Tuesday, 2021-12-21

*** rlandy|ruck is now known as rlandy|out00:32
*** queria is now known as Guest899703:25
*** queria is now known as Guest899803:30
*** tensor5_ is now known as tensor505:56
*** tensor5_ is now known as tensor507:16
*** tensor5_ is now known as tensor509:16
*** tensor5_ is now known as tensor509:34
*** rlandy_ is now known as rlandy|ruck11:14
*** queria is now known as Guest905216:29
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|afk17:34
*** gmann is now known as gmann_afk19:51
LandryHi everyone, i hope you're fine I have a little question, i tried to install Openstack with packstack in the "allinone style" on AlmaLinux 8 (~CentOS 8) but the install failed because of EPEL which i fixed now but i can't get the install not to fail.  Do have i to completely reinstall the server in order to get it to work ? Thanks for your help ^^20:57
*** kmasterson` is now known as kmasterson21:40

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