Monday, 2022-06-06

vmaccelIt's a bit grueling, but I'd recommend installing everything manually to really get a feel for how things work together before relying on automated deployment tools00:39
BedManI second that vmaccel... not that nonewton is still here :(08:24
*** BedMan_ is now known as BedMan11:42
dgripamorning everyone13:46
dgripaI'm trying to use openstack but I'm having some issues13:46
dgripaI'm using ubuntu 20.0413:46
dgripaOpenStack Yoga13:46
dgripapython 3.8.1013:46
dgripabut I can't ./ and then ./ again13:46
dgripaIt only works at the first time13:46
dgripawhat is the best setup for me to have it running?13:46
*** Jan[m]1 is now known as jakl17:11
code_bleuI've been struggling to find the right path to get policy.yaml file to work.  I have the config in nova.conf setup with policy_dirs and policy_file...I used the oslopolicy-sample-generator  --namespace nova to create the policy.yaml file.  For testing, I'm trying to get a non-admin user be able to do an 'openstack host list', but nothing is working21:09
code_bleuis my connection working...can anyone see what I'm typing?  I see so many people, but no one talking.21:19
code_bleuI disconnected from this channel and not sure if anyone replied to my post before, but I'm going to post again.  I promise I'm not trying to spam :)    I will leave it up for a while this time..21:31
code_bleuI've been struggling to find the right path to get policy.yaml file to work.  I have the config in nova.conf setup with policy_dirs and policy_file...I used the oslopolicy-sample-generator  --namespace nova to create the policy.yaml file.  For testing, I'm trying to get a non-admin user be able to do an 'openstack host list', but nothing is working21:31

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