Sunday, 2012-10-14

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uvirtbotNew bug: #1066416 in glance "multiprocessing race condition when opening filesystem store" [Undecided,New]
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m1_it is possible to upgrade an existing essex installation to folsom ?02:38
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stack0verflowhi all... i'm a n00b irc'er and openstack... doing an install and had an installation problem03:37
mojojojojoin the club :) if i can help i will but n00b here too03:38
stack0verflow:) cool beans03:38
stack0verflowtrying to install folsom on ubuntu 12.04 using the cloud archive packages03:38
stack0verflowi thought I installed keystone correctly (as per keystone user-list and other functions seem to work via the SERVICE_* environment variables)03:39
mojojojokk, so far so good03:39
mojojojo(that was just last night for me so still fresh on my mind lol)03:39
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stack0verflowhowever, after installing glance on another server and I call "glance index"... I get an "Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials"... in the keystone log, I get the following:03:40
stack0verflowTraceback (most recent call last):03:40
stack0verflow  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/common/", line 204, in __call__03:40
stack0verflow    result = method(context, **params)03:40
stack0verflow  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/", line 502, in validate_token03:40
stack0verflow    token_ref = self._get_token_ref(context, token_id, belongs_to)03:40
stack0verflow  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/", line 464, in _get_token_ref03:40
stack0verflow    self.assert_admin(context)03:40
stack0verflow  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/common/", line 259, in assert_admin03:40
stack0verflow    self.policy_api.enforce(context, creds, 'admin_required', {})03:40
stack0verflow  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystone/common/", line 47, in _wrapper03:40
stack0verflow    return f(*args, **kw)03:40
stack0verflowmaybe i'll use pastebin nextime03:41
mojojojono worries03:41
mojojojoglance iirc doesnt care about SERVICE_TOKEN, SERVICE_ENDPOINT03:42
mojojojoyou have to create your tenant, adminUser, create endpoints, all that03:42
stack0verflowi thought i created them correctly03:42
mojojojoyeah, all i can say is its _very_finicky03:42
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mojojojoyou have a glance user03:43
mojojojo| 7cdf622c3e684d638ca35101a35f837a | glance   | image        | Glance Image Service      |03:43
mojojojoyou have glance endpoints:03:43
mojojojo| 9315101ef95342308af7d4ecbffbcbb1 | LakeHillRegion |                |                |               |03:43
stack0verflowyeah, i gathered... i thought it was a glance error per se... but it's a weird error from keystone that's causing  the error03:44
stack0verflow| 1b06826c903b43738114278fc7d0faf8 |    glance   |   True  |                                |03:44
mojojojohave you tried a direct curl?03:44
stack0verflowah, my glance end point have /v2 instead of v103:44
stack0verflowshould it be v1?03:44
mojojojoyep that'll do it lol03:44
stack0verflowfor folsom?03:44
mojojojooh, well that id ont know03:45
mojojojowhatever the doc has, i am on essex03:45
stack0verflowah gotcha... i had essex running and wanted to deploy folsom03:45
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mojojojohave you tried a direct curl?03:46
mojojojoto glance?03:46
stack0verflownot yet... i can try...03:47
mojojojoyeah, i usually do03:47
mojojojokeystone token-gen03:47
mojojojocurl -H "X-Auth-Token:  9b57bbb9b4ff45118ee99ec91ae02608" -H "X-Auth-User:  adminUser"
mojojojo{"images": [{"name": "tty-linux", "container_format": "ami", "disk_format": "ami", "checksum": "10047a119149e08fb206eea89832eee0", "id": "de0d4512-8fa4-4609-87a8-361754832639", "size": 25165824}, {"name": "tty-linux-ramdisk", "container_format": "ari", "disk_format": "ari", "checksum": "644cf7d6d9e7b41d527e30e8e8c685a4", "id": "280193c1-7ec3-4db2-880a-5c4003b8a064", "size": 96629}, {"name": "tty-linux-kernel", "container_form03:47
mojojojoyou may be v203:47
stack0verflowcool, i'll try it03:48
mojojojowhen you figure it out you can help me getting nova-compute running with vmware ESX lol03:48
stack0verflowwhen I do the direct url call, i get the unauthorized message still (except in html form) :)03:51
stack0verflowthe glance log and keystone log report the same entries03:51
mojojojoyou've got keystone in the glance paste-bin and all that good stuff?03:51
mojojojoso glance uses keystone to authenticate?03:51
stack0verflow"glance -d -v index" gave me the curl command03:51
stack0verflowoh well03:52
stack0verflowwhat sort of problem do you have on nova-compute?03:52
mojojojothis is what i wrestled with this morning, 99 times out of 100 it was a typo03:52
mojojojoin a config file or endpiont03:52
stack0verflowi'll recheck my configs and setup03:52
mojojojowell, i'm just powering through teh documentation03:52
mojojojoive got 3 machines:03:52
mojojojocontroller (running keystone, glance, blah blah blah)03:53
mojojojocompute (a VM running just nova-compute with VMware SDK)03:53
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mojojojoESX hypervisor on real iron03:53
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mojojojoconceptually this stuff is straightforward , getting all the config nuances is the hard part03:54
stack0verflowvms not launching?03:55
mojojojoit haven't gotten to that yet03:55
mojojojonova image-list isn't listing anything in glance03:56
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stack0verfloware you were able to upload at least one image?03:57
mojojojoyeah, with glance i was03:58
stack0verflowwhat type of image store are you using?03:58
stack0verflowor the default03:58
mojojojojsut the ttylinux image03:58
mojojojofrom the docs03:58
stack0verflowi mean are you using file-base image store?03:58
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mojojojooh, yeah03:59
mojojojoi bet that isn't going ot work03:59
mojojojoor will it03:59
stack0verflowmight depend on how much storage you have in your filesystem and partition that you're storing images... i believe the default for essex is /var/lib/glance/images04:00
stack0verflowbut, it should report an error if you run out of storage04:00
stack0verflowthough i wouldn't know since i haven't hit upon that yet04:00
mojojojoyeah i think i dont have all of my config files set up quite right yet04:00
mojojojoi saw some %SERVICE% crap in a file, template stuff04:01
stack0verflowright, though need to be replaced definitely04:01
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mojojojosend: u'GET /v2/81a79238b91c46fe903a5ea61ee027f6/images/detail HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nx-auth-project-id: openstackDemo\r\nx-auth-token: 565120a8f0884e4797bc05a0e6064754\r\naccept-encoding: gzip, deflate\r\naccept: application/json\r\nuser-agent: python-novaclient\r\n\r\n'04:02
mojojojoreply: 'HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n'04:02
stack0verflowwas there any errors in the glance logs during image upload?04:03
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mojojojoroot@vsphere:~# curl -H 'X-Auth-Token:  565120a8f0884e4797bc05a0e6064754' -H 'x-auth-user:  adminUser'
mojojojo{"badRequest": {"message": "Malformed request url", "code": 400}}04:03
mojojojoi bet… something is scrwed up lol04:03
mojojojowhat service is 8774 again?04:04
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stack0verflowlet me check... that doesn't sound like glance04:04
mojojojonova compute service this says i think04:04
stack0verflowglance is 929204:05
mojojojonova compute isn't running on that node04:05
mojojojoi was following the template so -compute was on teh same node04:05
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stack0verflow'nova-manage service list' will also give you a list of services that nova thinks are running and on what servers04:06
mojojojoBinary           Host                                 Zone             Status     State Updated_At04:07
mojojojonova-compute     vsphere                              nova             enabled    :-)   2012-10-14 04:07:1804:07
mojojojonova-cert        novacontroller                       nova             enabled    :-)   2012-10-14 04:07:2104:07
mojojojonova-consoleauth novacontroller                       nova             enabled    :-)   2012-10-14 04:07:2104:07
mojojojonova-network     novacontroller                       nova             enabled    :-)   2012-10-14 04:07:1704:07
mojojojowas pointing to the wrong node04:07
stack0verflowcool beans04:07
mojojojoto continue or stop for some guild wars 204:07
mojojojothats the real question04:08
stack0verflowhave fun04:08
stack0verflowi'll check my configs some more04:08
stack0verflowgood luck04:08
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Madkisswhat happened to the "swift" client in recent swift versions?09:25
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zykes-Madkiss: seperated out into it's own09:26
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Madkisszykes-: okay, what's the package name? ;-)09:27
Madkisspython-swiftclient, hmkay09:28
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Madkissmakes sense, kinda. but breaks compatibility, OTOH09:30
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zykes-how do people here deploy OS ?11:34
zykes-Puppet or ?11:34
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notzehi there12:55
notzehow can i disable the firewall in openstack for a trial?12:55
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notzeseems not to be possible13:09
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Maledictusnotze: I don't think it's possibel, the firewall is used for a lot of things, not only packet filtering13:55
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norris900Hello all14:03
norris900looking for some help with glance as the folsom documentation is out of date and wrong in the install walk through14:04
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norris900The cli arguments kernel_id= ramdisk_id= are both coming back as unrecognized, can anyone tell me what they look like now14:07
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notzecan i open can i open ALL ports?14:08
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Maledictusthat should be possible with a rule14:11
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Kiallnotze, you can just allow all ports.. eg add two rules, one for TCP and one for UDP for ports 0 through 6553514:25
notzein the Dashboard=14:26
notzeor cmdline?14:26
notzei just want to have it completely open fo testing14:26
KiallEither will work - Do you know how to add rules, or are you asking that part too? :)14:27
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zykes-Kiall: hey ;p14:31
zykes-fixed all tests now ? ;p14:31
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KiallLol - Only just started them ;)14:31
zykes-Kiall: how is tenancy in moniker ?14:31
Kiallmulti-tenancy you mean?14:32
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KiallDNS is so lightweight that it doesnt make sense (most of the time) to have single tenant DNS servers, that would just be a waste of space. So - Moniker is multi-tenant.14:33
norris900sounds good but confusing14:34
Kiallzykes-, or were you asking something else? :)14:34
Kiallnorris900, confusing how?14:37
norris900kiall, It just sounds like combining multiple tenants would cause me problems. Its a hunch, everything confuses me and causes me problems14:39
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Kialllol - It just means that you, as an openstack operator, only need to manage a single pool of DNS servers for all your tenants. That should make it easier! (Obviously though, larger provider will need multiple pools of DNS servers once they outgrow a single pool.. But the same basic idea!)14:41
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norris900As an operator true, but is it also true for an installer14:42
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foo__hi thr?14:44
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foo__I am a beginer to openstack code, so can anybody tell me how can understand whole file structure of openstack and flow of different function calling and services?14:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #1066513 in nova "live_migration missing migrate_data parameter in Hyper-V driver" [Undecided,New]
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norris900thats a big question14:46
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foo__yes it may seem so but to create more function as per needs i need to understand atleast nova service14:47
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foo__can anyone guide me?14:52
norris900sorry mine is only a working knowledge14:52
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foo__@norris900 thnx for response :)14:54
norris900@foo personally i'd try with smaller more specific questions, and some testing14:55
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foo__@norris900 you know i just want to add custom functions of my own so that i can slowly understand the working flow of openstack nova14:57
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zykes-Kiall: what do you use for deploying SO ?15:02
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Kiallzykes-, my hands - and lots of documentation ;)15:03
zykes-no puppet ?15:03
KiallNo - Once you have all the right package lists + settings etc worked out, deploying by hand isn't so hard. We don't deploy new stuff anywhere near often enough to spend time on automating it15:05
Kiall(We use both puppet and chef for other things so.. Looking at salt too..)15:05
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norris900need someone who knows nova-networks18:32
norris900anyone around?18:32
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zykes-Kiall: ?19:32
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stack0verflowi don't suppose anyone might know why a server, hosting glance using file-based storage, would come to a crawl after attempting to do an image-create?  the file system seems to have enough storage and the cpu load is only 5+ (but it has 8  cores)19:43
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Apsu`stack0verflow: Still experiencing the load?19:58
stack0verflowyeah, it's been like that for 12 hours now19:59
stack0verflowthis isn't the first time19:59
stack0verflowusing folsom... and the last time I was using essex19:59
stack0verflowfor the last time, i needed to hard reboot the server19:59
stack0verflowthe glance server just locks up20:00
Apsu`Can you get in and run anything on it at present?20:00
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stack0verflowi can ssh in but it's practically useless20:01
stack0verflowi was able to launch top before i went to bed last night20:01
stack0verflowand this morning it was finally in top20:01
stack0verflowi can't get out of top now20:01
Apsu`Hit "1"20:02
Apsu`And wait :P20:02
Apsu`It'll give you a per-core breakdown20:02
stack0verflowCpu0  :  1.0%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 98.0%id,  0.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu1  : 19.8%us,  9.9%sy,  0.0%ni, 10.6%id, 57.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  2.4%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu2  :  0.7%us,  1.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 96.0%id,  2.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu3  : 18.6%us,  9.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 35.8%id, 36.5%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu4  :  0.7%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu5  :  1.0%us,  2.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 86.6%id,  9.7%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu6  :  0.7%us,  1.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 93.6%id,  4.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowCpu7  :  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 10.2%id, 89.8%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st20:02
stack0verflowit seems a little bit more responsive now20:02
Apsu`Wow. Probably should have thrown that in a paste somewhere :P20:03
stack0verflowhaha, sorry20:03
Apsu`Anyhow, you've got 3 cores churning through I/O Wait20:03
Apsu`Not much in the way of user/system CPU or interrupt issues20:03
Apsu`So something about the image-create process is creating a lot of I/O contention20:04
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Apsu`What filesystem are you backing Glance with?20:04
stack0verflowlet me check, but i think it's ext420:05
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Apsu`Should check your mount options (run "mount" with no arguments, or cat /proc/mounts)20:06
Apsu`You might have some tweaked barrier or sync options20:06
Apsu`High I/O pressure might be making ext4 cry in the corner20:06
stack0verflowis in the fstab20:07
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stack0verflowshould i use something like ext3 instead?20:07
Apsu`fstab only applies at the first mount/remount or interaction with initscripts/"mount". Checking /proc/mounts (which "mount" by itself queries) tells you the actual state at this moment.20:08
Apsu`God no20:08
Apsu`ext3 is so much worse than ext420:08
stack0verflow/dev/sdb on /var/lib/glance/images type ext4 (rw)20:08
stack0verflowfrom mount command20:08
Apsu`So you have no special mount options beyond the defaults.20:09
Apsu`And you're not using partitions, just raw access. Shouldn't really matter...20:09
Apsu`Is it backed by a drive array of some kind?20:09
Apsu`Also, what system/kernel?20:09
stack0verflowno partitions... yes, there is a hardware raid20:09
stack0verflowi forget what the config i used... it's either 5 or 620:10
stack0verflowfor raid20:10
Apsu`Well, RAID 5 and 6 both have write penalties20:10
Apsu`If you have heavy read contention during your image-create, the write penalty and default ext4 options could be screwing you20:11
Apsu`Or maybe your controller just sucks, or your drives suck, or you've got some other processes chewing up I/O :P20:11
stack0verflowthat's possible.. i forget if it's a dell or hp server, but it might be due for a firmware upgrade on the controller20:12
stack0verflowit's an older system20:12
stack0verflowlike 3-4 years20:12
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stack0verflowi'll check that20:12
stack0verflowand see if tuning the fs will help20:13
Apsu`That's basically how it breaks down. You need to start digging into iotop, iostat, top + 1, dmesg, cat /proc/interrupts, ext4 mount options, RAID firmware versions, linux kernel versions, AHCI/SCSI module options20:13
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Apsu`hdparm for caching on the drives vs array caching20:13
Apsu`(or sdparm perhaps in this case)20:13
stack0verflowok, cool... thanks for the tips :)20:13
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Apsu`Np. Good luck :)20:15
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stack0verflowhave a good sunday... bye!20:16
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