Monday, 2020-08-03

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elico*: I want to run OpenStack on a single node AIO. Is there any specific thing to know about such a setup?02:07
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admin0elico, nothing .. just follow the relevant document ( from openstack-ansible or kolla-ansible)09:09
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recycleheroguys. I suspected a failed hdd on my openstack controller and ddrescued it with 100% success.09:15
recycleheronow when I swaped the hdd with the cloned one I get the same errors09:16
recycleheroeverything is failing09:16
recycleherobut I guess mariadb is the main reason09:16
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recycleherowhat should I do? where should I inspect09:16
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admin0you had a single disk or multiple controllers ?09:18
recycleheroadmin0: single disk09:23
recycleherothe hdd is ok now I guess I dd rescued it09:23
admin0and there was no daily or hourly mariadb backup ?09:23
admin0if the database is not corrupt, then you might be able to get back by doing a reinstall09:24
recycleheroI think the problem was mayb a sudden shutdown and its side effects on mariadb09:24
recycleheroshould I go to mariadb channel?09:25
recycleherowhy a reinstall?09:25
recycleheroreinstall of the controller?09:25
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recycleheroAug 03 13:57:45 controller mysql-check-socket[13104]: Socket file /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock exists.09:25
recycleheroAug 03 13:57:45 controller mysql-check-socket[13104]: No process is using /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock, which means it is a garbage, so it will be removed automatically.09:26
admin0except database, everything in openstack can be recovered09:26
recycleheroAug 03 13:57:45 controller mysql-prepare-db-dir[13128]: Database MariaDB is probably initialized in /var/lib/mysql already, nothing is done.09:26
recycleheroAug 03 13:57:45 controller mysql-prepare-db-dir[13128]: If this is not the case, make sure the /var/lib/mysql is empty before running mysql-prepare-db-dir.09:26
recycleheroAug 03 13:57:45 controller mysqld[13165]: 2020-08-03 13:57:45 139990674802880 [Note] /usr/libexec/mysqld (mysqld 10.1.20-MariaDB) starting as process 13165 ...09:26
admin0please don't paste here09:26
admin0mariadb or mysql channel will be best09:26
recycleheroadmin0: everything except mariadb is in place I guess09:28
recycleherowhats the consequence of losing the database?09:28
admin0the instances, cinder volumes will be zombies09:29
admin0your mapping from a user -> instance is gone isn't it ?09:29
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recycleheroQ for later! If I have my needed instances running and dont need horizion ar any change to state can I power off the controller?09:30
recycleheroadmin0: dont know09:30
recycleherotring mariadb channel09:30
admin0with controllers totally down, the instances will still work . but only till they are running09:31
admin0if they are rebooted for any reason, they might not get thier old ip address09:31
admin0it depends on how affected your controller is and where your network agents live09:31
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recycleheroadmin0: got it09:35
recycleherothe machine is still unstable and I dont know why09:36
recycleherocan u guide me what should I get out to have a resintall09:36
admin0how was it installed ?09:37
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recycleheroit was a while ago but its openstack queens and manual install on the machine.09:37
admin0first thing you have to do is make sure if you have your database back or not09:38
recycleherook I will do that.09:38
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recycleheroadmin0: I think there is a bug in mariadb/mysql causing my problem.11:55
admin0until  you fix and get your data back, your recovery will look like a new greenfield deployment11:55
recycleherocan I upgrade my centos controller host with no problems causing to opeanstack ?11:55
recycleheroi didnt update since install11:56
admin0without your database, your deployment will look like new ..11:56
admin0so better ssh to the running hosts and take backup11:56
admin0and most imp, set a root pass so that you can login to console and do manual ip assignment in case you want to salvage it later11:56
recycleherosome of the importent ones are not working and non-important one are working!!!11:56
recycleheroso I need to take the controlller back11:57
admin0what is the status on the db ?11:57
admin0it cannot be restored ?11:57
admin0it cannot be used ?11:57
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recycleherono cannot connect to mysql deamon, not running11:57
recycleherowhat happens if i update with yum11:58
recycleherowhy should I lose my database with yum update?11:58
admin0can you install the same version mysql in a docker/container and then copy the /var/lib/mysql and see if it brings your database to a state where you can take a backup/restore11:58
admin0no, you make a backup of your mysql, put it in a docker/lxc container and then do the yum update there11:58
recycleheronice, admin. I will try that.11:59
admin0unless you have gone through the upgrade codes yourself or written them yourself, can you guarantee it will not make the situation worse11:59
admin0so no, i would not be working on a failed system like this .. i would be taking backup and then trying update/upgrade in a more controlled environment with copied data11:59
recycleheroadmin0: no, i cant. you are right. your approcah is way more safe11:59
admin0are you on shared storage ?12:00
recycleherobut this mariadb/mysql distinction is going to kill me I guess.12:00
admin0like ceph12:00
recycleherono for the controller host its a regular hdd12:00
admin0no no12:01
recycleheroi use nfs + raid for instances12:01
admin0the instance file / nova i meant12:01
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admin0so the disks are on /var/lib/nova/instances ?12:01
recycleherono they are on a diffrent host outside of openstack and provided via a nfs share to openstack12:01
admin0they are still disk files right ? and not ceph blobs12:02
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recycleherothat a + for my situation, right?12:02
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recycleherono ceph things12:02
recycleheroi will go try to make a docker file now. thanks!12:03
admin0i use lxd .. find it much easier12:06
recycleheroit was my plan not to jump to the docker hype and use lxd but learning jenkins led me to using docker for now.12:09
recycleheroit cannot scp mysql.sock12:09
recycleheroit is a socket and have suid bit set I guess12:10
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admin0gitlab is taking over jenkins ..12:12
admin0its taking over a lot of stuff tbh12:12
admin0for good12:12
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recycleheroyou mean my investment on learning jenkins is not portable? I was setting up jenkins in docker on my laptop and had my  git repostories in my opestack when the controller died on me:D12:16
recycleheroswap git+jenkins for gitlab?12:16
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fungigitlab does not replace git, in fact it depends heavily on it14:13
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recycleheroadmin0: I am tring with mariadb docker image for recovery. my version is 10.1.20. first i tried with mariadb:latest it says it doesnt allow upgrade after crash14:21
recycleherothen with 10.1-bionic image it shows the same error as before14:22
admin0yo will get help from the maria/mysql channel itself14:22
admin0related to mysql and how to recover it14:22
admin0once its recovered, then can help you14:22
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DHEI've seen this with mysql. you can recover a crashed innodb image, or you can upgrade a clean shutdown to the newer versions. Not both at the same time. have the old version repair the damage, shut down cleanly, then upgrade.14:44
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recycleheroadmin0: i got the database back with innodb_force_recovery=414:50
recycleheroi am investigating what that does to the data14:50
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recycleherocan I shutdown my controller node after I have started my instances?18:26
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recycleherois there a way to correct a out of sync linux agent or should I restart the whole infra18:43
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admin0just restart the proceses18:54
admin0if the db is back and eveything is connected to the db, and rabbitmq is also up, then restarting the process will make them in sync18:55
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