Friday, 2016-11-04

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dxiriSam-I-Am: ping to/from the dhcp namespace don't work00:01
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dxiritcpdump along the path, I did that already (tracing where it breaks) I see the dhcp request coming into the physical host, but it never enters the container00:01
Sam-I-Amthere should be a veth pair between the host and container, right?00:02
dxirithis is all real hardware, 4 nodes, 1 controller, 1 compute, 1 storage, 1 central logging00:02
Sam-I-Amis this something you made yourself, or using a deployment tool?00:02
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dxiriSam-I-Am: using openstack-ansible00:03
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Sam-I-Amcan you see what happens at the veth pair into the container?00:04
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dxirihow can I tell if its veth or not?00:08
dxirilet me get you the interface list on a pastebin00:08
dxirihang on00:08
Sam-I-Amcontainers use veths into the underlying OS00:09
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Sam-I-Amso there's a pair from whatever is the provider network inside the agent container to some interface on the host00:09
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dxirimy provider network is on eth1 with IP, no bridge or anything, eth0 has 3 different bridges and the containers are tied to those bridges, the paste also has the output of the brctl show if you need it :)00:16
dxiriI'm completely lost since I am noob both on openstack and openstack ansible :P00:16
Sam-I-Amso there's no bridge with an interface on eth1?00:16
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dxirino bridge on eth100:17
Sam-I-Amso your instances on private nets can't see out either?00:17
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dxiriI don't have a router yet, I wanted the private nets to be vm-to-vm only, and have the provider network IPs to get directly attached to the VMs00:18
Sam-I-Ami think you should see eth1 plugged into br-vlan00:18
Sam-I-Amso my guess is something wasn't configured correctly in the inventory file00:19
Sam-I-Amor the config file... it uses dynamic inventory00:19
Sam-I-Amif this is your first time using openstack, o-a may be a little too advanced if you're just shooting for a POC to see if it works00:19
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dxirimmmm, why br-vlan? isn't that for well...vlans?00:23
dxiriflat/provider network is untagged00:23
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Sam-I-Amiirc, it handles both flat and vlan networks00:26
Sam-I-Amwhich are essentially the same thing, just flat lacks a tag00:27
Sam-I-Ambut they're not tunneled00:27
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dxiriso If I do that...I would have to change neutron config to point flat at the br-vlan bridge?00:31
Sam-I-Amwell, whats in your o-a config?00:31
Sam-I-Ami suspect the problem is there00:31
dxirilet me get that00:31
Sam-I-Amsomething in there needs to mention eth100:32
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dxiri(thanks so much for your help so far)00:33
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Sam-I-Amwell, line 49... that should be eth100:34
Sam-I-Amalso a little curious why i see vlan subints in your bridge output00:35
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Sam-I-Ameth0.10, eth0.20, eth0.30, etc00:37
dxiricause I wanted tagged traffic for that00:37
dxiriso br-mgmt is all tagged with vlan 10 for example00:37
dxiriand I have that same config on the switch00:37
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dxiriso if I change that I need to first attach eth1 to the br-vlan bridge?00:38
Sam-I-Amwhats on eth0.20 and 30?00:39
dxiriI based my config on this by the way
Sam-I-Amah, ok00:39
Sam-I-Amheh, i wrote a good chunk of that00:39
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Sam-I-Amits also possible there's a problem in your interfaces config file00:40
Sam-I-Amnamely br-vlan00:40
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dxiri30 is tunnel vlan, 20 is storage vlan00:42
dxiriyou wrote it? awesome :) looks like I came to the right place00:42
Sam-I-Amwell, there is an openstack-ansible channel on here00:42
dxiriI know..I already asked there00:43
Sam-I-Ami figured out how to put neutron in containers way back when00:43
Sam-I-Amit makes things a little messy for new people00:43
Sam-I-Amunless you're really familiar with linux networking00:43
dxirithey did help, but I figured I had a problem not related to OSA itself00:43
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Sam-I-Amyeah, this isnt an o-a problem00:43
Sam-I-Amits a config issue somewhere00:43
dxiriI am familiar with linux networking, but not to this inception level of interfaces inside interfaces inside interfaces00:44
Sam-I-Amyeah, and bridges00:44
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Sam-I-Amwhat are you looking to do with openstack?00:44
dxiriwant to spin up caches for a CDN we want to fully virtualize00:45
Sam-I-Amah. what are you using now?00:45
dxiriwe have different versions of the CDN software, so I want to be able to spin up and tear down envs at will for testing00:45
Sam-I-Amah, cool00:46
Sam-I-Amwell, i'd either reconfig o-a to use eth1 for br-vlan (and/or your interfaces file) ... run the things... see if that works00:47
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Sam-I-Amotherwise you could try shoving eth1 into br-vlan manually00:47
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Sam-I-Amits pretty clear br-vlan has no ports on anything but container interfaces at this time00:48
dxiriah, one point I forgot to mention00:48
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dxiriif I log into a vm console00:48
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dxiriand set the IP manually in there00:48
dxirisay and as gateway00:48
dxiriit works00:49
dxiriinternet and everything00:49
Sam-I-Amthere's a neutron l2 agent on the compute node00:49
Sam-I-Ami'm guessing it is working00:50
Sam-I-Amits your controller node (or whatever you showed me) thats messed up00:50
Sam-I-Amso whats the output of brctl show on the compute node with that instance?00:50
dxirilet me get that00:51
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dxirian example would be tap91b7c922-8200:55
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Sam-I-Amwell, in this case, brq088xxx looks like your provider net, and its actually using eth0, not eth100:56
Sam-I-Amso you might want to check where eth0 actually goes00:56
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Sam-I-Amif there is an eth1, its not using it00:58
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dxirimy thinking was to have eth1 with only an IP so I can reach from anywhere provided I have vpn access if I ended up breking the whole setup00:59
Sam-I-Amso, out of band mgmt?00:59
dxirieth0 and eth1 should be able to commnunicate between each other shouldn't they? its all directly connected network to the linux box00:59
Sam-I-Amyes, to some extent.01:00
dxiriwhat do you mean by "check where eth0 actually goes"?01:00
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dxiriIf I do a dhcp request right now, I see the packets going out of eth001:00
Sam-I-Amit sounded like you wanted your provider network on eth101:01
dxiriand they do get into the controller/network node01:01
Sam-I-Ambut apparently its on eth0?01:01
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dxiricrap, I confused you :P01:01
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dxiriok so, its a network that we have on the lab, that has a juniper firewall as a gateway on
dxirion the openstack setup, I use the 3 networks you saw on the configuration file01:02
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dxirinow what I want to do, is to give the VMs an IP on the network so that they can be directly accesses01:03
Sam-I-Amso 190/24 is connected to eth0, untagged?01:03
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dxirieth1 untagged01:03
Sam-I-Amso what are you pinging from the vm that works?01:04
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dxirianything on 190/24, provided I set a static IP01:04
dxiriI can ping the juniper gateway, the DNS server01:05
Sam-I-Amsomething is fishy here01:05
Sam-I-Amalmost as if you really have eth0 on the layer 2 network that contains 190/2401:05
Sam-I-Amor something is plumbed very weirdly01:06
dxiriI have both eth0 and eth1 connected to the same switch01:06
dxiriin fact, all hosts are on the same switch01:06
Sam-I-Amare they both on the same layer 2 network?01:06
dxirithey must be if they are connected to the same switch01:08
Sam-I-Amwell, you could put ports in separate vlans01:08
dxiriits only that I am not using eth0 directly (cause its part of the bridges)01:08
Sam-I-Ambut sounds like you have a little bit of a switching loop going on01:08
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dxiriIf I wanted to....I could set an IP on the 190/24 to any of the bridges01:09
dxiriwill that help?01:09
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dxiriwhy switching loop?01:10
Sam-I-Amwell, the reason this seems to work is because eth0 on your compute node is on the same layer-2 network as eth101:11
Sam-I-Amso it "seems" to work01:11
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Sam-I-Amso you have one more thing sort of messed up here01:13
dxiriso what if I set an ip in the range of 190/24 to br-vlan?01:14
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dxirior to br-mgmt01:14
dxiriwill that make the dhcp work, or do you think I have something messed up bad that will bite me later?01:15
dxirithis is the only thing I can see broken right now01:15
dxirithe rest looks good01:15
Sam-I-Amwell, i bet if you did 'brctl addif br-vlan eth1' it might work01:15
Sam-I-Amyou have a lot of things messed up at this point01:15
Sam-I-Amit might also create a switching loop01:15
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dxiriif I do that...I lose the IP on eth1 right? so I would need to set that on br-vlan01:16
dxirior do I leave it without ip01:16
Sam-I-Amjust leave it without01:16
dxirik let me try01:17
dxirione mi01:17
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Sam-I-Amneutron passes the ip from the dhcp namespace all the way through to eth101:17
Sam-I-Ambr-vlan, and eth1, is just a layer-2 thing at this point01:17
dxirithat's on the controller node right?01:17
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dxirik its done01:21
dxiritrying now01:21
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dxiriah shit01:23
dxiriforgot about haproxy01:23
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dxiriwhich had an ip on eth1 as an external ip01:23
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dxiriI rebooted from nova cli, and looks like I can ping it :)01:30
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dxirino ssh though, trying with a brand new instance01:31
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Sam-I-Amthat could be a secgroup issue01:33
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dxiriI have the defaults which I believe is wide open01:33
Sam-I-Amno, they arent01:33
dxirireally? I have seen ingress ipv4 and on the sec group01:34
Sam-I-Amweird. maybe something set them that way, but by default all inbound to instance is blocked01:34
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dxiridoes cirros default image has ssh already enabled?01:38
dxirithat was I was testing with01:38
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Sam-I-Amhowever, if it cant get metadata for some reason, startup of the ssh daemon may take a while01:40
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dxiriok this is taking a while to figure assuming this made it would this translate into the o-a config?01:43
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dxirijust change the host bind override?01:43
Sam-I-Amwell, changing host_bind_override to eth1 is a start01:43
Sam-I-Amthen you probably need to remove the untagged vlan from whatever port eth0 plugs into your switches01:44
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dxirigot it :) thanks a lot for your help01:49
dxiriI will come back tomorrow and try that01:49
Sam-I-Amok. where are you based?01:50
dxiriSam-I-Am: long live Dr Seuss01:50
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dxiriCosta Rica01:50
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Sam-I-Amok, so close to my time zone01:50
Sam-I-Amits pretty late here now01:50
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dxiri8pm here01:50
Sam-I-Amsame here01:50
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Sam-I-Amand i like my green eggs and ham01:50
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Sam-I-Ami'll be around a little tomorrow morning, but not much. back monday most of the day.01:51
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dxiricool, thanks a ton!01:54
dxirienjoy your night, and the weekend if I don't see you again this week01:54
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Sam-I-Amdxiri: seeya!02:04
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anrahHi! I have a problem with heat and deleting/getting status of stacks when the heat api is provided with tls10:40
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anrahListing and creating works fine, but deleting is for some reason redirecting the delete request to plain http and that won't work as keystone is not listening the http10:41
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c06hi all12:09
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c06which framework openstack using for rest api12:09
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c06anyone on12:15
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c06what are the libraries they used for RESTapi, any suggestions12:20
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magghave this blueprint been implemented ?14:22
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maggI would like to contribute14:22
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cr0wrxHi guys! Does anyone here know how performance heavy compute and storage nodes are on the boot partition? Thinking about shuffling around configurations a bit for a small cluster. If everything is backed by a ceph cluster (cinder/swift/etc). would there be any major issues with not running SSDs for boot disks?15:58
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wNcr0wrx: boot partition? you mean /boot?16:04
cr0wrxOS partition16:04
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cr0wrxie if I wanted a compute node where ephemeral/block storage was all backed by ceph, would just a couple hdd disks be sufficient on that physical node (to run the OS, store logs, etc)16:05
Sketchyes, even just one would be sufficient (but not very redundant)16:06
haukebrunocr0wrx, absolutely. we run the instances and stuff on NFS and use just 2 small SSDs in a raid1 array for the OS16:06
cr0wrxwell we were thinking just a couple disks RAID 1 so we have a little redundancy for OS / logs16:06
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cr0wrxwe want HDDs though instead of SSD - that's what I'm primarily checking on - if performance would be an issue at all, or if it really just needs to run OS and write logs16:07
cr0wrxWe have SSDs in them now, but it's a strange setup and we want to repurpose the SSDs into a new ceph pool16:07
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Sketchthe controllers will have databases and stuff on them, but the compute nodes are pretty much just OS and logs.16:07
cr0wrxsame question goes for storage node - can the OS for that also be fine on HDD16:07
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Sketchshould be fine16:08
cr0wrxyea, I've checked here before for controllers and sounds like there could be issues if you have a lot of VMs (and especially if a lot of simultaneous requests to spin up / modify VMs or whatever since that is handled on controller)16:08
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cr0wrxour setup is small enough that we aren't there yet and would really be better off if we can simplify our setup and keep costs low and then adjust later as needed (with this next batch of hardware we are moving to HA so that becomes an option finally)16:09
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Sketcheven then i don't think that would be an issue unless your installation is very large16:10
Sketchthe ceph storage is where you're going to want your fast storage16:10
cr0wrxwe are thinking a couple HDDs for all node types - controller, compute, and storage. Same setup across the board for OS/base disks. Then the storage node will get a bunch more SSDs and HDDs for ceph OSDs16:10
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Sketchthat's what we do16:10
cr0wrxit's not huge, it'll be 8-9 nodes after this install16:10
SketchSATA/SAS HDDs for the OS, SSD storage for ceph16:10
cr0wrxbaby installation compared to most I'm sure16:10
Sketchwe're currently at 6 nodes :)16:11
cr0wrxah, cool16:11
haukebrunowe here have a lot of overhead in the controlplane :p running about ~25 control plane nodes for just 10 KVMs16:12
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cr0wrxour setup has been strange so far, it's currently at 4 nodes but since it didn't provide HA on controller and we had a single storage node with limited disks we did a bunch of non-standard things like running RAID on the storage node (for the ceph OSD, etc) and we are getting to the point where it'll be nice to not do weird things16:13
cr0wrxwe are starting to see latency on the storage raid array when some VMs do lots of things16:14
cr0wrxand then ceph barfs, and then object storage becomes unavailable and returns 503, etc.16:14
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cr0wrx25 nodes for 10 KVMs? ha lucky16:15
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haukebrunocr0wrx, yeah thats kind of paranoia maybe ;)16:16
haukebrunowell, we also had lot of issues in our first ceph cluster. we had no journals, too big nodes, to few nodes at all16:16
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cr0wrxnot as bad as ours. our storage node is ceph, 1 OSD that is backed by a RAID array of a handful of disks, no journal16:17
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cr0wrxbut we were new, didn't really know what we were doing, and didn't understand this whole OSD thing too much and wanted to ensure we had replication and could survive some of our limited drives dying so we went with what we knew - RAID, for the time being...with plans to change it as we expanded and became more comfortable with ceph and openstack in general16:18
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einjenregarding horizon/openstack dashboard: How do I copy the default theme to my own theme?18:07
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bsilverman_OpenStack Horizon Deep Dive and Customization18:10
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wowbagger42Hi everyone, I got an issue trying to connect to openstack from ansible... Followed this guide: but I get "msg": "Error fetching image list: Problem with auth parameters"...18:45
wowbagger42anyone any idea?18:45
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wowbagger42sensible 2.2.0  / openstack client 3.3.018:45
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NeilHanlonhey everyone :) Is it possible to run the keystone v2 and v3 apis in parallel?18:58
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admin0NeilHanlon: that is my use case and it should be possible .. but use different endpoints19:08
NeilHanlonIt looks like it runs them automatically19:08
NeilHanlonjust had to test it19:08
NeilHanlonsilly me :P19:08
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wowbagger42is there an automated way to get a formatted clouds.yaml file from os_client_config.config ?19:48
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NeilHanlonhooking the block storage service to an existing equallogic SAN won't blow anything away, right?20:14
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morsikHi, I did very simple openstack setup using flat networking. It is normal that I'm getting 404 on /v2.0/routers.json from neutron-server?22:15
morsikHorizon shouts about this all the time :(22:16
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cgimenoHello all23:00
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cgimenomay I ask a question regarding nova?23:05
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cgimenoI'm trying to deploy it behind an SSL proxy23:06
cgimenoI've added secure_proxy_ssl_header=X-Forwarded-Proto to my nova.conf but for some reason nova it's not using this option23:07
cgimenoObviously, my proxy has http-request add-header  X-Forwarded-Proto https (HAProxy 1.6)23:08
cgimenodo i have to change anything else at nova.conf?23:09
s1ci don't know, sorry23:10
cgimenono problem ;)23:10
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silvraxHeat question, is it possible to create a stack with a number of nodes (x), connected to a number of networks (y), where x and y would be stack parameters?23:44
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silvraxFor example is x is 3 and y is 2, it would create 2 networks and 3 nodes, where each node would have two network ports, one on each networks?23:45
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