Friday, 2023-06-09

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:28
hanisirfanHi. I'm a newbie trying to deploy a TripleO Undercloud environment. I've tried follow the steps given in the docs but was unable to deploy it. I was getting errors like this: Ansible execution failed. playbook: deploy_steps_playbook.yaml, Run Status: failed, Return Code: 208:44
hanisirfanI've done a very minimal edit on the undercloud.conf file in which I only change the local_interface entry to the interface that I wanted to use as provisioning network. I'm really clueless on what entry is a mandatory for me to change.08:50
fricklerhanisirfan: possibly ask in their dedicated channel #tripleo. but also note that the tripleo project is being discontinued, especially if you are new, you very likely want to look at other deployment tools09:14
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Hanisfrickler: Oh I thought TripleO is the recommended tool. I haven't read any news of its discontinuing.09:41
HanisCan you kindly suggest me what new tools are recommended for the deployment? To be honest with you, it would be really hard for me to learn an install each services separately on each node.09:41
frickleropenstack-ansible or kolla/kolla-ansible are popular choices. is a good starting point09:44
HanisWhich one would you recommend? Either OPENSTACK-ANSIBLE or Kolla Ansible? I believe Packstack is only for POC deployment am I right?09:44
fricklerI'm biased since I am a kolla developer. but both are valid choices IMO09:45
HanisHahahaha got it..Thanks for the suggestion.I'll give both a try then.09:46
HanisFor kolla ansible host OS, which is recommended? Is it CentOS Stream 9 or Rocky Linux 9?10:14
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fricklerI would suggest Ubuntu or Debian. Rocky may be a viable alternative if you are into the red hatted world. I don't know why anyone would recommend something as unstable as C9S for anything 10:45

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