Monday, 2013-11-11

dacharyis there a way to create an availability zone other than    nova aggregate-create  agregate AZ ?00:02
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* dachary reading
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: you might be missing stuff from your api-paste00:20
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: hold on a sec00:21
KaZeRSam-I-Am: oh great00:22
Sam-I-Ami had the same problem00:22
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KaZeRi like "had" vs "have" :)00:24
Sam-I-Amso in your ovs_neutron_plugin.ini on the controller... you need to tell it what firewall driver you're using00:25
Sam-I-Ameven though the controller technically doesnt do anything with ovs00:25
Sam-I-Ami THINK thats what fixed it for me00:25
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KaZeRok let me double check00:26
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KaZeRmmm i already have firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver00:27
Sam-I-Amnot commented out right?00:27
KaZeRSam-I-Am: would you mind sharing your /etc/neutron and /etc/nova ?00:27
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Sam-I-Amweird, pretty sure whats what fixed my problem00:29
KaZeRmaybe you had something right that i currently have wrong :)00:29
KaZeRSam-I-Am: what about the api-paste?00:30
KaZeRdachary: why would you want another way? that tutorial is very good00:30
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: thats what i thought it was at first00:31
Sam-I-AmSO... commenting out that line from ovs_neutron_plugin.ini causes neutron on the controller to 404 when looking up sec groups00:31
Sam-I-Amat least on my system00:31
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: it's close to that bug :
KaZeRunfortunately the patch did not fix the problem for me00:32
Sam-I-Amyou're not using the NOOP driver right?00:32
Sam-I-Amon any of your components...00:33
KaZeRin nova.conf i do have firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver00:33
Sam-I-Amyou need neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver everywhere00:33
Sam-I-Amthe noop driver breaks a ton of shit00:33
Sam-I-Amfor some reason...00:33
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KaZeRi did that earlier according to a post in the ML but to no avail. i'm retrying right now00:34
Sam-I-Ami think its supposed to work, but it breaks security groups... and neutron doesnt seem to like working without security groups00:34
Sam-I-Amat least i couldnt launch a vm00:34
KaZeRi have /etc/nova/nova.conf:firewall_driver=neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver and /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini:firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver00:36
KaZeRbut same error00:36
KaZeRlooks like
KaZeRbut i'd like to make sure that it's not my config00:38
Sam-I-Amon my sys, the only place nova.conf says anything about firewalls is nova-compute.conf on the compute node with firewall_driver=nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver00:39
Sam-I-Amanything regarding OVS is in neutron config files00:41
KaZeRwhich makes sense actually00:42
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KaZeRactually since it's a 404 seen in nova-api i wonder if it's not a neutron issue rather than nova00:43
KaZeRlike neutron not having the secgroups management enabled in its api00:43
Sam-I-Amin my case, nova would return a 500 or something00:43
Sam-I-Amneutron would return a 40400:44
KaZeRwould you mind sharing your configs so that i can diff against mine?00:44
Sam-I-Amhmm... wonder whats a good place to post configs00:44
Sam-I-Amits too much to pastebin00:45
Sam-I-Amkind of short on time too...00:45
lifelessSam-I-Am: you can pastebin a lot ;)00:45
KaZeRSam-I-Am: i'm ok to share my email address with you if you want00:45
Sam-I-Amwell, yeah... its just a lot of manual labor00:45
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: that works00:46
lifelessSam-I-Am: pastebinit00:46
lifelessSam-I-Am: cat foo | pastebinit00:46
lifelesslong as you don't have passwords in the config :)00:46
lifeless[nova, neutron and others do have passwords]00:46
Sam-I-Amyeah, this is a test install so its not a big deal00:46
Sam-I-Ami just use crap passwords00:46
KaZeRlifeless: the thing is that we probably need the whole nova folder for the api and rootwrap files too :)00:46
lifelesscat * | pastebinit00:47
Sam-I-Ami'll just paste my entire filesystem lol00:47
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: so... from the controller?00:47
KaZeRSam-I-Am: do you have a dedicated network node?00:47
KaZeRok i think the neutron folder from the network node could be interesting too if you don't mind00:48
KaZeRdid you get my pm ?00:48
KaZeRSam-I-Am: isn't you btw who had the rpc issue earlier this week ?00:49
Sam-I-Amand i fixed it00:52
Sam-I-Amworking on your files...00:52
KaZeRoh great ( my whole point of testing havana is the frequent rpc issues i have with grizzly + quantum )00:53
KaZeRawesome Sam-I-Am thanks00:53
Sam-I-Amplenty of people have rpc issues... theres a problem with the official install docs for havana.  trying to determine exactly what went wrong.00:53
Sam-I-Ammy rpc problem was a show-stopper though. nothing worked, ever.00:53
Sam-I-Amits not intermittent00:53
Sam-I-Amcouldnt delete instances either00:53
KaZeRand what was the root cause?00:53
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pmathewsSam-I-Am: so what was the problem/solution?00:56
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Sam-I-Amdamn good question.  tomorrow begins my journey building another setup from scratch via the official docs and seeing where it breaks00:57
Sam-I-Ami *think* its because nova on the controller doesnt know about neutron00:57
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Sam-I-Ami sent someone else here some config snippets and it fixed their problem00:57
pmathewsSam-I-Am: what backend are you using?00:57
Sam-I-Amfrom what i could tell, the compute node would stuff something into the rabbit queue asking for network resources when i launched a VM, but it would time out because nothing answered.00:59
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: on its way00:59
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: nova/neu from cntrl, neu from net node00:59
KaZeRSam-I-Am: awesome thanks00:59
Sam-I-Ami still have a weird issue with the metadata agent, but thats for another day01:00
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Sam-I-Amgotta run for a bit01:03
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i'll let you know if i found my issue, thanks again01:04
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Torikunhow to check if virtio drives are in the instance?01:13
Sam-I-Amback. sorta.  trying to make dinner01:15
Sam-I-Amand more football on soon01:15
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Torikunis there a limit for a number of instance flavors to run?01:21
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morganfainbergTorikun, Not really.  though in practicality, it's better to have well defined flavors vs. minor variations (at least that is my experience running private clouds)01:36
Torikunah ok01:36
TorikunI noticed I can not launch new machines even when I have all my instances suspended01:36
morganfainbergTorikun, suspended instances still consume quota iirc01:36
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morganfainbergTorikun, if you think about it, it would be a way to consume extra resources if you could just suspend an instance and not be "billed" for it.01:38
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TorikunAh that is a godo way to think about it =)01:38
morganfainbergTorikun, or consume more than your fair share (as outlined by the operator/admin of the OS deployment)01:39
TorikunI forgot that this is for more than just running your private vm's =)01:39
morganfainbergTorikun, yeah.  in a perfect world quotas wouldn't be needed (hell, passwords and encryption wouldn't either).01:40
morganfainbergTorikun, but we are far from a perfect world.01:40
TorikunI can not wait to do this!
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: i replaced my config with yours, but so far same issue :(01:43
Sam-I-Amdid you restart things?01:44
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Torikunopenstack with the CLoudian s3 integration is sex01:46
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: yep01:54
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Sam-I-Amwonder if theres something in the compute node02:01
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Sam-I-Amtime to eat02:02
pwnsOne of my swift nodes is reporting {'async_pending': None}. When I go to it returns null. Is this normal?02:04
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paulwangif openstack deploy more areas04:23
paulwangwhy handle04:24
paulwangmany of region?04:24
paulwangmultiple areas  how to achieve multi-zone??04:26
ArminderS-add your nodes on different zones04:27
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paulwangmulti-zone  how to deeploy keystone04:31
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paulwangonly one keystone or every area a keystone04:32
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wlSo many people coming and going, there is no one to speak07:25
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ywuhi, where can i find out the session's slide deck in the icehouse summit last week?07:45
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clarkbywu: there are videos at which may include pointers to slides?07:46
clarkbI am not sure if the slides were collected in any central location07:46
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ywuclarkb: the links have the videos, but did not find any slides07:47
clarkbywu: right, but the speakers may metnion the location of slides in the videos or in the video comments07:47
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vvechkanovHello all. Could anyone help me? I found approved and not implemented blueprint about live snapshots in nova. This one: I have ideas and really want to implement it. But it is assigned to Anton Antonov.08:53
vvechkanovI email to Anton but don't get answer for already 3 days. What shopuld I do in this situation?08:54
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muehsimaybe wait 3 more days08:59
muehsiit`s been weekend.08:59
clarkband the summit just happened08:59
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SebastianKreutzbhi, what is the correct location to post a link to an openstack job offering?09:53
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EmilienMSebastianKreutzb: i think you should rather connect with community managers, on #openstack-community10:01
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EmilienMSebastianKreutzb: or directly use
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EmilienMSebastianKreutzb: "please email details about the available positions to"10:03
SebastianKreutzbah great, thanks!10:03
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SebastianKreutzbHow do I assign internal IPs to my VMs which are created with OpenStack? Does Nova act as a DHCP?10:23
dsockwelli don't know what nova-network does but neutron integrates a dhcp service10:24
sgrannova-network also just runs dnsmasq10:24
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SebastianKreutzbso we maybe better go directly with neutron. we also plan virtual private networks later on.10:26
SebastianKreutzbone concept question: security groups isolate VMs from each other right? where is that handled? in a firewall in the VM?10:27
dsockwellusually a firewall on the compute node10:28
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SebastianKreutzbso the traffic goes from the internet to the compute node and then to the VM?10:29
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SebastianKreutzboh, that’s complicated :(10:33
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dsockwellluckily neutron automates most of that10:35
dsockwellbut that's what it does10:35
SebastianKreutzbI think I understand at least the concept: internet traffic goes through our data center load balancer/firewall and then onto the DomU of our XenServer which has the openstack controller and the controller forwards it to the proper VM. right?10:36
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dsockwellthat could work but you might find advantages to giving neutron its own bare-metal box.10:37
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dsockwelland then, because you have it, the rest of the openstack API services too10:38
SebastianKreutzbI also thought about putting openstack controller, etc. on an own box, but all docs recommend to put it onto xen?!10:38
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dsockwelloh, they do? i've never used xenserver, so it might be a good idea, but i don't personally see how10:39
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dsockwellmaybe they just want you to save money on having yet another physical server10:39
dsockwellor maybe there's special xenapi voodoo for networking10:39
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SebastianKreutzbnormally not, xenapi can be totally remote-controlled10:39
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dsockwellyou're probably better off finding some xenserver specific docs. I know xenserver has (or can have) openvswitch but i don't particularly know much about it.10:41
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dsockwellif you wait here for a couple hours new york city will wake up and you might find someone who knows more10:43
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SebastianKreutzbactually I am more in finding an expert for that and even have a budget, but gosh, it’s hard to find openstack guys in berlin.10:43
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dsockwellthere's always rackspace10:44
SebastianKreutzbthey do consulting?10:44
dsockwelliirc they do full service installations10:45
SebastianKreutzbI would actually prefer to hire someone, but that's maybe too hard :(10:45
dsockwellwell the summit is only just over, it's not even monday morning10:46
dsockwellhere, at least10:46
Qlawyalmost noon ;)10:47
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SebastianKreutzbhere it's 11:47 AM10:47
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SebastianKreutzbok, so I wait some hours. maybe there is a xenserver specialist out there :)10:48
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edgySam-I-Am: ping10:52
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BobBallAwayhi SebastianKreutzb :)11:14
BobBallAway<-- XenAPI specialist ;)11:14
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BobBallSebastianKreutzb: There are a number of reasons - but ATM the DomU has to be on the host where you're going to run VMs11:15
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: For example, we will mount the VDI in the DomU for the "resize" functionality11:15
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BobBallSebastianKreutzb: We're aiming to decouple this a little more during the next release cycle11:15
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SebastianKreutzbBobBall: you are working on the xen "connector" of openstack nova?11:16
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BobBallIt is, yes11:17
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QlawyBobBall: how to use neutron with xen? Is it even possible?11:39
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BobBallyes Qlawy - it works great in Havana but not in prior releases11:40
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BobBallQlawy: Check out for some of the details11:41
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Qlawydbrandon: tnx11:41
QlawyBobBall: ↑11:41
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BobBallQlawy: in particular maybe look at - which shows the extra network that's reated to proxy the changes through to dom011:42
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QlawyBobBall: tnx very much :)11:42
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edgySam-I-Am: I will be hanging for sometime trying to cache you ;)12:57
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kousikhi all,  glance image-list is working fine but nova image-list giving ERROR: Unauthorized (HTTP 401) ... any solution?13:01
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Qlawykousik: check if you have good credentials in nova.conf and glance-registry.conf13:02
Qlawyor in api conf files13:02
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SebastianKreutzbBobBall: do you recommend using Devstack to intially setup a basic production environment (I mean the general changes for Xenserver)? Or is it better to go the manual way?13:03
SebastianKreutzbwas just reading the citrix blog post about neutron and this one
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christophe-wk3-oHi everyone, I've got some trouble with an OpenStack test setup after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10. I'm using linux bridge networking. There is supposed to be a bridge named brqaf2cda02-42, but it doesn't show ip.13:09
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christophe-wk3-oHow do I find out what is causing this? All services start up fine and I don't see any error messages in the log files.13:10
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kousik@Qlawy: i have pasted all in
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kousik @Qlawy: kindly check13:15
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: Go for devstack - it's nice and easy13:15
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: The "manual" way works and is probably better when you're going for a large cloud13:15
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: but use devstack and to connect two devstack's together13:16
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SebastianKreutzbI successfully used devstack to setup openstack on xenserver (everything under my local VMWare fusion), but devstack does not use services etc. just screens. or can I use devstack for the setup and later add the services?13:18
edgysirs, if I managed to ran an instance and gave it a floating address, how can I ssh to it now?13:19
BobBallDevstack is self-contained13:19
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BobBallThere isn't (as far as I know) a defined process to convert it to using packages13:19
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BobBallYou either use devstack or you use services13:20
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edgyBobBall: nice and easy? it's a week now and  I couldn't do a basic connection :(13:20
BobBallof course you can use devstack to create your nova.conf etc and just copy that to a package-based setup13:20
BobBalledgy: with xenserver? What's the problem you've got?13:20
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edgyBobBall: I try to ssh to the instance and I can't, let me paste it ...13:21
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BobBalledgy: put it on paste.openstack.org13:22
BobBalledgy: and probably your localrc too13:22
BobBalledgy: or just describe how you set things up?13:22
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SebastianKreutzbdevstack does not work for us since we have in production a xenserver pool. and devstack stops if there is more than one host. I would love to go the manual way to actually learn what devstack is doing, but I fear that it will be very hard13:26
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BobBallSebastianKreutzb: Not sure how to set it up with a production pool already existing; you may find problems later anyway because when using a pool, Nova expects to create + own the pool itself (using host aggregates)13:27
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BobBallSebastianKreutzb: OpenStack doesn't really need the pool - so we'd advise not to use it13:27
edgyBobBall: this installation is on ubuntu 12.04 running bare-metal13:27
BobBalledgy: I'm a xenserver bloke so can't really help with that I'm afraid :/ never tried it13:28
edgyBobBall: tried what?13:28
BobBallbare metal13:28
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edgyBobBall: I though if you can make it on xen, then the procedure should be exactly or easier in a dedicated server13:29
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edgyBobBall: or does bare metal means something else?13:30
SebastianKreutzbBobBall: so I can tell the data center guys to merge(?) the current pool of 6 xenservers to one? or how would they do that?13:30
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BobBallbaremetal is one of the drivers in Nova that allows you to use a single host to run instances directly ratehr than under a hypervisor13:30
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: Do you have VMs on the hosts you want to keep?  (Nova expects to control all VMs on the host) - what's the set up that you're aiming for?13:31
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edgyBobBall: then I didn't meant that, I just install openstack in ubuntu in a dedicated server13:31
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BobBalledgy: So you're trying to use KVM then?13:31
edgyBobBall: exactly13:31
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BobBallAh yes - I see now - but again, that's something I don't use either...13:32
BobBallI have no idea why it might not be working13:32
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BobBallI'd enable the logging in devstack (set SCREEN_LOGDIR) and look at the log files for screen-n-cpu and screen-n-net13:33
edgyBobBall: my problem has nothing to do with the hypervisor stuff, I just wonder do you need to set any routing things or you should be able to connect directly with ssh? do you connect to the private ip or the floating ip?13:33
BobBallIt should "just work" if you're using devstack13:33
BobBallYou don't need to set anything up AFAIK13:33
edgyBobBall: and for the localrc do you think there is anything wrong? considering that I have eth0 and eth1 on that server13:34
edgyBobBall: just assume it's like running over xen13:34
SebastianKreutzbBobBall: no, the Xenserver pool is new and nothing on it, yet (besides the master on the first host)13:34
BobBallLooks ok - but networking on XenAPI is the one place where it's very different to KVM :)13:34
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: Ok - do you need to run with pools?  Or could they be several compute hosts?  OpenStack doesn't need them to be in a pool13:35
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SebastianKreutzbI would pick the most simple setup13:35
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BobBallthen I'd advise not to worry about pools13:35
BobBallThey add complexity and unless you need it, it's not worth it13:36
SebastianKreutzband it is still possible that several xen compute nodes mount a shared nfs?13:36
BobBallah - that might be why you need a pool :)13:36
BobBallIf you need shared storage, then yes, you need a pool :)13:36
BobBallSo let OpenStack set it up as an aggregate13:36
BobBallSet up the hosts separately to start13:37
BobBallthen add each host to the aggregate13:37
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BobBalland they will be pool-join'ed13:37
BobBallWhat are you using the shared storage for, out of interest?13:37
BobBallVM storage?13:37
SebastianKreutzbthe former CTO chose it for VM storage I guess13:38
SebastianKreutzbbut everything can be questioned :)13:38
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BobBallOk - so there are some definite advantages - e.g. VM migration is near-instant13:38
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BobBallbut setup isn't as simple13:39
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SebastianKreutzbwhat is the best practice for a setup of several xenservers? a pool?13:39
BobBallDepends on the scale and the use cases :)13:39
BobBallMost OpenStack deployments with xenserver do not use pools13:39
edgyBobBall: thanks for your care to help, hope some one familiar with linux/kvm would help13:40
SebastianKreutzbso how do they connect the xenservers under one openstack?13:40
BobBallif you get to a certain size (hundreds of hosts) then pools become another abstraction layer that doesn't give the advantages you have in a smaller scale (because you can't have all the hosts in one pool, so things like fast live migration only apply to sub-sets of hosts)13:40
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BobBallEach host is isolated but connects to one scheduler13:40
BobBallso nova-manage service list shows all of the computes13:41
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BobBallbut none of the computes know about each other13:41
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SebastianKreutzbsound simpler13:42
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BobBallIt is substantially simpler, yes13:42
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SebastianKreutzbis it good practice to use on xenserver as availability zone?13:42
SebastianKreutzbone xenserver I mean13:43
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BobBallif you do that you won't be able to use the scheduler logic properly13:43
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BobBallbecause you specify which host you want the VM to go to by specifying the availability zone13:43
BobBalllive migration might not work too?13:43
SebastianKreutzbok, got it13:44
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SebastianKreutzbthat massive shared storage for VMs, is that best practice?13:45
SebastianKreutzbI need to question everything the former CTO did :)13:45
BobBallIt's a special case in the OpenStack world and is not required by OpenStack - but it depends on whether there are special things you want to do with your use case.13:45
SebastianKreutzbI need to ask the head of development here, but I am sure he does not need it13:46
BobBallIn OS you need to have something serving the images (glance) but I imagine you could do something where they are provided by the same shared storage as the VMs will live on - that might give super-fast deployment13:46
BobBallfor example.13:46
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SebastianKreutzbwithout a pool I could just setup one xenserver and make it work properly and then (relatively) easy add another xenserver?13:47
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SebastianKreutzbwhat is the most simple network setup in that case? XenAPI Flat DHCP Networking?13:50
BobBallyes SebastianKreutzb13:50
SebastianKreutzbthat’s the one devstack is doing for xenserver?13:51
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BobBallThe very simplest way to do it SebastianKreutzb is to set up N devstack's each indepedently (see and then connect them together using
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SebastianKreutzbyes, that’s really simple, but I fear that screen stuff is not cool13:55
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SebastianKreutzbit would be good to have something like an instruction how to migrate a devstack setup to a "normal" openstack13:55
BobBallit's very cool - means you can connect to the running instances and see what's going on13:55
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BobBallAdmittedly there isn't any help in restarting one service it if fails13:56
BobBallyou need to restart all of them on that node13:56
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BobBalland it's a manual thing rather than automated13:56
BobBallbut I'm not sure if it's automated in any other system13:56
BobBalli.e. they start at boot - but if they die, do they get restarted?13:56
SebastianKreutzbsomehow my devstack setups itself on reboot13:57
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BobBallAnyway - if you're only talking about the computes, it's easy enough to set them up for Xen -
BobBallyou just set those 4 variables up13:57
BobBalland it'll work great :)13:57
BobBallso you can set it up using the standard ubuntu packages, then change nova.conf and it sholuld work great (although note the sections later in the page that talk about installing the plugins in dom0)13:59
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SebastianKreutzbah cool!14:00
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: do read the whole of that page before starting though14:00
SebastianKreutzbyes, will do, thanks!14:00
SebastianKreutzbI will advise the data center to "unpool" the pool of xenservers.  I am friend of simple things.14:01
BobBallalthough it's a lot better when using Havana - the biggest problem was a lack of plugins in dom0 - now if you're using XenAPI (as said at the top) and you haven't got them installed you get a very obvious error!14:01
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SebastianKreutzbthis basic setup also has the block storage feature, right?14:04
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SebastianKreutzboh one more thing I don’t get. I am looking at
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SebastianKreutzbwith public network the connection from internet is meant, right? so our data center loadbalancers route traffic directly to the OpenStack VM?14:06
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SebastianKreutzbif I check the above mentioned diagram, it speaks about 3 physical interfaces. but how can a VM have a physical interface? or am I totally getting things wrong?14:19
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BobBallSebastianKreutzb: You pass the interface through as a virtual one - that's all it meant14:31
BobBallSebastianKreutzb: but yes, public is external14:31
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SebastianKreutzbah okay, I was confused because it said "physical".14:32
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SebastianKreutzbI think I slowly start to get it! traffic comes from the internet into the OpenStack domU and this somehow redirects it to the VMs / tenants14:33
SebastianKreutzband that makes it possible to add a security layer because openstack "knows" where to route what traffic14:34
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BobBallunless you are using neutron14:42
BobBallXenServer has the networks14:42
BobBalland VMs are directly plugged into them14:42
BobBall(actually, even with Neutron, the network setup is pushed down into Dom0 IIRC)14:43
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SebastianKreutzbso xenserver is handling all the virtual networking?14:46
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KvezonHello, can i receive all availability zones from REST API? I can receive availability zones for tenant, but my user doesn't have right for all tenants. Is it possible to receive an admin user token that has right for everything?14:47
BobBallyes SebastianKreutzb14:48
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SebastianKreutzbthe openstack vm is sending traffic to the dom0 and it sends it to the VMs? Or do I misunderstand that graphic? It looks as if the external traffic goes into the OpenStack VM and not into dom0?14:50
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BobBallexternal traffic to the VM just goes through the bridges in dom014:53
BobBallit doesn't go to the openstack VM14:53
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SebastianKreutzbah, and the openstack VM just sets up the bridges?14:53
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BobBallno - devstack can set them up - but the VM assumes they already exist (they are specified in nova.conf)14:54
BobBallchances are they do already exist because the xenserver will have set them up14:54
BobBallthe only case they won't is if you don't care if they are external or not (e.g. the development case in devstack)14:55
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SebastianKreutzbgive me a sec, I log into the XenCenter and check it :)15:11
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SebastianKreutzBobBall: sorry, I had to exit IRC to connect to the server. strict rules here :(15:30
SebastianKreutzso you wanted to know the bridge setup?15:30
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BobBallSebastianKreutz: just saying it should work15:31
BobBalldoes it not?15:31
SebastianKreutzthink yes.15:31
SebastianKreutzwe have many PIFs on the xenserver15:31
SebastianKreutzI spoke with the head of development and I can "un-pool" the xenserver pool to make things simpler15:32
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BobBallATM you have all the PIFs shown for each host15:33
BobBallbecause pools show all resources in the DB15:33
SebastianKreutzah okay. all the connected storages are shown there, too. but that will become more simplified15:34
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SebastianKreutzis it good practice to directly add a "fat" HDD to the xenserver or is it a network-mounted storage more common?15:35
SebastianKreutzI mean for VM storage15:35
BobBallCloud practice is to use the local HDD - enterprise practice is to use network storage15:35
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BobBallbut basically whatever-you-have will work if you don't have special requirements15:35
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SebastianKreutzwe have this 10TB NFS store, that won’t work I guess it we unpool up the pool15:36
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SebastianKreutzsplit up the pool I mean15:36
SebastianKreutzor can several xenservers use one NFS? no or?15:37
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BobBallYes they can15:38
BobBall"NFS storage" is just a directory on an NFS share15:38
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BobBalleach host can only attach to one NFS SR - but you can have many NFS SRs on a single NFS share15:38
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SebastianKreutzah, cool!15:38
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SebastianKreutzso I could leave that intact, great.15:39
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BobBalland it means you can use that nice and expensive storage array :)15:41
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cuban3rUbuntu 13.10 + Havana, cannot start nova-compute->TRACE nova.virt.driver ImportError: Class LibvirtDriver cannot be found15:44
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SebastianKreutzbdevstack always installs itself after the openstack controller VM reboot. is there a way to not have that behavior?15:50
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BobBallyes SebastianKreutzb - remove "" from /etc/rc.local15:53
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CaptainTacoSaucecuban3r: KVM?16:01
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Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: yo16:03
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cuban3rcaptaintacosauce: solved --> nova.virt namespace issue16:09
CaptainTacoSauceah okay, neat16:09
CaptainTacoSauceheya Sam16:09
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Sam-I-Amhows life?16:10
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SebastianKreutzbBobBall: thanks for all your help today! I will tomorrow morning dive into all that and try to come as far as I can :)16:12
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Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: is your metadata stuff working?16:13
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BobBallHTH SebastianKreutzb :)16:14
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TorikunSeems like overcommitting is not the issue...How can I make openstack ignore suspended VM's so I can launch more?16:26
Torikunis there an override?16:26
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CaptainTacoSauceoh, annual enrollment time, bleh16:28
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CaptainTacoSaucemetadata, metadata, I don't remember that problem16:28
CaptainTacoSaucemy last problem was network connectivity to the guest VMs but that's working great now so I guess next step is to add cinder and play with that16:29
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Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: oh, with my config i have some issue with the net node claiming the metadata endpoint isnt registered16:30
Sam-I-Ambut... i thought it was part of neutron's endpoint16:30
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TorikunAny way to make suspended VM's not count against your memory usage so you can launch more VM's ?16:30
CaptainTacoSaucehmmmm yeah haven't seen that one, I'm not even entirely sure what that means16:30
Sam-I-AmTorikun: i dont think so.. kind of wouldnt make sense16:30
Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: one sec16:31
TorikunI tried overcommit and it does not work16:31
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Torikunregular KVM will allow it =(16:32
Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: humm, the error is gone now :/16:32
CaptainTacoSauceyou're welcome :P16:32
Sam-I-Ami must have rubbed the lamp correctly16:33
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Sam-I-AmCaptainTacoSauce: so your network stuffs is still working?16:33
CaptainTacoSauceyeah haven't touched it today but it was working great Friday16:33
Sam-I-Amheh, i havent worked on mine since then either16:34
Sam-I-Amneeded a brain break16:34
Sam-I-Amnow i'm putting together a second system in an attempt to figure out exactly where the docs go wrong16:34
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CaptainTacoSauceyeah I'm going to show up to my lab later today and be like what's the deallll16:44
Sam-I-Ami recommend bringing a six pack16:44
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KaZeRhi there17:07
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KaZeRCaptainTacoSauce: which version are you running ?17:08
Sam-I-AmKaZeR: figure out your problem?17:08
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CaptainTacoSauceI run havana on saucy.17:08
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: unfortunately, not yet :(17:09
KaZeRok CaptainTacoSauce. using openvswitch too ?17:09
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Sam-I-AmKaZeR: thats... weird.17:09
CaptainTacoSaucewith kvm virt17:09
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Sam-I-Amthat one line fixed my 404s... so...17:09
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: yep really weird.17:10
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KaZeRSam-I-Am: thanks again anyway, really appreciate17:10
Sam-I-Ammust be something else missing somewhere17:10
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Sam-I-Amthe question is where..17:10
CaptainTacoSauceI'm curious what the problem was but probably don't have the cycles to actually look at it.17:10
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cjellickhi all. does anyone know how to configure horizon/keystone to limit the number of users retutrned when modifying the users in a project?17:19
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cjellick…have lots of users from ldap and it takes forever to load17:19
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Gamekiller77Does any one know if the L3 part of neutron has it own log files or a way to make it print to standard output17:19
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Sam-I-Amit should log in /var/log/neutron17:20
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Gamekiller77but that like the bulk log for all neutron services17:20
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Sam-I-Ami have separate l3 agent and dhcp agent logs in there17:21
Gamekiller77i can get the L3 to work with manual command execution but not via the service start17:21
Sam-I-Amif thats what you're looking for17:21
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Gamekiller77so i can just place that right log_dir and log_file17:21
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Gamekiller77btw thanks Sam-I-Am17:22
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KaZeRGamekiller77: /usr/bin/quantum-l3-agent-python2.7 --config-file=/etc/quantum/quantum.conf --config-file=/etc/quantum/l3_agent.ini --log-file=/var/log/quantum//quantum-l3-agent.log17:22
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KaZeR(same for neutron of course)17:22
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Gamekiller77KaZeR: i did that and it runs just fine17:22
Sam-I-Amthere's also a debug mode if needed17:22
Gamekiller77ok cool was not sure how much the sub system shared with the core server17:23
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rmrHi ! I am new to openstack and was trying to understand the boot process of the it..i.e., in what order services are started...what all could go wrong...can somebody please suggest some good material for this...any help is greatly appreciated !17:27
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Sam-I-Amrmr: with upstart things kind of start all at once17:33
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CaptainTacoSaucermr: I don't have any documentation to refer you to, but I think the system is largely designed to fail and recover -- it shouldn't have a specific runbook. Having said that, I'd say 1) mysql/rabbit 2) keystone 3) everything else17:33
Sam-I-Amwhich... sucks imo17:33
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Sam-I-Amif you check logs, you'll see that daemons can't connect to other daemons for a while, but then it all cleans up17:33
Sam-I-Amrebooting pieces usually reconnect after a bit17:33
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Gamekiller77Sam-I-Am: thanks for the log i found the problem with L3_agent17:45
Gamekiller77root-wrapper was still pointing to quantum name not neutron name17:46
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Sam-I-Amthat'll do it17:48
Sam-I-Amalso make sure sudo allows the neutron/nova users17:48
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Gamekiller77Sam-I-Am: not using sudo with my setup in dev18:05
Gamekiller77but yah the defualt in neutron,conf is quantum so had to change it and remove sudo18:05
Gamekiller77for rootwrapper18:05
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Sam-I-Amdid you upgrade from grizzly or something?18:06
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Gamekiller77no fresh install of havana18:10
Gamekiller77the upgrade borked the whole setup18:10
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Gamekiller77so was faster to reinstall18:10
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Sam-I-Amhmm, wonder why you're seeing 'quantum' in places18:10
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Gamekiller77it odd it in the base config at the top of the option is states neutron but in the line to uncomment it quantum18:12
Gamekiller77thinking i should file a bug with this but not sure where the config file come from the project or the RDO stack18:13
Sam-I-Amohhh... rdo18:13
Sam-I-Amcould be an rdo issue since it uses packstack18:13
Gamekiller77well i did not install via packstack18:13
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Sam-I-Ammy havana install on ubuntu is all neutron18:13
Gamekiller77i did it manual via yum18:13
Gamekiller77yah sorry RDO her as we are a RHEL houst18:14
larsksGamekiller77: If you run into RDO problems, just file the bug against RDO...if it's actually an upstream problem it should eventually get there, and if not this makes sure someone will take a look at it.18:14
Sam-I-Ami was kind of under the impression that rdo was a devel/test kit like devstack18:14
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Sam-I-Ambut i havent used rdo yet.  planning to try it.18:14
Sam-I-Amenough people come in here with questions on it18:15
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Gamekiller77I have two setups with it now18:15
Gamekiller77packstack will do all in one or multi node now18:15
Sam-I-Amis it aimed at production or still test?18:16
Gamekiller77but like i said i doing it all by hand to learn the ins and outs18:16
Sam-I-Ami havent used packstack either18:16
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Gamekiller77i run the dev setup18:16
Sam-I-Ami started with devstack, got familiar with it, and then did my own manual install18:16
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Gamekiller77we have it in Stage and will run it in prod soon not sure when18:16
Sam-I-Amdevstack had a few annoying limitations18:16
Gamekiller77yah i did all by hand first time around18:16
Gamekiller77took me 3 months18:16
Sam-I-Amlike... logging everything to a screen session18:16
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Sam-I-Ami've done too many hand installs now... takes me a day once the base OS is ready for openstack packages18:17
Gamekiller77yah upgrade to havana was super fast for me18:17
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Gamekiller77but dealing with Ceph p[roblems too18:18
Gamekiller77we have tech support for Ceph18:18
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Gamekiller77i am now trying to give back to the community18:19
Sam-I-Ami'm trying to give back with doc fixes18:20
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Gamekiller77same here with REHL18:20
Gamekiller77already found two problems18:20
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Sam-I-Ami'm trying to find the "key" now to why neutron doesnt work at all using the official docs18:21
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Sam-I-Ami think i know what it is... just need more evidence18:21
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Gamekiller77with what pluginis18:24
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Gamekiller77that what i have for now18:24
Gamekiller77be switching over to N1k soon18:25
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Gamekiller77i have to ;)18:29
Gamekiller77i have to prove the cisco on cisco story18:30
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* Sam-I-Am isnt a cisco fan18:32
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Gamekiller77i work there so no choice18:32
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Sam-I-Amha, nice.18:32
Sam-I-Am<- brocade18:32
Sam-I-Amlets take this out in the parking lot... :)18:32
Gamekiller77you off 1st street18:32
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Sam-I-Ami'm actually in denver18:33
Gamekiller77i go eat lunch by your building here in San Jose18:33
Gamekiller77ok off18:33
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LexisHello everyone18:50
Lexisquick newb question, what is the best way to update a devstack to Havana ?18:50
clarkbLexis: the easiest way is probably to just start over18:51
Sam-I-Amyeah, pretty much18:51
Lexisif I use the default devstack, I get on Grizzly right ?18:51
clarkbno default devstack is master18:51
clarkbwhich is currently icehouse18:51
clarkb(it depends on what commit of devstack you currently have checked out)18:52
Sam-I-Amyou can tell it which repo to use18:52
Sam-I-Ambut the default is devel18:52
Lexisok, I did the deployment but didn't see heat there18:52
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Lexisok I should read ^^18:54
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pablokbshello, were can I get help to install openstack on ubuntu 12 ?19:22
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Sam-I-Amplenty of places19:25
Sam-I-Amhere, official docs,, google search...19:26
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pablokbsok maybe you can help me :) I just want to install openstack on a fresh installed ubuntu 12 server19:27
pablokbswith only one NIC19:27
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pablokbsi've read the DOC but it's about 130 PAGES!!!!19:27
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pablokbsI tried with devstack script, works well but I'm having trouble with the NICs configuration, I just want to make a virtual NIC and NAT some traffic with shorewall, that's it19:28
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pablokbsI really don't understand well about "floating range, fixed range, etc"19:29
pablokbsthat's my problem I think19:29
Sam-I-Amthings are a little sketchy with one nic19:30
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pablokbsoh :(19:30
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pablokbsthere is no way I can install another nic on that server19:30
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pablokbsmaybe if I create a bridged interface or something19:31
dsockwellwould a dummy driver NIC work?19:31
dsockwellor some other kind of fake NIC19:31
pablokbsI hope :)19:31
Sam-I-Ami am using 1 nic with devstack19:32
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Sam-I-Amit works, but isnt very flexible19:32
pablokbswhat are the limitations?19:32
pablokbsmaybe I don't need to much of that19:32
dsockwellyou could do your testing in a vm with qemu or lxc as a hypervisor and have all the NICs you want19:32
Sam-I-Amdsockwell: thats what i'm doing to get around my 2-nic limitation on the network node19:33
Sam-I-Amthe controller and net nodes are VMs19:33
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Sam-I-Ampablokbs: what exactly are you trying to do with shorewall?  openstack has an internal way of managing firewall rules with security groups19:34
pablokbsSam-I-Am: that would work19:34
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pablokbsi just want to nat some ports, like 8919:34
pablokbs80* or 44319:34
pablokbsmaybe I should read about all that concepts19:35
pablokbsis there any openstack for dummies guide?19:35
Sam-I-Amyeah i'd just use security groups for that19:35
Sam-I-Amits basically iptables19:35
pablokbslike amazon19:35
pablokbsi'm using this guide19:36
pablokbswhat's floating range?19:36
pablokbsfixed_range it's like the internal network between the virtual machines, right?19:36
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Sam-I-Amfloating is IPs usually reachable by the outside world19:37
Sam-I-Amfixed is internal IPs19:37
dsockwellso i have 2 security groups, default and ssh/web, and 2 guests, one in each security group but both on the same internal network. Both instances have floating IPs. security groups appear to fail open with all ports on both VMs available from my LAN (which is inside the defined external network) and from one vm to the other.19:37
Sam-I-Amout of the box, your VMs will use an internal IP.  they can see the world via NAT, but not back in19:38
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Sam-I-Amif you assign a floating IP to the VM, it will 1:1 NAT it with the fixed IP and permit access via security groups19:38
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Sam-I-Amso pinging $floatingip will ping $fixedip19:38
pablokbsSam-I-Am: right, can I have several floating ranges? because I have some public IPs for my dedicated server, but they are in different ranges19:38
Sam-I-Amsshing to $floatingip sshs to $fixedip19:39
pablokbsSam-I-Am: got it, nice19:39
Sam-I-Amas long as the networks are there19:39
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pablokbscan I assign a ip for certaing port to a VM and the same ip for another port to another VM ?19:39
dsockwellpablokbs: i think you'd assign each block as a subnet to your external netwrork19:39
pablokbsdsockwell: thanks19:39
dsockwellno i don't think you can do that with just openstack19:39
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pablokbsI can't use the same ip for 2 vms for example?19:40
dsockwellif you really need that you'll have to use a firewall guest like you wanted19:40
Sam-I-Aminternal IPs can be duplicated by different tenants i think, but not external IPs19:40
pablokbsI can have a VM who acts like a firewall19:41
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pablokbsand nat from there19:41
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Sam-I-Amthats fwaas19:41
dsockwellor sometimes load balancing19:41
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dsockwelldepending on exactly how19:41
Sam-I-Ambut you probably want to figure out openstack first19:41
Sam-I-Ambefore delving into that mess19:41
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pablokbshaha, yes19:41
Sam-I-Amneutron is difficult to grasp19:41
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dsockwelli had to draw pictures to understand neutron and i still don't get parts of it19:42
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pablokbsthe main reason I'm doing this if four cloud-init, that's really cool19:42
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pablokbsi'm a sysadmin for a dev company, I want to give the hability to create instances to developers, and automatically setup a dev server19:43
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Sam-I-Amdsockwell: your problem is kind of odd19:43
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Sam-I-Amdsockwell: probably requires poking at the iptables rules on strange interfaces19:44
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Sam-I-Ampablokbs: openstack is pretty cool, but also takes a lot of time to become proficient enough to offer a production environment19:44
Sam-I-Amit breaks in interesting ways19:44
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pablokbsso are you saying that's still not suitable for production ?19:45
dsockwellSam-I-Am: so i shouldn't have to create a second internal network?19:45
dsockwellbecause that's what i'm trying now19:45
Sam-I-Amits fine for production, but it takes some effort for YOU to be comfortable19:46
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dsockwelli can go straight to iptables though19:46
pablokbsSam-I-Am: got it19:46
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Sam-I-Amdsockwell: i would think you can apply one secgroup to one vm and another to another vm on the same network19:46
Sam-I-Amsince those iptables are on a per-vm basis on the compute node19:46
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dsockwellshould neutron be telling me about some firewall rules at this point?19:47
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pablokbsthank you Sam-I-Am I will play a little with some VM on my computer before running the installer on the server19:47
dsockwellpablokbs: i found the puppetlabs-openstack package to be pretty good, except maybe it gave me a firewall problem19:48
Sam-I-Amdsockwell: should... at least it needs to know about them19:48
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pablokbsdsockwell: I do use puppet, are you talking about the new grizzly module?19:49
Sam-I-Amdsockwell: have you seen this?  i think you have.
pablokbsbecuase is not compatible with debian nor ubuntu :(19:49
Sam-I-Amits pretty good explaining where to find stuff19:49
dsockwellpablokbs: worked for havana for me19:49
pablokbson ubuntu ?19:49
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dsockwellon ubuntu, yes19:49
pablokbsnice, I will look into that now19:49
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dsockwelli had to get it from github with the stable/havana branch19:50
dsockwellwhich is new as of about last thursday19:50
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dsockwelland ignore all the docs on forge.puppetlabs.com19:50
pablokbsooh that's the catch19:50
dsockwellthe manifests have good (if really badly redundant) example headers though19:51
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pablokbsif I can do this with puppet, it will be great, because I have 4 dedicated servers to install :P19:51
dsockwelli'll keep you posted19:51
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pablokbsdsockwell: thanks for the help19:53
pablokbsi'm checking out this puppet module19:54
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dsockwellso neutron knows about security groups but not firewalls (at least not the way i asked about them)19:54
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Sam-I-Amdid you tell it to use the correct firewall method?19:55
Sam-I-Ami.e., not the NoOp firewall19:55
Sam-I-Amand it has to be consistent everywhere..19:55
dsockwelli wonder19:56
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Sam-I-Ami gotta run... back later hopefully19:56
Sam-I-Amor tomorrow19:56
Sam-I-Amtime for happy fun meetings19:56
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dsockwelloop - nova.conf has the noop driver19:57
dsockwellwait that's to enable neutron to handle it19:58
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dsockwellit's looking like firewall-list is more for fwaas (which i might need) than explicitly for security groups19:59
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dsockwell and seem to describe the behavior i'm seeing20:03
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dsockwellgoing to try switching out the vif driver as described on the mailing list20:06
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stevem_hello friends.20:51
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stevem_on my controller i have namesapce network visable using `ip netns show`20:52
stevem_but on my compute nodes i dont see that20:52
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stevem_should my compute nores have a namespace network?20:52
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badamsstevem_: don't believe so20:55
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CaptainTacoSaucecorrect, no21:18
CaptainTacoSauceactually, let me back up, that's assuming neutron, I have no idea for nova-network21:18
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larsksCaptainTacoSauce: namespaces are only used for quantum/neutron.  When using neutron, you only see namespaces on the network controller.21:24
larsksSo stevem_ is seeing what one would expect.21:25
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