Wednesday, 2015-06-24

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lothlaw: see --dns-nameserver DNS_NAMESERVER in neutron subnet-create00:22
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lawdo I have to delete and recreate my subnets, or can I modify existing ones?00:24
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lothYou can modify existing...00:24
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lothneutron subnet-update --dns-nameserver DNS_NAMESERVER ...00:25
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lothVerilium: see  neutron help floatingip-associate00:26
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lothnova does the same thing afaik, you just input instance id instead of port id00:26
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lawbeauteamous, thank you00:26
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lothrather, nova maps it to a fixed ip, whever that is bound and neutron maps it to the port00:27
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lothVerilium: apologies, i diddnt see the 'auto' part of your message, its underway
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dbsplDoes anyone have anything to offer in explanation of instances looking like they are going to start and then just going into ‘PAUSED’ power state?00:38
lothdbspl: would have to look at the logs on the compute node and the scheduler00:40
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dbsplYeah,  those logs look ok to me00:42
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dbsplI don’t see any reason for it to fail...00:46
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dbsplI could be a kernel problem.  The compute node is running in kvm.00:47
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lothCheck libvirt logs as well, nova-compute should give you some kind of notice when a vm changes status though00:48
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dbsplthat’s a good idea00:48
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dbsplerror : virNetSocketReadWire:1454 : End of file while reading data: Input/output error00:48
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dbsplthat looks like a smoking gun to me...00:49
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costal79ey guys00:49
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lothlooks to be libvirt doesnt have the capibilities to do what you're trying00:50
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costal79ey guys after a while I have a ubuntu juno openstack deployed with juju backend ceph00:51
costal79when launching the instance from the volume menu works as expected a new ceph volume gets clone and the instance00:52
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costal79gets fire up00:52
costal79but  from the instance menu launch instance00:52
costal79and choosing an ISO00:52
costal79using the flavor small00:52
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costal79I can't get a volume created in ceph00:52
costal79on the installation screen you can't detect the harddrive because the compute didn't map the ceph storate00:53
costal79any ideas ?00:53
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dbsplloth:  I found the same link.  Oy!  I may just have to turn the entire Hypervisor machine into a Compute node rather than just a piece of it.00:53
lothdbspl: if you are doing this on a virtualized machine you will want to change nova.conf to do qemu vs kvm00:54
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dbsplI’ll try that, but the kvm hardware support test showed that it ‘should’ have worked.00:55
dbsplI’ll try it though, and report back tomorrow.00:55
dbsplGoing night hiking again.00:55
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lothcostal79: Are you making volumes when you create instances in both situations?00:56
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costal79no I'm basically just selecting the option "Launch instance" from the Instances menu00:57
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costal79from then select flavor.small00:57
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costal79and then boot from image00:57
costal79select the iso00:57
costal79it creates the vm but00:57
costal79it doesnt create a new ceph volume00:57
lothIt does, it creates the ISO as the volume00:57
costal79it only presents the cdrom which comes from the ceph00:57
lothyou need to attach a second volume to write to00:58
costal79so launch the instance00:58
costal79then create a volume00:58
costal79and attach that volume to the instance ?00:58
costal79so I can install the OS ?00:58
lothYes, you can write to that00:58
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lothhowever its best to create your images outside of openstack, per offical doc:
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a7medo778hello guys, i have a qustion that has been delaying my production enviorment for more than a week now00:59
a7medo778i am trying to mount a swift bucket on my ubuntu machine, without a vail01:00
a7medo778i am using objectstorage01:00
a7medo778my machines are over at digitalocean01:00
a7medo778i tryes s3fs, didnt work01:00
a7medo778i mean it mounts, but keeps disconnecting and failing bunch of transfer in bulks01:01
a7medo778now i am trying s3ql, whats the tanent parameter ?01:01
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a7medo778i am trying to initilize the filesystem01:02
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a7medo778i am even willing to pay for some help01:02
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costal79man it doesnt work :( that way01:03
costal79I've launched the instance01:03
costal79first I've create the volume confirm is in ceph01:04
costal79then launch the instance01:04
costal79boot from iso01:04
costal79then attach that volume to the instance01:04
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costal79but by then is to late the installer is already saying no harddrives01:04
a7medo778i am using the buckets, not volume01:04
costal79also when launching the instance from image is still hitting the local storage on the compute01:04
costal79and my nova.conf matches
costal79the libvirt part01:05
lotha7medo778: see ? Your s3 storage provider would be the one to ask regarding credentials and how to use their service01:05
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costal79also I have cinder and glance on ceph01:06
costal79but when doing operations I can see qemu-img conv on cincer01:06
costal79it downloads the image then convert the upload in the other pool01:06
costal79should I be using the same ceph pool for cinder and glance ?01:06
a7medo778thanks Ioth, is it stable ? i am using it to store mp3's for a music streaming platform, 32k tracks01:06
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lotha7medo778: Sorry, no personal experiance using it01:07
a7medo778loth: oh ok np, i just opened a ticked with scaleway for the tenant id, will try it out tommorow01:08
a7medo778thanks a million01:08
a7medo778another quick quetion, whats the best desktop client to deal with the buckets ?01:09
lothcostal79: if you are seeing it write to local storage then nova isnt setup to use ceph as its storage for ephemeral disks, which is what happens when you select "boot from image" on the horizon UI. When you select "Boot from Image (Creates a new volume)" it will create a volume using cinder01:09
lotha7medo778: If by desktop you mean windows...
a7medo778Ioth: awesome, thanks01:10
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costal79thanks loth I've been looking into that but I can't find the right doco01:11
costal79I've tried setting a new flavor01:11
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costal79with an obscure flag cephcomputestorage=true01:11
costal79and the nova.conf according to ceph guide is alredy in images_type = rbd01:12
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lothcostal79: I would recommend checking to make sure ceph is setup correctly before attempting to do any image creation trickery with ISO, download an offical ubuntu/fedora cloud image and deploy it via cinder/nova and make sure ceph rbd disks are created in both situations01:13
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costal79yeah that works01:13
costal79I've tried that01:13
costal79download the image01:13
costal79convert it to a volume01:13
costal79launch from volume that works beautiful01:13
costal79and you can see the ceph is creating the volumes snapshots etc01:14
lothDoes it work if you dont convert it to volume? RBD ephemeral disk support should work as well01:14
costal79yeah it does01:14
costal79ahah if you "don't" convert it to vlume01:14
costal79no then it goes and get the image to local storage01:14
lothThen your nova isnt setup to write to ceph correctly01:15
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costal79ok then so my nova.conf on the hypervisor needs some extra configs01:15
lothif you have a qcow2 image the process should go glance -> convert to raw -> write to rbd -> spawn child rbd disk01:15
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costal79do you know if glance and cinder should be living in the same ceph pool ?01:16
lothIdeally there should be a seperate pool for glance, cinder, and nova01:17
loth(images, volumes, and ephemeral disks) whatever you wish to label them01:17
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costal79thanks a lot mate I'll go through the documentation once again01:18
lothit looks like doesnt cover ephemeral disks01:18
lothjust assumes you will run everything off volumes01:18
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ams70Hi, can i create an instance that spans multiple nodes?04:15
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Sam-I-Amthats more like clusterting and hpc04:15
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ams70you mean that if i have 2 nodes that each one have for example 2GB ram and 20GB hard and 2 cores, i can not create an instance by 4GB ram and 40 GB hard and 4 cores?04:19
ams70is there any way to do this?04:19
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schoosams70: the cheapest way: buy  amschine with 4 GB ram and 40 GB disk and 4 cores04:20
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ams70very good04:20
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schoosams70: when you're having big requirements for RAM and cores (disk shouldn't be a big issue, with NFS and/or FC stuff), you have to use something lkike infiniband for inter-node communication to keep up with communication latency when you want to access data that's in RAM on one node and needed by another node04:22
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chen12hello, anyone here ??  I try to run "tox" to run unit tests, but get faied when download requirements. It looks like a network issue, but I already set http_proxy & https_proxy in my enviroment, anyone know how to fix that ?06:42
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The-SilenceIf I have some servers (KVM) with some Virtual machines, if I install openstack I can manage them?09:13
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ams70Hi, in compute node if i set "virt_type" in nova-compute.conf file wrongly, which part of openstack goes wrong?09:26
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The-SilenceIf I have some servers (KVM) with some Virtual machines, if I install openstack I can manage them?10:00
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john-devcan i get support for cloudfuse here too?10:02
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preeti_hello everyone,is there any seperate channel for tempest discussion?10:05
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Muntanerhey guys10:41
Muntaneranyone here used openstack4j?10:41
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MuntanerI'm trying to understand how to simply attach an instance to a subnet...10:42
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drzeusword up cloudy people10:56
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Babu_I am new to openstack, when i run i am getting this error11:23
Babu_from parsley import makeGrammar11:23
Babu_ImportError: No module named parsley11:23
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BilliasI have a great question :)12:02
Billiason my tunnel interfaces side. Can I have a Flat network combined with an Ovswitch networking?12:02
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BilliasI need to have something like: FLAT so one tenant is accessible from the office, to serve services like: file servers etc12:02
Billiasand then different tenant with ovswitch networking.12:03
Billiasthe flat net will be in a vlan.12:03
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ams70Hi, in compute node if i set "virt_type" in nova-compute.conf file wrongly, which part of openstack goes wrong?12:03
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gagaliciouspossible to use openstack for docker? to behave like aws ec2 instances?12:39
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DRoBeRgagalicious, there is a nova-docker module and there's also Magnum. There is a magnum-ui integration going on for Dashboard/Horizon by Bradley Jones at
gagaliciousDRoBeR: checking12:46
gagaliciousDRoBeR: which should i use?12:46
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DRoBeRYou better check both definitions, nova-docker and magnum, since their behaviour isn't exactly the same.12:47
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tejuis there any way to install packages like iperf in cirros?`12:50
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v92has anyone tried to enable both types of live migration - shared and block in openstack ?12:59
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v92shared live migration requires to have nova instances dir on shared storage12:59
v92block migration requires to have nova instances dir on local storage12:59
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v92is it possible to have both of them working for different VM types ?13:05
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bleepbloopI have two different virtualization types setup in openstack, is there any way I could go about allowing users to choose which one their machine uses on boot?13:30
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malinoffHey, could you please point me to a channel about stevedore ( ?13:41
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jeffjkI was wondering if I could get a few opinions ... Should I deploy manually first or go for a RDO or Mirantis Fuel deployment? Goal is to learn about as many pieces of the stack as possible as well as create a customized dashboard. I was considering OpenStack on OpenStack so separate clouds may be managed independently14:01
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imminenceI have been reading the operations guide book as well as documentation ... it seems like manual deployment may give a deeper understanding but I'm unsure if deploying a tried and true platform then looking at what others have done would be more beneficial14:02
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SamYapleI would recommend a manual deploy to learn14:02
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imminenceThanks SamYaple!14:03
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SamYapleits very straight forward14:04
imminenceRight that's exactly what I've been going through14:04
SamYaplethough feel free to come back when inevitably something goes wrong. its notmally a missing/wrong config option14:04
imminenceI'm going for baremetal. Right, that's exactly what I've been going through14:04
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imminenceI appreciate it!14:04
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Veriliumimminence:  I just got through 2-3 weeks of installing everything manually.  I can certainly say I've learned a lot about all the layers/modules and so on...14:05
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imminenceI just started going off on a tangent once I saw how gorgeous Fuel's dashboard is ... There are quite a few things I'd like different though14:06
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VeriliumAnd by manually, I mean starting with this:
imminenceNice, that's great14:06
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imminenceThat's my goal, I am taking a whole month to learn in and out full time14:06
VeriliumFollowing that guide, things go smoothly enough, or so I found.14:07
imminenceI am actually on paid RHEL 6.6 so I won't be able to go for Kilo14:07
VeriliumReally, the challenge is when you'll want to put everything into redundancy, HA and so on. :)14:08
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VeriliumOh, darn.14:08
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imminenceI know :(  I tested Kilo in a virtual environment but I guess I'm stuck with Juno or maybe even Icehouse14:08
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imminenceTrying to determine if all the packages for Rh14:09
VeriliumWell, in a certain way, it's not a bad thing, at least you'll get to find more examples, and maybe troubleshoot some issues more easily.14:09
imminenceRHEL 6 Juno are more documented14:09
imminenceRight I was in no hurry to move up to RHEL 714:09
imminenceI've been evaluating though and may take the plunge14:09
imminenceWalmart is just going to Juno in Q4 I believe so I think it's a solid move14:10
VeriliumI want/need to look into OSAD once everything works as intended.  Definitely need to automate node deployment in the future.14:10
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VeriliumWalmart?  Well, considering their size, I suppose it makes sense for them to usually wait a bit longer for everything and make sure bugs and such are weeded out.14:11
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imminenceUnusable right?14:11
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imminenceRight, I generally follow that practice as well14:11
imminenceI just chose walmart as a large example lol14:12
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imminenceIt's possible my work will roll out rather large as well, quite a few constraints to work around14:13
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imminenceSo you're saying you want to use Ansible for automating compute node deployment?14:14
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VeriliumWell, hey, I want to use Ansible to automate almost anything I can get my hands on. ;)14:14
imminenceGotcha, why Ansible over Chef or Puppet?14:15
imminenceTotally in agreement just kind of curious what your thoughts are14:15
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VeriliumI like ansible's learning curve, the way things are written out, it's just simple to understand, even for people starting out.14:16
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SamYapleOSAD is moving to the Openstack namespace too14:16
VeriliumI've messed with puppet up to a certain point also.  Nothing against it, but how I see it, puppet requires you to be a bit more...  all-in.14:16
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imminenceYeah I see what you're getting at14:17
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imminenceI have several Chef friends and it's kind of similar to what you're saying lol14:17
SamYapleCheck out Kolla as well Verilium, its openstack deployed in docker containers. though its not as baked as OSAD at the moment14:17
VeriliumAnsible is, well, you can use it, but you could also not use it.  I could use ansible playbooks to do tasks and automate things, save me time here and there.  While also have collegues who won't use it and still do things manually...14:17
imminenceI do like that idea SamYaple, any idea on the timeline for that?14:18
VeriliumSamYaple:  Yeah.  I know of both.  Definitely seem interesting in both cases.  Can't wait to get to the stage of looking into those.14:18
imminenceI will take a peek a Kolla14:18
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imminenceat* Right, it's kind of a case by case basis and I like the idea of have the ability to be able to switch back and forth14:19
VeriliumSamYaple:  I read they planned a bit more collaboration between both after last OpenStack Summit.  That should bring some fruitful aspects.14:19
imminenceAutomation is great, but not everything should be automated IMO14:19
Veriliumimminence:  The obvious/easy reasons for ansible is also the fact it only runs through ssh and doesn't require any agent of any sorts.14:19
SamYapleVerilium: yea we are always looking for that angle to merge OSAD and Kolla, haven't quite found it yet14:20
Verilium...well, as long as you suppose python is installed already.14:20
SamYaplethe projects approach things fundementally differently14:20
SamYaplesquare peg round hole and all14:20
imminenceVerilium: right, I see that...thank you14:20
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imminenceVerilium: I <3 python and django so I generally keep it close at hand14:21
imminencehahaha gotcha14:21
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Veriliumimminence:  I'd strongly suggest looking into ansible.  In my view, once you start, you won't look back.14:22
Veriliumimminence:  Since you're based on RHEL/CentOS, python shoudn't be an issue neither.14:22
imminenceI have it up on a monitor now :D I really appreciate the discussion ... I  really like to network out and get an idea of what others are doing14:23
VeriliumSamYaple:  I'm a bit more familiar with docker than LXC in itself.  Kolla + Ansible would have been a nice mix. :)14:23
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imminenceNew territory for me but it's extremely interesting and I cannot stop reading about it :)14:23
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SamYapleVerilium: Well youre going14:24
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Veriliumimminence:  And yes, definitely, not everything should be automated, but I'll still try to do it for most tasks, especially repetitive ones.14:24
SamYaplebe happy14:24
SamYaplekolla and ansible is a thing now14:24
imminenceRight right ... I was an Ubuntu early adopter but I really like RHEL / CentOS now14:24
SamYapleVerilium: im wrapping up the first patch now14:24
imminenceVerilium: agreed14:24
VeriliumHonestly, the problem we had at the $dayjob with the puppet deployment, at least how I see it, is the fact it was done a bit slowly.  So you had a mixture of servers which were running with puppet, some without...  And then you had people used to running without puppet, do modifications on servers which were running with puppet.14:25
imminenceouch yes ... I see similarities there14:26
VeriliumObviously, doing manual changes on files already managed by puppet, and not expecting puppet to change them back to what it knows = Frustration.14:26
imminenceVerilium: hahaha absolutely14:26
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imminenceI deal with quite a mix of generations as well so there are lots of moving parts14:27
VeriliumI really don't mind puppet, and I can still see it as having it's uses, but it all depends on the way you jump into it.  Going all-in with puppet might have worked out better.14:27
imminenceVerilium: Why do you think it may have worked better?14:27
imminenceJust more consistent?14:28
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VeriliumSamYaple:  Kolla + Ansible, yay! :)14:28
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Veriliumimminence:  Yeah.  It's easier to have, say, X type of machine, is entirely run via puppet.14:28
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Veriliumimminence:  Instead of, X type of machine is run via puppet for machine 3 4 5, but 1 2 3 are still to be done manually.14:29
imminenceVerilium: absolutely, my thoughts exactly14:29
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imminencelots of added complexity14:29
VeriliumException cases are killers...14:29
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imminenceyeah especially if forgotten14:29
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VeriliumYeah.  No one wants to have to remember about exception cases...  And documentation can only go so far.14:30
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imminenceI definitely like the TripleO route so automating is going to come in to play at some point theses are good ideas14:31
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imminencethese* well I guess i'm going back to CLI, I'll idle here a bit more .... glad the chat is rather active14:31
VeriliumYeah.  TripleO, definitely in my next steps to try out.14:31
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imminenceThanks for taking the time to chat, I look forward to seeing you around more Verilium & SamYaple14:32
VeriliumSamYaple:  Thanks for the info, will definitely look a bit more closely into Kolla.14:32
imminenceHave a great day guys! Bbl14:32
Veriliumsame to you.14:33
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imminenceI'm looking at Kolla too now, I love docker14:33
imminenceThanks, later14:33
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Celebrenoops /nick Celegrin14:50
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Celegrin-_- lol late night14:50
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CelegrinSamYaple, Verilium: Changed handle to this14:59
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earnThisPossibly the wrong channel but Im trying to convince management to let me attend a three day openstack training, has anyone been in a simliar position or have a link to reference that could help?15:01
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CelegrinearnThis: Not openstack specific…it’s tough sometimes but I would write a letter explaining why …15:03
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CelegrinEven harder to justify when there is so much information available online :-/15:03
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earnThisCelegrin: yea I plan on drafting up an email/letter but I was hoping for some concrete reasons why they should throw over $3k at this, might be a little tough as you said.15:05
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CelegrinearnThis: It really is, I think often times management wants you to attempt to use docs and other resources first15:05
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CelegrinearnThis: That’s kind of my experience … Unless doing so would absolutely save time on the other end15:06
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CelegrinMaybe cite personal reasons why you cannot learn fast enough and how it would add value to the team15:06
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CelegrinExplain how total immersion and having ability to ask questions at a talk would be more powerful than the OpenStack summit videos etc15:07
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earnThisCelegrin: definitely a good baseline to start with, thanks15:11
CelegrinI’m up for bouncing ideas if you want to PM me :)15:11
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CelegrinMy pleasure15:11
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CelegrinearnThis: good luck!15:12
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diogogmtis there a way to create security group rules to block traffic in certain ports?15:51
diogogmteg; rule #1 allow everything, rule #2 block port 8015:51
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Celegrina firewall would be better?15:52
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Celegrinpretty sure that’s possible though15:53
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diogogmtCelegrin: so with neutron security group rules is not possible?15:54
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diogogmtCelegrin: it says that the default rule type is deny, however, how can i pick and choose which rules and want to deny and allow?15:55
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Celegrinyeah just add a new rule15:55
Celegrineg from port 80 to port 8015:55
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diogogmtCelegrin: but how can i add a deny rule?15:56
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Celegrindefault is to deny … don’t need to add it15:56
diogogmtbyt default all traffic is blocked, both ingress and egress, i want to allow everything and only deny certain rules15:56
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Celegrinso change default and add an allow rule15:57
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Celegrinyou can do a range of ports so just create exclusive rules … the first link was nova (legacy), missed your message16:01
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nekiHi, I am currently testing an OpenStack deployment using the LXC hypervisor. According to "openstack instance list" I have an instance on my compute node, but "sudo lxc-ls" returns nothing.16:02
neki Instance status is "active" and I have the instance folder inside /var/lib/nova/instances16:02
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nekiIs that normal?16:03
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Celegrindiogogmt: you can use --port-range-min —port-range-max flags in the neutron security-grou-rule-create16:05
Celegrindiogogmt: command … neki: I don’t have any lxc hypervisor experience16:06
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diogogmtCelegrin: so are you saying there is not way to create deny security group rules wihout changing the neutron settings?16:07
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busterswtdiogogmt there is no mechanism to order the rules to do what you're suggesting. You can only create allow rules and everything else is dropped. If you use FWaaS, you have the ability to specify allow/deny and a position16:14
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nekiCelegrin: thanks anyway for the answer :) I even have a console.log in /var/lib/nova/instances/<id> with output showing that the container has completed the boot process, and nova.log is fine16:21
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adcan anyone help me with the metadata service? in my VM my keys are not getting injected and i have an error "calling' bad status code [400]18:06
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Sam-I-Amad: sounds like a config error18:08
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Sam-I-Amwhat sort of install is this?18:08
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adits juno18:11
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addo i need a route on my controller node?18:11
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Sam-I-Amwhat did you use to configure it? install guide? 3 nodes?18:11
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ad169.254.169.254 xxxxxx.via UGH   0      0        0 p1p2.300018:11
adinstall guide, 1 controller18:12
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adim able to query the metadata service on the controller node but my VMs are not able to hit it18:12
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adcurl and localhost:8775 works just fine18:13
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Caleb--when using neutron networking, what does it mean for me to add a server instance to a particular security group? aren't security groups only applied to network ports?18:13
Caleb--does this simply apply the security group to all the server's ports?18:14
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Sam-I-Amad: do your vms work otherwise? or is networking broken too.18:15
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adnetworking works fine18:15
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adjust when i try to login it rejects my key18:15
adyes DHCP18:15
Sam-I-Amis this with cirros?18:15
adit leases fine18:15
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Sam-I-Amthe metadata agent should be running on the network node18:16
adno another image, although i just noticed that the VM is spewing some info about trying to reach metadata service at another IP, i copied this image from one cloud to another, maybe in cloud-init the metadata service is configured manually?18:16
Sam-I-Ami'd try with cirros since its pretty straightforward18:16
adnetwork node = controller node in my case,18:16
Sam-I-Amfor production, i'd use config-drive instead of the ec2 metadata18:17
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adim wondering if the image im using is trying to hit a metadata service that is unavailable and not hit the one im using in this cloud18:17
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adlemme check a cirros image18:18
adthanks Sam-I-Am18:18
Sam-I-Amyou should be able to curl from the vm18:18
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Sam-I-Amif it gets there, but gives you an http error, the route is working but something else is broken18:18
adya but i cant get into it ;-)18:18
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Sam-I-Amyou can get into a cirros image18:19
Sam-I-Amthats why i like it18:19
adi think i exposed the route in dhcp.ini18:19
adi just think my image might have a hard coded metadata ip18:19
Sam-I-Amyou shouldnt need any extra config in the dhcp agent ini18:19
adlike its looking to the wrong metadata18:19
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adSam-I-Am -- a cirros image has the same problem but i verfied i can login and query the metadata service18:26
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ad$ curl 1.018:27
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Sam-I-Ambut you get a 400?18:27
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bradamsdoes anyone know if i were to move a glance image from one location another manually if that would break anything?18:29
bradamsboth locations are configured as file backend locations18:29
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dbsplthe Compute node should something in the output of ‘ip netns list’, correct?  Assuming, of course, I’m intending to use netns.18:37
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Sam-I-Amdbspl: do you have an l3 or dhcp agent on the compute node?18:38
Sam-I-Amad: does the region in your metadata agent config file match the region elsewhere?18:38
Sam-I-Amthats a common oversight18:38
Sam-I-AmregionOne is not the same as RegionOne18:38
dbspldhcp - y, l3 - n18:39
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Sam-I-Amthen you should see a dhcp namespace on the compute node18:40
Sam-I-Amassuming your config decided to create one there18:41
Sam-I-Amit doesnt always create them in all places that have agents18:41
dbsplcheck that… neutron doesn’t show either agent running on compute18:41
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adroot@phx1comp020:/etc/neutron# grep -i region metadata_agent.ini auth_region = RegionOne auth_region = regionOne18:41
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Sam-I-Amad: might want to fix that18:41
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adthey both need to be18:42
dbsplare netns’s required to be on the compute node?18:42
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ad"RegionOne" ?18:42
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Sam-I-Amad: what are you using in neutron's config?18:42
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Sam-I-Amwell, when you added your endpoints18:43
dbsplad:  I ran into the same problem.  I fixed it ( pretty sure I did, anyway ) in the db18:43
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Sam-I-Amdbspl: if you only run the l2 agent on the compute node (which is typical), you wont see any namespaces on the compute node.18:43
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dbsplok. So that’s not my problem then.  Thanks18:44
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Sam-I-Amhow are you installing all this?18:45
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adno luck sam18:45
adits still fails with 400 error18:45
Sam-I-Amad: did you restart it?18:45
adyea i restarted neutron services18:46
adand the VM18:46
Sam-I-Amincluding the metadata agent?18:46
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adneutron-medadata-agent was restarted18:46
Sam-I-Amwhen you created the endpoints, what region did you use?18:47
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adim not sure i didnt create this enviornment ;-(18:47
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Sam-I-Amad: is this kilo?18:50
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Sam-I-Amwhat does 'keystone endpoint-list' show for your regions?18:51
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qhartmanI am backing my openstack VMs with ceph, and I would like to put some of them in different pools depending on their performance and durability needs18:52
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adit shows my regions as "regionOne"18:52
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Sam-I-Amwhats in your metadata agent config?18:53
addo you want the full output?18:53
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adsam do i need and endpoint for metadata service? i only see a few for api18:56
adnothing for metadata service18:56
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qhartmanit seems that I would want to setup a different AZ that is configured to point to that pool instead of the default one, but then have other settings overlap as I have a common pool of compute nodes.18:56
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qhartmanIS that the best approach? Or is there some other method that would be better?18:57
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Sam-I-Amad: no, its just api stuff18:58
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adlemme try a new image18:59
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adya no love for sure the VM isnt able to get the key injected19:01
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Sam-I-Amstill a 400 or something else?19:02
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Sam-I-Amcould be another config error in metadata agent config or even in neutron's config (for the metadata stuff)19:02
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adyea thats what im suspecting19:05
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Sam-I-Ampaste it?19:05
adthanks SAM19:05
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dbsplWhere should I be looking if the VM is not getting an IP from dhcp, but from the namespaces I can see the net’s attached and ping the internet?19:11
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dbspldoes the compute node need the l3/dhcp agent on it?19:12
Sam-I-Amare you using the stock install guide or your own thing?19:12
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dbsplnot a typo19:14
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Sam-I-Amin that case, only the network node has dhcp and l3 agents19:15
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dbsplk, that’s what I’ve got currently.19:15
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dbsplbut I could run those agents on the compute if I chose too, from what I understand.19:15
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Sam-I-Amyes and no19:17
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dbsplI thought it could be done for HA of those agents… but it’s not my current problem so I’ll look into that later.19:17
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dbsplRight now,  I need to debug the dhcp agent.19:18
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Sam-I-Amso you can ping the internet from within the dhcp and/or l3 namespace?19:19
dbsplnot dhcp, but the qrouter-  namespace, yes19:20
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Sam-I-Amanything interesting in the ovs agent logs on the compute node?19:20
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Sam-I-Amhave you tried manually configuring an ip address in the vm?19:20
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dbsplI did try manually configuring the int on the VM, no joy.  So I guess that points away from dhcp agent, doesn’t it?19:21
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dbsplIt could be related to gre, what do you think?19:25
Sam-I-Amyeah i'm thinking you're not getting a tunnel19:25
dbsplI am going through a physical l2/l3 switch19:25
Sam-I-Amits probably a config error in your ovs agent config19:26
Sam-I-Amdid you check the logs?19:26
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dbsplnothing stands out in the logs for the ovs-agent or ovs19:29
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crossbeauanyone around today?19:31
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dbsplwatching the output of ‘ovs-vsctl show’,  I see the new interface get created but no gre info19:31
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Sam-I-Amdbspl: if you tcpdump on the interface with your tunnel ip, do you see gre packets when you boot the vm?19:32
dbsplmaybe that’s norm since the vm is on the private-subnet19:32
dbspllet me check..19:32
dbspltoo be clear,  which interface?19:32
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crossbeauin ext-net, can I set a range of Ips ex: but exclude,
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Sam-I-Amcrossbeau: no19:36
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dbsplThis is interesting:  When I create a vm, ovs shows the port as ‘tagged’ with a vlan. No gre.19:37
Sam-I-Amovs tags everything internally19:37
Sam-I-Amwhat is the vlan?19:37
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Sam-I-Amyeah, at least its not 409519:39
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Sam-I-Amwhich usually means theres a config issue19:39
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Sam-I-Amso, tcpdump?19:41
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anishSam-I-Am: is there a place to look at the to-do section for
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Sam-I-Amanish: yeah... there's a wiki page19:43
Sam-I-Amor its in the comments in the rst as "todo"19:44
dbsplwatching the br-int interface, I can see the dhcp request and no replies19:44
Sam-I-Amyou cant really tcpdump ovs stuff19:44
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Sam-I-Amtry the interface that you used for tunnel_ip19:44
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anishSam-I-Am: thanks !19:44
dbsplwatching the physical interface that the br-ext interface is attached to, I don’t see any gre19:44
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Sam-I-Amit wouldnt be br-ex19:45
Sam-I-Amit would be the one that br-tun is attached to19:45
dbspllet me try the tunnel int19:45
Sam-I-Amwhatever interface has the tunnel ip19:45
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dbsplthat’s my ovs-vsctl output19:47
busterswtcrossbeau are you talking about creating multiple dhcp allocation ranges for the subnet?19:48
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busterswt10.1.2.1- and (excluding .4 and .5)19:50
Sam-I-Amdbspl: so do you see gre packets between .52 and .53 ?19:50
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dbsplcompute1-data > network-data: GREv019:52
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Sam-I-Amdo you see it coming in on the network node?19:53
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Sam-I-Amand then getting to the tap interface inside the dhcp namespace?19:53
dbsplthat’s from the tcpdump on the network node19:53
Sam-I-Amyou can tcpdump within namespaces19:54
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Sam-I-Amso i'd do that next19:54
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dbsplok, that makes sense.19:54
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dbsplon the network node: ip netns exec qdhcp-70d076a8-b6a5-4a38-9522-2425c25e439f tcpdump   show’s nothing19:57
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crossbeau_did my question go through or did I DC?19:57
busterswtyou disconnected19:58
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crossbeau_ok so I have EXT-NET and Private-Net, router is on EXT-NET and I have about 8 IPs in the range I want, but 3 are used. However I am not running DHCP in EXT-NET. should I just through the range at it anyways or will it complain because 3 are already used by things?19:59
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crossbeau_so I have  .147-.156 but I cant use .149-.15120:00
busterswtif the three addrs are used by objects managed by OpenStack, a port should exist for each of those. If they're used by external devices, you can either create a port and specify the fixed IP to reserve them, or you can create multiple allocation ranges that exclude those addresses20:00
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crossbeau_how do?20:01
dbsplI see dhcp traffic in the qrouter namespace but it doesn’t seem to make it to the dhcp namespace20:01
busterswtwhat version of OpenStack? I think it's Juno+ for that functionality20:01
crossbeau_ooooo I think I get it20:01
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crossbeau_so give ext-net port for .147-.148, and port for .152-.157?20:02
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crossbeau_*running kilo*20:02
crossbeau_or are you saying build the IP range as all, but then build a port for each reserved and mark them as down20:04
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busterswtnot quite. if you want to have Neutron manage those addresses in the subnet, you would do something like "neutron subnet-create <netid> [--options] --allocation-pool start=,end= --allocation-pool start=,end=
busterswtthe three in the middle are excluded and would not be handed out to anything20:06
crossbeau_even easier20:06
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crossbeau_can I build that in while the subnet is up, or do I have to delete the subnet and rebuild ?20:06
busterswtyou should be able to update the subnet20:06
busterswti do believe that it overwrites the existing allocation pools though20:07
busterswtbut running instances shouldnt be affected20:07
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Sam-I-Amdbspl: did you tcpdump the tap interface in the ns?20:11
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lothSam-I-Am: Do you know if upgrade docs for juno->kilo are in the works?20:14
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Sam-I-Amloth: they probably wont get done until i do them... again.20:15
dbsplSam-I-Am: head is spinning.. which?20:15
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crossbeau_ty buster :)20:16
Sam-I-Amdbspl: do a 'ip netns exec blah ip a' ... to see the interfaces (and their IPs) in there20:16
Sam-I-Amthen tcpdump on the tap interface20:17
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crossbeau_@busterswt, it does over right the existing pools20:18
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crossbeau_I have one more elementary question20:20
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dbsplSam-I-Am: this looks interesting - 13:20:49.171309 IP > 20766 Refused- 0/0/0 (40)20:21
dbspl50.42 is the phys int on the compute node 100.203 is the vm20:21
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crossbeau_does adding a floating IP work like adding a machine in the DMZ ?20:21
Sam-I-Amcrossbeau_: more or less20:22
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Sam-I-Amit gives it an ip on what is normally an internet-accessible network20:22
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crossbeau_so, if I had a instance in my private_net how can I NAT to it exactly? can I set up port forwards ?20:22
Sam-I-Amdbspl: a dhcp problem should be related to dns20:22
Sam-I-Amfloating ip does the port forwarding for you, but in the form of 1:1 dnat20:23
Sam-I-Amyou control which ports are open using security groups20:23
crossbeau_so for instance how can I ssh to my cirros test instance?20:23
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crossbeau_ok, so I would have to set different security groups for each subnet?20:24
Sam-I-Amno, it can be per-vm if you want20:24
Sam-I-Amthere's a default that will apply to any VM launched under a tenant, but you can make it more precise20:24
Sam-I-Amif you look at the installation guide "launch an instance" section (for neutron) it tells you how to do the floating ip, security group, ssh into cirros thing20:25
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crossbeau_yeah makes sense now reading it over20:33
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crossbeau_I am quite glad I built from scratch rather than using a deployment tool. its helping to make things make more sense20:33
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crossbeau_still totally an absolute bitch haha20:34
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Sam-I-Amthats the best way when you're new20:34
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crossbeau_I think Neutron was the worst part20:35
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crossbeau_however I totally had a lot of issues at the beginning installing kilo on Ubuntu 14.04, moved to 15.04 and went much smoother20:36
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Sam-I-Amhmm, that shouldnt matter much20:37
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crossbeau_I had issues in my python dependencies20:40
crossbeau_oh well, I got past it and to a working enviornment :)20:41
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crossbeau_Does anyone know of any jobs in the Boston Area?20:41
Sam-I-Amyou should take a look at the networking guide20:41
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Sam-I-Amand then when you decide to automate, the openstack ansible project20:42
crossbeau_yeah I plan on it, when I am not trying to crunch out for the rest of my semester I plan on doing an even more thorough read20:42
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crossbeau_Ty for the help guys see you soon20:45
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mhoeshi. im currently looking for an introductionary book on openstack installation and administration.21:12
mhoeshas anyone read 'OpenStack Essentials' ?
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mhoesor can anyone make another recommendation ?21:12
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mhoesalso, the title 'Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron)' seems interesting on providing details about one of the more complex openstack components ? :
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albertommhoes: I found the official doc good enough to start21:16
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albertomright now i am at neutron learning and I read that book21:16
albertomit helped me out to understand how it works altought it is written for havana and i am using kilo now21:17
albertomdefinetly a good book :)21:17
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mhoesalbertom: thanks. you mean the 'OpenStack Operations Guide' located at:
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albertomI meant the install guides :P21:18
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albertombuy yeah also the operations guide21:19
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albertomI guess i sill need to read the other guides, network, security, high availability,21:19
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albertomthis is no small project21:19
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mhoesalbertom: it certainly isnt. guess ill be looking into 'OpenStack Installation Guide for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, CentOS 7, and Fedora 21' for starters, then:
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albertomand make sure to read  'Learning OpenStack Networking (Neutron)'  when you get into neutron21:22
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mhoesalbertom:albertom: thanks.21:22
mhoesalbertom: my main concern is that docs get outdated so quickly with the 6 month major release schedule, im afraid any docs lose their relevance quickly21:23
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albertomyeah, thats the extra challenge21:24
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busterswtalbertom thanks! I wrote that book :D21:25
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mhoesbusterswt: great ! now please tell me its contents are still relevant for kilo ;)21:26
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albertombusterswt: cool! thanks for writting it :D21:26
albertomI know physical networks but i am still fighting with SDN21:26
albertomthey get complex21:26
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busterswtmhoes Yes and no. I wouldn't rely on it for installation since that is based on Havana, but the virtual switching piece (OVS and LinuxBridge) and workflow of creating networks, subnets, ports, routers, firewalls, etc still applies. Most bugs have been fixed since then and new features aren't included21:27
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busterswtThe networking guide that Sam-I-Am mentioned is great, too -
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mhoesbusterswt: kay. so purely for learning purposes: installing an rdo all in one stack, and then reading your book will still be relevant for the features it describes. great. guess ill get that book then21:29
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busterswtmhoes it should certainly help get you on your way to clearing up misconceptions or understanding how it all fits together. if you have have issues feel free to ping me.21:31
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mhoesbusterswt: cool. yes i guess im sortof at the point of figuring out how it all fits together21:32
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busterswtit helps to have a good foundation in networking, too. The networking guides at help with the basics21:34
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mhoesbusterswt: thanks. guess ill start there, then, and dive deeper with your book21:35
busterswtsounds good. good luck!21:35
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qhartmanSo I'm following the docs at to migrate to a multiple-storage backend config21:39
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qhartmanand the command in the note towards the top to "convert current block devices to the new hostname" seems wrong21:39
qhartmanit is "cinder-manage volume host --currentname CURRENTNAME --newname CURRENTNAME@BACKEND"21:40
qhartmanbut "host" is not an option to "cinder-manage volume"21:40
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qhartmanit seems I want "cinder-manage volume update-host"21:40
qhartmanbut then the options listed are wrong21:41
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qhartmananyone happen to have an invocation that they know is correct for juno?21:42
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qhartmanaha, found this:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1464820 in openstack-manuals "Configure multiple-storage back ends in OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide - current" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:44
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albertomqhartman: good catch21:51
qhartmanty, I'm jsut bummed I won't get reporter credit21:53
qhartmanbut I can confirm that the new invocation works21:53
qhartmanit does raise a question for me though, I have now setup a couple types of volumes, and the host migration thing is done, but my existing volumes still show "-" (nothing) for their type21:54
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qhartmaneven though they live in what is now known as my "standard" volume storage, and are the same as "standard" volume types21:54
qhartmanis there a simple way to make these appear more consistent?21:55
qhartmanshort of manually hacking around in the db21:55
qhartmanmessing about with the various options of cinder-manage hasn't revealed anything that looks like a likely candidate yet21:56
qhartmanMore importantly I guess, now that I have volume types configured, I'm concerned that trying to perform any actions with these 'legacy' untyped volumes will cause errors21:57
qhartmanany thoughts on that?21:57
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albertomqhartman: I sent the patch to the documentation22:35
albertomi hope it gets merged soon :)22:35
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* albertom & afk22:36
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b10n1ki run and i get an error22:37
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b10n1kthe error msg is
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qhartmanalbertom, tyvm22:39
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qhartmanSo further down this journey to multiple storage backends22:40
qhartmanEvertyhing seems correct at this point22:40
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qhartmanthough my old "normal" ceph backend host is still showing up in cinder-service list as "down"22:40
qhartmanand when I try to creat ea new volume I get an error from the scheudler:  "No valid host was found. No weighed hosts available"22:41
qhartmanAny ideas22:41
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qhartmanIt's like the scheduler can't see my new volume services, even though they exist in the service list an are enabled and up22:52
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