Wednesday, 2021-10-20

itlinuxhi guys can someone give me any suggestions on this error?00:37
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sandronHi! I have a question in regards to Openstack Glance and if I got it right this can be a place to ask, if I am wrong please kindly point me to the right direction. My question is : If you enable Image Signing and Certificate Validation in nova.conf ([glance] verify_glance_signatures = True enable_certificate_validation = True) will that stop users from uploading unsigned images or using unsigned images to spin up instances? Intuitively I feel that 11:59
sandronit will enforce checks only if the signature property exists, but what if it doesn't? Does it control in any way unsigned images? Does it stop users from uploading or using anything unsigned? Would an image without the signing properties just be rejected? If this feature doesn't stop the use of unsigned images as a security control what is the logic behind it then?11:59
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testmansomeone yell at maintainers of to fix the link to Projects in the footer of the page. is 40413:02
fricklerfungi: ^^ can you forward that? I'm not sure what that should actually contain13:04
fungitestman: frickler: thanks for the heads up, i'll point it out to them13:05
fungitestman: when i click that link it takes me to which returns content, maybe it was temporary?13:06
fungioh, projects, i misread13:06
fungiyeah, confirmed i see the same behavior you do. letting them know now13:07
testmanfungi: thank you13:11
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itlinuxhello all, any suggestions on this
itlinuxtrying to build a standalone box 17:10
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