Tuesday, 2015-05-05

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Sam-I-Amorzel: seen it all too many times00:01
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orzelmm. now i have this ugly "NovaException: Unexpected vif_type=binding_failed". Which according to google searches is realated to "there's a bug in your neutron configuration". For those who managed to fix the problem, it was indeed config errors. I dont have those. But still the error :-(00:02
orzelSam-I-Am: ;-)00:02
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Sam-I-Amprobably a mismatch of what networks are available vs. what you're trying to use with that vm00:02
orzellike "gre", "vlan" and such ? in plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini : type_drivers = flat, gre00:05
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orzelthat was my first check actually00:05
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Sam-I-Amthat and the bridge mappings00:05
Sam-I-Amtunnel id ranges, etc00:05
orzelbridge mapping was one of the least clear stuff in documentation.00:05
orzeli might have fail this.00:05
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Sam-I-Amnext question... what network were you trying to boot your vm with? internal/tenant or external?00:06
orzelerm ... both actually. One external and one internal/tenant00:06
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Sam-I-Amis this the basic config from the install guide?00:07
orzelmore or less. This and the fact that network node has only one nic. So i've created/bound several bridge together00:08
Sam-I-Amso, br-ex only exists on the network node?00:08
orzelyes, (but it's also the compute node)00:09
orzeli would not have created it on another compute node, though00:09
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Sam-I-Amwhen you say... created/bound several bridges together, what do you mean?00:10
orzelOne thing very obscure to me is how neutron/compute nodes know about which NIC/bridge to use for 'tenant traffic' or 'data network' (names change in documentation). It's very often 'br-eth1' but not always. Even if not connected to eth100:10
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orzelSam-I-Am: i did this : https://fosskb.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/managing-openstack-internaldataexternal-network-in-one-interface/00:11
orzelmore specifically this one https://fosskb.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/openstack-single-machine-single-nic.png?w=100800:11
orzelthough it's only network/compute node. Controller is another one00:12
Sam-I-Amthis looks too complex00:12
orzeli would be really happy to have something simpler :)00:13
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Sam-I-Amnot really sure why theres a br-proxy or br-eth100:13
orzellog of people seem to ask but that's one of the best example. Still the command provided have lot of typos..00:13
orzelSam-I-Am: my understanding is that openstack expects 'br-eth1'00:13
Sam-I-Amit does not00:13
Sam-I-Amit expects nothing00:13
orzelit expects br-ex, its' in documentation ;-) And br-int is created by neutron00:14
Sam-I-Amit defaults to br-ex for the external bridge, but these days you should un-set that default00:14
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orzelhow will it route traffic is we do not specify anything ?00:15
Sam-I-Amyou do specify things, but in the bridge mapping instead00:15
Sam-I-Amdo you specifically want both the tenant networks (are they vlan or tunnel?) and external networks available on all of the compute nodes in addition to the network nodes?00:16
orzeli have this : plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini:bridge_mappings = external:br-ex00:16
orzeli use gre tunnels for tenant networks00:16
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orzelnot sure about your question00:16
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orzelI dont mind if VM traffic to external network go through the network node00:17
Sam-I-Amdo all of your instances only use tenant networks, or do they require direct access to the external network in some cases?00:17
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orzelOh, i think most of the time vm will access the external network directly00:19
orzelusing tenant 'local network' is a nice-to-have00:20
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orzeli was able to ping a router created in neutron. Once :)00:20
orzel(with an IP allocated on the external network range)00:20
Sam-I-Amvms that attach to external networks is called provider networking, and there's no routing taking place.00:21
Sam-I-Amyour network infrastructure handles routing00:21
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Sam-I-Amfor the most part, the only time you use routing is with tenant networks connecting to external networks (with snat/dnat)00:22
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Sam-I-Ami wouldnt use 1 nic in a prod environment, but for a lab all this will work00:23
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orzelOf course. We're still experimenting. I'm looking forward to have a dozens servers with several nic .. but not yet00:28
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Sam-I-Amthis might be useful - http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy.html00:28
orzelSam-I-Am: i tried creating a vm only connected to the external network, gives the same error00:28
Sam-I-Amwith one nic, i'd configure the machine's IP on br-ex, make the actual network interface a port on br-ex, and use the ip of br-ex as your tunnel endpoint (local_ip)00:30
orzelSam-I-Am: will read it all. I'm greedy with documentation :)00:30
Sam-I-Ami mostly wrote it all :)00:30
Sam-I-Amjust published last week00:30
Sam-I-Amstill needs work, but should give you a better idea of the typical deployment scenarios00:30
orzelouch ! Now i understand how it escaped my scrutinity00:30
orzeli'll try with thi very simple br-ex setup00:31
chutwigwould this be the right place to ask about radosgw authentication against keystone, or should i take that to ceph friends00:31
Sam-I-Amthey reference more production-like environments with multiple nics, but you can hack most of those scenarios into working on one00:31
Sam-I-Amchutwig: might be, if there's a ceph person in here00:31
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chutwigit's not a pressing question since it does work already, i'm just looking to understand how the integration functions a little better00:32
orzeli haven't managed much yet in the 'hacking' part,... i'm not fluent yet with the normal way00:32
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Sam-I-Ameasiest thing with neutron is starting out with the basics. instances connect to tenant networks that route to an external network. then expand a bit.00:32
chutwigmostly i'm not sure exactly where the x-auth-token that horizon is using actually originates from, because if i obtain a token from keystone myself i get back a huge Blob-o'-JSON00:33
orzelSam-I-Am: i really thought connecting to the external network directly would be easier/more straighforward00:33
chutwigi can see the token itself in a memcached slab that horizon is passing but am not sure how it's being tied to that particular user, because the key seems empty, unless i'm just screwing up querying memcached00:33
Sam-I-Amorzel: depends what you need. tenant networks are more self-service.00:34
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chutwigalso the swift cli client doesn't work when passing OS username/password and that makes me a little suspicious of some of the magicks00:34
orzelSam-I-Am: i managed to create a router acting as gw/nat between my tenant network and the external network. But only using CLI . When using horizon, i can only 'add port' to it, but no way to configure the WAN part of the router...00:34
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orzelSam-I-Am: most users will require an easy setup with internet access. Even floating ip are not very important for most of them00:35
Sam-I-Amwhat do you mean configure the wan part?00:35
Sam-I-Amorzel: sounds like you might benefit from a mix of provider networks and tenant networks00:35
orzelthe part connected to the external network/internet00:35
orzelis there a difference between 'external' and 'provider' networks ?00:35
Sam-I-Amnot really00:36
orzelgreat. i was afraid of having missed something00:36
Sam-I-Amchutwig: i'm not a ceph guy :/00:36
Sam-I-Ambut if you have network issues...00:36
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chutwigi wasn't directing at you in particular, just blasting out there00:41
Sam-I-Amoh, i know00:41
chutwigi don't think we use neutron in our deployments00:41
Sam-I-Amjust saying i cant help much00:41
chutwigbut i can break something if you like00:41
chutwigand then come back00:41
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Sam-I-Amits a bit quiet in here this time of day00:42
chutwigmost of our stuff is on havana right now with a few icehouse clusters and i've been tasked with pushing our stuff up to kilo00:42
chutwigso, having a lot of fun with that00:42
Sam-I-Ami bet00:42
Sam-I-Amupgrades are fun00:42
lothWhy are cloud-init docs so lacking...00:42
chutwigwhere did you find cloud-init docs :o00:43
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Sam-I-Amloth: contributions welcome :)00:43
lothfor everything else you look at the source code00:43
chutwigwe're probably going to build entirely new clusters and have a migration path over, which will be nice00:43
Sam-I-Amreadthedocs is where docs go to die :/00:43
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orzelSam-I-Am: in the doc your first example is called "legacy". I feel like using some old stuff :-)00:48
Sam-I-Amyeah, its only legacy in that people should probably use dvr or l3ha for new deployments (unless they just need provider networks)00:49
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Sam-I-Amlegacy probably means more like 'conventional' here00:49
Sam-I-Amits the same architecture from the install guide, just a bit more detailed.00:49
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orzelSam-I-Am: do you know what 'admin state' mean for networks ? There's also 'shared' which i guess make it available to all tenants00:52
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Sam-I-Amadmin state is just a logical state... if its admin up, things can use it. if not, no... regardless of whether the underlying stuff is actually up.00:53
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orzelok, kinda enable/available00:55
Sam-I-Amno different than admin state on a real network device00:55
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orzeloh, there's such a thing ?00:56
orzelthe up in 'ifconfig up' ?00:56
orzelSam-I-Am: nice graphics anyway :)00:56
* orzel reading00:56
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Sam-I-Amyeah, there was a lot of work that went into those00:57
Sam-I-Amstill not completely done00:58
Sam-I-Amaight, need to do the dishes00:58
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orzelSam-I-Am: with 'tenant network', we agree that it's a virtual network available for all users of the tenant. Is is supposed to be created by a member of the tenant, or by the admin for it to be used by tenant members ?01:01
orzeli'm not the only one wondering :-) https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/137032201:02
openstackLaunchpad bug 1370322 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Add a tooltip for "Admin State" in the Network forms" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Sam Betts (sambetts)01:02
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Sam-I-Amtenant networks (not provider) are generally created by the tenant, hence the self-service capability01:03
Sam-I-Amyou can create them as the admin tenant, but you need to specify the tenant id for them01:04
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orzelbut then a floating ip can only be connected to the tenant router, not to any VM ?01:08
orzelSam-I-Am: and it's not possible to forward ports to an internal vm from the router, is it ?01:08
orzelmm, or it can have both01:09
orzelmakes sense01:09
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Sam-I-Amanswer your own question?01:18
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anil_raoIs "port security extension" for ml2 a part of kilo.01:22
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Sam-I-Amaight, time to roll out of here01:30
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orzelSam-I-Am: see ya, thanks again for your help01:36
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harushimocan I ask the openstack community a quick question?02:02
lifelessharushimo: yes!02:03
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harushimoI would like to know if anyone has successfully been to install on ubuntu server?02:03
harushimoI'm reading some instructions on both websites02:03
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harushimoI've tried to install openstack by source code many times02:03
harushimono success02:04
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harushimoI want to do it right02:04
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raminoidWhat is the OpenStack equivelent/alternative for AWS IAM?02:20
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orzelraminoid: "keystone"02:34
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raminoidKeystone is has limited roles02:35
raminoidand as a user of OpenStack (as opposed to an admin), I can't use its features to work as IAM02:35
raminoidAre there any secure key-value stores?02:36
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SamYaple_harushimo: docs.openstack.org has an install guide for ubuntu with ubuntu packages06:08
SamYaple_harushimo: for a source install, there is no guide to do this06:09
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Qlawydnsmasq: failed to bind DHCP server socket: Permission denied10:31
Qlawyin dhcp-agent.log of neutron10:32
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kklimondahey, I'm having some weird rabbitmq issues, where messages aren't being consumed it seems.  how could I go about debugging it?11:03
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SamYaplekklimonda: first I would say double and triple check your configs11:08
SamYaplemost of the time is a badly configured service not consuming messages11:08
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kklimondait seems to be rather random, works fine and then stops11:13
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pfreundHello, can anybody unlock a question on Ask ?11:40
pfreundsomeone with enough good points :)11:40
capitolask, why not stack-overflow or serverfault?11:43
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SamYaplepfreund: sure what question?11:44
SamYaplecapitol: ask.openstack.org is the "offical" openstack forum for questions11:44
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pfreundSamYaple: I ask something, but my question is still not moderated after 24 hours : https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/66262/how-do-you-monitor-quotas/11:45
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pfreundwell, it has just be done11:46
SamYaplepfreund: i just cleaned up the mod queue and i believe i got that question11:46
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pfreundyes thanks :)11:46
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capitolaha, my mind linked to ask.fm, i knew about ask.openstack.org11:50
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SamYaplepfreund: there is no way to check current usage with neutron without a 'wc -l' command unfortunately11:52
SamYapleyou can blame the api for that http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref-networking-v2-ext.html11:52
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SamYaplethey are working on the v3 api which i *believe* will have much better functionality in that regards11:53
SamYaplethe other quotas you have the commands for11:53
pfreundok, I saw some sessions about quotas at Vancouver, I'll try to participate11:53
SamYapleim going to update your question with this information11:54
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Dj23does anyone know the difference between the timestamp and context_timestamp in the AMQP messages generated by openstack?14:08
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rlrevellis anyone else seeing neutron-lbaas-agent spewing these errors every 0.5s or so http://paste.openstack.org/show/214977/14:14
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rlrevellafter upgrading to kilo from the ubuntu cloud repo?14:14
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, are you here?14:34
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shaggycatHi all14:34
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shaggycatI have a problems with my neutron since probably 2 week. Please help me anybody14:35
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rmstarhi guys.  having some problem with my network.  when i ping the floating ip, my response time is about 4 seconds on average, and sometimes, i get "unreachable".  any hints what i should be looking for or what i can do to troubleshoot this?  I am on Juno14:35
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shaggycatip netns  command return qrouter-7573b61c-1cb2-43bc-8296-421e319d2bd0 name of network and qdhcp-f8bdf250-d08f-467a-a073-003ea3165c5d14:36
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shaggycatand in  qrouter-7573b61c-1cb2-43bc-8296-421e319d2bd0 I see a interface with IP. I can ping this IP from all hardware hosts14:37
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shaggycatFrom controller, from compute node14:37
shaggycatand else14:37
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shaggycatbut inside VM not14:38
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shaggycatAnd i permit ICMP in security groups14:38
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shaggycatAlso don't work DHCP14:38
shaggycathow I can fix and debug this problem>14:38
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fsckerive got one tenant creating this error on its dhcp namespace " In _notify_port_updated(), no bound segment for port"14:40
fsckeranyone know what that's about?14:41
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fsckerout of 150 tenants, one is broken so i dont think it's a config issue14:41
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_nickshaggycat: so your instance can't ping its default gateway, is that what you're saying?14:51
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shaggycat_nick, http://pastebin.com/8wmZuYsy14:55
shaggycat_nick, no. It can't ping anything. Only another VMs14:56
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shaggycat_nick,  and hardware hosts (and namecpases) can't  instances14:56
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kfarhanei want to develop a new ceilometer plugin to collect information about physical NIC of my compute nodes, how can i proceed15:11
sparrThis isn't an openstack-specific question but... I'm looking for a tool that will let my team describe all of our servers and VMs, with metadata like which VMs are on which VM cluster, what apps/services depend on each other, which clusters are redundant / load balanced / not, etc. Can anyone recommend something for that?15:12
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rlrevellSam-I-Am: is the nova endpoints output here http://docs.openstack.org/kilo/install-guide/install/apt/content/ch_nova.html#nova-verify correct? i get a totally different set of fields http://paste.openstack.org/show/214994/15:13
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Sam-I-Amrlrevell: that paste isnt all the output is it?15:15
clouddigI'm trying to use keystoneclient directly in a Python script, but I can't figure out how to either set insecure or provide a cacert file. Any ideas?15:15
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rlrevellSam-I-Am: no but all the services look like that here's the full output http://paste.openstack.org/show/214997/15:16
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Sam-I-Amwhat version of nova client?15:18
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rlrevellSam-I-Am: 1:2.22.0-0ubuntu1~cloud015:19
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Sam-I-Amrlrevell: me too15:24
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Sam-I-Amdunno why the output is different15:24
rlrevellSam-I-Am: it looks like possibly the endpoint create commands changed between juno and kilo and the db sync commands didn't update them?15:26
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rlrevellSam-I-Am: (this is a juno -> kilo upgraded cluster)15:26
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Sam-I-Amthe clients should just interpret the endpoints... i dont think they changed.15:27
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Sam-I-Ambut they do look very juno-ish there15:27
rlrevellSam-I-Am: oh well, it doesn't seem to break anything15:27
Sam-I-Ammy juno system looks like what you're showing me on kilo15:28
chrisaIs anyone able to help with networking?15:28
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Sam-I-Amchrisa: in what sense?15:29
chrisaI'm getting "Device aef0068f-75a9-4166-8653-f51b61e6e172 requested by agent ovs-agent-localhost.zoo.lan on network db532291-5276-4efc-b593-8f2afda629fd not bound, vif_type: binding_failed" but only on tenant networks (external are working fine)15:29
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Sam-I-Amchrisa: sounds like a config error15:29
Sam-I-Amperhaps the network you're trying to assign doesnt exist due to that config problem15:29
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chrisaDo you know where I can look for logs with the network?15:30
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Sam-I-Amthe ovs agent is a good start15:32
chrisaok thanks15:33
Sam-I-Ammake sure you enabled verbose mode in the config files15:33
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Sam-I-Amchrisa: http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy_scenario1a.html15:33
Sam-I-Amthat might be helpful15:33
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MikeParI'm having issues getting Horizon working, getting a 500/ISE that doensn't match any of the 500/ISEs I've found via google.15:35
MikeParrelevant apache error log bits: http://paste.openstack.org/show/210401/15:36
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MikeParJuno on Ubuntu Trusty15:36
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NuxRoHi, does anyone know how I can tell cloud-init to stop retrieving/setting the SSH key ?15:38
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clouddigWhat is the best channel to discuss the python clients to openstack.15:40
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orzelclouddig: here or #openstack-sdks i guess15:46
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clouddigorzel: I need to be able to use keystoneclient in python with a custom CACERT file15:51
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orzelclouddig:  fortunately keystoneclient is in python15:58
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orzelclouddig: i'm far from expert, but 'keystone --help' mentions some stuff about cert and cacert15:59
clouddigorzel: I know that. I'm tracing through the code right now. I just can't figure out how to provide a cacert file or make requests insecure. I see there is a simple_cert library, but it's not obvious to me how to use it.15:59
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clouddigorzel: from the command line I can use --insecure. In this case I'm use the Client class directly in python16:00
orzelclouddig: --os-cacert <ca-certificate>16:00
orzelor even the env var OS_CACERT16:00
orzel(typically OS_* stuff in put in a script one 'source' before using those tools)16:00
orzel_is_ put..16:01
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clouddigorzel: All of that works when using the keystone cli. I'm using it directly in python.16:02
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MikeParno input on my dashboard error?16:35
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Sam-I-AmMikePar: config error? is this an upgrade?16:46
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MikeParclean install based on the "install juno on ubuntu" docs on the site16:48
Sam-I-Amwhats in your local settings config file?16:48
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MikeParonly changes I made were the bits outlined on the page: http://docs.openstack.org/juno/install-guide/install/apt/content/install_dashboard.html16:49
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Sam-I-Amcan you set debug mode in the horizon config?16:50
Sam-I-Amthen restart things16:50
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orzelclouddig: i understand, but this is very probably a good point to start from. See what the cli does16:51
orzelthere's probably a low level api that the cli is just using16:51
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MikeParSam-I-Am: nothing different in the apache error_log16:53
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clouddigorzel: I'll dig in to the CLI...16:58
chrisaI've fixed my internal network issue.16:58
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chrisaIt seems that the config in /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini wasn't being picked up16:59
chrisaBut it was when I added the necessary lines to  /etc/neutron/plugin.ini16:59
Sam-I-AmMikePar: debug mode should drop stuff in your web browser... unless it doesnt render at all16:59
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MikeParnothing, just the apache ISE/500 error17:00
Sam-I-Amchrisa: you should be putting those things in ml2_conf.ini and symlinking plugin.ini to it (this seems like a rh-like system)17:00
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chrisaI've got a  /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini as well17:01
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Sam-I-Amthe rh init scripts look for plugin.ini17:01
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chrisawhich has different configuration to the openvswitch file17:01
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Sam-I-Amthey also look for ovs_neutron_plugin.ini, but you should remove that from the init script17:01
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Sam-I-Am(which the install guide mentions)17:01
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chrisaI do have a symlink: plugin.ini -> /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini17:01
Sam-I-AmMikePar: what version of the dashboard package?17:02
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chrisa"you should remove that from the init script" I think I did this, but not the step where I move the config17:02
MikeParSam: 1:2014.1.4-0ubuntu217:02
chrisaThanks for your help!17:02
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: zuul has been restarted to troubleshoot an issue, gerrit events between 15:00-17:00 utc were lost and changes updated or approved during that time will need to be rechecked or have their approval votes readded to trigger testing17:03
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Sam-I-AmMikePar: icehouse?17:04
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MikeParis that icehouse? it's whatever ubuntu picks up by default.17:05
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Sam-I-Amit is17:06
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Sam-I-Amso if you're looking at the instructions for another release...17:06
Sam-I-Amicehouse will be dead soon17:06
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MikeParso, did I miss a step somewhere in the docs on updating my repos?17:07
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Sam-I-Amwhat docs are you using?17:08
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Sam-I-Amyou're using the juno install guide with icehouse packages17:09
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Sam-I-Ami suspect this has something to do with your problems17:09
MikeParprobably a safe bet17:09
Sam-I-Amif you look at the beginning of the juno install guide (or kilo), it explains how to get packages for those versions17:09
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MikeParah, there it is.17:11
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MikeParOK, I'll roll-back and do that17:12
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, hi again. Could you please help me? I not solve my problem of network17:14
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Sam-I-Amshaggycat: whats the problem?17:16
shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/8wmZuYsy17:16
shaggycatSam-I-Am, packet's not go17:16
shaggycatbetween VMs (with internal bridge) go17:16
shaggycatBut between nodes and VMs not17:16
Sam-I-Amdid you configure vlan 2001 on your switches?17:17
shaggycatSam-I-Am, yes17:17
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shaggycatvlan2001 works between hardware systems17:18
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Sam-I-Ameth1 is in your bridge mapping for vlan networks?17:18
shaggycatSam-I-Am, I can copy-paste /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini17:19
shaggycatOn some of nodes it names eth217:20
Sam-I-Ampaste please17:21
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/qfTY4qDL17:23
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, thank you very much for help... I was wait week... I'm glud about you are now have a time17:24
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, how is your book?17:24
Sam-I-Amshaggycat: published, maybe you should look at it17:25
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momoterrawdoes anyone knows if ibm storage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17585881/amazon-s3-direct-file-upload-from-client-browser-private-key-disclosure17:25
shaggycatSam-I-Am, OK. Thank you for your book from nub's openstack users :)17:26
momoterrawcan do this too17:26
Sam-I-Amshaggycat: you created br-vlan and it has a port on some underlying interface?17:26
shaggycatSam-I-Am, is it about neutron?17:26
Sam-I-Amshaggycat: yes17:26
momoterrawi mean if open stack can do direct file upload with signed form17:26
shaggycatmy bigger problems to understand openstack is with Neutron :(17:26
Sam-I-Amshaggycat: you might be interested in this chapter - http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy.html17:26
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, yes, now I paste it17:27
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shaggycatjust a sec please17:27
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evilrobHave we had the "who is going to Vancouver" discussion lately?17:28
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Sam-I-Ami'll be there17:30
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/zhNk3xZX17:31
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Sam-I-Amshaggycat: i see your problem17:33
shaggycatSam-I-Am, thank you for link. I will read it after our conversation when I go in subway17:33
Sam-I-Amyou dont need a sub interface17:33
Sam-I-Amopenvswitch does the tagging for you on br-vlan17:33
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, and?17:33
Sam-I-Amremove eth1.2001 from br-vlan, remove eth1.2001, and add eth1 as a port on br-vlan17:34
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Sam-I-Amactually theres other stuff wrong here17:34
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Sam-I-Ambr-ex has only 1 flat network, or it needs to support vlans too?17:35
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shaggycatbut no tagging ifaces in this bridge17:36
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shaggycatReally I make this mistake in br-ex17:36
shaggycatI will fix it after some seconds17:36
Sam-I-Amif you want to create vlan networks in openstack, the bridge needs to use a bare network interface17:37
shaggycatbr-ex has flat network17:37
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Sam-I-Amshaggycat: then you can attach a bare interface to it, or a subinterface (like eth1.123)17:42
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Sam-I-Amthere might be cases where you want to use a flat network, but its actually tagged in your infrastructure17:42
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, why?17:43
shaggycatI try to ping not flat17:43
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shaggycati try to ping demo-net17:43
Sam-I-Amyou wont be able to ping demo-net from the outside network17:44
Sam-I-Amonly from the vm17:44
shaggycatfrom VMs to nodes no way. From VMs to VMs way is. And from nodes to nodes (in this network)17:44
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shaggycatbut why dhcp-agent not works?17:45
shaggycatand tcpdump is silent17:46
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Sam-I-Amtry with tcpdump -lnpei eth117:47
Sam-I-Amsee if it shows a vlan tag17:47
shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/nDJEfC9Y17:47
shaggycatNo life here17:47
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shaggycatin namespace17:47
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shaggycatbut in host system, not in OS container, life is17:48
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Sam-I-Amthe vm is using a vlan tenant network demo-net?17:48
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, yes, it is a correct17:50
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Sam-I-Amthat should be on eth1 on the compute node?17:51
shaggycatand in router and dhcp namespaces in network node no detect life by tcpdump17:51
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shaggycatbut in host namespace life is17:51
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shaggycatis it correct?17:51
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Sam-I-Amwhat does tcpdump -lnpei eth1 on compute node say?17:52
shaggycateth1.. just a sec17:52
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Sam-I-Amyou might need to generate traffic from within the VM (access by console)17:52
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shaggycatI think, you mean eth0. It is a my mistake. I need to change names of ifaces.17:53
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shaggycatno life in compute node17:53
shaggycateth0, eth117:53
shaggycatoh no17:54
shaggycatLife is!17:54
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, eth0 on compute is same eth1 on network node17:55
shaggycati will rename to eth0 in future17:55
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Sam-I-Amif you do tcpdump -lnpei eth1 the network node, you should see dhcp requests with vlan tag 200117:56
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, yes. Only in root namespace17:57
shaggycatBut inside dhcp and router namespaces no17:57
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Sam-I-Amit wont be tagged inside of the namespace18:00
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, may be I say incorrect: inside namespace no eth118:01
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shaggycatbut here is bridge tails18:01
shaggycatand here is silient18:01
Sam-I-Amthere wont be an eth1 inside the namespace18:01
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Sam-I-Amon the network node, you have vlan mapped to br-vlan, with a port on eth1?18:02
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shaggycatbridge_mappings = vlan:br-vlan,external:br-ex18:04
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, eth1,18:06
shaggycatyes, it is a vlan port'18:07
shaggycatand it is in br-vlan18:07
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shaggycatand on compute I has a eth0 inside br-vlan18:08
shaggycat* I have18:08
Sam-I-Amyeah, and that should be fine18:08
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Sam-I-Amif you see the dhcp request coming in on eth1, but it doesnt get into the namespace... something isn't working18:09
Sam-I-Amyou need to figure out where it stops18:09
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, yes. And I try to figure out this in last week18:09
shaggycatI figure out this some days before18:09
Sam-I-Amif you do 'ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-vlan' you should see a flow for vlan 200118:10
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Sam-I-Ami have to go for a bit18:10
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/bJ9cXNHi18:11
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Sam-I-Amlooks like thats working18:11
shaggycatSam-I-Am, ...18:11
Sam-I-Amthere should also be a vlan 2001 flow on br-int18:12
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/7Lx5FVjh18:14
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, no on nethost18:15
shaggycatIt is a place of mistake?18:15
shaggycatoh, no.18:15
shaggycatOn nethhost also is18:15
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, I'm cry and want to beat my head against the wall :)))18:18
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shaggycatI will try to reboot nethost and compute node18:22
shaggycatmay be it help?18:22
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shaggycatIn windows sometimes it works :)))18:22
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rlrevellshaggycat: i think i already asked you this but have you tried deleting and recreating all networks?18:23
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shaggycatrlrevell, yes18:24
shaggycatand it is not help18:24
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shaggycatinteresting new information18:35
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shaggycatnamespaces has IPs18:36
shaggycatand from root namespace,18:36
shaggycaton network node,18:36
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, I can ping router namespace18:36
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, but can't ping dhcp18:37
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shaggycatSam-I-Am, http://pastebin.com/30hSUKKP18:38
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shaggycatmay be here is solution?18:38
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shaggycat http://pastebin.com/Y1fbXrx7 it looks correct, did'nt it?18:42
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mbeierlthe google-fu fails me.  Anyone have an example of doing static ip network config through cloud init (or is that offtopic here?)19:01
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lothmbeierl: im having the same problem, all i have found is do write_files and restart network19:03
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mbeierlloth: gotcha.  I was afraid of that, but thanks!19:05
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lothmbeierl: i found this page, https://access.redhat.com/articles/rhel-atomic-cloud-init-faq which has "network-interfaces", a largely undocumented directive however i was unable to get it to work19:07
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mbeierlloth: interesting.  I'll poke around (not expecting much) and see if I can find anything else further to support that19:07
lothIm assuming its supposed to translate the debian-esque input to whatever your OS is, but i feel its more reliable ot just do write_files19:07
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mbeierlprobably :)19:08
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mbeierlloth: yep, the cloud-init package that I have installed has no support for that stanza.  No handlers will use it.19:19
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mbeierlatactually ... even more fundamentally, how do I get neutron to assign a specific ip?  If I change the IP manually via ifcfg, the floating ip association breaks19:40
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shaggycathttp://paste.org.ru/?h5m0fa is it correct?19:41
shaggycatPORT_DOWN , LINK DOWN?19:42
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lothmbeierl: have to create it when you make the neutron port19:44
lothwhen you make the port there is an option for fixed address19:44
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lothyou can also just give it a network, it give you a IP from the pool, and you can use that when you start the instance19:44
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mbeierlloth: and then how do you associate the port with the vm on boot?  via horizon or cli only19:45
lothcli only19:45
lothi made a simple script19:45
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loththat pulls the data from the neutron port creation and other stuff into vars to edit userdata etc19:45
mbeierlthat is why.  cli is where I was just headed.  So I can create a series of ports for fixed addresses, or just assign via v4-fixed-ip=19:46
lothin kilo the port stays when instance is deleted, in juno and below its deleted when instance is deleted19:46
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rlrevellhas anyone else found that devstack and network-manager really do not get along?20:21
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rlrevellnm will just keep creating "Wired Connection 2, 3, 4, etc" and bounces your connectivity every minute or so20:22
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mbeierlrlrevell: don't they normally say somewhere to turn nm off?20:30
rlrevellmbeierl: quite possible i missed that.20:30
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lothI always turn networkmanager off wherever possible20:31
rlrevellmbeierl: yep, the docs say turn it off.20:31
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mbeierlI got hit by something similar this week...20:32
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deltronhey folks, anyone use dell storage arrays in their openstack environment?20:34
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orzelHello. I'm still fighting this "vif_type=binding_failed"22:53
orzelNotre sure it's related, but i have this in neutron logs on my network node : http://pastebin.com/84NXZ0UE22:54
orzel10.11.3.94 is supposed to be a router i've created (between external and tenant network)22:54
orzeland indeed, it doesn't ping22:54
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orzelfrom what i understand, vif=type=binding_failed is somehow related to libvirtd, so i enabled logs (they are not by default!) and checked. But i can't find anything meaningful (to me)22:55
orzelany hint on how to debug either problem ? (vif_type or arping)22:56
Sam-I-Amits related to something asking for a network, but the network isnt available22:56
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duffoloniousorzel: where is that IP?22:57
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duffolonious10.11.3.94 - this IP22:57
orzel.94 ?  it's an ip in my external subnet22:57
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orzelallocated by neutron to a router for my tenant network22:57
duffoloniousand it's trying to ARP for this address and failing22:58
Sam-I-Ami'm betting on a config error22:58
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orzelSam-I-Am: i'm pretty sure of that. I've followed both the usual install stuff and http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/deploy_scenario1a.html23:02
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orzelthe main difference between the two being the 'l2population' that i've never heard about23:02
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orzeland the main difference between my setup and the doc is that i have only one nic. I have a bridge 'br-ex' configured with the ip of the node  and with the nic attached.23:03
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orzelit can ping/access outside23:03
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Sam-I-Amall nodes only have 1 nic?23:05
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orzelSam-I-Am: er. yes.23:06
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orzelonly two nodes currently Controller and the network+compute one23:06
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Sam-I-Amwhats in your ml2 and l3 agent config files?23:08
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orzelSam-I-Am: i followed install + networking-guid/deploy.. you want me to pastbin them ?23:11
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orzelwith openvswitch current output (not sure it matters)23:13
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orzeli had "external_network_bridge = br-ex" previously23:14
orzeli have removed vlan/vxlan stuff (i dont know about this well enough, and i'm not even sure the switch is vlan aware)23:14
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orzel10.11.3.10 is the ip on the br-ex bridge (+physical nic)23:15
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Sam-I-Amwell, the vlan 4095s showing up in your ovs-vsctl tells me that there's a config issue for sure23:16
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orzeloh, indeed. It tried to use vlan nevertheless23:17
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Sam-I-Amwell, there's internal (ovs) vlans and real vlans23:17
Sam-I-Amtwo different things23:17
Sam-I-Amovs will always use internal vlans, with its own numbering scheme23:17
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orzel(btw, i also have the sof link : plugin.ini -> /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini )23:18
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orzelSam-I-Am: ok... then.. why is this 4095 bad ?23:18
Sam-I-Ambecause it means ovs doesnt know how to map it23:18
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Sam-I-Amwhy is root_helper in ml2_conf.ini?23:21
orzelsome remain of a previous config23:21
orzelcould hurt ?23:21
Sam-I-Amneeds to be in neutron.conf if anywhere23:21
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Sam-I-Amdid you change the init script to ignore ovs_neutron_plugin.ini ?23:22
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orzeler ... not sure about the init script. i'm on gentoo, and there's openrc init sripts (/etc/init.d/*)23:23
orzelusing ps i can see this :/usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/lib/python-exec/python2.7/neutron-openvswitch-agent --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini --log-file /var/log/neutron/openvswitch-agent.log23:23
orzellooks bad, no ? there's ovs_neutron_plugin.ini23:24
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orzeli remember having read something about it23:24
orzelthey come from conf.d/neutron-openvswitch-agent:NEUTRON_CONFS=("/etc/neutron/neutron.conf" "/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini")23:24
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Sam-I-Ami'd change the ovs_neutron_plugin.ini part to reference /etc/neutron/plugin.ini or /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini23:25
Sam-I-Amnone of the install guides cover gentoo23:25
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orzelSam-I-Am: yes, unfortunately23:26
orzelthe gentoo project about it wouldn't "mind" me writing one :/23:26
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Sam-I-Amwell anyway, make that change23:27
Sam-I-Amlooks like it isnt reading your ml2_conf.ini file otherwise23:27
orzelok. It changes things a bit. I still have no ping on the router, still the arping errors. But the ovs stuff is different now23:28
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orzellooks better23:28
orzelbut still lot of 409523:28
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Sam-I-Amprobably need to delete and rebuild those networks23:30
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orzelSam-I-Am: easy23:31
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orzelSam-I-Am: done. Now the router pings !23:34
orzel(how excitint :-)23:34
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orzelno more 4095 in ovs show23:35
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orzelnow trying to create instance23:35
orzelah, error with iptables-restore23:37
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orzeli know how to fix this23:37
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orzeli often have those. I changed the code to display the whole iptables file and i can try by hand. Usually it's some missing CONFIG_* in kernel. There's absolutely no documentation about the one required23:37
orzelmostly it's about "use a redhat kernel"23:38
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Sam-I-Amthe stock kernels on the supported distros work fine23:40
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orzelOk, problem fixed. Now i got something harder http://pastebin.com/9zzRCU3d23:49
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orzelSam-I-Am: maybe you can help. I'm not familiar with this 'ipset', but until recently, gentoo required a patch to vanilla kernel to have ipset23:50
orzelthough it seems this is not needed with recent kernels23:50
orzeli couldn't find more precise information (like is the stuff compatible or not with patch used by gentoo)23:50
Sam-I-Amyou could just disable ipset23:51
orzelanyway the ipset stuff seems something not stabilized yet23:51
Sam-I-Amseems like the gentoo kernel is stripped down?23:51
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orzeli use the vanilla kernel actually23:51
orzelgentoo has a kernel on its own, patched, not sure about ipset23:51
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orzelthere's no problem with disabling ipset ? will hurt perf ?23:52
orzeli had noticed the setting, it seemed important23:52
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Sam-I-Amit'll hurt performance at some point23:53
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orzelok, i can postpone23:54
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orzel(but i write in down in my installation notes :)23:54
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