Wednesday, 2017-11-29

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JAMBAnyone have any ideas on how to resolve an issue where I am unable to attach cinder volume to instance on a two node lab environment?00:24
JAMBWARNING nova.compute.manager Volume finished being created but its status is error.  Instance failed block device setup: VolumeNotCreated: Volume did not finish being created even after we waited 6 seconds or 3 attempts. And its status is error.00:25
JAMBIncreasing the block device mapping in nova.conf doesnt have any affect on the issue.00:25
JAMBBlockquote block_device_allocate_retries = 60 (default) to 30000:25
JAMBBlockquote block_device_allocate_retries_interval = 3(default) to 1000:25
JAMBBlockquote block_device_creation_timeout = 10(default) to 30000:25
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SamYapleJAMB: why did it not finish? was the backend to slow? lost rabbitmq messages?00:28
SamYaplethe cinder logs hsould have alot more info00:28
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JAMBreviewing SamYaple00:30
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yyysHi i have vms running in openstack and i want to update flavor property (cpu limit, bandwidth I/O). I am running openstack flavor set --property  command to update the flavor. After the change, seems it is not applied to vm.00:39
yyysDo i need to restart any service? vm?00:40
yyysor libvirt?00:40
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SamYapleyyys: you cant *actually* update a flavor. thats doing a delete/recreate of the flavor in the background00:45
SamYapleyyys: you need to "resize" the vm to the new flavor00:45
SamYaplethat is a downtime causing operation though00:45
yyysSamYaple: I see.00:45
SamYapleno live instance resize is possible00:45
yyysSamYaple: If i create new vms, the property will be applied on new vm, right?00:46
yyysSamYaple: Thanks!00:47
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DelairHi All .. Is it normal in openstack newton that if you delete project, your VMs will still reside in the compute? Is there a workaround where you delete project and it will delete VM automatically02:46
SamYapleDelair: yes thats normal, there was some upstream talk about implementing something like that, but no work done yet merged to my knowledge02:48
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Delair@SamYaple so there is no workaround?02:49
SamYaplewell there is nothing broken to work around. each project manages its own resources and deleting a resource in keystone wont reachout and tell all other services to delete all resources from the project02:51
SamYaplei would suggest looping through your services and purging resources before dropping a project02:51
Delairyeah .. but we have lot of users and projects. It is hard everytime to delete resource for VMS which are not associated to any project.. Sometime in DB it shows in orphaned state..02:53
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DelairIt is not only VMs.. It also router, volumes etc02:53
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SamYaplein the case of routers, i think that behaviour is the correct behaviour. i dont want my sharednetwork dropping for the existing project because someone deleted a different one02:56
SamYapleand volumes can be transfered ownership, so im the same there02:57
SamYaplethe only thing i agree with is the instances02:57
Delairyes but for volumes also which is not a big deal but this is micro managing resource, which will be very hard as we grow with more users and projects..02:59
Delairfor instances it is getting a big issue for us to do a regular cleanup !!02:59
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SamYapleDelair: a cron job should be able to handle that for oyu in a few seconds. you can trigger off the project/domain delete message in the notifications queue too03:01
SamYapleif you dont want a cron03:01
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SamYaplethe infrastructure exists for you to make your cloud work the way you want it too. with multiple options :)03:03
Delair@SamYaple... yeah Thanks03:03
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Delair@SamYaple.. I see one more issue...I see lot of VMs in the DB in a particular project.. but when i login to that project i only see few.. Any idea?03:18
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SamYapleDelair: the DB doesnt remove old instances, it makes a field is_deleted=1 (or similiar)03:18
SamYaplethere is a nova-manage command to move those rows into the shadow tables where they can be purged if you need to03:19
Delaircan you share that command if you dont mind?03:22
SamYaplei dont have it off the top of my head03:23
SamYaplenova-manage has help documents03:23
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Delairok.. didnt know the concept of shadow tables but i will search the command .. Thanks a lot03:24
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Delairso do we have to create a shadow table or it is already created and we just have to move the rows over there03:31
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SamYaplenova handles all that. you just needto run theappropriate nova-manage command to archive the deleted resources03:39
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Delairok cool ..03:41
Delairno more questions :) .. Thanks03:41
SamYaplehaha Delair. keep em coming03:42
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kalyanHi All, is openstack/libvirt usb passthrough has a limitation USB protocol <=2.0 ??08:35
kalyancould someone please correct me on this and provide some information to achieve the same if possible08:35
kalyanthanks in advance! :)08:35
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jsheerenhi all09:07
jsheerenis there a way to use 2 domain names for the same service catalog?09:07
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jsheerenso when users approach the api's using https://thesecondcatalog.list, and they request the catalog list, they will receive the endpoints with name https://thesecondcatalog.list  instead of the configured endpoint url's on https://thecatalog.list09:08
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cablekevinQuestion: I've destroyed a vm in virsh (hard shutdown) and resetted the nova state of that instance but cannot seem to get the VM back up and running09:50
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mdihcablekevin: did you try to start the vm via virsh? just to check if it would still boot09:58
cablekevinI started the vm with virsh and the state has reported back as running. Afterwards i also resetted the nova state to active.09:59
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umbSublimecablekevin, what do you see on the compute logs when 'starting' the instance ?10:10
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cablekevin2017-11-29 10:12:03.739 929559 ERROR oslo.messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit [req-0193d72c-1bc1-4e3f-96ce-8f51de4c946e - - - - -] The broker has blocked the connection: low on disk10:13
cablekevinThat is the last rule from /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log10:13
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mdihcablekevin: looks like a disk space capacity issue. could you please check if there are available free space left for rabbitmq to operate?10:18
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mdihmaybe under /var/..10:18
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mdihlike "df -ah" on nodes where rabbitmq is hosted10:20
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cablekevinGood pointer, thnx. Now to figure where rabbitmq is hosted10:21
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cablekevinFound something :)10:22
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cablekevin"/dev/dm-0       550G  523G     0 100% /10:24
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cablekevinWhat would be the best way to go about free-ing up some space on that machine?10:25
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c06hi all10:27
c06how to configure both flat and vlan external network in openstack.? any idea.?10:28
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c06any one have any idea to configure both flat and vlan external network in openstack environment.?!10:32
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umbSublimecablekevin, depending on what mount points you have on that server, you can start by clearing old logs10:34
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cablekevinOk, is it possible to stop the service in this container? (without damaging the integrity of the system afterwards)10:39
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c06anyone on.?? need suggestion to configure both flat and vlan in my openstack env.??11:16
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jangutterI've got a really newbie question about a heat template, an attached boot volume and why a heat template update is failing... Anyone willing to field?12:44
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larsksjangutter: your best bet is to just ask the question, and provide links to your heat template, etc.  Maybe someone is hear now who can help out, or maybe someone will come online later in the day and take a look.15:37
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jangutterlarsks: got the answer thanks! Attached volumes with and modifying userdata interacts weirdly.15:45
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larsksjangutter: glad to hear things are sorted out.  I'm curious...what was the interaction between modifying the userdata and attaching volumes? Those don't seem like two things that would impact each other.15:46
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jangutterlarsks: I haven't looked closely at it, but the punchline is that modifying userdata causes the instance to be respawned, I think. The way I had my volumes set up, it also seemed to hit some condition where Heat wouldn't attach the volume because it was still in use.15:49
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larsksAh, interesting.  Thanks!15:50
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jangutterlarsks: so doing a stack update failed on the instances. But they were still running.15:50
jangutterlarsks: But everything worked correctly if I kept the userdata constant and updated the rest.15:51
larsksBecause in that case the instances weren't respawned, so there was no issue with re-attaching a volume, is that it?15:51
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jangutterlarks: I think so. But then again, I might have just done something obviously stupid over which I'll giggle in a month or so.15:52
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INeedaUUIDHi everyone. Can anyone tell me how best to modify a systems' uuid using openstack methods?18:36
INeedaUUIDOcate --> KVM18:36
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INeedaUUIDDoes openstack support this? (I know it's a stupid request, but an application depends on them being set)18:37
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larsksINeedaUUID: Which uuid are you looking to change?19:00
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dinhi. i've run into an issue where i'm trying to launch an instance but can't. i have cinder configured correctly, and can create large volumes etc... but when i try to create an instance with a disk larger than where /var/lib/nova sits, it fails. has anyone ran into this before?21:15
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threestrandsAre you creating it with root as a Cinder volume?21:39
threestrandsdin: does your flavor have any ephemeral storage set?21:40
dinthreestrands: the volumes are being created in cinder, as root, yes. flavor has no ephemeral storage set.21:41
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threestrandsdin: I've seen this before, hang on, let me see if I can find any docos on it.21:42
dinthreestrands: thanks. it's rather annoying. i can work around it by setting my flavor's disk to 1gb and using the volume. that's a bit hacky if you ask me though.21:43
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threestrandsOkay, din, question - did you create the volume first? Or are you trying to get OS to create the volume, too?21:44
threestrandssorry - create the volume as part of the "openstack server create" command21:44
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dinthreestrands: as long as the flavor doesn't have a disk size larger than the local disk it works with the volume. even if i create the volume beforehand with cinder the instance still fails to start with a flavor having a disk size larger than the local disk.21:46
dinthreestrands: i have tried it both ways.21:46
threestrandsdin: I think it's still creating your root disk in /var/lib/nova.21:46
threestrandstry this: First answer from mpetason -
schmotsah, yes.. even though cinder creates thin images, if the total space to create isn’t there, it fails21:47
dinthreestrands: that's correct.21:47
dinwait no. heh21:48
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threestrandsschmots: but if you create the volume first from the glance image, then it should boot from the image?21:48
threestrandsThat's the way I thought it works.21:48
dinit boils down to, i can't create an instance if the flavor has a disk size set larger than what's on the compute node's local disk, even if using a cinder volume.21:49
threestrandsLet me see if I can find the instructions for that, din.  It might just be the order of the steps.21:49
threestrandsWe can try that.21:49
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schmotsdin that makes sense to me.  Why not just create a new flavor to fit witin your size constraints21:49
schmotsbecause even though you are making an instance from a volume, it should be trying to create a new volume for that instance and copying the contents of the source volume into it.21:50
dinschmots: i need an instance that has 250GB, but the local disk only has 150GB free. if i have a flavor that says 250GB disk, it fails. If I have a flavor that has 1GB and i boot it from a 250GB cinder volume it's fine.21:51
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dinit seems fine to just use a flavor with a small disk size.21:52
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dinbasically it seems to me that nova is looking at local disk even if there's a volume being attached and the instance creation fails.21:55
threestrandsdin: okay, here's the process I have21:55
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threestrands1. Create a volume from the glance image you want to build from.21:55
threestrands2 openstack server create with these options added in...21:56
threestrands--volume <vol-name> --block-device source=volume,id=<vol-name>,dest=volumeshutdown=preserve,bootindex=0,size=<root-size-GB>21:57
dininteresting. *goes to try it.21:58
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* threestrands crosses fingers for din21:58
threestrandsAlso, last time I did this was Red Hat OSP 10, which is Newton - hopefully the options for your version are similar.21:59
dinI'm running Pike.21:59
threestrandsWell, let's hope Newton and Pike haven't changed much in this respect!22:00
dinseems fine so far.22:00
threestrandsJust noticed I didn't put a comma in between volume and shutdown...22:02
dinyeah. i caught that. no worries.22:02
threestrandsFor those reading this in the future, please use this instead: --block-device source=volume,id=<vol-name>,dest=volumes,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0,size=<root-size-GB>22:03
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dinthreestrands: haha, so... the results are in. if i specify a flavor that uses more storage than is available on the local disk, it still fails to create the instance. if i use a flavor that has a disk size of 1GB set (or anything lower than what's avialable on local storage), it's fine.22:14
threestrandsthat's bizarre.  Sounds like a bug to me22:15
openstackLaunchpad bug 1469179 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "instance.root_gb should be 0 for volume-backed instances" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to melanie witt (melwitt)22:15
threestrandsYep, that looks like that would be what you hit.22:15
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threestrandsBut the volume build worked with that 1GB option set?22:16
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dinthreestrands: it certainly did.22:16
dininstance is currently running.22:16
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threestrandsdin: cool, well, hope those options I showed you help out.  Good luck, mate! :)22:16
raynoldahh it's a wonderful day22:17
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INeedaUUIDlarsks: I think I have found a (terrible) way to do this.22:52
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INeedaUUIDlarsks: Sorry for the late reply :-)22:52
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dinthreestrands: just an amendment to the command you gave me.22:59
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dinthreestrands: nova boot --flavor <flavor> --nic net-id=<network_uuid> --key-name <key> --block-device source=image,id=<image_uuid>,dest=volume,size=250,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=023:00
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dinand the instance name on the end there.. whoops.23:00
threestrandsdin: That builds the volume for you?23:01
dinso... nova boot --flavor <flavor> --nic net-id=<network_uuid> --key-name <key> --block-device source=image,id=<image_uuid>,dest=volume,size=200,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0 instance_name23:01
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dinit builds the volume using the supplied glance image_uuid23:01
threestrandsSweet!  I'll keep a copy of that for future use. :)23:01
threestrandsI've always built it using a volume I created beforehand...23:01
dinyeah, this one takes that step out of it23:01
threestrandsAwesome, thank you for sharing that back!23:02
dinjust as long as the flavor doesn't have a large disk. :)23:03
threestrandsYes, right - need that bug fixed...23:03
dinyw. I like to share knowledge when i find it. :)23:03
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threestrandsI appreciate that!  It's the OpenSource way.23:03
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* threestrands thanks din!23:04
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INeedaUUIDdin: threestrands This is well known, and frustrating to me :-)23:08
INeedaUUIDYou can oversubscribe the disks too that would help. But yes, the consensus is that you create flavours with 0 disk.23:09
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dinseems like i ran into this before as well. i thought it would have been fixed in the latest release. it might be, and i may just be ignorant to it.23:09
INeedaUUIDI assume you're using lvm or similar.23:09
dinactually, ceph, and now direct san access.23:10
dinwith ceph it's fine.23:10
dinbut using direct san, not so much.23:10
INeedaUUIDdin: Yeah. IT's a bit frustrating. There's a few patches out there that ignore the local disk size, but it's something that's been around for some time now.23:10
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dinoh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯23:11
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INeedaUUIDWhat version you using, sorry did't read that bit.23:11
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INeedaUUIDAh. I run Ocata and had wondered about this.23:12
INeedaUUIDThere was discussions it was fixed using the placement api iirc.23:12
INeedaUUIDBut alas, it seems not the case.23:12
threestrandsSad, oh well.23:12
dinyeah, i read that, but i haven't looked into it just yet.23:12
dini have to run guys. bbl.23:12
INeedaUUIDsame. Godda sleep sometime. gl.23:12
threestrandsI'm in Sydney.  It's only just morning now!23:12
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INeedaUUIDhaha. nice. I'm on the other side of the flat planet.23:13
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threestrandsI'm originally from US East coast, maybe I'll go back someday.23:15
threestrandsWho knows?23:15
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INeedaUUIDlol. off catching those Z's. Laters.23:19
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