Tuesday, 2022-12-20

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NiteFallwe are trying an install and getting 401 for logins. Keystone is running, keystone in debug mode. it seems to have trouble then tries a referrer and gets success but the login page just returns to login or fails auth. This is a new setup from scratch. what should we be checking?18:38
NiteFallServer OS is Debian 11, single box 18:44
*** SilentNite is now known as NiteFall19:14
NiteFallwe need some basic setup help. Debian 11 openstack single server build. We are getting 401 errors when we submit login. The keystone service is working. in CLI I can authenticate to run openstack commands but the GUI won't let us in19:18
NiteFallwhere should we be looking to figure out why?19:18
NiteFallthe error in logs is "Attempted scope to domain default failed, will attempt to scope to another domain."19:20
NiteFallrestart of apache results is these fine errors:19:23
NiteFallDEBUG horizon.base Load condition failed for panel: backups, referer19:23
NiteFallDEBUG horizon.base Load condition failed for panel: backups, referer19:23
NiteFallDEBUG horizon.base Load condition failed for panel: identity_provide19:23
NiteFallDEBUG horizon.base Load condition failed for panel: mappings,19:23
*** eliadcohen_ is now known as eliadcohen19:27
jrosserNiteFall: how did you install this?19:35
NiteFallwe installed individually using latest packages using install guide on single host19:36
jrosserI would recommend using one of the community developed deployment tools19:36
jrosserlike openstack-ansible or kolla-ansible19:37
jrosserall of the basic config will be dealt with for you19:37
NiteFall@jrosser I'll let my team know. Thank you for your advice.19:39
jrosseryou get to take advantage of the accumulated knowledge / experience of operators running real deployments by using these tools19:41
jrosserand without automation / config management you will really be in trouble if you want to start to scale up19:41
NiteFallwe do have upward plans if we can get a stable setup. Just a few if us local geeks trying to help out a local community. 19:46
BobZAnnapolis___new to this IRC & the community so bear with me while i get my footing - we're (tasked with) standing up multiple private clouds in various datacenters - any good suggestions on accurate successful documentation for setting up Rally/Tempest for automated testing - the existing openstack and Rally read the docs pages aren't working as smoothly as the YouTube yearly conferences demonstrate, eg no longer existing githu19:51

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