Tuesday, 2022-02-08

dannfHi! I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to boot certain instances w/ ACPI disabled (no <acpi/> in libvirt XML). Seems like this is the type of thing typically configured with flavor extra_specs, but ACPI off/on doesn't seem to be an exposed option.00:36
prometheanfireno security group set when port security is enabled means no traffic passes, I think this is intended behavior but I'm not certian01:37
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guesswhatGuys? Is xcp-ng supported in Nova ? ( https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/config-reference/compute/hypervisor-xen-api.html ) => i can not find related docs for xena release...09:50
peeejayzHey, I have a wallaby based cluster. I was wondering if anyone knew why when trying to set --system all role assignments they dont seem to work - for domain and local users. I've looked via the default policy's and it appears they should work.10:53
fricklerpeeejayz: what is the exact command you are trying to do and how does the error look like? you can use paste.opendev.org if you have some multiline output10:55
peeejayzfricker so I'm running "openstack role add --system all --user username admin" - Which my understanding is that should then grand them admin access to all projects? Or have I mis understood what the --system function does.10:58
peeejayzI'm actually more interested in --system all members, so I can have some our support team, access to all projects but not cloud admin functions.10:59
fricklerpeeejayz: I think that's not how system roles work11:00
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guesswhatGuys? Is xcp-ng supported in Nova ? ( https://docs.openstack.org/ocata/config-reference/compute/hypervisor-xen-api.html ) => i can not find related docs for xena release...18:22
dansmithguesswhat: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/74930418:31
guesswhatdansmith: oh :( thanks, back to kvm...18:34
prometheanfireso... I can boot an instance with a flavor that has a host-aggregate attached via command line but horizon can't boot the same instance config19:39
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