Thursday, 2013-09-26

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occupantso the blog entry at explains how to use ACLs in swift to give container permission to other users, allowing them to use the swift client to stat and list the containers. while the ACLs work for curl operations, I can't see those containers using the swift client00:11
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occupantthe docs seem to suggest that a user CAN'T see containers from another user, but this docs seems to suggest it can00:11
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torgomaticoccupant: by what do you mean "see containers"? do you mean perform an account listing to obtain a list of available containers?00:12
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Kupo24zanyone have experiance with the puppet openstack module?00:12
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annegentleoccupant: torgomatic: I think the docs have a doc bug to update account ACLs which are a new feature, read and see if that sounds right to you00:12
occupanttorgomatic:  that's right.00:12
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torgomaticoccupant: container ACLs will not grant you the right to perform an account listing. However, if you know the name of the container, you should be able to list the objects within as well as operate on them00:13
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torgomatice.g. GET, or POST/PUT, depending on which ACL is set00:13
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occupantKupo24z:  Yeah, I'm using it.00:15
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torgomaticannegentle: I don't think that change actually landed in Swift, FWIW00:17
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occupanttorgomatic:  So in that blog post, a container is created under demouser, demouser2 is added to the read ACL, and then demouser2 can use the swift client to list/stat the container. So.. that's not really possible?00:19
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torgomaticoccupant: that is possible00:19
torgomaticmore specifically, demouser2 can GET or HEAD /v1/AUTH_demouser/container, and can also GET or HEAD /v1/AUTH_demouser/container/any-object00:20
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torgomatic(assuming the auth system supports it; I haven't read that post)00:20
Kupo24zoccupant: does this seem like it will work with multi-host? have 2 physical interfaces per server00:20
torgomatichowever, demouser2 cannot GET /v1/AUTH_demouser to discover the existence of container00:20
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kurt_Anyone have any ideas on why an instance may launch with an m1.tiny instance and no storage, but if I try with a small and 20G, the status errors out?  I cannot find any logging on the instance and cinder does not show any useful logging.00:22
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kurt_I'm running out of ideas on how to diagnose the problem too.  No useful logging anywhere in nova-compute or cinder node.00:22
madorndo you ahve verbose logging turnd on00:22
kurt_for which node?00:23
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madornyour nova.conf has a verbose flag00:23
kurt_madorn: I saw that - but should I be focusing on the nova-compute node at this point?00:23
madorni would turn verbose logging on - i know this sounds stupid but when you are checking logs are you checking only nova-compute.log?00:24
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Kupo24zoccupant: any idea?00:25
kurt_checking both the libvirt and nova-compute log00:25
madornwhat happens if you do tiny with like 1gb cinder storage.00:25
madornis the cinder connection good?00:26
kurt_cinder appears to be good - I can create volumes without problems00:26
kurt_I have not tried creating a 1Gb cinder yet00:26
madornif you do small with 20GB what00:26
kurt_I'll need to do a custom flavor to do that00:26
kurt_then it fails00:27
kurt_with 20G00:27
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kurt_and I definitely have that storage00:27
madorn20GB what00:27
madorni mean00:27
madorn20GB cinder?00:27
madornor 20GB root/emphemeral00:27
kurt_if I try to use the m1.small - root. haven't tried ephemeral00:28
madornone sec00:28
madornchecking something00:28
occupantKupo24z:  um, you might want to use facter facts like $::ipaddress_eth0 instead of hardcoding IP addresses.00:28
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occupantbut other than that, I guess it looks good00:29
annegentletorgomatic: oh thanks! usually if it's Confirmed it's cuz it landed so I'll mark00:29
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madornkurt: what's your setup like?00:30
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madornhow many nodes00:30
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occupanttorgomatic:  So when the swift client is able to do a 'list' and discover the container (which I'm not able to do, but works in the example), what HTTP operation is going on there?00:31
kurt_madorn: I have 6 nodes00:31
madornhow many compute?00:31
torgomaticThat is a GET of /v1/AUTH_demouser00:31
kurt_madorn: 1 compute node00:32
madornno errors at all?00:32
madornin nova-compute00:32
kurt_I just added debugging to compute node, was going to try again00:32
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madornwhat option is that kurt00:32
Kupo24zoccupant: im using puppet-dashboard, will probably use facter after this install00:32
madorndebugging or verbose..00:32
Kupo24zoccupant: ip's are setup in dashboard by node00:33
Kupo24zoccupant: do you notice any other pitfalls before i apply? :)00:33
kurt_looking at this:
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occupantKupo24z:  I've honestly not set up multihost yet, but other stuff looks okay.00:35
Kupo24zoccupant: primarly concerned with the addressing, that was pretty confusing00:36
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kurt_madorn: there is absolutely no logging from an instance with 20G when trying to launch - even with debug00:38
madornkurt, does the instance fail?00:39
madornfails upon launch00:39
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occupanttorgomatic:  I guess what's confusing me about the example is that demouser2 is able to stat the container owned by demouser by just using "stat container" in the swift client, without actually specifying demouser's auth URL.00:39
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kurt_madorn: yes, that's correct00:40
kurt_it never actually launches00:40
madornand you looked in your controller logs as well?00:40
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kurt_controller logs?00:41
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madorndo you do a tail -f on all logs in /etc/nova00:41
madornthen launch the m.small instance00:41
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torgomaticoccupant: oh, it looks like they're doing some v2 auth stuff, where the tenant is always "demo", so the swift account is the same for both users00:42
kurt_I only have a nova-manage.log which is 0 in size00:42
kurt_and the nova-compute.log00:42
torgomaticso both users probably have rights to list the account00:42
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kurt_and yes, that's where I saw there was no useful logging00:43
madorndo any logs appear at all00:43
kurt_was in nova-compute - and you can see it has debug on00:43
madornwhen you launch00:43
kurt_not when instance has storage00:43
torgomaticoccupant: I do sort of wonder if demouser2 would have had access to the container even without the ACL, given that they're both gaining access to the same Swift account00:43
madornyou reset all nova services?00:43
kurt_when it has no storage, the logs fly00:43
madorni see00:43
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kurt_some prerequisite is not being met I think00:44
madornwhat kind of image00:44
madornare you trying to boot00:44
kurt_same behavior from both uec and ubuntu 12.04 cloud image00:45
occupanttorgomatic:  ah yeah, the accounts I'm using are under different tenants. I saw some older documentation that referred to "accounts and users" where I would have expected "tenants and users" so I guess that explains that.00:45
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kurt_and both boot successfully without storage00:45
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kurt_can cinder function fine with only a single admin interface?00:47
kurt_I am under the assumption the answer is yes00:47
madornits not using cinder00:47
madornwhen you have a 20GB root00:47
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madornit uses the storage on the compute host00:48
kurt_ah, what is it using?00:48
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madorni think there is something up with your nova.conf00:49
madorncan you paste your nova.conf00:49
madornin ehre00:49
kurt_yeah, I will paste bin it00:49
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kurt_not that it matters - this is MAAS/JUJU with ubuntu00:52
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occupanttorgomatic:  you're correct, users under the same tenant see it regardless of ACL.00:54
kurt_madorn: see anything interesting?00:55
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kurt_Did you say when you create an instance it uses storage on the compute node?00:56
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kurt_I can tell you I do NOT have 20G of storage available for allocation on my compute node00:57
madornthat may be the problem.00:57
kurt_so if that is the case, that would explain why I can't launch an instance00:58
madornbecause nova scheduler00:58
madornbasically nova scheduler - looks for avail resources on your compute00:58
madornit detects procs, storage, whatever.00:58
kurt_but where is that storage eventually created?00:58
madorni have to check but i think its lib/nova/00:58
madornlet me check00:58
kurt_I can test this by creating a 5G flavor00:58
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kurt_interesting - so do you then need the aggregated sum of all your instances storage size on the compute node?01:00
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madornit really depends on which way you want to approach deploying your instances..01:02
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kurt_it errored out with a 5G size01:02
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madornkurt: are you familiar wit the nova-scheduler?01:03
kurt_no, not yet01:03
kurt_I have 15G available, FYI01:03
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madornkurt: check your nova-scheduler.log01:05
madornon the controller node.01:05
kurt_on the cloud-controller?01:05
kurt_Ok - I will be back in about 30 mins01:06
madornare you positive when you do a tail -f on ALL logs in /var/log/nova - then attempt to boot01:06
madornyou see nothing?01:06
madornyou should  see something..01:06
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madorndo that on your controller node.01:06
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jfcastrowhere I must deploy cinder-scheduler: at controller or with cinder-volume?01:21
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kurt_madorn: I'm back01:58
kurt_looking at the cloud-controller node...01:58
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madornrun a tail -f ./*.log - keep that window open.  then go try to boot a m.small01:58
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kurt_on the controller node you mean?02:00
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kurt_madorn: here is the logging
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madorncan you paste results of nova service-list02:06
madornrun a nova service-list02:06
bigmstoneMan. I love/hate openstack sometimes.02:07
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kurt_these instances are all running as admin02:08
madornhave to go but i will be back shortly02:09
kurt_ok, I'll hang out02:10
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Kupo24zhaving a weird issue iwht keystone;... request() got an unexpected keyword argument 'verify'02:45
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Kupo24zAnyone know how to fix this problem with python/nova?
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tom314i've got ubuntu 12.04 grizzly working except the bridge device (br100) seems to interfere with the normal functioning of eth0 for any outbound traffic.  IF i disassociate br100+eth0, put br100 down and remove it, eth0 again works.  this is repeatable.  any ideas?03:10
tom314along the same lines, if i JUST disassociate br100+eth0, eth0 works again but only for a minute or so, then stops functioning again.  i'm at a loss.03:11
tom314this is just a prototype setup with both the controller and compute services on the same physical.03:12
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Mavahmm.. where should I search for this issue: planning a system, which would require an openstack to run a script after launching new machine from a specific image07:35
Mavais it possible and in case it is: is there any reference on howto do it07:35
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osphywhile running ./ I get the error related to python-keystoneclient. . Does one know how to fix this ?08:45
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osphyIt is basically fails with the conflicting pbr versions. Final error is " VersionConflict: (pbr (/opt/stack/pbr), Requirement.parse('pbr>=0.5.21,<1.0'))"08:48
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koolhead17ttx: around09:08
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ttxkoolhead17: yes09:09
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syed_armaniAnyone from rackspace here ???09:29
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kwadronautsyed_armani: i recognize some nick(s) here that work for rackspace. But in general, it's best to just ask your question.09:34
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kwadronautif you think it's confidential, irc might not be the best place to discuss whatever you want to say.09:34
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syed_armanikwadronaut:  I know, i don't want to ask a question. I just want them let "rackers" know that is down09:35
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Diegonathi, there is a repository where I can download images ?? I need ubuntu one12:20
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Diegonatailed to reserve image. Got error: Data supplied was not valid. Details: 400 Bad Request  The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect.   Failed to add image metadata. Got error: Data supplied was not valid. Details: Invalid disk format 'img2' for image.12:23
DiegonatNote: Your image metadata may still be in the registry, but the image's status will likely be 'killed'.12:23
Diegonati have this error12:23
Diegonatis it not already ready ?12:23
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Ileit says img2 isn't right disk format12:24
Ileit needs to be one of those. i think ubuntu images are qcow212:25
DiegonatIle, could you pass me the link of one them?12:25
Diegonatbecause to be honest i downloaded the file .img12:26
Diegonatfrom the same repository you told me to use12:26
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Ileyes, but you define the disk format in command line12:26
Ileit's not the same as the file extension12:26
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DiegonatIle, can you tell me a howto ?12:27
Diegonatqemu-img create -f qcow2 something like this?12:28
Ile$ wget
Ile$ glance image-create --is-public true --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --name "Ubuntu" < ubuntu-12.04.2-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img12:28
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bvandenhHi. I would like to know what the current limits are for the number of tenants networks for both VLAN and GRE. Are there differences between Grizzly and Havana?12:29
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DiegonatIle, thanks12:36
Ileyou are welcome12:37
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Diegonatnova list12:56
DiegonatERROR: You must provide a tenant name via either --os_tenant_name or env[OS_TENANT_NAME]12:56
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sigurding_guys I am trying to install from an Ubuntu iso in Openstack, the instance is provisioned with 20GB, but when it comes to the disk section of the installation process, I get: No disk drive was detected...12:57
sigurding_any idea what I am doing wrong?12:57
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amritanshu_RnDmy quantum service is not able to provide ip through dhcp.can anyone  suggest some solutions?12:59
perrorDiegonat: You need to set up the environnement variables accordingly to your installation and the required credential.12:59
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perrorDiegonat: Look at:
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Diegonatperror, I believe i did it13:24
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Diegonatno i did not13:25
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Diegonatbut i want to have the list of all the images13:26
Diegonatinstances running13:26
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perrorDiegonat: I guess that `nova list`  should work.13:29
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peskyDiegonat: openstack relies on tenants, so you'll have to select a tenant first before you can display the running instances13:29
Diegonatnow it is asking me ERROR: You must provide an auth url via either --os_auth_url or env[OS_AUTH_URL]13:30
Diegonatperror, no its not13:30
Diegonatand i believe it is weird13:30
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Diegonatbecause it used to13:30
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peskyDiegonat: could you try something like the following? nova-manage project zipfile project1 user1 (change project, project1, user1 accordingly)13:34
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peskyit should give you a zipfile which has a file which you'll source (type source filename), after which nova list should work without using the arguments13:35
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Diegonatpesky, i have an error13:36
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Diegonatit canno find the user13:38
Diegonatbut the user admin exists13:38
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peskyDiegonat: if there's just the admin user, you should use it13:41
Diegonatpesky, i did13:41
Diegonatdoesnt work13:42
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Diegonatplease check this out13:42
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peskyDiegonat: what does keystone user-list say?13:43
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Diegonatkeystone user-list13:44
DiegonatExpecting authentication method via13:44
Diegonat  either a service token, --token or env[SERVICE_TOKEN],13:44
Diegonat  or credentials, --os_username or env[OS_USERNAME].13:44
bigmstoneAre there XenServer 6.2 plugins for Grizzly?13:44
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peskyDiegonat: well, you'll need to use the secret token you have defined in your keystone configuration (etc/keystone/keystone.conf, look for admin_token)13:46
Diegonatpesky, I actually downloaded a script that worked13:46
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Diegonatbut i had forgotten about ut13:46
Diegonatnow it works13:46
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peskyDiegonat: good to hear that13:47
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Diegonati found this script on the internet13:47
Diegonatit was quite good13:48
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DiegonatI have an instance hanging on deleting13:49
Diegonati dont know what to do13:49
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badamsdoes anyone know anything about openvswitch?13:54
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BobBallbigmstone: just grab the plugins out from the nova tree (plugins/xenserver/xenapi/etc/xapi.d/plugins/) and copy them to /etc/xapi.d on the host13:58
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bigmstoneBobBall: I did that. It throws up an error when attempting to start an Instance with a VHD13:59
bigmstoneAll the googleing I've done said it's a mismatch with the plugins in DomU and Dom013:59
BobBallpastebin the error?14:00
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bigmstoneI'm in the process of rebuilding my Xen environment, so all I have is this portion of it: ['XENAPI_PLUGIN_FAILURE', 'download_vhd', 'KeyError', '''image_id''']14:01
bvandenhHi. I would like to know what the current limits are for the number of tenants networks for both VLAN and GRE. Are there differences between Grizzly and Havana?14:01
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BobBallIndeed that does sound like a probable mismatch... but clearly you're certain that it's not mismatched because you copied from the grizzly code14:02
BobBallI'd have to dig in a little more14:02
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BobBalle.g. refresh myself with the code and figure out what it's doing on both ends14:02
BobBallIt's _possible_ that a backported fix for something like libvirt might have broken the XenAPI driver14:02
bigmstoneJust FYI I'm using the current Ubuntu packages to install OpenStack. I'm not compiling from the source.14:03
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bigmstoneUbuntu 12.04, that is.14:03
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BobBallI meant a fix backported and included in the latest Ubuntu packages might have changed nova and if we didn't have a corresponding backport for a XAPI fix then a "new" mismatch might have been added14:04
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bigmstoneOkay. Once I get everything back up I can give you some more information on what I'm seeing including the trace.14:05
BobBallgreat, thanks.14:05
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Diegonatcan i add ram to an instance while is running??14:08
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Diegonatcan I scale resources?14:10
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beraldohi, I'm having problems to configure keystone + ldap, keystone user-list show everthing ok, uid, name, enabled and email. But when I do keystone user-get "uid" dont show user, my config file user_id_attribute = uid, but keystone insist in use cn to get user, if I do keystone user-get "Complete CN" works.14:13
beraldo I can see the bug #99770014:13
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beraldobut i think that the fix proposed is only on user_name_attribute, may be is missing a user_id_attribute ?14:13
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richardwoohello, I learned manual installation openstack Grizzly on ubuntu 12.04. I want to learn deployment using configuration management tool, such as chef, puppet, saltstack or ansible. which one is easier to learn? and where could I find some cookbook or basic material?14:30
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ppenjoyproblem with the instance in /var/log/syslog  with the dhclient:   , I can do everything but the dhcpclient is looping14:31
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kbringardrichardwoo: has some good stuff14:33
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kbringardthe cookbook-* ones are for chef14:34
kbringardand it looks like there are puppet ones in there, too14:34
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Diegonatcan I scale up my instance while it is running?14:58
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badaHi guys, i tryed to had security group to existing instances but it seems that it's only applied when creating the VM. But How to manage it after ? Thanks15:11
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jkyleMy nova-consoleauth process is throwing the following error when you attempt to connect: Instance instance-0000000a could not be found15:36
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jkyleThe instances are using uuid naming and I looked in the nova database instances table and confirmed it's not using the instance-* naming convention15:37
jkyleis this a setting I can toggle somewhere that I missed?15:37
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cjellickasked this in openstack-dev just now, but maybe this is a more appropriate channel: should i be able to get all the keystone tests on master to pass? i get about 500 (out of 1879) failures.15:52
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carnalerbigmstone: have you figured out how to manage your xenserver cluster resources using one nova serice?15:53
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bigmstonecarnaler: using one Nova server?15:54
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bigmstoneNot possible.15:54
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bigmstoneYou /have/ to use a nova server per hypervisor15:54
carnalerit seems that i'll need to borrow more ip addresses15:55
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carnalerand what about this? xenapi_connection_url ? do i need to point it to each xenserver in each nova server? or do i need to point all the configuration files to the master server?15:57
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bigmstonecarnaler: each nova node will point to the xenserver it resides on16:02
bigmstoneso for hypervisor 1 you'll point that nova instance to itself16:02
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bigmstonehpyervisor 2 stand up a new nova vm and point it to that xen instance.16:03
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bigmstonecarnaler: my nova compute nodes config file is here:
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bigmstoneyou can see all my OS configs at
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carnalerseems pretty straightforward16:06
bigmstoneYeah. nova-compute.conf is empty just fyi. On my nova-compute nodes.16:06
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carnalerdamn, i don't have any nova-compute.conf. maybe because of my installed version?16:07
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bigmstonelikely you don't have nova-compute installed.16:07
bigmstoneI only have nova-compute installed on my hypervisor VMs that connect back to controller16:08
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bigmstoneand the only package installed there is nova-compute and python-xenapi16:08
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carnalerdamn, then my setup is screwed16:08
bigmstonehaha, my setup has moved in and out of screwed since I started this project?but you learn and fix and things aren't screwed anymore :P16:09
carnaleri just have one nova-compute, don't have any controller yet, also i have the nova-compute service up and running and seems that it's taking the config from nova.comf16:09
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carnalerlol yeah16:09
bigmstoneI had my controller/nova-compute on the same node for my main hypervisor but then I stopped that and created a new VM just for nova-compute on the master16:10
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bigmstoneso I could move the controller VM around without screwing anything up.16:10
carnalervery clever16:10
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carnaleri'll take a look at your config files, if i may! seems to be like mine, but still don't understand that stuff about cinder, so, i'll dive again in the docs!16:15
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bigmstonecarnaler: I don't mind at all. I put them there so I can remember the working configs I had and to share so feel free. They're all sanitized unless I skilled a password or two?and even if I didn't there all lab specific passwords anyway.16:17
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ravikumar_hpOne question - I have downloaded a snapshot image (consisting of manifest file and fragmented files) from AWS , and I am checking the feasibility of assembling those segmented files (about 60 ) and then upload to Openstack Glance as snapshot image. Is it possible ? Is Glance support that use case scenario ?16:18
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bada Hi guys, i set up security groups to existing instances but it seems that it's only applied when creating the VM. Is there a way to manage it after VM creation ? Thanks16:48
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xarphso I'm working on getting openstack with libvirt/kvm in here after being a vmware shop. I'm a rank openstack newbie and have been following this guide since we're a redhat shop: The docs aren't really clear about topology other than "monitor your performance!"16:55
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madorndo you have to use redhat?16:56
xarphrhel 6.416:56
xarphI have one box I want to use as a headend that is light on disk space but has a fair bit of ram and cpu. I put keystone on it already. Our standard build for virt hosts is an application server with maxed out ram, high end xeons, and around 8TB of direct storage. My question is, what services do I put on the headend, and what go on the virt hosts? Do I need to install a nova and cinder DB on each virt host or can they share the one I intend to put on the16:57
xarph head?16:57
xarphbasically we have a vcenter server and a bunch of esxi boxes, and we're probably going to stick with that sort of topology as close as we can in openstack-land16:58
madornwhat do you mean by headend16:58
madornkeep your esxi's as your "compute hosts"16:58
xarphthe OS equivilent to vcenter server, where horizon and keystone will be16:58
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madornopenstack will manage the orchestration16:58
xarphdoes openstack manage through vcenter server or does it talk directly to the hypervisors?16:59
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madornxarph: it talks to vcenter..16:59
madornyou manage through openstack.16:59
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madornlet me show you some handy up to date docs on this16:59
madornare you going to keep vcenter?16:59
madornand your esxi hosts?16:59
xarphwe were hoping not to once everything was moved over to libvirt/kvm17:00
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madorni see17:00
madorncheck these out17:00
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madornright now - you should be looking at whatever node you deployed keystone on..17:01
madornthat will be your controller node.17:02
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xarphI figured as such17:02
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xarphlooks from this that I can basically stuff everything (within reason) on the controller node, then use vmwareapi.VMwareESXDriver to talk directly our nodes running esxi, and ignore vcenter?17:04
madornif you want to ignore vcenter17:04
madornif you go further down17:04
madornyoull see you can get the compute node to talk directly to vcenter17:04
madornthere is a driver for that.17:04
madornthat you update in your nova.conf17:04
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xarphif I can do that then it makes me happy because we already have a lot of work in deploying esxi hypervisor nodes, and it will save time now and then we can work out libvirt/kvm nodes later and graft those in as extra nova-computes.17:06
xarphdoes this sound sane?17:06
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madornyes it does17:06
madornafter you work out the kinks of getting that setup17:07
madornadd a kvm based compute node17:07
madornthen yuo can try moving17:07
madornyour vmdk's into openstack17:07
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xarphok thanks for your help17:09
dukhlovHi all!17:09
xarphI'll go back to installing everything on our controller17:09
xarphand then I will be back if I can't figure out the esxi thing :>17:09
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dukhlovI have question connected to nova client capabilities...17:11
dukhlovCan I request list af 2 or more instances via novaclient.servers.list? I saw that it have search_opts param. Can I put there a list of nova ids and receive list of nova servers description?17:11
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xarphcan I run multiple nova-compute services on one box to manage multiple esxi installations or should I make a tiny VM on each esxi host to run the nova-compute for that instance?17:17
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bigmstoneI'd run a tiny vm on each.17:18
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xarphthats what I was thinking but thanks for confirmation17:18
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SushilKMfacing some problems with pre-configured nova network in trove-integration installation17:28
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SushilKMany inputs about how can i enhance the speed of the network17:28
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badamscan anyone help me with some quantum stuff?17:58
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badamshaving trouble getting my private network onto my compute node18:00
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Diegonathi? I shutdown my server with some instances in pause. Now I cannot neither unpause them nor terminate them? what can I do?18:49
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Diegonattechnolo-g, problems18:55
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Diegonaterror: argument <subcommand>: invalid choice: 'reset-state'18:55
Diegonatif I try delete:18:55
Diegonatnova delete ea067374-af92-494c-8e0f-f1516a58630118:56
DiegonatERROR: Cannot 'delete' while instance is in vm_state paused (HTTP 409)18:56
bigmstoneBobBall: Where did you say I should get the xen plugins from? Want to make sure I install the right ones and that's not it before we spend any time troubleshooting this.18:56
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DiegonatlibvirtError: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running19:01
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DiegonatI can see this error from my logs19:01
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mrmartinpleia2: hi19:08
pleia2mrmartin: hey19:08
mrmartinpleia2: I read your blog entry:
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mrmartinand I want to ask whether to devstack virtualbox images are available somewhere19:09
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mrmartinbecause we want to do similar demos here in Budapest, and this shared USB image is a great idea!19:09
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pleia2mrmartin: ask Ryan_Lane, he has instructions for what he did to build them (the images he built are from last week, so already stale!)19:09
mrmartinoh great, thank you, I'll talk with Ryan.19:10
pleia2or at least should be able to write such instructions, I'd like to see them too but things were a bit chaotic leading up to the workshop :)19:10
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mrmartinsame used to happen here ;)19:10
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Ryan_LaneI used vmbuilder19:12
mrmartinhi Ryan19:12
Ryan_Lanebut couldn't fully automate it using vmbuilder since the chroot'd vm couldn't access some things19:13
Ryan_Laneso, then I took the image and ran devstack19:13
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Ryan_Laneyou could probably just download ubuntu server, install devstack, run it, then run unstack.sh19:13
Ryan_Lanethen export an OVA19:13
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Ryan_Laneusing virtualbox19:14
mrmartinso you shared an image where devstack was already deployed everything?19:14
mrmartinbecause I was thinking on a very similar demo, but I wanted to present the audience how to use devstack19:14
pleia2by running and then we got all the dependencies cached, then users could run again19:14
Ryan_Laneyeah, it's already a week old, so it would still fetch objects from git for every student19:14
Ryan_Lanemaking one fresh every time is likely a good idea19:15
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Ryan_Lanemaybe I can make a vagrant image for this19:15
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Ryan_Laneto automate the process of making the image19:15
mrmartinor a big hack could be a local apt repo and a custom patch for devstack to use a local git repo too19:15
Ryan_Lanevmbuilder wasn't a great tool for it19:15
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pleia2mrmartin: yeah, we didn't have the infrastructure for adding a local cach19:15
pleia2just showed up in a company's conference room and connected to their wifi19:16
Ryan_Lanecustom images is actually easier ;)19:16
kfox1111Anyone have experience with heat from grizzly and it not creating enough volumes on request?19:16
mrmartinyeap, but I can package an http server and an apt repo with required packages19:16
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mrmartininside the vm.19:16
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Ryan_Lanebut then it still takes ages to install everything19:16
carnalerbigmstone: maybe not my business, but i've got the xenapi plugins from the github nova repository (
Ryan_Lanehaving things pre-installed greatly speeds up the process19:16
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bigmstonecarnaler: what version of openstack and xen?19:17
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carnaleri'm using grizzly with 6.119:17
Ryan_Lane30-50 people hitting a single server will likely saturate your network, even if you are connected to ethernet19:17
carnalerthey are supposed to work with any python2.4+ version19:17
bigmstoneIt's anyones business that can help me get this working :P I can't aggregate nor can I deploy a vhd19:18
bigmstonecarnaler: i'm grizzly with 6.219:18
mrmartinRyan_Lane: exactly, maybe I can present the devstack steps and config, then they can try it out from vbox image.19:18
bigmstonecan you aggregate or deploy vhd?19:18
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carnalerbigmstone: not sure, all i can tell you is that  i just can boot instances from the images lol19:18
pleia2mrmartin: that's pretty much what I did, I gave them and told them that they should go to that site and use that procedure if they are going to work on this at home, image was just for expediency at the workshop19:19
mrmartinRyan_Lane, and do you remember how much memory / disk was allocated for demo instance?19:19
bigmstoneyeah I can boot raw images just fine. Just can pool the servers or deploy vhd :(19:19
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pleia21G memory was default, but I told people to increase that if they had the resources19:20
pleia2(I don't remember disk)19:20
pleia2turns out normal people don't have 16G of RAM on their laptop :)19:20
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mrmartinand the compute was configured to use Qemu?19:20
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carnalerbigmstone: oh well, i had some troubles with vhd disks and it turned out that i needed to specify something like this "volume_driver=nova.volume.xensm.XenSMDriver" in the nova.conf on my compute node19:21
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carnalerbigmstone: not with THAT vhd disks (because i don't have anyone)19:21
carnalerbigmstone: but with launching the instances from the raw images19:21
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bigmstonecarnaler: hmm. worth trying19:21
carnalerbigmstone: add that and this too "use_local_volumes=False"19:22
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carnalerbigmstone: apparently they need to be together to work fine19:22
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pleia2mrmartin: good question, Ryan_Lane what virtualization was used for the instances?19:22
carnalerbigmstone: i used the XenAPISMDriver because it turns out that, even if i configured cinder, i'm not using it lol19:22
bigmstonecarnaler: wait was this for creating volumes and such?19:22
bigmstoneThis is the xen cinder driver, is it not?19:23
carnalerbigmstone: don't know really, i just don't understand the volume stuff yet19:23
carnalerbigmstone: yes it is19:23
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carnalerbigmstone: oh well19:23
bigmstoneYeah, I'll try it, but I'm using Cinder iSCSI so I don't look for this to work.19:23
bigmstonecarnaler: have you been able to deploy a VHD yet?19:24
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carnalerbigmstone: not the cinder dirver, actually it is the nova-volume-something-alsosomething driver19:24
bigmstoneI'm fine with dropping with 6.1 (assuming I can find the ISO)19:24
bigmstoneif it works.19:24
carnalerbigmstone: i don't know lol, i don't think i've even tried it19:24
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DiegonatERROR: Cannot 'delete' while instance is in vm_state paused (HTTP 409)19:24
Diegonatwhat can I do19:24
DiegonatI shutdown my server with some instances in pause. Now I cannot neither unpause them nor terminate them? what can I do?19:25
Ryan_Lanepleia2: what virtualization?19:25
Ryan_Laneto make them, you mean?19:25
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Ryan_Lanenone. it was made by chroot19:25
carnalerbigmstone: i only can tell you that i had lotsa VHD errors before using that option, after i've implemented it i can create instances without trouble, no more errors, braw19:25
carnalerbigmstone: may i ask how are you trying to create the volumes?19:26
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Ryan_Lanevirtualization doesn't matter for the image, though. it's agnostic19:26
bigmstonecarnaler: not using a volume for this instance.19:26
mrmartinRyan_Lane, not to make them, but for running instances inside to demo vm.19:26
bigmstoneI can create volumes just fine.19:26
bigmstonewith cinder + iscsi19:26
Ryan_Lanethere's no alternative19:26
mrmartinRyan_Lane: lxc ?19:26
bigmstonecarnaler: that didn't work though. :(19:26
Ryan_Laneah. true19:26
Ryan_LaneI always forget about containers :)19:27
bigmstonesame plugin failure19:27
carnalerbigmstone: hmmm have the whole trace?19:27
mrmartinRyan_Lane, pleia2 thanks for the help!19:27
pleia2mrmartin: have fun :)19:28
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bigmstonecarnaler: all my googling says it's a plugin mismatch between domU and dom019:29
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bigmstonebut?yeah?I've tried lots of versions of the plugins19:30
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carnalerbigmstone: may i get the command where you use the vhd disks? context maybe? i'm sleepy and my speak skills are fainting lol19:32
bigmstoneI was provisioning from horizon19:33
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bigmstonedifferent error when I attach a volume to the instance19:34
bigmstonepastebin coming.19:34
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Diegonatcan you help me ??19:34
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carnalerbigmstone: also you can make a tail -f /var/log/xensourced.log  while provisioning and maybe a grep for xenapi_plugin_failure19:35
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bigmstonecarnaler: I've been watching it.19:37
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carnalerbigmstone: shit, no idea... tried to launch an instance with another disk format and got different errors.... maybe this has to do with the version in the xenserver 6.219:46
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carnalerbigmstone: the only think i see that maybe has something to do is the volume_api_class=nova.volume.cinder.API in the controller nova.conf  but not sure at this point19:48
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carnalerbigmstone: i'm transfering my shift, i'll be back later19:55
carnalersee ya room19:55
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bigmstonethanks for the help19:56
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fzzzt1we're installing openstack for a research  group here and i had a question about authentication. our systems tie in to our AD via LDAP for the unix access. Is it possible to either make openstack use our AD/LDAP with authentication (not accounting), or use the local system for authentication? i still want the accounting to be done locally; modifying AD is a lenghty process. so far it looks like keystone doesn't split auth out f20:00
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zynzelfzzzt1: keystone can authenticate against remote ldap server20:01
zynzelkeystone == openstack component responsible for authentication20:02
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fzzzt1can it do that without storing user info in it? i.e., no attributes20:02
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fzzzt1just checking passwords20:02
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fzzzt1ok, so if i set up keystone.conf just for the LDAP URL and a bind user/pass, would that be enough?20:03
zynzelprobably yes,
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fzzzt1that looks like it stores the user data within AD though20:05
fzzzt1tenants, roles, etc.20:05
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zynzelfzzzt1: sorry, im not sure about that.20:10
zynzeli see too many OS installation with custom drivers.20:10
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zynzeli dont remember if vanilla OS support only ldap auth without roles/tenants stored in ldap.20:11
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ekarlsozynzel, yello20:11
zynzelekarlso: hello!20:12
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Diegonathow can I check if there is any speed limit for my instances??20:16
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terjehi, if I have a compute node that shows disconnected in 'nova-manage service list'20:35
terjewhat's the best way to troubleshoot thaT?20:35
terjeI've restarted nova-compute on the compute node20:35
zynzelchange connection to db+rabbitmq20:36
zynzelcheck time on controller and computes.20:36
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terjeboth are sync'd in w/ upstream ntp server..20:37
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terjewhen you say, check connection to db+mq20:38
Diegonatwhy do my instances have such a slow network connection???20:38
terjeI see in nova's compute.log on the compute node this: 2013-09-26 17:38:42.779 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-87db784c-f58a-46e8-b26c-a92fe7054684 None None] Updating host status20:38
terjeso, seems happy but nova-manage isn't reporting a happy status20:39
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terjeDiegonat: define slow20:40
Diegonatterje, I dowload at 30 kb/s20:40
Diegonatfrom repositories20:41
Diegonatif i test from the server it is about 800 kb/s20:41
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Kupo24zis it possible to create a bootable volume from an image?20:47
Kupo24zWhenever i try i get a boot error on the console20:47
Kupo24zdo you need a special image?20:47
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bigmstoneYou can do it from command line. cinder create --image-id <id> --display-name <my_name> <vol_size>20:48
bigmstoneand you need an image that's bootable. Not like an ISO but an actual drive copy. Like a vhd20:48
Kupo24zbigmstone: ?20:48
Kupo24zHow can I find said images?20:49
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bigmstoneThe link you sent looks correct, yes. Hold for images link.20:49
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Kupo24zthe 'Importing Images into Glance'?20:50
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bigmstoneKupo24z: huh?20:51
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Kupo24zon that link, that fedora 19 image will work?20:51
bigmstoneany of those should.20:51
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Kupo24zbigmstone: using nova boot --flavor 2 --block_device_mapping vda=1a81b558-894d-480e-84e1-9f663e52d7d1:::0 Fedora19FromVol (which resulted in no errors) it creates the instances but when i hit the console 'No Bootable Device'20:55
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bigmstoneThe volume you created from the image?20:58
Kupo24zIn the UI it says 'Attached Tobootable-vol-fedora19 on vda'20:59
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kamalicWe have a few test Grizzly setups here at the Massachusetts Open Cloud.  On this one, I'm running vlanmanager networking and am experiencing a weird issue.  My VMs can get to other VMs through their floating IP, but a physical machine connected to the same network can nmap the floating IPs but can't actually get through -- it finds all 1000 ports filtered.  Our only way "in" to the deployed VMs at the moment is through a reverse SSH tunnel.21:13
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KaZeRkamalic: ingress TCP rule?21:22
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KaZeRi have some issues trying to setup vlans. WARNING [quantum.db.agentschedulers_db] Fail scheduling network {'status': u'ACTIVE', 'subnets': [...], but without more details21:27
KaZeRcan someone help?21:28
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kamalicThanks, KaZeR, I set an ingress TCP rule as described at  so I'm not sure what else to do.21:53
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kamalicActually, I guess I left something out -- I set both the ICMP and TCP rules exactly as described there and it successfully enabled ssh and icmp in for Savannah VMs that I had already set up, but NOT for plain old Ubuntu and CirrOS VMs.  So that made me feel like there's something I'm missing on the VM side of things.21:55
kamalic...since the rule did the right thing for the predefined Savannah Hadoop templates.21:55
KaZeRkamalic: you can run tcpdump on your compute node and ensure it gets TCP traffic. if yes, it's probably the VM, if not it's probably the network node21:55
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kamalicWell, it definitely gets TCP traffic in from the floating IP because I can ssh in via the floating IP from one VM to another.21:56
kamalic(and tcpdump indeed reports this)21:56
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KaZeRare you sure that nothing is blocking the inbound traffic on the vm?21:57
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kamalicIt'd have to be a filter that is allowing traffic in on the floating IP from other VMs but not from physical machines on the network. There's no iptables running on there.  On a bare bones CirrOS VM, though, I can't even get from one VM to the other over the floating IP, though I can get from that VM to itself on its own floating IP.22:00
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kamalicWhen testing this with CirrOS, is there something else that people are supposed to be turning *off* besides just adding the nova secgroup-rule?22:01
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KaZeRallowing tcp/22 for your project should be sufficient22:02
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KaZeRoh. make sure that you are using a consistent security group driver : the UI can use nova, while the network actually uses quantum22:03
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kamalicI feel like that's a hint:  I can get from the outside in with Savannah VMs, I can get from one VM to the other on the floating IPs with the Ubuntu VMs, but I can only get from one VM to its own floating IP on the CirrOS VMs.  All machines can get to their partners over their private IPs.22:04
kamalicHmm, meaning I should try neutron security-group-rule-create even though I am not running Neutron on this deployment?  (Fuel GUI deployment.)22:04
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KaZeRi've never used Fuel, but it's worth checking : what's the security_group_api in nova.conf ?22:05
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kamalicno security_group_api entry in /etc/nova/nova.conf on controller or compute nodes.  I did notice that I'm using firewall_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver22:09
KaZeRok so it's probably using nova22:10
KaZeRif you list the security groups using nova command line tool, for your tenant, what do you get?22:11
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kamalic[root@controller-7 ~]# nova secgroup-list22:14
kamalic| Name    | Description |22:14
kamalic| default | default     |22:14
kamalicroot@controller-7 ~]# nova secgroup-list-rules default22:14
kamalic| IP Protocol | From Port | To Port | IP Range  | Source Group |22:14
kamalic| icmp        | -1        | -1      | |              |22:14
kamalic| tcp         | 22        | 22      | |              |22:14
KaZeRkamalic: please use a paste tool next time22:14
KaZeRok it looks good22:14
kamalichaha, yeah, i noticed that after I pasted...22:14
KaZeRwhat network setup do you have?22:14
kamalictagged vlans22:14
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kamalicahh, wait a minute, i think i figured it out.22:16
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kamalictraffic on the floating IP range is all 802.1q tagged on vlan 100.  the nic I have on the physical machine attached to the same network is not part of that group.22:22
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kamalicThis is dumb.  I actually thought about this earlier as being the likely cause and then promptly forgot about it.22:23
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kamalicThe reason the Savanna VMs were working is because they're on a different OpenStack test environment using FlatDHCPmanager instead.22:26
kamalicThanks for your help, KaZeR!  I wish I knew something about quantum.db.agentschedulers_db to help you with your question too...22:26
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KaZeRahah yw kamalic :)22:27
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KaZeRthe odd thing is that i have this error on the q-server logs, but on the compute node it does create the vlan, according to ovs-plugin logs22:28
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tom314greetings.  i'm configuring a "single host, flat-dhcp-manager" on 1 physical server with 1 NIC.  this server hosts both the nova cloud-controller and compute nodes.  i'm wondering, can nova-compute be configured to use the use the same interface (e.g., eth0) as the "flat interface" *and* "public interface"?  will that cause problems?23:31
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KaZeRtom314: it should work23:36
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