Wednesday, 2011-11-16

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daMaestroso the diablo storage admin guide says to use keystone.. but then proceeds to show usage of swauth00:26
daMaestroif we are setting up a new pool of servers, should we use keystone or swauth.. and if keystone... where are the recommended docs at?00:26
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viddanyone know where middleware for keystone is supposed to be when installed via git?00:37
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vidddaMaestro, are you using keystone for everything else?00:40
daMaestrowe are only looking at object store00:40
daMaestronova, glance and horizon are not being evaluated00:41
vidddaMaestro, are you using nova or glance? [the answer to this will assist in determining is you would be well served with keystone]00:42
daMaestroit looks like the middleware is easy enough to configure00:42
daMaestrowe are not using nova or glance with this setup00:42
daMaestroat some point, we will look at it... but not yet00:42
daMaestrokeystone looks easy enough to setup, it's just the swift docs (even for diablo) still show swauth00:43
vidddaMaestro, then my recommendation is to, for the time being anyway, use swauth00:43
viddkeystone may LOOK easy...but looks can be decieving =]00:43
viddand why add a layer of difficulty when you don't need to00:44
viddunless you intend on intigrating LDAP or some other extername authentication system00:45
daMaestroyeah, and i think i just found that you can't create readonly credentials?00:46
notmynameyou can with swauth00:46
daMaestrobeing able to mark an object as "read by anyone, read-only with credentials, and r/w" is very important to us00:46
daMaestrorather, an account00:47
daMaestroper object is not important00:47
johnpurper container?00:47
daMaestroyes, per account/container combinations is what we would need00:47
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notmynamedaMaestro: all of that works with swauth00:48
daMaestrok, so i need to just ignore the diablo "pssst look at keystone" for now00:48
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vidddaMaestro, until your needs change =]00:49
notmynameya. keystone is the future for openstack in general, but your needs may require something else. I think an active area of current keystone dev work is setting up the ACLs00:49
notmynameperhaps a keystone dev can correct me00:49
daMaestrowe are just looking at swift for an s3 like storage bucket api... so we don't have to write our own00:50
daMaestroor, use an external api00:50
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daMaestroi'm running into some odd issues.. but i think it's because i'm running the cluster on a single hypervisor ;-)00:51
notmynameswift also provides (limited) s3 api compatibility. it can help in a transition, but the best long-term use is the use the swift api00:51
notmynameyou are running swift on VMs?00:51
daMaestrobasically... swift-object-auditor is sitting in i/o wait fairly often00:52
daMaestropoc, testing... yes we have it running on a hypervisor00:52
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notmynamerunning in a VM will of course affect I/O speed00:53
notmynameyou can tune the auditor to slow down, if needed00:53
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daMaestroyeah, i'm just trying to more look at why it's doing it00:53
daMaestrowe created 8 million objects in buckets00:53
notmynamethe auditor essentially walks the entire drive. it does a ton of IO00:53
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daMaestro is what we ran (iowait at 8 million was too much so we stopped it) against each proxy server with two nodes with a replica count of 200:57 i have an egg for that enough? or did i miss a step somewhere?00:58
daMaestronotmyname, i've not found any python and php client apis that are as easy as boto00:58
daMaestrore: swift api vs s3 api00:58
notmynamedaMaestro: have you looked at the rackspace cloud files bindings?00:59
daMaestroyeah, i looked into cloudfiles.. maybe i need to look at it somemore00:59
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notmynamedaMaestro: another python wrapper you could use is in the swift code itself (but it is stand-alone)
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debo_oshi did anyone try to install devstack distro tofay01:01
debo_osI cant seem to install01:01
viddhello livemoon01:02
livemoonhi, vidd01:02
livemoondo you have this case: glance-api error and crashed when I use dashboard(click instances page if instance exists)01:03
viddlivemoon, im still hashing out keystone issues01:04
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viddhave not gotten to installing horizon yet01:04
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daMaestroso i assume that i need to pass in authurl of our swift proxy....01:04
daMaestrobut that is not exposed sanely... i had to go read the cloudfiles.Connection constructor to get that01:05
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daMaestrobut it looks like i need to do a more thorough review of cloudfiles01:07
viddis there anyone here that knows where the keystone middleware is?01:08
vidddaMaestro, no...i meant once it is installed =]01:09
daMaestrodid you use pip or easy_install?01:09
viddpython install01:10
daMaestroyou should have some keystone* commands in your bindir, the rest will go into site-packages01:11
Kiallvidd, if you used a command like that, its in /usr/loacal01:11
Kialler, /usr/local/ that is01:11
viddwell i found keystone-2011.3.1-py2.7.egg01:11
viddbut should there not be a not-egg folder?01:11
daMaestrothere should be a site-packages/keystone.. yes01:13
daMaestropython -c 'import keystone' ...01:13
Kiallvidd, I still cant understand why you're installing this the way you are ;) Reminded me of an email to the OS mailiing list a while back:01:14
Kiall" we do not expect anyone to actually01:14
Kiallinstall a running OpenStack from PyPI..."01:14
Kiall(The sentiment applies to installing straight from git too)01:15
daMaestro is an example of how things are laid out, which basically uses distribute to do the install01:15
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viddKiall, if it is not the intention to install from git, then why do all the docs say how to do it?01:17
viddand getting it directly from the git repo should be the latest and greatest01:18
viddwith all the bug fixes01:18
KiallFor a few reasons: dev+testing and as a guide for packagers.. I'm sure there is more01:18
daMaestroand all the bugs ;-)01:18
daMaestroi commit bugs all the time, just hope we squashed them all when we stabilize for a release01:18
vidddaMaestro, im gitting from the stablediablo branch01:19
KiallInstalling *anything* on a production server straight from git or pip or rubygems etc is wrong in so many ways ;)01:19
daMaestroKiall, +101:19
viddthe only commits to it SHOULD be bug fixes01:19
daMaestroif you are tracking the release branch, yes01:20
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Kiallvidd, sure, the stable branches should be stable.. but installing straight from git leaves your server in a mess..01:20
KiallWhat if they delete a file?01:20
Kiallit causes isses01:20
Kiallhow will you're upgrade procedure handle that?01:20
* daMaestro &01:21
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viddthen how do you un-python setup something =-\01:25
Kiallyou dont ;)01:26
viddso yet another format and re-install =\01:26
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viddat least im getting plenty of experience with THAT =]01:27
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KiallOne of these days you'll realise its faster to learn how debian (or RPM) packaging works ;)01:27
viddi know how they work01:28
viddi just understand how to take a git package and make a .deb out of it01:29
KiallThats kinda what I meant by "learn how debian packaging works" ;)01:29
viddthats now "how they work" that "how they get made"01:30
Kiallno thats "how they work" not "how to use them" P01:30
viddpo-tay-to/ po-tot-oh01:31
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viddKiall, ill have to show you my installer scripts when i get done with them =]01:40
viddIF i ever get done with them01:40
uvirtbotNew bug: #890936 in glance "glance-api error when use dashboard show instances" [Undecided,New]
viddmostly a "fill in the blanks" script01:41
viddmy intention is to make it so easy someone with no clue can get a decent setup running01:43
Kiall"IF i ever get done with them" <-- lol01:48
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viddKiall, one issue i have with your ppa is the apt-get install -y managedit-openstack-pin01:57
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KiallAll that does is prevent ubuntu packages getting mixed with mine..01:57
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KiallAnd, its not 100% necessary.. but it makes live a whole lot easier01:58
viddbut eventually *buntu will get thier act together and fix the repos01:59
KiallYes - and switching between the packages should be a conscious choice01:59
Kiallnot an accident, or worse automatic update01:59
Kiallwithout the pin, its very likely automatic updates or a simple accident will break stuff...02:00
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viddand 4 months from now when [theoretically] the new version of ubuntu comes out with openstack diablo fully functional?02:01
KiallYou should make the conscious choice to switch to those packages, by removing the pin and installing the Ubuntu versions02:02
KiallUbuntu make all sorts of changes to upstream sources before releasing as .deb's, any one of those changes (or the lack of them in my packages) could cause an "upgrade" from one to the other to completely and utterly fail02:03
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viddKiall, you should take one for the team and get on the ubuntu server team =]02:05
Kialllol .. no counter argument? ;)02:05
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viddKiall, i wont be doing any upgrades without sandboxing them first =]02:06
viddand even though i dont like it, i'll still be using the pin =]02:07
Kialllol .. thats not a couter argument, thats just common sense ;) Test upgrades before putting them in production ;)02:07
viddi have no counter aurgument02:08
viddif i cant even FIND the pieces of keystone, how am i supposed to make sure they upgrade properly in any future update02:08
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KiallSeriiousally, Go spend tomorrow learning how to package stuff ;)02:09
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KiallThe, the day after learning puppet02:10
viddand how is another person covering for my vacation supposed to run a security update if they havent spent the month figuring out where the pieces go?02:10
KiallThen on the thrid day, tie the two together and you're done already ;)02:10
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viddnot sure what puppet is =\02:11
KiallIts even worse if they "python" it ;)02:11
Kiall"Oh s*** - this version of keystone isn't compatbile with our nova, where's the undo button dammit!"02:11
viddand there goes my vacation =]02:12
Kiallexactly, better off just learning to package stuff.. need a security fix? easy.02:12
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Kiallquilt push -a && quilt new security-fix.diff && quit add && vi && quilt refresh && quilt pop -a && dpkg-buildpackage02:13
* vidd sees tons of 2am calls in the immediate near-future02:13
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viddvi ....*shutter*02:14
Kialllol .. i tend to use nano myself, or sublime-text, not sure why i type vi this time ;)02:15
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viddKiall, because vi is less keystokes then nano ...and EVERYBOSY knows who vi is =]02:15
Kiallanyway, the point is, it will be much easier to train people how to patch a .deb than muck around with setup scripts, git clones, and pip-installs ;)02:16
viddsaying "vi $file" is the same as saying "$prefered_text_editor $file"02:17
* vidd hates pip02:17
viddit feels sloppy02:17
KiallAll "language" package managers are IMO ;)02:18
KiallAnyway - I'm off...02:18
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cloudfanhow to config Multiple nodes with a single adapter with flatmanage?03:16
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viddcloudfan, you have multiple servers, each with a single eth card?03:29
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viddlivemoon, are you looking for assistance?05:43
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livemoonvidd: just want to learn from you05:49
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Guest5952I am a newbie and I wanted to know whether the openstack compute model helps to combine the resources of different computers into on06:30
Guest5952one single computer06:30
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cmasserafthat's not the idea of the cloud model...06:31
cmasserafand basically there's no computing model that does it06:31
cmasserafto combine resources you'll have to use parallel processing (data or task parallel)06:32
Guest5952any help on parallel processing ?06:34
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Guest5952so in cloud computing the maximum size of a VM is restricted to the maximum ram in ONE hardware node06:36
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cmasserafthere's always swap... but it's creeping slow... so yes it's limited by the ram of a node06:39
Guest5952also the number of cores is restricted to the number of cores on the node.06:40
Guest5952it will not be possible to use cores of various nodes into one VM right ?06:41
cmasserafnormally you can put more cores.... but it will most likely degrade performance instead of icresing it06:41
Guest5952but it will still not compute across the network, it will just be on the same hardware node right ?06:42
cmasserafthe idead o cloud is the inverse is to one Server as many Pc's06:42
Guest5952so cloud means to break the resources into much smaller units and sell smaller units right ?06:42
cmasserafis to use resources on demand...06:44
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Guest5952but the "on demand" doesnt mean to increase the size of the VM as and when you wish right ? It means launching new instances ASAP.06:46
Guest5952I would still have to break the application to work on multiple servers06:46
cmasserafand balancing load between them06:46
Guest5952ok, you helped me a ton about the concept of cloud computing06:49
Guest5952all this while i was thinking it can combine resources and make one big computing resource06:50
Guest5952which can then be broken down06:50
Guest5952but its not like that, its still restriced as per the hardware node06:50
Guest5952This brings me to my next question06:51
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Guest5952Is there any such software to actually COMBINE the resources of DIFFERENT hardware Nodes into one ?06:51
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cmasserafin the way you want, there might even be some.. but the cost of maintaining a shared memory architecture over network is to big06:55
cmasserafso you most likely will lose performance06:55
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Guest5952will there be a special network requirement or gigabit will be sufficient ?06:56
cmasserafI never used one to know06:56
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cmasserafwhat do you want to execute that can't be adapted into messaging-passing style?06:58
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Guest5952basically I want to combine four computers each with 16GB ram and Intel Xeons into one BIG Windows server 2008 R206:59
cmasserafyou won't be able to do it in low lever to install a windows server above it07:01
cmasserafyou'd need a specific OS designed for it07:01
cmasserafbasically it's a no-can't-do07:02
Guest5952so the only way is to use a 4U motherboard right ?07:02
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Guest5952cmasseraf, there is no way to combine software resources ?07:14
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Guest5952sorry, I meant - Is there no way to combine the resources using a software over a 1000MBPS network ?07:14
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cmasserafthere's no way that I know of (exept for some academical OSés from the 90's)07:15
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Guest5952thank you cmasseraf07:20
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shaonwhat does eucalyptus use for messaging service? rabbit queue or apache Qpid? or anything else?07:29
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shaonsorry, wrong window :(07:29
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RaziqueHi friendz!08:02
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livemoonhow to get 2011.3-0ubuntu408:45
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livemoonanyone here?09:02
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Raziquehey livemoon09:12
Raziqueyou can use ppa for that Diablo statble09:12
ejatim trying the devstack ..09:12
ejathow can i import existing vm into OS ?09:13
ejator build new image ...09:13
livemoonRazique: I use git checkout stable version09:13
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livemoonbut nova-volume cannot work on 11.1009:13
Raziquelivemoon: why is that ?09:14
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koolhead17hi all09:16
koolhead17Razique, where did you disappear last day :(09:16
livemoonbecause 11.10 use tgt rather than iet09:17
Raziquekoolhead17: I was doing sport, then came later on irc09:17
Raziquesorry :(09:17
ejatanyone can help me ?09:17
Raziquekoolhead17: how the workflow went ,09:17
koolhead17Razique, np. lets do it tonight :P09:17
Raziqueejat: sure just ask :)09:17
livemoonit need 2011.3-0ubuntu609:17
ejatim trying the devstack ..09:17
Raziquekoolhead17: I saw u affected urself 2 bugs :)09:17
ejathow can i import existing vm into OS ?09:17
koolhead17Razique, i assigned it to myself as wel :)09:18
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livemoonkoolhead17: are you developer?09:18
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Raziqueejat: what do u mean by importing> creating ?09:19
koolhead17livemoon, no a openstack user :)09:19
Raziquelivemoon: don't think the ubuntu6 has been packageg09:19
ejati already hv vm in the same OS machine ..09:19
ejatis it possible to import ? or need to create new image using the tools ?09:19
ejatinstead of the demo tty-uec image09:20
RaziqueYou have a VM into an hypervisor, and u'd like to install devstack on it ?09:20
livemoonRazique: I need source enough09:20
livemoonI install use "python"09:20
koolhead17ejat, devstack works without any issue09:20
ejatyeah its work .. but can someone guide me next what should i do to have another images09:21
Raziquelivemoon: here
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livemoonRazique: all there files?09:24
FloFrigood morning everyone. maybe someone online, who can help me with a strange openstack problem?09:24
FloFrii have installed openstack on an ubuntu 11.11 machine (also tried 11.04). everything works fine, but when i try to start an instance, the machine does not boot. it runs, but when i vnc to the instance, i only see the seabios-text09:25
FloFrithe strangest thing is: from time to time the instance even succeeds to boot, but most of the time it doesn't09:27
livemoonRazique: how to patch it?09:27
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Raziquelivemoon: which version are running right now ?09:32
RaziqueFloFri: can we see nova-compute.log ?09:32
Raziquecan the full boot sequence (via euca-get-console-output)09:32
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Satyawhats the admin password function while creating an instance!09:34
RaziqueSatya: ? which one ?09:34
Raziquethe instance one ?09:34
FloFriat the moment, i reinstall unsing 10.04, maybe it works with that. but if it fails again, i will post the log09:35
Satyaif we create a instance using nova boot it shows a admin password09:35
RaziqueSatya: which image are u using ?09:35
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Satyaubuntu maveric09:35
RaziqueSatya: doesn't seem the instance password09:35
Raziquemore like the server you are launching the instance FROM09:35
Satyais it for windows only?09:35
RaziqueSatya: not at all :)09:36
Satyathen whats the function of that?09:36
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Raziqueis it the admin password of the server ?09:36
RaziqueSatya: the prompt itself asks for a password, just after "nova boot" ?09:37
Raziquemaybe sudo nova boot ?09:37
RaziqueSatya: that very weird :/09:38
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Satya accessIPv4   |                                               |09:38
Raziquethe only time you should be asked for a password, could be the case u don't inject ssh keys09:38
Raziquethen after a SSH to instance, you should be then asked to provide a password09:38
Satyaso if i dont inject a ssh key thn it will ask me the password?09:39
livemoonRazique: 2011.309:39
livemoonRazique: now I use apt-get install nova-volume09:40
livemoonit also older version09:40
SatyaRazique: whats the use of accessIPV4 ans access IPV609:42
RaziqueSatya: where do u see these lines ?09:42
Satyanova boot09:42
RaziqueSatya: yah, if you don't inject SSH keys into the instance09:42
Raziquewhen u'll want to connect to it , since u don't have the keys, u'll need to provide a password09:43
Raziquelivemoon: try to force the version09:43
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Raziquelike aptitude install nova-volume=$version09:43
livemoonhow to?09:43
Satyai'm using diablo stable without injecting key it says publickey denied09:43
RaziqueSatya: that means the instances supports only per-key connection :)09:44
Raziqueis it the official canonical image ?09:44 ?09:44
Satyathn it should be a defect i guess09:44
Raziquenope :) if u use official image, the user is "ubuntu" not root09:45
Raziquetrey ssh -i $path_to_key ubuntu@instance_ip09:45
Satyakey login works fine09:45
Satyai want to figureout whats the adminpasswd is about09:46
Satyawhy its there09:46
Raziquethat is a wanted behaviour for cloud images09:46
Satyawhere its used09:46
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Raziquewe suppose the user provides it's public key which would be injected at boot09:46
Raziquethat avoid the whole password stiff09:46
Satyathen why adminpassword is thre09:47
RaziqueSatya: I don't understand when exactly this admin password appears ?09:47
Satyawhile doing a nova boot (creating an instance)09:47
Satyait shows the admin password09:47
Satya| adminPass    | y7Mnhi4q72zojnJb09:47
Raziqueahhhh ok09:48
Satyaso whats the use of the09:48
Raziquelet me look at the code09:48
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Raziqueit's the root password obviously09:51
Raziquetry this09:51
Raziqueconnect to instance09:51
Raziqueupdate sshd_config, enable the password authentication09:51
Raziqueand try to login via ubuntu, but don't send the key09:52
Raziquelivemoon: aptitude install nova-volume=2011.3-0ubuntu6.209:54
Raziquedoes that work ?09:54
livemoonI installint09:54
livemoonI install it from git before, now nova-volume still use older version's coding09:55
Satyarazique permit rootlogin is yes09:56
Satyastill same problem09:56
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Raziquehave u enabled the authentication via password ?09:57
RaziquePasswordAuthentication yes09:57
Raziquethen service sshd restart09:57
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Raziquelivemoon: ok so try to remove nova-volume09:59
Raziqueand reinstall it from github09:59
Raziqueaptitude remove --purge nova-volume09:59
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SatyaRazique: its asking for password but while passing the adminpass in the password feild it fails with permission denied :(10:02
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Satyatried with root@<IP> and ubuntu@<IP>10:03
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Raziqueok i'll see how it get that password10:05
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Razique@utils.arg('--password', dest='password', metavar='<password>', default=False,10:06
Razique           help="Set the provided password on the rebuild instance.")10:06
larissaRazique: Error: "utils.arg('--password'," is not a valid command.10:06
RaziqueSatya "Set the provided password on the rebuild instance.""10:07
Raziqueso try a nova rebuild10:07
Raziqueit should ask for a pass10:07
Raziquetry to use it then10:07
Satyayes its a optional in rebuild10:09
Raziqueso that's how that adminPass is used to10:09
SatyaI guess no10:09
Satyaas rebuild we can provide a password10:10
Raziqueu think it could be something else ?10:10
Raziquethat's the only reference I've found into the novaclient code10:10
Satyastill my question is whats the use of the password which is generated by nova boot10:10
Satyanova rebuild [--password <password>] <server> <image>10:11
RaziqueSatya: here
RaziqueSatya: which version are u using ?10:11
Satyaclient 2.6.710:12
Satyaif we pass the password in the rebuild option its just update the password in adminpass feild10:13
Raziquewell seen, I've just tried10:14
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Raziquedid it work ?10:17
livemoonnow I have used stable as my production10:17
livemoontomorrow I am ready to start swift10:18
Satya  def change_password(self, server, password):10:18
livemoonRazique: have you test block migration?10:18
Satyaself._action("changePassword", server, {"adminPass": password})10:18
RaziqueSatya: ah
Raziquelooks like i was right :p10:19
Raziquethat adminPass is used in order to do admin operations on servers10:19
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Raziquewe lost livemoon :(10:19
koolhead17he will be back am sure :)10:20
Raziquehe better be if he doesn't want us kick his ass10:20
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SatyaRazique: does it means rescue needs a adminpass?10:22
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SatyaRazique: Admin operations on server!!! but every instance generates a different password10:25
RaziqueSatya: I'd say that password works per instance then10:26
Raziquenot per tenant10:26
Raziquenot clever I agree :)10:26
RaziqueSatya: rescue / rebuild should require that password10:26
Raziqueif no, then, same question as urs, what would be the point of that pass then :p10:26
Raziqueplus I don't know where it's stored10:26
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FloFriRazique: ok, still no success. Have installed 11.11 again. Here is the nova-compute.log of the instance start
FloFrii mean 11.10 of course ^^10:32
Raziquelooks like the instance is now up10:34
Raziquedoes the security group allows icmp + ssh ?10:34
FloFrithe problem is not, that the instance does not start, it does. but it seems to hang in the seabios10:35
FloFrii vnc to the instance and all in see is the seabios-string10:35
Raziqueis it possible to obtain the whole ouput of euca-get-console-ouput ?10:35
Raziqueand where did u get the image from ?10:36
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Raziquehas it been prepared for the cloud ?10:36
FloFriits an ubuntu cloud image10:36
Raziqueok good10:36
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FloFriRazique: thanks for the hint with euca-get-console-ouput, all the time i thaught, it hangs in the bootloader, but now i see, it hangs in the kernel, because of a network problem. that should be possible to fix, thank you!10:44
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RaziqueFloFri: looks likes it a metadata retrieval issue innit ?10:45
Raziqueof the instance cannot get it's ip from dnsmasq10:45
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FloFrias of now, tha problem should be, that i have no network defined ^^10:46
Raziquenova-manage network list ?10:47
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SatyaRazique Thanks and sorry for bugging u :)10:49
RaziqueSatya: hehe no problem at all10:49
Raziquewe both had our answer here :)10:49
Satyai have some more doubts10:50
Satyacan i go ahade?10:50
Raziqueabout what ?10:50
Satyain nova boot it shows accessipv4 and accessipv6 whats the use of that10:50
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Raziqueif you use ipv6 as a network10:51
Raziquethe instance will have two adresses ; an ipv4 one and a ipv6 one10:51
Raziquethat suppose u have an ipv6 network defined though :)10:51
Satyathen accessipv4 should list out the public ip of the instance am i right?10:51
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Satyaor private ip10:52
Satyabut all the ips are listed under null network10:53
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FloFriRazique: ok, now no more network errors, but the kernel does not continue. last message: no instance data found in start-local10:55
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RaziqueSatya well technically it won't be, the public one will be the "floating" one10:58
RaziqueFloFri: ok now it's a metadata retrieval issue10:58
Raziquethe instance tries to inject the SSH keys, but the server doesn't answer10:59
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Raziquecheck the iptables rules, and make sure u have a prerouting rule -> $nova_api:877410:59
Raziquelunch time11:00
Raziquebe back in 2 hours tops guys11:00
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RaziqueSatya: basically, the ips are the one u use in order to connect to the instance11:00
FloFriok, thank you for the moment11:00
Raziquein order to make the instance reacheable from the internnet, assign it a floating ip11:00
RaziqueFloFri: sure, good luck :)11:00
Satyathn whst should be accessipv411:01
Satyais it private or public ip?11:01
Satyaif its any of these then y public and private ips are listed under null network11:02
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tungvsI've managed to run an instance of openstack image (ubuntu10.10, in detail). The instance is at running state, and is assigned an IP. But I can't ssh to the IP, nor ping it. euca-get-console-output <instance_id> show nothing but datetime. How can I troubleshoot this situation (pre-boot time problems) ?11:31
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shaontungvs, did you enable icmp for all instances?11:35
tungvsshaon: maybe I didn't, need to check it again.11:35
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tungvsshaon, I tried enable both icmp & ssh, still no luck. I think there're some troubles at boot time so the instance cannot fully bootup. But without any access to the console, I can't determine what it is. Any idea ?11:44
shaontungvs, try log11:45
Satyatungvs: whats the euca-get-console output11:47
Satyais it having the keys?11:47
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tungvsI'm looking in the log. euca-get-console outputs just instance id and date time, nothing more.11:48
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Satyaso it means instance is not bootup properly11:50
Satyawhats the euca-authorize command used to enable icmp11:50
Satyatungvs: is nova list showing the instance is active?11:51
tungvsyes, it is in running state11:54
Satyawhats the euca-authorize commands used?11:55
tungvseuca-authorize -P icmp -t -1:-1 default11:55
tungvseuca-authorize -P ssh -t -1:-1 default11:55
tungvsI've found them on openstack document site11:55
Satyause euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 default11:56
Satyafor ssh11:56
Satyaeuca-authorize -P icmp -t -1:-1 default11:57
Satyafor ping11:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #891040 in swift "swift-proxy service does not start on boot when using port 443" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotNew bug: #891082 in openstack-manuals "Live migration doc could benefit from glusterFS connector arrival !" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotNew bug: #891093 in keystone "Missing files from tarball due to incomplete" [High,Triaged]
tungvseuca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 default11:57
tungvssorry, that's what I've typed11:57
Satyathe instance is in default group?11:58
tungvsI'm not sure, how can I tell ?11:58
Satya1 more question11:59
Satyahave you associated a floating ip to the instace?11:59
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tungvsnot yet, I've used private IP12:00
tungvschecked, it's in default group12:01
Satyaplease allocate a floating ip then associate to the instance12:01
tungvsok then12:01
Satyathats the problem u r not able to ping or ssh12:01
tungvsso I cannot use the private IP to communicate with the instance ?12:01
tungvseven I'm ssh or ping it from the server ?12:02
Satyaonly instance to instance within a project12:02
tungvsok, let me try it first12:02
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Satyatungvs: is it worked?12:04
tungvsno, it didn't work12:07
tungvsis there any way to get the console messages when the instance boot up ?12:09
tungvsthe command not work in this case, it return instance id and date_time always12:11
Satyafor all instance?12:12
Satyaor for only a singhe 112:12
tungvsI've just started 1 instance12:12
Satyamight be instance is not bootup properly12:12
Satyaplease try to create another instace allocate ip thn associate ip and try12:13
tungvsok then12:13
tungvsone more question about the feature12:13
tungvshave openstack got the high availability feature for instances ?12:13
Satyai am  not sure able it12:14
Satyaif volume is there then it should be12:14
tungvsI haven't found it in the document yet.12:14
tungvsthanks guys.12:14
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koolhead17hugokuo, around12:45
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koolhead17aah livemoon wassup :P12:55
livemoonkoolhead17: :)12:55
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chokesmasterhello, is anyone on here?14:14
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chokesmasteri have some question about how openstack is installed14:22
chokesmasterfirst is it running on centos?14:22
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sloopchokesmaster, have you already installed openstack?14:25
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chokesmastersloop, no i never installed this14:39
sloopchokesmaster, most people run it on ubuntu, but you don't have to.  try reading the documentation.14:39
Raziqueanyone have been able to run live migration with kvm ?14:40
chokesmasterthe installation guide is with ubuntu :/14:40
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chokesmasterwell i don't think this will be a good solution for me as my hosting provider install xen on centos only :(14:42
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Raziqueeverytime I try to migrate accross hosts a VM I've the following exception :
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MicricAnyone able to offer a little advice on running multiple compute servers15:20
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viddwhat kind of advice?15:20
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MicricHey Vidd, I have two servers running, though i cannot get teh second server, running compute and network, to pick up an instance15:21
viddMicric, are they both in sinc?15:21
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Micricboth sync's15:21
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viddall happy faces?15:22
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Micricall happy smiley faces15:22
viddboth on the same availability zone?15:22
shaonHey Razique, how did you migration go last day?15:23
Raziqueshaon: perfectly15:23
Razique10 minutes max of services cut15:23
shaonRazique: cool :)15:23
koolhead17can someone help me in telling what modification in pip-requires of horizon i need to do if am running my operation behind proxy15:23
Micricsame zone15:24
viddMicric, does the instance launch?15:24
MicricRemains pending15:24
Micricshows the same zone but does not change the host from none15:25
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viddare you launching via horizon/dashboard, novaclient, or euca command ?15:26
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viddMicric, check on command line to see if the instance is actually running and horizon just isnt reporting it properly15:28
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MicricIt shows that the instance is pending under the EUCA tools15:29
viddand the log files say....?15:29
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Micric2011-11-16 15:30:28,480 DEBUG nova.utils [-] Attempting to grab semaphore "get_dhcp" for method "_get_dhcp_ip"... from (pid=4593) inner /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/
MicricThe compute just shows "Updating host status"15:31
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viddMicric, so, your instance is not getting a private ip15:32
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viddthat is going to stop it from loading15:33
MicricI cannot see why it is not working though15:34
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MicricThey both point to the same DB at the backend15:34
viddthere are no flat ip addresses getting assigned15:34
MicricThe other server starts them up and assigns the IP's and passes to the "running" state15:34
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viddyou said you have networking on both machines?15:35
koolhead17Razique, around15:35
vidddo you have the "multi-host" flag set in nova.conf?15:35
MicricThough the beginners guide says you don't install it and the admin guide says you need to15:35
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MicricNo...well spotted15:36
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Raziquekoolhead17: yup, I've been able to run a migration at least =D15:37
viddits a process =]15:37
koolhead17Razique, hi515:37
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viddi do basic troubleshooting over the phone for a living =]15:37
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MicricAs do I.  Spirit crushing work some days15:38
viddonly if your the one doing the crushing is it fun =]15:39
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MicricAhh, you are more of a Dogbert15:39
viddalways have to ask the "do you have electricity" question =]15:40
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viddMicric, more like catbert =]15:40
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MicricSo you don't find the money appealing then15:41
viddno...i can make more elsewhere but i LIKE the work =]15:41
MicricOK, you win.  What is the flag I am looking for?15:42
Raziqueoohoho block migration works !15:42
viddits either "True" or "1"15:43
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viddi dont use it personally15:43
viddi think its "1" but dont quote me15:44
vidd[and dont point the fire department in my direction either]15:44
* Micric points finger15:45
MicricIt was him :p15:45
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MicricOK, with the flag change15:48
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vidddid you restart all services on both machines?15:48
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vidddid you kill existing instances and attempt to load a new one?15:49
MicricChanged from True to 1, restarted the services and tried another group of instances15:49
Micricyes every time I made a change the instances were terminatted15:49
viddMicric, out of ideas15:49
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MicricOK, thanks anyway15:50
vidddid you get your stuff from git Kiall 's ppa's or someplace else?15:50
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Micric11.10 Repositories15:51
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MicricUbuntu that is15:51
viddyou have GOT to be kidding me15:51
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viddso you used stock repos and got everything to work on one server?15:52
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MicricHad to patch one file15:52
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viddhow much duct tape, bailing wire, aluminum foil, and chewing gum did THAT take?15:53
MicricOne wig and a bit of patience15:53
viddi know hospitals with less pacients15:53
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MicricThe is out of date so the IP stack did not work, but once I picked up the patch from github I had it running15:54
MicricPiece of ....15:55
MicricBut only on 11.10, cannot get anything to work on 11.04 backward15:55
viddMicric, i was under the impression that more than just the was broken15:56
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vidddoes your vnc work?15:57
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Micricvnc?? I only used that for the image creation15:57
MicricNot using a VPN15:57
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MicricVLAN's......well, I have access on VLAN100 to the running instances15:57
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viddMicric, vpn is also useful for ...say...your instance hangs waiting for a command to be past to it15:58
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MicricCannot say I have had that problem yet..have spawned some 1000 servers so far.  Only issue found so that I cannot get any idea on is the multi compute issue I am having now15:59
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viddMicric, so try this: take down the redundant networking and turn off multi-host16:00
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viddthis will let you know if its a newtorking conflic16:01
MicricOh, yeah the servers are operating on a completly clean IP stack on a completely empty group of switches16:01
MicricThe can be no IP clashes, or network hardware clashes16:02
vidd"internal to Openstack"16:02
MicricYou may have to be a little more specific16:02
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viddin other words make sure nova-network on compute node is not conflicting with nova-network on controler node16:03
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MicricWith the second nova-network service disabled, there is no change.16:07
viddMicric, have you ever had the second compute node working?16:08
viddpaste-bin me its nova.conf16:08
MicricI have never managed to any instances to pass over.16:08
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viddthere is some stuff missing here16:11
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viddyour remote host has no idea where the controller is =]16:11
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MicricAhh, but the documentation reads that it only actually needs to know where the rabbitMQ server I believe the docs anymore16:12
viddMicric, look here: for the appropriate flags16:12
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annegentleMicric: let us know the page that gave you that impression and we can fix it16:13
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MicricHumor me, both the my_ip and host flag to refer to the local server, or am I misunderstanding16:19
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MicricAnnegentle, I will when I remember where I saw it and can verify I am not being an idiot.16:20
annegentleMicric: I'm sure you're not being an idiot :)16:22
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RaziqueMicric: hehe16:22
annegentleMicric: it's a big corpus :)16:22
MicricI promise you, I have stared at these documents for so long I am not sure where to even begin looking16:22
RaziqueMicric: if you find out, don't hesitate to open a bug16:23
Raziquelemmings here are waiting for that16:23
annegentleRazique: hee hee16:23
jdgDoes anybody have a recommendation for a first time multi-node install?  There are multiple options/deployment tools, any of them have specific strengths?16:23
annegentleMicric: you might also like the docs as they are the freshest16:23
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annegentlejdg: what's your use case? Demo or production?16:24
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jdgDemo with iscsi block device attach16:24
annegentlejdg: okay. also Ubuntu's ok?16:25
jdgannegentle: Oh yes, absolutely.16:25
jdgannegentle: I have 5 physical nodes to utilize16:25
jdgMy goal was one cluster controller and 4 compute nodes16:26
annegentlejdg: I haven't done it myself but crowbar probably fits the bill.
* Micric bangs head on wall16:26
annegentlejdg: might be a sledgehammer when you need just a hammer, though.16:26
Micric"Your installation can run any nova- services anywhere, so long as the service can access nova.conf so it knows where the rabbitmq server is installed"  I did mis-read it.16:26
jdgannegentle: Thanks for the input, it's one of the tools on the list.  That or dodai16:27
Raziquethe devstack should do it though16:27
annegentlejdg: oh yeah, Dodai just sent me their docs, so yeah16:27
jdgannegentle:  was leaning that direction because of the "sledge-hammer but only need a hammer right now"  :)16:27
annegentleRazique: they've got a space ready for mulit-node on devstack :)16:28
jdgdevstack was great on my VM but it looks like multi-node physical is still in the works.16:28
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Raziquejdg: yah true, the thing is multi node networks always implies network differences16:29
Raziquewe need to update the doc16:29
Raziquefor instances the bridges, vlan, etc… depend everytime on different setup16:30
MicricAm I missing th point here but, the trunk link for the Openstack Begginer guide points to Cactus.  Surely the Diablo docs would be the better option16:30
Raziqueneed to figure out a way to explain the subtilies, so an abstract doc should do it16:30
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annegentleMicric: ah good find. I need to fix that. They made 2 branches but I bet Jenkins needs reconfiguring of the automatic build.16:30
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annegentlejdg: don't know if it helps you get going with Dodai, but here's the updated docs, waiting for another reviewer,sidebyside,1607,1,doc/src/docbkx/openstack-compute-admin/computeautomation.xml16:31
annegentleRazique: maybe you can take a look ^^16:31
jdgannegentle: It will be helpful regardless of isntall tools etc.  Thank you!!16:32
Raziqueoh yah great doc, i've started to read it yesterday :)16:32
RaziquePuppet is a pertient tool here16:32
annegentleRazique: ok, cool16:32
Raziquearf so much pain with review system =D16:33
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jdgRazique:  Yes, maybe so.  This is first time install/setup though so I'm trying to find the "easiest/quickest" path for the first go around.16:33
Raziquejdg: here is the way I do everytime I integrate a new node16:34
Raziquerun a complete install for the "controller"16:34
Raziquethen for everynode; install nova-compte ; update nova-conf16:34
Raziqueand voila16:34
jdgRazique:  Really, that sounds too easy.  :)16:34
Raziquethat's why you could go for a single-node install16:34
jdgI've got the controller set up16:35
Raziqueand manually install compute-node and copy the nova.conf16:35
Raziquemake sure you update the interfaces into the conf and taht's it16:35
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Raziquethe node should by itself register to the scheduler16:35
jdgRazique:  Thanks, I think I'll give that a shot.16:35
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Raziqueok :) integrated a new node, is very easy actually :)16:36
RaziqueI don't say then make instance run is as easy but… :p16:36
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jdgRazique:  LOL... nice disclaimer16:36
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Raziquehehe to be honnest, having a first setup running is the hardest part16:38
Raziqueintegrating new nodes is the extremely easy16:38
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Raziquethat block migration feature is awesome guys16:39
Raziquea new step to HA16:39
viddisnt rabbitmq-server supposed to create a /etc/rabbitmq/ config file?16:40
Raziquevidd: yah it does16:40
vidd=\ i dont have one16:40
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Raziquevidd: ubuntu ?16:41
Raziqueinstalled from repos or manually ?16:41
viddubuntu repo16:41
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Micric5 dyas spent trying to work out why my 2nd node canno run an instance.  I am not really any the wiser as I know why but I have no idea how to fix.16:42
Raziquedpkg -i --force-confmiss rabbitmq-server16:42
RaziqueMicric: what's the status now :)16:42
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MicricThe host still do not run on the second node16:42
kbringardwhat does nova-manage service list show?16:43
MicricVidd tells me it is due to the fact the the second node cannot pass over an IP to the instance16:43
jdgRazique:  Ahhh.... so close!!  "Can't connect to MySQL server"16:43
kbringardis there a :-) by the second compute node?16:43
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MicricI have  smileys all round16:44
Raziquesmileys are good16:44
Raziquehey kbringard :)16:44
kbringardhey Razique16:45
MicricSmileys are reassuring16:45
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Raziquewhat's up kbringard ?16:45
kbringardnot a whole lot16:45
kbringardworking on getting crowbar going to manage deploys16:45
RaziqueMicric: beware, they only indicate time sync I've figured16:45
Raziquein fact you can have nodes registered with a XXX16:45
kbringardyea, but it means that the node is checking in16:45
kbringardand can communicate with the controller16:45
Raziqueyah totally16:45
kbringardwhich is a good sign16:45
Raziqueyou are right16:46
MicricIt tells me that rabbitMQ is actually accepting requests16:46
kbringardMicric: do you get any errors when you're trying to launch instances?16:46
kbringarddo they get stuck in scheduling, networking...?16:46
MicricNope, the second node stops waiting on DHCP16:46
Raziquekbringard: I've been able to run a block migration accross two nodes =D16:46
Raziquetook me time though :/16:46
kbringardoh, so it launches but it just hangs trying to get an IP?16:46
Raziquevidd: did the dpkg -i work ?16:46
kbringardRazique: that's awesome16:47
viddRazique, no16:47
Raziquevidd: does the service runs ,16:47
RaziqueMicric: which network mode ?16:47
kbringardif the instance is launching but just not getting DHCP, that's… interesting, but good16:47
viddbut i dont want to use the default username and password16:47
Raziquevidd: ps axl | grep rabbi16:47
kbringardit means the nova components are mostly orchestrating correctly16:47
Raziquerabbit* ; or lsof | grep rabbit16:47
kbringarddo you see any errors in the nova-compute log on the compute node?16:48
kbringardit could be that it's not bringing up the bridge correctly16:48
kbringardor vlan tagging properly16:48
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kbringardor, are your switches passing tagged traffic properly?16:48
RaziqueMicric: run brctl showbr and cat /proc/net/vlan/config on the node16:49
Raziqueand see if the bridge (default, br100) is up, and if a vlan is created on it16:49
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kbringardnodes on the controller will just arp internally so it'll work, but if your switches are dropping the tagged packets then a second node won't make it over to your controller, which is where the DHCP server lives16:49
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Micricwell, well, well on the second node the vlan is not up16:51
Micricon the primary node I have the VLAN16:51
Raziqueok that means two things16:52
Razique1 - vlan package is not installed ; 2- the specified interface doesn't exist/ accept vlan16:52
Raziquecheck /var/log/nova-compute.log16:52
Raziqueand into nova.conf --vlan_interface flag16:52
MicricHmm, the virbr0 exists, so I can see vlan is installed16:53
kbringardvirbr0 is created by libvirt16:53
Raziquemmm not so sure;16:53
kbringardit doesn't imply vlan16:53
Raziquecheck /proc/net/vlan/config16:53
kbringardyea, what Razique said16:53
kbringardabout the vlan/config16:54
Raziquethus you make sure the vlan is up on the node16:54
Micrickbringard, I see, so I just have to say yes16:54
kbringardI think you also need to make sure the bridge_interface is correct in the DB16:54
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kbringardI believe you specify it when you do nova-manage network create16:54
kbringardbut if you didn't you may need to set it manually16:54
kbringardand also check to see what VLAN tags the networks created for nova are getting16:55
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Raziquekbringard: i've figured out that in diablo16:55
MicricOK, /prc/net/vlan/ does not exist though I can verify that vlan IS installed16:55
Micricthanks to apt16:55
Raziqueif you explicitely set the bridge_interface into the datase, you won't be able to run multi-nodes setup with different interfaces16:55
kbringardI think it gets created the first time you do a vconfig16:55
kbringardRazique: ah, good to know16:56
Raziquekbringard: the workaround, is to leave bridge_interface to null16:56
kbringardso what's in the DB overrides whats in the nova.conf?16:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #891244 in nova "No downgrade function for 057 migration" [Undecided,New]
Raziqueand for every nova.conf set --bridge_interface=ethX16:56
kbringardbut if you leave it null in the DB it'll use what's in the nova.conf?16:56
kbringardthat's good to know16:56
Raziquehere for instances i've eth2, sometimes eth116:56
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vidddoes anyone have a "standard" rabbit conf file?16:56
kbringardI've taken great care to setup my udev stuff to make sure my NIC aliases are consistent across all my hardware16:57
Raziquenope, weird, if it's not null into the databse, you hit the "interface doesn't exist"16:57
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Raziquethat means nova-network doesn't use the flag into nova.conf16:57
kbringardso eth0 is the same physically connected interface on every machine I own16:57
Raziquevidd: i've the one when i installed rabbitmq-server16:57
Micricnice, the nova.conf links it to br100 with no hardset link anywhere else16:58
Raziquekbringard: good, here it's very heterogeneous16:58
viddRazique, you did not change it? can you paste-bin it for me?16:58
Razique(dunno if it's the correct spelling =D )16:58
Raziquevidd: sure16:58
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Raziquemmm which one in fact :p16:59
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koolhead17kbringard, supp16:59
kbringardhey koolhead1716:59
kbringardhow are you?16:59
koolhead17kbringard, am fighting a bit :)16:59
viddRazique, currently, my /etc/rabbitmg/ folder is empty17:00
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Raziquevidd: in fact, so does mine17:00
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*** Lumiere has joined #openstack17:00 how/where do i set username/password info?17:00
Raziquevidd: conf is in var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit17:00
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Raziquemmm vidd no i'm wrong
uvirtbotNew bug: #891246 in quantum "The Makefile for building the openvswitch plugin agent tarball no longer works" [High,Confirmed]
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Raziquelet me check the startup script17:02
koolhead17kbringard, how have you been17:04
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kbringardbusy, but mostly well17:04
kbringardmy wife just brought me a pumpkin scone and a chai17:05
kbringardI'm in heaven17:05
Raziquevidd: I think you are right, it's like rabbit doesn't use any conf file17:05
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uvirtbotNew bug: #891247 in swift "bad accept header causes 503" [Undecided,New]
viddThe location of these files is distribution-specific. By default, they are not created, but expect to be located in the following places on each platform:17:06
Raziqueyah :/17:08
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swilli have a working version of swift that i can connect to via curl and with swift -A.  i included  the swift3 middleware and I am trying to connect with boto.  what port should i be using to connect with boto.  swift port (8080), keystone service port (5000) or keystone admin port (35357)?17:11
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Raziquekeystone service port i'd say17:12
RaziqueI mean if you intend to use it17:12
Raziqueotherwise swift port17:12
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viddRazique, rabbitmqctl change_password guest $RABBIT_PASSWORD17:13
swillRazique: i am not sure hwat you mean by 'intend to use it'.  the only doc i have found on this is:
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chrism_So I did the cactus->Diablo upgrade via aptitude17:16
chrism_anyone happen to know how to fix the "vlans blowing up" part of that process?17:16
kbringardI think Razique has done Cactus -> Diablo migrations, he may be able to help17:17
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Raziquechrism_: how did u run the upgrade ,17:17
chrism_Followed this guide here17:18
chrism_hit the bug w/ glance DB updates failing out, but whatever i just zeroed out my glance install (purged)17:18
Raziqueah ok I have written it :p17:18
chrism_nice =)17:18
kbringardRazique is a documentation ninja17:19
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chrism_I hit a problem when using the vlan manager, as of now my bridges/vlans aren't being created properly17:19
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Raziquemmm in the process u don't need to tear down vlan /brdiges17:19
Raziqueis it a multi node install ?17:19
chrism_Hldup, let me find the actual bug17:19
Raziquekbringard: hehe :p17:19
chrism_yeah, 2 compute nodes, one controller17:19
Raziquechrism_: I think you have the bridge issue17:20
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Raziqueso update the database, set brdige_interface to NULL17:20
Raziqueand for every node; into nova.conf17:20
Raziqueadd "--brdige_interface" same as "--vlan_interface"17:21
chrism_aah nice17:21
chrism_what table in the main DB?17:21
chrism_aah hldup doing so now17:21
chrism_ty, btw =)17:21
Raziqueyou welcome17:21
kbringardsee, told you Razique is the man ;-)17:22
chrism_okay it looks like that's already set to NULL in the DB, let me update the nova.conf files17:22
Raziquekbringard: u nice ^^17:22
kbringardnaw, I'm just in a really good mood ;-)17:22
Guest8352good afternoon channel :-) Does anybody know the rationale behind creating TWO disks for instances (vda and vdb) instead of just a single disk?17:22
Raziquekbringard: as usual eh17:23
kbringardGuest8352: the first disk (vda) is the disk image17:23
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kbringardthe second (vdb) is the ephemeral disk that gets created based on the flavor17:23
RaziqueI'd add that it's according the flavor u use17:23
n88why not just make one especially if the instance size is known (say 40 GB?)17:24
chrism_n88: depends on the hypervisor you're using too17:24
chrism_if you set base disk usage to like 20G, you get two disks with KVM, with other hypervisors, you'll get that 20G allocated to /17:24
chrism_at least w/ cactus, not sure if htat's fixed in diablo17:24
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Raziquewhat could be the point of using nova-volume's then ?17:24
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n88chrism: ah so it's KVM (which I'm using in my OS install) that causes the creation of two disks17:25
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chrism_Right now it's a known bug, so I think when that gets fixed the nova-volume will work as expected17:25
chrism_give me afew and I can dig up the bug17:25
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n88the reason I ask is i have a few users who didn't know about /vdb and filled up the /vda since users home directories are on vda…and then found out the extra 30 GB of their instance is on vdb which needs to be mounted AND formatted…seems like a lot of effort since they just want a 40 GB instance17:27
n88I would've thought that libvirt and KVM would be smart enough to create a 40 GB disk, and then install the img on that 40 GB17:27
chrism_hrm cant' find the bug right now17:28
Raziquen88: when u set the size to 0 into the flavor, the disk is not created I think17:28
chrism_yeah set the size to 017:28
KiallRazique: correct17:28
chrism_now what you can do is create the image in the size that you want to begin with17:28
KiallAll my "flavors" have disk size of 017:28
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chrism_that's what I had to do to get a 60G /17:29
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n88chrism: ah ok…so I could make my my own image and upload that with a 40 GB 'image'17:29
Raziquechrism_: use nova-volume :)17:29
Raziqueyou can on the fly provide extra space17:29
n88when you say set flavors to size of 0 you mean the 'size' colum in the glance/images table? or using a nova-manage command17:30
chrism_Razique: yeah but it's an additional disk at that poing17:30
Raziquen88: the flavors17:30
chrism_n88: yeah let me find the docs hldup17:30
KiallRazique: nova volume is much slower than local disk, so its not always as easy as that ;)17:30
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RaziqueKiall: I've benched both17:30
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KiallRazique: was the nova-volume on the same server as compute?17:30
Raziquethe results are excellent..17:30
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Raziquenope, another server17:31
n88Raz: 'the flavors'? I assume that means the actual unique images I have (like oneiric-x86_64)17:31
Kialln88: no, they are the "m1.small" etc17:31
Raziquein fact, it's more subtle, nova-volume is a VM itself17:31
Raziqueand connect to a SAN17:31
KiallRazique: Okay, so you have a snazzy SAN that probably helps with the performance ;)17:31
Raziquen88: openstack "flavors" = amazon "types"17:31
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RaziqueKiall: HP MSA17:32
n88Kiall: oh….so in the nova/instance-type table you have the local_gb column all set to '0'?17:32
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Kialln88: yea.. we'll i have all the m1.* left as default17:32
chrism_n88: if you do that, read the part about the "bootable images" at the bottom, where you skip most of the work.   You wn't be able to resize it, but you'll get a VM that's > 10G17:32
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Kialland added matching p1.* with 0 local_gb17:32
KiallRazique: that the P4k series that nova-volume supports then?17:33
RaziqueKiall: not at all, MSA2312i17:33
KiallSomeone else was looking to try and get the P2k series going, cant remember who though17:33
n88Kiall: ah I see…do you use the nova-manage command for adding the entires? or did you just manually edit the DB table?17:33
Raziquei simply do iscsi betwenn the san and nova-volume17:33
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Kialln88: either should work, but i used nova-manage17:33
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Raziquen88 : I do it manually =D17:33
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chrism_actually here's where it gets mentioned17:34
chrism_look under "known issues and limitations"17:34
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n88so I understand…if I change local_gb = 0, then how big will OS make the instance?17:34
cmasserafHello everyone, I was trying to get the openstack-dashboard to work with no success...17:34
MicricRazique, running a similar setup here, I use the SAN for the more.....greedy, parts.  Shat myself when it decided it could not find the LUNS yesterday evening17:34
n88chrism: awesome thanks! I am going to bookmark that page17:35
RaziqueKiall: = local storage17:35
chrism_n88: if you do the "bootable image" but make your initial image size say 50G, then when you use that image, it'll always be 50G17:35
Kialln88: it will be however big the image is...17:35
chrism_but an image that big kills glance17:35
n88chrism: hahaha ok….17:35
Kiallchrism_: look at the ubuntu oneiric .img files ;)17:35
chrism_I haven't seen those17:36
chrism_are they big?17:36
Kiallthey are like 250MB, have much space ;)17:36
Micriccmasseraf, this page has instructions and they have never failed for me.  It is near the end of the setup
chrism_oh yeah, but if you do xen/KVm as your hypervisor, you can only make / == 10G onn those at most17:36
chrism_if you want to create a VM with / > 10G, you have to do ghetto stuff w/ the images =(17:36
Kiallchrism_: specifically, oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img17:36
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chrism_aah yeah i've used those17:37
Kiallchrism_: not the one linked at the top!17:37
KiallThose are "useless" for openstack since you can never update the kernel ;)17:37
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MicricOK, so do I need to manually create the br100 interface on the node so that the VLAN can be added17:37
chrism_Kiall: you can update the kernel within the image i'm pretty sure17:37
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n88so it sounds like my options are: 1) Keep things way they are until bug gets resolved (users must mount, format, and be cognizant of /vdb) 2) Change local_gb to 0 for a new set of instance_types and then resize my images in glance to be the actual size I want them to be (10GB, 15GB, 20GB, 40GB, etc.)17:37
Kiallthe .img versions are like 250MB, but boot to a 10G volume17:37
Kiallchrism_: not in the .tar.gz versions17:38
chrism_n88: pretty much17:38
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chrism_I was dissapoint w/ that17:38
Kiallthere is a bug filed against not being able to update the kernel in the .tar.gz versions, the solution was not to use them, and instead use the .img versions17:38
n88Chrism/Kiall: thanks for all the help and explanations17:39
n88Kiall: Crap…I used the tar.gz versions...*sigh*17:39
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Kialln88: heh ;)17:39
KiallThe issue is that the VM has no control over the kernel used to boot it, that happens at the HV level..17:39
n88I swear if it wasn't for this channel I'd be in the dark  -->   ####8)#####17:40
n88that didn't quite work ###### 8) ######17:40
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Raziquen88: If patience is the mother of all virtues then who the father is?17:41
Raziqueweird, it looks like the novaclient is making non-stop calls to nova-api17:41
Raziqueafter I spawned  a new instances17:42
n88If I don't know, there's nothing I have to be patient about :-P17:42
* vidd hate rabbit...but will still be having rabbit stew =] (i think i figured it out)17:42
* Micric points at Vidd17:42
MicricHis fault17:42
viddhaving default usernames and passwords for services is bad17:43
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MicricYeah, but I am too lasy to even begin trying until it ALL works for me17:44
* vidd has determined how to kill the default username for rabbit and replace it with user-generated info =]17:44
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* vidd is scripting the entire process =]17:44
MicricTime to vacate my place of work17:44
* Micric wave goodbye to all17:44
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Raziquevidd: great17:45
RaziqueI'm starving :/17:46
viddgive me a few to finish cookink up the script =]17:46
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Raziqueit was a literal complain :p17:48
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Raziquedoes someone remember the flag which allow instance resizing on the same host ?17:50
Raziqueoh the resize only works with xen :(17:52
n88here's another question that hopefully has a simple answer: does OS support EBS-backed instances?17:53
Raziquen88: yes!17:53
n88or put another way…is there any way to save the state of an instance in OS other than writing all your permanent data to a volume and re-attaching it to a new instance17:53
Raziquealso known as "boot from volume"17:53
Raziquen88: two options here17:53
n88Raz: yes boot from volume!17:54
Raziqueconvert the instances to images via nova image-create17:54
viddscript to keep poachers off your rabbit farm =]
Raziquesecond option, backup nova-volumes via a script I've written
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Raziquenothing fancy but works here :p17:54
Kiallwhat a name ;) SCR_5005_V01_NUAC-OPENSTACK-EBS-volumes-backup.sh17:55
Raziquen88: the nova image-create is awesome17:55
viddthis deletes the default "guest" user and adds your user defined user and password17:55
Raziquethanks vidd !17:55
viddRazique, we need to get this to the devstack ppl =]17:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #891264 in nova "OSAPI - Access addresses not checked for format" [Undecided,New]
Raziqueyah sure, u know any of them ?17:56
viddhacking becomes harder if you dont already have half the user/password combo =]17:56
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viddthey re around here somewhere17:57
n88Raz: how does the second option work…? If I backup a volume, how do I 're-launch' it?17:57
Raziquen88:  you reattach it to an instance17:57
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n88ah ok…got it17:57
Raziquesee a volume as a usb key17:57
swillhas anyone here ever used swiftauth and swift3 together?17:57
Raziqueyou put content on via an instance17:58
Raziqueand can be attached to any other instance17:58
viddannegentle, any chance to get this little nugget into the docs?17:58
n88Raz: and the first option….you just run against a running instance and it creates an image in glance17:58
n88that you then launch next time?17:58
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Raziquen88: yup :)17:58
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Raziquenova image-create <server> <name>17:58
swillI can see my boto calls hitting the keystone server in debug mode, but it is getting a 404 trying to access some bogus token that I do not believe actually is on my keystone server.17:58
Raziquebut make sure you have qemu in version 0.14 somehting like this17:58
Raziquethe one which supports qemu-clone command17:59
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Raziquethe 0.12 version doesn't have the cloning feature implemented . the image is then uploaded to glance17:59
n88Raz: that's pretty sweet! what happens when you do this: Launch standard image then write some data to the ephemeral drive, then use nova image-create command to create an image of this instance. Now terminate instance. Then launch an instance using the newly created 'custom' image.  Write more data to ephemeral drive.  Now do I need to use nova image-create yet again to persist that second set of data?18:00
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Raziquen88: here is the commit
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Raziquethat feature is the one used by nova18:00
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uvirtbotNew bug: #891267 in quantum "ovs plugin fails on stock xenserver" [Medium,New]
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KiallOkay, who remembers the name of the utility to generate entropy on a VM?18:01
Raziquen88: the answer is here I'd say "Right now, it only supports to copy the full snapshot, delta snapshot is on the way".18:01
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KiallI *always* forget the damn name -_-18:02
Raziquerng ?18:02
Kiallthats the one!18:02
Raziquerng-tools :)18:02
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Raziquen88: before creating an image don't forget to use "sync" so you force the pending I/O to be written18:02
swillhas anyone had swift3 point to a non-existent keystone token?18:02
n88Raz: ok so that means my statement above is basically correct…everytime you want to "power off" the instance you will need to run sync and then do a nova image-create command18:03
n88until they implement delta snapshots18:03
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n88then just clean up the old image that is no longer valid and make sure to use the new image on next instance "power up"18:04
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Raziquen88: yah i think a instance power off was on it's way18:04
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Raziquecuz today if you power off the instance, you loose it18:05
Raziquesoft power-off = need to run a nova reboot or euca-reboot18:05
KiallRazique: unless you use nova suspend18:05
Raziquehard power-off = nova delete of euca-terminate18:05
RaziqueKiall: yah true but that doesn't power off the instance, does it ?18:05
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KiallYea - That instances KVM is gone once its suspended, and a nova reboot brings it back up18:06
n88Kiall/Raz: so is nova-suspend and nova-reboot similar to my using say VirtualBox on my personal machine to save the image state and then boot it back up?18:07
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Raziquen88: yup it does that18:07
Kiallnova suspend is like a shutdown that doesnt wipe it18:07
Kialland nova reboot brings it back up again18:07
RaziqueKiall: oh u sure ?18:07
n88(I'm coming from Eucalyptus where this wasn't an option…if you terminated your instance…you lost everything…you could reboot it from within the VM, but if you terminated it hasta la vista)18:07
KiallRazique: yea..18:07
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RaziqueKiall: so it's the equivalent of virsh destroy $domain ?18:08
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Raziquen88: yah me too, lost a couples of datas in production here18:08
* Razique remembers the loooong days he had trying to get back a terminated instance18:09
viddKiall, Razique i tweeked the rabbit script
Raziquevidd: perfect ! how nova uses the credentials then ?18:10
n88Raz: Yeah…I mean my cloud users want to: run instance, save data locally (i.e. not using a volume), power-off instance.  Then 3 days later, come back, power up instance, and see saved local data.  I was under the impression this was only possibly with EBS-backed instances18:10
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KiallRazique: off the top of my head, I dont actually know. I tend to shutdown the instance from the inside first18:10
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viddRazique, --rabbit_userid and --rabbit_userid18:11
viddsorry &--rabbit_password18:11
RaziqueKiall: what would be the point of shuting down an instance ?18:11
Raziquevidd: thanks !18:11
Raziquegood to know that18:11
vidddolphm, you here?18:11
KiallRazique: So its not consuming resources while its unused...18:12
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n88Kiall: but if you don't destroy the VM, isn't it still considered 'using' resources?18:13
KiallRazique: I've only used it once, for an instance that wouldnt boot up and was chewing 100% cpu on 4 cores ;)18:13
viddRazique, lets say for example, you have a world soccor tornament site load-balanced on 5 vm's....18:13
vidd2 months after the season, do you really need 5 instances?18:13
Kiallvidd: you should really be using puppet or whatever to manage that18:13
Kiallnot setting up 5 VMs, pausing 4 of them, giving 1 8 months of updates, then trying to rejoin the other 418:14
Raziquevidd: you would delete them wouldn't you ?18:14
Raziquen88: I did a test18:14
Raziquespawned an instance, create an image from it18:14
n88Raz: ok…I could've too but I'm eating lunch and reading this channel :-P18:14
n88so thanks :)18:14
Raziquedeleted the instances, recreated it from the newily created image18:15
Raziquethen update the instance, and try to override the image18:15
Raziquethat doesn't work18:15
RaziqueI end up with two images18:15
Raziquemaybe I don't know how to "update" and image18:15
n88Raz: that's what I was expecting….b/c of no delta snapshots...18:15
n88Raz: it just means you should delete the old image…and then make sure to use the new image on next reboot18:16
viddKiall, it was the first example i could think of that didnt involve "audult websites" =]18:16
Raziquen88: i'll try another one, create an image, update the instance18:16
Raziqueand respawn from the same image18:16
Raziquethat would be fantastic18:16
n88Raz: But if Kiall is saying I can 'power-down' my VM with its state and then later power it back up and when it's unpowered it doesn't use any resources, that may be what I'm actually looking for...18:16
n88Raz: so you want to see if the updates are persisted back into the image on glance?18:17
Kialln88: give it a test.. I could be wrong about the KVM being shutdown, it may only stop CPU usage..18:17
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KiallAs I said, I only used it once for a messed up VM that was chewing CPU)18:17
n88Kiall: I might as well try it now…lunch is almost finished…one sec18:17
n88don't any of you have users that want to persist permanent data? Or do you just tell them to use a volume? My issue is that if you install lots of applications you have to reinstall them each time you start a new instance unless you create a unique image with those applications pre-loaded18:18
Raziquen88: when I try to run a nova suspend I've " (nova.rpc): TRACE: Error: operation failed: domain save job: unexpectedly failed"18:18
n88Raz: bummer18:18
* koolhead17 wonders if he is going to add his existing project name inside tenats filed of keystone db 18:18
Kialln88: then you're doing it wrong ;)18:18
KiallGo look at puppet ;)18:19
n88Kiall: wouldn't be the first time...haha18:19
n88Kiall: so you're using the puppet framework to set up configurations and having those get pushed to instances as soon as they boot up?...18:19
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Kialln88: I use puppet and ubuntu cloud init to bootstrap18:20
n88Raz: what about nova shutdown or nova suspend18:20
Raziquen88: nova shutdown ?18:21
KiallRazique: weird.. suspend works for me..18:21
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Raziquedosn't exist18:21
Kialllet me try it on a test vm18:21
n88Raz: guessing at commands =P18:21
viddKiall, in your ppa of dashboard, do you auto-add dashboard to apache? you is that an after install config?18:21
RaziqueKiall: doesn't work at all here :/18:21
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RaziqueKiall: u use repos ?18:21
Kiallvidd: I do, but frankly I want to change how it does it right now18:21
KiallRazique: i have my own PPA for all the packages18:22
Raziqueok, do I need extra conf in order to make the suspend work ?18:22
Raziqueappart the allow_admin_api ?18:22
KiallNot that I know of .. give me a few mins and I'll look18:22
viddKiall, yeah...i dont much like the phpmyadmin-esque it destroys the default file18:22
Raziquehere is the log
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n88Raz: ok…yeah I guess it's nova suspend I'm interested in…if that does indeed "suspend" an instance and releases it resources but then lets a user 'restart' or 'reboot' that image at a later time, re-consuming the resources that would be ideal18:23
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Raziquen88: yah, looks like it's what you need18:24
Raziquenova suspend18:24
viddKiall, i suppose the .deb does that too then18:24
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chrism_Razique: fwiw, it's not bringing up any bridges at all now =(18:26
chrism_nor vlans18:26
Raziquecheck nova-network.log18:26
Raziqueneed to eat18:29
Raziquei'll be back later18:29
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chrism_werd =)18:29
Raziquetry to check if the vlans are not up18:29
chrism_vlans aren't getting brought up18:29
chrism_but yeah18:29
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chrism_not seeing anything obvious in nova-networ18:29
Raziqueok, good luck, bye guys18:29
chrism_but go eat, i'm going to tinker for a bit18:29
chrism_and ty again18:29
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n88Kiall: When I try to do 'nova suspend 9' on my running VM, I get: n/a (HTTP 404)18:34
n88let me check logs18:35
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n88Only error in the logs: 2011-11-16 13:31:50,216 DEBUG routes.middleware [-] No route matched for POST /project1/servers/f98a58fb-5fa3-4504-82a1-9c31a430708b/suspend from (pid=2363) __call__ /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/routes/
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xavicampahi guys, see if somebody can help, I've been searching the web for a solution to this without any success, and I'm pretty sure is something very stupid18:38
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xavicampaI just apt-get upgraded my 10.10 with the nova-trunk repository18:39
xavicampabut can't get nova-common configured18:39
xavicampaI get this error: nova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found: cannot import name Random18:39
xavicampais there anything broken in that branch at the moment?18:40
xavicampaor my setup?18:40
Kialln88: I'm not sure ..
Kialln88: and the instance's KVM is gone from ps aux18:41
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n88Kiall: I just tried shutting down from within the VM and then using nova reboot; it also releases the memory and CPU18:41
n88or at least doesn't consume as much18:41
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n88there's a few commands: suspend/resume, pause/unpause (any idea what those do?), shutdown (from within instance)/reboot18:43
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n88Kiall: do the pause commands work for you? You used reboot in your pastebin…do you know what resume does?18:44
Kiallthey all just call straight into libvirt18:45
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n88so I guess I should look at libvrit…thanks for the quick code reference. Seems there's quite a few different 'dom' commands being called…guess I'll research what each does18:46
n88still not sure why I'm getting that 404 error18:46
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n88unless…Kiall are you running everything on one box?18:46
KiallBut-  that instance is on the main node18:47
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n88yeah…the address it's trying to use appears to be a like a 'libvirt' address18:47
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n88so it can find /project1/servers/blah blah18:47
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Kiallthat code is part of the compute node ..18:47
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KiallIt should be working with multi-node.. without a doubt18:48
n88Kiall: then it appears that the webserver handling the nova suspend call is either not running or misconfigured on my machine18:48
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KiallMaybe its part of the admin api? (I cant see why it would be though)18:50
KiallDo you have that enabled?18:50
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n88no I don't…is that a flag in nova.conf?18:51
n88what component needs that…. nova-api?18:51
Kiallthr same nova.conf should be suitable for all servers18:52
KiallI havent found a setting yet that needed to be different on a second node18:52
n88I've got users running instances on compute nodes…I'm worried about adding that configuration file and restarting nova-api on my cloud 'controller'18:52
KiallI see you went into production too early so ;)18:53
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n88haha…well they are a beta tester ;-) we only have 3 4-core compute nodes…we're certainly not an enterprise cloud (thank god) … haha18:53
n88but they're doing some processing using the instance and I'm just nervous doing anything that might cause hiccups until they're done processing data18:54
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Kialln88: any luck?19:08
n88oh I'm probably going to wait unless you think I can restart nova-api without any detrimental effects? :-P19:09
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n88Kiall: I printed out the chat log so will just take a stab at it later and see if it resolves things… I know where to find you if it doesn't ;-)19:12
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xavicampaanybody who can give me a hand to troubleshoot the "nova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found: cannot import name Random" error? :)19:20
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xavicampahappens in the line "GlanceClient = utils.import_class('glance.client.Client')"19:22
xavicampaof /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/nova/image/glance.py19:23
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hajiwhat is the default user/pass for an ubuntu cloud image19:28
hajikiall, little help19:29
viddhaji, ubuntu / password19:29
xavicampahaji, I think the password is generated randomly on boot, so you must login using ssh keys (which are injected)19:29
viddbut you need to log in password-less with the key19:29
hajidoesnt work19:30
hajiim trying to using using vnc19:30
xavicampayou can't login from vnc...19:30
hajiso whats the dashboard for?19:31
xavicampanot with the default ubuntu AMI images at least, I think19:31
viddhaji, you have to ssh in with the key and turn on access from within the server19:31
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xavicampavidd is correct, you can enable that afterwards19:31
xavicampafirst login must be done though ssh19:31
hajidamn.. ok got it19:32
viddhaji, or, use a diffent image19:32
hajia custom image?19:32
viddone that already has these abilities turned on by default19:33
viddhaji, yes19:33
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Kiallhaji: yea, the standard ubuntu images dont have a default password (think of the giant security hole that would be!)19:35
KiallYou just have to set one once you SSH in19:35
viddKiall, if im not mistaken, not only do you need to reset the password, you have to enable ssh password login in the server config files19:36
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Kiallvidd: Possibly, I've never done it ;)19:36
viddrunning my [hopefully] complete script from a fresh install19:37
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hajido i generate the key with the euca or with the dashboard?19:37
viddeither one should work19:38
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Kiallthe dashboard (and the nova command) lets you import an existing one (bit win for me :P)19:38
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Kiallbig win*19:38
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viddKiall, if my scripting works and i get a fully functioanl stack, would you like to see it all?19:39
Kiallnah.. ;)19:39
KiallSure - There are some things I'd like update my packages to handle19:40
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viddyour scripts just say "do this, do that" my say "what do you want for this" and "what do you want for that" =]19:41
Kiallvidd: lol.. I dont want them to do that ;)19:41
KiallPeople should know what is necessary ;)19:41
viddmakes random passwords for databases etc =]19:41
KiallI do want to update my packages to ask for details like "RabbitMQ Server IP", "RabbitMQ Server Password" etc etc19:42
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Kiallthat way, you can deploy with little more than some standard preseeding19:42
viddKiall, i have alot of sub-scripts19:43
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viddso that way you get things like a a host list (auto-created)  that the scripts pull from19:44
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viddbahhh forgot a "-y"19:45
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n88does Nova have snapshots? Or is that in essence what image-create is?19:48
fulanitokiall: what ip do I need to have in the private interface19:48
fulanitoI am using your scripts19:49
Kiallfulanito: it depends really, pretty sure that step suggests going and reading the OpenStack docs :)19:49
viddanother missing -y =\19:52
n88does anybody know…if I want to change my glance location after I've already got images19:52
n88can I: 1) change glance.api configuration directory location, 2) Manually change db entries 3) Manually copy over the image files19:52
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n88and have everything still "work"?19:52
n88and then of course, restart glance19:52
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py__is there any good tutorial for ubuntu 11.10 and openstack install19:53 keystone database is not getting built19:53
fulanitokiall: I have already created an instance and it has a ip and my private network is and I do have a bridge with 172.16 network and I cant access to the instance19:53
n88py_: There's a few out there...19:53
n88py_ I will send you links19:54
py__n88: tnx19:54
n88py_: I haven't found any to be compltely accurate or updated19:54
n88py_: I would recommend using Kiall's PPA repo though19:54
n88py_: and looking at his scripts and files…very helpful19:54
n88py_: I've actually put together a very detailed document but it's not complete nor up on web yet19:54
n88py_: (or at least I'm trying)…standby for links19:55
py__i am looking forward to see your tutorial as wll19:55
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py__any goog detailed document is good19:55
n88that link doesn't say specifically 11.10 but I used many of the steps to create my doucment19:55
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py__i'll give a try19:56
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py__on 11.10 with this steps19:56
n88py_: that second is a little more step by step19:56
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n88here's Kiall's PPA 'homepage' as well as instructions and links to his 'scripts' that really help show what commands to issue:
Kialln88: yea 'scripts' is the right way to put them ;)19:57
py__n88: tnx, does it really need to be 2 servers ?19:57
Kiallno .. 1 server can run everything.19:58
fulanitokiall: I have already created an instance and it has a ip and my private network is and I do have a bridge with 172.16 network and I cant access to the instance19:58
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py__Kiall: ok19:58
n88py_: yes you can do it all on one for testing/development19:58
n88py_: in fact if you're only doing one Kiall's scripts can actually be used19:58
Kiallfulanito: you create a set of floating IPs using nova-manage19:58
Kiallthey would be in the 192.168.3.X range19:58
Kialland you assign those to instances for public access19:58
n88py_: I can't run nova-compute on my cloud controller so I have nova-compute on 3 separate nodes and that's it19:59
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n88if you private message me your email I can send you the document I have with my detailed instructions…keep in mind it's draft and it assumes separate machines19:59
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py__that would be great n8819:59
py__one sec19:59
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hajii created some floating ips, but they dont appear on the dashboard20:03
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Kiallhaji: have you clicked the button on that page? ;)20:03
robixis the github nova branch 'diablo/stable' the same as the nova-2011.3.tar.gz file located at ?20:04
Kiallrobix: no.20:04
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KiallIts that tar.gz + a bunch of fixes20:04
Kiallit will eventually become 2011.3.1.tar.gz ..20:05
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robixok, that helps.20:05
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xavicampafor the record, my problem "nova.exception.ClassNotFound: Class Client could not be found: cannot import name Random" seems to be related to the version of python-crypto Maverick packages, I may need to upgrade to natty20:11
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hajiso i get  a no route to host with ssh20:21
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hajiim guessing a problem with my network setup20:22
hajimy private interface to my vlan switch is different from from the bridge interface20:23
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viddhaji, did you set up the default ip rules?20:23
hajiyeah port 2220:23
Kiallhaji: and your trying to connect to a floating IP?20:23
Kiallgod - I always get those wrong -_-20:23
hajito the fixed ip20:23
Kiallare you trying to ssh from the nova node? or your desktop?20:24
hajinova node20:24
hajifrom my desktop im using the floating ip20:24
Kiallweird, it should be accessible.. all in 1 or multiple nodes?20:24
hajitwo nodes20:25
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KiallI think it would only be accessible from the compute node in that case.. I cant remember20:25
hajion the controller i have a br100 with
hajieth0 with
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hajieth1 with
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Kiallhaji: VLAN networking?20:26
hajivlan100 shows up20:26
Kialland its bound to eth1?20:26
Kiallcat /proc/net/vlan/vlan10020:26
Kialllook for the "Device:" line20:27
Kiallit should say eth1 (assuming the VLAN traffic should be going over eth1 that is..)20:27
hajiDevice: eth020:27
Kiall--vlan_interface=eth1 in nova.conf?20:27
hajino the interface connected to the vlan switch is eth020:28
hajiin my case20:28
KiallOh - so what is eth1 used for then?20:28
viddKiall, your keystone only made 3 tables in the database?20:28
hajipublic interface20:28
Kiallvidd: yea, if you let keystone create the tables automatically, it does that...20:28
Kiallif you run the migrate command, it does 420:29
Kiallgo figure20:29
haji--vlan_interface=eth0 in my nova.conf20:29
viddKiall, half the daggone database is missing20:29
Kialldaggone ?20:29
Kialloh wait - keystone uses more than 4 tables.. thats glance20:29
hajimy ifconfig
viddits short for "(*&%^&*$$&* (*)^&&^%&^* )(*)&$#$%#%^*& 78907896768$#$#^%*&*(&)(*&"20:30
Kiallvidd: no idea, works for me ;)20:30
Kialland a pile of other people20:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #891329 in nova "inconsistency in documentation" [Undecided,New]
Kiallhaji: I'm not sure so, are you sure the switch is passing the VLAN traffic correctly?20:31
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viddnote to self...use "service keystone restart" not "keystone-control all restart"20:32
Kiallvidd: yup20:32
hajii only configured the vlan 100 on the device20:32
Kiallhaji: ports set to Trunk mode?20:32
Kiallvidd: you decided to use my packages?20:32
hajilet me check20:33
KiallIf they are general/access vlan 100, things wont work as expected....20:33
viddKiall, im sandboxing =]20:33
Kialland what do you mean by "sandboxing".. that could have 100 different meanings ;)20:34 seeing if i can get past setting up keystone and get an instance to load =]20:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #891330 in nova "installing python postgresql module" [Undecided,New]
viddsince i cant find the middleware in the git package of keystone, what is the harm of using yours20:36
viddpluss we had that conversation about pros and cons of one over the other.... =]20:36
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KiallIf you want, I can write out some basic docs about how the packages work, so you can feel update them + safer using them ;)20:37
KiallIf you want, I can write out some basic docs about how the packages work, so you can update them + feel safer using them ;)*20:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #891335 in nova "mysql user has broad privileges" [Undecided,New]
hajii enabled trunk mode on the ports20:48
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hajibut i still get no route to host20:48
KiallAfter setting trunk mode, did you grant access to vlan 100?20:48
Kiall(the default vlan is a different setting)20:48
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hajii did a command like this one: switchport trunk native vlan 10020:50
hajiafter setting trunk mode20:50
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KiallLooks like cisco switch syntax?20:50
KiallSadly, I dont know the cisco commands ;)20:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #891337 in nova "nova-manage db sync" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotNew bug: #891338 in nova "configuring mysql in nova.conf" [Undecided,New]
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hajiit is20:51
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KiallOkay, so take a step back and assign vlan100 on both servers an IP .. something unused at the moment20:52
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Kiallget that going first20:52
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hajimmm the compute node doesnt have the interface vlan10020:54
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KiallFrom memory, It should,20:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #891339 in nova "flat network injection" [Undecided,New]
KiallI do use the multi-node networking though..20:56
KiallSo all compute nodes also run nova-network20:56
hajii only installed compute and volume on the second node20:56
Kialland was the network created with --multi_node T ?20:57
hajii thought the nodes only need compute and/or volume20:58
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Kiallhaji: they only need compute20:59
Kiallunless you create the networks with the multi-node  flag20:59
Kiallin which case, they need nova-network aswell20:59
Kiallnova-volume is not needed on all servers20:59
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hajiand the interface will be created for me or i have run the command21:01
Kiallnova creates all the interfaces21:01
Kiallie dont manually setup bridges21:01
hajiwell i dont see them :(21:03
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hajigotta run21:05
hsomdfor my first time install of swift just to familiarize myself, would you all recommend installing keynote or should i use swauth21:08
notmynamehsomd: why not use the included tempauth? it's much simpler21:08
hsomdoh i didn't know.  the docs.openstack seem to imply that i should be using swauth *or* keynote21:08
hsomd^ arethese the right directions?21:09
uvirtbothsomd: Error: "arethese" is not a valid command.21:09
hsomdnotmyname, are there more straight forward docs i should look at?21:09
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notmynamehsomd: or may be useful to you21:10
hsomd i didn't follow saio because i'm doing the install across 5 servers , and i was following the installmultinode you linked but i thought maybe it was out of date21:11
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hsomdit is still accurate then i assume?21:11
notmynamehsomd: how many proxy servers are you running?21:12
hsomdjust 121:12
notmynamethen tempauth should be fine for a simple POC21:13
hsomdexcellent.  thx21:13
notmynamehsomd: the docs are updated with every commit to swift. they are, by definition, the most current docs out there. there still can be mistakes in them, of course21:14
notmynamegenerally the * docs are written by the devs and are generally technical. the docs are generally written by a dedicated doc person (and actual writer) and are targeted at a broader audience21:16
hsomdthe installmultinode.html doc u linked, step #1 for proxy node install says:   "For every storage device in /srv/node on each node add entries to each ring."    What is /srv/node?   And for clarification , does that mean i'm running the swift-ring-builder command only on proxy node at this point?21:18
hsomdbut i repeat the command, for each node, yet running that command only on the proxy server21:19
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notmynameyou can build the ring on any computer you want. it will create 2 files and you can distribute those to each server however you want21:20
hsomdthx for clarifying21:20
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jdgTried OpenStack-NOVA-Installer-Script for a multi-node demo setup.  Now when running nova-manage db sync I'm failing with what appears to be a KeyError... anybody have any ideas?21:23
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hajiso either is my switch or my second node that is failing21:25
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hsomdjdg, can u paste the exact error?21:26
jdghsomd:  Would you like the Trace from the nova-manage.log?21:27
Kiallhaji: thought you were going ;)21:27
hsomdjdg: sure maybe pastebin it21:28
hajiI'm mobile21:28
jdghsomd:  Give me a second to figure out how to pastebin and not clobber everybodys window21:28
hajion my android hehe21:28
hsomdjdg: paste.openstack.org21:29
jdghsomd:  Thanks... it's at #338021:31
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hsomdi'mnot really familiar w/ that.  can u gimme the url?21:33
hsomdoh i see it21:33
jdghsomd: I think you can just do
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jdgnever mind... sounds like you got it21:35
hajibut yeah I installed the nova-network and I didn't get  new interfaces21:35
hajidoes it takes time21:35
hajior something21:35
Kiallhaji: usually pretty quick21:35
hsomdjdg, sorry i'm not really familiar w/ what might be causing that :(21:36
jdgDOH!!  That's ok, neither am I :)21:36
jdgMaybe I'll try posting the same query in dev?21:36
hsomdya might be good idea21:37
jdghsomd:  Thanks for looking at it21:37
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jog0notmyname, Do you know anything about listing different roles then
notmynamejog0: sorry, no21:42
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hsomdjog0, i know a little bit about it.  just basic stuff21:43
jog0hsomd, my question is why are they different, and how up to date is  http://nova.openstack.org21:44
hsomdoh ya, when i firsted started using openstack , this was confusing as HELL21:45
hsomdfirst tell me what your interpretation is so that i know how much of it you comprehend , i don't want to disparage u otherwise21:45
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jog0hsomd, my understanding is that is more out of date then which is also a little out of date (as reflected by the actual nova-manage commands)21:46
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hsomdthe diablo one is probably the most up to date.. but i didn't see much diff in them21:47
hsomdi mean they're typed up diff but the cmds they give you look the same no?21:47
hajiI was thinking my eth0 IP was the trouble21:49
jog0I am referring to the command format the doc says "nova-manage user create john my-access-key a-super-secret-key" but it should be "nova-manage user create --name=john --access=my-access-key --secret=a-super-secret-key21:49
hajicuz its 192.16821:49
hsomdjog0, u should be able to do either21:50
jog0right, I am not having trouble running the commands. I am interested in knowing if docs are actively maintained since they are the first docs that pop up usually in google searches21:52
hsomdi don' thave the answer to that sorry21:53
jog0hsomd, thanks anyway21:53
jog0hsomd, do you know who I could talk to about that?21:54
hajiand the fixed network is 172.1621:56
jdghsomd:  No response in dev... do you have any recommendations for a better way to try and bring up a multi-node demo cluster?21:56
hsomdjdg, i think
hsomdwrong person21:56
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hsomdjog0, i think is the right person21:56
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hsomdjdg,  here's what i'd try...21:57
hsomdis it mysql?21:57
jdghsomd: yes21:57
hsomdlog into mysql, drop the old db, create a new db 'nova' and give it the nova username perms permissions21:58
hsomdand then retry the nova-manage db sync21:58
jdghsomd: sounds logical, I'll try it.21:58
jog0hsomd, thanks22:00
viddKiall, you still here?22:01
viddhow you want me to get you copies of my scripts?22:01
Kiallnot putting them anywhere public?22:01 where?22:02
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KiallCreate a repo on github, and they give pretty good instructions ;')22:04
n88Kiall - have you ever changed the default glance image storage and cache directories?22:04
n88Kiall: (this is for local image storage using glance)22:05
KiallNo, I dont use swift so leaving it as is was fine for me..22:05
n88Kiall: I'm not using swift either…I'm running out of space on the disk where glance is by default storing images22:06
n88Kiall: So I wanted to have glance use another path on a different disk22:06
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KiallOh, If there is no config option to change it, just mount a partition there22:06
Kiallor ln -s ..22:06
n88Kiall: I see in the glance configuration files paths and could manually change those22:06
Kiallor a bind mount22:06
n88well all the glance-*.conf files have the path coded22:07
n88so unless i did a bind mount or symbolic link22:07
n88I guess I would have to change all of those22:07
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Kiallgotta love when your shell ends up like "┘␊┼┐␋┼⎽@␌␋:·$"22:10
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viddKiall, so...with 401's all over the place...22:12
Kiallno, exported a gpg key and forgot to redirect it to a file..22:13
viddmost likely a openstackx issue right?22:13
Kialloh, dunno..22:13
Kiallwhat 401's?22:13
viddin dashboard Unable to get service info: 401 Unauthorized This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document you requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser does not understand how to supply the credentials required.22:14
KiallOh, Dashboard has never given me that message22:14
Kiallkeystone and dashboard were *really* easy to setup, I don't think I had any issues with them after i realised the ubuntu packages were broken.22:15
dolphmKiall: awesome22:15
Kialldolphm: lol .. I bet that the first time you heard someone say that?22:16
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dolphmKiall: now that you mention it, it absolutely is22:16
vidddolphm, im getting ready to [attempt to] upload some scripts for automating an install of openstack22:16
dolphmvidd: to where?22:16
viddi think the devstack ppl might be intersted in my approach to setting rabbitmq username and password22:17
viddto github if i can ever figure it out22:17
dolphmvidd: let me know if you need help22:17
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viddi always need some kind of help...but you probably dont have a degree in psycology =]22:18
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jdgvidd:  Do your scripts work for a multi-node setup?  I may be interested in testing for you this afternoon since I can't get this $%&^ thing to work.22:32
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viddjdg currently, my scripts are for single-node, single eth22:32
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hsomdjdg, dropping the db and recreating it didn't work?22:32
hajividd are u making scripts, where can i get them?22:33
viddbut will be expanding [sometime after i figure out what went wrong where]22:33
jdghsomd: I ran a test of just doing a mysql client connect from the remote host and all was fine.  Leads me to believe there's something actually wrong in one of the .py files maybe?22:33
viddhaji, they are not ready for prime time yet22:33
viddthey are barely sutable for review22:33
hsomdjdg, did your /etc/nova.conf have the db settings in it?22:34
viddand if i cant get them to git they wont even be for that =\22:34
jdghsomd: Yep, that was my first suspect.22:34
hsomdif you log into your mysql nova db, does it create *some* of the tables?22:34
jdgyes, there are the basic tables there22:34
hsomdodd, might be a bug then22:35
hsomddoes that script pull the latest from trunk?22:35
hsomdor does it use the stable release22:35
jdgI'm trying to figure that out now...22:36
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viddKiall, you sure this github thing is "easy"22:36
hsomdjdg, you might just try downloading the stable release.  i know for sure it works there22:36
jdgLooks like it's just an apt-get of the pkg22:37
jdgWhich means there's something wrong with my config somewhere then.22:37
hsomdjdg, i can walk you through how to install multi node from source if you'd like22:38
jdgppa:nova-core/release is what it pulls.22:38
hsomdi'm not sure what that is22:38
jdghsomd:  I would definitely take you up on your offer22:38
Kiallvidd: yea it is.22:38
hsomdwhat os you running?22:38
jdgUbuntu 11.0422:39
hsomdoh that's easy then.22:39
hsomdone sec22:39
jdgTwo nodes, 2 nics on each (1 1Gig and 1 10Gig for iscsi/volumes)22:39
hsomdoh well i can help you get past the mysqldb part anyway22:40
jdghsomd: more than fair22:40
hsomdgimme a sec22:41
jdgNo problem22:41
jdgGrabbing some caffeine...22:41
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hajiwhere can i find a tutorial to configure a cisco switch for openstack vlan setup22:41
hsomdjdg, here are my personal notes on getting it working from source
hsomdhopefully it'll be of help22:42
jdghsomd:  Excellent, I'll give it a go22:45
jdghsomd:  Would I be best starting from a fresh install of the OS?22:45
hsomdmmm... i don't see why you'd have to22:46
jdgI like that answer :)22:46
hsomdmaybe just uninstall the nova* pkgs22:46
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hsomdjdg, i gotta run but good luck.22:48
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jdghsomd: So I would leave my cluster controller as is and try this on the compute nodes I wish to add correct?22:48
jdghsomd:  Thanks for your help, I appreciate it!!22:48
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hajianybody here knows how to configure a cisco switch with openstack23:00
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viddKiall, dolphm FINALLY got my scripts up23:18
viddword to the wise...these are experimental...not for general use at this time23:19
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daMaestroanyone know who gholt is on freenode?23:38
notmynamedaMaestro: actually, he's gholt23:40
notmynamehe's just not in this channel23:40
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hsomnotmyname,  so after following the, which makes no mention of auth-server.conf, when i do swift-init all start it complains it doesn't exist.23:43
notmynamehsom: auth-server.conf was part of an auth server that was depricated many releases ago. what version of swift are you running?23:44
daMaestroi made some guesses on where he might be and whois is of no help, notmyname if you know let him know i'd like him to add a download tar on his github23:45
hsomi'm installing from ppa, it says 1.4.3-0ubuntu1~maverick1~ppa123:45
notmynamedaMaestro: for swauth?23:45
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notmynamedaMaestro: doesn't work?23:46
daMaestroswauth-lucid-build-1.0.2-1.tgz has too much in it23:46
notmynamewhat, then, are you looking for?23:47
notmynamehsom: that's the current version. have you upgraded versions of swift?23:47
daMaestroswauth_1.0.2-1.tar.gz alone as a download option23:48
hsomno it's fresh install23:48
hsomi don't get the error on my proxy node.  it only comes up on the storage nodes23:49
notmynamehsom: specifically about auth-server.conf?23:49
hsomthe only pkg difference between my storage and proxy node is 'swift-proxy', which wasn't installed on the storage nodes23:49
notmynamedaMaestro: I'm still not clear on what you are looking for. or what "too much" is23:50
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notmynamehsom: what exactly is the error you are seeing?23:56
hsomnotmyname, Starting account-replicator23:58
hsomUnable to locate config file for auth-server. /etc/swift/auth-server.conf does not exist?23:58
hsomthat's after a bunch of other services listed started up .  cmd was swift-init all start23:59
notmynamehsom: I'm not sure why that would have happened23:59
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