Tuesday, 2023-01-24

ShinWorkgreetings. I have a most curious double attached volume to some of my instances ... 01:16
ShinWork| 037a3241-b91f-47ba-9317-7eac8563b39b | xyz-w1-vol-0        | in-use    |    100 | Attached to 641ca7a0-cc08-48bb-8f22-cf6bf816c41a on /dev/vdb Attached to 641ca7a0-cc08-48bb-8f22-cf6bf816c41a on /dev/vdb  |01:16
ShinWorkvda same weirdness. instance only sees the volume once. quite weird.01:17
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:50
*** cloudnull2 is now known as cloudnull09:09
*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy11:09
*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out23:01

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