Tuesday, 2013-02-26

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JoeJulianracker_KevinS: One difference between our outputs is that my endpoint-list output also contains the service_id for each of those. There must be a version difference in there somewhere.00:03
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racker_KevinSkvad: you can use 'keystone user-role-remove' and 'keystone user-role-add' to add adjust permissions in different tenants but I do not know of a way to adjust the default tenant other than to directly update the db00:07
JoeCclarkb: Well, I'll be damned. Now all the tests built and ran. I have NO idea what I did differently this time than last. but whatevers... :) thx for your help00:09
JoeJulianracker_KevinS: In that debug log, is it relevant that the response for the admin auth returns "is_admin": 000:10
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JoeJulianIt seems to me that would cause a problem with the policy.json00:11
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kvadracker_KevinS: thanks alot thats what i thought just wanted to make sure that was my only out :)00:21
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racker_KevinSJoeJulian: No matter what sort of request I make (whether it be admin, regular user or service user) , "is_admin" is always 0… does "keystone user-role-list" for the glance user in the service tenant return the admin role?  something is off somewhere, running this version btw : 2012.2.1-0 on ubuntu 12.0400:30
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rehanift_workDoes anyone know Swift's policy for concurrent uploads? I googled around and couldn't find anything.00:38
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prometheanfireit can handle it if that is what you are asking00:42
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rehanift_workI am experiencing a bug in Essex, wanted to know if its known behavior or not00:45
rehanift_work2 files, one large (10M) and one small (1k).   Start uploading larger object, then start uploading smaller object. Both objects are writing to the same object URL.00:46
rehanift_workSmall object finishes uploading and responds with small object's MD5 in ETag. Describing the object reproduces again the small object's MD5 in ETag. Large object is still uploading00:46
rehanift_workLarge object finishes uploading and responds with large objects large object's MD5 in ETag. Describing the object now responds with small object's MD5 in ETag.00:46
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arijis it true that i would need one server just as a controller?00:52
bodepdI'm seeing alot of scheduling failures when I run the full tempest test suite.00:52
bodepdhow many compute instances with how much RAM do people usuall run?00:53
bodepdI have a feeling that the compute/test_servers.py tests churn through resources faster than my one compute with 2.5 GB/RAM can deallocate them00:53
clarkbbodepd: the tempest tests that run against an all in one install (installed by devstack) on an 8GB VM00:53
clarkbyeah I think 4GB was the minimum we were able to get away with but bumped to 8GB to give tempest the ability to run multiple tests in parallel00:54
bodepdI'm 10 failures away from getting the folsom branch to run against a puppet deployed controller/compute deployment!00:54
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clarkbthat should say the tempest tests that run in the gate run against an all in one install...00:56
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bodepdeven though my compute should have available RAM00:57
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bodepdI am assuming this is b/c although the tempest/tests/compute/test_servers.py tests destroy VMS00:57
bodepdthey may not wait for them to deallocate them before the next test?00:58
bodepdhave you seen this?00:58
clarkbbodepd: I believe that is correct00:58
clarkbbecause waiting is slow and time is more important in the gate00:58
bodepdare those the only tests that bring up and tear down VMs really fast?00:58
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bodepdif those are the only failiures I see, is it likely that is the cause?00:58
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arijcan some one recommend me hardware to get started with openstack?00:59
clarkbyes I think that is likely the cause. jaypipes or sdague would know more if there are other tests that do the samething00:59
clarkbbodepd: you should be able to confirm by bumping your compute node to 4GB00:59
bodepdcool. I can try again with 8GB/RAM and see if that works00:59
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bodepdwhile I have an expert online, one more question.01:00
bodepdNo OpenStack Network API endpoint, and SKIP: VolumeListTestJSON skipped as Cinder endpoint is not available just mean things are missing from keystone's catalog?01:01
jaypipesclarkb: there's lots of tempest tests that spin up servers quickly and then kill em.01:01
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bodepdjaypipes: weird, hopefully that does not disprove my theroy01:01
clarkbbodepd: that sounds right. keystone lets you do an endpoint discovery01:01
jaypipesarij: you will need to be more specific in your question.01:01
jaypipesbodepd: are you using the stable/folsom branch of tempest?01:02
ariji basicallywant to start a business and offer iaas01:02
ariji would like to use openstack01:02
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bodepdjaypipes: yes.01:03
ariji already have a vps hosting service with over 200 customers01:03
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arijim not sure what kind of hardware i would need to start01:03
bodepd(well, a slightly patched version)01:03
JoeJulianarij: Any reason not to run it on the same hardware you're using now?01:03
jaypipesarij: that would entirely depend on the kind of compute resources your clients would want.01:03
clarkbcinder is optional in folsom so unless you have it then I expect tempest to not test it01:03
jaypipesbodepd: l01:04
jaypipesbodepd: k01:04
ariji have partners... this would be my own project01:04
ariji see jaypipes01:04
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jaypipesarij: but I would not recommend running openstack on just one node, no...01:05
arijso one would be a controller, correct?01:05
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arijrecommended ram on said node?01:06
jaypipesarij: yes (or >1 if you want an HA setup). the controller doesn't need to have nearly the amount of RAM or CPU cores as the compute worker(s), though.01:06
ariji see01:06
jaypipesarij: for a small setup, 8GB and quad-core should be fine.01:06
JoeJulianjaypipes: Why not? From an devops standpoint, openstack fills in a lot of blanks even on a single system (imho)01:06
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arijtbh i would most likely go with 128gb for the main node, how do you think that would work out ?01:06
jaypipesarij: and then the compute workers are where you make your money :) so invest in RAM and cores on those boxes.01:06
b1tbktwhat is the magic incantation to get a floating ip accessible inbound. it already works correctly for outbound traffic.01:06
jaypipesarij: "main node"? you mean the controller?01:07
arijthe other one01:07
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arijthe money node01:07
jaypipesarij: yeah, we use 144G/24-core boxen here and those are the compute workhorses... for the controllers and ops nodes we can use smaller.01:07
arijcool, thanks jaypipes01:08
arijwhere can i do some reading?01:08
jaypipesJoeJulian: oh, just preference, that's all... if you want to run a small private cloud, of course you could do it all on one big node.01:08
arijany good place to start?01:08
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jaypipesarij: unfortunately, not really :( operating an openstack cloud doesn't have nearly the same amount of real-world documentation efforts as the developer side of OpenStack.01:09
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arijjaypipes, do you know anything about this dell crowbar software ?01:12
arijor anyone else for that matter01:12
lifelessarij: I know a little01:12
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arijhow is it? does it make everything very easy?01:12
arijto install?01:12
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lifelessIt automates a lot of the tedium01:13
arijwould you recommend using it?01:13
arijis there a better alternative?01:13
jaypipesarij: we don't use crowbar, no. we do use chef though.01:13
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lifelessThere are several alternatives :) - plain check, saltstack, juju, RH have something, we're putting together Heat rules for deploying openstack.01:14
jaypipesarij: we have a mixed dell and non-dell hardware environment.01:14
ariji see01:14
arijim quite fond of dell servers, i think i will go all dell01:14
jaypipesarij: up to you. nothing wrong with dell servers.01:15
jaypipessaltstack FTW.01:15
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arijjaypipes, sowould any old server do as the controller, or something a bit nicer01:19
arijlike a r610 maybe01:19
jaypipesarij: totally depends on the amount of traffic you expect the node to take.01:21
ariji see01:21
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kvadhey guys does anyone know what the default cache time out for a keystone token is?01:27
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sdaguebodepd: reading backlog, the folsom branch of tempest probably needs min 4G, and better for 8G on your compute to test it out01:48
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sdaguethe races weren't really fixed until the grizzly stream01:48
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bodepdsdague: yep, I bumped it up to 8 and it worked fine05:37
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mynameisdeletedso.. why would horizon take tons of cpu power?07:36
mynameisdeletedor the apache process with horizon installed07:36
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engkurhi all08:21
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engkuri am just build openstack 3 node for learning08:22
engkurwhat the best arch ? 1 node controller+storage and 2 node compute08:22
engkuror 1 controll+storage, 1 network, 1 compute08:23
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melmothengkur, i would go for 1 controller (everything but compute) and 2 computes08:33
melmothi think the most important, for learning, is to have at least 2 compute nodes08:33
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melmothso you can see how the bridge work (or does not....)08:33
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engkuryup, thanks, but i have 1 p4 old server 32bit, and 2 xeon newer server, 64bit, vt-x enable08:38
engkurist this old p4, capable running controller node,08:39
melmothgive it a try08:39
engkurjust curius08:39
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P3n74hello, is there a possible workaround for the xen UEFI bug?08:40
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P3n74I would like to setup openstack + xcp-xapi08:40
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sandeeprmelmoth, i'm setting up controller, network, compute on the same node. 2 interfaces, linux bridge plugin. this should still work? i'm asking based on your response earlier - <melmoth> so you can see how the bridge work (or does not....)09:30
melmotheverything could work09:30
melmothit s all modular09:30
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melmothbut if you only have 1 compute node, you wont be able to play with the bridge09:31
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melmothand you may have a broken setup without even realising it09:31
sandeepri had a ovs based 3 node setup which ran into issues09:32
sandeeprhence i took this approach09:32
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sandeepri'm not able to understand "you wont be able to play with the bridge" and "you may have a broken setup'09:32
sandeepri thought the plugin should still do its job with the single eth?09:33
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melmothwhat i m saying is, with only 1 compute node, you will miss opportunity to experience problem having vm communicating with each others09:34
melmothbecause they will all be hosted on the same host09:34
melmothso obviously, the networking between them will be easier than if they were hosted on 2 separate machine09:34
engkurmelmoth, can i play with HA and load balance with 2 node compute ?09:34
melmothno idea, but i doubt.09:34
melmothhighly availabitly usually means more machine...09:35
melmothwith 2 nodes, all you are left with is to have two copy of each servicxes on each machine09:35
melmothbut i never did ha anyway. one problem after another09:35
sandeeprok got it - perhpas for the time being i'm running away from not want to encounter that problem since i have had nightmarish experience about it :-) :-)09:35
sandeeprthanks as always for chiming in09:36
engkurmelmoth, HA within vm node... like traditional HA cluster in cluster-labs09:37
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melmothohhh. That s another problem i havent been playing with neither09:38
melmothi m not even sure there s a way to automatically do that.09:38
melmoththe usual sharing virtual ip between service and pacemaker/corosync stuff seems difficult to put in09:38
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mynameisdeletedso.. horizon can get quite slow09:59
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kutijawhen I get this OpenStack working I will get myself drunk10:53
kutijareally really drunk10:53
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engkurkutija, drunk ??? why, what did u drink10:56
kutijanothing except a lot of coffee so far but I will get something much stronger10:57
kutijawhen I finish with my OpenStack deploymnet10:57
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vkmckutija, is it giving you some headaches?10:59
kutijayes it does, a lot10:59
kutijabut I'll manage10:59
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vkmcGood luck with it :)11:00
kutijahopefully today it will start working11:00
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kutijathanks ;)11:00
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kutijabut still i'm planning to get drunk as soon as I'm over with it :)11:00
engkurkutija, me too, i drink nescape coffee, i dont smoke, i dont drink a bir...11:01
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RitzI always smoke, Damn,11:01
engkurkutija, did you try another cloud software, cloudstack, opennebula ?11:02
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kutijaengkur: nope, I did not11:02
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dmikutija: I hear you11:06
dmiI have plans to celebrate this working11:06
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engkurhmm celebrate like what ?11:13
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kutijalike live music and lot of various types of rakija and beer :)11:15
engkuruh... i like make a headphone, couse 3 server in my desk, with alot of noise...11:19
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b_52globehi guys11:43
b_52globeanybody using swiftstack ?11:43
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dmihow do I control the IP given to the host11:59
dmiin quantum/folsom/openvswitch/single host mode11:59
dmiat the moment, it's been allocated an address inside the dnsmasq range; I'd prefer one outside it11:59
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scott_whi, i'm following these instructions: http://www.hastexo.com/resources/docs/installing-openstack-essex-20121-ubuntu-1204-precise-pangolin13:35
scott_wto set-up openstack on a single server, i've got to the last step, created a VM and i can't ping it13:35
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scott_wi've installed horizon, and looked at its boot process and see: cloud-init-nonet gave up waiting for a network device.13:36
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foexlehiho guys13:46
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arcimboldoHi all, it seems that my nova-network service (folsom installation) is keeping some floating IP from being assigned14:13
arcimboldohow can I double check they are not actually used and free them?14:13
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et1337arcimboldo: can you tell if they're assigned to an instance? What does nova floating-ip-list say?14:25
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arcimboldoet1337, funny thing, floating-ip-list does not show anything14:37
arcimboldonova-manage floating list shows that some IP are assigned, but I do know they are not assigned14:37
arcimboldoas showed by nova list --all-tenants=114:37
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et1337arcimboldo: Hm. I don't know for sure, but I'd say you can probably just go in to your MySQL database and fix the problem manually.14:38
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arcimboldoet1337,  do you know which tables I am supposed to update?14:39
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arcimboldonova.floating_ips ?14:40
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arcimboldoshall I set project_id to NULL and auto_assigned to 0 ?14:41
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et1337arcimboldo: assuming you really don't want any floating IPs allocated to your project, yes14:42
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arcimboldoet1337, I don't quite understand what you are saying14:43
scott_wright i've tried killing dnsmasq and restarting nova-network and i'm still getting no joy getting an IP address for this server14:43
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arcimboldothere are a few IPs which are wrongly assigned to non-existent vms14:43
arcimboldo(or this is what I think(14:44
et1337arcimboldo: in that case, you probably want to clear out the fixed_ip_id field on those rows.14:44
arcimboldobut they are not actually used by any vm, and are not available for any other vm14:44
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arcimboldothat's right14:44
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arcimboldothis is what I wanted :)14:44
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arcimboldobut also the project id I think, since I use automatic_assignemnt14:44
et1337arcimboldo: well I don't know about that14:45
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et1337arcimboldo: oh I see, actually yeah that makes sense14:45
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et1337arcimboldo: I would also look at the fixed_ips table to see if there are any lingering entries there14:46
et1337arcimboldo: there are likely a few rows with allocated=114:46
et1337arcimboldo: that shouldn't be14:46
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arcimboldothere is no `allocated` field14:47
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et1337arcimboldo: I'm on folsom with nova-network as well, I have an allocated field. that's weird.14:48
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arcimboldoroot@cloud1:~# mysql -e 'describe floating_ips' nova14:50
arcimboldo| Field         | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |14:50
arcimboldo| created_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| updated_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| deleted_at    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| deleted       | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| id            | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |14:50
arcimboldo| address       | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| fixed_ip_id   | int(11)      | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| project_id    | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| host          | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| auto_assigned | tinyint(1)   | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| pool          | varchar(255) | YES  | MUL | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo| interface     | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL    |                |14:50
arcimboldo(sorry for the spamming)14:50
et1337arcimboldo: oh no, I meant the fixed_ips table14:50
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arcimboldoah sorry14:52
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et1337arcimboldo: select * from fixed_ips where allocated='1' should also list some fixed IPs that are no longer in use by any VMs14:52
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et1337arcimboldo: the floating_ip table references them via the fixed_ip_id field so you could write a quick query to find out which fixed IPs are linked to your dead floating ones14:53
arcimboldothnx et1337, I'll take a look14:53
arcimboldowell, it's actually too late, I've started N vms to check if the ips are used14:54
arcimboldoso now I've lost the link14:54
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arcimboldowell, I was able to use all of them, so thank you :)14:57
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et1337arcimboldo: glad you got it worked out :)15:04
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verduringmi: metadata working for all four new nodes now - thanks for responding15:15
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sandeeprverdurin, what was the metadata issue? i ask because i'm facing an issue where vm is not pingable and the vm log says network not reachable. was it similar what you faced?15:17
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gmiverdurin: I'm glad you got it working :)15:20
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arcimboldoet1337, just one more question: the fixed_ip table also have a `leased` field, what does it mean?15:23
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et1337arcimboldo: I think it probably has to do with DHCP leasing15:25
et1337arcimboldo: yeah, judging based on this doc it sounds like that's what it is. http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/admin/content/configuring-flat-dhcp-networking.html15:26
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arcimboldoI wonder if I am supposed to clean up that field as well, for the VM that are not running anymore15:30
arcimboldouhm the pointer to the blogpost seems very interesting15:31
arcimboldothnx et133715:31
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verdurinsandeepr: sounds like you have a more fundamental networking problem - in my case, it was just metadata requests that weren't working15:32
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wkellyApsu`: nope!15:49
wkellysomeone is emailing jason and complaining15:49
Apsu`wkelly: Wrong window!15:49
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foexleanyone are using the dns system in nova ? so nova dns-create with quantum ?15:50
foexlefolsom release15:51
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foexleRazique: hey buddy :)16:32
RaziqueHey man :)16:32
Raziquehow are you doing bro ?16:32
foexleRazique: i'm fine :) and check testing quantum ;)16:33
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RaziqueI'm playing with HA myself lately16:34
foexleRazique: how are you ? hope all fine ...16:34
Raziqueyes definitely :)16:34
RaziqueBeen published on IBM dev. btw16:34
Raziquewrote an article about the Folsom release :)16:34
foexleRazique: HA ? mean quantum ha or what exactly ?16:34
foexleRazique: oh really ? nice16:34
Raziqueno OpenStack high-availability in general16:34
foexlea you mean HA like pacemaker ? :)16:35
Raziqueyup :)16:35
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RaziquePacemaker, Corosync, so forth and so on16:35
RaziqueI'm also testing Ceph, but a bit disapointed by CephFS performance16:35
foexlehaha yeah .... the beginning are painful but if you understand the cib's and how is pacemaker/corosync working ... it's very easy16:36
Razique(my testing protocol could be flawed though)16:36
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foexleRazique: :D, my next step upgrading test folsom => grizzly and loadbalancing -.-16:37
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RaziqueI'll work on Essex -> Folsom soon16:38
Raziquestill need to figure out bits there and that :)16:38
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foexlei'm looking for a good solution how i can efficiently balancing between some application nodes16:38
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foexleRazique: ohhh essex => folsom are crazy i think ... with changing network layer ?16:39
Raziquegoing from nova-net to Quantum16:39
foexlewohooo :)16:39
Raziquebut I don't even know if it's feasible without breaking the implemented network16:40
Raziquenow we both know the answer, don't we haha16:40
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et1337hey I have what may be a stupid question16:41
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et1337but I've been scouring the docs and can not figure it out16:41
et1337so when you launch an instance with 20 GB of ephemeral disk and 10 GB permanent16:42
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et1337I think it automatically attaches that 10 GB permanent volume to /dev/vda or something16:42
et1337and ubuntu cloud init automatically mounts it on /mnt16:42
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et1337my question is, why doesn't that show up in cinder volumes?16:43
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et1337if I delete the instance, there's no trace of that volume left, which seems the same as ephemeral disk.16:43
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et1337or am I wrong in assuming that "permanent" means "cinder"?16:45
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jgriffithet1337: permanent does not necessarily mean Cinder here16:45
jgriffithet1337: TBH I'm not sure which doc you're using or the exact use case16:47
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jgriffithet1337: But, for Cinder, you do "cinder create xxxx" then attach or boot etc16:47
et1337jgriffith: ok16:47
et1337jgriffith: right, I've attached a Cinder volume before, I just didn't know if it was spawning a new one every time I launched a VM with permanent disk space16:48
et1337jgriffith: So what's the difference between permanent and ephemeral then?16:48
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et1337er, "persistent" not permanent16:49
foexleRazique: i'm out for today :) .... and greetings to your gf.16:49
gmiRazique: what's the link to that article?16:50
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Raziquefoexle thanks :)16:50
Raziquegmi : http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cloud/library/cl-openstackquantumlab/index.html#author116:50
jgriffithet1337: So it should be what you expect16:51
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jgriffithet1337: Cinder is permanant, anything with the instance is ephemeral (unless boot from volume)16:51
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jgriffithet1337: So what command did you use to create this instance in your example?16:51
et1337jgriffith: I normally don't boot from a volume16:52
jgriffithet1337: sure, that's fine, just mentioned it to try and be complete :)16:52
et1337jgriffith: Ok I see in the docs now, that other disk that automatically gets attached is also ephemeral16:52
jgriffithet1337: cool16:52
jgriffithet1337: So you're using cloud-init to make a secondary attached dev?16:53
gmiet1337: you cannot launch an instance with "20 GB of ephemeral disk and 10 GB permanent"; you launch an instance based on a predefined flavor which has values defined for the root disk and ephemeral disk. Both disks are in fact ephemeral and get deleted when the instance is terminaded; On top of that, you can create volumes with cinder and attach them to your instance; The volumes are permanent and survive the instance deletion process.16:53
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et1337jgriffith: No I'm not doing anything special, cloud-init does that automatically16:53
et1337gmi: Thanks, that clears things up a lot.16:53
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et1337although, that's really terrible wording on the part of Horizon lol16:54
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et1337I wonder how it works with snapshotting? Do both disks get included in the snapshot?16:55
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gmiet1337: only the root disk is captured by the snapshot16:55
hub_capdid there used to be a HEAD call to get the status for a instance in the nova api?16:55
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et1337gmi: good to know. thanks.16:55
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hub_capor is that handled w/ the status extension now?16:56
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gmiRazique:nice article17:03
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humbolt1I am confused. Are swift and rados the same thing_17:18
notmynamehumbolt1: no17:19
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xxiaofolsom always failed launching a tiny instance, I'm setting lxc instance but the log always says qemu??17:19
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et1337I had one other question related to nova-compute. If we shut down a compute host, all the VMs get gracefully shut down and deleted. Is there a way to have it suspend the VMs instead?17:21
notmynamehumbolt1: swift is a complete object storage system. rados is part of ceph17:21
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wabatet1337 - I believe you can use 'nova suspend'17:22
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et1337wabat: Yes, but what I mean is if someone bumps a hypervisor's power switch in the server room, it deletes all its VMs before shutting down.17:24
wabatInteresting...I'm not sure if there is such a failsafe17:25
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et1337wabat: yeah it's funny because if I just pull the plug, the VMs are still there upon reboot.17:26
wabatAre they truly there or is it just DB entries showing you that they still exist?  Can you get into the individual VM?17:26
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et1337wabat: in either case, whether I power down the host or pull the plug, the DB entries are still there17:27
et1337wabat: but in the first case, the VMs get deleted17:27
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et1337wabat: after rebooting I can actually see a VM log in Horizon that says it shut down17:28
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et1337wabat: but nova reboot doesn't work on it.17:28
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wabatWhat version are you running?17:29
et1337on Ubuntu, both guests and host17:29
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wabatet1337 - I'm not sure if there is a tool to do it...I know in the past I've just gone into the DB and cleaned out the records myself17:35
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et1337wabat: Seems there's some conf options in libvirt that might be able to suspend guests automatically on host shutdown. I'll see if that leads anywhere.17:39
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wabatI'd be interested to know what you find out17:39
humbolt1notmyname: but rados, eventhough being part of ceph, is also an object storage. And listening to an intro video, it seems to have pretty much the same functionality.17:39
* et1337 nods17:40
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sstent_anyone seen 'Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails' on trying the nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows command?17:41
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notmynamehumbolt1: the first big difference between ceph and swift is that ceph is strongly consistent (and therefore sacrifices availability) and swift is eventually consistent (but always available)17:42
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humbolt1notmyname: that is a great explanation, I like it!17:43
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humbolt1notmyname: the other big question I have is: in openstack, how is one supposed to serve VM images, I mean the ones the running VMs actually write to.17:45
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notmynamehumbolt1: cinder is for block storage devices that can be attached to VMs. glance is for VM image management17:46
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humbolt1notmyname: but cinder, is that redundant then?17:48
notmynamehumbolt1: no, block storage is different from what swift provides. both provide storage for different use cases17:50
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humbolt1notmyname: but can one run vms from swift also? what about ceph?17:56
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notmynamehumbolt1: no, not from swift. you don't "mount" object storage. you could from the block storage part of ceph (through cinder), but not from the object storage part of ceph (the different parts of ceph don't share data)17:57
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humbolt1notmyname: they don't share data?! that is a revelation. I thought exactly that makes it so unique. You can put stuff into ceph block storage through a swift or s3 api and then access it through posix e.g. if you want to serve these files through nginx's mp4 or flv module.18:00
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notmynamehumbolt1: I'm certainly not a ceph expert, but that is my understanding based on conversations with its creator18:01
notmynamedhellmann: ^?18:01
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notmynamethat is one of the big differences between ceph and gluster18:02
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gmiet1337: if you pull the plug then the entire server dies and it has no time for deleting VMs, so when the server comes back up, the behaviour depends on the "resume_guests_state_on_host_boot" and "start_guests_on_host_boot" flags in nova.conf; on the other hand if the power switch is turned off then the server knows it's running on UPS and it nicely shuts itself down deleting all the vms in the process (because the instances are18:03
gmidefined with "<on_poweroff>destroy" , see "virsh edit instance_xxx")18:03
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humbolt1notmyname: gluster has an object storage interface also?18:04
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notmynamehumbolt1: ya, they use the swift API18:04
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et1337gmi: awesome, so I just need to find a way to automatically override on_poweroff18:06
et1337wabat: see gmi's answer ^18:07
et1337If I can't easily do that I might also just disable the power button. haha.18:09
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bodepdare the packages in pip-requires for tempest always installed as the latest version from pip?18:20
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coredumpso what you guys are using for shared storage?18:23
coredumpI am reading MooseFS but seems like it has some points of failure18:24
coredumpalso i only have 2 servers atm18:24
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swinchenHi all.  I am having a strange mysql permission error:  when running "nova-manage service list" I get "(OperationalError) (1045, "Access denied for user 'nova'@'test1' (using password: YES)") None None" if I run it on the same node as mysql.  It works fine on other nodes.  I have quadruple checked passwords and grants for 'nova'.   Any idea what could be causing this?18:28
swinchenI have 'nova'@'localhost' and 'nova'@'' in mysql, and I have "      test118:29
swinchenin /etc/hosts18:29
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swinchenAND I can login using mysql client as 'nova' from both nodes (including test1).18:30
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et1337swinchen: I always get database errors running nova-manage unless I run it as sudo.18:30
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jbr_swinchen: create a user 'nova'@'test1' or change the config in nova.conf and set 'localhost'18:34
jbr_check your /etc/hosts too18:34
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humbolt1how do I, based on OpenSource Software, provide a redundant block storage to serve my VM images with high availability to support live migration and fault tolerance?18:42
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swinchenet1337: Sorry, I should have mentioned I ran it as root.18:46
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bodepdi'm getting an error that I can't quite track down when running tempest on centos 6: https://gist.github.com/bodepd/504097818:48
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bodepdlooks like it indicates an incorrect installed version of nose?18:48
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et1337swinchen: I'd probably follow jbr_'s advice then, see what's in your nova.conf and /etc/hosts18:51
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swinchenet1337: I just tried adding "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `nova`.* TO 'nova'@'test1'" and I flushed privileges.  No change.  It is so odd.18:53
swinchenIt is only on test1 I am having a problem.18:53
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gmiswinchen: what's on the sql line in your nova.conf?18:55
et1337swinchen: and you can login by mysql client? if so and the credentials in nova.conf are correct I'm stumped18:55
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swinchengmi: sql_connection=mysql://nova:XXXXXX@mysql-ha/nova  where mysql-ha is in /etc/hosts  and is the VIP I bind mysql to with pacemaker.18:56
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swinchenand I can login with the user name and password using the mysql client from either node.18:57
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swinchen"mysql -h mysql-ha -u nova -pXXXXXX" works fine from test1 and test218:58
swinchenI even "crm resource migrate g_mysql test2"  and then retried.  test2 is still fine, test1 gives me the permission denied error.18:59
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swinchenthe only difference between the nova.conf on test1 and test2 is my_ip19:06
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gmiswinchen: I would play some more with the sql_connection in nova.conf, maybe add "sql_connection=mysql://nova:XXXXXX@IP_of_mysql-ha/nova" and try again19:08
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swinchengmi: Yeah, I tried that.  Unfortunately no luck.  Maybe I should reboot it.19:10
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swinchenOHhhHHhh....  I haven't checked ip tables.19:10
swinchenEh, that doesn't make sense... I can connect with the client.19:11
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gmiswinchen: do a capture from another shell while trying to connect and you'll see the source IP; grant nova@that_IP rights and you should be good19:12
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swinchengmi: a capture?  like tcpdump?19:12
gmiswinchen: yeap19:12
swinchengmi: ok.  It is strange because I have already granted   I will give it a shot though19:13
swinchenactually I even tried granting %19:13
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swinchengmi: interesting.  There seems to be a lot of traffic from "test1" to mysql... even when I am not issuing commands.  I _do_ have nova-api, and nova-scheduler running on test119:18
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swinchenalso glance.19:19
swinchenI will stop all those service and see what happens.19:19
swincheneh, that didn't help19:20
zykes-Daviey: or zul herE?19:21
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zulzykes-:  yep19:21
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swinchengmi: even adding grant with the exact ip didn't help.  I am lost.  I think I will go drink a beer and give up for now.19:23
gmiswinchen: don't give up19:24
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swinchengmi: Well, no.  but I have no idea what to do other than start digging through nova-manage source code and manually do every step.  I guess I could do that.19:28
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gmiswinchen: I have the same setup as you (pacemaker, VIP, sql, etc); my nova.conf has "sql_connection=mysql://nova:XXX@VIP_IP/nova" and in gave full rights to nova@% and nova@localhost and it works19:31
zykes-zul: why is trunk packages lagging 3-7 days behind the git repo ?19:31
zulzykes-:  not sure ill have a look19:32
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swinchengmi: I will try adding % again, flushing privleges...19:33
coredumpso what you guys are using for shared storage? (I think I lost connection here)19:33
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bodepdclarkb: do you guys run tempest on the controller on redhat?19:34
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swinchenJeepers! That didn't work either...19:34
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clarkbbodepd: no, currently tip of master is tested on ubuntu precise19:35
clarkbbodepd: we are trying to add tests on RHEL but are still sorting out the licensing details19:35
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gmicoredump: if you have two servers I would suggest looking at glusterfs with a distributed-replicated setup; https://github.com/beloglazov/openstack-centos-kvm-glusterfs/ and https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws001/guided_trek/Performance_in_a_Gluster_Systemv6F.pdf are good docs19:38
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coredumpthanks gmi19:39
swinchenOk, digging into source code.19:39
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bodepdI think I actually have to run the tests without -N on redhat :)19:40
bodepdthere are package version conflicts with openstack19:40
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monstanyone gotten folsom keystone to integrate with PAM??19:41
monstor can point me at docs19:41
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swinchenis nova-manage part of openstack/nova?19:44
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gmiswinchen: I don't think looking at the source code is going to help too much; you have a mysql rights issue19:46
BMDanI have several Folsom clouds that are working nicely.  I'm attempting to get Grizzly up and running, and I've hit the part of my setup script where I create endpoints.  I really don't understand endpoints, but I notice a lot of "v2.0" endpoints on services where I know v3.0 now exists.  Is there somewhere I can find a list of Grizzly endpoints, or should my Folsom set work?19:46
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BMDanswinchen: poke me via /msg; if it's a MySQL rights issue, I can help you solve that.  :)19:47
swinchengmi: is there something else I need to flush?  I flushed privileges after granting persmissions.19:47
BMDanswinchen: Coming in late to the conversation, but what's the error?  You may also need to "FLUSH HOSTS", and you likely need to do: mysql -e "delete from user where user='' or host=''" mysql19:48
gmiswinchen: can you put in pastebin the ouptut from the following query after to remove the password?  select * from mysql.user where user="nova" \G19:48
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swinchengmi, BMDan https://gist.github.com/swinchen/3844227cdd47459277e919:55
swinchenSorry about the delay... not sure a good way to grab a lot of text over ssh other than scrolling and copying19:55
swinchenBMDan: I will try flushing hosts now19:56
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swinchenI also included the grants.19:58
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BMDanPerfect, swinchen, thanks.  What's the exact error OS/MySQL is giving you?20:02
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swinchenBMDan: Hi all.  I am having a strange mysql permission error:  when running "nova-manage service list" I get "(OperationalError) (1045, "Access denied for user 'nova'@'test1'  (using password: YES)") None None" if I run it on the same node as mysql.  It works fine on other nodes.  I have quadruple checked passwords and grants for 'nova'.   Any  idea what could be causing this?20:03
swinchenBMDan: Hi all.  I am having a strange mysql permission error:  when running "nova-manage service list" I get "(OperationalError) (1045, "Access denied for user 'nova'@'test1'  (using password: YES)") None None" if I run it on the same node as mysql.  It works fine on other nodes.  I have quadruple checked passwords and grants for 'nova'.   Any  idea what could be causing this?20:03
swinchenOops, sorry.20:03
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BMDanNow I know what's going on, but let's go to /msg.  :)20:04
swinchenIt only seems to be a problem with the "test1" host.   and I can login to mysql qith nova/password using the client no problem.20:04
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xxiaowhat is keystone service-create doing? how does it stores the value? my reboot always clears all services21:39
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xxiaousers/roles/tenants stay, but srvices are always cleared out after reboot21:40
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xxiaoevery 'service keystone restart' will clean all stuff21:45
xxiaoon ubuntu 12.1021:45
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heckjxxiao: change the backend configuration from in-memory to something else (like SQL)21:49
avoinexxiao: this is configured in your keystone.conf file21:49
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avoinein the [catalog] section21:50
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avoineI use this usually: driver = keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog21:50
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xxiaothanks. the problem I had to use in-memory is that, without it, keystone token-get will never work21:54
xxiaoit always says "No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.client"21:54
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xxiaoInvalid tenant (HTTP 401)21:54
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xxiaofolsom/12.10 out of box stuff21:55
xxiaokeystone is the very first thinkg i'm testing before others21:55
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TrixboxerHi, Im facing problem similar to21:57
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Trixboxer"Invalid argument" while creating for Patchdisk for SystemVM21:58
phschwartz_How can I troubleshoot why my admin user cannot do an image-list from glance21:58
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xxiaotoken is matched in keystone.conf and env, all keystone service-list etc works, just not the token-get22:02
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avoinexxiao: you get the no handlers error even with  keystone.token.backends.sql.Token as your token driver?22:07
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avoinewell the no handlers error is a warning and could be ignored22:08
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xxiaoavoine: yes22:11
xxiaothe driver change does make the service setting saved after restart the service22:11
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avoinexxiao: check out that you have the right parameter then: http://docs.openstack.org/folsom/openstack-compute/install/apt/content/verifying-identity-install.html22:12
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xxiaoavoine: i followed that...it worked fine on vbox, but not on my current metal board22:20
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xxiaodoes keystone care about ethX interface? I have eth12 for its oa-auto-url22:20
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BLZbubbaok maybe i'm a moron but i can't seem to find out how to promote a user to being an admin for a particular tenant22:40
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BLZbubbais that only an option when you first add a user?22:41
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racker_KevinSBLZbubba: check out 'keystone help user-role-add'22:50
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miked__Is this still the super cool way to install OpenStack via chef? https://github.com/openstack/openstack-chef22:58
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miked__Or is this the new hotness? https://github.com/opscode/openstack-chef-repo23:10
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