Friday, 2016-01-08

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rickyremI'm updating neutron, and I keep getting oslo error. I gotten a few of them to go away by upgrading more stuff to the latest liberty code in github, but is there a trick to making sure you have the right stuff that is compatible with each other?00:52
rickyremRight now i'm getting 'Opt' object has no attribute 'group' from oslo_config.00:53
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Sam-I-Amrickyrem: whats this?00:57
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rickyremThat error is from the l3-agent log00:58
Sam-I-Amhow are you installing this stuff?00:58
rickyremCloning the repo and then setup.py00:59
Sam-I-Amrequirements.txt should include the necessary versions of things. sounds like your oslo_config is old?01:00
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rickyremgood point, i'll check that01:03
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TheloHi all, I get an error while running nodepool build-image (, I see not much explanation about the error message01:04
Thelois amyone familiar with that?01:04
rickyremSam-I-Am: I got stuck with the the mindset of trying to brutforce it. Using the requirements.txt resolved that. Thanks!01:06
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circ-user-UQZsHi`m new to irc02:06
circ-user-UQZsHhow do i change my username?02:06
circ-user-UQZsHi`m using the chrome extention to chat02:06
Sam-I-Am /nick <thing> usually works02:06
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waterfouli'm having issues spawing instances in a flat network, everything I try to launch I get "Port 5600dc80-f936-4d13-8488-7dffd9feb00c not present in bridge br-int" (the GUID changes) and port_unbound(): net_uuid None not in local_vlan_map. any idea what I could have messed up?02:31
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Jialianghi thorst02:37
Jialianghi, thorst, are you there?02:37
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Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: is the flat network also an external network?02:39
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Sam-I-Amis it attached to all of your compute nodes, or just the network/controller node?02:40
waterfoulI only have one node which contains all services02:40
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waterfouland the physical network is setup there with a bridge02:40
Sam-I-Amso br-ex or whatever has a port on eth0 or something02:41
allagan    /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER allagan xdurpaykeyfj02:41
Sam-I-Amalso how did you install this stuff?02:41
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Sam-I-Amallagan: fail02:41
natarej_i'm currently using canonicals autopilot for lab delployment - are there any other good ways to auto-deploy openstack?02:41
allaganused too many spaces02:41
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waterfoulI used RDO (on centos) and I believe so, lemme find the command and I can pastebin the bridges02:42
Sam-I-Amnatarej_: openstack-ansible is good, but it doesnt provision hardware02:42
allagananyway, i`m interested in cloud computing02:42
allaganbut don`t know where to start02:42
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: instructions from... ? what version?02:42
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Sam-I-Amallagan: thats a good question02:42
allaganmy background is in music02:43
allaganit didn`t work out, so i`m trying to switch tracks02:43
natarej_what part of 'cloud computing' interests you?02:43
Sam-I-Amha, 'tracks' ... good play there :)02:43
Sam-I-Amwell, i do cloud stuff and can barely get better at the guitar02:44
campeeWhat's my best option if I want simple single-tenant, internal only, single-subnet neutron networking? Is there a guide that explains how to configure that somewhere? All of the guides I've seen seem to focus on multi-tenant, internal/external networks, multi-subnet networking02:44
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allagani`ve taken a couple basic programming classes in HS and college02:44
Sam-I-Amcampee: what good is internal-only networking?02:44
allaganwith oo languages like java and c++02:44
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waterfoulI used packstack to install openstack, I don't remember exactly what args I used. openstack --version gives 1.7.102:44
Sam-I-Amopenstack is python and some other stuff02:44
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: oh, thats the client ver02:45
campeeSam-I-Am: The plan is to create a bunch of VMs for developers to perform build tasks on02:45
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: whats in your ml2_conf.ini and ... maybe ovs_neutron_plugin.ini files?02:45
waterfoul`ovs-vsctl show` gives
Sam-I-Amcampee: that dont need any connectivity to anywhere else, including the internet?02:45
campeeSam-I-Am: that's right02:45
allaganwell my first problem is i`m a windows fag and have no experience with linux based systems02:46
Sam-I-Amcampee: how do they access these vms?02:46
allagani installed ubuntu because it has a UI02:46
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waterfoulml2_conf.ini:  ovs_neutron_plugin.ini:
allagani dunno02:47
allagani guess i need some direction02:47
natarej_openstack probably isn't a good starting point02:47
Sam-I-Amit is fairly complex...02:47
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Sam-I-Amhowever, learning python (and general linux things) is a good way to start02:47
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Sam-I-Amlong story short about cloud computing - imagine all of the typical hardware components of computing (server, network, storage) all being virtualized and provisioned by user-level people... no sys/net admins and plugging cables required02:48
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campee_Sam-I-Am: sorry, my irssi at home seems to have locked up. they'll be accessing these VMs using SSH from their workstations02:49
Sam-I-Amso you buy a ton of basic hardware, link it up once, and then provision slices of it virtually02:49
allaganyou say user level people02:49
Sam-I-Amcampee_: in which case those VMs need connectivity to some physical network02:49
campee_Sam-I-Am: of course. internal only, though02:49
allaganhow is that different from services like filezilla?02:49
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Sam-I-Amisnt filezilla an ftp client?02:50
campee_good luck answering that question02:50
Sam-I-Amits not a service, its an app02:50
Sam-I-Amthe cloud would provide a place to FTP things to02:50
campee_allagan: are you trying to find out what openstack is and what it is used for?02:50
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Sam-I-Amcampee_: so you'd attach these vms directly to a physical network, no virtual routers or other stuff in the middle02:51
allagani see02:51
allaganwell yeah02:51
campee_Sam-I-Am: right. honestly, neutron seems like overkill, but basic nova networking is deprecated so i want to avoid using that02:51
Sam-I-Amcampee_: do your devs (or whatever) need to manage the network too?02:51
campee_nope. they just need VMs/instances they can provision at will.02:52
Sam-I-Amok, so you want neutron w/ provider networks02:52
Sam-I-Amthere's two scenarios for it in the networking guide at docs.openstack.org02:52
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Sam-I-Amone using OVS, the other linuxbridge02:52
allaganwhat`s the irc command to respond to someone in particular02:52
Sam-I-Amallagan: usually you can type part of the nick and hit tab02:53
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campee_Sam-I-Am: would you mind terribly linking me to them? or just which section they're in?02:53
allaganSam-I-Am: test02:53
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allaganok thanks02:53
campee_is it ?02:53
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campee_ok, great. thanks a lot02:53
Sam-I-Ami havent actually updated them for liberty, but the same principles apply02:54
Sam-I-Ambrb laundry needs attention02:54
allagandoesn`t it take a ton of resources to manage a cloud network?02:55
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campee_depends on the size of the cloud network02:56
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campee_a small one? no. one person can do it02:56
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allaganok so let`s say i want to host a cloud network02:57
allaganwhat can i do with it02:57
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campee_run a bunch of software on it, or charge other people to run their software on it02:57
Sam-I-Amyou usually need more than just the network02:57
waterfoullaunch VMs like you would on any cloud provider02:57
Sam-I-Amthe network connects the bits together02:57
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waterfoulSam-I-Am: any chance you've had a chance to look at those configs? If not I might uninstall openstack and try again with this
Sam-I-Amcompute+network+storage is more or less a cloud02:57
natarej_you also need computer and storage to really do anything with a network02:58
Sam-I-Amsometimes storage lives by itself (a la amazon s3)02:58
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waterfoul*s/If not/If you don't have any ideas/02:58
allaganoh i see02:58
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: eeeooo havana02:58
campee_i was assuming that by 'cloud network' he meant a complete cloud environment, not just the networking components of it02:58
waterfoulyeah I was gonna see if it works on a newer version02:58
allaganso basically cloud lets me host files for other people for example02:58
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: so you have 1 network interface?02:58
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natarej_allagan, thats right02:59
campee_waterfoul: oh, that looks similar to what i'm trying to accomplish :)02:59
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waterfoultwo: 1 which I am going to leave for ssh/web admin/etc,  and 1 I am trying to hook up to neutron (no bonding)02:59
allaganso my personal specs generally need to be high02:59
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: oh, so thats not too bad02:59
allagancpu speed/ram/storage02:59
allaganinternet upload/download03:00
waterfoulI figured that seperating them would make life eaiser when trying to connect things up03:00
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allaganokay, who overseas the hosting services03:00
Sam-I-Ami havent used packstack in a long time, so i dont remember all the config options, but you should be able to tell it which interface to use for neutron networks03:00
natarej_depends what you're trying to do - you could host a website on a potato powered raspberry pi with some files on it03:00
waterfoullooks like I have liberty installed fyi03:00
allaganis streaming games/movies one facet of cloud?03:01
campee_allagan: there is a book called 'cloud computing for dummies' that might answer a lot of your questions more quickly and efficiently, or simply reading
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allaganah i see03:01
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: probably a config error that caused packstack to do something weird03:01
waterfoulSam-I-Am: unfortunately packstack will not autoconfigure a flat network so I used it to setup the basics and I'm setting up the network by hand03:01
allagani`ll see if i can pick it up03:01
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allagancurrently kind of hard seeing as i`m in taipei03:01
waterfoulso the "something weird" was probably me03:02
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Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: huh, thats odd. usually the default external network type is flat.03:02
campee_then check out the wikipedia article03:02
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: your other option is vlan, but that usually requires more network support03:02
waterfoulSam-I-Am: unfortunately my switch doesn't have vlan support03:02
Sam-I-Amyeah, so i wonder what packstack does03:03
campee_can i ask a dumb question about KVM networking and openstack networking?03:03
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Sam-I-Amwhats 'neutron net-list' show?03:03
Sam-I-Amcampee_: such as?03:03
waterfoulSam-I-Am: I believe packstack uses vxlan03:03
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campee_i'm accustomed to setting up a bridge interface with KVM, br0, and bonding (not sure if that is the correct term) eth0 to that interface. i then use br0 to provide VMs with access to the physical network without them having to go through a NAT interface (I think the term is a TAP interface). is this necessary to do with openstack or does neutron handle this?03:04
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waterfoulneutron net-list:
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waterfoulneutron net-show 4185e600-9619-485b-bf7f-ebcee4ca3cdb:
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Sam-I-Amcampee: neutron handles it03:06
waterfoulneutron subnet-show ee5eb0ec-aea6-4956-9623-72df3ac4b49e:
Sam-I-Amcampee: it builds the bridges for you03:07
waterfoul(i guessed you'd want the other two commands)03:07
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: yeah so thats a flat network. not very useful without dhcp though.03:08
Sam-I-Amalthough you can assign ips manually when you boot a vm03:08
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waterfoulI was going to do that at first. I'm hoping to eventually allow it to use my router's dhcp but if not I was just gonna use static ips03:08
Sam-I-Amright now theres no easy way to make it use your router's dhcp03:09
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Sam-I-Ammostly because it more or less adds static dhcp entries03:09
waterfoulah well I will probably end up just assigning ips at creation time then03:09
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Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: you need to do 'neutron net-update --shared ext_net'03:10
Sam-I-Amotherwise tenants cant use that network, only admins03:10
waterfoulok, done. unfortunately the only user right now is the default "admin" user which is what I was using for testing03:11
allagani forgot about kindle03:11
allagani`ll just downloadi t from ther03:11
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waterfoulwould enabling the built in dhcp help?03:12
waterfoul`neutron subnet-update --enable-dhcp 4185e600-9619-485b-bf7f-ebcee4ca3cdb`03:12
Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: probably, unless you're specifying an ip when you launch the vm and have the right magic to assign static IPs to a VM (cloud-init)03:12
waterfouloops wrong guid03:13
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waterfoulgot Port 37b1ef26-2af3-42dd-8aa2-2721e9e22438 not present in bridge br-int / net_uuid None not in local_vlan_map :(03:14
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waterfoulI can see a port ( in the webui and can ping it from the openstack server but not from a remote machine....03:16
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waterfoulany other ideas?03:18
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Sam-I-Amwhats in your ml2_conf.ini and either openvswitch_agent.ini or ovs_neutron_plugin.ini ?03:19
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waterfoulml2_conf.ini: ovs_neutron_plugin.ini:
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Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: and ovs-vsctl show ?03:26
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waterfoulovs-vsctl show:
Sam-I-Amlooks like br-enp5s0 is your external bridge with an interface plugged into it?03:27
Sam-I-Amdid you add [ovs] to ml2_conf.ini or did packstack?03:28
waterfoulI think packstack did03:29
waterfoulcould that be what's wrong?03:29
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Sam-I-Amin ps, look for the neutron agent.03:30
Sam-I-Amwhat files is it using for --config-file ?03:30
Sam-I-Amer, neutron openvswitch agent03:30
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waterfoul-config-file /usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini --config-dir /etc/neutron/conf.d/common --config-dir /etc/neutron/conf.d/neutron-openvswitch-agent03:31
Sam-I-Amoh, so its actually using openvswitch_agent.ini03:32
Sam-I-Amwhats in that file?03:32
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Sam-I-Amah, well there's no bridge_mappings03:33
waterfoulthe bridge ip is
Sam-I-Amits more a names thing03:34
Sam-I-Amso, in ml2_conf.ini under [ml2_type_flat] put something like flat_networks = public03:35
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waterfoulit was flat_networks = *03:35
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Sam-I-Amget rid of the thing under [ml2_type_vlan]03:35
Sam-I-Amyeah, change * to public03:35
Sam-I-Amin openvswitch_agent.ini, make sure bridge_mappings is public:br-enp5s003:36
Sam-I-Amthat maps your flat network to a bridge that connects to a real (external) network03:36
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Sam-I-Amdelete the existing network and re-create it with '--provider:physical_network public'03:37
Sam-I-Amand dont forget --provider:network_type flat too03:38
Sam-I-Amand --shared03:38
Sam-I-Am(this stuff is in the liberty install guide at
Sam-I-Amrestart neutron-server and all of the agents03:38
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Sam-I-Amthen try to launch an instance03:39
Sam-I-Amin the meantime i have more laundry03:40
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waterfoulok, it might take me a min to find that doc (I suck at navigating that doc it appears)03:40
waterfoul`neutron net-create ext_net --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1 --provider:segmentation_id 100 --router:external=True --provider:physical_network public --shared`?03:42
waterfoulcorrection `neutron net-create ext_net --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1 --router:external=True --provider:physical_network public --shared`03:43
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waterfoulI added a subnet via the web interface03:47
waterfoulwoot! it's running03:47
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waterfoulso it successfully started and is sitting at a login prompt but I can't get into it. I'm guessing it's a security group issue03:51
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waterfoulyep, it was the security group! I'm in! Thanks a ton, i've been trying to get the to work for the past week!03:56
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Sam-I-Amwaterfoul: seems like it works?04:00
waterfoulSam-I-Am: yeah :D04:00
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waterfouland the VMS are showing up on my router's device list even though they aren't using it for DHCP which is a plus04:01
Sam-I-Amdevice list might be populated by arp04:02
waterfoulis there an easy way to stop grub from autobooting from the web ui?04:03
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Sam-I-Amfor a vm?04:05
Sam-I-Amwhat would you need that for?04:06
waterfoulI have an old volume with an os on it that's kernel panicking on it's current kernel but it worked on an older kernel so I want to boot it on the backup04:07
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waterfoulI can catch it sometimes, it's just a pain as I have to reload the console at just the right time04:08
Sam-I-Amthats a good question.04:08
Sam-I-Amnever had that problem04:09
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waterfoulI got it, just a little anoying as I said04:09
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tejuHi. I am installing RHEL OpenStack Platform 7 with 3 controller & 2 compute nodes & 0 ceph nodes. The command to deploy overcloud failed many times with different error messages. How to debug & fix this?04:57
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kariHi all. .!!!!05:13
jidarteju: you can run the deploy with -d or --debug05:14
jidarbut you honestly just want to look at the heat stack-show05:14
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jidarand review it for errors05:14
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tejujidar: ok05:15
einarfHow do I get someone to review my bugfix? Just keep asking here?
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jidareinarf: did you submit all of the tests? You can prolly try to hitup one of the maintainers on irc05:16
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jidaryea, looks like it ran tests05:17
jidarjoin the horizon channel and ask them?05:17
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einarfjidar: Thanks. I’ll give that a try :)05:19
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natarejneutron doesnt scale?05:23
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natarej"a dirty secret of OpenStack is that it starts to fall over and can't scale past 30 nodes"05:26
natareji just stumbled on this by accident - but i'd appreciate some input if there's any truth to it05:26
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jidarnot sure what your goal is here05:35
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jidarbut there are considerations to make at every scale "size"05:35
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natarejthe article has the implication that it falls over due to a problem with the software stack itself05:37
natarejunless i'm reading it wrong, it just comes off like a baseless accusation05:37
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jidarwell, if somebody can report in detail how neutron falls over I'd be willing to read it to try and understand05:51
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jidarbut until then, I'd just continue to believe what I already believe05:51
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natarejbasically he's using a graph that shows most deployments are <50 nodes as some sort of causation with scaling issues05:52
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jidarso wouldn't that mean the graph should show <30 nodes? not 50?05:55
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natarejeven then it would have very little weight.  the author just comes off as an imbecile to me.05:57
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tejuHi. I am installing RHEL OS P7. I see this error in ironic conductor logs - Failed to notify ramdisk to reboot after bootloader installation Error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. how to fix this?06:59
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jidardid you properly install the ramdisk images into glance, and then properly set the ramdisk for booting via "openstack baremetal configure boot"08:03
jidarteju: ^08:03
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tejujidar: yes,08:20
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tejujidar : I think the overcloud command is failing because of a timeout issue, because I see repeated calls to glance in ironic conductor logs. How to fix this time out issue?09:00
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NeoburnerQuick quiestion: Is there a suitble way for geo site replication with OS, a module of Hyper-V replication or vmware auto failover, snapshot, heartbeat and bring up in the event of etc09:21
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Neoburnerwe are using ceph mind09:21
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IvanJobshello everybody09:31
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tejuIronic commands are taking longer time to display to debug & fix this issue?10:10
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_nicknatarej: we're running a public cloud with a lot more than 30 nodes and using a pretty 'vanilla' (i.e ovs / gre tunnels) installation of neutron10:28
_nickso yeah, it's nonsense10:28
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natarejthanks _nick10:59
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DiplomatHey guys, can anyone suggest me a good way how I can set up a win7 machine ?11:19
IvanJobswhat do u mean by "set up a win7 machine"? anything related to openstack?11:20
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DiplomatWell, yes..11:27
DiplomatA Win7 VM using OS11:27
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tejuHi, I see this error in ironic conductor logs - InstanceDeployFailure: Failed to notify ramdisk to reboot after bootloader installation. Error: [Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED. How to fix this/11:54
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partneri fail to find a proper location to override haproxy timeout settings on RDO Kilo / CentOS 7, i see there are some defaults set in and haproxy_base.j212:30
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partneri guess it used to read the values from /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg with earlier versions but my defaults there don't match the ones written to LB configs12:32
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goodygumhow can I add new set of commands to novaclient?13:20
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goodygumor any element client?13:20
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goodygumI mean, this 'nova flavor-list' for example13:20
goodygumhow can I add my own command to call API like 'nova nobody-will-answer13:21
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nareshtI installed Openstack/kilo When i requesting " neutron port-list" it is giving error "Request Failed: internal server error while processing your request." Can anyone help me on this. Even in Horizon I am getting same error when I try to create a instance ?13:55
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tejunaresht:pls check logs14:01
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MCoLohi guys.. somebody had experience with neutron and more than 10k of routers?14:06
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rozieno, but have some network experience, describe what's the problem14:07
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arykleinhow can I list the tenant members in Juno?14:10
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roziearyklein: nova tenant-list14:12
rozieoh wait. juno.14:12
rozieopenstack project list14:12
rozie(this lists tenants)14:13
roziethen openstack user list | grep tenant-ID14:13
_nickgoodygum: if the new set of commands is just something that makes use of existing apis, there's nothing stopping you from writing your own cli tool that uses the python-novaclient libraries14:13
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arykleinrozie: but in Juno I don't have openstack command line14:16
arykleinrozie: in Liberty I have it14:16
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arykleinrozie: I can do "keystone tenant-list" but it only shows me tenant, not members14:18
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roziearyklein: apt-get install python-openstackclient14:18
arykleinrozie: and keystone user-list shows me users but not tenant :/14:18
rozieOK, if you have keystone working14:19
arykleinrozie does it will not conflict with keystone cli?14:19
roziekeystone user-list should work14:19
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rozieBTW it is keystone not nova indeed14:20
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rozieand... it's juno, not kilo. in kilo you need to use openstack command14:21
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roziein juno it's old way, so keystone user-list | grep tenantID14:21
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arykleinrozie: keystone user-list only shows users, not the tenant to which they belong14:22
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goodygum_nick: I would rather use existing shells and soultions from Openstack14:22
goodygumI don't need to reinvent the wheel just for a small stuff14:23
arykleinrozie: I got it14:23
arykleinrozie: keystone user-list --tenant TENANT_NAME14:23
arykleinrozie: :)14:23
roziekeystone help user-list14:23
arykleinI've missed --tenant. Thanks!14:23
rozieI guess I need the weekend14:24
rozietoo many versions ;/14:24
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_nickgoodygum: it's tantamount to the same thing though15:50
_nickyou might only be talking < 10 lines of python to do what you want15:50
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jfbibeauHey! You guys aware the OpenStack API docs is down?16:19
jfbibeau is returning a 404..16:20
goodygumjfbibeau: no, it's working16:21
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joseppcfwiw, it's down for me too16:21
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Sam-I-Amthey're working on it16:22
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jfbibeauAlright. It's been down for me for a while so thought I'd pop in here. I'll keep trying.16:23
jfbibeauS'long as someone's aware!16:24
Sam-I-Ammight be another hour or so16:24
Sam-I-Amfix is in the queue16:24
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DiplomatCan anyone help me with Windows 7 :(16:27
DiplomatWindows 7 VM16:27
DiplomatI'm bluescreening in loop lol16:28
ddellavim having issues with I just signed into it for the first time today and when I run git review -s it's unable to connect to gerrit. I tried both the default SSH and https. and yes I did add my pubkey and i did generate an http password and neither seems to work.16:28
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clarkbare you behind a firewall? pasting the output of git-review -v -s may be helpful16:30
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ddellavclarkb, no firewall, here's the output:
root1_Can someone please help me out for "libvirtError: internal error: Unable to add port tap777914a1-1c to OVS bridge br-int"16:31
root1_I am getting this error while spinning a VM..16:32
ddellavclarkb, i see it says in the verbose output about my contact information but when I try to update that on the site I get this error:
clarkbddellav: tge error about current contact info in the paste is the problem16:32
root1_How I can debug this issue?16:32
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einarfddellav: It says “ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information”16:33
ddellaveinarf, yea i see that, good to know what the issue is. I tried to update my contact info earlier but i got this error:
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clarkbddellav: see
root1_ddellav: can you plz help me out ;)16:34
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ddellavclarkb, thanks.16:34
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root1_ddellav, clarkb: can you plz help me out ;)16:34
clarkbroot1_: I dont know much about debugging ovs issues16:35
root1_clarkb: anyone you can point out ;)16:35
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john5223whats your ml2_conf.ini file look like root1_ ? gist or pastebin16:39
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john5223and your trying provider network or tenant network?16:43
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root1_john5223: tenant16:51
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mech422__Morning - anyone using Designate with a 'isolated' cloud using tenant networks ?16:59
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mech422__Just trying to get a feel for whether I should throw up a DNSMasq instance or go with Designate17:00
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brad[]Do I need an LBAAS agent running on each compute node?17:05
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larsksbrad[]: in general, the lbaas agent runs on your network controller(s), not on the compute nodes.17:07
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john5223has anyone seen where your VM is booted into ACTIVE and it has obtained an IP from neutron, but yet the ip is not reachable using provider networks?17:08
root1_john5223,  error : cannot execute binary ovs-vsctl: Permission denied,  This error i am getting in libvirt logs17:08
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john5223root1_, try `sudo addgroup libvirt-qemu libvirtd`17:09
john5223then try again17:09
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larsksuh...that shouldn't have any impact on the ability to run ovs-vsctl.17:10
rickyremSam-I-Am: I resolved my issue with networking by updating neutron and friends.17:10
root1_john5223, ok.. let me try17:10
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john5223actually larsks is right. i was thinking of a different issue17:11
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Sam-I-Amrickyrem: cool17:11
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ZemeioHi guys. I`m trying to re-install neutron juno on an ubuntu 14.04 but it keeps giving me the error TRACE neutron.common.config ImportError: No module17:20
Zemeio named middleware.request_id17:20
ZemeioI followed the docs.openstack tutorial apt guide and had it working17:20
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ZemeioBut I had to re-install neutron and now I can`t get it to work again17:21
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Sam-I-Amdid you use packages?17:25
ZemeioWhat do you mean?17:25
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Sam-I-Amapt-get stuff, vs. other methods17:25
Sam-I-Amor did you use something like pip17:25
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Zemeioapt-get stuff, I tried from source with python install but it didnt work (that might be what broke it in the first place)17:26
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Sam-I-Amyep, your system is officially hosed17:29
Sam-I-Ammix of distro packages and pip packages17:29
Sam-I-Amyou'll need to try cleaning out the stuff that pip installed17:29
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Zemeiodoes pip have a way to see what was installed in the last hours or something? Thanks for the hlp, btw17:31
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parveeni have create a snapshot from running vm...and then launch instance again from that snapshot..but it get fail ip on first boot...if i do hard will get ip address17:32
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parveencan any one help me17:32
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parveenanyone there..?17:33
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Sam-I-AmZemeio: well, sort of... pip freeze17:35
Sam-I-Ambut there's no time on it17:35
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Zemeioyeah, removing everything that is installed through pip might break other stuff17:38
ZemeioI tried removing only the ones written on the requirements.txt, but didn`t work17:38
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Sam-I-Amdid you use the system pip or install a new one?17:39
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Zemeioinstall a new one17:40
parveendid any one know about my problem....any one have idea about it17:41
Zemeioparveen sry man, I don`t know17:42
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Sam-I-AmZemeio: yeah, if you have a pip in /usr/local/bin ... you have a lot of work to do, or just reinstall17:45
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john5223anyone seen "cloud-init-nonet gave up waiting for a network device." ?17:46
john5223and why that would occur? nova list shows IP was assigned to VM17:46
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Zemeioroot@thor:~/neutron# whereis pip17:48
Zemeiopip: /usr/bin/pip /usr/share/man/man1/pip.1.gz17:48
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Sam-I-Amso thats the packaged pip17:49
Sam-I-Amyou didnt do or something at least17:49
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Zemeioapt-get install python-pip17:49
Sam-I-Amyou'll need to work out what packages installing neutron from source installed, and remove them17:51
ZemeioI did a pip freeze | cut -d'=' -f1 | xargs pip uninstall -y17:51
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Sam-I-Amthe openstack deb packages install python libs using deb packages too17:51
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Zemeiomany of the packages couldnt uninstall (owned by OS), I assume those were installed via apt-get17:51
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Sam-I-Amyeah, so you need to uninstall pip packages that are not related to apt-get packages by a similar name17:52
Sam-I-Amer, deb packages i guess17:52
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Zemeioi basicly told apt-get to reinstall every package that has python in it`s name17:59
Zemeiohope it solves17:59
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john5223Sam-I-Am, what would cause the VM to be waiting for the network and then "Booting system without full network configuration" ?18:05
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ZemeioSam-I-Am wow, it actually fixed O.o18:06
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john5223using OVS18:06
Sam-I-Amjohn5223: i... dont know. can't get metadata maybe?18:07
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geaaruhi, is it possible upgrade juno platform directly to liberty or it is needed upgrade to kilo before go to liberty ? thanks in advance18:55
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larsksgeaaru: it's probably *possible* to upgrade directly to liberty, although you'll probably need to fix some config files as part of the process. You will only find documentation for single-version upgrades, so depending on your comfort level you might want to first upgrade to kilo...19:00
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geaarularsks: ok, thank you very much for response. I will try to upgrade directly to liberty and if I have some problems I revert upgrade and try again with an upgrade to kilo before liberty.19:02
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blizzowCan I use openstack with glusterfs as my shared storage backend instead of ceph?  Ceph is proving a difficult thing to set up.19:11
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larsksblizzow: Sure.  I believe cinder has a glusterfs driver, and you can also use gluster to provide shared instance storage for nova.19:12
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blizzowlarsks, how do you feel about gluster performance and setup?19:44
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larsksblizzow: I have no useful information on gluster performance -- I've tried it out many years ago, but I don't actually run anything at scale.  Setup was pretty easy, though.19:45
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blizzowThanks. I'll fight with ceph a little longer before trying gluster.19:47
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partneri need to tune the lbaas (haproxy) timeouts on kilo, what is the proper place to do that? i find sets the default and then there are templates19:58
ZemeioGuys, is there a good tutorial to install neutron from source on ubuntu?19:59
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Sam-I-Amnot really20:06
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Sam-I-Amtypically you either install everything from source or from packages20:07
Sam-I-Amtrying to do both breaks things20:07
Sam-I-Amyou could use a venv though20:07
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ZemeioSam-I-Am I see, its just that I wanted to use virtex, and I have to hack neutron if I want to use it apparently20:25
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Zemeiothe ovx plugin they built uses their neutron20:25
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Zemeioif I installed with devstack it would probly work cuz devstack installs from source20:26
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Sam-I-AmZemeio: this?
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ZemeioYup, but the neutron part is this
Sam-I-Amwell, the code is what i'm looking at20:31
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bakeris anyone familiar with the "user_storage_quota" for Glance.  The docs are a bit confusing to me.20:36
bakerI'm trying to set quotas on the number/size of snapshots allowed for a tenant20:36
bakerinstance snapshots that is20:36
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bakermy understand is that value enforces a per user limit, instead of per tenant.  Which feels, strange, to me20:38
Sam-I-AmZemeio: the code looks almost 2 years old and claims to work with havana, so i'd run really fast away from it20:38
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ZemeioDamn, I was trying to run it with juno20:41
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ZemeioAnd I am helping a friend actually, so I guess the decision of running away is his haha20:42
Sam-I-Amyeah, this looks very old and bad20:42
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ZemeioSam-I-Am Thanks a lot for all the help, at least this helped me understand a bit more about openstack : )20:45
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jidarhow can I determine which multicast ip space is being used for VRRP20:51
jidarI don't see it defined in the keepalived.conf20:51
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Sam-I-Amjidar: vrrp uses a standard ip,
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Sam-I-Amjidar: you can see the traffic floating around on the ha-* interface within the router namespace20:55
jidarso if I drop into a netns and tcpdump?20:55
jidaroh shit20:56
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jidar5.1.1.2.  Destination Address20:56
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jidarSam-I-Am: ah, my mistake the way it does vxlan, not vrrp21:03
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jidarmy coworker had a serious problem with this default in ml2_conf.ini: vxlan_group =
jidar(as coming out of OSP7)21:04
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Sam-I-Amwhat about it?21:07
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jidarSam-I-Am: "basically they're overlapping with a standard defined in an RFC, what they should be doing is pulling out of"21:08
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Sam-I-Amthe default in neutron's config is
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jidaryea, I think this is an OSP failure21:14
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Sam-I-Amnot surprised21:15
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jidarapparently mirantis does it with fuel as well21:16
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Sam-I-Amits multicast. just pick whatever ip. :)21:17
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orangejuliusHaving some really odd issues with neutron in the Liberty release. I have 4 compute nodes and 1 controller node. The controller node hosts the networking. I am using the linux-bridge-agent and followed the install-guide-rdo for the Liberty release located here: . My problem is that instances created on a a private network do not get a DH21:51
DiplomatI'm sorry but your last sentence is actually pretty funny21:52
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DiplomatWhat's the D21:52
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orangejuliusI have verified that the dhcp request comes from neutron-dnsmasq and leaves my controller node just fine21:52
orangejuliusthe request and reply21:53
DiplomatWhat about your firewall ?21:53
orangejuliusRunning tcpdump on the tap, bridge, and vxnet interfaces on the compute node show a dhcp request going out, but not reply coming in21:53
Diplomatin your VM21:53
orangejuliusCould be. But the same VM when spun up with the public network gets assigned an address just fine. I'm using the cirros image currently and I am not sure if there is a firewall running in there21:54
DiplomatAh then it's not firewall21:55
orangejuliusWhen I manually assign an IP in the cirros image, as well as a route, I cannot ping outside of the network. When I TCPdump the tap interface on the compute node I can see the ICMP echo request coming out, but no reply going back21:55
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Sam-I-Amorangejulius: sounds like you have l2pop enabled in one place but not another21:55
Sam-I-Amwhich is eating your broadcasts (arp and dhcp) somewhere21:55
orangejuliusLooks like l2_population = True is enabled in both the compute and controller node in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini . Should I be looking elsewhere21:56
Sam-I-Amis it also enabled in the ml2 config?21:57
DiplomatSam-I-Am: what do you do for living ?21:57
orangejulius│mechanism_drivers = linuxbridge,l2population is whats listed in ml2_conf.ini on the controller21:57
orangejuliusCould it be an issue with the neutron database?21:58
Sam-I-Amdid you mess with any neutron config after creating your networks?21:58
Sam-I-Amare you using l3ha?21:59
orangejuliusPossibly. I've been messing with this for a few days. no l3ha (to my knowledge)21:59
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RichardRaseleyI am attempting to develop a python script to act against Keystone. I have quite a bit of it working, but whenever I try to interact with roles (listing, setting, etc.) I got the following error : No handlers could be found for logger "keystoneclient.utils"22:00
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RichardRaseleyWhat is the correct way for me to surface those error messages in my code?22:00
orangejuliusPerhaps its an issue with my interfaces in the bridge agent somewhere?  [linux_bridge] physical_interface_mappings = public:PUBLIC_INTERFACE_NAME and [vxlan] enable_vxlan = True local_ip = OVERLAY_INTERFACE_IP_ADDRESS l2_population = True in /etc/neutron/pluigins/ml2/linuxbridge_agent.ini22:01
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Sam-I-Amorangejulius: if you're seeing the dhcp req go out the vm, over the tunnel, get a response, but that response doesnt make it into the tunnel...22:02
Sam-I-Amis that whats happening?22:02
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orangejuliusyes. The DHCP req goes out of the VM, over the tunnel, hits dnsmasq, response goes over a tap device on the controller/network node, response is seen through a qbr device on the controller/network node, but a response is NOT seen on the compute node anywhere22:05
Sam-I-Amdoes it go out the vxlan interface on the controller?22:05
orangejuliusI believe it did, but let me double check22:05
orangejuliusYes, DHCP reply does go out the vxlan interface on the controller. Side note, I was attempting to ping the private gateway from the VM ( without a response, I could see the ICMP packets on the vxlan interface on the controller22:07
orangejuliusboth requests and replys22:07
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Sam-I-Amdo you see the reply come in the vxlan interface on the compute node?22:07
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orangejuliusNo I do not see replys for either ICMP or DHCP on the vxlan interface on the compute node (I do see the requests though)22:08
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orangejuliusI also see ARP requests and replys for my interfaces (assigned by me) IP on the controller's vxlan interface. It looks like the private GW is requesting them22:10
Sam-I-Amare these icmp requests actually getting to the point of being icmp, or are they arp requests?22:10
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orangejuliusHere is what I am seeing for the ICMP on the controller side (vxlan inteface)
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orangejuliusLooks like they are actually icmp22:11
Sam-I-Amso .1 is the router, .3 is the instance?22:11
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orangejuliusCorrect. .1 is the interface on the router and .3 is the instance. is the private subnet22:12
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orangejuliusThe only reason has an IP is because I VNCed into the VM through the web interface and assigned it manually though. It was not correct assigned at startup22:13
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Sam-I-Amsomehow the instance knows the mac of the router22:14
orangejulius is the tcpdump on the vxlan interface on the controller22:14
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orangejuliuson a dhcp request22:14
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Sam-I-Amis this happening on all compute nodes?22:16
orangejulius2 so far. I'll try the other two as well22:16
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Sam-I-Amcan the vm ping the dhcp server?22:17
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Sam-I-Amwhich seems to be on .222:17
orangejuliusI can't ping the VM from the netns  ip netns exec qdhcp-b886fda6-194e-406c-8328-7059ada8840e ping
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Sam-I-Amyou added a secgroup for ping, right?22:18
Sam-I-Amwell, secgroup rule22:18
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Sam-I-Amnot that it should really matter here22:18
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orangejuliusCorrect. ping and SSH are both allowed in the default group which is applied to this instance22:18
orangejuliusingress and egress22:18
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Sam-I-Amcan you ping the vm from the dhcp namespace?22:19
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orangejuliusI can ping 200.1 and 200.2 from the dhcp namespace, as well as the external GW22:20
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orangejuliusAlso any floatingIP I attach to an instance that is like this doesn't work. but floating IPs and the public network work fine22:20
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orangejuliusWhen attempting to ping the instance (200.3) from the dhcp ns (from the controller node), I cannot see any ICMP packets on the tap or vxlan interfaces on the compute node either22:22
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Sam-I-Ama fip is just dnat, so if it cant reach the compute node, it wont work22:22
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Sam-I-Amdo you see them coming out of the controller?22:22
orangejuliusfrom vxlan yes22:23
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orangejuliusam I correct in this? (VM) -> (TAP dev) -> (VXLan) -> (brq dev) -> (controller) for the DHCP request22:25
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orangejuliusAlso do I need anything fancy in /etc/sysctl that wasn't covered in the documentation? I was reading a couple of things about having ipv4.ip_forward and a few other entries22:26
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Sam-I-Amwell, there's a few more steps there22:29
Sam-I-Amthese days neutron controls kernel options22:29
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orangejuliusKinda what I figured since the guide didn't say anything about it. Most of the things I find online are about releases other than liberty too, so not very helpful22:30
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orangejuliusThink its worth it to redo the neutron setup entirely?22:34
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orangejuliusWould this be helpful perhaps?
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orangejuliusI'm thinking this is a really stupid problem that I caused, instead of something deeper22:37
Sam-I-Amorangejulius: i'd try deleting your networks, restarting all the neutron bits, then recreating the networks22:37
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orangejuliusOk and just to verify one more thing22:38
Sam-I-Amthis really seems like a one-sided l2pop issue22:38
Sam-I-Amwhich requires rebuilding networks to fix, if for some reason it wasnt configured right the first time.22:38
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orangejuliusEverything has 2 NICS. NIC 1 = public network with unassigned IP. NIC2 = management NIC with a address. NIC2 is set for physical_interface_mappings = public:NIC2 and local_ip is the mgmt IP in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/linuxbridge-agent.ini22:39
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Sam-I-Amno weird host firewalls, right?22:40
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orangejuliusThe host firewalls are on with the default centos7 configs22:40
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orangejuliusnothing was added to those firewall configs on my end though22:41
Sam-I-Amturn all that crpa off22:41
orangejuliusIs it possible for neutron to do its iptables stuff witwh firewalld disabled?22:41
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Sam-I-Amyeah, the two are unrelated22:41
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orangejuliusIf this fixes it I will literally send you 15 bucks in bitcoin tonight22:42
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orangejuliustesting floatingip attachment now... then bringing up a fresh instance and trying one more time22:44
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orangejuliusSo I'm pretty sure it was the fucking firewall. Having some wierd issues with booting up instances that is probably unrelated. One sec22:46
orangejuliusDo you have a paypal / bitcoin address?22:47
Sam-I-Amha, no payment needed.22:47
Sam-I-Amjust happy users22:47
Sam-I-Amand yeah, host firewalls create very odd problems with tunnel networks22:47
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Sam-I-Amsomewhere in the beginning of the install guide, we mention turning those off, at least for the first-time install22:48
Sam-I-Amone less thing to screw with22:48
orangejuliusWell if you won't take a payment, suggest somewhere for me to donate to =P22:48
Sam-I-Amdunno... can you contribute code or docs to openstack? or spend time helping people?22:48
Sam-I-Amplenty of those needs going around22:48
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orangejuliusI can certainly try. Might have to hang out here more often now, to answer questions I can and ask ones I'm confused on.22:49
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Sam-I-Ami've been in here almost solidly for over 2 years22:50
Sam-I-Amsurprised what goes by22:50
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Sam-I-Amits also a good way to see where the documentation holes are22:50
partnersorry to repeat but i need to tune the lbaas (haproxy) timeouts on kilo, what is the proper place to do that? i find sets the default and then there are templates but no configs to touch those?22:50
Sam-I-Amfewer now than there were22:50
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orangejuliuswell thanks a whole lot for your time and your help. been bashing my head against openstack for the past week or so (not this specifically, but a lot of things). We plan on doing some (maybe) crazy things with mellanox inifiband cards + nvidia titan GPUs and SRVIO22:52
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orangejuliusHopefully this is a quick question. Any reason why neutron.notifiers.nova would be giving me an "Unauthorizezd: The request you have made requires authentication" when booting an instance?23:00
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Sam-I-Amare the credentials wrong either in nova.conf to talk to neutron or neutron.conf to talk to nova?23:01
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orangejuliusThey shouldn't be since I just brought up a VM 30 minutes ago, but I will double check the credentials are correct everywhere. Would it be related to the metadata_proxy_secret by chance?23:03
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Sam-I-Ami dont think so23:05
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orangejuliuspasswords appear to be correct in neutron.conf and nova.conf. Those passwords havn't changed since I set this thing up and it was "working" before23:09
Sam-I-Amon what node and what log shows this? and what breaks?23:10
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orangejuliuswhen I run nova boot test2 --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --security-groups default --key-name new_controller --nic net-id=b886fda6-194e-406c-8328-7059ada8840e (the net-id of my private-network), the build of the VM fails. /etc/neutron/server.log shows nova boot test2 --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --security-groups default --key-name new_controller --nic net-id=b886fda6-194e-406c-8328-7059ada8840e and keystone.log shows s23:11
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Sam-I-Ammessage too long23:13
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orangejuliusRebooting all of the compute nodes seems to have worked for now. "nova boot test2 --image cirros --flavor m1.tiny --security-groups default --key-name new_controller --nic net-id=b886fda6-194e-406c-8328-7059ada8840e"23:13
orangejuliuswas the rest of my message23:13
orangejuliusis that where it cut off?23:13
Sam-I-Am"keystone log shows s"23:14
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orangejuliusshows something similar23:19
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Sam-I-Ambut it works now?23:25
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orangejuliusIt does, for now23:39
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Sam-I-Amdont knock it :)23:42
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