Tuesday, 2021-08-03

*** rlandy|ruck|bbl is now known as rlandy|ruck02:06
*** sshnaidm|afk is now known as sshnaidm07:27
*** rpittau|afk is now known as rpittau07:30
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck11:39
pvh_saHello everyone... I've got an openstack VM that seems to have somehow disconnected from the network: it sends out a DHCP queries but no DHCP response comes back. This is OpenStack Queens deployed using kolla. Removing and recreating the network interface doesn't resolve the problem. Any ideas where else to look?12:03
admin1pvh_sa, ask in the #openstack-kolla channel .. they can help you better there .. 12:19
pvh_sathank you!12:20
*** heilerich is now known as Guest319514:30
*** rpittau is now known as rpittau|afk16:13

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