Tuesday, 2017-07-25

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eswensonCan anyone help debug a non-obvious "NoValidHost: No valid host was found" error?00:36
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eswensonI’m running into an issue with openstack ocata where I can’t start any instances — always get “NoValidHost: No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.” errors. There are compute hosts and plenty of resources and everything I’ve done to investigate debug suggests things should work.  Anyone have an experience here?00:54
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SamYapleeswenson: first steps first, figure out where the failure is01:20
SamYaplei would start in the nova-scheduler logs01:20
SamYapleis it scheduling to a compute node? if so, go to that compute node and look at the logs there01:21
eswensonOk, nova-scheduler.logs says this:  2017-07-24 02:38:56.046 14400 WARNING nova.scheduler.host_manager [req-498bfbb6-8940-4706-8322-9c893ba61763 9879cf1dc8954d5a9606fb555beed1fb f2d743585bd84323959131e1aabd885b - - -] No compute service record found for host ip-10-0-0-\01:21
eswenson2017-07-24 02:38:56.047 14400 WARNING nova.scheduler.host_manager [req-498bfbb6-8940-4706-8322-9c893ba61763 9879cf1dc8954d5a9606fb555beed1fb f2d743585bd84323959131e1aabd885b - - -] No compute service record found for host ip-10-0-0-\01:21
SamYapleif it is *not* secduling to a compute node youll need to find out what filters the instance is failing on the ocmpute nodes (be it ram, cpu, ordisk)01:21
eswenson2017-07-24 02:38:56.047 14400 INFO nova.filters [req-498bfbb6-8940-4706-8322-9c893ba61763 9879cf1dc8954d5a9606fb555beed1fb f2d743585bd84323959131e1aabd885b - - -] Filter RetryFilter returned 0 hosts01:21
eswenson2017-07-24 02:38:56.047 14400 INFO nova.filters [req-498bfbb6-8940-4706-8322-9c893ba61763 9879cf1dc8954d5a9606fb555beed1fb f2d743585bd84323959131e1aabd885b - - -] Filtering removed all hosts for the request with instance ID '4ed4c17\01:21
eswenson9-22ad-4eaf-a417-3deebc6ccd06'. Filter results: ['RetryFilter: (start: 0, end: 0)']01:21
SamYapleeswenson: STOPP01:21
SamYaplepastebin please01:21
eswensonSorry, pasted in the wrong place.01:21
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eswensonWhat does “No compute service record found for host ip-10-0-0-78”?  And why is it using “ip-10-0-0-78” rather than the FQDN that is associated with that host.  I see no references to the bare hostname in any of the nova/nova-api tables.01:23
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SamYaplenova service-list01:24
eswensonI don’t think it is failing due to resources (there are plenty of resources available).  I think it is failing because, for some reason, it is looking somewhere for ip-10-0-0-78 but the entries in the hypervisor-list and service-list all use FQDNs.01:24
SamYapledo you see any active nova-compute services?01:24
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eswensonYes, there are two nova-compute services, on the two hosts (note FQDNs).01:25
SamYapleive seen this before01:26
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SamYaplewhen you type `hostname` on your compute nodes... does it return a FQDN or the shortname?01:26
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eswensonFQDNs.  Here’s the response from “hostname” on one of the nodes:  ip-10-0-0-78.eu-central-1.compute.internal01:27
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SamYapleso youve setup your boxes wrong01:28
SamYaplehostnames cannot have periods01:28
SamYaplecat /etc/hostname, it will be the FQDN01:28
SamYapleit should only be the shortname (ip-10-0-0-78)01:28
eswensoncat /etc/hostname shows ip-10-0-0-78.eu-central-1.compute.internal01:28
SamYapleyep. thats a configuration error01:29
eswensonThe hosts were created by AWS EC2.  All I did was create three instances and use packstack to install onto them.01:29
SamYapleregardless, that is a configuration error and not a valid hostname01:29
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eswensonThis is what AWS does for its VMs.  Where does it say that you cannot use FQDNs for hostnames?01:29
SamYaplethats a bit tounge-in-check, but seriously, that is a misconfiguration01:30
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SamYapleyou can work around this with a nova configuration option (and youll want to set it fro neutron and cinder and heat etc as well)01:31
SamYaplelet me find it01:31
eswensonI can see if I can just edit /etc/hostname on all nodes.  But then I’ll have to force an update to the database tables so that it “sees” the new names.  Not sure how to do that.01:31
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SamYapleyou wont have to force update anything01:32
SamYapleit will check in as a completley new agent01:32
SamYapleyoull have to purge the old agents01:32
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eswensonThis article says that the preference for Centos and RHEL deployments is to use a FQDN for /etc/hostname:  https://serverfault.com/questions/331936/setting-the-hostname-fqdn-or-short-name01:33
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eswensonActually, I read that artlcle wrong.  It *does* seem to suggest exactly what you are saying.01:33
SamYapleits a rather common seemingly harmless misconfiguration that propogates for the very reason that it doesnt break *most* things01:34
eswensonActually, it says FQDN for Centos/RHEL and short hostname for Debian/Ubuntu.01:34
eswensonI’ll give the update of /etc/hostname a try. I assume I should restart the nova-compute service on the compute nodes and the nova-xxx services on the controller node?01:35
SamYapleso whats happening if you want to know is some parts of the code are fetching the hostname and using it.... other parts are spliting on '.' because they do *not* want the fqdn01:35
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SamYaplerabbitmq for example *cannot* cluster with a '.' in the hostname01:35
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SamYapleupdating /etc/hostname and restarting the services is all that would be needed01:35
eswensonYeah, that certainly makes sense to me.  I’m just surprised that Centos (when booted on AWS) did this to me.01:35
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SamYapleill be honest, im a debian/ubuntu guy01:36
SamYapleit doesnt suprise me01:36
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SamYapleit was probably a bad default forever ago that simply cant change now01:36
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eswensonActually, so am I.  I’ve just changed /etc/hostname on both compute nodes and on controller and restarted nova services.  About to see if I can create an instance.01:38
SamYaplemake sure you see the new services and they are up01:38
SamYapleand make sure to restart the neutron services too01:38
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eswensonI assume I need to restart all of them:  for f in neutron-dhcp-agent neutron-l3-agent neutron-metadata-agent neutron-metering-agent neutron-openvswitch-agent neutron-ovs-cleanup neutron-server ; do systemctl restart $f ; done01:42
eswensonIt is taking forever.01:43
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SamYaplejust so you are aware, you can restart multiple services with systemd. systemctl restart neutron-{dhcp,l3,metadata,metering,openvswitch}-agent neutron-server01:44
eswensonAfter restarting nova-xxx services and neutron-xxx services, I still see the FQDNs in “nova service-list".01:44
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SamYapleyou updated /etc/hostname, but did you set the hostname?01:45
SamYaple /etc/hostname is only read on boot01:45
eswensonOh…. FM.01:45
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SamYapleyoull need to actually run `hostname ip-10-0-0-78`01:45
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eswensonok, set hostname on all 3 hosts, restarted nova-compute on compute nodes, restarted nova-xxx on controller, and am waiting for the very lengthy restart of neutron-xxx services on controller....01:47
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SamYapleid be curious to know which service is taking a while to restart01:48
SamYapleprobably l3-agent?01:48
SamYaplebut you dont need to restart neutron-ovs-cleanup at all01:48
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eswensonHmmm…. now I see nova-compute on ip-10-0-0-180 (good), but not on the other compute node.  I still see FQDN there.  “hostname” on that machine shows just ip-10-0-0-78.01:50
SamYapleone, make sure the nova-compute process actually stopped on 10-0-0-7801:51
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SamYapletwo, make sure it is not statically defined as the name of that host in /etc/nova/nova.conf01:51
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SamYapleits highly unlikly it is statically defined (but its possible!)01:52
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eswensonActually, it was statically defined (one of my attempts to get this working).01:52
SamYaplehighly unlikely!01:53
eswensonok, nova-compute shows “up” on each of the compute nodes now.01:53
SamYapleanyway, it should be good now to start an instancea assuming `neutron agent-list` and `nova service-list` is good01:53
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eswensonWhat does “xxx” mean for “alive” in neutron agent-list?01:54
eswensonHere’s my “neutron agent-list” output:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/616366/01:55
SamYaplexxx is bad01:55
eswensonAnd here’s my “nova service-list” output:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/616367/01:55
SamYapleit should be ":-)"01:55
SamYapleno im not joking01:55
eswensonYeah, I see other smileys.01:56
SamYaplelooks like you didnt restart the agents on the compute nodes01:56
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SamYaplespecifically neutron-openvswitch-agent o nthe compute nodes needs a restart01:56
SamYaplemake sure the name is not manually set in the cnfigs like nova01:56
eswensonYou’re right. I only restarted neutron agents and services on controller node.01:57
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eswensonI don’t see any neutron/agents running on compute nodes — only on controller node.01:57
eswensonWell, more accurately, I don’t see any “systemctl-managed” daemons there.  How do I restart neutron and agents (assuming they are running) on compute?  On controller I used systemctl (services).01:58
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SamYaplesystemctl restart neutron-openvswitch-agent01:59
SamYaplethat should work...01:59
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eswensonSorry.  I had done a systemctl | grep openstack and not seen the neutron services.02:00
eswensonopenvswitch agents are now :-) for both compute nodes.02:01
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eswensonafter all that, I’m getting the same error.  But I suspect the nova logs say something different this time.  Let me check.02:02
SamYapleeswenson: it may have sceduled to the compute finally and the n_failed_ o the compute for other reasons02:03
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eswensonWell, error is different this time.  nova-scheduler says: http://paste.openstack.org/show/616368/02:05
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SamYapleeswenson: it might be getting confused by the other hosts02:06
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SamYapleyou might want to remove the old fqdn hosts02:06
SamYaplei dont remember how, youll proabbly need nova-manage02:07
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eswensonnova-conductor says this:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/616369/02:07
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eswensonok, let me try that.02:07
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SamYaplethats rabbitmq issues eswenson02:08
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eswensonyou mean contacting rabbitmq?  That should be fine (I can talk to RMQ manually).  Or do you mean in handling messages written to rmq?02:09
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SamYapleeswenson: im sorry, i read the error to quick02:10
SamYapleignore me. it doesnt say anythign about rabbit02:10
eswensonNot that I have any reason to believe this is related, but nova service-list shows two services (nova-cert and nova-consoleauth) that are still associated with the FQDN (I did restart them):  http://paste.openstack.org/show/616370/02:12
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eswensonWho is nova-conductor sending a message to via rmq?  Who would be receiving/handling and responding “NoValidHost” to that message?02:13
SamYaplemake sure you dont have anything statically set in nova.conf and try to restart ehm again02:13
SamYapleNoValidHost is a scheduler deal02:13
SamYapleits failing because of that unknown host issue02:13
SamYapleif im being honest, the quickest way to fix this is probably with a database DROP and re db_sync02:14
SamYapleat the very least we can rule out hostnames and focus on a new error02:14
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eswensonNo statically set IPs/hostnames in any of the three /etc/nova/nova.conf files.02:14
eswensonI’m ok doing that.  how do I do that?  Use mariadb/mysql to drop each database individually, and then what to resync?  Or can I run packstack again?02:15
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SamYapleeswenson: in a mysql prompt 'DROP DATABASE nova;' 'CREATE DATABASE nova;'02:16
SamYaplethen nova-manage db_sync02:16
SamYapleyoull want to shut off all nova services first02:16
SamYapleive got to go for a bit02:16
eswensonoh, just nova.  I can do that.02:16
SamYapleill check on you later02:16
SamYaplelike 15-20m02:16
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eswensonAnd db_sync will create all the tables as well as repopulate?02:17
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eswensonok, thanks.  I’ll talk to you later.  I *really* appreciaet the help.  I’ve been banging my head for 3 days on this.02:17
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eswenson@SamYaple I did the drop/create of nova database, restarted all nova services on each of the compute and controller nodes, and tried to launch an instance.  Same error.02:23
eswensonnova-scheduler says this:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/616371/02:25
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eswensonWhy is it receiving update from an unknown host — only for ip-10-0-0-78 and not from the other compute host?02:25
mw_Hi guys. Quick question for you. I'm reading this document (https://docs.openstack.org/newton/networking-guide/deploy-ovs-selfservice.html) and it states that the prerequisites for this are 3 nics on the controller. I only have 2. Is it possible for me to configure this some other way? I have tried creating enp5s0:1 aliases with a different ip and subnet for tunnel communication, but I'm not able to ping the instances gateway after the02:25
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eswensonOh, sorry.  I see the warning for the other one (lagter).02:25
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SamYaplemw_: you can deploy openstack with a single interface if you are careful and understand what you are doing02:26
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SamYaplemw_: from reviewing those docs you can use the "management" and "overlay" network as the same network02:27
SamYapleeswenson: /win 5802:29
mw_SamYaple: Really? I'll give that a try.02:29
SamYapleeswenson: ignore the above02:29
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mw_SamYaple: Same IP for both? That's acceptable?02:30
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SamYaplemw_: yea02:31
SamYaplethe "overlay" network is just doing tunnels which are all layer 302:31
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mw_SamYaple: Good to know. It looks like I have some bad rules leftover in br-tun now... Can I flush those?02:33
mw_SamYaple: By that, I mean that the IPs in `ovs-vsctl show` are no longer correct.02:34
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SamYaplemw_: restarting the neutron-openvswitch-agent should handle that02:35
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mw_SamYaple: That didn't help. This data appears to be stored in a database.02:38
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mw_SamYaple: "Tunneling can't be enabled with invalid local_ip 'MY_IP_ADDRESS'. IP couldn't be found on this host's interfaces"02:39
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mw_SamYaple: That IP isn't in my config file anymore... It's been updated to the new one.02:40
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SamYaplemw_: its in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/*02:43
SamYapleits not in*02:43
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mw_SamYaple: it's not in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/openvswitch_agent.ini ??03:55
mw_SamYaple: it's not local_ip?03:55
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SamYaplemw_: it should be local_ip, yea04:08
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zeusalHi! II have a problem about change contact information08:22
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egonzalezzeusal, any error?08:23
zeusalI see the following error: Code Review - Error Server Error Cannot store contact information08:23
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egonzalezzeusal, is that when signing gerrit ICLA?08:24
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zeusalAnd I need modify the information to commit (Commit ERROR: fatal: remote error:  ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.)08:26
zeusal@egonzalez  Yes, he signed ICLA08:28
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zeusalStatus: Verified     Name: ICLA             Description: OpenStack Individual Contributor License Agreement08:29
egonzalezzeusal, ensure your openstack profile ( https://www.openstack.org/profile/ ) have Member Level: Foundation Member instead of Foundation member08:29
egonzalez*Community member last one08:30
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egonzalezthen fill your contact information https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/contact , I only have Name and email08:31
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zeusal@egonzalez What is the difference Foundation Member  or Community member08:33
egonzalezFoundation can push code and community not, is the only thing I know about that :)08:34
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egonzalezzeusal, there is the description of both profiles https://www.openstack.org/join/08:35
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zeusalThank you! egonzalez08:36
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zeusal@egonzalez Already created the account as a member of the foundation08:42
zeusalAnd when making a commit I see this error:  fatal: remote error:  ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.08:42
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zeusal_sorry egonzalez, you can repeat?08:46
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egonzalezfill your contact information https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/contact , I only have Name and email08:47
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zeusal_.egonzalez, Yes, I have onlye Name and Email08:52
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sanfernhi, do we support ipv6 on openstack newton ? I am able create VM  plugged with ipv6 address in master devstack but not ocata or newton branch. Anyone has any idea ?10:48
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NeepuHi. What exactly does it mean that an instance is "Shelved Offloaded"? I'm trying to unshelve it, but it doesn't work and i'm not getting any errors in horizon.10:55
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radish_hi there! I'm currently trying to implement the scenario described in this documentation - https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/networking-guide/deploy-ovs-selfservice.html -, but I'm not sure about the openvswitch_agent.ini file for the nova nodes. Do I need to use the same config as for the neutron nodes, or take a vanilla (package) configuration and only change local_ip, tunnel_types and l2_population? I'm asking because the openvswi11:19
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radish_interface which was created as described by the docs by running 'ovs-vsctl add-br br-provider' on the neutron nodes11:20
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NeepuHi. I'm having trouble with a shelved instance, returning "VirtualInterfaceCreateException: Virtual Interface creation failed". Tried detaching the network interface, but ofc.. "Cannot 'detach_interface' instance 9379d7a2-b8de-4f4e-9d31-12c43c47c84c while it is in vm_state shelved_offloaded (HTTP 409)". I would love to receive some support :-)11:23
NeepuI'm trying to unshelve it.11:23
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jingidihello guys, I am new to openstack, I have recently launched an instance, but when I tried to delete it, its always showing "deleting" status but never gets deleted, can you help me with this? thank you :)12:20
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s-deanHi, could someone take a look at this log and tell me whats going on ?. compute01 connects to rabbit, but throws this error. https://pastebin.com/ZbpJtBq813:00
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JiYuAm I right that nova-compute and neutron-linuxbridge-agent from Mitaka can talk with a Newton controller installation?14:37
JiYuor is that total bogus?14:37
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TMMAccording to the docs from Liberty onwards it should work for old agents to talk to new controllers14:38
TMMso while you may want to test it, it certainly *Should* work :)14:38
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JiYuI think it worked in test, but I dont remember 100% ;)14:43
JiYuThx TMM I will give it a try ^^14:43
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|ance|ottHi guys, having issue with Ceilometer (Ocata) in Ubuntu14:55
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|ance|ottI think gnocchi is not properly installed14:55
|ance|ottthis had happened to you before?14:56
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|ance|ottapt-get install ceilometer-collector \14:56
|ance|ott  ceilometer-agent-central ceilometer-agent-notification \14:56
|ance|ott  python-ceilometerclient14:56
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|ance|ottI tried that and no luck14:56
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markb1best way to get quotas (openstack SDK) for a project/tenant, for Network and Block?  hitting Rackspace issues “limit exceeded” crap15:35
markb1no problem for Compute15:35
markb1“quotas” for each service-type — capacity planning "metrics"15:35
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LiterateHawkHi all - I've seen a lot of docs describing the various linuxbridge/OVS networking scenarios, but I can't find something that compares the functionality between the two. Are there functionality differences, or is the difference simply in implementation?16:18
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linuxaddictshi, i am trying to spawn a vm with few extraspecs in the flavor. it errors as ERROR (BadRequest): CPU number 11 is larger than max 3 (HTTP 400)16:44
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linuxaddictsthe extraspec is hw:numa_cpus.0": "11,12,13,14 and number of vcpu is 416:44
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linuxaddictsdoes it count the 4 vcpu's as 0,1,2,316:45
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pbandarkhi.. from qrouter namespace I am unable to ping external gateway but from the controller node I am able to. as from qrouter NS package do not go out, floating IP is not working20:36
pbandarkany suggestion ?20:36
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gheorghe_pbandark it sound like your issue requires somebody to look closely at it. can you create an article on ask openstack?21:11
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gheorghe_it's hard to make suggestions without having the full picture21:11
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pbandarkgheorghe_: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/JmXjdfgB1~mZJ4M2nku~7A is complete configuration21:14
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pbandarkgheorghe_: few months back i faced exact issue. but i am unable to recall the cause :(21:15
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pbandarkfrom `ovs-ofctl show br-ens160` i can see "PORT_DOWN" state for "br-ens160"21:15
pbandarkis that expected ?21:15
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gheorghe_pbandark i am sorry, i use ubuntu and linuxbridge :D21:20
pbandarki am suspecting some silly configuration mistake21:20
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gheorghe_probably. or you didn't get a router in all networks and they can't communicate21:21
pbandarkno. router and network config is fine21:21
gheorghe_i had something similar but i was able to figure it out since i knew the entire environment. it's hard to sniff the issue without the full picture21:21
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LiterateHawkIs there a huge difference functionality-wise between linuxbridge and OVS, or are they just different imlpementations?21:53
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