Wednesday, 2010-12-08

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xtoddxRyan_Lane: sorry had to go AFK for a minute00:05
Ryan_Lanextoddx: ok00:05
xtoddx"LDAP object %s doesn't exist, unable to add Nova fields" ?00:06
Ryan_Lanebetter :)00:07
xtoddxthe simpler: LDAP object for %s doesn't exist00:07
Ryan_Laneheh. better00:07
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xtoddxif you want to commit that I'll approve, then we can ping vishy to approve again also and you'll be all set00:08
Ryan_Laneok. adding00:08
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vishyTodd: [x.blah for x in all where x.blah is not None]00:11
vishyxtoddx: ^^00:11
xtoddxvishy: yea, but for some reason i thought it was automatic00:11
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xtoddxvishy: want to redo your approve on to capture most recent revision?00:14
vishyxtoddx: my approve is already in00:15
vishyxtoddx: but i'll flip the switch00:15
vishyRyan_Lane: did you pep8 check it?00:15
xtoddxlaunchpad complained at gundlach the other day for approving before all the commits were int00:15
xtoddxi thought that was a thing00:15
vishyxtoddx: that was because he hit approve too fast00:15
vishybefore launchpad had registered the new branch00:16
Ryan_LaneI believe I did. did it fail a check?00:16
vishyRyan_Lane: no just checking before i hit approve00:16
* vishy closes his eyes and presses the button.00:16
* Ryan_Lane sighs00:17
vishyRyan_Lane: I assume you are running the tests with redis installed so the fakeldap tests aren't skipped?00:17
Ryan_LaneI thought redis was removed?00:17
Ryan_Laneor was that for other things?00:18
Ryan_Laneof course, there was a pep8 problem... line 80 is 4 characters too long :(00:18
Ryan_LaneI had checked it before I rewrote that line00:18
vishyfakeldap uses redis00:19
vishyif it is installed00:19
Ryan_Laneah ok00:19
Ryan_LaneI did not run them with redis00:19
vishywhich will catch a lot of errors because the tests for user stuff are actually pretty good00:19
vishymight want to give it a run through and see if it pukes00:19
Ryan_Laneok. lemme check00:22
Ryan_Lanevishy: are there automated tests for this?00:22
vishypython run_tests.py00:23
Ryan_Laneah ok00:23
alekibangovishy: btw how is the web console release going?00:23
vishyif you have python-redis installed00:23
alekibangoyou told me you will ask.. i always forget the name :)00:23
vishywe finish our sprint in two days, should be on for the next sprint00:23
alekibangovishy: that was answer for me?00:24
vishyalekibango: yeah00:24
alekibangook ty00:24
Ryan_Lanevishy: tests don't puke when using redis00:25
Ryan_Lanelet me push the pep8 fix00:26
Ryan_Lanegah, it's complaining about has_key00:27
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vishyah yeah00:29
Ryan_Lanewon't that check values?00:29
Ryan_Laneah in string.keys()00:30
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BK_manlibvirt.libvirtError: authentication failed - what's wrong?00:39
BK_manthis is from nova-compute.log00:39
BK_manlibvirtd is up & running00:39
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #289: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec:
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vishyBK_man, hmm, i haven't had that, but piken was having a few weird libvirt errors01:00
BK_manvishy: ok. I need to run to office from cisco lab - see you and piken tomorrow. P.S. not sure that KVM is used instead of QEMU. Need to figure out it tomorrow01:01
BK_manvishy: and thank you!01:01
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Ryan_Lanevishy: after putting some thought into projects and project roles, I think the current way it is being done from a structural POV is likely the most elegant01:48
Ryan_Lanevishy: I think breaking apart the structure would require methods that would be clumsy01:48
Ryan_Lanethe good thing is, we can still eliminate the schema by doing clever searches01:49
Ryan_Laneonly the projects should have an owner, so the search string can use that instead01:49
Ryan_Lane(!(objectclass=novaProject)) -> (!(owner=*))01:50
Ryan_Lanelet me ensure that attribute will allow that type of search though :)01:50
Ryan_Laneand indeed it does01:56
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Ryan_Lanethough I checked via a search. I should probably check the RFC to be sure01:56
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vishyRyan_Lane: we'll have to add logic to fakeldap to understand *08:08
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openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #41,770: FAILURE in 36 sec:
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openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #41,771: STILL FAILING in 36 sec:
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openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #41,773: STILL FAILING in 36 sec:
sorenttx: \o/10:25
sorenttx: I've just integrated our wsgi implementation with apport. If something causes an expection to be thrown in nova-api, apport catches it.10:26
ttxheh, hopefully we don't throw exceptions too often :)10:28
openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #41,774: STILL FAILING in 36 sec:
* soren goes to disable the tarmac job until Launchpad is in read/write mode again.10:29
sorenAh. silence.10:30
ttxsoren: we should automatically catch that10:31
sorenttx: We don't have a lot to work with: http://localhost:9000/job/nova-tarmac/41774/console10:32
ttxI mean, tarmac should not consider it a noisy failure when LP is read-only10:33
larstobiwhat are you guys using to work with Swift? Is anyone using ruby-cloudfiles successfully? Or Fog?10:34
sorenttx: I know.10:38
sorenttx: But launchpad is just throwing a 503.10:38
sorenttx: It's hard to tell if that's a planned outage or not.10:38
ttxsoren: in planned outages, LP goes in read-only mode. We should be able to detect that. The APi should be able to be queried for that10:41
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* soren idly realises he was supposed to have today off, too.10:49
soren"OpenStack Compute (nova) has 95 active branches owned by 34 people and 4 teams. There were 413 commits by 26 people in the last month."10:50
sorenThat's a pretty impressive stat.10:50
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sorenlp is back.10:54
ttxcool, I should be able to start playing with the bp api now10:56
sorenOh, wow, yeah!10:56
openstackhudsonYippie, build fixed!10:58
openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #41,775: FIXED in 2.7 sec:
ttxsoren: about bug 684088, if you have libvirt bugtracker creds, could you forward it upstream ?11:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 684088 in libvirt "libvirt should detect the presence of tools at use-time rather than at start-time" [Undecided,Incomplete]
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sorenttx: You're asking me to interact with Bugzilla? I don't love you anymore.11:06
ttxsoren: if I really hated you I'd ask you to interact with JIRA.11:11
sorenttx: Done.11:14
ttxthanks :)11:14
sorenttx: And I've just torn up your christmas card.11:14
* ttx cries11:15
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* soren wonders what's going on with
sorennova/auth/ hasn't called allocate_network since r346. That's before Austin was released.12:09
sorenThere's no such thing as allocate_network anymore!12:09
alekibangosoren: i am trying to compile your packages from deb source (from yesterday) or todays nova from bzr -- and it  fails for me with sphinx somehow - can you please look on the log ?   -12:29
sorenalekibango: Your sphinx is too old.12:30
alekibangowhich version should it be?12:30
alekibango0.6.6-3 is in debian squeeze, thats too old? darn12:31
alekibango1.0.1-1 is in debian experimental12:32
alekibangosoren: in maverick, there is 0.6.6-112:35
alekibangowhich one you have?12:35
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sorenalekibango: 1.0.112:47
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* soren has sent so many e-mails the last couple of hours, it's not even funny.13:12
rackerhackersoren: quit spamming me! ;)13:13
sorenWhere's the love?13:17
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doudeHi all, I've just update the trunk branch of Nova and when I lunch daemon, I can see the flag "sql_connection" set to use sql database in the log. But Nova stills use a sqlite data base.13:25
doudeThere's new flag configuration ?13:27
sorenIf sql_connection is listed correctly when you start a daemon, then it has read your configuration correctly.13:28
doudeso why it creates a sqlite file and I use this type of database ?13:29
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doudeperhaps the trunk is broken and I must use an older version ?13:31
sorenNo, trunk is fine.13:31
sorenThere many components of nova.13:31
sorenPerhaps they're not all using the same config.13:31
sorenWhat is that paste from?13:32
doudeis my flags configuration I used13:32
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sorenYou said you could see it correctly in the log.13:32
sorenWhich log? Where?13:32
doude is the log of nova-copute for example13:35
sorenOk. And what reason do you have to believe that nova-compute isn't using that mysql db?13:35
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doudebecause it creates a sqlite file and nothing is done in the SQL base13:36
doudeI crete manualy the data base 'nova' in the SQL base befor start nova daemons13:36
sorenWhat reason do you have to believe it's nova-compute that's creating it?13:36
* ttx <3 nova.all_specifications13:37
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sorenttx: What sort of object is nova?13:38
doudeI don't belive it's nova-compute that's create it but one binaries of Nova (nova-manage perhaps)13:38
ttxsoren: a launchpadlib "project".13:38
sorenttx: Weird.13:38
sorenttx: Are you using a newer vresion of launchpadlib than I?13:38
ttxsoren: the trick is to use version='devel'13:38
ttxlaunchpad = Launchpad.login_anonymously('just testing', 'production', cachedir, version='devel')13:39
ttxthe bp api is not in "1.0".13:39
ttxsoren: i fumbled a bit before finding that one.13:39
alekibangottx: so you are saying launchpad will be even slower now?13:40
sorendoude: Well, they all need to use the same configuration file.13:40
sorendoude: Otherwise they... err... won't use the same configuration.13:41
ttxalekibango: it should be less heavy on it than my screenscraping attempts.13:41
sorenttx: Using lp-shell or something else?13:43
sorenttx: "lp-shell production devel" is quite handy13:44
doudesoren: yes I understand and that's what I do, I lunch nova daemons with the same configuration (with the flag 'flagfile' point on the same file)13:44
* ttx tries that13:44
sorendoude: What about nova-manage?13:44
sorenttx: Then just do "nova = lp.projects['nova']"13:45
sorenttx: ...and play around.13:45
doudesoren: I don't specifie the flag file. It's possible ? I looked the script '' and the flag file is only indicated for nova daemons13:45
sorendoude: That's your problem, then.13:45
sorendoude: You have to.13:45
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doudesoren: Ok, I don't know that.13:47
sorendoude: You do now :)13:47
doudesoren: Thank you a lot for your help and your time.13:48
doudesoren: just another question. In that state the '' should meet the same problem ?13:48
sorendoude: Depends.13:50
sorendoude: It depends on where it expects the flagfile to be for the daemons.13:50
doudesoren: nova-manage use a default path for the file ?13:51
sorenThey all do.13:51
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sorenI think it may be in <top srcdir>/bin/.13:52
sorenGah, I need to run. I need to go pick up my daughter.13:52
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creihtlarstobi: I do mostly python dev, so I use swift/common/client.py14:42
creihtLast I heard, I think the ruby cloudfiles bindings should work14:43
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creihtyou just have to set the auth url when setting it up14:43
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larstobicreiht: okay, thanks. I haven't been able to get ruby-cloudfiles to work. However, I can use Fog to list directories and fetch files, but still no luck in creating directories and files with it yet.14:44
creihtlarstobi: there is also a commandline tool that comes with swift called st14:44
creihtthat lets you do most opperations14:44
larstobiyes, I use that for storing files at this time14:44
larstobiit works well14:44
creihtlarstobi: let me see if I can find what you have to set with the ruby bindings14:45
larstobicreiht: I'll make a pastie of what I've done so far. Just a moment.14:45
creihtlarstobi: my first guess is that you have to set connection.authurl to the swift authurl14:47
chmouelsomething like that probably : cf = => "USERNAME", :api_key => "API_KEY", :authurl => "")14:47
chmouelauthurl being your swift authurl14:48
larstobiThis is the program:
larstobiThis is the current output:
creihtlarstobi: yeah what chmouel said14:48
chmouelnever used or know about fog14:49
larstobiso, the authurl parameter works well, however there's something in there that falls back to using the RackSpace urls14:49
chmouelwhy don't you use ruby-cloudfiles ?14:49
larstobiI didn't get it to work… :/14:50
creihtlarstobi: adding the authurl params when creating your connection should make it work14:50
creihtI'm trying to look at fog now14:51
larstobichmouel: this is my failed attempt at getting a connection with ruby-cloudfiles:
creihtlarstobi: I wonder if ruby url parsing is choking on the domain name14:54
larstobiyeah…maybe. I tried with IP-address as well14:54
creihtlarstobi: what if you put your ip in there instead?14:54
creihtjust as a test14:54
larstobiis it the "test:tester" username scheme that's confusing Ruby's URI perhaps?14:55
creihtshouldn't be, because that is sent as a header14:58
creihtlarstobi: can you run URI.parse("https://swift.local/v1.0") in a ruby shell to see if it gives you an error?15:00
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larstobicreiht: no error...15:01
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chmoueli donˈt have a problem wiθ ruby-cloudfile what version are u usiŋ ?15:02
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creihtchmouel: the traceback indicates 1.4.1015:02
larstobithat's the one15:02
chmouelthat's the one i have as well..15:03
creihtthat's odd15:04
creihtchmouel: look at authentication.rb, line 26 (which is where the error is occuring)15:04
chmoueli am using the git fresh checkout and i have parsing of x-cdn-management-url in there (host)15:05
chmouellarstobi: can you add a         puts response["x-cdn-management-url"]15:06
chmouelon that authentication.rb:2615:06
chmoueljust before the line actually15:06
creihtlarstobi: what version of ruby?15:07
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creihtis it posible there was a change on how URI.parse works in different versions of ruby?15:07
larstobiruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [x86_64-linux]15:07
* creiht apologizes that his ruby foo is lacking15:07
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chmouelsame version as me15:07
chmoueland same ruby lacking as chuck  8-)15:08
larstobiit outputs: "nil"15:09
larstobiwith the puts on there15:09
chmouelcan you try directly with curl then  ?15:09
chmouellet me find out the command line15:09
creihtchmouel: he said that st works15:09
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creihtwhich would seem to indicate that swift is working correctly15:10
larstobiyes, I agree15:10
larstobiI have been using swift with st and curl without problems15:10
chmouelthat's weird let me pull up a recent swift checkout to test15:11
larstobiAdding a "p response" instead of the beforementioned puts line, the object looks like this: #<Net::HTTPNoContent 204 No Content readbody=true>15:13
creihtlarstobi: right, so the request was made fine, it is for some reason barfing trying to set up all the settings15:14
creihtnamely setting the cdn management url, which should be empty anyways15:15
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* creiht installs ruby on his laptop for the first time15:15
pikenI am not a ruby fan at all15:16
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creihtok, so a URI.parse(nil) gives me that same error15:17
creihtchmouel: are you running your test against cloudfiles, or a swift instance?15:19
chmoueli'm running against a old swift instance i had15:20
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chmouelwhich I just blew up 8-\15:20
creihtchmouel: so what is weird, is I'm not sure how it even worked for you in the first place :)15:21
creihtlarstobi: so for just a quick test, can you see if it works if you comment out all the x-cdn-* lines there in authentication.rb?15:22
larstobiI will :)15:22
chmouelmaybe i messed it and it did not use my swift instance15:22
larstobicreiht: okay, it now reports no errors and exits cleanly15:23
larstobiI must see if I can list some directories now15:23
larstobiI can list directories15:26
creihtlarstobi: I'll track down who is in charage of the bindings and see if I can get that part fixed15:26
notmynamecreiht: wade minter15:26
creihtlet me know if you run into any further issues with the ruby bindings15:26
larstobiokay, thanks a bunch for your help! :)15:27
creihtlarstobi: np15:27
notmynamecreiht: @minter on twitter15:28
creihtnotmyname: thx15:28
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xfafsoren: i was thinking of doing an upload tomorrow15:33
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creihtbug filed15:35
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larstobicreiht: thanks :)15:36
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pikenfinally some time to my self so back to my installer tonight. lol15:58
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sandywalshcan you assign more than one person to a bp?16:50
ttxsandywalsh: you can assign a group.16:51
ttxsandywalsh: though I don't think you should:16:51
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tr3buchetwhy's that?16:51
ttxthe "assignee" doesn't mean it's the only person working on something16:51
ttxit's just a refernce point responsible for the delivery of the feature16:51
sandywalshttx, I was just thinking in the event people had questions and wanted to contact someone16:52
ttxso it's ok if you just put one person from a group16:52
tr3buchetis there a way see/set the people working on it?16:52
ttxIf you need to be more precise, you can always dump names into the whiteboard16:53
ttxthough in the end, looking at the linked branch and see who commits to it might prove more useful16:53
sandywalshttx,  groovy ... thx!16:55
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jk0when is the bexar release scheduled?16:57
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ttxrelease: Feb 316:57
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ttxmtaylor: I have coded up a tarmac plugin for CLA verification. That said it's a bit early to enable it, the list at is awfully empty right now.16:59
ttxmtaylor: unless you want to kick soren and jaypipes out.17:00
jaypipesttx: sure :)17:02
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #290: SUCCESS in 1 min 14 sec:
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edayjaypipes: thanks for the reviews :)17:24
openstackhudsonProject nova build #291: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec:
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jaypipeseday: sorry for the delays.17:26
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edayjaypipes: no worries :)17:31
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uvirtbotNew bug: #687451 in nova "test_authors_up_to_date requires bzrlib of some specific version?" [Undecided,New]
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tr3bucheti'm trying to figure out how compute.api and compute.manage interact, anyone have a quick rundown for me?18:24
edayi can18:24
edaycompute.api is the API to talk to compute.manage. API is used in the nova-api servers (or elsewhere), and compute.manager is the nova-compute worker18:25
sandywalsheday, so is manager for particular racks and scheduler for cross-rack operations?18:26
sandywalsheday, i.e. how to decide what goes in scheduler and what goes in manager18:27
edayscheduler should just be routing, it shouldn't really do anything18:29
edaycompute.manager should do all the work related to instances18:29
sandywalshrouting in which sense18:29
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edaywhen I launch a new VM, which compute.manager instance should it go to?18:29
edayscheduler decides this18:30
sandywalshok ... so racks or whatever partitioning you decide at deploy18:30
sandywalshcool, thx for that18:30
edaywe were talking about the concept of zones I think, and you can draw those lines wherever you want (racks, clusters, dcs, regions, ...)18:30
sirp1gundlach, _cerberus_: have you guys run into bad interactions between python's daemon module and eventlet?18:31
edayof course, we don't have any multi-tiered schedulers today, which is what I'm working towards now18:31
edaytr3buchet: the is how compute.api talks to compute.manager18:31
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edayit's assuming a shared DB by both right now, but that will be changing18:32
sandywalsheday, this is the refactoring your working on to pull all the stuff out of api18:33
edaypretty much, right now the db access is pretty scattered... trying to get good internal APIs formed to make the scheduler rework easier18:34
sandywalshAre there any notes on the security context mechanism/design?18:36
edayNot much, I'd just read nova/ and see how it's used by various parts (especially nova.db)18:37
sandywalshSeems to model EC2
sandywalsheday, yup, will read18:38
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edayohh, well security groups are different than user/project context18:38
edaywhich one are you asking about? :)18:39
sandywalshthe ones referenced in manager18:40
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sandywalshcontext.elevated(), etc18:40
edaythey both are :)18:40
sandywalsh'fraid I don't know yet18:40
edaycontext == user/project context, which talks to nova.auth (ldap, ...)18:41
edayinjected during the API request at the authentication step, used for authz through the process (ops, db access, ...)18:41
edaysecurity groups == firewall config basically18:41
edaysoren/vish can expand more on security groups18:41
edaybut, "groups" in the auth context sense == projects18:42
sandywalshThat's the sense I'm assuming ... user/project. Firewall doesn't seem applicable in this scenario18:43
edayspeaking of which, we need to figure out what we want to do with projects for the openstack API.. right now they're not being used and are hacking around things by simply using the user_id18:43
sandywalshhmm, yes. We should bring that up with pvo18:44
sandywalshis there a ticket/bp?18:44
edaythe openstack API has no concept of specifying a project ID. in ec2, they hacked it in by appending the projct ID to the access key18:44
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sandywalshyeah, I ran into that trying to authenticate cloudservers using the keys in novarc ... had to strip it off18:45
edaytermie: you around?18:55
vishyeday: termie should be around soon18:58
edayvishy: any idea where things are on unified-service-arch stuff? (moving off of twisted)18:59
tr3bucheteday i'm not seeing any rpc calls related to updating instances, only create. care to comment?19:00
edaytr3buchet: reboot and rescure are also in there... what types of updates do you mean?19:02
edaytr3buchet: some updates are db-only changes19:02
edayso don't need a rpc19:03
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vishyeday: sounds like something we should discuss in person!19:05
edayyeah.. I think friday will work in the city19:05
edayyou guys near union square by chance?19:05
tr3bucheteday, i don't think my source is out of date, but i don't see the word rescue anywhere in compute.api19:08
tr3bucheteday is rescue one of those db only changes?19:09
edaytr3buchet: pull tha latest trunk19:09
edaytr3buchet: nope, this sends a rpc msg19:09
sandywalshec2 has no concept of pause/suspend does it?19:16
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termieeday: yup19:36
termiesoren: heya, the change you made breaks without bzrlib19:36
edaytermie: how's the twisted removal going?19:36
termieeday: haven't particularly worked on it as i was waiting on some sort of agreement that it should be worked on19:37
edaytermie: I saw you had a branch for compute, but it's not been touched ina  while :)19:37
termiesoren: we talked about it yesterday a bit19:37
termiesoren: and you said it wouldn't be a problem19:37
termiesoren: but a clean checkout and running tests causes that test to fail19:37
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termieeday: i'd be happy enough to work on it again19:37
termieeday: i here you are in town, also19:38
termieeday: The Boys(tm) recommended that we try to be at the same place at the same time sometime in the near future19:38
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termieeday: the branch more or less has to be rewritten19:41
termieeday: so many conflicts19:41
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termieeday: will see whether i can sort it out a bit faster19:41
edaytermie: figured as much, and yeah, thinking of being in SF on friday19:41
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termieeday: going through the conflicts they aren't actually that bad so far19:44
sandywalshinteresting that the nova ec2 api has rescue when ec2 itself doesn't offer it19:50
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sorentermie: Can you help me understand why?19:50
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sorentermie: Because it makes no sense to me at all.19:50
sorentermie: Which version of bzr do you have?19:50
termiesoren: there is no bzr installed19:51
termiesoren: so it fails19:51
termiesoren: bzr isn't listed as a dependency19:51
sorenSo how the heck do you have a .bzr?19:51
termiesoren: we use a virtualenv19:51
termiesoren: to keep track of dependencies19:51
sorenOk. So add it?19:52
sorenI don't use virtualenv.19:52
termiesoren: that is one solution, yeah19:52
termiesoren: not sure why bzr is a dependency though19:52
sorenBecause reimplementing bzr is stupid?19:52
termiesoren: if you are using checkign for .bzr to determine something19:52
termiesoren: maybe you should instead check for bzrlib19:52
sorenThat would just defer the test case's failure until it runs on Hudson.19:53
sorenWho gains from that?19:53
termiesoren: you are being very defensive for some reason19:53
termiesoren: the point is, the test fails, i was just trying to alert you19:54
sorenHow am I being defensive? If this check doesn't work in virtualenv, it needs to be fixed, not worked around, IMO.19:55
soren...and skipping it if bzrlib isn't around will just make the test appear to succeed, but will fail once it reaches Hudson.19:55
termiewe have already presented a solution19:55
sorenSorry, what was that?19:55
termiemake bzr a dependency19:55
sorenI must have missed it.19:55
sorenThat's what I said, wasn't it?19:55
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soren19:51 < termie> soren: we use a virtualenv19:55
soren19:51 < termie> soren: to keep track of dependencies19:55
soren19:52 <+soren> Ok. So add it?19:55
termiethen i said "that is one solution, yeah"19:56
termiei then offered an additional suggestion, because you mentioned checking for .bzr19:56
sorenPerhaps I read too much into your "that is one solution, yeah".19:56
* vishy prefers the dependency19:56
sorenI read that as "that is one solution, yeah, but not a very good one"19:56
termieso it would seem19:56
rlucioxtoddx: fyi on the puppet stuff, i have it up and running, but there was alot of environment specific stuff i had to rip out19:57
vishypip can install bzrlib just fine i assume?19:57
sorenPerhaps hudson should run these tests both with virtualenv and without it.19:57
vishysoren: seems reasonable, I think we should add a pep8 check into the unittests as well19:57
edayhmm, adding bzr as a dependency doesn't seem like a good idea, since it only a dev dependency, not a runtime19:57
tr3buchetso my branch failed merge as expected:
tr3buchetwhat's next in this process?19:58
soreneday: I'm not sure why that matters?19:58
notmynamesacrifice a goat19:58
vishyeday: do we need a separate set of tests for dev: author check, pep8, etc.?19:58
edaytr3buchet: merge trunk and fix the conflicts19:58
tr3bucheti've been waiting for that to come back in popularity!19:58
soreneday: How do these dependencies come into play for anyone but developers?19:58
soreneday: They're listed as dependencies in some virtualenv thingamajig aren't they?19:59
edaysoren: someone who installs nova as a user?19:59
termiesoren: we have to keep track of dependencies so that we know what end users have to install19:59
vishytr3buchet: re-merge trunk?19:59
edayoh, I thought this was nova deps in general, not just dev/venv19:59
sorenHow does that work? I always use packages.19:59
vishytr3buchet: and push19:59
termiesoren: what?19:59
sorentermie: I can repeat it, but I'm not sure that would help :)20:00
termiesoren: how does keeping track of dependencies work?20:00
termiesoren: or what are you asking?20:00
vishyeday, soren, termie: I don't think end users are going to use virtualenv, are they?20:00
termievishy: no, it is a development tool to keep track of dependencies20:00
sorentermie: Are people expected to read that file and install package accordingly?20:00
edayvishy: probably not.. i just wanted to make sure the bzr dep didn't make it's way into the runtime deps list20:00
edaybecause that would be just silly20:00
sorentermie: Or is there a tool that does something clever?20:00
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tr3buchetvishy/eday, thanks20:01
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sorentermie: I always install debs for my dependencies. I never use these pip things.20:01
termiesoren: obviously not, i am expecting developers to make sure that the things they are makign the code depend on are tracked20:01
sorentermie: If it's supposed to be read by humans, just add a comment saying "don't bother with bzrlib for deployment, it's only for development".20:01
tr3buchetalso, i'm no bzr ninja, is there a way to merge trunk straight from launchpad, or do i need to ensure my local trunk is up to date first then merge it>20:01
termiesoren: so in this case, for example, when you do not mark bzrlib as a dependency the tests fails20:02
sorentermie: And how is bzr not a reasonable dependency for them?20:02
vishytr3buchet: bzr merge lp:nova20:02
edaytr3buchet: bzr merge lp:nova   from within your branch20:02
termiesoren: i never said it wasn't20:02
sorenthen I'm not sure what we're discussing.20:02
termiesoren: you are really being very caustic sir20:02
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sorenThis part of the discussion started with this: 19:57 <+eday> hmm, adding bzr as a dependency doesn't seem like a good idea, since it only a dev dependency, not a runtime20:02
tr3buchetthanks again20:03
sorenI really don't mean to be difficuelt.20:03
sorenNor difficult.20:03
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sorentermie: I just don't understand how adding bzr as a dependency (like you're suggesting) will end up making it a run time dependency.20:03
termiesoren: i believe we established that you suggested that20:04
sorenReally. I don't understand, because I use different tools to get my dependencies.20:04
sorenSuggested what?20:04
termieif anybody else would like to take over this conversation, feel free, i am going back to coding20:04
edayre my comment, as long as there isnot a USER dependency, I'm fine.. I just didn't want bzr/bzrlib to end up there20:04
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edaydev/venv is fine20:05
* vishy is confused20:05
sorenSorry, English is not my first language. I'm trying to convey they fact that there's something here I don't understand. I cannot comprehend it. No comprendo.20:05
sorenI'm not sure what I'm doing wrong in that respect.20:05
vishyI don't generally use venv, but adding it to pip requires seems fine to me20:05
edayas long as the pip depds != user deps, sounds good20:06
termieeday: they aren't20:06
soreneday: Part of what I don't understand is that distinction.20:06
termieeday: so it shouldn't be a problem20:06
edaytermie: cool :)20:06
jk0is it generally OK to have branches with multiple merges? kind of like a "merge as we progress" kind of thing20:07
vishyI think that a user who is advanced enough to be using a venv probably can handle that20:07
sorenjk0: Sure.20:07
vishyjk0: yes20:07
jk0excellent, thanks20:07
edayjk0: you may want to look at bzr pipelines if you do that, it's what I use to stack my merge reqs20:07
* jk0 googles20:07
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edayjk0: that way if you need to work on previous merge reqs, you can easily push changes through the rest of the pipline20:08
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jk0cool, thanks man20:08
jk0I'll read up on it20:08
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sorenI've just reread this conversation. Still have no clue what I did wrong.20:09
zulsoren: i was going to do a upload to the archvie tomorrow20:10
sorenAs in: I don't understand. It's not that I disagree. I completely fail to see what might be the problem.20:10
sorenzul: Great.20:10
edaysoren: different assumptions and misunderstandings :)20:12
edaylike most technical discussions go, the first 95% is getting on the same page with definitions and assumptions, the last 5% is the useful part20:13
sandywalshin compute, where is the pump for pulling messages out of the queue and delegating them?20:13
sandywalshdon't see it in manager.Manager20:14
edaysandywalsh: for nova-compute manager?20:14
sandywalsheday, yes20:14
edaysandywalsh: nova.service.py20:14
sandywalsheday, ah, thx20:14
edayI think at some point service and manage will merge into one20:14
edayalthough vishy may have more insight there ;)20:15
soreneday: I'm still not sure about these dependency things. We have a file called pip-requires. I understand that is used by virtualenv to somehow grab these dependencies and install them in a clean environment.20:15
soreneday: Is that accurate so far?20:15
edaysoren: I think so, I don't use venv either20:15
soreneday: Ah.20:15
sorenMaybe it's your question that doesn't make sense and you confused me :)20:16
termiesoren: your previous statement is accurate, yes20:16
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edayI assumed pip-requires was fed into the user deps, so I think I had a wrong assumption there20:17
sorenI mean, I suppose that file could be used by some tool to install runtime dependencies too. I just don't know, because I don't use all the easy_install, pip, virtualenv and whatnot tools.20:17
sorenI always use deb's to install my dependencies, so I don't know if there's some tool that other people use that might end up install bzrlib during install.20:17
edaysoren: where do you list the deps for .deb packaging?20:17
soreneday: In debian/control. I keep it up-to-date manually.20:18
sandywalsheday, yeah I could have perhaps found it by starting from bin/nova-compute ... but all the bin/nova-* files are essentially the same. Hard to find how it maps to compute.20:18
soreneday: (maintained in another branch20:18
termiesandywalsh: it is a little roundabout at the moment20:18
edaysandywalsh: yeah, theres a bit of magic there looking at argv[0]20:18
termiesandywalsh: there are some goals to fix that though20:18
sandywalshcool ... thanks for the clarification guys20:18
termieanyway, branch is here
termieand the relevant merge proposal
termieeday: btw, don't know what the friday plans are but i do have a spare room at my place if you want to crash in the city rather than trying to get back down to southbay20:23
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edaytermie: thanks! I have some friends in san bruno and am going to crash there (also have the wife and dog with me). I'll be meeting up with you guys right after lunch on friday20:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #687509 in swift "Improve Error Reporting With Large Object Manifests" [Undecided,New]
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sirp1_cerberus_:  have you encountered bad file descriptor errors relating to eventlet and the daemonize library? specifically event creating the epoll fd on import and then daemonize child proc not receiving it b/c its not explicitly passed?20:39
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_cerberus_I have not :-/20:43
sirp1_cerberus_:  it looks like some of the imports in nova are carefully strucutured to avoid the problem, but wasn't sure you were trying to avoid this exact problem20:44
_cerberus_I wasn't personally. At least not that I recall20:44
tr3buchetis there a power state arbiter of some sort?20:46
tr3bucheti ask seeing the rescue and unrescue instance both set power_state to NOSTATE20:47
sandywalshso, if I pause a server and then unpause it, should compute set the power state to running or does something else determine that (ie. the unpause fails, let's say)20:47
_cerberus_I don't believe there's any strict state machine to speak of, no, and the power states themselves are hypervisor dependent20:47
sandywalsh_cerberus_, does that mean we should set it to running, even though the unpause might fail?20:48
jk0anyone up for a review?
tr3buchetalso at which point does it get set to RUNNING after an unrescue?20:49
_cerberus_sandywalsh: is there no way to check the actual state and set accordingly?20:49
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jk0you can see state by xenapi_conn.get_info()20:50
sandywalsh_cerberus_, hmm, I suppose if the unpause command returns it either worked or didn't20:51
_cerberus_tr3buchet: sandywalsh: In our case, the default way to handle that was to avoid indicating a running state until the very last second in any scenario because so many things are dependent on the idea of instance being accessible20:51
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sandywalshit's not an async call20:51
_cerberus_s/instance/an instance/20:51
sandywalshso, assuming unpause blocks, when it returns the power state is correct20:52
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_cerberus_I'm not sure. Can anyone else answer that?20:53
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vishytr3buchet: power state is determined ultimately by the driver20:56
_cerberus_If you look at the libvirt implementation of rescue, the call itself should set the state. We preemptively change the state NOSTATE and then let the driver handle the rest20:56
_cerberus_What vishy said20:56
_cerberus_So if the unpause fails, unpause should handle that itself and apply the state appropriately20:57
tr3buchetthis is what i was thinking, knew something had to be setting power state outside of compute.manager20:57
sandywalshok, so last-mile call to XenAPI::unpause (in the driver) determines power state20:57
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* sandywalsh rubs hands like Mr. Burns and murmurs "excellent ..."20:58
_cerberus_tr3buchet: sandywalsh: check out nova/virt/ for examples20:58
_cerberus_It's a bit further along than the XenAPI code20:59
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sandywalsh_cerberus_, perfect!20:59
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KyleM1Hmm.  I'm following the instructions here to get started with nova on one machine:21:12
KyleM1The command in step six completes without generating any output (nothing to stdout/stderr and no file)21:12
KyleM1But running "nova-manage project list" shows that my project exists.21:12
KyleM1I tried using the zipfile command to make the zipfile and it errored out in with the following error:21:13
KyleM1  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nova-2011.1-py2.6.egg/nova/", line 148, in _sign_csr21:13
KyleM1    os.chdir(ca_folder)21:13
KyleM1OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nova-2011.1-py2.6.egg/nova/..//CA'21:13
KyleM1Does anyone have any suggestions?21:13
Ryan_LaneKyleM1: you need a flag in your flagfile21:15
Ryan_LaneKyleM1: --state_path=/var/lib/nova21:15
Ryan_LaneKyleM1: unless you are running an older version21:15
KyleM1Okay.  And where does the flagfile live?21:15
KyleM1I think I'm running the current version....21:16
Ryan_LaneKyleM1: then it'll be --ca_path, and --keys_path21:16
KyleM1My coworker set up this install.21:16
Ryan_Laneflagfile should be /etc/nova/nova.conf21:16
KyleM1Okay, thanks Ryan_Lane.  I'll let you know if that works.21:17
* Ryan_Lane nods21:17
Ryan_Lanethat file should already exist...21:17
KyleM1Huh..../etc/nova does not exist.21:17
Ryan_Lanewell, that's problematic ;)21:17
KyleM1Should I just mkdir it and create the nova.conf, or if there some script that should auto-generate some of this?21:18
Ryan_Laneps -ef | grep nova21:18
Ryan_Lanelook for --flagfile=21:18
KyleM1The only thing that grep caught was itself :-/21:19
Ryan_Lanethen the services aren't running21:19
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Ryan_LaneKyleM1: look at: /etc/init.d/nova-scheduler21:19
Ryan_Laneit should have flagfile listed in there21:19
dubsquared1hola #openstack!21:19
Ryan_Lanedubsquared1: howdy21:20
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KyleM1That doesn't exist either...21:20
dubsquared1anyone know if they are updating the nova-* packages in truck today/right now?21:20
KyleM1Perhaps the installation instructions there are out of date?21:20
Ryan_LaneKyleM1: you use the instructins for lucid or maverick?21:20
dubsquared1i added my ppa repos, im having some trouble installing nova-common etc21:21
KyleM1It's a debian squeeze. machine.21:21
KyleM1The "other" instructions were for RPM systems, so it's possible we missed something when we were working out what packages to install.21:22
alekibangoKyleM1: on 1 machine its easiest to use v!shy's script. it works with debian squeeze21:22
KyleM1Sounds good.21:22
alekibangoyou know which one i am talking about?21:22
Ryan_Lanethat's only really good for test/dev, really21:22
KyleM1Yeah, I think so...contrib/nova.sh21:23
alekibangoKyleM1: and i have some squeeze packages for testing... :)21:23
KyleM1(this is for development, honestly)21:23
Ryan_Laneah. good :)21:23
KyleM1I want to add a new volume driver but I need to be able to test it to make sure it works!21:23
alekibangoKyleM1: what do you want to add?21:24
KyleM1Rados Block Device (RBD).21:24
alekibangoah, interesting21:25
KyleM1It's the thing that the Ceph distributed filesystem is built on.  (I'm with DreamHost; I met some of you at the summit a few weeks ago)21:25
alekibangoi know ceph, i am just scared about its experimental status, otherwise i like it a lot21:26
alekibangoKyleM1: when will it be stable?21:26
alekibangoi mean rbd/ceph21:26
KyleM1alekibango: I don't know.  We've been expanding testing a lot recently.21:26
KyleM1We want to use it internally so we're working hard to make it stable.21:27
alekibangogood to hear...21:27
alekibangoKyleM1: anyway, i am not sure its the script i was talking about21:27
alekibangommnt, will give you url21:28
dubsquared1anyone seeing this from the package install —>
KyleM1Awesome, thanks!21:30
alekibangocompare it to the sript you showed me21:30
KyleM1Wilco.  How should I clean up the existing install that I have so that nothing conflicts?21:30
alekibango1) dont use with_venv21:30
alekibango2) dont use ppa21:30
alekibangoit should work21:30
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alekibangoKyleM1: place the into empty /srv/cloud21:31
alekibangoand run it as described in readme21:31
alekibangothe path should be like this21:31
alekibangofor best results21:31
KyleM1Awesome, thanks alekibango!21:32
alekibangoKyleM1: we are all in this together :)21:32
alekibangoif you will make ceph stable that would be great way of saying thanks :)21:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #687545 in swift "object-auditor uses too many resources" [Undecided,New]
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dubsquared1it appears that two packages are fighting over ownership of this file, and i dont know enough about deb packaging to fix21:41
dubsquared1md5 on em, and they are the exact same file as well.21:43
KyleM1alekibango: just for clarification before I run this...what do you mean when you say "dont use with_venv" and "dont use ppa"; are those things in vishy's script that I need to disable, or ways that it differs from the script I was looking at, or something else?21:43
alekibangolook into source21:44
alekibangothere are some variables which change way of operating21:44
alekibangoedit them to   have *PPA*=0  nad *VENV*=0   inside (i dont remember whole names of those vars)21:45
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alekibangoKyleM1: few hours later i might give you working debian packages, but i need to try them well first :)21:45
alekibangoi ma installing them using FAI, which is lots of fun21:46
KyleM1Those variables are in the script or somewhere in the source that it downloads when?21:46
alekibango(on cluster)21:46
alekibangoin nova script21:46
alekibangoread readme also before u run it21:46
alekibangoyou need to be root to run it21:46
KyleM1Okay, thanks.21:46
alekibangoit might hack your interfaces and iptables but its safe otherwise (hopefully)21:46
dubsquared1alekibango:  do you manage nova-common, or python-nova?21:48
alekibangovishy: are u here? i think we should have some script which will look around and will identify if our nova installation is ok... do you think you might ivent thing like this?21:48
alekibangodubsquared1: none. i am just another user21:48
alekibangowho wishes to run his cloud well with nova21:49
openstackhudsonProject nova build #293: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec:
dubsquared1is there anyone that can pull out of nova-common, as it's getting installed via python-nova and causing the dependency to fail21:51
alekibangodubsquared1: you mean ubuntu package?21:52
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alekibangodubsquared1: that is work of soren :) try asking him, but its becoming late for him today21:53
dubsquared1it appears that all the nova-* packages are trying to install this file, but it's already there from python-nova21:53
alekibangomaybe  8-9 hours later21:53
alekibangodubsquared1: dpkg -i --force-overwrite21:53
alekibangobtw what your name means?21:54
* alekibango is curious21:54
dubsquared1dubsquared, name is Wayne Walls21:55
alekibangoyes i meant nick :)21:55
alekibangoi know waht is dub, what is square, but together - i have no idea21:56
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rlucioi assume dubsquared => dub^221:58
uvirtbotdubsquared1: Error: "correct" is not a valid command.21:59
alekibangoit sounds very much like word coming from freemasonry22:00
alekibangoas for example eavesdroping, square deal etc22:00
alekibangonevermind, thats my problem, looking for meanings and origins of everything...22:01
jk0can I get a nova-core member to review please? :)22:05
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sorendubsquared1: Oh, it's being installed in both of them?22:22
dubsquared1soren:  yeah :(22:23
sorendubsquared1: Fail. /me fixes22:23
dubsquared1lol, awesome22:23
sorendubsquared1: Erk, it's in all of them!22:24
dubsquared1soren: yep...22:24
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dubsquared1we just did a nice lil force 5 times over to get by it22:25
dubsquared1but yeah…dont want that to be a standard practice :D22:25
sorendh_apport seems to be b0rken.22:28
rlucioxtoddx: you around?22:30
dubsquared1soren:  yeah, I saw that creep into a few errors…i have the pasties if you need22:30
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xtoddxrlucio: i'm about to head out for a couple of hours.  what time zone are you in?22:38
xtoddxok, i'll ping you when I"m back on22:39
rluciocool thx22:39
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dubsquared1soren:  im leaving work for the day, and be back on later tonight.  is there an ETA today/night for a fix, or is this something that could take longer?  just want to prioritize my pending work :D22:50
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vishyalekibango: agreed, main issue i see is conflict between packages and checkout22:52
sorendubsquared1: Just uploaded a fix.22:53
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sorendubsquared1: It's building. It should be apt-getable in half an hour.22:53
* soren goes to bed... will fix up natty build tomorrow.22:54
dubsquared1soren: sweet! ill give it a go when i get home.22:54
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tr3bucheti'm getting an unittest error for test_authors_up_to_date... any ideas?23:17
tr3buchetnot fail, error23:18
tr3buchetrunning locally23:18
edayadd yourself to the Authors file :)23:19
tr3bucheti did23:21
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edayahh, that's the thing soren added23:23
edayprobably need a newer version of bzr23:23
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_cerberus_tr3buchet: what bzr version are you using?23:24
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tr3buchetjust upgraded to whatever was in apt and it still errors23:25
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edaywhat version?23:25
_cerberus_I'm on a beta version 2.3.0dev123:25
edayI have 2.2.1 and works fine for me23:25
tr3buchetgotta be bleeding edge to keep up with soren?23:26
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 687451 in nova "test_authors_up_to_date requires bzrlib of some specific version?" [Undecided,New]23:28
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