Friday, 2015-01-16

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SaintAardvarkI think I'm getting closer to figuring out why my instances can't contact the metadata server00:01
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SaintAardvarkOn a compute node, I can see requests coming in on the tap attached to the libvirt instance00:02
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SaintAardvark(that is, the syn packet)00:02
SaintAardvarkbut for some reason the syn+ack is heading out the compute node's main interface00:02
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SaintAardvark-- that is, to it's default gateway rather than back on the interface it came in on00:02
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SaintAardvarkIn the setup I have right now, the gateway is a different machine from the network node00:04
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: is this neutron?00:05
SaintAardvarkis that wrong? is it meant to have a route to the tenant network? is that something that's meant to be configured on the Neutron router?00:05
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: yes, neutron00:05
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Sam-I-Amso compute node + network node?00:05
SaintAardvarkcorrect, but also: controller node, and separate gateway machine00:05
SaintAardvarkgateway machine acting as typical router; not connected to OpenStack00:06
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SaintAardvarkjust happens to be the default gateway of all the nodes00:06
SaintAardvarkDoes that make sense? :-)00:06
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Sam-I-Amso like some sort of jump box?00:06
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Sam-I-Amnat box, whatever00:07
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: yes00:07
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Sam-I-Amwhat type of tenant networks?00:07
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SaintAardvarkDoes this have what you need?
muhalamHi Every one, I need some help regarding Havana Installation using devstack purposefully.00:09
SaintAardvarkI've been following the directions at
muhalamI cant find any thing related to Havana on Github00:09
muhalamand Havana-eol branch is not working.00:09
h6wHow do I interrogate br-tun on a gre network?  I've tried tcpdump -i br-tun but nothing appears.  I've also tried adding a port and tcpdump -i snooper0.00:09
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: looking00:10
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Sam-I-Ammuhalam: havana is dead00:10
h6wtcpdump -i br-int works, and I can see the patch from br-int to br-tun, but nothing seems to appear on br-tun at all.00:10
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: many thanks00:11
Sam-I-Amh6w: what are you trying to find out?00:11
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h6wI'm trying to find out why my instance stopped being able to ping the virtual router.00:11
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: so, if you're using the standard config... the tenant network is probably a gre tunnel00:12
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: is the neutron metadata agent running on the network node, and configured correctly? there's a log in /var/log/neutron for most of those thing.00:12
h6wSo I'm trying to trace the packets to see where they go wrong.00:12
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muhalamyeah if some body want to do it purposefully then?00:12
Sam-I-Amh6w: do you see any encapsulated packets crossing the tunnel interface between the compute and network node where the tenant network gateway lives?00:13
muhalamSam-I-Am:  yeah if some body want to do it purposefully then?00:13
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: there should be something on that branch00:13 ?00:13
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X123I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam-I-Am00:14
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Sam-I-AmX123: lol00:14
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SamYaplei want to point out that at no time was "green ham" specified. it could have been regular ham00:15
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X123I do not like {green eggs} and {ham}00:15
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Sam-I-Ami like eggs and ham00:16
Sam-I-Amthe only time i've had green eggs is when they get that greenish fringe from cooking in bacon grease00:17
SamYapleMy wife told me to go to the store to get a gallon of milk. she said if they have eggs, get a dozen. I came home with 12 gallons of milk00:17
Sam-I-AmSamYaple: lol. sentences should have parenthesis.00:17
j05h(My wife told me to go to the store to get a gallon of milk. she said if they have eggs, get a dozen. I came home with 12 gallons of milk)00:17
muhalamSam-I-Am: its not there.00:17
X123yeah that's one of the age old IT jokes :)00:18
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: yep, neutron-metadata running on network node00:18
X123how do you know your husband is a progammer.. :)00:18
X123there u go lol00:18
SamYaplemuhalam: there is a havana-eol _tag_ for all of those projects00:18
SamYapleit isnt a branch00:18
SaintAardvarkif I run "ip netns exec [qrouter] netstat -tupl" I see the process listening00:19
SaintAardvarkchecking logs now00:19
Sam-I-Amdoes the instance get an ip?00:19
h6wSam-I-Am: Yes.
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SamYapleSaintAardvark: if you tcpdump on the qvb*** interface associated with the tap*** interfacem do you see the syn?00:20
SamYapleif not, your iptable rules are dropping it and you need to update your secgroup rules00:20
SaintAardvarkSamYaple: Are you talking about the compute or network nodes?00:20
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SamYaplethe tap*** dev is in a bridge called qbr*** with another device called qvb***00:21
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h6wSam-I-Am: And I can see the ARP on the other end of br-mgmt at the network node.00:22
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Sam-I-Amh6w: so the packets make it into the network node...00:23
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Sam-I-Amh6w: from there, they should make it into the qrouter-* namespace00:23
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Sam-I-Amtheres a 'qr' interface in there that has the tenant network gateway00:23
Sam-I-Amand there should also be a 'qr' port on br-int to it00:24
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SaintAardvarkSamYaple: Huh; I see the syn on the tap, and on the qbr -- but *NOT* the qvb interface00:25
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SamYapleSaintAardvark: so update your secgroup rules to allow port 80 out00:25
SamYaplei suggested that a while ago00:25
Sam-I-Amusually secgroups dont impact metadata traffic00:25
Sam-I-Amor... shouldnt00:25
SamYapleSam-I-Am: how would it not?00:26
Sam-I-Amthey dont block it by default00:26
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Sam-I-Amisnt that the issue here? vm not getting meta?00:26
SamYapleyea he posted no default secgroup stuff earlier00:26
SamYaplelooks like only icmp and ssh were allowed00:26
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Sam-I-Amhmm i didnt see that output00:27
Sam-I-Ambut that would be where things get blocked00:27
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h6wSam-I-Am: Nothing at br-int on the network node.  There's a patch from br-tun to br-int again.  The problem must be in the ovs flow at the network node.00:27
SaintAardvarkSamYaple: Sorry if I missed that earlier (scrolls back...)00:27
SamYapleSaintAardvark: its not a problem! sorry for not pointing it out again, I thought you tried it00:27
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SaintAardvarkSamYaple: just to be clear...the rules look to me (n00b) pretty open; what am I missing?00:28
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SamYapleSaintAardvark: you need an explict allow rule00:28
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SaintAardvarkSamYaple: huh, okay, let me give that a try now00:29
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SamYapleyou can allow all egress ports, but you need an explict rule somewhere that also included port 8000:29
SamYapleby default I believe all are allowed to egress00:29
Sam-I-Ammaybe i'm missing something here, but we're dealing with a metadata issue, right?00:29
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Sam-I-Ambecause by default (assuming you didnt delete egress rules), metadata should work00:29
Sam-I-Amyou dont need a secgroup for it00:29
SamYaplehe cant curl Sam-I-Am00:29
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Sam-I-Amer, secgroup rule00:29
SamYapleand it doesnt appear that all of the default rules were there00:30
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: Yep, metadata; instances can't retrieve SSH keys00:30
SamYapleSaintAardvark: just for the record, you can also enable configdrive00:30
SamYapleit creates an iso with the metadata that exists in a virtual dcrom00:31
SamYaplecloudinit looks for it there too00:31
Sam-I-Am^ thats a fresh set of rules + ingress ssh and icmp00:31
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Sam-I-Amtwo networks, so double the count00:31
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: so... i'd be tcpdumping to see where the packets stop00:32
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Sam-I-Amh6w: this might be useful -
SamYapleSam-I-Am: he said it doesnt appear on the qvb*** interface00:32
Sam-I-Amyou want to follow the yellow-ish vxlan/gre tunnel lines, not the vlan lines.00:33
Sam-I-Amunless you're using vlan tenant networks, of course00:33
Sam-I-Amthe only real difference is where 'qg' ends up00:33
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SaintAardvarkSamYaple: apologies, but I don't see how your paste is different from mine, aside from number of networks; I must be missing something but I can't figure out what it is00:33
SaintAardvark(arghh, sorry, Sam-I-Am)00:33
SamYapleI am the real Sam00:33
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SaintAardvarkOh no, I've crossed the streams :-)00:34
Sam-I-Amthats ok... my tab completion is hating SamYaple and SaintAardvark00:34
SaintAardvarkBut in any case: something like "neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 80 --port-range-max 80 --direction ingress default" (plus another for egress) should do the trick right?00:35
SamYapleSaintAardvark: just the egress one00:35
SaintAardvark(tab completion? damn, erc has tab completion. I never knew!)00:35
SamYapleingress would be some random port and allowed due to iptables contracting00:35
SaintAardvarkall right, egress it is00:35
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: so... couple of things to look for00:36
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: first, whats iptables look like on the compute node with the vm?00:37
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: if your neutron config is wrong, those rules might not be getting applied00:37
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Sam-I-Amfor example, the compute node doesn't know to ask neutron for security groups00:38
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: aha; would a pastebin help?00:38
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: probably00:39
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: which tables?00:40
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Sam-I-Amjust iptables -S is fine00:40
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SamYapleSaintAardvark: with the port 80 do you see it on the qvb*** interface?00:45
SamYapleor is it still dropping00:46
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Sam-I-Am-A nova-api-metadat-INPUT -d -p tcp -m tcp --dport 8775 -j ACCEPT00:46
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Sam-I-Amwhat is this ^00:46
Sam-I-Amare you running some nova network processes?00:46
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Sam-I-Amlike... the metadata process00:46
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: lemme check00:46
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SamYaplenova network is the only one that hand out metadata Sam-I-Am00:47
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SaintAardvarkyes, nova-api-network is running on that compute node00:47
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: it should not be00:47
Sam-I-Amno nova network processes should be running when there's neutron00:47
Sam-I-AmSamYaple: yes, except neutron proxies it to nova00:47
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SaintAardvarkSo if I'm reading instructions from  here correctly:
dgbaleyCan I run multiple nova-computes on a node? Maybe by setting DEFAULT/host or something. I'd like to run lxc and kvm on the same node. I'd also like to run some flavors that use local storage for ephemeral and others that use rbd.00:49
SamYapleright, but those are different ports00:49
SaintAardvarkthen it tells you to restart nova-api as part of finishing up neutron installation00:49
Sam-I-AmSamYaple: neutron re-jiggers stuff to the nova port00:49
SamYaplenot that it would matter since neutron is listening in the namespace only00:49
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: nova-api is not nova-api-metadata00:50
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: and you're restarting nova-api on the controller, not the compute node00:50
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am:: sorry, my mistake; "usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-api-metadata --config-file=/etc/nova/nova.conf" is what's running on computenode00:50
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Sam-I-Amyeah, that needs off00:51
Sam-I-Amand any nova-network processes00:51
SaintAardvarkwell crap; nova-network is running...remnant of earlier setup00:52
SaintAardvarklemme turn that off + nova-api-metadata00:52
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SaintAardvarkwould anything else need restarting to pick that up? or maybe booting up new instance?00:52
Sam-I-Amwell, in light of nova-network leftovers, you might want to make really certain none of your config files are still looking for nova-net00:53
* X123 spins00:53
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: after checking the config files, i'd reboot the compute node and at least restart nova-api on the controller00:53
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SaintAardvarkGah; learning the interconnections between all these services is one of the biggest hills to climb00:54
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: also, that diagram i posted earlier might be useful for you too00:54
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Sam-I-Ami'm writing a networking guide... it will be part of it00:54
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Sam-I-Ambecause there just isnt enough useful info about networking00:54
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: cool, thanks; and ++ for networking guide; would totally buy00:55
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X123Sam-I-Am if u need any help on network stuff let me know :)00:55
SaintAardvarkSo here are the two lines in nova.conf that seem relevant:00:55
SaintAardvark"network_api_class ="00:55
Sam-I-AmX123: make it easier? :)00:55
SaintAardvarkand "linuxnet_interface_driver ="00:55
SaintAardvarkwould that last one count as a leftover? :-)00:56
X123it's not really hard it's just cumbersome00:56
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: those are correct00:56
X123soo many rules everywhere00:56
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: the things you need are at the bottom of this page:
Sam-I-Amwell, near the bottom00:56
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SaintAardvark"To configure Compute to use Networking", correct?00:57
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Sam-I-Amthere's that too00:58
Sam-I-Ambut there's stuff on the controller00:58
Sam-I-Amneutron requires a few changes to nova.conf on the compute and controller noe00:58
Sam-I-Amone of those things is where it manages security groups00:58
Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: out of curiosity, how has the install guide worked?00:59
Sam-I-Amminus networking issues (everyones problem)00:59
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: Pretty well, actually00:59
SaintAardvarkoriginally got nova networking up and working, and now I'm circling back for Neutron00:59
SaintAardvarkwhich took a *long* time, but mostly because I hurried through and made a bunch of silly errors01:00
Sam-I-Amgood news is neutron works out of the box now01:00
SaintAardvark(and also networking is not a strong point)01:00
Sam-I-Ami think your issue was mainly going novanet->neutron01:00
Sam-I-Amnetworking is no ones strong point01:00
SaintAardvarkI am so very glad to hear that. :-)01:00
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X123networking is my strong point! :)01:00
* X123 grins01:00
SaintAardvarkAnd yeah, I'm building on the work I did before, so not surprising I missed bits like this01:01
Sam-I-Amfor a long time neutron was a mess in the install guide. i rewrote it for icehouse and it works for most people.01:01
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Sam-I-Ami cant count how many times i've installed openstack at this point01:01
Sam-I-Amwell over 10001:01
SaintAardvarkX123: and that is why you will be treasured after the revolution, while I will be harvesting sugar for our new insect overlords01:01
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: wah. I am in awe.  Both for installs & writing guide.01:02
SaintAardvarkMy compliments to you01:02
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Sam-I-Amlearning cloud networking is important.01:02
X123not if all the power goes out :)01:02
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SaintAardvarkI can't hardly devoops without it. :-)01:02
X123someone's been watching falling skies01:02
Sam-I-Amwhat i've noticed is most people who move to cloud came from vmware, which only had basic networking. most sysadmins just assign an IP to an interface and move on.01:02
SaintAardvarkX123: ?01:03
SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: not a VMWare person, but I totally relate01:03
X123awesome tv show :)01:03
Sam-I-Amthere are networking folks, but most of them have never dug into networking on linux. just juniper, cisco, etc.01:03
X123aliens come and wipe out most of the planet01:03
Sam-I-Amso... knowing networking on linux is ++01:03
* SaintAardvark runs off to check out Wikipedia page for that01:03
X123it's made by TNT so u know it's good :)01:03
SaintAardvarkHAH :-)01:03
Sam-I-Ammy background was a bit weird. i did systems and network administration for years, and due to crap budgets, ran most of my firewalls/routers on linux and openbsd.01:04
SaintAardvarkYeah, there's a lot going on w/Linux networking that's new to me01:04
SaintAardvarkSounds like you worked next door to me. :-)01:04
X123all i do is networking, all day every day01:04
Sam-I-Amhowever, i bashed my head on the desk for a month trying to get neutron working01:04
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Sam-I-Amturns out it was 4 lines missing from nova.conf on the compute node.01:04
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Sam-I-Amthat were not documented!01:04
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Sam-I-Amthats when i said... time to fix this.01:05
X123most of my time is consumed by testing, and the other consumed by making filters01:05
Sam-I-Amaround that time (oct 2013) there were what seemed like endless numbers of people in here all stuck at the same place01:05
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Sam-I-Amthe problem was nova on the compute node wasnt configured to use neutron (those 4 lines you saw), and so it would ask for a nova-net, but nova-net wasnt actually running. bam... error.01:06
Sam-I-Amand of course, error handling and reporting sucks01:06
X123haha i noticed that sam01:06
X123it doesn't really tell you WHY01:06
X123just some ambiguous error msg01:06
Sam-I-Amiirc it was some vif crap01:06
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X123or, it errors on something like interface creation01:07
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Sam-I-Ami only figured out what was wrong by digging in the code01:07
X123so you think the problem is that, but it's actually something 10 steps up the chain01:07
laney-i had vif error too when i started heh01:07
SaintAardvarkGah, I've had to to that a few times too01:07
X123is very annoying to debug :)01:07
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SaintAardvarkusually my rule of thumb is "If I'm looking at source code I'm in over my head"01:07
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X123and it's not like i can just open a TAC case with cisco or juniper haha01:08
X123and make them fix it01:08
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SaintAardvarkbut it's tempting to ignore it..."Just five more minutes..."01:08
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Sam-I-Amas of icehouse, nova confirms network creation with neutron, so if you forget THOSE lines in the config file, you get other errors01:08
X123which is very gratifying sometimes :)01:08
Sam-I-AmX123: you open a case with #openstack01:08
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Sam-I-Amlike everyone else does :)01:08
X123when i can say, you know what! YOU GUYS FIX THIS01:08
Sam-I-Amnow taking... #4501:08
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Sam-I-Amthats also why there's companies that package and support openstack01:09
X123like this ubuntu thing01:09
X123i just assign a tech to fix it lol01:09
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X123will see what he does01:09
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Sam-I-Amhmm, looks like this next diagram is going to require a higher level of tetris playing01:10
X123mmm i love tetris01:10
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Sam-I-AmX123: sadly, some things in DVR are actually easier to draw01:10
SaintAardvark....yeah, openstack diagrams01:10
X123it's easier than building networking filters01:10
Sam-I-Amer, than conventional neutron01:10
SaintAardvarkthings were so much simpler once I realized that you could say "everone talks over rabbitmq and talks to the database"01:10
SaintAardvarkthen the diagrams didn't look so...scary01:10
X123DVR is a hack :)01:10
Sam-I-Amit wasnt always that way01:10
abhircSam-I-Am: do you have a primer for networking for people who are new to OpenStack and don't have a lot of networking background01:11
Sam-I-Amup until juno, nova-net on compute nodes still wanted to hit the DB directly01:11
Sam-I-Amcinder-volume still uses direct db access01:11
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Sam-I-Amabhirc: i'm working on a networking guide with a few other people that will get posted on in the coming months01:11
SaintAardvarkright...I remember coming across that in docs01:11
X123now that stuff is out of my range of 'things that i give a 123 about'01:11
abhircSam-I-Am: something on the lines of this really informative article -
abhircSam-I-Am: thanks , appreciate it !01:12
Sam-I-Amabhirc: it will explain virtual networking components, neutron stuff, and then provide a handful of scenarios you can more or less copy-paste the config01:12
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Sam-I-Amabhirc: here's an example for DVR -
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Sam-I-Amabhirc: all the scenarios will more or less follow that format01:13
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abhircSam-I-Am: Awesome , this would be really useful01:15
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Sam-I-Amabhirc: should be done in time for the kilo release01:15
Sam-I-Amhopefully earlier01:15
Sam-I-Amits a lot of work01:15
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abhircwould it be of any help if you had some volunteers who can do some offbeat work like making images based on some hand drawn image just to get some work off you01:18
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Sam-I-Amabhirc: well, there's a table of topics for the guide. you might be able to contribute somewhere. i think i have a handle on the diagrams.01:19
abhircOkie I will take a look at it, thanks !01:20
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abhircthanks , looking at that only01:22
SaintAardvarkall right, leaving this for now.  Thanks *very* much, everyone, for the help!01:23
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Sam-I-AmSaintAardvark: sure. i need to grab some dinner.01:23
Sam-I-Amdid it work?01:23
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SaintAardvarkSam-I-Am: not yet, but I've got more digging out not-relevant-bits to do.01:24
SaintAardvarkThanks again!01:24
Sam-I-Ami'm mostly around01:24
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X123mostly :)01:25
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h6wMy qvb*** is on the compute node on br-int.  I also have a qvb*** interface but it doesn't appear in ovs-vsctl show01:36
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Sam-I-Amh6w: there should be a 'qvo' interface on br-int01:37
h6wYes, it's there.01:37
h6wI'm still a bit lost at the point where GRE hits br-tun on the network node.01:38
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Sam-I-Amit goes from br-tun to br-int01:38
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h6wtcpdump -i br-mgmt on the network node shows the ARP packets reaching, but it doesn't appear on br-int.01:38
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Sam-I-Amthe qrouter namespace (with your tenant network gateway) and the dhcp namespace (provides dhcp on the tenant network) are attached to br-int01:38
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Sam-I-Amwhat is this br-mgmt thing?01:39
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h6wbr-mgmt is a bridge to eth0.01:39
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Sam-I-Amwhat sort of deployment is this?01:40
h6wMirantis Juno.01:40
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Sam-I-Amis br-mgmt a linux bridge?01:41
h6wbr-mgmt is an openvswitch bridge.01:41
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Sam-I-Aminteresting way to name it01:41
Sam-I-Ami'm not familiar with what mirantis does01:41
h6wI agree.  It's a tad confusing.01:42
Sam-I-Amso br-mgmt is attached to the tunnel interface?01:42
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h6wThe fuel UI lists Public, Admin, Management, and Storage networks.01:42
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Sam-I-Amdoes it run internal service comms over br-mgmt too?01:43
Sam-I-Amor, the management network01:43
h6wMy network node's ovs:
Sam-I-Amcurious what the admin network is01:43
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h6wAnd matching ip a :
h6wYou'll see that br-mgmt is assigned 10.0.1.x which is the GRE tunnel.01:45
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h6wSo if I tcpdump -i br-mgmt I get everything that goes back and forth over the tunnel.01:45
h6wI presumed this was what you were referring to earlier.01:46
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h6wThe Admin network is Fuel's control network.  So only the fuel master talks on br-fw-admin.01:46
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h6wbr-ex is "Public".01:47
Sam-I-Amsomehow br-mgmt should be attached to br-tun01:47
Sam-I-Amunless they rewrote parts of openstack01:47
Sam-I-Amin this diagram...01:48
h6wDoes it?   Surely that would cause a loop.01:48
Sam-I-Amon the network node, put br-mgmt in between br-tun and interface 201:48
h6wgre refers to 10.0.1.x, which then causes the packet to jump from br-tun to br-mgmt.01:48
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Sam-I-Amin 'regular' openstack... br-tun has a port on the physical network interface for tunnels01:51
h6wSame at the other end.  br-mgmt is the tail end of the gre tunnel, so the packets then get dumped onto br-tun again.01:51
Sam-I-Amit connect to br-int, which has a qr* port to the qrouter namespace that has the tenant network gateway on it01:52
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Sam-I-Amso your packet needs to make it all the way into the qrouter namespace01:52
h6wYes, but this is a GRE-based neutron network.01:52
Sam-I-Amyeah, br-tun on the network node unwraps the gre encapsulation01:52
Sam-I-Amif you use 'ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-tun' you'll see the magic01:53
h6wI've seen a port on br-tun before, but it was when the design was using VLANs.01:53
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Sam-I-Amyou can use br-tun for vlan networks too. they just get tagged with a vid on the way out.01:54
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Sam-I-Amalthough that flow seems to be on br-int iirc01:54
h6wYep.  That was basically where I got to, but that's where I got a bit lost.01:55
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h6wThe flows look the same as on the compute node, so they should work.01:55
h6wIf I read that correctly, 3 of the 4 flows in table 0 redirect to table 3, which only contains a "drop", yes?01:56
h6wredirect = resubmit01:57
Sam-I-Amare all these bridges/interfaces up?01:57
Sam-I-Amyeah, thats how it works01:57
Sam-I-Amyou can look at packet counts to see where stuff is going01:57
h6wOh, in ovs?01:58
h6wYes, all bridges/interfaces are up.01:58
Sam-I-Amits not really intuitive01:58
Sam-I-Ampacket goes into br-mgmt ... and gets lost?01:59
h6wSorry.  I can't see the command for the packet count.02:00
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Sam-I-Amits in that flow output as 'n_bytes'02:00
Sam-I-Amand 'n_packets'02:00
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h6wAh, I see.02:01
Sam-I-Amthe way this looks to me... eth0 -> br-eth0 -> br-eth0--br-mgmt -> br-mgmt02:02
h6wYes, in_port=4 is the only one going up, and it resubmits to table 3.02:02
Sam-I-Amand br-mgmt is not connected to anything02:02
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Sam-I-Amso the question is how are things getting from br-mgmt to br-tun02:02
Sam-I-Ami dont see a patch there02:02
h6wYes, but there isn't a patch on the compute node, and that's getting from br-tun to br-mgmt.02:03
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h6wqvo** -> br-int -> br-tun -> gre -> br-mgmt -> eth102:04
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Sam-I-Aminteresting. i'm not sure whats going on there. maybe some stuff outside of ovs?02:05
Sam-I-Amusually there's a port to those things though02:05
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h6wYes, I believe that's the "normal" linux networking bit.02:06
Sam-I-Ami mean... how things are getting to br-mgmt if it doesnt have an obvious port on something02:06
h6wgre looks up, which is an interface on br-mgmt02:06
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Sam-I-Amand then the reverse on the network node02:06
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Sam-I-Amare you seeing things get to br-tun on there?02:07
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h6wNo.  But that's because ovs-ofctl lists that source as something to drop.02:07
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h6wAt least, that's what my relatively newbie brain reads it as.02:08
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Sam-I-Ami wonder if something isnt writing a flow like it should02:09
Sam-I-Amso... let me show you this02:11
Sam-I-Amthats my br-tun02:12
Sam-I-Amgranted, i have a bit more going on02:12
Sam-I-Ambut table 3 has more than a drop rule02:12
Sam-I-Amso something isnt being created correctly by openstack02:12
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Sam-I-Amwhat table 3 should be doing is assigning the internal vlan tag of inbound packets02:13
Sam-I-Amsince ovs uses internal vlans for everything02:13
Sam-I-Amthen table 10 shoves it toward br-int02:13
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h6wI agree.  I believe that the error lies in a missing flow or two assigning vlans on the way back in from the management network.02:15
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Sam-I-Amits almost as if the network node isn't aware of your network02:15
h6wNow I just have to work out what service rewrites these flows so I can kick it.02:15
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Sam-I-Amit would be the ovs agent02:16
Sam-I-Ammy guess is there's a config issue somewhere02:16
Sam-I-Amdo you see internal vlan tag flows on br-tun on the compute node?02:16
Sam-I-Amtable 3 should have vlan stuff02:17
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h6wMy guess is that something unexpectedly died.  I had to kick mysql earlier.02:18
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Sam-I-Amthats weird02:19
Sam-I-Amso what interested you in mirantis fuel?02:19
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h6wHmmm, no vlan tag flows on the compute node.  ??02:20
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h6wMirantis Fuel was the first OS distribution that offered (1) Deployment to metal; (2) Ubuntu nodes, and (3) no unreasonable machine counts.02:22
h6wRe (3) - I'm looking at you MaaS.02:23
h6w"Requires a minimum of 10 machines for a basic install."02:23
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Sam-I-Amhave you seen this?02:24
Sam-I-Ammore or less the code behind rackspace private cloud02:24
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Sam-I-Amcouple of notes - there's probably more underlying host configuration prior to deployment, but it also doesn't use openvswitch :)02:26
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Sam-I-Amh6w: figure it out?02:42
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Egyptian[Home]hi - i used a centos image and imported into glance then updated it and configured it to my liking .. can i export this instance to a qemu file to reimport it into glance and use it as a template ?03:05
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h6wSam-I-Am: no, sorry. I keep getting called awa for silly people who rely on Windows and then expect it to work. :-p03:15
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h6wOooh, look.  Ansible's first sentence refers to br-mgmt.03:15
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Sam-I-Amexcept br-mgmt doesnt handle your vm traffic :)03:16
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h6wTrue, that. :-p03:16
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Sam-I-Amshows you how all this stuff is connected, both on the host and inside openstack03:17
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h6wYep.  I have a million of these, and they always seem to change depending upon the distribution and verstion.03:18
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h6wBut I've got the basics ok.  Today I just have to learn flows in more detail to work out what's going wrong.03:18
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Sam-I-Amwell, this is the openstack-ansible variant :)03:18
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Sam-I-Amyeah your problem seems like a config issue03:19
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h6wI don't think it's a config issue because it was working before mysql died.03:19
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h6wSorry, that's a very end-user way of looking at it.03:20
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h6wThe flows on the compute node are the same, except that they seem to work.03:20
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Sam-I-Amdid you try recreating the networks?03:24
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h6wSorry.  Power issues at work.  Fun fun fun.04:14
Sam-I-Amall this stuff keeping you from important things04:14
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h6wAll I can say is TGIF. :-p04:18
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Sam-I-Amnot quite friday here04:18
Sam-I-Ambut soon!04:18
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h6w100 minutes to go. :-)04:20
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h6wI thought that in an HA environment, all the packets would be sent to all the controller nodes.05:13
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h6wI mean network nodes.05:14
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h6wIt turns out that packets are landing only on node-1.05:14
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h6wSo there must be some other mechanism that's detecting traffic in case of failure.05:15
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h6wI wonder if I tear down the management interface on one of the nodes, does it magically appear on another node.05:15
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h6wHmmm, no. :-(05:18
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h6wHmmm, that's interesting.  If I take down the admin interface I suddely get a IPv6 sync change request.05:22
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h6wAnd then it gets routed.05:23
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h6wOk, so I was kinda right.  Packets are sent to all network nodes.  It's the network nodes themselves that decide whether to forward the packet locally.05:34
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onetwothreehow to control process in namespaces??06:05
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onetwothreewe have multiple namespaces with each having a process running, if one process dies, the namespace is removed along with all other namespaces06:06
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hariharaI need some help with fwaas plugin in devstack06:52
hariharaunable to stack as i get an error06:52
hariharacan anyone help?06:53
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hariharaError - cp: cannot stat '/opt/stack/neutron/etc/fwaas_driver.ini': No such file or directory06:53
hariharafollowed this step06:53
hariharabut doesnt seem to work06:53
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heartonesI have a question about Keypair authentication, I have an all in one Openstack server, that I've created an ubuntu trusty instance on, I have injected the public key using nova boot etc..., but one day I've decided to delete my public key using Horrizon, which I did, and didn't know how to inject another public key or where to add the keys for my instance in my Openstack cli, now I am stuck I can not ssh to my running instance,10:41
heartonesnova keypair-show10:41
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heartonesand still have my private key on my computer10:42
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heartonesany one has some hints about how can I access my instance10:43
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heartonesthe problem is when I deleted my public key using Horizon, and I did nova show my instance ID still can see the injected public key being used by my instance how can I re-inject another public key  without terminating my instane10:46
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JimPHi all, does anyone know how to use the nova api to list all instances on a specific host, and stop those instances? (I've attempted 'nova-manage vm list | grep hostname', but we have multiple vms with the same name, so can't then use 'nova stop' with a specific name)11:08
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_nicknova hypervisor-servers hostname11:22
_nickand then stop using each instance's uuid11:23
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JimPPerfect! thanks Nick, that works for me11:27
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disap4mHi all, I am currently installing openstack using that guide, The OS is RHEL 6.5 64 bit and when i execute packstack --allinone I get this error:
theblogguI have a packstack (on fedora 19) installation of Openstack Havana. I'm not able to attach or detach volumes. Here's what I think is relevant of /var/log/cinder/api.log the scheduler log is empty and the the volume.log has nothing relevant. can someone help me?11:33
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theblogguthe volume.log's here:
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_nickJimP: no probs11:39
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Bretoshello guys, would it be possible to upload a LUKS-encrypted container with full-blown filesystem as an object to openstack swift, and then mount it on a dedicated sever or vps as loop device?13:22
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championofcyrod1Bretos: LUKS volume headers are critical.  as long as the server can properly read the volume header, and you of course have the key to unlock it... should be fine.14:00
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Bretoschampionofcyrod1: well, it's not, I guess headers break upon reboot. This setup must survive reboots, but the container seems to get broken14:20
BretosI guess I'll try with simple loop device without encrypting it14:21
championofcyrod1tricky this is14:21
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plattaI'm studying building OpenStack environments in my company's lab, trying to connect vCenter as compute but it looks like I can't do that unless I have VMware NSX set up. Is there another way to get that to work?14:32
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championofcyrod1platta: we just completed dropped vmware and switched to the native qemu.14:40
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championofcyrod1i'm assuming since you have vCenter... you probably have licenses you don't want going to waste...14:41
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plattachampionofcyrod1: That's correct, I don't have a choice about being on VMware so I was hoping I could find a way to make it work with what we've got.14:42
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plattachampionofcyrod1: I was debating buying my own standalone host and using kvm on it, but I don't think I can afford that for now :)14:43
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championofcyrod1platta: maybe try using the fuel installer from mirantis.  I remember it having support for VMware in the installation process.14:51
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championofcyrod1the downside is... it will configure EVERYTHING for you, and troubleshooting will be difficult since you wont know how it was all set up.14:51
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plattaThat would be a shame. My whole focus is understanding the configuration and low level stuff.14:53
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Sam-I-Amplatta: are you new to openstack?14:56
plattaSam-I-Am: Very! I'm actually a software engineer, so a lot of the virtualization concepts are new to me as well. Trying to learn as best I can.14:57
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Sam-I-Amplatta: it makes sense to configure openstack in the most basic way first, then try to integrate more advanced things like vcenter/esc15:00
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Sam-I-Amesx hypervisors are probably not too bad... vcenter gets a bit more interesting15:00
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championofcyrod1^i was thinking that it would be odd to integrate vcenter, rather than all the esx(i) nodes15:01
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plattaCan you integrate a single esxi host? I didn't think that was supported.15:01
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Sam-I-Ami'm not quite sure15:04
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Sam-I-Amguess it depends on what the docs say15:04
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plattaThe docs only talk about vCenter. I tried searching for information on connecting a standalone host, but there didn't seem to be anything out there.15:04
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sk91Hi, i am installing openstack Legacy Networking on 2 Virtual machines with kvm, both own Ubuntu 14.04 OS, one controller and the other compute. everything was fine till installing nova of the section of networking by   i get this error and these are my nova logs : may i know how to solve it?15:05
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Sam-I-Amsk91: looks like a config error.15:09
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sk91Sam-I-Am, ty for the reply...may i know which configs?15:10
Sam-I-Amprobably something in nova.conf15:10
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championofcyrod1"That means that if you have an existing VMware vCenter/ESX-based server environment, you can use those servers as compute resources for Mirantis OpenStack."15:10
sk91Sam-I-Am, thanks ill check it15:10
Sam-I-Amplatta: the other option is seeing what mirantis does15:11
Sam-I-Amthen try to replicate it15:11
Sam-I-Amtheir code is somewhere, and its probably just config file stuffs15:11
championofcyrod1they have a slash (/) in there which leads me to believe its an 'OR' :)15:11
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championofcyrod1" Fuel installs a Nova compute service with the VMWare vCenter server driver activated onto a controller node. This service then communicates directly with vCenter so that the OpenStack scheduler can create VM instances on ESXi servers."15:12
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championofcyrod1looks like you need vCenter then.15:12
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plattaI think I will look into what Mirantis does. Thanks for your advice :)15:13
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championofcyrod1IRC #fuel can be helpful15:14
SamYaplegood morning all15:14
plattaThere's also VOVA, which VMware made as an all in one OpenStack on vSphere appliance. I might check that out, too.15:14
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SamYaplehey Sam-I-Am. Did you get SaintAardvark fixed up last night (metadata issue)?15:18
blinky_ghosthi all, is it possible to disable ipv6 in neutron? thanks15:18
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Sam-I-AmSamYaple: not sure15:26
Sam-I-Amdidnt hear back15:26
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sk91Sam-I-Am, i have checked conf files, which i inserted in  and i cant understand the problem15:29
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Sam-I-Amsk91: on the compute node(s), is the nova-network process running?15:48
Sam-I-Amand configured15:49
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Sam-I-Amthis also implies the rest of nova is working on the compute node15:49
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abhircI have access to a multi node OpenStack environment with Ceph as the storage backend  , would there be any tips on how to stress test my setup15:50
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sk91Sam-I-Am, how can i check? i inserted the command "nova-network" and gave me these errors:
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Sam-I-Amsk91: your nova.conf lacks rabbit config16:00
Sam-I-Amsk91: go back to the 'configure a compute node' in the install guide16:00
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sk91Sam-I-Am, thanks alot :)16:01
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m01Hi all. I'm confused about the following: how is static IP address assignment supposed to work in OpenStack on neutron networks that don't use DHCP? I believe cloud-init is capable of using an /etc/network/interfaces template if it appears in the config drive, but I don't think nova usually does that.16:05
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sk91Sam-I-Am, unfortunately i have done exactly the same as the ' configure a compute node' section and this time i also replaced "MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS" with "controller" instead of "" and it didnt work in both ways16:13
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Sam-I-Amthats because this is a rabbit problem16:13
Sam-I-Amlook for rabbit_host in nova.conf16:13
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Sam-I-Amit needs to point to the controller node16:13
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larsksm01: I'm not positive what the answer is, but the address is provided in the local-ipv4 key in the metadata available on the config if nothing else, you could pass in a userdata script that would take that and configure things for you.16:16
sk91Sam-I-Am, both nova.conf (controller and compute nova.confs) got the lines "rabbit_host = controller" and "rabbit_password = rabbitPass"16:16
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sk91Sam-I-Am should i reinstall rabbitmq-server?16:18
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larsksm01: Hmmm, but the meta-data doesn't provide a netmask or default gateway, so maybe not all that useful after all.16:19
m01larsks: well that's not quite enough, you'd need the netmask, default gw and DNS servers as well16:19
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larsksYeah :)16:19
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m01exactly :)16:19
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larsksThere's was a proposal out there to provide that in the metadata...let me see if I can find the review.16:19
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m01so I remember seeing some bits of code in I think the bare metal driver that put the template into the config drive16:19
larsksm01: this is the blueprint I was thinking of:
m01and the libvirt driver seems to inject it straight into /etc/network/interfaces (which seems highly suspicious)16:20
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Sam-I-Amsk91: is rabbitmq running on the controller node?16:20
larsksm01: yeah, anything that directly modifies the image seems to me like a terrible idea.16:20
Sam-I-Amm01: some cloud providers inject stuff directly into network config files16:21
* larsks eeeeeeeeews.16:21
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Sam-I-Ambecause there's no other obvious way in openstack to do it16:21
Sam-I-Amits not really designed for static IPs unless they're assigned by dhcp16:22
larsksm01:  as a workaround, you could provide netmask and gateway information via --meta, and have a script that interprets that along with the local-ipv4 key.16:22
m01well, as I said, I believe cloud-init has the mechanisms to look at that info in the config drive and apply it16:22
Sam-I-Amcloud-init can do it iirc16:22
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m01but if nova doesn't give it that info, that's not enough16:22
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larsksm01: was that a reply to me?16:23
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m01larsks: no16:23
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m01larsks: well, that's very ugly because I now need to pre-allocate ports etc as well16:24
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m01the specific issue I'm facing I can indeed work around it with --meta, but I'm trying to understand what the general solution should be..16:24
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m01it seems like the blueprint that larsks dug out will fix the problem for OpenStack in kilo-2, subject to an accompanying cloud-init implementation16:25
larsksm01: I'm not sure why you would need to pre-allocate ports, but I agree it's not really pretty.  Other than that blueprint, which I think didn't go anywhere, I'm not really sure there is a pretty solution for assignment without dhcp.16:25
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larsksOh, is it actually going to make it in kilo 2?16:26
Sam-I-Amm01: you might need to make whatever you're doing more... cloudy.16:26
m01larsks: I thought it said series goal: acccepted for kilo-216:26
* larsks did not actually read very closely.16:26
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m01Sam-I-Am: long story.. haha. But, the thing here is that OpenStack does expose the DHCP yes/no option on neutron networks, except that now you end up in a situation where OpenStack allocates an IP for your instance and you can't really find out about it16:28
m01Sam-I-Am: and it looks like most of the pieces are there, there's just a little bit missing in the middle16:28
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sk91Sam-I-Am, seems rabbitmq is running controller :
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m01any idea how I can find code reviews for a given blueprint? (
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m01it says implementation: needs code review. I searched around gerrit but didn't find anything.16:36
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m01ah found it16:38
m01from the whiteboard links16:38
Sam-I-Amsk91: and rabbit_host = controller (or the ip) ?16:38
Sam-I-Amsk91: and there's no firewall on the controller node?16:38
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jsfrkhi all16:42
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jsfrkI'm looking for help with running Orchestration / Heat on my Openstack installation.16:44
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jsfrkplease look there:
jsfrkthe problem is that heat stack-create fails with error: heatclient.exc.HTTPBadRequest: ERROR: Property error : server1: image 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'replace'16:45
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jsfrkinstallation was done using guide for Juno for Debian 716:46
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sk91Sam-I-Am, dont think firewall prevents, though when i inserted the command "nova-network" on compute, it said something about unrechable "localhost:5672" and the also port refused connection, could it be the problem? and rabbit_host = didnt work same as rabbit_host = controller16:48
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Sam-I-Amtry 'service restart nova-network' instead of just running the service16:50
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sk91Sam-I-Am, not again :(17:01
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guimalufwhere can I find a debian7 image to upload on glance?17:02
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jsfrkguimaluf: if you have any debian running you can make image with 'build-openstack-debian-image'17:05
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m01larsks & Sam-I-am: thank you guys for your help. I think with that blueprint and the corresponding functionality in cloud-init, we'll be in good shape.17:20
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Muntanerhi, I'm trieing to install OpenStack but I'm facing an issue, anybody can help?17:23
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* larsks activates mind reading skills.17:25
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thebloggu I have an Havana deployment where I have some instances with associated volumes running correctly. However every time I try to attach a new volume or detach an existing one I get a "Attaching"/"Detaching" status for a while and then returns to its old status. I looked around the cinder logs and here's the relevant part of the api.log. volume and scheduler logs were either empty or with old entries. After a cinder-volume service restart I got the17:34
thebloggu following message on volume.log: "2015-01-16 12:27:00.292 24301 WARNING cinder.brick.iscsi.iscsi [req-ed588134-762b-4b00-88d6-6e8261963aa4 None None] Attempting recreate of backing lun...". Meanwhile I turned cinder debug and verbose mode so I can provide more info. Can someone help me?17:34
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RealmyHi all18:11
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RealmyI have what is probably a stupid question18:11
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Realmycan you use ceph as a replacement for swift?18:12
Realmyor is it something that's usually done off to the side?18:12
Realmy(sorry for my lack of expertise on this)18:12
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visualnewhy I cant I remove a /dev/loop1 from cinder-volumes18:22
visualneI keep seeing that its still in use18:22
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visualneI just want to get rid of it18:22
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Sam-I-Amlvm still own it?18:24
Sam-I-Amfuser /dev/loop118:24
Sam-I-Amor lsof18:24
larsksOr just 'pvs', maybe....18:24
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Sam-I-Amor that18:26
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sk91Hi, should i install rabbitmq-server on compute node as well or only on controller node?18:26
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Sam-I-Amcontroller only18:27
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sontekAre there docs on how to use cythonize with pbr?  Looking to add a couple build extensions18:48
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sk91Do i need to inser "rabbit_port =5672" in nova.conf of both controller and compute node18:53
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larskssmoser: If you're around...any chance of getting fixes soon? The patch from siert seems like a reasonable fix.18:56
larskssk91: that should be the default, but it doesn't hurt to make it explicit.  And yes, all your nova services -- on either controller or compute node -- need to know how to reach the rabbitmq server.18:57
larskssmoser: Just ran into someone else who got bitten by the magical changing hostname...18:57
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sk91larsks, thanks18:59
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sontekI'm not seeing any documentation or projects using build extensions in openstack, is this a feature not supported now? Do I just use it the standard way instead of declaring in setup.cfg?19:02
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kireevcoHi all, I'm trying to mount swift with s3fuse, anyone could give some guidance please?19:02
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kireevco(specifically url parameter and creds, I'm getting: s3fs: could not establish security credentials, check documentation) Thanks!19:02
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smoserlarsks, fwiw, the code specifically has a coment on this.19:07
smoserin cloudinit/distros/rhel.py19:07
smoserpointing to
smoserwhic hsays:19:07
smoserHOSTNAME=<value>, where <value> should be the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), such as, but can be whatever hostname is necessary.19:07
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larskssmoser: riiiiight.19:07
larskssmoser: but the problem is that cloud-init is setting the writeable hostname different from the runtime hostname.19:08
smoserfor sure changing doesnt make sense.19:08
larskssmoser: if it were to use *either* the fqdn for both, or the short form for both, that would be fine.19:08
championofcyrod1hi.  where should i start looking if instances don't become active and just hang when attaching/allocating a volume?19:08
championofcyrod1like... what 'openstack' logs would have the error?19:08
smoserhostnames really suck.19:08
larskssmoser: so using the fqdn for both seems to make the most sense to me.19:08
larsksThis is what the system does when it reboots -- it reads the hostname from that file, and uses it verbatim.19:08
smosersee that ^19:08
championofcyrod1if your host name isnt fqdn, you can just add the domain in /etc/resolv.conf as 'search'19:09
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championofcyrod1and it should find the short name19:09
larskssmoser: I don't really prefer one vs the other, as long as the value written to the file matches the value configured at runtime.19:09
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larskssmoser: Should there be a cloud-config switch for "use fqdn" vs "use short name"?19:10
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championofcyrod1i would throw exception if FQDN isnt used.19:10
larsksAnd then just use the same value in both places?19:10
championofcyrod1then most users connectivitiy issues would be mitigated.19:10
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larsksOr should this just be handled in the distro modules, and be different for rhel-ish vs ubuntu-ish?19:10
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smoserlarsks, well changing doens't make any sense.19:11
larskssmoser: I'm not following you there.19:12
smoserchanging on reboot doesn't make sense.19:12
smoseron any distro19:12
larsksRight, agreed.19:12
larsksBUt this is what cloud-init is telling the sysytem to do right now :)19:12
larsksSiert's patch, which passes writeable_hostname to both _write_hostname and _apply_hostname, would fix that behavior.19:13
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larsksDoes that "right" mean "yes that is indeed the behavior of the patch", or is that more along the lines of "yes that seems like a reasonable fix"?19:17
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smoserlarsks, fixed and pushed to trunk.19:32
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vt102I stuck my fingers into icehouse/neutron/OVS and now my router namespace is being created, but the qr- and qg- interfaces are not.  Trying to figure out what I broke.  What should make those, l3-agent?19:32
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larskssmoser: awesome!19:33
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championofcyrod1well at this point I'm stumped.  who do I PAY to get openstack support from the context of... my pretty ui in horizon shows a spinner/gif that never ends. and i need guidance for troubleshooting a failed resize?19:33
Sam-I-Amchampionofcyrod1: lol19:33
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Sam-I-Amthere are a few companies out there, but they also support their own rollups of openstack19:34
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championofcyrod1so i have to pay for their rollup... meh, i'll just keep digging and bashing my head against the logs until i find the single line in a conf file that needs tweaking.19:35
antonsguys is there skype group for openstack/linux training ?19:35
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antonsi need help on setting up multi-vm-machine using kvm. thats for openstack19:35
championofcyrod1antons: the way that statement is phrased confuses me19:36
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championofcyrod1multi-vm-machine - ??? a machine that runs multiple VMs?19:37
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antonsits very simple19:37
antonsits one server 12cpu's 2tb storage that i want to split in 5 servers19:37
antonsto run devstack cloud on19:37
championofcyrod1using openstack19:37
antonsit has 3 nic's19:37
championofcyrod1right, so you "need help adding a server to an openstack cluster as an additional compute node?"19:37
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Sam-I-Amchampionofcyrod1: you actually pay for support19:38
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Sam-I-Amchampionofcyrod1: the software is free19:38
antonsi need help setting up kvm and spinning 4 centos vm's  on it19:38
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Sam-I-Amchampionofcyrod1: for example, os-ansible-deployment is more or less rackspace private cloud19:38
championofcyrod1Sam-I-Am: i know.   as we charge support for the open source product we make :)19:38
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Sam-I-Amchampionofcyrod1: you can download and install it without any $, but if you want support, its $.19:38
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antonsdoes ansible/vagrant sits on top of KVM ?19:39
championofcyrod1antons: centos? ubuntu?19:39
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antonsbut im confused how its all overlayed ...19:39
championofcyrod1you don't really need 'openstack' if you just want kvm19:40
championofcyrod1Host setup is for you server...19:40
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championofcyrod1guest setup is an example of setting up a VM.19:40
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championofcyrod1so do step 1, once... step 2, five times.19:41
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antonswait. what do you mean i dont want to go with openstack if i go with kvm ?19:41
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championofcyrod1openstack depends on kvm, which depends on libvirt19:42
antonsso if i want to do devstack on single node server19:43
championofcyrod1so if you just want 5 VMs on a single host... you can use KVM to accomplish that w/o installing openstack.19:43
antonshow do i do it without installing kvm ?19:43
championofcyrod1what do you mean by 'devstack'19:43
antonsi want 5vms that will run devstack on single node...19:43
championofcyrod1LAMP ?19:43
antonstheres thing called devstack19:43
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antonsits basically openstack in the mini form19:44
championofcyrod1ah... devstack is another openstack product then... i guess you'll need openstack to support it then19:44
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georgem1antons: what do you actually want to do? why do you need devstack? if you just need 5 vms that will start and do their thing, then openstack is overkill19:45
championofcyrod1we're using openstack because we have 10 servers like the one you mentioned.  and each 'cloud' (vpc) needs it's own LAN.19:45
championofcyrod1essentially to manage multiple hypervisors and networks.19:46
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georgem1antons: if you want to actually give some devs and enviroment where they can spin up theirown vms using API calls or a dashboard, then openstack is the tool, but devstack is not the best choice19:46
championofcyrod1georgem1: i think antons wants the software listed here:
championofcyrod1aka, apache, rabbitmq, qpid, apache, postgres, mysqld...19:47
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georgem1championofcyrod1: I know what devstack does, I don't know what he wants to do with it..19:48
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championofcyrod1Probably this:"DevStack is ideal for potential users who want to see what the Dashboard looks like from an admin or user perspective, and OpenStack contributors wanting to test against a complete local environment." -
championofcyrod1i'm guessing he isnt a contributor...19:50
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mbeierlI made a mistake somewhere in my neutron config and I ended up with the name "alias" in there at one time.  I fixed that up and there are no more references to the name "alias" anywhere under /etc/neutron/*, yet when I start the agent up, I still get neutron.plugins.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent [-] Unable to create tunnel port. Invalid remote IP: alias.  Where else might I have missed?19:51
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championofcyrod1mbeierl: my openstack config uses mysqld and there is a neutron table....19:54
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mbeierlchampionofcyrod1: thanks!  good point19:55
championofcyrod1and in my networks table, are all of my virtual networks.19:55
championofcyrod1a neutron database, and a networks table.19:55
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mbeierlyes.  followed that :)19:56
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mbeierlaha.  Found a name in ml2_gre_endpoints;  Now to track down relationships and clean that up20:00
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antonsi don't think question was whether what i was trying to do with devstack but rather how to setup devstack on kvm but i guess it's easier to derail questions right georgem120:01
championofcyrod1and i just found my error with my cinder volume management!20:01
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championofcyrod1antons: aside from that... i think devstack "includes" kvm.20:02
championofcyrod1ah maybe not...20:02
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championofcyrod1"The default services configured by DevStack are Identity (Keystone), Object Storage (Swift), Image Storage (Glance), Block Storage (Cinder), Compute (Nova), Network (Nova), Dashboard (Horizon), Orchestration (Heat)"20:02
championofcyrod1KVM is for the 'compute' service.20:03
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championofcyrod1in some cases i've heard of people also using vmware with the nova compute service20:03
antonsi believe i'll need to split physical node into multiple vm's for multiple openstack purposes20:03
antonsfor now im trying to do 2 vm's on single node using kvm so i can get multi-node devstack installed and working20:04
antonsbut never had kvm experience20:04
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sc68calantons: have you looked at the docs for multinode on
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antonssc68cal, yes but they dont go into details on kvm setup/config20:04
antonsor i missed it20:05
sc68calantons: kvm setup is handled by nova and devstack20:05
championofcyrod1^was gonna say that20:05
championofcyrod1shows the path in the cleaning up after devstack portion20:05
sc68calvia VIRT_DRIVER in DevStack20:06
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antonswait where in multi-node-lab there's KVM portion ?20:07
antonsi'm confused whether they use 2 actual physical nodes for this setup20:08
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antonsor setup was performed on single physical node that was later split by kvm or something else20:08
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championofcyrod1antons: the KVM install is included here : maybe?20:09
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antonsso its basically automated ? script splits physical node into multiple vm's and installs roles on it ?20:10
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antonscan somebody confirm that20:10
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sc68calantons: No20:11
sc68calDevStack just sets up the services you specify in ENABLED_SERVICES20:12
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championofcyrod1yum groupinstall "Virtualization" "Virtualization Tools" "Virtualization Platform"20:12
sc68calyou'd have two write tooling around creating VMs then pushing configs on each, then invoking devstack20:12
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sc68calmy suggestion is to start with an all-in-one configuration20:12
antonssc68cal, is there guide for that20:12
antonsthats easy20:12
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antonsi was trying hard way with multinode :)20:13
sc68calDevStack is a bit tricky, depending on the position of the planets, especially if you're running master branch20:13
sc68calso all-in-one is the best way to get started20:13
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championofcyrod1speaking of easy... since i started using openstack, i've been thinking about switching careers and just selling grilled cheese sandwiches to drunk college students in my town.20:14
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championofcyrod1like a corner booth20:15
championofcyrod1witha  george foreman20:15
sc68calchampionofcyrod1: lol - i too have had dreams of living a more simple life20:15
championofcyrod1hmmm... any ideas about this one:20:16
championofcyrod1 ERROR cinder.scheduler.filters.capacity_filter [req-39d5774e-9f31-4e1c-a074-db37ffb4cd30 c697f2d5e3fb40a6abea3d8fc5d3c9df 0dc5c66d16b04d48b07c868cc195f46a - - -] Free capacity not set: volume node info collection broken.20:16
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championofcyrod1also rabbitmq ECONNREFUSED errors... but i checked the settings in /etc/cinder/cinder.conf for rabbitmq_userid/password and they are correct.20:17
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championofcyrod1holy smokes... cinder supports ZFS?!20:20
championofcyrod1just found that in the cinder.conf20:20
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georgem1championofcyrod1:is it connecting to the right rabbitmq?20:26
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mbeierlStill caught in a catch-22: cannot delete a vm because on one and only one node, "Connection to neutron failed: Maximum attempts reached".  How do I find out what neutron server the nova compute is attempting to contact that only the one server says it cannot be reached?20:31
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mbeierlI have tried diffing the files between systems20:31
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avagimbeierl: did you check the service status? (horizon or commandline)20:33
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championofcyrod1georgem1: yea, i checked the port it was trying against the PID.  and it's not the murano rabbitmq... which is the only one i have20:35
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championofcyrod1the cinder-api.log showed creating of the volume w/o a problem... what it looks like is the message is being published to nova compute to allocate the instance... nova compute says standby... but never responds w/ ACTIVE... which could be related to the queue connection being refused...20:36
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championofcyrod1MessagingTimeout: Timed out waiting for a reply to message ID 1eba4624abd749639581cbbe89c3cc9f20:37
championofcyrod1i'm getting closer... i can feel it.20:38
avagimbeierl: check the following lists: "nova service-list; neutron agent-list"20:38
mbeierlavagi: the neutron service on the main controller?  Yes, it is up and reachable by two other compute nodes in this 3 node cluster20:38
mbeierlavagi: from controller or on node20:39
avagimbeierl: from controller20:39
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avagimbeierl: I assume, the agent-list is not fine20:40
mbeierlavagi: you pointed me at something really good:  it appears that when I tried to execute the command on the compute node, it hit my corporate proxy instead of the controller !20:40
championofcyrod12015-01-16 20:32:27.136 4741 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-1d4785a4-e718-4dc9-a38d-dd65d06e0311 ] Failed to publish message to topic 'conductor': [Errno 32] Broken pipe20:40
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avagimbeierl: ;-)20:40
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mbeierlavagi: but that happens on the other too... from cmd line where the alias was.  Looking further to this one, as the services show good on the controller20:41
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championofcyrod1=ERROR REPORT==== 16-Jan-2015::20:32:41 ===20:42
championofcyrod1closing AMQP connection <0.15149.1850> ( ->
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championofcyrod1hmmm handshake timeouts?20:42
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avagimbeierl: ... and the agent-list? are all with simely :-) ?20:44
championofcyrod1also probably why my ceilometer-agent is having issues too... remind me not to ever let rabbitmq fail20:44
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mbeierlavagi: yes20:44
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avagimbeierl: did you try to grep for the error message in /var/log/{nova,neutron}? the lines before should help you to identify the target server20:47
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avagimbeierl: ... or you can enable debug mode to get more info20:49
mbeierlin nova it does not tell me the target server.  It shows the instance id, a large backtrace but no targetr20:49
mbeierlavagi: will try turning on debug20:49
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avagiif you have only some compute nodes, you can check on the horizon/hipervisors menü the instanec IDs20:50
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avagior try this: # for inst in $(nova list | grep "[[:alnum:]]-[[:alnum:]]" | awk '{print $4}'); do echo -n "$inst:"; nova show $inst | grep "instance_name"; done20:55
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avagibetter version: # for inst in $(nova list | grep "[[:alnum:]]-[[:alnum:]]" | awk '{print $4}'); do echo "$inst:"; nova show $inst | egrep "(host|instance_name)"; done20:56
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championofcyrod1okay... well it looks like nova notifications are not making back from the queue21:00
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mbeierlavagi: aha!  It was the stupid http proxy.  I ended up putting 'unset http_proxy' right into the /etc/init.d/openstack-nova script and now it works.21:01
mbeierlwhen nova cannot call back, bad things happen :)21:01
avagicongrat :-)21:02
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mbeierlthanks for that command that I accidentally ran on the compute node.  It right away gave me the clue when it gave an HTTP 403 response.  I recognize that in this network to mean: "403 - you hit the proxy, dummy!"21:03
mbeierlAnd that is a wonderful one-liner script you posted.  Lots of good info too21:03
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avagimbeierl: you are welcome  :-)21:09
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jillrlearning ceilometer and having a rough go with 'limit'. can anyone point me at where I'm going wrong?
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sk91Hi, anybody knows how to solve nova network-create ERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) ?  i have gathered all log informations on
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abrahamrhoffmanlooks like your API call is timing out22:46
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abrahamrhoffmancould be a lot of things, does another call work, like "nova list" ?22:47
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sk91@abrahamrhoffman, thanks for the reply22:47
sk91yes nova  list shows tables of empty data22:48
sk91it works22:48
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abrahamrhoffmanokay so the issue probably is with your network setup22:48
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abrahamrhoffmanare you using nova-network or neutron?22:48
sk91nova-network Legacy22:49
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serverascodesk91: are you adding the same network that is already on the other interface?23:14
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sk91serverascode, sorry dont get it23:16
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serverascodeI just see that in your config you use 192.168.1.x for your servers, and then are trying to add that same network as the flat net23:17
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serverascodeyou prob want to add a different network to the flat interface23:17
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sk91yes you are right, but what network could i add?23:19
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serverascodeI dunno, depends on how you're setting up your network23:19
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serverascodeare these physical boxes or is this in vagrant or something?23:20
sk91its just a test openstack for home, :D i have problems with the concepts required for what u mean :D23:21
sk91i just want it to work, so what kind  of flat netwok would u mind suggest?23:21
sk91if i may23:22
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serverascodewhat network is on eth1 in your system?23:22
serverascodelooks like your compute has two interfaces, eth0 and eth1 right?23:22
serverascodeeth1 is connected to a network?23:23
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sk91  yes, the mannual said that i do it (
sk91i provided both nodes with cat /etc/network/intefrace command23:25
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serverascodeok so I think in your case you can just pick a private network that isn't
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sk91oh, ok thanks i try that...should it be something special or i just can use randomly like the manual recommanded? ( at (
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serverascodeThat's not a random IP, it's a real IP used in the example, so no, you shouldn't use that23:29
serverascodeAgain not too sure what your network looks like but you could just do
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sk91ok thanks, may i know what concept and keywords should i look for to understand better of what u meant?23:30
sk91these things u said, i don know what is called :)23:31
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serverascodeMaybe You might need to look into some basic networking examples23:31
sk91thanks :) yeah i should23:32
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abrahamrhoffman@sk91 - I suggest using RDO for first installations. It is very simple. Literally two commands.23:41
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sk91abrahamrhoffman, yeah ill consider that ty23:43
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abrahamrhoffmanThen you can look at the network plumbing and nova.conf setup from there23:43
abrahamrhoffmanmakes it a bit easier23:44
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abrahamrhoffmanthings like openvswitch make all the network nesting kinda confusing at first23:44
sk91yeah that cool23:44
abrahamrhoffmangoodluck! :)23:44
sk91should install fedora for it ... gonna do it :)23:45
sk91gl 2 u 223:45
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