Thursday, 2023-03-09

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:40
trhey guys, iam trying to setup openstack-ansible. somehow the playbook (/etc/ansible/ansible_collections/openstack/osa/roles/db_setup/tasks/main.yml) is failing: "username": "keystone"}]}, "msg": "unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or /root/.my.cnf has the credentials. Exception message: (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')"08:09
trany ideas how to further debug this?08:09
triam kinda stuck at the moment08:09
trtheres a container on infra1: infra1_utility_container-8960edcf        RUNNING 1         onboot, openstack, - but is seems that theres no mysql-server running08:11
jrossertr: that usually means that there is a networking problem08:21
jrossertr: you can join #openstack-ansible for help with this specifically08:22
jrossertr: the utility container has all the tooling like the maridb *client* libraries, openstacksdk and so on, but the database server itself is running in a different container and is connected to over the network08:27
trjrosser: thanks, i did not know, that theres a seperate channel for ansible. 08:34
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: Yesterday's change to Gerrit configs to use submit-requirements had a boolean logic bug. This has now been corrected and any changes that did not merge as a result can be rechecked. We have reenqueued the changes we identified as being affected.17:23
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*** thelounge553 is now known as thelounge5520:41
TVRAnyone know where I can get / download Fuel that will install a modern OpenStack like Yoga or Zed?21:54
supamattTVR: fuel is gone23:16

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