Friday, 2014-08-15

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shadylogHi, I'm installing devstack on 14.0400:21
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shadylogSupposedly running is the only thing I have to do, but until now I had to install curl, python-dev00:21
shadylogand now I get fatal error: libxml/xmlversion.h: No such file or directory00:22
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KodiakFwhatever the apt/dpkg equivalent of 'yum whatprovides */xmlversion.h' should help you out.00:22
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shadylog <- is a flagrant lie then, it says a fresh installation could bring up devstack00:23
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shadylogthis is not true at all00:23
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KodiakFYou should sue them.00:24
KodiakFOr file a bug report.00:25
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shadylog <- doesn't support issues00:25
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KodiakFGuess you're going to have to litigate then.00:25
shadylogah launchpad, great00:25
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shadylognevermind, will use 12.0400:32
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shadylogthis is too messed up00:32
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larsksKodiakF: Now you're being almost as snarky as me...00:34
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KodiakFSorry larsks, I just get kind of bummed when people get angry over a small undoc'd thing or a bug or an undeclared but easily sorted dependency.  It smacks too much of demanding a perfect gift horse with no intention of trying to fix anything upstream via bugreporting.00:37
* larsks is totally in agreement.00:37
larsksI'm just laughing because earlier today I was snarking and you were actually answering...00:38
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KodiakFwell that one had me exasperated - no less than 5 different handles, always the same inane hopeless non-questions00:38
larsksTakes all kinds.00:38
larsksIn all fairness, openstack requires both a depth and breadth of technical experience to understand it that I think surprises many people.00:39
KodiakFNo way that individual is getting even devstack off the ground - the first guy, netuser aka neutron_help, aka who knows what else00:39
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shadylogdude, this has nothing to do with technical experience, clearly devstack says 14.04 is supported, there are no instructions other than Then at the 5th error and manual intervention on dependency installation I get worried and go here and get shit00:40
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larsksshadylog: It's not all about you, man.  Chill.00:40
KodiakFJust to be perfectly clear my prior comment was about a different individual - which is what I tried to make very clear00:40
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KodiakFshadylog - you "got shit" for the reason I mentioned above.  It's all in how you approach it.  Count to ten and *then* IRC...00:41
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KodiakFBelieve you me brother this place is super helpful - like really really helpful.  Just have to approach it in a non-angry way.00:42
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larsks...and remember that for the most part, folks here onto super-powered developers or antyhing. We're just other folks also using openstack.00:42
* larsks glares at his fingers.00:42
shadylogyou're right, its been a long day00:43
shadylog3 AM here00:43
larsksGo to sleep!00:43
KodiakFwell to be fair there is a pretty substantial dev/engineering representation from core openstack contribs like Rackspace and Mirantis on here - which I find just spectacular.00:43
shadyloghave had my fair share of projects non-documenting stuff for me today00:43
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* larsks mutters, quietly, "and Red Hat"...00:44
KodiakFFor sure shadylog - I've had multiple parties mention 14.04 not being "quite ready to support w/ product x,y,z" lately so I'm surprised you got sliced by the cutting edge00:44
shadylogIt irks me when extravagant claims like "install x,y,z and you are done, that's it! we promise!" and this is not the case00:44
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shadylogKodiakF: yeah that might be the mistake00:45
KodiakFshadylog - it was that easy w/ RHEL 6.5...00:45
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* KodiakF can't believe I forgot to mention my 1st love, ol' Red Hat...00:45
shadylogSo RHEL is contributing a bit more than DEB?00:45
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KodiakFI do believe RH is the top ostack contrib00:45
KodiakFor were at some point in recent history00:46
KodiakFalso they took Ceph  under their wing just recently00:46
shadylogI thought OpenStack and Ubuntu were in deep love00:46
shadylogyou guys even have launchpad :)00:46
KodiakFRackspace & Ubuntu for sure are BFFs00:46
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KodiakFI don't doubt that Canonical is a huge contrib00:46
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KodiakFBut I'm pretty sure RH was still top contrib by commit IIRC00:47
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larsksCanonical does not make the pie chart at
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shadylogHA, cool site00:48
KodiakFhow in the heck does HP have more commits than RH?  I barely ever even hear about helios00:48
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shadylogMaybe HP commits every typo00:48
larsksKodiakF: I think HP has an openstack-based cloud offering.00:48
KodiakFI'd hope this only counts accepted commits00:48
shadylogyeah HP is pretty deep in openstack00:49
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KodiakFlarsks:  Yep Helios I believe it's called - didn't even make our deployment system radar, I might have to check it out.00:49
shadylogtheir quarterly results frequently scream "cloud" in order to generate revenue00:49
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KodiakFI'm kind of annoyed that VMware is top contrib for Neutron but I don't have a valid reason other than not liking them...00:50
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KodiakFGood to see RH in 2nd place though00:51
KodiakFI'm excited to see what RH does as competition to Mirantis Fuel00:51
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KodiakFshadylog:  Apparently the command for Ubuntu is:  'apt-file search filename'  -
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KodiakFso like apt-file search xmlversion.h00:55
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shadylogKodiakF: thanks!01:01
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shadylogKodiakF: going to try RHEL though01:01
KodiakFGood choice :)01:01
bao_hi guys, what is the equivalent of openstack-status in Ubuntu?01:02
KodiakFIf you are going w/ RHEL you probably want to look at RDO & Packstack01:02
bao_in redhat there's openstack-status, what is the equivalent of that in Ubuntu?01:02
KodiakFDevstack is generally for hacking on the latest openstack01:02
shadylogKodiakF: I'm actually setting up devstack on VMWare Fusion to develop :)01:03
KodiakFah cool01:03
KodiakFcarry on then haha01:03
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KodiakFbao_:  I thought openstack-status was in RHEL provided by openstack-utils RPM?01:04
KodiakFI can't check right now.01:04
bao_I will check that out thanks01:04
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larsksopenstack-status is a red hat custom script.  I'm pretty sure it's not available for ubuntu.  There might be something else, though.01:05
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bao_why are they doing this?01:05
KodiakFnp - RHEL tip:  'yum whatprovides */command' (or */filename) will tell you how to get whatever you are missing - provided that it's avail in your repos01:05
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KodiakFoh crap - I had that backwards01:06
KodiakFyou want it in ubuntu01:06
bao_so in Ubuntu, how do I get the status of the services?01:06
KodiakFI thought you were coming  from ubuntu01:06
bao_I'm running openstack on ubuntu AND redhat01:06
bao_different customers01:06
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larsksbao_: Most of the "status checking" stuff is really just a wrapp for the system service commands (like "chkconfig" in rhel 6.x and "systemctl" in rhel 7/fedora).01:07
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shadylogcisco cutting 6000 jobs01:08
bao_nova service-list01:08
bao_this will do it...01:08
shadylogwrong channel sorry01:08
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larsksbao_: If your primary interest is *nova* services, yes.01:08
bao_I'll just wip up my own openstack-status01:08
larsksbao_: But that doesn't cover heat, neutron, glance, etc...01:08
Sam-I-AmKodiakF: it is openstack-utils01:09
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KodiakFI thought so01:09
KodiakFI can't imagine running ostack on redhat and debian - that would drive me nuts01:10
larsksI think the upstart "initctl status" might be helpful.01:10
larsks(as the equivalent to what openstack-status does on the rhel side)01:10
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bao_larsks: is that the right syntax? for initctl?01:11
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larsksbao_: I'm not positive.  Just a sec, spinning up an ubuntu vm to check.01:12
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larsksbao_: So, "initctl status <job>" will give you something like: "<job> stop/waiting" or "<job> start/running".01:15
larsksbao_: So I think that will do what you want.01:15
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bao_cool, then I just list all the services I want to see right?01:16
bao_thanks larks01:16
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shadylogKodiakF2: good read:
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Sam-I-Amwhat kernel does rhel 7 use?01:21
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Sam-I-Ami wonder if it supports vxlan properly01:21
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bao_they are using non LTS kernel?01:22
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shadylog3.10 is LTS01:23
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shadylogubuntu 14.04 uses 3.13 which is non-LTS01:23
Sam-I-Amdefine non-lts01:23
Sam-I-Ami'd be more pro-redhat if their rdo packages didn't suck01:23
Sam-I-Amand someone paid attention to bugzilla01:23
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shadyloglinux kernel community won't support upstream patching for non-LTS kernels for long01:24
shadylogmeans canonical will have to do it themselves01:24
shadylogwhich means its an uphill battle01:24
Sam-I-Amrdo = the 'free' openstack packages for redhat and derivatives01:24
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shadylogI liked RDO01:25
shadylogright up to the momen that at01:25
peretSam-I-Am: ah ...yeah I dont know why they do the things they do to their RPMs01:25
shadylogThey removed openstack images for centos 6.501:25
shadylogits a large 404 now01:25
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larsksshadylog: they removed the images because they were out of date and had unpatched security vulnerabilities.  The centos project is working on producing official images but aren't quite there yet.01:52
shadylogwhere can I follow those announcements?01:53
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larsksI'm not sure there was one. They weren't official images, since they weren't from the centos project; they were mostly there as a convenience.01:53
larsks...they just weren't getting the sort of maintenance they needed.  Which is why it's good that centos will be producing these soon.01:53
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shadylogisn't really up to snuff01:57
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guestvillagewho uses pia02:05
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Aziraphalis there any way to deploy an openstack cloud without using NAT to every VM?02:05
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Sam-I-Amsure. its called provider networks.02:06
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Aziraphalthanks, searching for that term appears to throw up some documentation I hadn't seen yet02:08
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atmarkHello, I'm having problem with an instance not getting an IP address in neutron when it is launched. I'm using GRE+ML2 in Openstack Icehouse02:52
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preetican any one fix my networking problem04:26
preetiifup br-ex04:27
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preetisays RTNELINK answers: File exists04:27
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preetiby running dis cmd ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex INTERFACE_NAME nwtworks goes down05:10
preetican anyone help05:10
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preetihow to RTNETLINK error05:16
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sun28preeti: cloud-user05:29
sun28wow, so slow :)05:29
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preetido you hv networking idea05:29
preetii am stuck at a piont05:29
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sun28preeti: no pm please05:30
preetiovs-vsctl add-port br-ex INTERFACE_NAME after dis05:30
preetinet goes  down05:30
preetii removed ip from eth2 set it to br-ex05:31
sun28openstack have a lot of documentation05:31
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preetibut now br-ex is ok....but eth2 saying RTNELINK answers: Filw exists05:31
preetiif eth2 is activated prb will be resolved05:31
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preetirtinelink file exits error06:07
preetiRTNETLINK fle exist error06:07
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preetiifup eth2 RTNETLINK fle exist error06:18
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* gildub looking at history06:19
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gildubpreeti, what platform, openstack version06:20
preetiicehouse centos 6.506:20
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preetieth0 eth1 are set to privtae06:20
preetiand eth2 is set to public06:20
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preetii added eth2 to port of br-ex06:21
gildubpreeti, neutron? All-in-one?06:21
preetiindividual nodes06:21
gildubpreeti, yeah I assume :)06:21
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gildub^ neutron06:21
gildubpreeti, what about neutron controller?06:21
preetiit correct06:22
preetiall well only in network node eth2 is nt working after etting it as a port of br-ex06:22
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gildubpreeti, do you have an IP on eth2?06:23
preetiits on br-ex06:23
gildubhave u tried ifdown eth2; ifdown br-ex first?06:23
preetieth2 not getting activates06:24
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preetisays RTNETLINK answers:file exist06:24
preetiall other eth0 eth1 br-ex activated06:25
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gildubpreeti, ip output please06:26
gildubpreeti, ifcfg-br and ifcfg-eth2 output too06:26
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gildubpreeti, and ip route output has well06:28
gildubpreeti, have you tried "service network restart", to make sure you reset the network06:28
gildubpreeti, ok, need the output to tell06:29
preetiwait plz06:29
preetiip a o/p is06:30
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atmarkHello, I'm having problems with my instance not getting an IP address when it is launched. I'm using GRE+Ml2 in Openstack Icehouse.06:31
preetinetwork restart o/p :
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gildubpreeti, seem truncated, can't see br-ex, well it's down anyway06:33
preetiyes its showing down06:34
gildubpreeti, need ifcfg files as well06:34
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gildubpreeti, technically this is not an openstack issue, it's an openvswitch one06:42
gildubpreeti, you need OVS stanza in ifcfg files:
preetii hv it06:43
preetiy br-ex automatically gets destroyed06:44
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gildubpreeti, nope, I don't see them =>
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gildubpreeti: TYPE=OVSBridge, DEVICETYPE=ovs, etc06:46
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preetiafter setting06:47
preetishould i restart n/w06:47
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gildubpreeti, ifdown/up eth2/br-ex should be enough06:48
WhiteMoOnHI all, I'm newer. If any difference of icehouse deployment in ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04?  I can't see the advantage of ubuntu 14.0406:48
gildubpreeti, all good?06:49
preetinow br-ex is not activated06:50
preetisays br-ex ip already in use06:50
preetifor ifup eth206:50
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preetiRITNET error06:50
gildubpreeti, ifdown br-ex first then06:50
gildubpreeti, or restart network or reboot06:51
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gildubgildub, well, once you have all the ovs stanzas in place it will (eventually work) for you too.06:52
gildubpreeti, ^06:53
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preetinow even RITNET comes for eth206:54
preetibut now port pining to all06:54
preetiBut i am not able to launch instance06:54
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preetitking nwt via eth106:55
preetinot eth206:55
preetii hv to set net to eth206:55
gildubpreeti, Ok, I leave it with you then.06:56
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preeticn u tell one thing07:02
gildubpreeti, k07:02
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preetinow for eth2 connection activated coming07:03
preetibut RITNET file exist also comming07:03
gildubpreeti, english please ^^07:03
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preetiwhen i restart network07:03
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preetiall interfaces getting activated br-ex eth0 eth1 eth207:04
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gildubpreeti, ignore the warning07:04
gildubpreeti, can you ping br-ex?07:04
preetibut with eth2 RETNETLINK file exist coming07:04
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preetiping  br-ex07:04
gildubpreeti, the ip attached to it ?07:05
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gildubpreeti, so you're in, ignore the error message (although you might want to check your routes)07:05
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gildubpreeti, now you can do tuning ;)07:06
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* BeRoots Hi all... :)09:15
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BeRootsI search software issue for make UML2.* It's for PHP/mongo developpement. I work actualy with netbeans and i would like anything for make UML from db or php sources, and generate php classes from this.  What do you recommend?09:26
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cristianHi guys, I encountered an issue when configuring openstack - network part.09:58
cristianI've followed openstack's rhel documentation and applied everything on a virtual CENTOS environment - virtualbox.09:58
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cristianMy issue came to the last step in Section 7 with the networking services. For some reason I can not reach IP address equivalent (I've used a different public class)10:00
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cristianOnce I configured HORIZON interface, I noticed that the admin state for the virtual router is set to active.10:00
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cristianSorry, was set to UP, but the status was DOWN. What could be the cause?10:02
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cristianSo in the Networks --> demo-net I see this:10:03
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cristiannetwork:router_gateway  DOWN  UP10:03
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gaudregarding "db sync",  I see in the havana documentation that foreach service there is a  "*-manage db sync" that is being executed in order to create the db schema.   why is it not there for neutron?10:24
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kviiri links CentOS 6.5 images to
kviiriwhich is Not Foud10:28
kviiriAnyone know where they went?10:28
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Ahsanrally channel is #openstack-rally11:01
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Ahsanhow to connect to the openstack rally chanel?11:02
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deecedeAhsan - type: /join  #openstack-rally11:21
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Mohit_ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth2 ...disconnects net11:47
Mohit_any anyother port11:47
Mohit_can anyoe tell11:47
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ogzyi am looking for someone who had experience with cisco openstack installation documentation, i had spoken with someone here who had written the doc but now i forgot his nick12:04
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mknldHi, I'm having a problem with a compute node, either the scheduler thinks it's out of diskspace, or it is. I'm having trouble overviewing the whole thing. Does anyone have some pointers for me?12:10
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gaudI have ubuntu 14.04LTS on my node. why is trusty-updates/icehouse/main a 404 ?12:14
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sorengaud: Because trusty came with Icehouse built in.12:21
sorengaud: So it's not in the cloud archive.12:22
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gaudok.. then the puppetlabs/openstack modules might be wrong..12:24
gaudunless there is a difference between 14.04  and 14.04 LTS..12:25
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KodiakF2So larsks probably isn't around this early, unless he lives on IRC, but after setting up Neutron ML2 /w GRE my test VM can't pass outgoing dhcp requests  through br-tun, I see the traffic on br-int, but nothing on br-tun of the compute node.  Here's the ovs / gre state currently:
sorengaud: 14.04 and 14.04 LTS are the same thing.12:39
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ogzyanybody who had experienced this document with two network interfaces?
KodiakF2qgzy - post specific questions rather than pre-questions or trying to find a specific person to help you.12:56
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* larsks does not live on irc but was up too #$%*& late last night :).13:02
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KodiakF2I'll say13:02
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ogzyKodiakF2: ok13:03
KodiakF2I read you blog post start to finish.  That graphic might be the best I'd seen yet13:03
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larsksThat was me figuring out neutron for the first time :)13:03
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KodiakF2Describing the flow virtually is really the only way to convey it IMO13:03
KodiakF2I plan on adapting it for internal docu13:03
KodiakF2It, or something like it, really ought to be in the official docs, otherwise it's really impossible to get a view of how it works the first time.13:04
KodiakF2anywho I'm reading through this now:
larsksSo, in your environment, you see the dhcp requests on the qvoxxxxx interfaces that are attached to br-int?  That would be 'D' in the diagram.13:04
KodiakF2from some googling it looks like this is rather common problem13:04
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KodiakF2Yep - I can see them on br-int but see nada on br-tun13:05
KodiakF2and I see TX packets on br-tun but no RX packets13:05
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KodiakF2the qvo is properly tagged too13:05
larsksKodiakF2: So, first, when you say, "on br-tun", do you mean on the physical NIC used for gre traffic?  Because in general you can't apply tcpdump directory to OVS bridge devices...13:05
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KodiakF2I was listening on br-int and br-tun directly:
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KodiakF2I don't see br-tun ports on the host itself13:07
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Mohit_can anyone paste the br-ex eth2 file13:08
KodiakF2ie, patch-int and gre-(1,2,3)13:08
larsksKodiakF2: Yeah, that won't necessarily tell you anything.  For br-tun, you need to listen on whichever interface has local_ip (as defined in your neutron configuration); this is the interface passing the gre traffic.13:08
Mohit_which contains the hardware address13:08
Mohit_br-ex, eth213:08
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Mohit_i am creating two files br-ex and eth213:08
Mohit_which contains Hwwaddr???????13:08
larsksMohit_: Where are you creating these files?  What are you trying to do?13:08
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Mohit_in network node13:09
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Mohit_am setting up network node13:09
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larsksMohit_: What distribution are you using?13:09
Mohit_    ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex INTERFACE_NAME      [Note]Note      Depending on your network interface driver, you may need to disable Generic Receive Offload (GRO) to achieve suitable throughput between your instances and the external network.      To temporarily disable GRO on the external network interface while testing your environment:      # ethtool -K INTERFACE_NAME gro off     To finalize the installation      Restart the Ne13:09
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larsksMohit_: I meant ubuntu/centos/fedora/etc...?13:09
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larsksOkay.  And when you say you are "creating two files br-ex and eth2", are you trying to set up interface configuration in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts? Or something else?13:10
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Mohit_bcoz add port to eth2 disconnects net13:10
Mohit_and any pinging13:11
larsksMohit_: Okay.  In that case, the files should not be called "br-ex" and "eth2".  They need to be named "ifcfg-br-ex" and "ifcfg-eth2".13:11
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larsksIs eth2 your primary interface (e.g., the one with an actual address on the local network)?13:11
Mohit_i named them13:11
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Mohit_ai am confused in in which to put hwwadd address13:11
Mohit_since eth2 conatins no ip13:11
Mohit_onlky br-ex conatins ip relate info13:12
larsksMohit_: You don't necessary need to put the hardware address anywhere.13:12
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Mohit_how it will reconzi den13:12
Mohit_i hv three nic port13:12
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Mohit_eth0 eth1 eth213:12
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larsksMohit_: How will what recognize what?13:13
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Mohit_at the time of service restart13:13
Mohit_i think hwadd needed13:13
larsksMohit_: Are you statically assigning an ip address to br-ex? Or are you hoping to use DHCP?13:14
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Mohit_in static assgmnt does i put hww addr13:16
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larsksMohit_: Then I don't think you need to set the hardware address explictly anywhere.  I would expect br-ex to look something like this: And ifcfg-eth2 to look like:
KodiakF2larsks:  oh.  That iface is going to be mega-noisy - it's the iface I use for everything on the compute node.   I've seen something weird though since looking at it!!  It's requesting dhcp from an adjacent compute node rather than the neutron networking node...  this is mega confusing.13:16
larsksKodiakF2: You can limit your tcpdump to just gre traffic with 'proto gre'.13:16
Mohit_cn u paste eth213:16
larsksMohit_: Read that last message more closely and I think you will find what you are looking for.13:16
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larsksKodiakF2: It should be broadcasting a request for a lease...(that is, sending the request to the network broadcast address, not a specific node).13:17
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KodiakF2oh - yea - proto GRE.  Youdaman - it's sending it out to all GRE tunnel endpoints including the network node.  Duh.  Lemme check the network node now haha13:17
Mohit_dere is no ONBOOTPROTO in br-ex13:17
Mohit_sry its OVSBOOTPROTO13:18
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* KodiakF2 thinks calm down spazz it's too early13:19
larsksThere is no OVSBOOTPROTO anywhere because it's using a static configuration.13:19
Mohit_its set to static13:19
larsksIf you were using DHCP you would set OVSBOOTPROTO=dhcp.13:19
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larsksMohit_: OVSBOOTPROTO=static should be the default behavior.  There's no harm in setting it explicitly, though.13:20
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pscheieWhat is disk_available_least?13:20
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Mohit_how to delete a subnet13:22
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KodiakF2pscheie:  this post describes disc_available_least in at least a little detail:
KodiakF2mohit_:  neutron subnet-delete <id>13:23
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pscheieKodiakF2, thanks.  Yes, I'd read that.  Was still a bit unclear.13:24
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larskspscheie: I agree. There doesn't seem to be a lot of documentation on exactly what goes into calculating that value.13:25
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larskspscheie: Might be time for source spelunking.13:25
pscheieI'm a little surprised that it doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.13:25
Mohit_unable to find server at controller coming13:25
KodiakF2yea first place I checked was the nova.conf-dist13:25
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Mohit_AMQP  server disconnected13:29
Mohit_how cn i resolv the issue13:29
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Mohit_does qpidd server hs something to do with br-ex bridging13:31
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jedixthat's a lot of question marks13:32
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larsksMohit_: the amqp server is used to pass messages between parts of an openstack service.  E.g., neutron uses amqp to communicate with its agents.  If things can't talk to the amqp server, many things will simply not work.13:35
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Mohit_how to resolv it13:36
Mohit_cn u help13:36
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davidbowlbyMohit_, looks like it could be some kind of networking issue.  Trying pinging the mq server from each host, try telnetting to the port to rule out firewall.  MAKE SURE THE SERVICE IS RUNNING, that kinda stuff.13:43
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larsksMohit_: Unforunately my day job is too distracting right now. Usually, amqp related errors are reasonably easy to diagnose.  Spend some quality time with your logs and documentation...13:43
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Mohit_neutron-openvswitch-agent is dead13:44
Mohit_how do i activate it13:44
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davidbowlbyMohit_, service openvswitch-switch start ?13:46
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Mohit_saying dead13:46
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davidbowlbyMohit_, what do the logs say13:46
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Mohit_unable to connect tounable to connect to AMQP server13:48
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Mohit_my qipdd service running on controller13:50
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KodiakF2Mohit_:  you *have* to fix qpidd before neutron-server (and probs lots of other services) will work13:53
davidbowlbyMohit_, is your AMQP service running?13:53
Mohit_in controller its running13:54
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KodiakF2Mohit_:  For real man, post some neutron-server logs, qpidd logs to - nobody's going to play 20 guesses all day13:58
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KodiakF2(and hopefully you've been looking at them yourself as well...)13:59
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KodiakF2Mohit_:  You have underlying issues w/ your physical network that need sorted before anything w/ qpidd or neutron will work.  (Hint: Name or service not known.)14:02
Mohit_qpidd is running14:03
georgem2Mohit_:you probably didn't define it in neutron.conf14:03
KodiakF2qpidd isn't doing anything - it might be running but that doesn't mean anything if it can't talk to anything14:03
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KodiakF2It looks like your physical hosts can't talk to eachother because they can't resolve eachother14:04
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Mohit_how do i resov dat14:05
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KodiakF2That's more fundamental linux troubleshooting.  If you're using DNS make sure dns queries work, if you're using /etc/hosts, make sure everything is right in there and up to date on each host14:05
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davidbowlbyMohit_, do you not have a full keyboard?14:07
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* KodiakF2 thinks some keys are broken...14:07
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* davidbowlby thinks we're missing some vowels14:08
davidbowlbylol why don't my pngs work lol14:08
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KodiakF2Mohit_:  can your network node talk to your controller, like, at all?14:09
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Mohit_i added conroller compute node info14:09
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davidbowlbydoes it reply to ping14:10
KodiakF2before you futz with any conf files you probably wnt 2 confrm connectvty14:10
davidbowlbylol KodiakF2, I'm crying over here14:10
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jedixSam-I-Am: where in the keystone code would I find the identity_uri vs auth_uri?14:12
KodiakF2Mohit_:  you need to fix some fundamental networking issues on your physical hosts before anyone here can help.  In troubleshooting, you have to start at the bottom foundation and work your way up the stack14:12
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KodiakF2(Before anyone here can help specifically w/ Openstack, that is...)14:13
Mohit_i added ips in /etc/hosts file14:13
Mohit_and did network restart14:13
KodiakF2do they respond to pngs?14:13
KodiakF2do you have link lights on the nics?14:13
KodiakF2can each host ping their loopback and their primary iface you are using for the management network?14:14
Sam-I-Amjedix: best bet is to look at it on github and search14:14
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jedixSam-I-Am: I cloned it and am grepping for identity_uri.. no hits14:14
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KodiakF2I feel like I have more tap- ports than I should on my openvswitch br-int on my neutron networking host.   I'm baffled as to what they are for...14:15
KodiakF2all in vlan tag 409514:15
Sam-I-Amjedix: that particular thing might not be in the keystone code. check one of the things that uses keystone, like nova or neutron14:15
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: do not open the microwave before the ding14:16
* KodiakF2 lost...14:16
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Sam-I-Amin other words, dont look at ovs too closely :)14:16
Sam-I-Amunless you are a masochist14:16
jedixSam-I-Am: thanks14:17
KodiakF2I'm looking as close as I can stand because for the life of me I can't get dhcp requests past the incoming GRE tunnel in the neutron network node...14:17
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KodiakF2the tap iface on qdhcp-ecaed687-83ea-4902-8682-b8caeafc068a can't see any requests coming in14:18
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davidbowlbyhow do you decide to play around with openstack and not even know how to troubleshoot network connectivity14:18
* davidbowlby is a tad bit disgusted14:18
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KodiakF2davidbowlby:  There are a lot of general (not even Linux sysadmins) who are "tasked" by PHBs to set up the latest buzzword14:19
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jedixSam-I-Am: github can't find identity_uri or admin_uri in nova14:19
davidbowlbyKodiakF2, yeah, but network connectivity is a helpdesk task14:19
davidbowlbywe're not even talking sysadmin right now14:20
KodiakF2it is what it is14:20
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* davidbowlby agrees14:20
KodiakF2I'll always blame management14:20
Sam-I-Amjedix: so whats the problem here?14:20
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jedixSam-I-Am: I'm still having issues with keystone and apache2, but I wanted to "learn to fish" on the config stuff14:21
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: so dhcp req from vm makes it to the network node, but not to the right place inside i?14:21
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jedixSam-I-Am: I'm concerned it's to do with my outdated packages that I'm having issues.14:22
Sam-I-Amjedix: is this still the every-4th-req fails problem?14:22
KodiakF2Hey Sam-I-Am!  Yep - watching GRE traffic on the mgmt iface on the neutron network controller I clearly see the request being broadcast received by the neutron networking node over the gre tunnel14:22
Sam-I-Amoutdated packages?14:22
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KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  So I watch the tap within the namespace for qdhcp, and I see bupkiss14:23
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jedixSam-I-Am: that happens, but I think it's to do with me not restarting the services after changing configs.. so apache still has something cached in a thread14:23
Sam-I-Amjedix: so whats the problem now14:23
KodiakF2so somehwere after point 'H' but before point 'M' I'm losing my packets:
KodiakF2I can't figure out how to monitor the path between points 'H' and 'M' though14:24
jedixSam-I-Am: ArgsAlreadyParsedError: arguments already parsed: cannot register CLI option in /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi14:24
KodiakF2those ifaces don't appear to be dumpable easily from within any namespace14:24
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Sam-I-Amyou can dump br-tun14:25
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Sam-I-Amhow did you create these networks?14:25
KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  So I does that and I get nada on br-tun14:26
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KodiakF2How did I create these networks, hrm... well are we talking about the neutron net-create stuff or the ovs bridge creation stuff?14:27
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Sam-I-Amneutron net-create stuff14:27
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Sam-I-Amand what tenant did you create them as14:27
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KodiakF2Ah all that - I went back and redid that so that 'it-net' was created by a non-admin14:28
KodiakF2I can blow all that crap away again and re-do14:28
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KodiakF2I'm due for a 3rd redo :)14:29
KodiakF2doing that to fix this just kinda felt like the 'ol ctrl-alt-del fixaroo14:29
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Sam-I-Amcan you manually assign an ip to the vm?14:32
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georgem2KodiakF2:the pastebin is from your compute node, can you paste same thing from your neutron node?14:37
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KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  Yea I assigned to the cirros instance and tried pinging what I believe is the dhcp server ( and see arp traffic on the incoming GRE on the neutron net node w/ no response back from the DHCP server14:38
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KodiakF2Hey georgem2!
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georgem2KodiakF2:can you follow the troubleshooting steps described here ( to check if there are ovs flows mapping the traffic received over a specific GRE tunnel to an internal VLAD ID (4095 in your case which is strange)14:46
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KodiakF2So here's something else that's odd - I created another network, as a normal tenant _member_, called etc-net, as and a dhcp range of,  The network appears in horizon and in neutron net-list, subnet-list but I have no new qdhcp namespace on the neutron networking server14:47
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KodiakF2well the instances are on showing a reasonable tag (:2)14:47
KodiakF2and GRE is passing traffic between the compute and neutron host no problem14:48
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: kind of doing 20 things at once here :/14:48
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Sam-I-Amwhich is more or less the norm14:48
KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  Totally understand.  No such thing as an SLA on IRC14:48
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KodiakF2this is all freebies and I'm grateful14:48
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: sometimes you wont see namespaces spun up until you start something that uses them14:49
georgem2KodiakF2: in any case, ovs if configured correct never needs much love but usually it's either a config or the local openvswitch agent out of sync and not pushing flows14:49
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: so your arps dont make it into the qdhcp ns either?14:49
KodiakF2Sam-I-Am, georgem2:  interesting input both - I'll spin up an instance on the new net right quick14:50
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KodiakF2Sam-I-Am - correct14:50
KodiakF2I don't even see them on br-tun on the neutron server, just on phys iface em1 w/ proto gre14:50
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diogogmtI’m experiencing some problems with rabbitMQ - after creating server snaphots the whole system LOCKS for about 10 seconds - we are thinking it might be related to glance but we are wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same problem?14:52
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KodiakF2so [em1] <-> [br-tun] <-> [br-int], the traffic stops somewhere in box #214:52
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georgem2KodiakF2:use "neutron net-show --fields provider:segmentation_id <network name>" to find the GRE ID used by that network (the old one) and then "ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int|grep 0xGRE_ID" to see if there is a flow converting the traffic received from the tunnel to the internal vlad used by tap9131d7d8-e3 interface (4095)14:57
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KodiakF2georgem2:  that some next-level isht15:00
KodiakF2I'll work on it :015:00
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KodiakF2Glad I read larsks' blog post last night about the gre stuff15:00
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larsksKodiakF2: Glad it was helpful :)15:00
georgem2KodiakF2: it looks like VLAN 4095 is a special "dead" vlan for which all traffic is dropped.15:01
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KodiakF2georgem2:  so this ain't promising:
georgem2KodiakF2:no, I would restart the neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent with debug enabled and check the logs for errors15:04
hazmatis it possible to have multiple nova virt drivers within a region?15:04
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KodiakF2georgem2, I might be going crazy here - I thought debug = true would be in /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini - I don't see it15:06
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Sam-I-Amit reads from the neutron.conf debug15:07
Sam-I-Amor should...15:07
Sam-I-Amif not you might get to start the ovs agent by hand15:07
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KodiakF2thanks Sam-I-Am15:10
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KodiakF2seeing this at restart made me hopeful:
diogogmti’ve created a ticket on the glance issue tracker documenting a problem we are having with all services being locked after creating instance snapshots:
diogogmtanybody experience the same problem?15:11
jkthi there; I'm running Grizzly with nova-network and the Flat DHCP manager. I've configured a /24 subnet, and after creating <172 VMs, nova won't allocate a static IP address anymore15:11
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jktthe error message I see on my nova nodes in network.log is "NoMoreFixedIps: Zero fixed ips available."15:12
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georgem2jkt:are you running multi-host?15:12
jktgeorgem2: yes15:12
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georgem2jkt:on many hosts?15:13
jktlooking directly into the pgsql DB, I see entries for all of the 256 addresses created15:13
jktgeorgem2: 7 hosts15:13
KodiakF2and continued bummer - pings not being seen on br-tun on the network host after the restart15:13
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georgem2jkt:the compute nodes would eat an ip for gw, so 7 + 172 and the rest is probably yet to be reclaimed leases15:14
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georgem2jkt: or a bug if you're running grizzly15:15
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jktgeorgem2: yeah, a project-wide $deity mandates using obsolete SW15:15
jktI saw that one coming :(15:15
jktI do see plenty of addresses with allocated = false in the DB15:16
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georgem2jkt:you could check the value of fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout in nova.conf or even manually update the db (just a few entries to test)15:17
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jktgeorgem2: I'm fine with updating the DB, but I don't see a wrong record in there15:17
KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  You were right, I spun up a host on the new network and then a 2nd qdhcp network namespace appeared.15:18
georgem2jkt:I don't have nova db with nova-network available, but the info is coming from somewhere in there15:19
jktgeorgem2: as an example, looks fine, doesn't it?15:19
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KodiakF2Sadly it is doing the same thing - a whole lot of compute > neutron traffic on the neutron GRE iface, but nothing at all back toward the compute node from the neutron node15:19
georgem2jkt:can you paste a real lease?15:19
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georgem2KodiakF2: I'm curious, the tap interface for the new qdhcp namespace is also tagged as 4095?15:20
KodiakF2lemme check15:20
jktgeorgem2:, the "wrap" button on the right seems to be useful15:20
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KodiakF2georgem2: it's got the right tag (I believe), :215:22
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georgem2jkt: I don't know what to say, the free IPs look free in the db so it's either a bug or the node cannot connect properly to the db and the error is masked by a more generic message (e.g. "NoMoreFixedIps: Zero fixed ips available.")15:26
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georgem2jkt:enable debug and try to replicate the issue and maybe something useful shows up in the logs, if not then I've no other ideas15:27
KodiakF2georgem2:  the flows look better so far as I can tell:
jktgeorgem2: well, this is during a mass-create of 100VMs, I can apparently create another VM afterwards15:29
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jktgeorgem2: looking at the code, the try/catch block is indeed a generic, catch-all Exception, and I don't see much of a logging in the actual method in grizzly15:30
georgem2KodiakF2: this looks good: cookie=0x0, duration=680.957s, table=2, n_packets=94, n_bytes=4898, idle_age=559, priority=1,tun_id=0x3 actions=mod_vlan_vid:2,resubmit(,10)15:30
jktgeorgem2: thanks for your help, I'm probably gonna give up and call this a "non-issue"15:30
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georgem2jkt:yeah, a hundred vms is a stretch15:31
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jktgeorgem2: "cloud scale"15:31
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georgem2jkt: you need to tune some things for such a burst15:32
KodiakF2HOLY CRAP I have DHCP on the new network15:32
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: woo15:32
KodiakF2I'm blowing away the old network and rebuilding it15:32
KodiakF2Thanks ya'll really15:32
Sam-I-Amso what was it?15:33
KodiakF2Sad I never get to go to conferences or I'd be buying a bunch of beers15:33
KodiakF2something's up w/ the existing 'it-net' I created; I created 'ext-net' the same DAMN way and it works.15:33
KodiakF2So I'm a going to go all windows sysadmin and delete the bad net and recreate15:33
KodiakF2peace ya'll I'm going out to lunch to celebrate15:34
georgem2KodiakF2: cool :)15:34
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: woohoo15:36
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georgem2jkt: also, this is a good thing to watch:
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jktgeorgem2: yes, well, an update to icehouse "will happen" someday, so I'll just remember to comment about that whenever someone complains about slow performance in our infrastructure15:47
jktgeorgem2: thanks15:47
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KodiakF2So I was mistaken - all my problems persist.  I spun up a 2nd VM at the new internal network and it didn't pull DHCP.  I tried re-pulling DHCP on the host that had DHCP initially and no dice there either.    During VM reboots I see some ICMP6 multicast traffic on the GRE pipes but nothing else.  All is still hosed.16:19
Sam-I-Amwhats in your dhcp agent config?16:20
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Sam-I-Amthat looks right16:22
Sam-I-Amthere isnt much to it16:22
Sam-I-Amanything in the dhcp agent logs?16:22
KodiakF2I think there might be something pre-dhcp that's gone wrong - even w/ static IPs two hosts on the same internal tenant network can't ping eachother16:23
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KodiakF2I still don't think I've gotten debug to work on dhcp-agent.log either - it's still pretty sparse except when a component goes unav during a service restart then there are a ton of messages from aqmp of course16:27
KodiakF2but nothing since I've restarted the openvswitch agent16:27
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KodiakF2Can I ask a really dumb question?  W/ the GRE setup, I don't need to do anything on the phys switch that connects the neutron node and the compute nodes right?  It's all just IP traffic on that L2 within the same externally defined vlan right?16:32
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Sam-I-Amshouldnt need to do anything16:32
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georgem2KodiakF2:right, if the servers can reach each other over L3 you're good16:32
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: with static IPs, two vms on the same tenant net should be able to ping each other16:33
KodiakF2yea I thought so, and the GRE stuff looked good to me (which isn't saying too terribly much) in that I can see the traffic coming in and out of the phys ifaces on the compute and neutron nodes16:33
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mtl1Hi. I'm able to launch and delete instances just fine, but when I try to migrate them I'm getting messaging timeouts. Anyone have any thoughts on where I might start looking for the problem?16:33
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: you have the sysctl stuff changed, right?16:34
KodiakF2mtl1:  do you mean live migration?16:34
madornmtl1: what command are you doing for migration?16:34
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Sam-I-Ammtl1: make sure your compute nodes can reach each other with public key auth16:34
mtl1Yes, I'm getting beyond the part where I need keys.16:34
madornmtl1: what command are you doing for migration?16:34
georgem2KodiakF2:with that dhcp_agent config I get debug logs every 30 sec in /var/log/neutron/dhcp-agent.log16:34
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madornblock or live?16:35
mtl1madorn: I'm technically doing a resize through horizon. I have a ceph backend for shared storage.16:35
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: sysctl?16:35
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KodiakF2georgem2, you're not using namespaces?16:35
mtl1messaging seems fine for anything but resize/migration.16:35
georgem2KodiakF2:yes I am16:35
mtl1The resize is what's triggering the migration.16:36
madornanything in the logs?16:36
madornjust timeout?16:36
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madorndo you have debug turned on in nova.conf16:37
KodiakF2georgem2:  that's on RHEL?16:37
georgem2KodiakF2: Ubuntu 12.0416:37
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mtl1madorn: here's one from last evening:16:37
KodiakF2ah - seems there are diff options sadly16:37
mtl12014-08-14 17:09:11.164 11129 TRACE nova.servicegroup.drivers.db MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 5839a8f9cac244e297bde53f16dcd99516:37
mtl12014-08-14 17:09:11.164 11129 TRACE nova.servicegroup.drivers.db16:37
mtl12014-08-14 17:09:11.169 11129 WARNING nova.openstack.common.loopingcall [-] task run outlasted interval by 88.637404 sec16:37
mtl12014-08-14 17:09:11.186 11129 INFO oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [-] Connected to AMQP server on
mtl12014-08-14 17:09:11.208 11129 ERROR nova.servicegroup.drivers.db [-] Recovered model server connection!16:37
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: hmm seems ok16:38
KodiakF2mtl1: pls16:38
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: whats weird is if you follow the install guide word for word (minus ip address changes) it works fine16:38
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madorndo you have debug turned on in nova.conf?16:38
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Sam-I-Amso i'm wondering if this is a config issue lurking somewhere or something else16:38
Sam-I-Amlike... redhat.16:38
mtl1madorn: not currently.16:38
Sam-I-Amthe rdo packages suck ass16:38
KodiakF2Sam-I-Am:  On RHEL 6.5?  The one or the Redhat enterprise Openstack one?16:38
Sam-I-Amthe install guide16:39
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madornhow many compute nodes do you have16:39
KodiakF2Yea I hear they do, a lot.  Yea I actually filed some bugs against the YUM install guide - it was missing a couple things16:39
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: i think i picked up one of those bugs16:39
Sam-I-Ambut nothing significant iirc16:39
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KodiakF2Lodged a Swift one on weds that was trivial.  The neutron db-init one definitely was not :)16:40
madornenable debug on nova.conf - restart nova-compute  - reattempt migration.16:40
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madornactually restart nova-api and nova-compute16:40
mtl1Ok. Need to remember where in puppet I need to set it.16:40
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: you should not need to run neutron db init stuff16:41
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: if you do, rdo broke their damn packages16:41
KodiakF2they did16:41
madorni think the debug may give you more clues....although i would tail ceph logs right when you actiate migration, just to see whats going on there.16:41
Sam-I-Amone of these days i might stop supporting rhel :)16:41
KodiakF2only RDO's packstack install does the db-init stuff16:41
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KodiakF2apparently some steps got taken out of the neutron docs from havana to icehouse that were in fact needed16:42
Sam-I-Amthe way neutron is designed, it shouldnt need db init unless you're upgrading16:42
KodiakF2they moved the db-init stuff out of the RPM and into packstack16:42
KodiakF2This def wasn't an upgrade :)16:42
Sam-I-Amthe ubuntu packages don't require db init and there's no scripts included with the packages that automatically run db init16:42
Sam-I-Ammy guess is there's other problems with the rdo packages16:43
Sam-I-Ambut they really should not change significant things during a release cycle16:43
Sam-I-Amthis is why i care not for rdo16:43
Sam-I-Amsorry if i sound aggravated, but this isnt unusual :/16:43
Sam-I-Amwe're considering moving to building from source16:43
Sam-I-Amor at least providing it as an option16:44
KodiakF2For sure.  But it is what it is lol - we all gotta run ostack on redhat over here so I've gotta make it work.  There must be some way to make it work.  I'm kind of surprised the RDO'ers don't lurk on here16:44
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Sam-I-Amrdo feels orphaned to me16:44
KodiakF2larsks is @Redhat, maybe he can kick balls16:44
Sam-I-Ambugs filed on bugzilla go into the mystic16:44
KodiakF2RDO problems make it more likely that we'll throw $$$ at Mirantis at this point16:45
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Sam-I-Ami think they just fix all the issues in packstack or their pay product16:45
KodiakF2(as opposed to enterprise openstack from RHEL)16:45
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Sam-I-Ami'm sure rhel enterprise openstack works16:45
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KodiakF2That's what I hear - but people want to test the waters before they fork bucks - at least over here16:46
Sam-I-Amthey wont let you test the enterprise ver?16:46
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Sam-I-Ami'm halfway tempted to try an rdo install here to see whats broken now16:46
KodiakF2Those things always have artificially short trial periods16:46
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Sam-I-Ami hate to say it, but ubuntu pretty much has the best support for openstack16:46
KodiakF290 days is a blink of an eye when you're the only admin doing x, y, z, *and* openstack16:47
Sam-I-Amrhel is just too damn old16:47
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KodiakF2Mirantis makes it look easy on CentOS 6.5 so it's not impossible :)16:47
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Sam-I-Ami wonder if any of this works better on centos/scientific16:47
KodiakF2The other prob w/ paid-for enterprise RHOS is that (I believe) it's only supported on RHEL 7 now.16:47
Sam-I-Amthe real rhel has always had weird problems with openstack16:48
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davidbowlbyI use ubuntu for my openstack, it's been good16:49
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davidbowlbyalthough, I admit I'm terrified to apply updates rofl16:50
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tkramerI'm moving to test RDO on Centos 6.5 today.  I had too many issues with 7.16:50
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KodiakF2we aren't touching 7 for a while.  It takes a bit of effort to re-tool a well matured Puppet config infra for crap like systemd16:51
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tkramerI don't blame ya.  I was thinking it's a good time for me to start getting more systemd time.. I guess I will have to stick with my Fedora desktop for that16:52
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KodiakF2alright this might be WORSE than having it not work at all - I switch terminals and low and flipping behold now the first network is working insomuch as the VM can pull a lease and ping the dhcp server...16:53
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KodiakF2the original network 'it-net' that wasn't working ever before16:54
KodiakF2EFFF intermittencies16:54
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: interesting16:55
Sam-I-Amwish i could devote more time to this :/16:56
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KodiakF2and now the 2nd network 'etc-net' has 2 VMs on it that now cannot pull a lease16:57
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KodiakF2and the 2nd network doesn't need a 'router' in order to receive DHCP from the dhcp server since that's got it's own IP and namespace...16:59
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KodiakF2and now networks 1 and 2 are both allowing leases17:01
KodiakF2so it's like intermittency whack a mole over here17:01
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: this is weird17:04
Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: what version of ovs?17:04
Sam-I-Amand kernel17:05
KodiakF2openstack-neutron-openvswitch-2014.1.1-3.el6.noarch, openvswitch-1.11.0_8ce28d-1.el6ost.x86_6417:05
KodiakF2and 2.6.32-431.20.3.el6.x86_6417:05
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KodiakF2I'm just glad both nets are working at the same time17:05
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KodiakF2and the --disable-snat thing worked too - I can ping me VM from the office network woo17:06
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KodiakF2I'm going reboot all the things and see if it still works lol - I'd rather all-broken or all-working.  I'm the only tenant customer for now :)17:07
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Sam-I-AmKodiakF2: where did that ovs package come from?17:08
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larsksSam-I-Am: I'm sorry you're unhappy with the packages.  A lot of people are working hard on them.17:14
larsksI run them locally on F20 and haven't run into any parcicular problems.17:15
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visualneSo what I would like to do is move some images off of essex on to an icehouse cloud17:16
visualneso I snapshotted them on essex17:17
visualnemoved them into icehouse as raw17:17
visualneand they boot17:17
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visualnehowever if I try to convert the raw image to qcow2 and then import as qcow2 in icehouse17:17
visualnethe image doesnt boot, I keep getting this error: Converted to raw, but format is now qcow217:18
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visualneI dont really understand what that means17:18
Sam-I-Amlarsks: i guess this particular problem was changing how the neutron db is built mid-cycle17:18
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visualneconverted to raw, but format is now qcow217:19
visualneits not raw anymore17:19
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visualneso why is nova-compute saying it is17:20
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larsksI didn't read the scrollback correctly, but that may even have been my fault.  Because neutron is such a weirdo about upgrades, I modified the startup scripts to explicitly require the versioning information in the database.17:21
larsks...because the alternative was chaos (starting up neutron without the versioning information would hork the database and leave you neutron-less)17:22
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georgem2visualne: so, the connverted image is qcow, you added it to glance as qcow and nova fails to boot with that message?17:23
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: short version... unless upgrading, we didnt need to run neutron-db-manage to populate the db17:25
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Sam-I-Amnow i'm hearing things that we do17:25
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Sam-I-Amprior to release, we had to do that17:25
Sam-I-Amthen we didnt17:25
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Sam-I-Amand now we have to again?17:25
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visualnegeorgem2: that's correct17:25
larsksSam-I-Am: I am confused about what you are saying.  It is true that the neutron-db-manage is only operationally required  for upgrades...17:25
larsks...but if you upgrade packages and you haven't run it and you don't check for it and you start neutron, you're screwed.  At least, for havana->icehouse.17:26
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larsksErr, sorroy, grizzly->havana.17:26
larsksI haven't looked closely at the havana->icehouse case.17:26
Sam-I-Amlarsks: this is for new installs17:26
Sam-I-Amsomeone installs icehouse using the install guide and rdo packages, do they have to run neutron-db-manage17:26
mtl1madorn: here's the debugging output:
larsksLooks like not in the icehouse packages.  That is, there was only ever a check in the init script/systemd unit, and that doesn't appear to be there anymore, at least on my F20 system with the RDO icehouse packages.17:27
KodiakF2sam-I-am:  it came from teh RDO Icehouse repo - sorry was afk17:28
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larsksMy neutron db does have an alembic_version table, so perhaps upstream finally fixed things.17:28
KodiakF2larsks:  don't mean to knock the RDO packages, I've said before that the db-init thing I lodged as a bug against's launchpad17:28
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georgem2visualne:it could be a kvm-qemu issue, I would try to manually start a vm using that qcow2 image on the icehouse compute node and see if it works, then same thing on the old essex compute node17:29
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: can you look at this?17:29
larsksAs I said, I didn't actually read my scrollback in any detail :).  I'm really just interested in Sam-I-Am thoughts on the packages.17:29
Sam-I-Amkeystone has used [database] in icehouse17:29
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kryptohi any idea how to make keepalived virtual ip work wth nova-network17:29
Sam-I-Amnot sure why this guy sees [sql]17:29
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visualnegeorgeem2: So the chain of events was this. I snapshotted a vm in essex. I then imported this image into Icehouse as raw. It started correctly. I then said ok. Why don't I convert this to qcow2 first and then import into icehouse, and see if it starts.17:30
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visualnegeorgeem2: That's when I recieved the error about raw format17:30
larsksSam-I-Am: Hmm, I have a '[sql]' connection locally...which seems to work. DOes keystone support *both* in icehouse?17:31
visualneeven though its not raw format, its qcow2, because I conveted it17:31
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: it might, although [sql] was deprecated. the install guide uses [database] and the config file on my ubuntu box also uses [database]17:31
Sam-I-Amlarsks: can you peek at a recent rdo stock keystone.conf?17:31
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Sam-I-Ambecause the rdo conf used to use [database]17:32
Sam-I-Amand if this was changed...17:32
KodiakF2larsks, Sam-I-Am:  this is what I filed17:32
larsksSam-I-Am: The puppet-keystone module looks like it uses [database] now.17:32
larsksSam-I-Am: ....which is what would be used, e.g., by packstack for an install.17:32
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: i think what we really need is a good link between upstream docs and rdo. we have it for the ubuntu and suse packages.17:33
Sam-I-Amlarsks: so should i mark this bug invalid?17:33
koolhead17ttx: around17:33
larsksSam-I-Am: I guess I would argue that keystone should holler if it finds both [database] and a deprecated [sql] section in the config file.17:34
larsks...because people upgrading might have [sql], and if they follow instructions for adding [database] parameters they could end up with the same problem.17:34
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larsksSam-I-Am: Or it should merge the two and issue a warning, maybe.17:34
larsksOr something.17:34
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visualnegeorgem2: I think it has to with the specific format of the raw image that essex creates when it snapshots an image17:37
Sam-I-Amlarsks: i'm sitting next to the keystone prl17:37
larsksAnd the keystone ptl's opinion is?17:37
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visualnegeorgem2: The funny thing is I moved a qcow2 from a grizzly cloud we have to this icehouse cloud, and it worked fine.17:38
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visualnegeorgeme2: Actually thats a good question, when one takes a snapshot of an image, what format is the snapshot in? qcow2, raw?17:40
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visualnein other words if you snapshot a qcow217:40
visualnewill it be a qcow2 format?17:40
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KodiakF2well this is disheartening - I have /var/lib/nova/instances as a NFS mount - rebooted all 3 of my compute nodes nearly simultaneously and only 2 brought the NFS mount up - the 3rd one was able to mount it manually via mount -av...17:42
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Sam-I-Amlarsks: it will use [database] then fall back to other options including [sql]17:44
Sam-I-Amlarsks: thats in the oslo code17:44
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larsksSam-I-Am: So...that bug is invalid, because anything in the [database] section should have precedence, right?17:45
Sam-I-Amlarsks: i'm guessing he's actually using havana17:46
Sam-I-Ambecause it was [sql] in havana17:46
Sam-I-Amthis is a common issue17:46
Sam-I-Amor people using trunk docs with stable openstack17:46
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larsksAh, so "fixed currentrelease" :)17:46
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Sam-I-Ammore like "incomplete - what ver are you actually using"17:47
KodiakF2Here's an odd one - I have a tenant network that I want to make directly available to hosts outside of openstack (  I thought I was done when I did the whole router gateway thing w/ --disable-snat.  I can ping the hosts from the office network no no prob.  The problem I have now is that the tenant hosts can't egress openstack at all.  (Ie they can't ping the gateway of the provider network or the enterprise DNS servers)17:47
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larsksKodiakF2: You can ping *into* the tenant hosts from elsewhere on the network, but outbound isn't working?17:48
KodiakF2well hell now I can't ping into them either - I could before I rebooted the network controller.  Now I can ping the DHCP server IP for that network ( from the physical office network but not the hosts (.22, .21)17:49
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KodiakF2cool I can see the inbound ping on p3p2 which is the provider nic17:50
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KodiakF2and I can see it on the qrouter iface17:53
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KodiakF2and I can see it on the internal qrouter iface17:54
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KodiakF2But I don't see it on the tap iface for the VM on the hypervisor17:56
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KodiakF2but I do see it on the compute node GRE iface - as a side note for someone who never does networking this stuff is pretty flipping rad17:57
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KodiakF2awesome - I see it on the qbr - so it's making it to the firewall bridge for the instance17:59
KodiakF2so it's gotta be a security group thing17:59
KodiakF2larsks man I'm telling you this diagram is worth $$$17:59
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KodiakF2larsks:  You don't happen to have the original Visio/Gliffy/Other for the quantum-gre.svg file do ya?18:09
larsksThe svg file *is* the original. I drew it in inkscape.18:10
larsks...or maybe google docs?  Let me check.18:11
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KodiakF2Thanks 1,000,000 man - really appreciate it!18:12
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d_woh yes.. that's a nice diag18:16
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KodiakF2seriously - I've got a copy printed and hung at my desk now.18:18
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DHEnot directly openstack related... if I have an external switch that runs openvswitch does that just somehow "tie into" neutron & openvswitch running on the network node?18:20
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KodiakF2DHE how about adding patches between them?18:29
KodiakF2like ovs-vsctl add-port18:30
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bao_I made some changes to controller's nova.conf (for novnc), what services do I need to restart?18:33
bao_this is in Ubuntu/Havana18:33
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bao_I'm having problem with novnc, how do I enable novnc logging to verbose?18:36
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DHEKodiakF2: I mean for the external switch's openvswitch to get whatever features it needs from neutron. or is that even necessary? I thought that openvswitch would communicate and somehow configure each other. or am I wrong?18:38
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KodiakF2DHE now I'm really confused about what you're intending to do18:45
KodiakF2bao_:  probs just openstack-nova-compute18:46
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KodiakF2maybe just reloading18:46
KodiakF2'service openstack-nova-compute reload' would be what I might try first18:47
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KodiakF2usually a reload will hup the daemon and make it re-read configs18:47
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KodiakF2generally speaking18:47
DHEKodiakF2: I was looking at switches that support SDN, including some that run openvswitch on the switch itself. My question is, does that in any way directly integrate into neutron or openvswitch?18:47
KodiakF2oh , that external18:48
KodiakF2so there's plugins for those18:48
KodiakF2like openstack neutron plugins18:48
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DHEor, for the sake of demonstration, an openvswitch PC with a whole bunch of ethernet ports (USB?) for demonstration purposes18:48
KodiakF2but heck if I know how they do their thing18:48
KodiakF2I think there are boxes you mention as actual iron.  Maybe it was Juniper or Arista that was doing something w/ openflow or openvswitch18:49
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DHEjuniper has a couple, but they're limited to working as switches (minimal to no layer 3 features). pica8 makes something better18:53
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Sam-I-Ambrocade has stuff too18:54
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KodiakF2Anyone ever see oddness w/ horizon where when creating a user and selecting a primary project (tenant), the user is created fine but a bogus error message pops up that it cannot be assigned to the primary project, despite when you keystone user-get the user is in fact in the project you specified???18:55
KodiakF2it's not a problem but it sure is annoying18:56
OMCKKodiakF2: yepp, I've seen this and it seems to be annoying but harmless18:56
KodiakF2yep - annoying but harmless indeed - looks silly in keystone log file too18:57
KodiakF2so it's like trying to do the action twice18:58
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* KodiakF2 debates if it's worth filing a bug against horizon...18:59
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OMCKKodiakF2: I've seen this on havana, don't know if it'S still persists in icehouse19:00
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KodiakF2OMCK:  Yep this be RDO Icehouse19:00
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KodiakF2Actually user create from the command line is also somewhat annoying as it results in:  WARNING keystone.common.wsgi [-] Could not find project, it-dept.19:01
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mtl1OK, so when I do a resize, just to make sure I'm not looking in the wrong place, the "MessageingTimeout" I'm trying to figure out should be between my controller node running rabbitmq and the compute node that's trying to launch the instance, correct? It wouldn't be between compute nodes?19:05
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KodiakF2so weird observation - for my jacked up little cluster at least - the instances seem to lose their networking state sometimes.  Can't correlate to anything.  Bringing down the VM's eth0, then bringing it back up again fixes the issue immediately19:26
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KodiakF2additionally, and unrelated:  It appears that _member_s of a tenant can do pretty much whatever the hell they want within that tenant w/ no further granularity in keystone to lock down things like editing security rules or terminating other people's instances, huh?19:28
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diogogmtany updates on this bug:
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KodiakF2anyone know how to format the 'neutron subnet-update' command to update the DNS servers?19:33
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georgem2KodiakF2:neutron subnet-update UUID --dns_nameservers list=true
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KodiakF2I'll be darned, from googling I had the same string but the word 'fixed' right before --dns_nameservers19:38
KodiakF2thanks man19:38
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georgem2diogogmt:that bug report needs more info, like what you mean by "After the creation of the instance snapshot all openstack services lock for around 10 seconds" and some logs;  also, the overview of your environment doesn't say much (nova - 2.15.0, neutron - 2.3.0, glance - 0.11.0, cinder - 1.0.6 and keystone - 0.3.2)19:42
diogogmtgeorgem2: can you give an example of what other info should be added into the bug report?19:43
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georgem2diogogmt:the Openstack version and OS (RH, CentOS, Ubuntu) and definitely the errors in the logs19:45
diogogmtgeorgem2: ok, thank buddy19:45
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jedixshould keystone in apache2 work with nova?20:38
jedixI get novaclient failures to authenticate20:38
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jedixnova --debug list works for a few commands but then fails with novaclient not having tried to auth20:56
jedixI assume this is an issue in my ini20:57
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bao_how do I enable debug logging for nova-novncproxy?20:57
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