Thursday, 2010-11-25

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HugoKuoanyone ever access data with SWIFT by Cyberduck ?01:57
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HugoKuoand what is flag "--s3_host=" means  this flag isn't work for now right?02:54
HugoKuowhile I use 'euca-describe-images'    :   TypeError: index() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)03:05
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ttxsoren: o/08:27
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sorenmtaylor: I thought you said you were upgrading the hudson box to maverick?08:33
mtaylorsoren: did I saw that?08:34
sorenAt UDS, I think.08:34
sorenIn a rest room, no less.08:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #681265 in nova ""nova-manage zipfile" step is missing from single.node.install docs" [Low,Triaged]
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sorenttx: Would you be up for drafting some guidelines on bug importance, too?09:53
ttxsoren: that's part of the BugsLifecycle doc that I need to write, yes.09:54
ttxsoren: same model as, so with a reference section detailing the meaning of each field.09:54
sorenttx: Yes, exactly.09:54
sorenttx: I just wasn't sure if you would drive that bit, since you didn't really respond to that part in the e-mail thread. :)09:55
ttxsoren: btw I started working on a blueprints screenscraping lib, to compensate for LP not exposing BPs in the APi directly09:56
ttxsoren: but there seem to be some efforts in LP to actually expose that properly...09:56
ttxsoren: so I may just wait, depending on how fast that goes. But writing code is fun, so I may just do it[tm]09:57
sorenttx: I'm not sure what their plan is. I got the impression that one of the proposals was to combine the data model for bugs and blueprints into one (still keeping them separate in the UI). That would immediately expose a lot of useful stuff.09:57
ttxsoren: yes, thats The Plan.09:57
sorenttx: Your lib would be read-only, though, right?09:58
ttxsoren: unfortunately, I'm not sure it will be done in such a reasonable time that I'll keep my sanity.09:58
ttxsoren: I see no reason why it wouldn't be r/w.09:58
sorenttx: ok09:59
sorenttx: cool!09:59
ttxThe auth part might be a bit convoluted09:59
sorenThat's what I was thinking.10:00
soren..but I guess as soon as you have a cookie, you're fine.10:01
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ttxI'll do a read-only first and then see how fast lp:~james-w/launchpad/expose-blueprints goes10:02
ttxsoren: yes, that dude, again.10:02
ttxLooking at the code, it's much easier to fix it on LP side :)10:07
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sorenDaviey: Were you going to work on db migration at all?14:03
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Davieysoren: Yes!14:09
sorenDaviey: Awesome. I want it hooked into our test system. If the DB schema changes, and there isn't a migration script, it should be rejected.14:11
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Davieysoren: stage 1 is to get two way migrations working, stage 2 is to add schema version checking on start...14:13
DavieyI'm not entirely sure if stage 2 function could be reused by the test suite14:13
Daviey(i doubt it)14:13
Davieyi'm not entirely sure how a test could be written for that... needs some thought.14:14
sorenDaviey: I have a pretty good idea about how to go about that.14:15
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Davieysoren: Do share... it might make my job easier :)14:15
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Davieyttx: python-mechanize is your friend :)14:17
sorenDaviey: Perhaps if you explain what the difficulty might be, it'd be easier.14:18
DavieyI recently wrote a screenscraper for checking my online banking balances... didn't actually take too long, and i imagine the login dance for that is harder than LP.14:18
Davieysoren: Hmm.. well.. i thought stage 2 function relies on there already being a meta table with the schema version14:19
Davieya test enviroment won't have that14:19
sorenDaviey: Depends.14:19
sorenDaviey: Simple approach:14:19
sorenDaviey: Keep a record of the most recently accepted schema version.14:19
sorenDaviey: Compare at test time.14:20
sorenDaviey: Less simple, but much better:14:20
Davieysoeren: as a const ?14:20
ttxit's snowing.14:20
zulin france?14:20
sorenDaviey: Just a file outside the code tree that records it when a new schema version has been accepted.14:20
ttxzul: yes14:20
Davieyblue sky here :)14:20
sorenIt's been snowing for days here.14:20
zulttx: hah you got snow before we did14:21
sorenDaviey: so, the less simple, but much better approach:14:21
ttxDaviey: last time tere was blue sky in England was, IIRC, in May 1959.14:21
Davieysoren: Wouldn't the code tree need to ship it to eval?14:21
zulttx: but we are suppose to be getting a blizzard tomorrow14:21
Davieyttx: lol14:21
ttxzul: last time there wasn't snow in Ottawa, was, IIRC, in August 200214:22
ttxfor a couple of hours.14:22
sorenDaviey: Have a bunch of test data that we can load into the db before merging new code, merge the new code, exercise the db layer to see if everything still works as expected.14:22
zulttx: heh14:22
sorenDaviey: What?14:22
Davieyttx: Why i didn't go to FOSDEM in 2008,
sorenDaviey: Are those inches?14:22
zulpansy ;)14:22
DavieyOur village got most snow in the country that weekend... :(14:23
ttx ? who needs URLs when you can have subdomains, eh14:23
* ttx can't wait for the subdomain URL shortener14:24
sorenDaviey: I don't understand this question: 14:21 < Daviey> soren: Wouldn't the code tree need to ship it to eval?14:27
Davieyttx:  wow, i have 74 of 'em - just displaying one thing :/14:27
Davieysoren: Test case: if $current-schema != file('/some/schema/version/number.txt'): error()14:28
Davieyhow can the tests know the $current-schema?14:28
Davieyerr, the constant schema?14:28
sorenDaviey: You tell me?14:28
Davieyi'm not a fan of that approach, but not ruling it out...   You said out of tree... that makes it no worky?14:29
sorenIt may not be necessary.14:29
sorenSo, e.g. how the kernel team does ABI checks:14:30
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sorenWhenever the prototype of a public data structure or function changes, a hash changes.14:30
Davieysoren: I reckon, get stage 1 working... then re-discuss for stage 2 (inc. test) :)14:30
sorenDaviey: Sounds like a plan :)14:30
Davieysoren: I'll give you a shout to help at that stage!14:31
sorenDaviey: so, when the build finishes, they check if the hash of the just built kernel matches what is recorded in the source tree. If it does, it's fine. If not, it knows it broke the ABI, outputs the new hash so that someone can take that from the build logs, shove it into the code tree as the new expected hash, and they increase the ABI number.14:31
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Davieysoren: Yeah... when i last built a kernel for private use, i cheated and changed the previous ABI hash value to match what i was getting on that build14:34
Davieywas the easiest way i could see of forcing a build :)14:34
sorenDaviey: skipabi=true is your friend.14:35
Davieysoren: I *did* try that iirc... for some reason it failed :/14:37
sorenDaviey: fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic binary-headers skipabi=true skipmodule=true14:37
sorenDaviey: what I use if I'm cowboying a kernel for myself.14:37
Davieyi don't think i used binary-generic14:38
Davieyhmm.. perhaps i did14:39
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uvirtbotNew bug: #681411 in nova "Instance types should not be hard coded" [Undecided,New]
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uvirtbotNew bug: #681416 in nova "Different default security groups depending on API used to launch instnaces" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotNew bug: #681417 in nova "All errors about quotas should include a unit" [Undecided,New]
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* soren does other things for a while15:22
openstackhudsonProject nova build #265: SUCCESS in 1 min 15 sec:
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chmouelhey guys, I have tried latest code and my networking is not working, I can't see anything obvious in logs, do you know where I should start for investigatting ? I am using uml under a slice16:59
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sandywalshI have to integrate my local experiment changes for this first, but I have changes made to cloudservers to work with dev env installations of nova now:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 680709 in nova "Auth should allow for fully customized URL's when defining x-Server-Management-Url" [Undecided,New]17:03
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sandywalshchmouel, are you using flatnetworking or virtdir?17:08
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chmouelsandywalsh: how do find out which one I am using ? I have that in my nova-manage file
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sandywalshchmouel, ok, so you are using vlanmanager ... that's what I'm using too. What error are you getting specifically?19:39
chmouelsandywalsh: that's my problem I don't see anything in the logs, I can't ping it at all and everything seems to be up properly19:44
sandywalshchmouel, what does euca-describe-instances say?19:50
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chmouelsandywalsh: i am getting a nice running
sandywalshchmouel, cool ... are you getting connectivity issues to 10.0.0.x or authentication issues?20:28
chmouelconnectivity issues20:29
chmoueli can't ping there20:29
sandywalshah ... k, sec20:29
chmouelthe log of nova-network looks like no error btw:20:30
sandywalshwhat's 'virsh list' saying?20:31
chmouelnothing seems20:32
chmoueli am using uml20:32
sandywalshright, that could be it, I'm using qemu20:32
sandywalshThere are some notes at the top of
sandywalshregarding dnsmasq20:32
chmouelcan I use qemu on slice by the way ?20:32
chmouelon vm20:33
sandywalshI don't think so ... others have had problems with that20:33
sandywalshI'm not really familiar with the purpose/interaction with dnsmasq, but could be some gotcha's there.20:34
chmouelhumm weird going to do that with a reboot but I doubt it will solve it since the only dnsmasq process I have is one that serve for the bridge IP20:36
sandywalshyeah, that's not really my bag, so I'm not sure of the twists and turns. Those are the steps I followed.20:40
sandywalshI'm running in vmware on bridged guest ubuntu 10.10-6420:40
chmouelso qemu under vmware vm ?20:42
sorenchmouel: Did you try "euca-authorize -s default"20:56
chmouelnoip but doing that I am getting :20:57
chmouelTypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment20:57
chmouelI was just testing on austin release now but going to try that on dev20:57
chmouelI probably get a screwd VM anyway after all my tweaks trying to figure out20:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #681600 in nova "DescribeImages without image_id argument broken" [Medium,Triaged]
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