Thursday, 2013-03-14

roampunedid you do this: "nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22"00:00
roampuneand then tried ssh'ing in?00:00
roampuneit take some time to to rules to effect though.00:01
roampunefew seconds to minutes sometime from my experience.00:01
utopiUsed it by cli and says rules exst00:01
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roampunehmm ok.00:02
utopiThink it's not routing, if you want i'll give ya root access haha00:03
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utopin.m it works now. Shit, idk what you did but ur a godsend00:04
roampuneok, as i told you sometimes it takes time ;)00:05
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utopiI really didn't do anything different right now haha. No idea why I am able to ssh into it, but thank you so much00:06
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roampuneutopi: np.00:06
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utopiOne last question I have for swift vs cinder. All volumes are stored on cinder, and swift is basically usless unless you want to store physical data right00:08
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utopiLike files00:09
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roampuneutopi: yep, swift is object storage with versioning support etc… while cinder is block storage so basically like volume/partition kinda thing.00:11
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ChoboboIs MariaDB an acceptable replacement for MySQL in an openstack cluster?  I don't see why it wouldn't be.00:29
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alopHaving a strange issue with folsom today, can anyone take a look at this:
alopNo users have been able to boot instances for a while now00:32
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fedgoatAnyone know why latest Folsom+Quantum rootwrap fails to write iptables rules after initiating iptables-save01:18
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crazedgregmark: what seems to be the case02:05
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jbrooksAny advice for deleting cinder volumes stuck in the "error_deleting" status?02:08
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fubadahi, can someone help with the install? Keystone errors out with invalid user 40103:06
dolphmfubada: grizzly?03:06
fubadaduring keystone user-list or glance image-create03:06
fubadadolphm: sorry man whats grizzly?03:07
dolphmfubada: which release/version are you using?03:07
fubadaI'm following this guide
dolphmessex (2012.1), folsom (2012.2), grizzly (2013.1)03:07
dolphmfubada: you can bypass auth with something like $ keystone --os-token=ADMIN --os-endpoint=http://localhost:35357/v2.0/ user-list03:09
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dolphmfubada: where ADMIN is the admin_token value from keystone.conf03:09
dolphmfubada: then you can ensure your user exists; if it does, try doing $ keystone token-get with your credentials to verify they work03:10
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dolphmfubada: and make sure that what you've defined in environment variables (if anything) is what you expect $ env | grep OS_03:10
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fubadayes that is all set03:11
fubadaafaik all my creds match up03:11
fubadakeystone --token=ADMIN --endpoint=http://localhost:35357/v2.0/ user-list workls03:12
fubadakeystone token-get results in 40103:13
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fubadadolphm: what can cause this?03:14
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dolphmfubada: something about the credentials in your environment are bad03:21
dolphmfubada: i'd try removing OS_TENANT_ID / OS_TENANT_NAME as they're optional03:21
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fubadathis guide is missing the step for "keystone user-create", can this be the problem?03:22
dolphmfubada: does it use "keystone bootstrap" instead?03:22
fubadai think so03:23 and keystone_endpoints_basic.sh03:23
dolphmfubada: does it use the 'bootstrap' command in one of those files?03:24
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fubadacan you explain line 13 and 14?03:26
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dolphmfubada: ADMIN_PASSWORD is used on line 29 to create an admin user for you to use03:27
dolphmfubada: SERVICE_PASSWORD is used on lines 46-53 to create passwords for nova, glance and cinder to use03:28
fubadaI'm not setting ADMIN_PASSOWRD anywhere?03:28
fubadaokay I didnt do that, didnt know what ${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-admin_pass} is :(03:28
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fubadacan I rerun this script?03:29
dolphmfubada: if you don't set them they'll default to admin_pass and service_pass03:29
dolphmfubada: reruning it again should fail on the user-create command with a 409 conflict03:29
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dolphmerr, tenant-create w/ 40903:30
dolphmline 2403:30
dolphmno harm in trying03:30
fubadashould this match OS_PASSWORD03:30
dolphmADMIN_PASSWORD should match OS_PASSWORD03:30
fubadaok well thats the issue03:30
fubadatryuing :P03:31
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fubadakeystone token-get  works03:32
fubadanice thanks03:32
dolphmfubada: awesome, everything else should work as well03:32
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fubadaright, i need to modify the admin and service user password03:33
fubadathanks man!03:33
fubadakeystone user-update password=foo?03:34
dolphmfubada: i think there's a user-password-update?03:34
fubadaCould not find user: service (HTTP 404)03:35
fubadaah, access by id not username03:38
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fubadadolphm: internal server error on lance image-create03:39
dolphmfubada: backtrace in glance's log?03:39
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fubadayep, in api.log03:39
fubadaNotAuthenticated: 401 Unauthorized ;/03:40
dolphmfubada: glance probably needs to you to specify a tenant -- otherwise your admin role doesn't apply03:41
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dolphmfubada: OS_TENANT_NAME or OS_TENANT_ID03:41
dolphmfubada: you can do a $ keystone tenant-list to see what you've created03:41
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dolphmfubada: that's a horribly useless error though (and shouldn't be a 500) -- i'm just guessing as to the cause03:41
fubadaadmin and service03:42
dolphmfubada: use admin03:42
dolphmexport OS_TENANT_NAME=admin03:42
fubadaokay i have my env set already03:42
fubadathats all good03:42
fubadain registry.log:03:43
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dolphm"Unable to find authentication token in headers"03:44
dolphmfubada: something is not providing a token in the request to glance?03:45
fubadadolphm: i swirched glance to use 'service', and now glance image-list yields "Invalid OpenStack Identity credentials.03:45
dolphmfubada: i'm headed to bed -- good luck! ping me tomorrow if you're still running into issues03:45
dolphmfubada: try a token-get again with your tenant name -- you should get back a token w/ tenant03:45
fubadaok thank you bye03:45
dolphmfubada: (and if that doesn't work, you're missing the admin role on the tenant, see keystone help user-role-add)03:46
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fubadadolphm: the admin role is already applied to tenant admin :(03:49
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fubadaok its fixed!03:56
fubadamysql -u root -p03:57
kryptois it necessary to run "nova-network" on compute node,will it be possible to manage vm networking from control node with nova-network running.03:58
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fubadawhich log can tell me why instance creation fails instantly?04:20
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narenhello openstack04:26
nareni am a new member04:26
nareni have just started setting up openstack cloud04:26
nareni have some questions regarding openstack functionality04:27
narenanybody online04:27
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narenhi IlyaE04:33
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narendoes openstack charge anything on using vmware04:33
IlyaEHi Naren - you can use VMWare hypervisor via libvirt04:34
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narendoes openstack provides memory overallocation on using vmware or kvm04:35
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narenif we use vmware api then, is there any charge04:36
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fifieldtnaren, you can do memory allocation with OpenStack04:52
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narenthanks fifieldt04:53
nareni am coming from eucalyptus background04:53
fifieldtregarding your question. there are no charges from OpenStack04:53
narenthere you can't overcommit memory on kvm and xen04:54
fifieldtah, right04:54
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nareneucalyptus also charges money for vmware plugin04:55
fifieldtoh, that's pretty bad04:55
fifieldtFYI - shameless plug for new book that might help you planning your OpenStack Cloud:
fifieldtthere's a small section in there on overcommitting04:56
narenhow is the future with openstack04:56
optyx1Wouldn't overcommiting memory cause stability issues though?04:56
fifieldtI'm not a fan of it, personnally optyx104:56
fifieldtthough I do know some people doing it in production04:56
narenyes optyx104:56
narenit depends04:56
optyx1yea but in production that can cause a lot of headaches04:56
optyx1and host downtime04:57
narenyes, there are chances04:57
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narenbut i have seen04:57
fubadacan someone tell me if this guide will work on a single machine with 3 nics04:57
narenno host uses more than 65-70 % of virtual memory04:57
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optyx1Well if your not using more than 65% of your RAM then why the need to overcommit?04:58
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optyx1It would be better to enforce limits than overcommit and risk issues with host stability and performance loss04:59
narenhow can we enforce limits from opensatck layer04:59
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fifieldtare you suggesting smaller ram sizes in the flavour/instance type optyx1?05:01
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narenfifieldt, i was going to ask the same thing05:01
optyx1I'm saying set the instances to use only the ram on the server don't  try to set up 20G of instances on a 16G server05:02
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optyx1You might even want to undercommit so if you have 16 alot atlease 2 to the host and 14 to instances05:02
narenoptyx1, that is the question05:02
narenif we have 16 gb ram05:03
narenwe create 16 instances of 1gb each05:03
narenif they are consuming 65-70 of the given ram05:03
optyx1You might be ok but you're not leaving a lot of buffer for the host doing that05:03
narenthen, isn't it the wastage of resources05:03
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fifieldtthe simple fact is, it depends on the use case05:04
optyx1This is true05:04
optyx1I think it's best to trial and error05:04
fifieldtwith some close monitoring :)05:04
narendo you guys have any suggestion on monitoring tools05:05
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nareni heard lot about nagios05:06
optyx1 Both are great05:06
optyx1Zabbix is also a good choice05:07
narenzabbix, never heard of05:07
narendoes openstack provide anymonitoring05:07
narendoes openstack provide any monitoring05:07
fifieldtwe fork the debian(?) nagios plugins for OpenStack
fifieldtand they're an OK starting point05:08
fifieldtthe Ceilometer project aims to collect metrics, if that's of interest05:08
narenwhich platform is a better choice to setup openstack - ubuntu or centos05:08
fifieldtThere's also ganglia (see for an example)05:09
fifieldtnaren, I recommend ubuntu 12.04 with the cloud archive repository05:09
fifieldtbut it works with many other distros05:09
fifieldtincluding fedora and sles05:09
narenfifieldt, thanks05:09
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nareni am little worried about war between cloud setup tools - openstack / eucalyptus / cloudstack / vcloud director / cisco openstack05:11
narenany ideas05:11
fifieldtwe're probably a little biased in here :)05:11
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fifieldtbut the reason my project chose OpenStack was for the community05:12
narenis there  any enterprise support for openstack05:12
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fifieldtfrom the "iphone" style through to bespoke solution consulting05:13
narenis there any training/certification programs from openstack05:13
fifieldtnot yet, that's a subject of debate in the foundation05:14
fifieldtcertification is05:14
fifieldtthere are training programs from several companies05:14
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narenoh great05:14
fifieldtfrom slide 24 of this presentation: - you can see some of the companies that have products and where they lie on the scale of things05:15
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narenwhat would be the recommendation to start with openstack05:15
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fifieldt - it's a single shell script you can use to install OpenStack inside a VM05:16
fifieldtinstall it and take a look at the bits and the interface05:16
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fifieldtonce you're ready, you can read that book I mentioned before, or take a look at some of the fuller install documentation at
fifieldtor, you can engage a vendor to do some training05:17
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narenthanks fifieldt05:18
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nareni will try out things and let's see how it goes05:18
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fifieldtgood luck :)05:20
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rushiagrwhat is the difference between gate tests and tempest tests?06:26
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mag_how the qvod6610d3a-33 and qvbd6610d3a-33 interfaces are connected by quantum?07:34
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aruntomari'm following this, . my vm's get the pvt ip, but how do i get internet access to these vm's.07:35
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kerouacsomeone tell me the feature/facility they are most looking forward to in the grizzly release08:18
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mag_I need help with debugging my network config. Any quantum physician here? ;)08:34
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stacker100anybody may help me about this error? Live Migration failure: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock10:28
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dmistacker100:  what version of virsh and what OS are you using?10:34
stacker100dmi: one moment10:35
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stacker100dmi: virsh 0.9.13. Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS10:36
dmistacker100: well one solution I've seen is to just restart libvirtd on the source and target10:36
dmiit doesn't affect the running VMs10:36
dmi(source: )10:36
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stacker100dmi: I'm trying and this solution don't works for me :(10:37
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dmi and suggest a similar thing10:38
dmiother than that, there's not much more I can advise, sorry :-/10:38
stacker100dmi: No problem. Thanks anyway :)10:39
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* mag_ needs a quantum physician. detailed question:
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rjdIm starting to think you need a consultant11:23
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mag_rjd: well, I am running into weird things. some of them I can handle (issued two bug reports and a pull request all with fixes in last days), but this one eludes me. It must be my setup, but I just cannot figure it out.11:31
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kryptoin nova-network do we need to manually create a bridge and specify in nova.conf on compute host12:42
kryptoi am trying to configure nova-network on cloud controller,there is no nova-network on compute host12:43
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LuizAngiolettiHello there! I've cloned the swauth repository from github, and proceeded with the configs. Now, when I try 'swift-init proxy start', I get this error message.
LuizAngiolettiI can see that swob is missing, but I can't find it anywhere in the repositories. And google didn't help much either.12:56
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gray--hi all, i think i've run into this Nova bug: on Ubuntu 12.10, 2012.2.1+stable-20121212-a99a802e-0ubuntu1.213:02
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gray--but my issue seems to be with a newer version and newer OS, that ticket says essex/precise13:03
kUdtiHaEXitarchitectkev are you available?13:03
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gray--a man in demand is itarchitectkev13:03
* itarchitectkev ducks and covers13:03
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itarchitectkevglad to see kutija_ decrypt himself13:04
gray--kev, apols for not catching up this week, will hassle you next week if you don't mind :)13:04
itarchitectkevgray--, that's just not good enough.13:05
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gray--today works for me!13:05
itarchitectkevgray--, I'm out of the country next week - back Friday afternoon-ish… after a jet lag snooze.13:05
LuizAngiolettiHello there! I've cloned the swauth repository from github, and proceeded with the configs. Now, when I try 'swift-init proxy start', I get this error message.
LuizAngiolettiI can see that swob is missing, but I can't find it anywhere in the repositories. And google didn't help much either.13:06
gray--no worries, i've enough to keep me busy before i need your assistance13:06
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itarchitectkevgray--, cool - fire any qs over anything to me anyway if you need to13:06
gray--much appreciated, ta13:06
gray--best place to enquire about bugs…. here or #os-dev ?13:07
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itarchitectkevYou find the folk that would answer questions frequent both13:09
itarchitectkevelse the mailing list if you want more coverage13:09
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dblundellI am trying to get the spice console working on the latest devstack.  After installing all requirements, I can load the console in horizon but it stays blank and gives the error "1: Unknown message type 1!"  Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix?13:28
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ikke-thi, how does one change secgroup for a running guest?13:30
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ikke-ti created a new group, but how can I apply to an existing guest?13:31
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newbuntuanyone installed the new grizzly openstack as yet?13:42
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mikalnewbuntu: there are a variety of sites which install trunk continuously13:47
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kryptoi have created 4 instances and then  reinstalled  compute host,so all instances' status changed to shutdown on control node ,but under overall summary uptime of those instances are still increasing with active instances as:4 ,but there is no compute host to connect to.13:58
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ChoboboWell here it goes.  I am going to attempt my first boot/connection on Folsom13:59
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ChoboboHmmm, so everthing looks ok with booting an instance.  It gets an address, but I can not seem to ping this instance.14:02
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ChoboboAnd I think the VM got an IP: Mar 14 09:59:11 test2 dnsmasq-dhcp[27893]: DHCPOFFER(tap98d0c490-17) fa:16:3e:45:b2:7414:05
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kryptoin nova-network do we need to manually create a bridge and specify in nova.conf on compute host14:06
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melmothkrypto, if you dont set stuff in nova.conf, some default value will be used14:07
melmothyou dont need to build the bridge yourself, but i think you can14:07
melmothdefualt nova.conf flags
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kryptomelmoth:do we need to install nova-network on compute-node,or can vm networking  be managed  from control-node with nova-network14:09
ChoboboSo this is how I started my VM:   is there anything else I should have to do to access it internally (ping even)?   I inspected the Linux Networking Namespaces and I have a 10.0.0.* address.14:10
melmothin single host mode, you need only 1 nova-networs. It can be installed on any box plugged in on the 2 networks.14:10
melmothin multi host mode, you need one nova network per compute nodes.14:10
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gmiChobobo:use the vnc console to login in the instance and make sure the dhcpoffer made there it got accepted; I think your instance might not in fact have an IP address on it14:11
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dblundellHas anyone managed to get the spice (rather than VNC) console working?14:13
Chobobogmi: hrmm... I don't know the default password for the Ubuntu image :/   one sec.14:13
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melmoththere is no default password for ubuntu images14:14
melmotheither you manage to inject a key in it, or you wont have a shell14:14
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gmiChobobo:Ubuntu images are not the based to use when working to build your environment; I usually use my own centos based template that has tcpdump and other tools, or cirros altough is missing many tools14:15
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kryptomelmoth: i have separated my compute-node and control node but control node does not have any bridge and is a vm,so  will specifying bridge on control node work for vms created on compute node.14:16
melmothyou dont need to14:16
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melmothjust put nova-network on the compute ode14:16
Chobobogmi: I grabbed the Ununtu image from here:   Those are no good?14:17
kryptomelmoth: during my last installation i got everything working other than,networking .at that time i installed nova-network on controller node and specified bridges and interface but nothing happend.My vm came up with no interface at all :(14:18
gmiChobobo:they are excellent, but they need a functional meta-data server to obtain the ssh keys need to login, so you should use those images after you have that functionality working; at the beginning, I would use a centos or cirros or other linux based image that has credentials I know and I can login to the console using them14:19
itarchitectkevmelmoth, how's it going? Long time no speak!14:19
melmothholaa itarchitectkev14:19
melmothit s going all right... though i m still puzzled by quantum14:19
melmothi found some local people interested in openstack in strasbourg :-)14:20
itarchitectkevthat's why the called it quantum… you can get the basics, but to really understand it you need to enter the 5th dimension.14:20
melmothwe will probably build a local cloud.14:20
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itarchitectkevare you able to get to the Summit next month?14:20
Chobobogmi: ahhh ok.  I will upload Cirros.   I am not sure I can use a metadata server.  I have overlapping IPs enabled :/14:20
melmothi wont be at the summit...14:20
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itarchitectkevmelmoth, booooo14:23
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melmothwell, i wish i was schedule to go... But hey..i m not the one taking the decision.14:23
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Chobobogmi: Ok, I am in cirros.  It did get the address (
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gmiChobobo:that's good; can it ping its gateway?14:29
Chobobogmi I can ping both and
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Choboboerrr.   0.2 and 0.3   NOT 0.114:29
gmiChobobo:did you say are you using namespaces on the network node? if yes, did you ping the instance from the correct namespace?14:29
Chobobodoh!  let me try that  crap.14:30
alex88koolhead17: hi man!14:30
alex88sorry was away yesterday14:31
Chobobogmi: :)  thanks.  The namespace thing is pretty new to me.14:31
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koolhead17alex88, np. how have you been sir?14:31
gmiChobobo: so it works?14:31
alex88fine, a bit sleepy today :)14:31
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alex88all good?14:31
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koolhead17yeah just doctor asked me to type less on keyboard :D14:32
alex88carpal tunnel? :P14:32
koolhead17alex88, that is what i was cured by 1st doctor & 2nd doc said its RSI not CT14:32
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alex88what's RSI?14:33
Chobobogmi: yep :)  Amazingly.14:33
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Chobobogmi: The other day we were discussing which openstack services could run in parallel.  In quantum it looks like the quantum-dhcp-agent and quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent are the only two that can run in || correct?  quantum-server and quantum-l3-agent both bind to an address.14:35
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gmiChobobo:I run quantum-server  on the controller because it talks locally to mysql; I run quantum-dhcp-agent, quantum-plugin-openvswitch-agent and quantum-l3-agent on the network node, and I run /quantum-openvswitch-agent on each compute node14:39
LuizAngiolettialex88: Something like Repetetive Strength Injury.14:39
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alex88LuizAngioletti: oh, thanks for explaining14:39
alex88poor koolhead1714:39
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foexleheyho guys .... boot vm from volume (cinder). I've tried to boot a instance from a volume. I've seen this instace will allocate ip's of all usable networks14:40
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foexleit's a bug ?14:40
foexlefolsom release14:40
LuizAngiolettialex88: The correct would be Repetitive Strain Injury.14:40
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Chobobogmi: Hmmm, I squished the network and controller nodes together.14:40
koolhead17gmi, foexle supp14:41
koolhead17LuizAngioletti, yup14:41
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ChoboboOh crap!  Now I am having a problem with my other cluster...  NFS seems to be hung.  I am using it as a shared file storage for live migration.   I can not even unmount it.14:45
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LuizAngiolettisee you guys later14:50
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ChocoboWell crap.  I am going to have to reboot the head node.14:55
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ChocoboThis is a nightmare.14:57
ChocoboI can't even reboot the head node!  wtf14:58
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gmiChocobo:can you find the process that's holding the nfs up and kill it ?15:01
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Chocobogmi: No unfortunately.  I kept getting a could not stat /nfs0 (dead)15:03
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ChocoboSo when I try to do a "nova show <id>" and get: ERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500)15:07
ChocoboWhat could that mean?15:07
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gmiChocobo:probably nova-api has a problem, check the logs15:10
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Chocobogmi: sorry about all the questions.  I had a momentary panic attack.  glance wasn't up after rebooting the controller.15:13
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* Chocobo needs a stiff drink15:13
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gmiChocobo:no problem, rebooting cleanly is not always easy ;)15:14
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ChocoboInteresting... the VM that is clearly up is listed as being in the "HARD_REBOOT" state.15:16
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gmiChocobo: there is a flag in nova.conf that says after how long after a unsuccessful update an instance is declared "dead"; you can try and use the reset state command to fix it15:18
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Chocobogmi: this is an Essex cluster.  I don't nova doesn't seem to have the reset-state command.  I might have to edit the DB.15:19
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Chocobohmm looks like I can just update the python-novaclient15:24
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foexlekoolhead17: heyho buddy how are you ?15:30
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Chocobonope.  That failed.  ERROR: There is no such action: os-resetState (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-f0cfb807-70b0-4685-afb2-1cc601d904e7)15:31
Chocobointo the db I go15:32
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koolhead17foexle, y015:32
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jcatalandisculpen pero tengo problemas con la presentacion de volumenes desde cinder hacia nova15:54
jcatalanhe revisado los manuales pero no encuentro informacion15:54
jcatalande como se tiene que operar15:54
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melmothyou ll have more help if you communicate in english here though.15:56
jcatalanOk . sorry15:56
jcatalanok this guide and I read, but still I can not make it work.15:57
jcatalanhello jgallard15:58
melmothyou need to check each part of the process. Is the volume ready, is the iscsi target exporting it15:58
melmothis hte compute node having an iscsi session to the target15:58
melmothis the compute node able to virsh attach the device to the vm15:58
jgallardhi jcatalan15:59
jcatalanit presents no volumes15:59
jcatalancinder make the volumes but I can not present it with nova.16:00
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vkmcjcatalan, Probablemente tengas más suerte en inglés, pero si no sabés como preguntar algo avisame16:16
vkmcjcatalan, Llegué tarde16:16
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kryptoWhat can be the reason for nova database not getting populated for db sync command16:19
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aruntomarkrypto: r u able to connect to mysql from nova node?16:21
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kryptoaruntomar:yes both are on same server16:23
s2r2hello #openstack.  Is there any, say, HTTP frontend to swift?  I need to serve static files and using a VM with some httpd on it strikes me as a suboptimal solution.  (not that bad, but there might be a better one?)16:23
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aruntomarkrypto: is nova.conf configured correctly? and is the nova db and a user with proper permission there?16:25
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aruntomarkrypto: and try to sync the db with --debug, for more info16:26
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kryptoaruntomar: unfortunately --debug is giving this warning only, DEBUG nova.utils [-] backend <module 'nova.db.sqlalchemy.migration' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/db/sqlalchemy/migration.pyc'> __get_backend /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/
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kryptoaruntomar: will importing nova db from another working nova to this,can cause any issues ?16:29
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aruntomarkrypto: don't know, haven't tried it.16:30
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kryptoaruntomar: ok :(16:44
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zestradaAnyone have experience with setting up public addresses to get them recognized by "nova ssh"? I have no problems with connectivity, but I think that feature would be convenient. Here's an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
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jcatalanmuchas gracias vkmc16:49
melmothzestrada, what is "nova ssh" supposed to do ?16:49
jcatalanestoy teniendo problemas con cinder16:49
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zestradaI thought "nova ssh INSTANCENAME" would ssh to the instance, resolving it by name. As a minor convenience vs. putting it in DNS or going by IP.16:50
melmothok. i was not aware of this feature.16:51
zestradaAll I know is speculation:16:52
zestradaroot@logging:~# nova help | grep ssh ssh                 SSH into a server.16:52
zestradaroot@logging:~# nova ssh help16:52
zestradaERROR: No server with a name or ID of 'help' exists.16:52
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melmothdoes it work with the nova id ?16:53
zestradaI figured it would be a nice and intuitive way for my users to access their instances.  Nothing that I couldn't write a wrapper for, but I tend to prefer built in functionality16:53
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zestradaERROR: No public addresses found for 'e5e3bf5f-37fb-426b-8d97-1bcb600d0505'.16:53
stacker100anybody may help me about this error? Live Migration failure: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock; virsh 0.9.13. Ubuntu Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS16:53
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melmothhmmm, i wonder how one tell wich ssh private key to use with nova ssh now....16:54
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zestradaI was hoping it would use my .ssh/config, but I'll cross that bridge if and when I get to it :-)16:55
kryptoWhat can be the reason for nova database not getting populated for db sync command16:55
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melmothzestrada, here it works (as in it resolve the name), then of course it does not pick the right key16:56
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zestradamelmoth, does that mean by 'public address' it means 'public RSA key' vs. 'public IP address'?16:57
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melmothi think it try to use the floating ip (except if you use --private) but i do not see anything about using another ssh key than .ssh/id_rsa16:58
gmimelmoth:"nova help ssh" it shows all the options16:59
melmothyep, that s how i found --private out :)16:59
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melmothi never heard of nova ssh before today16:59
zestradazak@logging:~$ nova ssh --private -i .ssh/ test16:59
zestradaERROR: No private addresses found for 'test'.16:59
gmimelmoth: -i IDENTITY16:59
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zestradaI get the same error with the instance id as well17:00
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melmothnope, -i is not recognise as an option here by nova. (it is by ssh though)17:00
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zestradaHave you guys tried this and found it to work? I'm starting to lean towards the 'it must be broken' argument17:02
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gmizestrada: what version of openstack are you running?17:03
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jcatalanel log de openvswitch-agent me arroja esto:   /usr/bin/quantum-rootwrap /etc/quantum/rootwrap.conf ovs-vsctl --timeout=2 get Interface int-br-eth0 external_ids  {}18:43
jcatalan.the log-agent openvswitch throws me this:   / usr / bin / quantum-rootwrap / etc / quantum / ovs-vsctl rootwrap.conf - timeout = 2 get int-br-Interface eth0 external_ids18:43
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cornfeedhobohello. I have been reading for a while, and I want to give this a try finally. but first I am still unclear about something... so i understand that compute can manage XCP but i am unclear as to whether the main openstack components need be installed inside a XCP instance or if it needs an entire physical box along side the hypervisor?? am i making sense????19:27
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BLZbubbacornfeedhobo: what is XCP19:35
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cornfeedhoboxen cloud platform.....essential XenServer as i understand it19:37
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DaOmarNHi, anyone are working with Cisco Openstack repository?20:59
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FatDarrelWTF is openstack such a bloody pain in the ass to install?21:53
FatDarrelWhich looser from Nasa designed such a garbage thing!21:54
saintxHey now21:54
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FatDarrelsaintx: have you tried installing it?21:54
saintxDoing that right now.21:54
saintxAnd have been for about 3 weeks.21:54
FatDarrelsaintx: how?21:54
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saintxUsing the OpenStack Folsom install guide from GitHub21:55
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saintxBut it took a long time to wrap my brain around it.21:55
FatDarrelIt seems like a java programmer designing  system software21:57
kutijaFatDarrel: it's not that hard for installation21:57
saintxWe should put together a clean little fabric installer.21:57
kutijait is when you try it for the first time21:57
saintxagreed, kutija21:57
FatDarrelkutija: what do you mean?21:58
FatDarrelHow should i install it?21:58
kutijaFatDarrel: if you are looking for a development, there is all-in-one installation script21:58
kutijaFatDarrel: if you want to try it as POC, I suggest reading Wiki or a OpenStack Book21:59
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kutijaFatDarrel: I've managed to deploy OpenStack for production on 5 nodes in less then 4 hours21:59
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FatDarrelkutija: umm how?22:00
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kutijabut it also took me 2 weeks to learn all corner cases :)22:00
FatDarrel4 hours to learn?22:00
kutija4 hours to deploy :)22:00
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wralekutija: did you use quantum ?22:00
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kutijawrale: well I spent 2 weeks trying to make it work :)22:00
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wralesame here.. i ditched quantum22:00
kutijawrale: no luck for me22:00
kutijawrale: nova-network works (almost) fine for me now22:01
saintxStuck on quantum at this very moment, actually.22:01
wralei used alamo, which is rackspace's installer.. it's closed source, but i couldn't invest any more time in it at the time...22:01
kutijasaintx: from what I'm told by more exp users, Quantum @ Folsom sux22:01
wraleworked well22:01
kutijasaintx: and it will be better in Grizzly release22:01
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wraleno quantum, though22:02
kutijawrale: did you try StackOPS?22:02
saintxkutija: Yep!  Counting down to April 04.22:02
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wralecouple other bugs.. haven't tried that.. i tried the juju/maas path, which worked, but i hit a bug in one of the charms22:02
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wralemaas was very buggy, though..ugh.. bugs everywhere22:03
wraleproject sprawl22:03
wrale^ in openstack22:03
uvirtbotwrale: Error: "in" is not a valid command.22:03
wralein openstack22:03
kutijawrale: yeah, I was very lucky to encounter a few on my journey :)22:03
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kutijathey made my life very hard22:04
wraleditto.. i spent almost two months on it22:04
kutijasame here :)22:04
kutijafor example now I have a new problem with KVM and high cpu usage22:04
kutijawhen doing format of Cinder volume22:05
kutijaextremely high cpu usage22:05
wralehmm.. that's an odd one22:05
kutijafor the first time22:05
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DaOmarNthis manual really works22:05
kutijayes it is22:05
wraleis cinder co-located with the hypervisor22:05
kutijacinder is on separate volume22:05
kutijanode :)22:05
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kutijaI've run a Centos6 guest, attached 100GB Cinder Volume22:06
kutijamkfs.ext4 -> on my compute node load jumps on 5022:06
saintxDaOmarN: I'll have a look--thanks22:06
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wralethat would seem to be a bottleneck22:06
wralei wonder if the iscsi busies the cpu, awaiting network22:07
kutijawrale: 45% I/O wait on Compute node with 2xSAS in RAID22:07
kutijawrale: only 1 instance running :)22:07
kutijano way22:07
saintxThat actually looks like a fork of the Folsom install guide on GitHub22:07
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kutijaMar 14 21:45:21 compute1 kernel: [274801.360089] INFO: task kvm:4141 blocked for more than 120 seconds.22:07
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wralehave you updated your kernel?22:08
wraledumb question, i guess22:09
kutijawrale: actually it is not, i'm on 12.04 running 3.2 generic22:09
kutijaand considering upgrading to 3.8 perhaps22:09
kutijajust not sure if nova-compute has something bad to say about it :)22:09
kutijaor perhaps kvm22:09
wralei know on my ovirt environment, i had problems with some 3.x kernels22:09
wralebut that, i think, was an nfs thing22:09
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kutija3 days ago i had no problem with doing anything on cinder volumes22:10
kutijathis just popped out :)22:10
kutijanot sure why22:10
kutijacan you recommend a good kernel for 12.0422:10
wralei'm on 3.2.0-29-generic over here with alamo on 12.0422:11
kutijaLinux compute1 3.2.0-38-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 19 12:18:21 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:11
kutijaalmost same here :)22:12
wralemaybe rollback ?22:12
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kutijawrale: this one is installed from day one22:12
kutijanot updated since then22:12
kutijaand that was 10 days ago22:12
wraleah.. i see.. maybe it's kvm itself?22:12
kutijamaybe it is22:12
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kutijabut which part of it22:12
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wralenova-compute-kvm                 2012.2.1+stable-20121212-a99a802e-0ubuntu1.2~cloud022:13
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wraleand qemu-kvm                         1.0+noroms-0ubuntu14.722:13
reedis there a mpeg version of the dopenstack video somewhere to download?22:13
kutijaii  nova-compute-kvm                 2012.2.1+stable-20121212-a99a802e-0ubuntu1.2~cloud0 OpenStack Compute - compute node (KVM)22:13
wralealamo is folsom-based, by the way .. at least 2.x, i guess22:13
kutijaii  qemu-kvm                         1.0+noroms-0ubuntu14.7                              Full virtualization on i386 and amd64 hardware22:13
kutijaseems equal :)22:14
wralenot that, then..lol22:14
wralehow about cinder?22:14
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kutijawrale: should I say to you that running the same thing on the other compute node gives me no trouble? :)22:14
kutijasame configuration22:14
wrale2012.2.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0 <-- all oof the cinders are this, here22:14
kutijaii  cinder-api                      2012.2.1-0ubuntu1.1~cloud0   Cinder storage service - api server22:15
wralesounds like a differential analysis would be good.. diff'ing the etc files22:15
wraleat least22:15
wralerunning each service in debug, perhaps?22:15
kutijanothing on the radar :)22:15
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kutijacinder logs clean, nova logs clean22:15
wraleit's hard to imagine formatting a volume as a cpu-intensive anything, even in vm22:16
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kutija 23:16:44 up 18 min,  1 user,  load average: 20.60, 5.36, 1.9422:16
kutijamkfs.ext3 inside vm22:16
kutijano idea whats wrong really22:17
wralemaybe try xfs.. lol22:17
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Brad_Kreed: are you talking about the video at the bottom of the page at ?22:17
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Brad_Ka.k.a., the video at ?22:19
Brad_KIt's a YouTube video, so addons and plugins exist to easily download the MP4 format video sitting behind the player.22:20
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Brad_KHeck, you can even go to the YouTube page at <> and click the "Download" button.  That's about as easy as it gets.22:22
reedBrad_K, doh22:22
reedI guess I'm not a youtube user, never noticed the download button there22:22
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Brad_KNot all videos have it.  I think it's up to the person who uploaded the video to decide whether or not to allow direct downloads.22:22
reedI still dont' see the download button...22:23
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reedBrad_K, I believe you have one of those addons :)22:25
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Brad_Kreed: could be, could be.  ;-)22:26
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Brad_Kreed: uploading now.  it should be available at very soon.  ;-)22:28
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reedBrad_K, I got an addon installed, downloading from there22:29
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Brad_Koh, okay.  i'll go back to watching it, then.22:29
reedthank you for the tip though, I guess I'm getting old... in my days all you needed to get a video from a page was wget or curl :)22:29
Brad_Kyeah, many video sites now try to prevent you from being able to download their content.22:30
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Brad_Ksome do a better job of preventing the downloading of their content than other sites.  i've found that Vzaar is pretty good at keeping their stuff secure, YouTube has the least security, and Vimeo (even Vimeo Pro) is only slightly better.22:31
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Brad_Kanyway, we're way off-topic now, so we should let this channel go back to normal traffic.  ;-)22:31
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verboyhello to everyone23:11
verboyMy name is Nick and I have some questions in openstack23:11
utopiHi there,  What nova filter will seperate the vm's between all compute nodes.  I can't seem to get the vms to spread unless one compute node gets full23:11
verboyI want to install Openstack to a system which includes23:11
verboy27 node and 1 Head23:11
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verboyI need to know If i can have Instances with specific VLAN each Instance23:12
verboyand if i can use Storage to save my instances.....23:12
verboySecondly i need to know if I have High Availability to my instances {ex.. If i power off one NODE to start automatically the instance to another23:12
verboyand If i can tranfer existed VMs (Vmware + Hyper-V) to openstack23:12
verboyThank you in advance23:12
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utopiWhats the best nova filter to spread vms accross all compute nodes23:18
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