs to start sending out bzr tips and tricks21:46
sorenmtaylor: It looks remarkably similar to looms?21:46
edaythinkscientist: we have the luxury of choosing our cache eviction policies, and choosing to do active eviction/updates, not TTL based21:46
mtaylorsoren: yes. except it works :)21:47
sorenmtaylor: Wicked!21:47
mtaylorsoren: stewart uses it for everything he does in drizzle21:47
thinkscientisteday: Is that documented anywhere?21:47
edaythinkscientist: nope, just in discussion, like now :)21:47
stewartsoren, it has downsides as well. useful for constructing a series of things that cannot be pulled apart.21:48
thinkscientistDo these chats get logged?21:48
sorenmtaylor: I think pipelines would please the git crowd.21:48
mtaylorsoren: also, if you use it and lp-submit, it will understand that one branch depends on the other and fill that out in the merge request... so each merge request will only just now have the relevant diff21:48
edaysoren: yeah, pipelines are pretty awesome to deal with your dependencies21:48
mtaylorsoren: indeed.21:48
stewartsoren, but if a patch is independent, it's a bad idea to have it in a pipeline.21:48
thinkscientisteday: Also looking for mailing list21:48
edaythinkscientist: this IRC channel is now21:48
sorenmtaylor: They're very particular about their disk usage, apparantly. Not having a separate working tree for stuff seems like an easy sell.21:48
mtaylorsoren: yes. listen to the wisdom of the stewart21:48
stewartsoren, mainly because you cannot pull anything out but the first pipe.21:48
stewartsoren, i.e. it does not match the feature set of quilt. but then again, few things do.21:49
mtaylorstewart: have you looked at bzr-colocated?21:49
stewartmtaylor, no.21:49
sorenmtaylor: The dependency handling sounds awesome.21:49
sorenmtaylor: I haven't really needed it yet, but I'm sure it'll be very handy at some point.21:49
stewartmtaylor, partly because what i do not need more of is bzr plugins21:49
mtaylorsoren: yes. I love it some times21:50
mtaylorI do not use it as heavily as stewart21:50
mtaylorbut then, I don't think anyone does :)21:50
sorenmtaylor: At the rate people are submitting stuff to Nova, I suspect "at some point" may be very soon. :)21:50
mtaylorsoren: :)21:51
thinkscientistDo I need to sign a cla to be on the mailing list?21:51
edaythinkscientist: no21:52
thinkscientistWhere can I sign up21:52
thinkscientistLooking but can't see it?21:52
sorenthinkscientist: Join the team on Launchpad and subscribe to its mailing list.21:52
edaymtaylor: whats the official mailing list now? are we using both swift and nova? or openstack? or openstack-discuss? :)21:53
sorenI thought we got rid of .*-discuss$.21:53
edaysoren: I'm still subscribed to it, hmm21:55
mtayloreday: yes21:56
mtayloreday: well, not openstack-discuss21:56
thinkscientistIs there just a bug mailing list21:56
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edaymtaylor: what are the -core lists for?21:57
mtayloreday: use openstack@ or nova@ - we found/caused a bug in launchpad that is preventing swift@ from being created right now - it's in work21:57
mtayloreday: they're just there, really - in case core team wants to talk about anything - I doubt they'll be useful for much21:57
mtaylorthinkscientist: and
thinkscientistSorry Monty :(21:58
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mtaylorthinkscientist: it's all good21:58
edaymtaylor: ok. would you be opposed to removing -core lists? I'm thinking it will just create confusion :)  can always recreate if we need them21:59
mtayloreday: I'm not opposed to it, no21:59
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mtayloreday: done22:01
thinkscientistGood night folk :)22:01
edaythinkscientist: gnight!22:02
edaymtaylor: awesome22:02
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edaymtaylor: so is openstack-discuss dead for all uses now? might want to blow that away too22:02
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mtayloreday: yup. I'm sending an email out about that right now22:03
mtayloreday: although it's private, so nobody will really seeit22:03
sorenjustinsb: Sorry about the delay. I've just pushed a branch (and a merge proposal) that should fix the S3 handler, making image fetching actually work, check authorization headers properly, and makes the compute nodes pass proper auth headers.22:04
justinsbsoren: Awesome!  I'll have to look & learn from how you did it all...22:08
edaymtaylor: ~openstack-planet, ~*-core, and openstack-devel  is owned by you, not openstack-admins, btw :)22:08
mtayloreday: thanks. I will fix22:08
mtaylorsomeone should review lp:~vishvananda/nova/clean-auth ...
edaymtaylor: (was just updating the branding and found I could not on those)22:09
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sorenjustinsb: I've also worked out how to do unit tests for the S3 interface as well as where we can intercept exceptions so that we're sure to catch them no matter where they arise.22:10
mtaylorsoren, justinsb: I tried running through coverage and it breaks things22:10
mtaylorsoren: just try "coverage run" and you'll see what I mean...22:11
sorenmtaylor: That's near the top of my list of things to ponder.22:11
mtaylorsoren: when it's fixed, I've got the hudson job for it added22:11
sorenmtaylor: coverage: command not found22:11
sorenmtaylor: Yeah, that doesn't work at all! :)22:11
mtaylorsoren: hehe22:12
mtaylorsoren: I seem to have easy_installed it on the hudson box22:12
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mtaylorsoren: we should package that22:12
sorenmtaylor: python-coverage. It's already there.22:13
termieso, i know this thing says" to merge this branch..." but i thought the hudson was in charge?22:15
sorentermie: It is.22:15
sorentermie: So don't worry about it.22:15
sorenMagic will happen.22:15
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termiebut, for example, prior to today this branch was already in an 'approved' state but monty had said needs fixins (GRAVY)22:16
termieand i worry that it could have somehow been merged22:16
termiebefore i got a change to address the fixins (BACON)22:16
sorenmtaylor: The failures seem limited to stuff that depends on flags.22:16
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sorentermie: Which merge proposal is this?22:16
termieit had 2 approves and one needs fixins (SOUR CREAM)22:17
termieand now mtaylor has also approved it22:17
termiebut prior to that it claimed its state was Approved22:17
mtaylorit was22:17
termieand so i worry that perhaps it might have been merged without me ever noticing22:17
sorentermie: It says: Approved revision: 155.22:17
sorentermie: that last revision is still outstanding.22:18
mtaylorah. bleh. sorry - tarmac thing we were working on earlier...22:18
termiesoren: but the top part says "status approved"22:18
mtaylorsomebody pop its status to work in progress and then back to approved22:18
termieah okay, so this isn't the usual way?22:18
mtayloryeah - there's a long argument going on about how to deal with an element of this ... long story short is:22:18
sorentermie: Yes. and right below it, it says Approved revision: 155. :)22:18
mtaylortarmac merges branches as of the revision when the state was changed to approved22:19
termiequantum approval state!22:19
mtaylorBUT - lp doesn't consider a prop merged until it's merged all the way22:19
termieit seems silly to merge in the bad revision :/22:19
termiei guess i can't have cake and eat the batter also22:20
mtaylorso we're adding code to tarmac to write a note back to the merge prop in this case and say "hey, there's new revs that didn't get approved, somebody do something, mkay?"22:20
mtaylorand then we're going to continue arguing about how to best handle this in general :)22:20
sorenmtaylor: You can by the way link people to to get them to go to their own page.22:20
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termiei'm a big fan of the "squash" option in git, ftr22:20
soren(re your recent e-mail about lists)22:20
termiei think having a single commit that represents the change being reviewed is ideal22:21
mtaylorsoren: oh, excellent22:21
sorentermie: That's what the merge proposal is, really.22:21
mtaylortermie: yeah - when it hits trunk, it will be a single commit22:21
* termie blinks22:21
sorentermie: When I submit a merge proposal, I don't expect anyone to review the individual revisions. They are just my work-in-progress. I expect them to review the final diff.22:21
termiesoren: agreed, it just doesn't look like that is what would happen from here22:22
sorentermie: I don't mind people seeing how I did it wrong 20 times before getting things right :)22:22
sorentermie: How so? You just see the big diff at the bottom, not the indivial revisions.22:22
termiesoren: also not a probelm, i am more interested in a clean mainline history, which this sounds like it will do22:22
mtaylortermie: oh - so the reason your prop didn't get merged when it was approved before is that it didn't have a commit message associated with it... currently tarmac requires a prop be both Approved and have a commit message22:23
termiesoren: but does not look like it since it shows multiple commits along with the mainline ones22:23
termiealthough this one is now all confused looking since it is half-merged22:24
termiethis conversation has goten very scattered, lemme regroup22:24
termiemy usual workflow is: branch from trunk, work on a feature in a branch, get that branch reviewed, when it is finished  merge that into trunk as a single commit22:25
sorentermie: Your individual commits are still available in the history. They just aren't shown by default. bzr is very particular about history. It never discards any.22:25
termieis that what will occur here?22:25
mtayloreday: done22:26
mtaylortermie: yes22:26
sorentermie: Yes and no.22:26
sorentermie: If you just look at "bzr log", it'll just show the single commit.22:26
sorentermie: i.e. the merge commit.22:27
sorentermie: ..but "bzr log -n0" will show every single commit.22:27
termie(what would the commit message for that commit be?)22:27
sorentermie: The one set in the merge proposal.22:27
termiesoren: great, that explains it perfectly22:27
mtaylortermie: the commit message will be whatever commit message you set on the merge prop22:27
mtaylorsoren types faster than me22:27
sorentermie: If you have bzr-gtk installed, try going into one of the nova working trees you have and do a "bzr visualize".22:27
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sorentermie: You can see the whole ancestry graph in all its glory.22:28
* mtaylor uses almost none of bzr-gtk - although I really like bzr gannotate when I'm trying to trackdown where the heck something came from22:28
sorenmtaylor: I only use visualize and only for giggles :)22:28
chiltsyay, there are Git repos on GitHub :)22:29
termiefamiliar with those bits from the git world as well22:29
termieso, should i be changing my 'commit message' to be more useful in this merge, i assume the description is only for the reviewers?22:29
termiealso, i just this second realzied that little icon is a pencil for 'edit' not an exclamation mark for "there's a problem here"22:30
mtaylortermie: and if you use bzr lp-submit ... you can do it all in one go:  bzr lp-submit -m"Commit Message"  ... and then it'll pop up and editor where you can put in the description22:30
sorenIn case stuff gets approved straight away, they're often very similar or exactly the same. If it goes through multiple revisions, what was in the description may no longer be descriptive for the changes at all. hence the seperation.22:30
* mtaylor has disagreed with the edit icon for quite some time now22:30
termiemtaylor: i'll consider adding that to git-bzr-ng ;)22:30
mtaylortermie: hehe22:31
* mtaylor is tempted to say he doesn't grok why you'd want such a thing - but since he uses bzr to access other people's non-bzr code, he guesses he actually _does_ understand :)22:31
* soren calls it a day22:32
termiemtaylor: i think for git people once you get used to working with the index you feel like your hands are tied anywhere else22:32
termiesoren: gnight timezone friend22:33
sorenSee you tomorrow, guys!22:33
sorentermie: :)22:33
mtaylornight soren !22:33
termiemtaylor: not that i can actually work with the index much with git-bzr-ng stuff, but i can atleast checkout differnet branches in the same directory22:33
termiemtaylor: that's really the pain that made me write the thing22:33
termiei have git setup in my prompt so that it shows which branch i am in, and that effectively adds a third dimension to the file system22:34
mtaylortermie: yeah - it's funny, because I keep trying to do git clones into different dirs and there just isn't a useful workflow fo rit22:34
mtaylortermie: so that's consistently one of my least favorite things about git, and yet one of the features that people from git miss the most :)22:35
termieit ends up being "git checkout branch" vs cd ../../../branch/path/to/dir22:35
mtaylorjust goes to show - different strokes for different folks22:35
creihtmtaylor: I never thought I would like everything in the same dir, until I began using it22:35
mtaylorI keep meaning to poke at the bzr-colo plugin for doing colocated branches22:35
termiewhich leads me to believe bzr natives have scripts that dig back to the root repo and then back up a new branch22:35
mtaylorbut I do suggest you guys check out bzr-pipelines at some point22:36
mtaylorfor those who haven't jumped ship to termie's git-bzr-ng yet22:36
termiemtaylor: it works really well!22:36
termiemtaylor: :D just don't use rebase to delete commits :-O22:37
termiebut that's common courtesy anyway22:37
* termie reads about bzr-pipelines22:37
mtaylortermie: hehehe. yeah. that will... um... be quite evil :)22:37
termieso it seems like, using non-dvcs-specific terms, a way of stacking diffs into a group?22:38
mtaylorit's similar to the quilt approach of stacked branches22:39
mtaylorbut it's all colocated - so if you're working on related and interdependent things, it's pretty stellar22:39
mtayloryou know, if you're in to that sort of thing22:39
termieyeah it seems pretty similar to my workflow with git22:40
_0x44mtaylor: Can you shelve stuff in one pipeline and unshelve in another one?22:40
termieit looks like it helps in a couple nice ways though22:40
mtaylor_0x44: yes22:40
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mtaylorshelve and unshelve make me a happy hacker22:40
termiefor example, in my git workflow i will branch... do some work, send it for review, branch from that branch do more dependent work, later on update the first branch per review then i have to merge those changes into the dependent branch22:41
_0x44mtaylor: Why don't they pipelines the default then? You can't shelve/unshelve bzr branches and that makes me unhappy.22:41
termiethis sounds like it keeps things stacked so that branch 2 knows it needs to incorporate branch 1 also22:41
mtaylor_0x44: well, pipelines are new22:41
mtaylortermie: yes22:41
mtaylor_0x44: it's a plugin - they typically poke at new features like this in a plugin for a while, and then as various plugins shake out to be pretty standard for folks, they'll incorporate into mainline22:42
termienot the worlds most commonly difficult problem but there are a few times where i've gotten backed up enough that it got annoying22:42
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_0x44mtaylor: Yeah, soren keeps telling me that's how things should be, but I feel second-class with my workflow only being accessible through plugins. :)22:43
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termie_0x44: that's how they want you to feel22:43
_0x44termie: Did you see ? I think I like yours better22:43
termie_0x44: git-bzr-ng will love you22:43
_0x44termie: Yeah, that's why I'm using git-bzr now, and switching to git-bzr-ng soon.22:43
mtaylor_0x44: well, I think we just assume people will install plugins22:43
termie_0x44: i saw it yes, i link to it at the bottom of the readme22:43
termiei think mine works significantly more directly22:43
termiei also couldn't get git-bzr to work when i tried it22:44
_0x44termie: I can't read, so maybe that's why I didn't see ;)22:44
mtaylortermie: I'll be interested to see if you get annoyed enough to write an lp-submit command for git-bzr-ng :)22:44
termiemtaylor: i like writing merge proposal descriptions separately from commits22:44
termiethough i suppose i am used to writing that on the commandline with rietveld tools22:45
mtayloryay! tarmac made itself useful22:45
edaymtaylor: yeah, thats pretty cool22:45
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mtaylorit's sort of funny, since we put it in, I've been waiting for the first time that happened :)22:45
termiemtaylor: also, with the basics complete as they are now, adding other bzr commands is about 10 minutes worth of work22:45
termiemtaylor: oh oh oh oh per-line codereviews22:46
termiemtaylor: want want will send booze22:46
mtaylortermie: yeah - I filed a bug22:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 609297 in launchpad-code "need ability to do in-line reviews" [Undecided,New]22:47
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termiei have a client who apparently uses rackspace cloud00:02
termieso this is my first time using that stuff00:02
termiebut anyway00:02
termiei think my server needs more randomness00:02
termiewebcam + lavalamp anybody?00:03
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edaysoren: initial tests that I have working (1k concurrent connections, each pumping about 40mb) show twisted at ~116 seconds, c++ at ~41 seconds. eventlet still not making it through, but I've not tried to fix it much yet00:25
gustavomzweday: what are you using for testing?00:26
edaygustavomzw: a c++ echo client I wrote, based on libevent00:26
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gustavomzweday: how is the test setup? are you running from your host?00:34
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edaygustavomzw: just on my laptop, so not hitting real network. testing just the cpu overhead really00:38
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pvowhere is the most current nova install docs?01:22
pvoI should specify ones that work. ..01:22
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edaysoren: found the issue, needed to crank up both /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog and /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn01:37
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pvoeday: found some answers re: api.01:47
pvoendpoints should be ignorant01:47
pvomakes the design simpler01:47
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edaypvo: hm? as in endpoint speaking HTTP should be a http->queue proxy pretty much?01:51
pvopretty much. First pass at api should be simply implementing rackspace api, sans auth01:52
pvosince nas and rackspace will do auth differently01:52
edaypvo: yeah, thats one of the things we talked about in Austin, need to pull nova-auth out into it's own thing and abstract both ends01:53
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creihteday: let me know if you need any help with the eventlet stuff02:08
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termienight all02:42
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jaypipeswoot. datastore cleanly abstracted and passing all local tests...02:57
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_anmother than euca-tools, what other ec2 and s3 tools can be used to manage instances running under nova?  amazon's tools TOS forbids using them anywhere bu amazon03:01
_anmim getting lots of errors managing images with euca-tools03:01
jaypipesvishvananda: yo. :) re:, I'd love to get that merged in asap. mtaylor, think you could review it?03:03
jaypipesvishvananda: I've got the datastore abstracted pretty neatly and would like to push up some code that already has your code integrated...03:04
jaypipesjustinsb: around?03:04
justinsbjaypipes: Hi!03:05
justinsbjaypipes: Just saw your note on the datastore - cool stuff!03:06
jaypipesjustinsb: heya! :) so, I've got a ton of refactoring done...should be pretty close to integrating all your sqlite stuff :)03:06
justinsbjaypipes: Awesome - anything you need me to do?03:06
jaypipesjustinsb: shall I push a branch for you to peruse?03:06
justinsbjaypipes: Sure03:06
jaypipesno, not really...just input would be great :)03:06
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justinsbjaypipes: Would you rather just have write access to my branch?  Can I do that in Launchpad?03:07
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jaypipesjustinsb: nope, I started from a fresh trunk since there were a few things that conflicted...should be trivial to pull the Sqlite adapter code into the new stuff.03:07
justinsbjaypipes: OK!03:08
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mtaylorjustinsb: you can push a branch to a team that you're both members of - like you can just push to lp;~nova/nova/whatever -and then either of you could push/pull to/from it03:32
mtaylorjaypipes: looking over it now03:32
jaypipesmtaylor: cheers03:32
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mtaylorjaypipes: ok. I did yours - could you give a quick look at
jaypipesmtaylor: yup03:41
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justinsbjaypipes: So the scope of the initial patch is purely refactoring out the data store with a clean abstraction layer?03:53
jaypipesjustinsb: yep :)03:54
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justinsbjaypipes: Cool03:54
justinsbjaypipes: what did you do with pools?03:55
jaypipesjustinsb: haven't done anything yet.03:55
justinsbjaypipes: So it still uses Redis directly?03:55
jaypipesjustinsb: nope, gimme a few minutes and I should have code to show you :)03:56
justinsbjaypipes: OK :-)03:56
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_anmin nova/compute/libvirt.xml.template is th element:  <type>hvm</type>04:19
_anmis that correct?  shouldn;t that be  <type>kvm</type>?04:19
_anmdoes it matter?04:19
_anmcould this be why instances will never actually launch?04:19
_anmdang, welcome back everybody, i was evidently having a nice conversation with myself04:19
mtaylorzomg. gonna kill something04:19
mtaylorpvo: hey - if you can merge your branch up with trunk and resolve that conflict we can land that bad boy :)04:19
pvosure... give me just a few.04:19
_anmas I was saying: in nova/compute/libvirt.xml.template is the4 element:  <type>hvm</type>04:19
pvoI think vish and I were racing04:19
_anmis that a typo?04:20
mtaylorpvo: yup04:20
_anmshoudl it be: <type>kvm</type> ?04:20
_anmalso, I have installed s3cmd on Ubuntu 10.4 and it appears to work fine with nova04:25
_anmafter running s3cmd --configure, you just have to edit ~/.s3cmd and change the urls from amazon to
_anms3cmd ls accurately lists my buckets04:26
chiltsso the API is the same as S3?04:26
* chilts doesn't really like the S3 API (or indeed any of the AWS ones)04:26
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pvomtaylor: I deleted that branch and just pushed another and proposed the merge. Probably not the right workflow but it was simple this time04:28
mtaylorpvo: :)04:28
_anmchilts:  it is supposed to be compatible04:28
* pvo still a gittard ... bzr is new.04:28
_anmso s3cmd ls returns a list of my buckets04:29
mtaylorpvo: that's fine... no need to learn it all at once :)04:29
chiltsI like the current Rackspace APIs so I guess I just think the AWS ones aren't as good04:29
mtaylorpvo: you should see me attempting to use git :)04:29
pvoheh. I went from svn -> git... my head was swimming for days04:29
_anmbzr actually has a very decent UI called Explorer04:30
_anmi tried it today and it just worked04:30
* mtaylor went from svn -> bitkeeper -> bzr 04:30
pvo_anm: cool. I'll check it out.04:31
pvomtaylor: you followed the kernel?04:31
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* _anm went from MS VSS -> cvs -> svn -> git and now bzr04:31
pvoer, minus bzr04:31
mtaylorpvo: no - I was on the other project that used bitkeeper - mysql04:31
_anmpvo, just run bzr Explorer and if it's installe dit will launch in X04:32
pvo_anm: fairly certain it isn't on osx.04:32
_anmpvo, thats what I'm on, and it is!04:32
pvoit has deps I have to go fix and my eyes are starting to itch.04:32
_anmit's actually the best looking one!04:32
* mtaylor has been using bzr now for about 4 years now though 04:33
pvook, let me try it.04:33
mtaylorso I have long since forgotten any learning curve that might have been there ;)04:33
_anmpvo I installed bzr from the bazaar dmg, not from macports, but it is supposed to be in both04:34
pvomtaylor: it isn't as high as leaping to dvcs, but the syntax differences can be frustrating04:34
mtaylorpvo: yeah04:34
pvo_anm: I tried this
pvoseems to work04:34
mtaylorpvo: one of the biggest things that drives me batty when I try to use git are the commands that are named the same but do _vastly_ different things04:35
mtaylorpvo: I imagine the same is quite true in reverse04:35
pvomtaylor: heh. exactly04:35
_anmpvo thats the one - it just worked for me04:35
pvoI was trying to just a 'git show commit' equiv but couldn't figure it out. I gave up after 30 seconds and just rebranched and fixed the 1 one.04:35
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vish1anyone have any ideas why coverage fails?04:37
pvoeven though I hate guis, I see how this is useful04:37
vish1i suspect working directory and/or flags issues04:37
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mtaylorvish1: I was thinking it had to do with coverage monkey-patching itself in or whatever it is that it does04:43
mtaylorvish1: and perhaps that was overriding some magic that nova was doing?04:43
mtaylorpvo: what does "git show commit' do?04:43
pvogit show XXXX will show you the diff of a particular commit04:44
pvo'git show' will give you the last commit04:44
mtaylorjust for reference - in bzr is the bzr diff command04:45
pvoso it would be bzr diff rev# ?04:45
mtaylorbzr diff -r<some revision specifier>04:45
mtaylorwhere <some revision specifier> can be a single rev or a range04:45
pvothere we go.04:46
pvothats what I needed04:46
pvoI was trying 'bzr diff 170'04:46
pvoand it just complained04:46
pvoI guess 170 without the r indicated a branch04:46
mtayloralso - at some point (and I'm gonna blog on this tomorrow probably) if you get bored read bzr help revisionspec04:46
* pvo wanders off to install bzr-pager04:48
_anmaha!  i think I may have found out why an instance won't actualy launch under nova:  the domain element has a type attribute of "hvm" in nova/compute/libvirt.xml.template04:49
_anmaccording to here:
_anmthis can only be one of:  "xen", "kvm", "qemu", "lxc" and "kqemu"04:50
_anmbut also states that the value can be driver specific04:51
_anmso my question is wheter this shoudl be "hvm" as it is, or "kvm"04:51
_anmalso: i tipe gud04:52
vish1hvm is right04:52
vish1and it launches04:52
_anmok, nevermind, i just re-read that04:52
_anmi suck04:52
vish1but you have to have modeprobe kvm04:52
vish1anyone know why that is in nova-common.install04:53
_anmit launches for me then immediately stops04:53
vish1are you running on hardware?04:53
vish1or in a vm?04:53
_anm"hvm" stands for hardware -04:53
_anmvish1:  on hardware04:53
_anmsource is from trunk04:54
vish1does /var/log/libvirt/qemu/<id>.log04:54
_anmthe directory exists, but no log04:55
vish1in your instances dir04:55
vish1check filesizes on disk kernel and ramdisk04:56
vish1and check to make sure libvirt.xml exists04:56
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_anmhmm, for some reason all my <instance> ids are in ~/openstack/nova, alongside bin/ and04:59
* _anm scratches head and looks at env variables again04:59
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_anmand each <instance-id> folder just has a single file, libvirt.xml05:00
_anmdata/instances in empty, but data/buckets05:02
_anmlooks fine05:02
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_anmso i need to dig around a bit, clean up, and recheck  all my services' startup arguments05:03
jaypipesjustinsb, vish1: got a little bit more work left, but lots of progress on removing Redis specifics and abstracting the data store and data model:
vish1_anm: sounds like path issues05:03
_anmi'll reset everythimg and see how it goes05:04
vish1jaypipes: are you familiar with debian packaging?05:04
jaypipesvish1: heh, no :( mtaylor is that man.05:04
vish1jaypipes: I think using flags for min and max ports should ultimately go away05:10
jaypipesvish1: don't disagree. :)05:10
jaypipesvish1: that wasn't the point of my patch, though ;)05:10
vish1jaypipes: if we have a general idea of a pool of objects, we can create admin-type commands for adding objects to the pool05:10
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vish1jaypipes: understood, i just want keep resource pools in mind05:11
jaypipesvish1: indeed.05:11
vish1jaypipes: also the min max method is really unfeasible for things that appear and disappear often05:13
jaypipesvish1: not sure I follow you...05:13
vish1so say i allocate the first 200 ports05:14
vish1then port 17, 25, and 143 get freed05:14
vish1there is no way to reuse them05:14
vish1if you are incrementing min available05:14
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vish1that is the conceptual power of a pool and popping off the pool05:16
vish1which we lose05:16
vish1in general I like where you're going with PersistentObject05:17
mtaylorjaypipes, vish1 aroo?05:19
jaypipesvish1: ah, gotcha.  I'll refactor that.  Just the input I needed :)05:20
jaypipesvish1: thx05:20
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vish1jaypipes: cool.  I think a base class that handles pooled objects and has atomic pops would be great 'ResourcePool?' because we need it in a few places relating to networking05:21
jaypipesvish1: yep05:22
vish1mtaylor: there is a weird line in nova-common.install which is breaking my deb package building05:22
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vish1do you have any idea what this is supposed to do? -usr/lib/python*/*-packages/nova/*05:22
mtaylorvish1: looking05:23
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vish1i get this error: dh_install: nova-common missing files (usr/lib/python*/*-packages/nova/*), aborting05:23
vish1i'm building from within a venv05:24
mtaylorthat shouldn't affect the debuild05:24
mtaylorbut I don't know why someone would attempt to ...05:24
mtaylorjust remove that05:24
mtaylorpython file installation should be happening with python support05:25
vish1ok it is probably legacy from some old installscript05:25
vish1i'll make a patch that removes it05:25
vish1mtaylor: do you generally use bzr-builddeb?05:25
mtaylorvish1: always.05:25
mtaylorvish1: it's on my todo list to do the same stuff to the nova tree for bzr bd that I did for the swift tree05:26
vish1can you give me a two minute overview of how to do it?05:26
vish1we've been using the builddeb script that is in nova05:26
_anmso, bzr merge trunk is the same as svn update?  I noticed a bug I was waiting on was fixed in the nova trunk, and want to fetch it05:26
mtaylorvish1: sure.05:26
vish1which uses dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeroot -tc -uc -D05:26
mtaylor_anm: you may just be able to do bzr pull05:26
mtaylorvish1: actually just try running bzr bd05:27
_anmbzr pull, ok05:27
vish1 bzr bd05:27
vish1Building using working tree05:27
vish1Looking for a way to retrieve the upstream tarball05:27
vish1Using apt to look for the upstream tarball.05:27
vish1apt could not find the needed tarball.05:27
vish1Trying to use get-orig-source to retrieve needed tarball.05:27
vish1dh get-orig-source05:27
vish1dh: Unknown sequence get-orig-source (choose from: binary binary-arch binary-indep build clean install)05:27
vish1make: *** [get-orig-source] Error 105:27
vish1Trying to run get-orig-source rule failed05:27
vish1No watch file to use to retrieve upstream tarball.05:27
vish1bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball: nova_0.2.3.orig.tar.gz.05:27
PiotrSikorasomeone should really add git interface to launchpad ;)05:27
mtaylorPiotrSikora: that's probably not going to happen05:28
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PiotrSikoramtaylor: yeah, i figured this out ;)05:28
mtaylorPiotrSikora: well, sorry, I suppose the other thing could - like bzr-git-ng05:28
PiotrSikoravish1: i was just about to post this :)05:28
redbomtaylor: how come only the main swift package is in our ppa, not any of the others05:28
_anmwow, the entire src tree has changed drstically since friday - things are moving fast!05:29
mtaylorredbo: oh - it didn't build properly05:29
mtaylorredbo: there are actually no swift packages05:29
mtaylorvish1: so, eventually there are a few things we need to do to get the bzr bd workflow up and going and happy...05:30
vish1i'm trying to convert our buildprocess over to use the new repo05:31
mtaylorvish1: for now I'd keep using your script, and I'll see if I can make a tree for you to look at with the other changes05:31
vish1so we can deploy all of the awesome changes05:31
vish1that sounds good05:31
vish1i think this will work for the moment05:32
mtaylorvish1: once we get the bzr bd thing sorted, I can have hudson publish debs on every trunk push ...05:32
mtaylorredbo: looking in to the swift ppa packages right now...05:33
mtaylorredbo: ok... the ppa with the nightly builds in it is ok05:34
mtaylorredbo: although it hasn't built in two days - so I guess they're not nightlies05:34
* mtaylor will fix05:34
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_anmis fake_users=1 noe deprecated?05:38
_anmafter refreshing my souce tree nova-api balks05:38
mtaylorredbo: ok. I hadn't uploaded new packages to the ppa since I re-worked the branches :) sorry bout that05:50
vish1yes fake_users=1 is gone05:55
_anmnow some nova-apps accept --nodaemonize, but others require --nodaemon05:55
* jaypipes calling it a night...gotta add get_keys() call to datastore drivers tomorrow...05:56
_anmshould I report that as a bug, or let it slide for a while?05:56
vish1the only one that still uses --nodaemonize is nova-api05:56
vish1and hopefully that will die soon05:56
vish1when we get rid of tornado05:56
_anmjust trying to keep up to date with trunk - a pretty hard task05:57
vish1although the virtualenv stuff makes installing pretty easy05:57
vish1i did it with about 4 commands05:57
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vish1at least to get to tests passing05:58
vish1actually running the system needs a little more coaxing05:58
_anmvirtualenv?  whats this?06:01
vish1it is magic06:02
* _anm is curious how vish1 installs nova with 4 commands06:03
vish1let me check06:03
vish1so in the current trunk06:03
vish1i think i had to do apt-get install virtualenv06:04
vish1apt-get install pip06:04
vish1ah no06:04
vish1it is easy_install virtualenv06:04
vish1easy_install pip06:04
vish1apt-get build-dep python-m2crypto06:05
vish1python tools/install_venv.py06:06
vish1i think were the four06:06
vish1make test works06:06
_anmhmmm, nice06:08
_anmok, i redid everything and have this:06:08
_anmthe instance shows pending for a while, then shutdown06:09
vish1and you get no logs in libvirt/qemu right?06:10
_anm/var/log/libvirt/qemu is still empty06:10
vish1what is the output of -- dpkg -l | grep libvirt06:10
vish1are you running all of the daemons as root?06:11
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_anmroot@openstack:~/openstack/data/networks# dpkg -l | grep libvirt06:11
_anmii  libvirt-bin                     0.7.5-5ubuntu27                                 the programs for the libvirt library06:11
_anmii  libvirt0                        0.7.5-5ubuntu27                                 library for interfacing with different virtu06:11
_anmii  python-libvirt                  0.7.5-5ubuntu27                                 libvirt Python bindings06:11
_anmall daemons are running as root06:12
vish1ok you have old version of libvirt06:12
vish1but that may or may not be the issue06:12
vish1i would definitely install the 8.1 version from soren's ppa06:12
vish1but first06:12
vish1from the instance dir06:12
vish1virsh create libvirt.xml06:12
vish1and see if you get any errors06:13
_anm error: Failed to create domain from libvirt.xml06:15
_anmerror: internal error no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'06:15
_anmupdate to 8.2?06:15
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vish1you just need to06:16
vish1modprobe kvm06:16
vish1and you should be good06:16
vish1assuming your hadware supports virtualization extensions06:17
vish1and it is turned on in the bios06:17
_anmit does, and should be06:17
_anmvish1:  I'll be a you-know-what06:19
_anmthe tech I asked to build this server built it on an old dell 175006:19
_anm1750  = no HW Virtualization06:20
vish1use qemu06:20
* _anm bashes head on table06:20
_anmit'll still work?06:20
vish1just requires a change to libvirt.xml.template06:20
vish1it actually runs inside a vm06:20
vish1with qemu06:20
_anmjust change type to qemu?06:20
_anmfrom hvm?06:21
vish1i think the install guide has a sed for it06:21
_anmyea it does06:21
vish1don't remember exactly06:21
vish1i think it is qemu06:21
vish1you can also change the libvirt.xml in the dir06:21
vish1and try a virsh create to see if it works06:21
vish1ok not quite 4 commands06:27
vish1still have to install redis separately from the ppa or source06:27
_anmok, i now have a log in /var/log/libvirt/qemo06:28
vish1but still not running?06:29
_anmerror: Failed to add tap interface to bridge 'br0': No such device06:30
_anmusing virsh create06:30
_anmfor some reason i have a br100, but not br006:31
_anmbr100 wasnt there 20 mins ago06:31
_anmnot sure what created br10006:32
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_anmthis is how the api was started:06:38
vish1check the libvirt.xml06:38
_anmpython bin/nova-api --ca_path=/home/nikmartin/openstack/nova/CA --keys_path=/home/nikmartin/openstack/nova/../data/keys --simple_network=true --simple_network_gateway= --simple_network_netmask= --simple_network_network= --simple_network_ips=,, --simple_network_bridge=br0 --simple_network_broadcast= --nodaemonize --verbose start06:38
vish1does it specify br0?06:38
vish1you are using simple_network?06:39
vish1with simple_network you have to create the bridge yourself06:39
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_anmwhat happens if i omit simple_network=true, it does a bunch of mgic?06:40
vish1yeah assuming bridge_dev is set properly06:40
vish1it does some sexy magic06:40
vish1creates a vlan06:40
vish1creates a bridge06:40
vish1starts a dhcp server06:40
_anmi'm trying to document the easiest way for someone to get up and running using source from trunk06:40
_anmto save them the pain I've gone through06:41
_anmi'll try that, but first, sleep. Im on CST time, and have been up since 0600 Monday.  It's now 01:42 Tuesday06:42
vish1oh my06:43
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_anmvish1:  thanks for your help!  I'm glad to be part of this effort!06:45
vish1_anm: np, we need to decrease the barrier to entry for sure06:46
vish1hopefully we have a run script that starts up all workers locally for testing06:47
vish1we're getting there06:47
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sorentermie: Did you say you were in the same $TZ as me?09:25
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uvirtbotNew bug: #610402 in nova ""make test" requires virtualenv" [Undecided,New]
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termiesoren: yeah, although i've been staying up too late, i am in berlin12:37
termiesoren: i'l be in cph aug 23 - 30 or thereabouts, too12:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #610434 in swift "Docs off a little in swift.common.client.get_auth" [Undecided,New]
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kirklandhowdy -- i'm looking for initial ubuntu packages for swift and nova, and I've found and
kirklandare these the best two to experiment with at the moment?13:17
termiekirkland: i remember vishvananda mentioning something about trying to get the nova packaging working right13:18
termiekirkland: but soren's may have been a manually created one13:19
termieso those options seem reasonable13:19
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sorentermie: Oh. What's the occasion?13:26
sorenkirkland: I'm /reasonably/ confident that dpkg-buildpackage from my twisted-web-s3-server branch will do the right thing.13:28
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creihtkirkland: is probably the best place for packages for swift at the moment13:45
creihtBut I'm not certain if the swift packages are building right yet13:45
creihtWe are still working through some of the packaging stuff13:45
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kirklandcreiht: cool, thanks14:09
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anm_kirkland: This is a fairly accurate doc on getting nova running, but the source is moving VERY fast;  I'm doing my best to keep it current:
anm_but it's all source based, no packages14:17
anm_again, because the source is moving very fast - 30-50 revs a day14:17
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yuravkHi. I'm getting en error while uploading a bundle to non existing bucket14:22
yuravkcould somebody please assist me on how to create new bucket ?14:23
notmynameyuravk: in swift or in nova?14:23
yuravknotmyname: nova14:25
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notmynameyeah. sorry. I'm a swift dev. I don't know about nova details. I was hoping one of those devs would jump in :-)14:26
pvoanm_: there is an installer in the tools dir that mtaylor was working on yesterday14:26
pvoanm_: it should setup your virtenv and python packages14:26
anm_yuravk: thats a known bug:14:27
anm_look at bug 60752714:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607527 in nova "VPN not created for auto-created project" [Low,Fix released]
anm_maybe its fixed!  pull latest source14:28
anm_sorry, wrong bug14:28
anm_yuravk: hang on a sec14:28
anm_bug 60754114:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607541 in nova "ObjectStore must throw 404 when bucket does not exist (Commit 146)" [High,Fix committed]
anm_not in trunk yet, but ther's a patch14:29
yuravkanm_: I have imported the latest sources today (from Git at
anm_yuravk: yes, this patch is not merged into the trunk yet14:29
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anm_yuravk: alternatley, if you have an S3 tol that can simply create a bucket, you can use that as a workaround until this patch is committed to trunk14:31
anm_props to justinsb14:31
yuravkanm_: unfortunately i'm not common with S3 tool(s) ...14:36
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anm_yuravk: then you'll need to patch the source using the patch I listed above, sorry  :(14:40
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yuravkanm_: ok, thanks. Just one more stupid question: is there any web interface for Nova to manage Clouds, VMs, etc. ?14:43
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anm_yuravk: in theory, I think any Amazon S3 and EC2 compatible interface will work, but I don't think there's 100% compatibility at the moment -14:45
anm_so far I've used s3cmd to list buckets, create buckets, etc14:46
anm_but have not tried to wire up something like ElasticFox14:46
anm_the tool has to allow changing the URL that it connects to14:47
anm_there was talk yesterday that a tool like cyberduck should work14:47
yuravkanm_: oh, thank you. I'm going to get Amazon S3 account ...14:49
anm_yuravk: You shouldn't need an S3 account14:49
yuravkanm_: but s3cmd need their keys ?14:52
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anm_no, you'll set the keys to the ones in your project14:52
anm_If you follow along this page on Installing:14:53
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anm_when you run the command: bin/nova-manage ${NOVA_MANAGE_ARGS} project zip ${OPENSTACK_PROJECTNAME} ${OPENSTACK_USERNAME} me/nova.zip14:53
anm_the resulting file, me/ will have a file named novarc that contains your keys14:54
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anm_you'll then edit the file ~/.s3cfg and add those keys to it, along with changing the amazon url to your nova server's ip/port14:55
anm_it's a little convoluted14:55
anm_the euca-tools taht's available in ubuntu wiull allow you to do the same stuff, you just need to have those keys setup in your environment variables14:56
anm_if you source novarc (. novarc), your shell will have all the keys and paths set14:56
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yuravkanm_: I have sources  novarc file. And it contain EC2 keys, EC2 and S3 URLs15:02
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yuravkanm_: but I have no idea how to create new bucket with euca ...15:08
anm_I dont think euca-tools has a "make bucket only" command, which is where this bug came from initally15:11
anm_i dont have any other help in that area, except to say you'll have to apply the patch15:12
anm_someone else may have better advice15:12
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 607541 in nova "ObjectStore must throw 404 when bucket does not exist (Commit 146)" [High,Fix committed]15:12
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yuravkanm_: ok, thanks15:18
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MaxR_w00t Just got permission from the boss to build out half a rack with Swift. :)15:54
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creihtMaxR_: Nice!15:54
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anm_MaxR_: what type hardware are you going to use?15:59
creihtMaxR_: And out of curiosity, what are you guys going to use it for?16:00
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MaxR_anm_: Haven't decided if I want to test it with low-end celerons & small hard drives(hardware we have laying around unused basically) or if I want to build out a PowerEdge rack...leaning more towards the celeron path currently as management is less likely to balk if I start throwing more hardware at it. :P16:43
MaxR_creiht: At the moment, just stress testing and benchmarking.. etc16:43
anm_aren't some of the operations in Swift VERY CPU/IO intensive?16:44
MaxR_I dont know.. yet16:44
anm_lowe end celerons may not give you the benchmarks you are looking for, if you are using 10G in the storage network16:44
MaxR_Thus why I'm building out something larger than the SAIO :)16:44
MaxR_Best I can do readily is 1Gbps :/16:45
MaxR_This is more of a proof-of-concept to management to show it all works outside of a VM/one-server setup16:45
MaxR_But.. step at a time :)16:45
anm_I see, I'm just using this article as reference:
anm_I've not done it myself either16:46
MaxR_I've already built out the SAIO16:46
MaxR_It was actually pretty swift(drum crash) to get set up16:46
MaxR_I had it all going in probably about an hour16:46
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MaxR_LunchBut yeah.. saying that I'm building it out as celerons, and then expecting decent benchmarks may not be realistic. :) Although I can certainly use it as a proof-of-concept (=16:49
* MaxR_Lunch is away to lunch and will be back later16:50
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kirklandknown issue?  ->
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vishvanandakirkland: i haven't seen that one17:47
vishvanandamy guess is that you have the wrong version of python-daemon or lockfile17:48
jaypipeskirkland: haven't seen that, no.  I'd file a bug if it's reproduciable.17:48
jaypipesvishvananda: afternoon.17:48
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vishvanandajaypipes: hi17:48
jaypipesvishvananda: how are things at NASA?17:50
jaypipesvishvananda: you're in the Bay Area, right? were you at OSCON?17:50
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dendrobatesyou do not need a lp login to download the code, only to use the 'lp:' shortcut.  Disinformation pisses me off!  I am updating the wiki now.17:52
edaykirkland: I've seen that, needed a newer python-daemon package17:54
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jaypipesdendrobates: where did you see that?17:55
jaypipeskirkland: pls do put in a bug report, though, since we should put the necessary version of python-daemon in our packaging.17:56
dendrobatesit has been all over the press and in the github mirror announcement.17:57
dendrobatesand to be fair our instructions require it.17:57
dendrobates100% BS17:58
creihtdendrobates: For a while (not sure it is still true), you had to be logged in to launchpad before you could browse to
dendrobatesthat was when it was closed17:58
creihtafter it was open17:58
dendrobatesthen it was not open17:58
creihtYou didn't have to be a member, just logged into launchpad17:59
creihtdendrobates: still is17:59
dendrobatesit was obviously broken, that is our fault for having it closed in the first place and renaming the damn thing 50 times.17:59
dendrobatesmtaylor: can you look into that?18:00
creihtI just opened firefox (which I don't normally use), browsed to, and I get forwarded to login18:00
dendrobatesI just browsed to not logged in18:00
dendrobatesno problems18:01
dendrobateswhat are we doing differently?18:01
mtaylordendrobates: it's just the swift project - and there are issues18:02
mtaylordendrobates: spm is looking in to it- there's also weirdness with the swift mailing list - but it's only swift - the other resources are all fine18:02
dendrobatesyou can go straight th the code and specify the URL in bzr to create a branch18:02
vishvanandajaypipes: yes and no18:03
_0x44dendrobates: Requiring people know the URL to the code before they can get it is a UI failure.18:03
vishvanandajaypipes: i was in dc during oscon18:03
dendrobatesanyway I'm creating a bzrwithoutlp page on the wiki18:03
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jaypipesvishvananda: ah18:04
dendrobates_0x44: I'm am not talking about a UI.18:04
_0x44dendrobates: I'm not talking about A UI either. I'm talking about user interface/interaction. If someone needs to know the direct URL for a resource before they can do anything with our code, they won't.18:05
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mtaylorbzr branch lp:swift should work for anyone18:05
_0x44Saying "It works because I can browse directly to the URL" misses the point.18:05
vishvanandadendrobates: i can bzr branch lp:nova with no login18:05
mtaylorand lp:swift18:05
dendrobatesmtaylor: the lp:  command wants a login.18:05
mtaylordendrobates: it doesn't for me18:06
mtaylorI just did it from a blank os user with no lp-login configured18:06
dendrobates_0x44: so you think someone should be able to create a remote branch without specifying a URL, real bright.18:06
mtaylorto be fair - going to should bloody work18:07
dendrobatesmtaylor: hm, maybe I didn't look past the warning18:07
MaxR_LunchI don't see what the big deal is. I didn't have LP account.. I registered one to download the code per the instructions.18:07
MaxR_LunchLP login is the price of admission..18:07
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mtaylordendrobates: yeah - it was only a warning18:07
dendrobatesMaxR_: to contribute yes, but not just to look.18:07
_0x44dendrobates: I'm saying that saying people can get to the code directly from the code URL, but not from the project page is a user interface failure that will not encourage people to contribute to the project. Please stop being obtuse.18:08
MaxR_Isnt it being released as a "developers preview" ?18:08
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MaxR_And the instructions I followed were for SAIO, which clearly indicates the instructions are for doing swift development18:08
MaxR_I figured the more public instructions would be released when the software is publically released..18:09
MaxR_I guess it's a matter of interpretation of intention of the current released version (=18:09
dendrobates_0x44: no one is saying anything different, we've broken LP.  I am talking about command line.18:09
mtaylorwell, I'm pinging folks at launchpad about the login thing again18:10
jaypipesMaxR_: yeah, there are currrently some issues trying to get Swift completely public...issues that originated with the project being marked "Private/Proprietary" before last Monday.  Hopefully, mtaylor and others will have the issues resolved shortly. This isn't something that is typical on LP...18:10
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mtaylorturns out we're the first people to have created private projects and then want to take them public :)18:10
jaypipesnot surprised...18:10
mtayloryeah - not a common workflow :)18:10
MaxR_I guess most people start public and stay public or private and stay private..18:11
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MaxR_err projects*18:11
dendrobatesplus we renamed the thing several times18:11
mtaylorseveral. SEVERAL18:11
mtayloroh the pain18:11
MaxR_For curiousity, what were some of the other names you guys came up with? :)18:11
dendrobatesMaxR_: carlos spicy wiener18:12
dendrobatesbut it was vetoed by the business18:12
dendrobatesrcloud was an early one.18:12
dendrobatesthan we went from nova to ozone and back to nova18:13
dendrobatesmtaylor: so I should hang off on the wiki page?18:13
dendrobateserr hold off18:13
* ttx still votes for NuAge, but that's my French showing.18:14
mtaylordendrobates: I dunno. what were you going to put there?18:14
mtaylordendrobates: simple dev instructions should always just be "bzr branch lp:swift" ... and should really imply that doing a bzr lp-login first would be better, as that way you're using bzr+ssh and not http ... but that bzr branch lp:swift should always work to get the latest code18:15
dendrobatesmtaylor:  Just instructions on using the URL to branch and not lp:* to avoid warnings.18:15
mtaylordendrobates: I would hold off on that. the warnings are always going to be present if someone branches from lp and hasn't done lp-login first18:15
mtaylorthat has nothing to do with the swift privacy thing - it has to do with the protocol being more efficient if you're logged in18:16
dendrobatesmtaylor: I agree, I wish there was no warning, though18:16
mtaylordendrobates: well... you'll have to take that up with lifeless ... :)18:16
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dendrobatesthat could be arranged, but I have a feeling I'd lose the argument.18:17
mtaylorI usually lose arguments with lifeless18:17
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dendrobatesas do most people18:18
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edayselenamarie: hey there!18:24
mtaylorhey selenamarie18:25
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selenamarieeday, mtaylor: hi :)18:27
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edayselenamarie: this is where all the cool kids hang out these days :)18:29
creihtMaxR_: Back to your setup, sounds great... Let us know if you run into any issues18:29
creihteday: btw... did you need any help with the eventlet stuff?18:29
edaycreiht: actually.. if you have a moment... leme paste something18:29
selenamarieeday: i see... :)18:31
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edaycreiht: with more than 10 concurrent connections, it dies:   I assume ignoring sigpipe is not the default, but that should not be happening either since I'm not hanging up on my end :)18:36
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creihteday: what platform are you running it on?18:40
redboweird.  I don't get any errors with it.18:42
edaycreiht: ubuntu/lucid18:42
creihteday: what are you hitting it with?18:43
creiht(for testing)18:43
edaycreiht: a echo flooding tool I wrote, part of lp:scalestack. establishes multiple connects and pumps data through it as fast as it can on each18:44
creihteday: what's the easiest way to get/run that?18:46
* jaypipes remarks that LDAP is a ridiculously obtuse interface.18:47
creihtI guess checkout;make;make instal :)18:47
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edaycreiht: yeah ./config/, ./configure, make18:49
creihteday: that's not what the README says ;)18:49
edaycreiht: then: ./bin/scalestack p=scalestack/.libs echo_flood_tcp.port=12345 echo_flood_tcp.count=500 v  to run the echo client18:50
edaycreiht: yeah it does, minus the install part :)  (tarball doesn't require ./config/, but you're not getting it from one :)18:51
jaypipesvishvananda: what's the reason behind having role_ldap_subtree == project_ldap_subtree?18:54
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creihteday: I'm getting an error that it can't find libevent, I have libevent installed though is there anything else that I need?18:57
creiht FATAL [event::libevent] Could not find18:58
edaycreiht: hm, it must not have detected libevent during configure18:58
creihtI don't have -dev installed for it18:58
edaycreiht: that would be it18:58
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edaycreiht: actually... it may simply be a backlog option issue in listen18:59
* creiht tries again18:59
edaycreiht: because the echo client kills all connections on first error, probably causing all those sigpipes18:59
creihteday: now I get a lot of NOTICE messages, but nothing else19:01
creihteday: that would make sense for the sigpipes19:01
edaycreiht: yup, that was it19:02
edaycreiht: server = eventlet.listen(('', 12345), backlog=10000)19:02
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creihtoh cool... so is your test running bette rnow?19:03
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edaycreiht: yup, no errors now :)19:04
edaycreiht: simple test with about 5k connections shows about 8s for eventlet and twisted, 3s for the C++ server19:05
creihtseems reasonable19:06
creihteventlet performance should be similar to twisted19:06
creihteday: how many of those connections are concurrent? or are they serialized?19:06
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edaycreiht: they're all concurrent, although takes a bit for them all to be accepted, so some close before... I'm going to do some other tests so they are all pumping data for a longer amount of time and compare too19:13
edaycreiht: will probably write up a blog post or something about it19:13
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anm_ok, updating the wiki InstallFromSource instructions, when using --simple_network=true, does a bridge simply have to be created using brctl create brn? or does some other stuff have to be done before nova/libvirt will do something magic?19:29
creihteday: by default the greenpool has 1000 green threads, you might try bumping that up (unless your other benchmarks also use a pool of 1000)19:30
creihtI would expect raw tcp to be similar to twisted, in our testing a while back, web requests were a bit more performant than twisted19:31
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edaycreiht: the C++ test uses a single system thread with all non-blocking i/o, twisted is pretty much the same, so no thread pools19:34
vishvanandajust create a bridge19:37
vishvanandabut you might want to give it an ip19:37
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vishvanandaif you want to communicate host to instance19:37
vishvanandai usually give it the .1 so it is the gateway for the instance19:38
jaypipesvishvananda: what's the reason behind having role_ldap_subtree == project_ldap_subtree?19:39
creihteday: Well with the eventlet example, by using the greenpool, you are basically saying that it will limit to 1000 concurrent connections at a time19:42
creihtif you just want raw handling, and I would get rid of the greenpool, and just call eventlet.spawn_n19:43
edaycreiht: ok, thanks19:47
edaycreiht: I'll do that instead19:48
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uvirtbotNew bug: #610583 in swift "standardize on optparse" [Low,New]
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vishvanandajaypipes: it is just a default, they are both groups so we stuck them in the same tree20:18
vishvanandajaypipes: but they could go anywhere, that is why it is a flag20:18
vishvanandajaypipes: now that i think about it, i think the only place we use role_ldap_subtree is on deleting a user20:19
jaypipesvishvananda: OK, thx for the explanation...wasn't sure if it was a bug or not...seemed strange.20:19
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MaxR_what the...20:32
sorenmtaylor: I realise now that I did a terrible job explaining the options. a) Do you prefer to have a branch which at the root as rules, changelog, copyright, etc. and stick that in trunk/debian so that they're two separate branches, or b) have a branch of nova that in addition to the stuff that's in trunk, also has debian/?20:32
tr3buchetit's not me, i swears!20:32
sorenI'm leaning towards the latter.20:32
anm_vishvananda: thanks20:33
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gasbakidthe irc server has problems ???????????20:33
MaxR_Amazing after 20 years of IRC, netsplits still happen....20:34
redboif only it was p2p20:34
anm_the problem is irc isnt a mesh20:34
anm_redbo: exactly20:34
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MaxR_Probably for the same reason why we still all pause keys on our PC keyboards20:34
MaxR_all have*20:35
anm_not me says the MAc user20:35
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Podilariusi like my pause key.20:45
antonymsounds like the us<->eu link has problems20:45
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MaxR_Amazes me when I see problems that are not addressed for so many years..20:49
MaxR_like.. why is a hard drive LED on the front of the case? Why isn't it on the keyboard or monitor... ya know.. where we look 99.9% of the time20:50
MaxR_My suspicion is that the designer of the HDD LED was a midget.. therefore the light was at eye level :)20:50
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mtaylorsoren: b20:54
mtaylorsoren: check out what I did with swift20:54
mtaylorsoren: it's fully split with a trunk and then a trunk+debian, and the trunk+debian is managed wtih bzr bd/import_dsc/merge-upstream20:55
mtaylorsoren: as per instructions from lifeless :)20:55
anm_who is this lifeless character people talk about?20:56
sorenRobert Collins.20:57
sorenmtaylor: Oh, neat. Fancy doing the same for Nova? :)20:58
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mtaylorsoren: yes. it's very high on my list to do for today21:00
mtaylorsoren: actually, I was thinking of working with you on getting the 0.9 version thing cut, and then making sure everything is in the tarball ...21:00
sorenmtaylor: Sounds good.21:01
sorenmtaylor: I've got a bracn that just bumps the version.21:01
sorenmtaylor: I've got another where I've split out the packaging.21:01
sorenmtaylor: by "split out" I mean removed.21:01
mtaylorsoren: cool.21:02
sorenmtaylor: ...and then I have another where I've added it back in.21:02
mtaylorsoren: cause adding it back in is actually something I'd like to do via import_dsc, rather than by hand21:02
sorenmtaylor: Ah, ok.21:02
mtayloris the general approach I follow these days21:03
sorenmtaylor: Oh, nice. Let me try that.21:04
mtaylorit makes for a really nice workflow as we make new releases ... stores the tarball within the branch, so all you ever need is the packaging branch and you're good to go21:05
anm_i just updated nova trunk, restarted everything, and now:
anm_oh nevermind, i now see the lockfile I shoudl delete21:07
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anm_sorry, my S/N ration is very high21:07
sorenmtaylor: Yeah, that pristine-tar thing is magic.21:09
sorenmtaylor: Ok, I just need to get python sdist to do the right thing now..21:09
mtaylorsoren: I poked at this briefly the other day - I believe we're missing21:09
mtaylorsoren: yes. sdist missing files :)21:10
sorenA whole bunch, even.21:11
* soren curses distutils21:11
sorenAnd setuptools while I'm at it.21:11
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Podilariusmmmm .. the smell of cooking cloudware. love it.21:11
anm_is there "clean up all these images, buckets, and AMIs script anywhere?  nova-compute is trying to find AMIs that don exist, and I dont know where it learns this from21:12
davidstraussWhat OpenStack components are worth exploring if you merely plan to run on OpenStack-powered clouds?21:12
anm_davidstrauss: compute clouds or storage clouds?21:13
davidstraussanm_: compute21:13
davidstraussanm_: I realize that Nova can *run* clouds, but are there parts useful for using, say, the Rackspace Cloud?21:14
mtaylorgreenisus: I haven't forgotten about autmation for you yet, btw...21:14
anm_davidstrauss: is in management?21:14
anm_as. as in management21:15
davidstraussanm_: Let's say I wanted to build a custom control panel for provisioning machines on OS-compliant clouds. Would, say, the control panel app be useful to me?21:15
davidstraussanm_: Or do all of these parts assume they're running in a mutually trusting environment?21:16
anm_davidstrauss: I don't know that answer to that yet21:16
anm_I use euca-tools from the Eucalyptus project at the moment21:17
anm_to do all management of instances21:17
anm_just like with Amazon EC2 or S321:18
davidstraussanm_: ah, ok21:18
anm_I'm pretty sure the goal of OpenStack is for the management API to be compliant - I'm sure some crafty group is locked in a room as we speak writing an RFC that will become the standard cloud api21:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #610611 in nova "Subnet allocation gives the same subnet for every user" [Medium,New]
davidstraussWhat is the process for becoming an organizational member of OpenStack?21:22
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davidstraussjustinsheehy: hello fellow cassandra user21:23
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anm_davidstrauss: I'm not sure it qualifies as any membership in any organization, but you have to sign an agreement tobe able to contribute code and possibly documentation tot he project21:25
davidstraussanm_: So, contribute to get listed?21:26
vishvanandait appears that hudson missed a test fail21:26
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zulopenstack is using hudson for daily builds right?21:27
davidstrausszul: CI, not "daily builds"21:27
zuldavidstrauss: because launchpad will have that functionaility soon21:27
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sorenzul: It does already, but it lacks a "build-on-bzr-commit" thing.21:28
zulsoren: ah ok21:29
zuloops screaming 3 year old back later ;)21:29
mtaylorright. as we're using launchpad daily builds already - but will get build-on-commit going via hudson21:29
mtaylor(only marginally following along)21:29
mtaylorvishvananda: it did?21:30
mtaylorvishvananda: which thing?21:30
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anm_im not sure how a company gets a link and logo there, probably related to $$contributions21:34
anm_davidstrauss: I just show up here:
davidstraussanm_: How can we set up a corporate CLA to streamline our contributions and involvement?21:36
anm_davidstrauss:  :)21:36
vishvanandamtaylor: i get a couple errors in NetworkTestCase in trunk21:37
vishvanandai put in a fix21:37
vishvanandamtaylor: so right now it doesn't check for test errors?21:38
mtaylorvishvananda: it does... which is why I'm concerned about this21:39
mtaylorvishvananda: I wan't to know if there's something we need to set up differently on the test machine or something ...21:39
* davidstrauss just signed the CLA. :-)21:39
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sorenmtaylor: What if the tarball just included everything that is in bzr?21:43
mtaylorsoren: well, it probably should anyway, no?21:44
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sorenmtaylor: bzr ls -R | grep -v /$ | while read f; do echo include $f; done > MANIFEST.in21:44
sorenmtaylor: ftw?21:44
mtaylorsoren: works for me - although you will be including a bunch of things in that MANIFEST file which you don't need to21:45
sorenmtaylor: Like what?21:45
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mtaylorsoren: the python files in the nova pacakge21:45
sorenOh, all the python stuff? :)21:45
sorenFair point.21:45
vishvanandareviews requested on the last couple bugfixes i sent in21:46
sorenmtaylor: I can't really decide if there's any point in attempting to weed those out again. I'd like to be able to regenerate that as often as I please without having to fiddle with it.21:48
anm_OH SNAP - i'm actually SSH'd in to an image that I launched from nova!  WOOT!21:49
davidstraussSomeone ought to write a Bazaar view plugin to make that manifest dynamically.21:49
anm_now what?  :D21:49
sorenanm_: You're done. Take the rest of the day off. :)21:49
anm_more docs to write21:49
vishvanandaanm_: congrats21:54
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sorenmtaylor: lp:~soren/nova/build-tarball21:56
davidstrausssoren: I will be on Copenhagen in late August. What part of Denmark are you in?21:56
anm_I did all that in order to build upon the InstallFest doc, to have a absolutely complete HowTo for an end usr trying to get up to speed using trunk source21:57
mtaylorsoren: well... once we're up and going and import-dsc'd ... debuild will show us if there's files missing...21:57
sorendavidstrauss: The part not connected to Copenhagen :) Other end of the country.21:57
sorenmtaylor: There isn't. That was my test case.21:57
termiesoren: drupalcon21:58
termiesoren: same reason as davidstrauss, actually ;)21:58
mtaylorsoren: excellent - I really meant per your regenerate comment... but I don't feel strongly on this right now21:58
anm_Is tornado required just for serving http requests?  is this functionality being added directly to nova?21:59
davidstraussanm_: tornado is for the object store21:59
anm_oh, ok21:59
davidstraussanm_: not directly part of nova21:59
termieanm_: tornado in nova is slated for removal21:59
termieanm_: the remaining uses of it are in the api code22:00
davidstrausstermie: oh, so it is still a dependency?22:00
termieanm_: the goal is to replace it with twisted and then get rid of it22:00
sorenanm_: The object store uses twisted web now. Since a few days ago.22:00
termiedavidstrauss: yeah, unless it has changed in the past 24 hours or so, only the endpoint/ code22:00
anm_not that I dont like it, just anotehr dependency22:00
sorenI don't like it.22:01
sorenIt's ok not to. :)22:01
termienor i, lots of wasted time writing support code for it22:01
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termieto replicate things twisted already had (even if twisted is a bit ugly)22:02
termiei haven't checked out 1.0 though, did they add tests?22:02
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mtaylorsoren: uh, confused.22:03
mtaylorsoren: that branch _has_ a debian dir and has no ...22:03
sorenmtaylor: I know.22:03
sorenmtaylor: Look at the diff.22:03
mtaylorjust so I didn't miss something22:03
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sorenmtaylor: The diff should make it obvious, I think.22:04
sorenmake sdist will now do the right thing.22:04
sorenCorrection: It will now do what is currently thought to be the right thing.22:04
sorenI'm all about the disclaimers.22:04
* mtaylor needs to make a todo list item to get rid of that make file and replace it with python... has a feeling that at some point someone is going to want this code to work on windows22:05
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termiemtaylor: is there any expectation that this code could possibly work on windows?22:06
sorentermie: Yes.22:07
termiemtaylor: i had none and as such didn't bother writing it in python instead22:07
mtaylortermie: hell man, I dunno. I just know there's always _someone_ who wants windows22:07
mtaylorI think it's fine for now22:07
termiesoren: orly? that seems a bit far off22:07
sorentermie: Quite :)22:07
mtaylorbut probably both of those functions could, when we're bored, be changed to be commands22:07
mtaylor_SO_ not important right now22:08
sorentermie: Someone always wants to run stuff on Windows.22:08
vishvanandai have an approved patch in that is now dependant on a bug fix. If anyone feels like reviewing the bugfix so merge can proceed, please do so here
termiemtaylor: i don't necessarily agree with adding extra commands like that to so let's defer this conversation ;)22:08
vishvanandamtaylor: microsoft wants to support azure with openstack22:09
mtaylortermie: totally. I'm not saying I do agree that it's the right thing to do22:09
termievishvananda: well, most windows boxes will run linux just fine22:09
mtaylortermie: only that Makefile and Windows == fail22:09
vishvanandatermie: lol22:10
termievishvananda: heya... want ot write a test for that bugfix?22:12
termievishvananda: seems like a data integrity bug22:13
vishvanandatermie: tests were failing for me22:22
vishvanandatermie: not sure why they weren't failing on hudson22:22
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mtaylorwe need a more comprehensive and disgusting test suite for hudson to run... something with multiple boxes and stuff22:23
mtaylorto really beat the hell out of it22:23
vishvanandasoren: i have no idea about the tarball patch... looks good but outside what i have done before so I'm going to let others review it22:27
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sorenvishvananda: No problem.22:38
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sorenvishvananda: Did I explicitly ask you to review it?22:38
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sorenI didn't mean to.22:38
blpiattmtaylor, do you need hardware for that test suite to run on?22:39
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sorenmtaylor: Almost got the debian-split thing sorted out.22:52
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mtaylorsoren: excellent22:55
pvomtaylor: do you need boxes?22:55
pvowhere is hudson running now?22:56
mtaylorpvo: probably22:56
mtaylorit's running on a cloud server right now22:56
pvook, so it is local...ish.22:56
mtaylorbut we'll want some boxes to set up integration testing at some point22:56
pvoyou're probably in ORD if you just built.22:56
pvoyea, we'll need to find some dedicated gear for the different hypervisor integration tests.22:56
pvounless we're yo dawg-ing it22:57
mtaylorpvo: yup. and, once we have boxes to run the integration testing on, we'll just fire up hudson slaves there, so it wouldn't be important for the master to be local per-se22:58
pvodo the hudson slaves need to be public or just accessible from hudson-master?22:59
sorenmtaylor: lp:~soren/nova/remove-debian-dir and lp:~soren/nova/ubuntu-packaging22:59
pvoI haven't played with that configuration yet22:59
sorenmtaylor: Oh, let me move that packaging one to nova-core.22:59
mtaylorpvo: just accessible from hudson-master23:00
pvomtaylor: ok, that might be easier.23:00
mtaylorsoren: perfect23:00
mtayloreday: read slashdot today?23:00
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pvomtaylor: the What if oracle bought all Opensource article?23:05
mtaylorpvo: heh23:07
mtayloractually, the Java NIO article : ... it's java, but also sort of, well...23:07
mtaylorI dunno23:07
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sorenpvo: In case you didn't already, can you do a "bzr whoami blahblah" on your dev box?23:13
pvo$ bzr whoami23:14
pvoPaul Voccio <pvoccio@castor.rackspace.corp>23:14
pvo bzr whoami blahblah23:14
pvo"blahblah" does not seem to contain an email address.  This is allowed, but not recommended.23:14
pvoyou mean, actually configure it. : )23:14
pvothats better.23:15
sorenSmart arse :)23:15
pvohey hey, I wasn't sure at first. I thought you were asking me to validate something, then I realized you meant my config wasn't right23:15
pvowe're good now.23:16
sorenmtaylor: Ok, I've split out debian/, done the import-dsc thing now (with a bit of a twist: there are no releases yet, but the upstream tarball has been imported). Is anything missing?23:16
mtaylorsoren: nope. does bzr bd make happiness?23:17
mtayloron the packaging branch?23:17
sorenmtaylor: Lemme check.23:17
sorenI don't expect to have that branch guarded by Tarmac, by the way.23:18
mtaylorsoren: well, if you imported a tarball you made from a rev, you should tag that rev as 0.9.0 and then bump the rev - so that when we release again we can merge the new tarball in to the merge23:18
mtaylorsoren: agree23:19
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sorenmtaylor: Hmm..23:19
sorenmtaylor: It failed miserably.23:19
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sorenmtaylor: How do I extract the tarball?23:21
mtaylorsoren: as a step by itself? not fully sure I've ever tried23:21
mtaylorsoren: it exists as a rev in the branch ... with tag upstream-0.9.023:22
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sorenmtaylor: Y'know... Let's just forget that ubuntu-packaging branch ever existed..23:23
mtaylorsoren: mmm. yes23:24
sorenmtaylor: I think I may have used a weird tarball (from my experiments) when doing the import.23:24
mtaylorsoren: hehe23:24
sorenmtaylor: There. Gone. I'll fix it tomorrow.23:25
sorenmtaylor: It's 1:30 here, so I think I'm calling it a day.23:25
soreng'night, guys.23:25
mtaylorsoren: night!23:26
mtaylorsoren: if you want, I can make the deb branch from your remove deb branch23:27
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vishvanandamtaylor: deb branch would be awesome23:29
mtaylorvishvananda: k. I'll see if I can get that done23:29
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vishvanandaall: it would be great if we got one of the lp609749 patches approved23:32
vishvanandaright now it dies if you try to start two instances at once23:32
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termiethe debate is warming up over in the move_tests branch merge arena23:42
termiedevcamcar: oh hai23:43
anm_justinsb: fyi, using your installfest instructions and some help from others, it actually IS possible to get nova into a state where it will launch and an instance23:43
devcamcartermie: howdy! <323:43
redbomtaylor: the swift deb doesn't include the swift python package23:44
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mtaylorredbo: hrm. ok. I will fix23:45
mtaylorredbo: must for a moment though - so it'll be just a bit23:47
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silassewellWondering if anyone could tell me the difference between a graceful shutdown and non-graceful shutdown. Does it just try to let current clients finish their requests or is it something more than that?01:02
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_0x44silassewell in the RS/OpenStack API a graceful shutdown will attempt to gracefully shutdown the slice and if it fails, fails.01:03
_0x44Errr... sends a shutdown -h now to the slice01:04
_0x44non-graceful attempts a graceful shutdown, but if that takes too long just terminates the VM.01:04
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silassewell_0x44: thanks01:10
_0x44silassewell: No problem01:11
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vish1so i attempted to build using the script, but unfortunately the packages no longer install files into the path01:35
vish1i guess that one line was important01:35
vish1or maybe i just forgot to install nova-common01:37
vish1although you'd think the package would require it01:39
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vish1i need a deb packaging genius if anyone is around02:06
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mtaylorvish1: whazzup?02:12
mtaylorvish1: (sorry, I haven't gotten to the deb branch yet)02:12
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vish1mtaylor: so i removed this thing from nova-common.install02:21
vish1which was apparently what was installing the .py files02:21
vish1mtaylor: this line --> usr/lib/python*/*-packages/nova/*02:22
vish1it used to work02:22
vish1now (perhaps because of makefile) that line gives a file not found error02:23
mtaylorvish1: so... we really shouldn't be needing to explicitly specifying the location of the .py files ... the rules files should be doing it all through python-support now02:24
mtaylorvish1: but I haven't gone through and done a walkthrough of the whole packaging ...02:24
mtaylorvish1: lemme take a look right now02:25
vish1i'm using a crummy workaround02:26
vish1nova/                                 usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/02:26
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mtaylorheh. yeah - we'll get this all going properly ...02:29
_0x44Going through all the libvirt ./configure dependencies piece-meal is a bit of a pain. :\02:33
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mtaylorvish1: ok. I see the problem... should have a solution for you in about an hour or so02:50
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vish1mtaylor: thanks02:56
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chiltsheh, just saw my nick at 7:40 on this video ->
chiltsthat's pretty funny :)03:08
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_0x44I've updated with instructions to allow people to build nova on slices.03:37
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edaymtaylor: what in particular was on /. today? the java io/nio thing?04:16
mtayloreday: yeah04:16
edaymtaylor: yup, there were some things about that and SEDA yesterday on twitter04:19
edaymtaylor: i tweeted the guy saying it's fine until you hit the 32k thread limit in java... sometimes you need 50k connections :)04:20
edayor more, if your app manages lots of idle cons04:20
jbarratthuh, trying to catch up on the chat backlog, and the openstack logs are 403'ing04:20
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mtayloroh for crying out loud04:25
mtaylorchromakode: ^^^^^04:25
mtaylorchromakode: suggestions for how I handle that moving forward?04:26
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mtaylorvish1: ok. I found several of the problems...04:42
mtaylorvish1: a few of them required fixes to the based branch - I'm proposing that for merge right now04:43
mtaylorvish1: then I've got a debian branch which builds all of the packages again04:43
mtaylorvish1: but I need the fixes in before I can push the debian branch - as I need to rebuild the debian branch on top of it04:44
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