Monday, 2011-01-17

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openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #53,149: FAILURE in 1.3 sec:
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openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #53,151: STILL FAILING in 1.4 sec:
openstackhudsonYippie, build fixed!07:55
openstackhudsonProject nova-tarmac build #53,152: FIXED in 2.3 sec:
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ttxDigitalFlux: about package install failing... what packages are you installing ?08:36
DigitalFluxttx: you are monitoring the channel logs :)08:37
DigitalFluxnova-compute is failing ..08:37
DigitalFluxttx: Here is a full log08:38
ttxok, so maverick / 2011.1~bzr56908:38
DigitalFluxannegentle: there ?08:40
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ttxlooks like a libvirt0 install issue, not a nova one08:40
ttxbut the end of your logs seem to say it's ok now ?08:41
DigitalFluxYeah, but this is after resolving those issues08:46
DigitalFluxby answering those bunch of aptitude questions08:46
DigitalFluxI need to automate the installation non-interactively ..08:46
ttxit was a libvirt0 install error (bad deps), can you reproduce it on a new system ?08:47
DigitalFluxI actually had this on two different systems08:48
DigitalFluxBut OK, trying with another new one ..08:48
ttxsoren: ping me when around, I need your help for the final branch push08:48
ttxDigitalFlux: try installing libvirt0 first to see if you reproduce the issue outside nova08:49
DigitalFluxttx: I see, OK will do08:49
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DigitalFluxttx: seemed like a problem with cached packages ..10:01
DigitalFluxttx: installing fine on a different node ..10:01
ttxDigitalFlux: ok10:02
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sorenttx: what's up?10:12
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rcchi guys, just started to fiddle with openstack wiki and source code. I'd like to contribute, any easy bug from nova you might suggest  to start with?12:06
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* ttx looks12:33
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ttxrcc: maybe bug 68141712:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 681417 in nova "All errors about quotas should include a unit" [Low,Triaged]
ttxsoren: we need another review pass on
sorenttx: I know. I'm procrastinating.12:36
ttxwith an assessment of how far it seems to be from being mergeable, so that we can give masumotok some FFe answer12:36
ttxif there is no chance that can get merged in time, no need to spend too much review effort on it, better defer12:37
ttxsoren: ^12:37
sorenttx: python-glance installed on Hudson.12:38
* soren retries
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rccthx ttx, i'll have a look12:56
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* annegentle is up and at 'em. Whoever 'em are. Bring 'em. :)13:22
sorenannegentle: That's the spirit! :)13:25
annegentleI've worked through a proof of concept process for some documents to populate with docbook as source, outputting their "webhelp" format - woohoo. And whew. I'm gonna make the Bexar deadline.13:25
annegentleI'll have a site up for people to comment on, critique, test, whatnot, in the next week or so.13:26
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sandywalshttx, are the last of the merges done now?13:52
sandywalsh(feature merges)13:52
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ttxsandywalsh: no13:54
ttxsandywalsh: one more rinse necessary for xs-snapshots13:55
ttxsame for pastedeploy13:55
sandywalshttx is xenapi-glance-2 still on the table?13:55
ttxdb-migration is pending on live-migration13:55
ttxxenapi-glance and live-migration are still on the hook13:56
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ttxif those two aren't closer to getting merged today, I'll probably propose to defer them.13:56
thatsdonemasumotok posted merge request again today (in Japan)13:56
ttxso those last two need all the reviews they can get.13:56
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sandywalshok, I'll continue on glance, thx13:57
ttxthatsdone: yes, I asked nova-core people to rereview them to assess how far it is from being ready13:57
thatsdonethanks! ttx13:57
masumotokttx: anyway, please let me know if I can do something13:59
ttxmasumotok: soren told me he would rereview soon, I'll also ask vish when he arrives.13:59
ttxany other nova-core person is welcome to review as well.14:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #703972 in nova "Nova instance names don't carry to XenAPI instance name" [Undecided,New]
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sorenI'm using st to upload a bunch of files (There's 2662 files on the command line, and I'm specifying -c... There are about 800 left to go). It starts out decently (CPU usage of ~7%), but after a while it shoots up to 100% CPU usage, and if I wait even longer, it ends up eating 150% (or however much it can get its hands on). Does this sound familiar at all?14:41
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sorenHm... One of the threads seems stuck in a tight loop calling read(2) on one of the files, but is getting an empty string back.14:45
sorenThere seems to be some EOF handling somewhere that needs work.14:46
* soren digs14:46
sandywalshanyone know how to do the equivalent of the euca-bundle-image/euca-upload-bundle/euca-register dance with glance?14:51
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ttxsirp-: ping15:06
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sorenHm... Ok, instrumenting the put_object function a bit, I can see that it ends up in a state where left=31490737 (the full length of the file), size=65536, it tries to read size bytes, but gets 0. Looking at /proc/<pid>/fdinfo/<fd>, I can see the file pointer is actually pointed at EOF.15:38
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sorenI'm not sure how this could have happened.15:39
sorenYet, at least.15:39
sorenHmm... Except, of course, if the contents object passed in somehow got fast-forwarded to EOF before it even reached put_object.15:41
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creihtsoren: that is odd16:01
creihthaven't seen that before16:01
creihtthough, I admit that I have only used st for small groups of files16:02
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gholtsoren: That is a bit odd. Do you have files that change size?16:05
gholtI've never playing around with st in that sort of scenario.16:05
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gholtBut yeah, I could put in a bit better error checking there where if the read gets 0 it throws an exception.16:06
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704015 in swift "st and's reads aren't checking for EOF condition" [Undecided,New]
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jaypipessirp-: around?16:30
sirp-jaypipes: yep16:31
jaypipessirp-: heya, ttx and I are trying to get xenapi-glance-2 merged, but we're stuck on
jaypipessirp-: could you fix the merge conflict there and re-push?16:31
jaypipessirp-: glance is now installed on Hudson and (hopefully!) after resolving that merge conflict in compute/, it should go through...16:32
sirp-jaypipe: yeah ttx pinged me on that just a bit ago, will do16:32
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jaypipessirp-: cheers :)16:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704038 in glance "Glance RegistryClient only connects to" [High,Confirmed]
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sirp-jaypipes: fyi fixed conflicts and re-pushed xs-snaps17:23
jaypipessirp-: rock.17:24
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sandywalshjaypipes, I have a lucid tarball that has the kernel, ramdisk and machine image in it ... is this the same format I should use for glance?18:17
openstackhudsonProject nova build #410: SUCCESS in 1 min 30 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: The Openstack API requires image metadata to be returned immediately after an image-create call.18:17
openstackhudsonThis is accomplished by having the ImageService create a 'queued' image in Glance.18:17
openstackhudsonWhen the image is subsequently uploaded, the image will go from 'queued' -> 'saving' -> 'queued'.18:17
openstackhudsonRelated Future Work:18:17
openstackhudsonThe ImageService needs to be cleaned up so that there is a canonical set of attributes (id, status, etc), and a canonical set of values ('queued', 'saving', etc). Right now, EC2 is fairly coupled to LocalImageService and S3ImageService while OpenStackAPI is coupled to GlanceImageService; ideally, we should be able mix-and-match from any of these.18:17
sandywalshsirp do I need xs_snapshot to create images first, before I can use xenapi-glance?18:17
sandywalshsirp- ^18:18
jaypipessirp-: hallelujah. xs-snapshots are in trunk.18:18
sandywalshwhich makes my previous question all the more timely18:19
jaypipessandywalsh: currently, you can store each of the kernel, ramdisk, and machine image in Glance separately. The discussion on the ML recently hints that we are moving towards getting rid of that and instead having Glance store the disk_format and appliance_format instead of the "type" (which is very AMI specific)18:20
sirp-jaypipes: awesome18:20
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sandywalshjaypipes so I should probably take my current images, create an instance and use trunk (now) to move the snapshot into glance.18:21
jaypipessandywalsh: totally depends what you are doing with it... I'm not familiar with the work you are currently doing. Could you elaborate, please?18:22
sandywalshwell, I'm trying to review xenapi-glance, but part of that requires getting images to work with.18:22
sandywalshand getting them into glance18:22
jaypipessandywalsh: right, gotcha.  Yes, I believe ewan/salvatore need to merge in trunk again and make a couple changes...18:25
sandywalshjaypipes, but my plan seems reasonable?18:25
jaypipessandywalsh: so, yes, if you are trying to review/test, you should merge trunk into xenapi-glance-2 and use snapshotting to do images.18:25
jaypipessandywalsh: yep18:25
sandywalshjaypipes, groovy ... thanks!18:25
jaypipesmtaylor: heya, is the latest Nova build failure ( related to this bug?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 703375 in glance "glance test suite can't run in the context of a debian build" [Undecided,New]18:28
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sandywalshso will trunk use glance by default now, or does it need to be enabled?18:49
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #411: SUCCESS in 1 min 28 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Further decouple api routing decisions and move into paste.deploy configuration.  This makes paste back the nova-api binary.18:52
fabiand_in nova, guest images are retrieved from an object store, right?18:52
sirp-sandywalsh:  the default ImageService (as dictated by FLAGS) is till S3ImageService18:52
sirp-fabiand_:  right, we have two mechanisms right now, an S3-like mechanism that uses nova-objectstore, and the new way (still under development) that uses an image service (Glance)18:53
sandywalshsirp, so for me to get a snapshot I'll have to 1. create the instance with objectstore. 2. shutdown 3. switch S3ImageService=Glance (sic?) and 4. do a snapshot, correct?18:54
sandywalshsirp-, assuming I have glance running18:55
sirp-sandywalsh:  exactly, that's what i've been doing  (not ideal i know!)18:55
sandywalshsirp-, that's ok ... so long as I'm on the right path :)18:56
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fabiand_sirp-: thanks. so. if i retrieve an image via glance, it get's saved on the local storage and run by nova?18:57
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sirp-fabiand_:  right now, you'll want to use objectstore for creating instances (image retreival in glance still needs some work); but that's right; glance fetches the image on to the host machine and then nova then boots the image from there18:59
fabiand_sirp-: nice :) so what can i do to save an image?18:59
fabiand_push it back to glance?19:00
sirp-fabiand_:  saving an image, at this point, requires you to use XenServer (we haven't built the libvirt version) yet; but assuming you're using XS, you can use the OpenStack API to create an 'instance-snapshot'… this can be done on the CLI using the cloudservers tool:  cloudservers image-create <instance_id> "pretty name"19:01
fabiand_ah okay. great ... so what happens to this snapshot? :) how is it stored? (i am asking ths questions, because i could not find them in the docs)19:03
ttxjaypipes, soren: could you (or another nova-core dude) flip the approved bit on ? Now that wsgirouter is merged it should be ok to go19:03
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sirp-fabiand_:  in the case of XS, the disk-format is VHD, so we bundle up the VHDs (if there is more than one), and stream that into Glance (using a ReST insterface). Glance, in turn, streams that into a backend which could be S3, Swift, or the local filesystem on the Glance machine19:05
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ttxjaypipes, soren; forget about it, xtoddx is on it19:08
fabiand_sirp-: ah okay ... thanks for that overview :)19:08
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sirp-fabiand_:  np :)19:09
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openstackhudsonProject nova build #412: SUCCESS in 1 min 26 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Change where paste.deploy factories live and how they are called.  They are now in the nova.wsgi.Application/Middleware classes, and call the __init__ method of their class with kwargs of the local configuration of the paste file.19:22
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xtoddxttx: did that get in?  Merge prop still shows "Needs Review"19:26
ttxmtaylor: Hudson/Tarmac got confused about the status of, it was merged but it set it to Needs Review19:26
xtoddxttx: should I just set it to "Merged"19:26
ttxxtoddx: I think so, check out
ttxxtoddx: thanks !19:27
vishyttx: I think we're good on live-migrations.  I only see a couple changes needed.  I'll let soren chime in19:28
ttxvishy: cool19:28
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mtaylorttx: weird19:47
sorenvishy: I'm going to look at it once more real soon now.19:55
sorengholt, creiht: No changing of file sizes. However, the fact that the `left` variable in that loop is equal to the size of the file, yet the file pointer is already at the end, suggests something else is afoot.19:57
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Jbainlittle offtopic but related: anyone know if there is a /proc/ location where I can find ethernet bridge info? similar to the output of 'brctl show' but hopefully a bit more parseable?20:08
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dubsquarednot sure, but /proc/net would be my guess?20:10
dubsquaredthat's where bonding stuff is...20:10
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fabiand_Jbain: /proc/net/bonding/ is bonding.kmod is loaded20:14
JbainI don't have /proc/net/bonding =\20:15
fabiand_sudo modprobe bonding20:15
Jbainwell, I'm also not doing any bonding20:16
JbainI'm really just wanting info on the bridges and vif's that xen is creating20:16
fabiand_Jbain: argh - i swapped some words :) /sys/class/net/ might help ya20:17
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Jbainoooh, there's some stuff20:18
Jbainthanks, i'll poke around there a bit :)20:19
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tr3buchetvishy: what's the issue with the race condition when associating multiple networks with one project?20:20
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Jbainfabiand_: this is quite helpful, thanks!20:21
fabiand_Jbain: np :)20:21
sorenJbain: What exactly are you trying to do?20:24
fraggelnsoren: bonding? :)20:25
Jbainwell, it started out as a quick script to help me make VM configs for Xen more quickly20:25
Jbainit has evolved into writing a bunch of perl modules for managing all this stuff20:26
vishytr3buchet: are you referring to one of my code comments?20:26
Jbainright now I'm looking into verifying bridge/vif associations and creating private bridges for VM teams20:27
tr3buchetvishy: yep nova.db.sqlalchemy.models line ~42920:29
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xtoddxrun_tests (specifically tests/api/openstack/fakes) can't find glance to import client, but it works fine via bpython.  I installed in my code directory and made a .pth file in python path, just like i have for nova and swift.  any ideas?20:40
xtoddxnm, i probably need to put it in venv lib dir20:41
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sorencreiht, gholt: My suspicion was correct. I logged the current filepos upon entering put_object. It turns out that one of the files is processed twice.20:55
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sorencreiht, gholt: ...reusing the file object, that is.20:56
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jk0looks like unit tests fail since glance isn't installed21:08
jk0but I'm sure you guys already knew that :)21:08
* jk0 installs21:08
jk0wonder if we should add it as a dep?21:08
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sorencreiht, gholt: Worked it out, I think.21:13
sorencreiht: If the upload fails for some reason, an exception is raised. _retry retries the upload, reusing that arguments (including the open file descriptor).21:13
dabojk0: it's already there: tools/pip-requires21:14
jk0ah, darned venv!21:14
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gholtsoren: Bah! Ok, I think there's a bug filed for that already too, just didn't recognize the issue. :/21:16
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gholtsoren: Yeah, found it finally: Thanks for tracking that down.21:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634979 in swift "client.Connection doesn't reset stream in put_object retry" [Low,New]21:22
sorengholt: Cool.21:23
ttxsoren: do you think you'll have time to rereview live-migration tonight ?21:24
ttxsoren: vishy was optimistic.21:25
sorenttx: I'm doing it right now.21:25
ttxsoren: ok, I'll stay up a bit more then21:26
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vishytr3buchet: see project_get_network on line 113421:33
xtoddxdabo, jk0: i don't see glance in pip-requires?21:33
vishytr3buchet: the issue is that two components trying to get a network for a project at the same time21:33
vishytr3buchet: the unique is how we make sure that this doesn't happen.21:34
daboxtoddx: you're right - I thought that earlier today someone said that it was added to pip-requires21:35
xtoddxdabo: I just uploaded a branch with building the .pth file like we do for nova21:35
xtoddxdabo: lp:~xtoddx/nova/glance-venv21:36
daboxtoddx: it's just in the xenapi-glance-2 branch21:36
tr3buchetvishy: but supposing we wanted to have two networks?21:36
jk0xtoddx: I didn't either, but I don't use venv21:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #704161 in swift " doesn't properly attempt to green https connections" [Medium,In progress]
uvirtbotNew bug: #704164 in nova "OpenStack API Create function fails with index out of range" [Undecided,New]
vishytr3buchet, well you'd have to remove the constraint and figure out a different way of ensuring that two different components are not associating a network at the same time21:37
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daboxtoddx: instead of the 3-line construct like: f = open(pthfile, 'w'); f.write("%s\n" % glancedir); f.close()21:42
daboit's cleaner to use: open(pthfile, 'w').write("%s\n" % glancedir)21:42
xtoddxdabo: no close() call?21:43
dabonot needed, since there is no reference hanging around21:43
creihtwith open(pthfile, 'w') as f:21:43
creiht  do stuff21:43
creihtalways close your file descriptors21:43
dabocreiht: yeah, that's better for multi-line stuff21:43
creihtdabo: it is better period :)21:43
dabocreiht: there's no need for close() when you don't assign it to a name21:44
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creihtThat still feels too magical to me21:45
daboit's the same as exiting a 'with open' construct21:45
dabowhen the file-like object is destroyed, close() is always called.21:45
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redboI don't see how that's magical, it works for very good reasons.  But it will suck if we ever get a python that doesn't use refcounting for garbage collection.21:54
creihtWell yes, it would get closed when garbage collection runs, but that is non-determinate right?21:55
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dabocreiht: Only if you do assign it; if so, you must call close(). If you don't assign it, it is immediately closed.21:56
redboWith cpython it's going to close as soon as there aren't any references to the object (immediately).  But as far as the python language spec, it's not deterministic, yeah.21:56
* creiht still likes the with better :)21:57
redboI like the with statement.21:58
dabonothing wrong with the with statement21:58
dabothe problem was that xtoddx was opening, assigning but not closing21:58
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xtoddxdabo: i fixed with block.  i like code doing it, and not the garbage collector.21:59
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creihtdabo: ahh, that wasn't evident as the example you posted from todd had a close21:59
dabocreiht: yeah, I added that to show that two were equivalent.22:00
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creihtmore than anything, using the with statement with opening files is just a good habit to get into22:02
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* creiht wonders if the "waiting for launchpad to update" is the new "waiting for code to compile"22:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #704176 in nova " -V fails -- Need to add glance to tools/pip-requires" [Low,In progress]
creihtin reference to:
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xtoddxcreiht: also, "waiting on tests to run" works in that circumstance22:31
openstackhudsonProject swift build #158: SUCCESS in 26 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: Updates to green HTTPS connections if eventlet is available22:31
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creihtxtoddx: indeed :)22:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #704196 in swift "swift3 middlware errors if content has unicode text" [High,Triaged]
openstackhudsonProject swift build #159: SUCCESS in 26 sec:
openstackhudsonTarmac: s3api: fix AWSAccessKeyId23:16
openstackhudsonWe use cfaccount as AWSAccessKeyId (something like23:16
openstackhudsonAUTH_89308df71f274e33af17779606f08fa0). However, users with the same23:16
openstackhudsonaccount use the same cfaccount. In such case, we can't know which23:16
openstackhudsonpassword should be used as a secret key to calculate the HMAC.23:16
openstackhudsonThis changes AWSAccessKeyId to the combination of account and user:23:16
openstackhudsonAuthorization: AWS test:tester:xQE0diMbLRepdf3YB+FIEXAMPLE=23:16
openstackhudsonThe auth validates the HMAC and sends a cfaccount back to the23:16
openstackhudsonproxy. The proxy rewrites the path with the cfaccount.23:16
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