Tuesday, 2011-12-13

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rustamhi, our idle swift ring generates quite a bit read io. there's absolutely no load. in the logs i can see mainly replicator activity. we have default run_pause (30sec).00:56
rustami was wondering what people are using in prod for run_pause?00:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903497 in nova "Confusion between UUID instance ID and integer ID in instance_info_cache_delete_by_instance_id" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90349701:21
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903502 in nova "Confusion between UUID and name in quota_get_all_by_project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90350201:36
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tungvshi guys, I've assigned a public IP (local network IP) for an instance, and from local network I cannot ping to the instance. Tcpdump shows that packets has reached the intance, and instance has replied. But the reply packets cannot get out to the local network.04:40
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903540 in nova "'VirtualInterface' object has no attribute 'network'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90354004:41
tungvsWhen I do ip_forward, it works.04:41
tungvsAny idea ?04:41
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tungvsI'm using Diablo with FlatDHCPManager network04:41
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longhudouI can ping the running instance on the compute node ,but I cannot ssh to it,06:47
longhudouanybody run into this circumstance before06:47
longhudouI use one NIC card06:48
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longhudoudo I need to set up a bridge named br100?06:55
longhudoucan anybody help06:57
Ryan_Lanelonghudou: depends06:58
Ryan_Lanelonghudou: which networking mode?06:58
Ryan_Lanethen, no06:58
Ryan_Lanebut, you need to give it  device that it'll use to create a br10006:58
Ryan_Lane(or another bridge of your choosing. I for instance use br10306:58
longhudouthe running instance on the controller node I can ping and ssh06:59
longhudoubut the instance on the compute node i can ping ,but not ssh07:00
Ryan_Lanedid you authorize ssh?07:00
Ryan_Laneis the instance getting an address?07:01
Ryan_Lane /var/log/syslog or /var/log/daemonlog or some other log in there will show the dhcp log07:01
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Ryan_Lanelonghudou: is there a bridge created on your other node?07:02
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longhudouI think yes,br007:02
Ryan_Lanebr0 is the default qemu bridge, I think07:03
longhudoudo I need another bridge?07:03
Ryan_Lanedid you set --flat_interface ?07:04
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Ryan_Lanedid you set --flat_interface ?07:10
longhudouyes it is eth007:11
longhudouis there something wrong with that?07:13
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tungvs_Anyone knows it is necessary to use ip_forward in FlatDHCP or not ?07:38
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903580 in quantum "avoid erroneous error about extensions path on boot" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90358007:46
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longhudouare u busy07:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903581 in quantum "etc/quantum.conf.sample is not valid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90358108:01
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tungvs_a little, so ?08:07
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pydoes anyone if there some big difference between tempauth and swauth?09:00
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uksysadminhey all09:18
uksysadminwhat's the best way to install dashboard/horizon - is it still doing the  checking out from bzr and running the python stuff - or is there a packaged release available that works currently?09:19
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uksysadminOT(ish) Is anyone attending the FLOSS Spring Event in Edinburgh in March? ttx presented last year (I don't know how, but he did #deathbylocalcider) - but unfortunately there's no specific OpenStack stuff this year...09:27
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reidracswift question: I'm running 1.4.3 and copying an object with COPY and Destination header doesn't seem to work10:06
reidracI used to work, according to docs: http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-object-storage/1.0/content/copy-object.html10:06
reidracbut not I get a 501 error10:07
tungvs_I have to use ip_forward to make public IP of instance to work (mean ping + SSH). Is it right, anyone ?10:08
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reidracforget it, it was a pound misconfiguration :(10:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #863632 in quantum "fix batch_config to work with v1.0 API changes" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86363210:31
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ttxuksysadmin: I'll probably skip it this time around.10:48
uksysadminwise choice - but I've been assured they don't sell some weird cider up there10:49
uksysadmingreat Whiskey though10:49
uksysadminI'm undecided - I went to Leeds because of OpenStack10:49
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903646 in swift "Swift and Nginx as loadbalancer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90364610:51
uksysadminttx, quick q - when is Essex-2 due?10:52
uksysadmingood answer!10:53
uksysadminone will look forward to it10:53
santepvo: I did try to raise the coalesce values for a max of 2 hours wait : no luck yet10:55
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uksysadminquestion on bug reporting/fixing: I'm using Diablo - fortunately not in prod - when I raise a bug and it gets fixed - /as a user/ I expect updates to Diablo (using deb packages) - is there such a procedure?11:08
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uksysadminI read the bug reports and get told "This is fixed in ... <some patch>"... are there updates planned for Diablo or do we have to wait for Essex?11:11
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EykIs it true, that OpenStack Swift  *does* offer full GET after CREATE11:21
Eyk> consistency: once a new object has been uploaded (and the client has received the success reply), it is immediately available for reads11:21
Eyk ?11:21
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reidracEyk: yes, it is11:28
reidracwhen the client received the success reply, that means at least two copies have been stored11:28
reidracand it can be retrieved11:28
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tungvs_anyone has to use ip_forwarding to make instance's public ip to work ?11:36
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uksysadmintungvs_, where are you setting ip_forwarding? it needs to be on the nova-compute nodes (and nova-network nodes)? (someone might need to clarify that - but I'd expect that to be the case)11:37
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andyandy_Do you know if VNC works in a multi node installation? in my experiments it looks to works only if everything is installed in 1 node.11:37
myzhi, my Nova is installed on two nodes one for controller and the other for compute, I can't set "FlatDHCP" network to work correctly, my Question is, how many NICs are required on each node, and why should I add network related flags on nova.conf in the compute node since nova-network is installed on the controller11:39
tungvs_uksysadmin, I've setup 2 node: controller-compute and compute-only, using FlatDHCP. I create an instance in controller node. From localnet, I can ssh to its private IP OK, but cannot ping or SSH to its local IP (which is public IP in openstack language). Tcpdump shows that ping packet reached the instance, and the instance replied, but the reply cannot be returned to ping client. So I add ip_forward, and it works. Is it expected config and behaviour ?11:40
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uksysadmincan your client where you are connect to your instances see the public floating network of your instances?11:52
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tungvs_yes, I stand on a machine which has IP in floating network11:58
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uksysadminI've not set up a flatdhcp network so someone else will have to step in - BUT - I would expect there to be forwarding as you will come in on one interface and it sounds like your instances are bridged to a second interface?12:01
tungvs_uksysadmin, no , my server has only 1 physical interface (eth0), and I have bridge from the virtual NIC (vnet0, using qemu libvirt) to eth012:03
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uksysadminI'd have to set up a flatdhcp cluster to see what's up12:08
uksysadmincertainly doesn't sound right - bridging should transparently send the packets to the underlying interface12:11
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uksysadminSo private works, because bridging works transparently... but public doesn't... that implies your client has both public and private addresses assigned to it?12:13
uksysadminyour client (where you're running your euca2ools) shouldn't see the private network12:13
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903684 in quantum "import_class and import_object defined twice in utils.py" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90368412:26
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fghaasmtaylor, ping12:29
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myzHi, my nova is installed on TWO nodes, one as controller and the other as compute, when i run instances, it appears as running but i still can't ping nor ssh those instances, any ideas??13:33
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myzany ideas guys13:40
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livemoonhi myz13:53
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myz_any answers??13:54
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livemoonyou should type "/quit"13:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #903713 in keystone "Unit tests should have caught "Keystone servers fail to start" bug" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90371313:56
hugokuolive moon , appreciates your articles about openstack13:56
hugokuolooks nice13:56
livemoonmy blog?13:57
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myz_guys move your fingers on the keyboard13:59
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pvosante: what does your SMlog tell you? Is it still waiting to coalesce?14:03
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santepvo: yes, it seems it's still waiting: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3770/14:06
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pvowell, there is that notable exception in there.14:07
pvoif your vhds are messed up, it will stop working.14:07
pvoits complaining about a parent of a vhd missing14:07
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santepvo: do you mean it could be not related to the resize process but to a previous problem with VHDs?14:10
Madkisscan I use Flat DHCP Networking on a "one-node cloud" with only one NIC available?14:10
pvothat is what I might guess based on the SMLog14:10
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pvosante: "Parent VDI 23080f7e-4bab-4187-9127-186af6390db3 of a6661c5d-31ca-416d-b749-c41ea13c29f3 not found14:11
pvo<9426> 2011-12-13 14:09:44.394630         File "/opt/xensource/sm/cleanup.py", line 2509, in gc"14:11
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pvotells me that the child is looking to find a parent that doesn't exist.14:11
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santepvo: on my first attempt I hat a fail in the coalesce process on another host not registering the same general VHD error. In thath case the error I found was: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3771/14:14
santedoes this tells anything new about the problem?14:14
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santepvo: this extract from SMlog seems to link this problem to another bug: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3772/14:39
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santeat row 18 it says ".vhd not created by xen; resize not supported". That's the same message reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/86265314:40
santecould the two things be related?14:41
santeanyway, the images do have been generated on a xenserver host.14:43
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pvosante: is this for xen 5.6 or 6? There was an error when using 5.6 commands on 6 as they changed the api call from resize_online to resize14:45
santepvo: this is from a XS6 and I already changed from  resize_online to resize on nova/virt/xenapi/vmops.py (about at row 625). Should I change it somewhere else?14:47
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903746 in openstack-manuals "Need sysadmin docs about multinic and zones setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90374614:48
santepvo: anyway I did some tests on 5.6 with default cohalesce values and had the same problem.14:49
praefectsante: I missed the first part of your discussion but am currently working on XS6 with openstack integration14:49
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praefectI did the (resize_online/resize) change and I spawn images here...14:50
santepraefect: we were talking about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/89276514:51
pvosante: when you run xe sr-scan on the right sr then scan the logs, do you see any errors?14:53
praefectsante: thanks, I'll be following this discussion, am new to Xen here.. Xen looks really solid though, FYI my objective is to get GPU passthrough in openstack and that seems to force the use of Xen according to my coworkers14:53
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santeI've got no problems deploy and firts resize. From the second resize of the same machine I receive some errors14:55
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santepvo: no, I don't14:57
santepvo: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3773/14:57
pvodo you have a snapshot that needs to be deleted?14:58
pvocan you manually snapshot the vm and then delete it?14:58
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praefecton openstack/kvm I use windows images without any ramdisk or kernel and they boot fine, when I try to use these windwos images on openstack/Xen they do not spawn for apparent lack of kernel/ramdisk... do you guys use the same images on openstack/kvm and openstack/Xen ?15:02
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santepvo: while I wait for coalesce to happen, the vm has a pending snapshot15:12
pvosante: if you delete that pending snapshot, does that help?15:12
santei can delete it and take e new one from xencenter15:13
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santepvo: if i delete the snapshot nothing changes15:15
pvosante: it doesn't coalesce or complain when you take and delete another snapshot?15:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #885167 in nova "Path Traversal possible when downloading an image" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88516715:17
uvirtbotNew bug: #894755 in nova "Potential directory traversal in _untarzip_image" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89475515:18
santepvo: I'll check15:18
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gnu111has anyone integrated keystone to an existing LDAP tree? I need some few clarifications.15:20
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santepvo: no, adding a snapshot and deleting it did not solved the problem15:34
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903768 in glance "glance image delete of a segmented image from swift will always record a failure." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90376815:35
pvook, thats somewhat good. its not a nova problem, but a xen problem.15:35
pvolet me ask a coworker when he gets in15:37
santeok, thanks15:39
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swillshould swift work on Ubuntu 10.04?16:00
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notmynameswift is targeted at 10.04 (lucid)16:01
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swillI just installed on a new machine with the same chef script that is working on my dev machine and I am getting this now:  DeprecationWarning: The attribute None is deprecated: disabled starting WebOb 1.2, use params instead#012 From Account Server
swillhave you ever seen that?16:02
swillfull error: http://pastebin.com/uTSq25i316:03
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swillis this saying htat my request is None?16:05
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swillthe strange thing is that I can authenticate fine.  its if I try to use the token that it fails.16:06
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swillnotmyname: where does the log get written for self.logger.debug inside the account server: https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/master/swift/account/server.py16:13
notmynameswill: syslog (unless you have syslog configured to output somewhere else). also note that the default log level is INFO, not DEBUG (the setting is in the associated config file)16:14
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swillso in my /etc/swift/account-server/x.conf i should have log_level DEBUG?16:15
swillk, thanks16:15
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swillnotmyname: at what point does 'node' get created in /srv/x/16:29
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swillnotmyname: i just did one call and only 3 of the 4 have 'node' in there.16:29
notmynameswill: right, only 3 replicas are written16:29
swillnotmyname: ok, i just wanted to make sure that was not my problem.16:29
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swillnotmyname: if I have my logging setup as the optional section here: http://swift.openstack.org/development_saio.html  should the account/service.py logger log to one of the storage logs?16:40
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notmynameswill: that's up to you. you can set the log facility for each service then redirect the (level, facility) pair in you logging config to whatever file you want16:42
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swillnotmyname: i am trying to understand how that works.  i have my logging setup the same as here: http://swift.openstack.org/development_saio.html16:43
swillnotmyname: so if (for example), account-server/2.conf has log_facility = LOG_LOCAL316:44
swillthen according to this it should be part of storage2.log?16:44
swilllocal3.*;local3.!notice /var/log/swift/storage2.log16:44
swilllocal3.notice           /var/log/swift/storage2.error16:44
swilllocal3.*                ~16:44
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notmynamewell, the notice level logs will go to the error log16:45
swillnotmyname: ok i think i understand now.  i was not connecting the dots.  :)16:45
notmynamethe other levels will go to .log16:45
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notmynamehonestly, I use syslog-ng (the configs are easier), but we (ie someone else) wrote the docs for syslogd to make less dependencies in that doc16:46
swillok, i think i got it now. thanks for helping me clear htat up.16:46
notmynameswill: at the end of /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf: http://paste.openstack.org/show/3775/16:47
swilli will check that.  thanks...16:47
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lotux777Hello Everyone. I'm Lorenzo from Italy (Global Enginering Network ). Is this the right place to ask a question about a project ?17:06
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swillnotmyname: where would you start trying to find the source of this error?  looking at this does anything come to mind?  http://pastebin.com/uTSq25i317:08
dubsquareddevcamcar:  is there multi language support for Horizon today?17:09
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lotux777anyone know if is possible to merge the hardware resources of many servers (ram, cpu, etc...) in only one big virtuual machine ?17:10
gnu111lotux777: http://www.scalemp.com/ does something similar. not really virtual machines though.17:11
lotux777let me check :-)17:12
lotux777gnu111: do you confirm that it is not possible with openstack ?17:13
swillnotmyname: maybe this is the problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/888371  I guess WebOb-1.2b2 is not supported...  I will try to downgrade...17:13
notmynameswill: ya, I was just looking at my webob version17:14
notmynameswill: that does look like a webob issue17:14
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swillnotmyname: ok.  can you confirm you are using 1.1?17:14
notmynameactually, I'm using 1.0.8 on my dev environment17:14
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swillnotmyname:  ok perfect.  that must be the issue.  I will downgrade and see if that helps.  :)17:15
notmynameswill: the bug report seems to indicate that 1.1 works17:15
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swillnotmyname: yep, i will try to downgrade after lunch.  I will add a comment to the bug if that works for me so others know it is the same issue.17:17
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903829 in quantum "setup_server.py still tries to install quantum.conf.sample and kills installation" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90382917:36
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Nac_Hi everybody17:38
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Nac_I learning Swift but I can not found a relative easy tool  to monitoring the cloud state.....17:39
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Nac_I found something called "slogging" but I don't know if is good option17:40
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notmynameNac_: lots of info on http://swift.openstack.org/admin_guide.html17:40
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Nac_thanks but I read it some times but i can not found info like storage left....17:41
Nac_user list...17:41
jdgDoes anybody know of documentation for how to configure/connect an iSCSI volume to nova?  ie using the san.py module?17:41
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notmynameNac_: so you are looking for more business-style monitoring rather than admin monitoring?17:42
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notmynameNac_: then you will need additional tools to collect and parse stats. one such set of tools is https://github.com/notmyname/slogging17:44
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Nac_That's the one that i found but I not sure if this too is what I need17:45
notmynameNac_: but I know you'll be able to do better than slogging (I know since I wrote most of slogging). There are lots of areas for improvement17:45
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notmynameNac_: at a basic level, you need something to parse (or create and parse) the logs related to what you are trying to track17:46
Nac_+notmyname: I was trying "MapR" (another colud software based on haddop) and it comes with a good looking web interface17:47
notmynamesounds great17:48
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Nac_+notmyname: There are something similar to work with Swift?17:48
notmynameI'm not familiar with MapR17:48
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Nac_+notmyname: Ok I remade the question. There are some kind of graphical interface to admin or control or monitoring Swift?   (please tell me yes!!!.....)17:50
notmynameNac_: not that I know of, but I do know a company that has been founded recently to do some of those things (monitoring swift clusters)17:52
notmynameNac_: http://swiftstack.com17:53
Nac_+notmyname: Thanks a lot17:53
Nac_+notmynameI: I will take a look17:54
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Nac_+notmyname: by the way, I'm going to  install your software.17:55
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Glaceenac_: Zenoss core has a zenpack to monitor swift18:01
notmynameGlacee: indeed. and it's based on swift-recon that ships with swift :-)18:02
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Glaceenotmyname: yes hehe.. I started looking at swift-recon.. neat tool :)18:02
notmynamepandemicsyn gets all the props for it. he wrote it18:03
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Nac_Glacee and +notmyname: I read a little of swift-recon but I can not find in my installation18:04
notmynameit's fairly recent. it was in 1.4.3 (but undocumented). it's in 1.4.4 with docs and stuff18:05
notmynamestuff == more features18:05
GlaceeNac_: You can grab it from the master branch on github https://github.com/pandemicsyn/swift-recon18:06
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notmynameGlacee: Nac_: since it's merged into swift now, I wouldn't use that old repo18:07
Nac_How can I know the version of my installation? I didn' do the installation procedure :-(18:07
Glaceeoh ok... I didnt know it was merged18:07
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notmynameNac_: $ python -c "import swift; print swift.__version__"18:09
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Nac_+notmyname: Ok thanks, I have the 1.4.318:10
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Nac_+notmyname: But I made a find for "swift-recon" with o results18:12
notmynameNac_: it may not have been included in the packages you used to install18:12
Nac_+notmyname: Glacee:Ok I'm going to try to update the Swift18:17
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Glaceenotmyname: wow.. Joe Arnold quit cloudscaling to start swiftstack? :) I didnt know about this company18:20
notmynameGlacee: ya18:20
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Nac_+notmyname: Glacee: I did the update but I can't found the swift-recon18:24
Nac_now i have the 1.4.418:24
Nac_+notmyname: Glacee: I'm going to try the branch on github..... I hope not to destroy my swift18:26
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Glaceenotmyname: lol he has the same setup as us in his workshop.. 36 drives boxes * 3TB18:30
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swillnotmyname: I have confirmed that the issue was WebOb 1.2b2.  I downgraded to 1.1.1 and the problem went away.  I updated the bug:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/88837118:43
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Nac_Another question, anybody know why the procces "swift-container" is always using from 25% to 75 %  form the cpu in ALL the nodes?18:49
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praefecthey everybody!, has anyone been able to convert a qcow image to run on openstack/Xen ?19:33
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catintheroofhi guys, we are adding some new function to the simpleScheduler (simple.py) but we see that none of the code is actually executed from the manager.py, so, does anybody have any experience about HOW to reload nova services for changes to the schedulers to take place ?19:43
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catintheroofhi guys, we are adding some new function to the simpleScheduler (simple.py) but we see that none of the code is actually executed from the manager.py, so, does anybody have any experience about HOW to reload nova services for changes to the schedulers to take place ?19:54
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uksysadminis there a meeting tonight?20:00
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ttxuksysadmin: yes20:56
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* uksysadmin should really be on the mailing list eh? ;-)20:57
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ttxor subscribed to the meetings google calendar :)20:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903927 in nova "libvirt lxc failure path does not clean up mounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90392721:06
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ipl31can someone tell me if nova-network in FlatDHCP mode will bring up the bridge when it starts?21:16
uvirtbotNew bug: #903932 in nova "missing dependency on dnsmasq-utils" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90393221:16
ipl31or will it wait until the first node is created21:16
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carlpGreetings! I'm having some problems getting swift setup, I've tried to follow the docs, but the old PPA listed on there does not work with Ubuntu 11.10.  I moved to the newer repo but now it seems the auth tools have changed/been removed.  Are there any docs about how to get auth working now?21:18
notmynamecarlp: what auth system are you trying to use (or wanting to use)?21:18
carlpnotmyname: I don't really care.  This is simply for some basic client tests, so something simple would be nice.  It looks like the swauth stuff has been deprecated, that was I was trying to use.21:19
notmynameswauth isn't deprecated, just moved to a separate project. for simple POC work or dev work, the included tempauth system is very simple and easy to use21:20
carlpIs there documentation on how to set that up somewhere?21:21
notmynamecarlp: http://swift.openstack.org/overview_auth.html is an overview, but the best place is probably the sample proxy config. https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/master/etc/proxy-server.conf-sample21:23
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carlpI'll look it over.  Thanks!21:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903943 in nova "lxc: libvirt error due to use of dom.vcpus()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90394321:25
MadkissI need a little helping hand pretty please, I have this setup: http://paste.debian.net/149137/ -- will this my newly started VMs get IPs in the range? And i'm unsure about iscsi_ip_prefix ...21:26
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mattraywondering if anyone's heard anything about the Essex Summit yet? Dates and locations?21:33
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mjforkMadkiss: what is yur question?21:37
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Madkissmjfork: whether the thing will do what I expect it to or not :)21:44
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mjforklooks ok at first glance...did you try it?21:45
mjforkiscsi ip prefix is only used if you have nova-volume running21:45
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903954 in nova "Don't barf if the subnet doesn't have a cidr set" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90395421:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #903956 in nova "Pass additional information from nova to Quantum" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90395621:46
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ForeverNoobieWhassup guys?21:54
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Glaceenotmyname: are you allowed to mention what type of load balancers you guys are using for swift? We have netscaler expertise here.. but I read that people seem to have great results with pound+swift?22:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #903967 in tempest "Testcase: Write testcases for test_flavors - Boundary tests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90396722:11
notmynameGlacee: pound is the opensource one that provided the best results in our testing. we use zeus because it was better (and rackspace had/has an existing relationship with them company-wide)22:12
pandemicsynnotmyname:  we should finally rerun those tests ;)22:13
notmynamepandemicsyn: indeed22:14
notmynameGlacee: ^22:14
GlaceeI guess we will test both :)22:15
Glaceenetscale and pound22:15
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ppradhanhi, i am struggling to get nova-network working from past few days..  I am seeing this in nova-network log.. (nova): TRACE: Stderr: 'ERROR: trying to add VLAN #100 to IF -:br100:-  error: No such device\n'22:54
ppradhanany ideas?22:54
mjforkdo you have verbose/debug mode on ?22:55
ppradhanmjfork: hi.. u mean in nova.conf?22:55
ppradhanyes —verbose is on22:55
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mjforkok, paste the larger stack trace22:56
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mjforkwell, pastebin it22:57
ppradhanhere it is http://pastebin.com/ghCY8fVm22:57
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mjforksudo vconfig add br100 10022:58
mjforkguessing there is no br100 deviec?22:58
ppradhanno there is no .. it should be automatically created .. ?22:59
ppradhanI have 2 nics eth0 and eth1 only configured..23:00
ppradhanshould I create the br100 manually?23:00
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mjforkrunning VLAN network?23:00
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ppradhanwell the FlatManager didnot work.. so I left the default which is VLAN10023:01
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uvirtbotNew bug: #903988 in tempest "tempest.conf has some entries that are not required in environment section " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90398823:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #903989 in tempest "Fix config issues in Tempest " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90398923:05
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mjforkppradhan: whats nova.conf ook like23:07
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ppradhanmjfork: http://pastebin.com/QY6NMSwu23:09
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mjforkis this diablo23:09
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mjforkthis looks suppect to me23:09
mjforkwhere did you get that23:10
ppradhanhere http://docs.openstack.org/diablo/openstack-compute/admin/content/reference-for-flags-in-nova-conf.html23:10
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mjforkhmm, default value. never set it before.23:13
mjforkwhy didn't flat work?23:16
ppradhanthe instances did'nt get the ips23:16
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mjforkhmm, i woudl guess that somethign else is wrong23:22
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mjforkif neither flat nor VLAN worked23:22
mjforkdid Flat have any errors in logs?23:22
ppradhanyes but no enough to find out what has happened23:23
ppradhandoes the fixed_range looks ok?23:27
ppradhannova-manage o/p is : 7       None        None           None           100            proj           None23:27
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mjforkis this RHEL?23:28
ppradhanubuntu oneric23:28
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mjforkproj for me is numeric23:29
mjforkhave you tried rebooting?23:29
ppradhanseveral times23:30
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mjforkand same failure on reboot23:31
mjforkrun this: sudo vconfig add br100 10023:31
mjforkwhat happens23:31
ppradhanERROR: trying to add VLAN #100 to IF -:br100:-  error: No such device23:31
ppradhani got that23:31
mjfork ip link show dev vlan10023:32
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ppradhanDevice "vlan100" does not exist.23:32
mjforksudo vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD23:33
ppradhanroot@bhaktapur:/etc/nova# sudo vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD23:34
ppradhanWARNING:  Could not open /proc/net/vlan/config.  Maybe you need to load the 8021q module, or maybe you are not using PROCFS??23:34
ppradhanSet name-type for VLAN subsystem. Should be visible in /proc/net/vlan/config23:34
WormManubuntu? did you install the vlan package?23:34
mjforkso, i would say that WARNING looks suspicious, its not captured in lgos.23:35
ppradhanyes vlan package is installed23:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #904003 in horizon "Keystone tenant api paginating but dashboard is not." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90400323:36
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ppradhani can cat /proc/net/vlan/cofig23:36
mjforklsmod | grep 8021q23:37
ppradhanyes its loaded23:37
ppradhanroot@bhaktapur:/proc/net/vlan# lsmod | grep 8021q23:37
ppradhan8021q                  24173  023:37
ppradhangarp                   14602  1 8021q23:37
mjforkWormMan: do you know where br100 comes from?23:38
WormManbr100 is created by openstack, generally(I actually create both vlan and br myself, but that's a very non-standard use case)23:40
mjforkthats what i thoughtk, but no where do i see the bridge being created23:40
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mjforkppradhan: can you paste output of SELECT * FROM networks; run against your MySQL DB23:41
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ppradhanmjfork: can't login to mysql… give me sometime23:46
mjforkwhat does ip link show dev br100 say?23:47
ppradhanDevice "br100" does not exist.23:47
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vlan-osi have a multi node OS setup using VlanManager. I have 2 subnets and am able to launch vm's in each one. However, i'm able to ping the vm on one subnet to the other vm (this happens only one way)...this is my nat iptables http://paste.openstack.org/show/3782/ ...any idea if i need to add another nat/filter rule to prevent this action ?23:49
ppradhanmjfork: I see the br100 enrty in the table.. is that normal?23:50
mjforknope, i have  br_<vlan id> and eth123:51
mjforktry updating the table manually23:51
mjforkUPDATE networks SET bridge='br_100'; UPDATE networks SET bridge_itnerface = 'eth0';23:52
mjforkvlan-os: multiple subnets within 1 VLAN?23:52
vlan-osmjfork: nah, 1:1 mapping of vlan and subnet..so 2 vlans and 2 subnets23:53
mjforkvlan-os: that is odd, i don't know. did you let opensack do all the setup?23:54
ppradhanmjfork:  i think that did the trick23:54
ppradhannova-network looks happy23:55
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vlan-osyes, except adding iptable rules on the network host for the 2nd subnet...they are -  accept traffic on the same subnet, and network snat rule to public ip of network host23:56
ppradhanmjfork: one more thing I have two nodes. the instance should start on 2nd node.. but it starts on the 1st node and sometimes on 2nd node.. I don't want it to be started on 1st node..23:57
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mjforkvlan-os: what behavior did you need  to have that you were not getting by default?23:58
mjforkppradhan: shutdown nova-compute on host123:58
vlan-osppradhan: stop nova-compute on the 1st node23:58
mjforkthat should stop it from being scheduled23:58
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vlan-osmjfork: i wasnt able to reach out to any public ip with out the snat rule and once i added that rule i wasnt able to ssh into the vm so i had to add the accept same subnet traffic rule23:59
vlan-osmjfork: the behavior that i want is that the vm's should not be able to ping each other23:59

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