Saturday, 2023-06-17

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:20
*** admin1 is now known as admin010:12
blues11cWe are using ML2+Linux Bridger and have HA on L3. Recently we have had issues that most of our network namespace are missing and the routers which have the network namespace doesn't have an IP address for the gateway.11:27
blues11cAlso, we see the 'L3 agents' of most of the routers in a standby state ( all three controllers) and a few of them shows as  'master' in multiple controllers. 11:28
blues11cHas anyone had a similar issue/ any clue?11:28
admin1blues11c, sometimes changes in underlying l2 ( missed packets) causes multiple agents to be masters, or none at all.. if this involves a downtime and customer are affected, just reduce the number of agents from 3 to 1 in the config, restart and then delete and re-add the router .. it will fix itself automatically 13:14
blues11c@admin1, Thanks will try this. I have tried to create a router without 'ha' and in this case the gateway port went down immediately after the creation.  I just checked creating a port manually from Horizon and it also went to down state. 13:24
blues11cAdditionally the keepalive process associated with router namespace is not spawning for us, It spawned for a few routers when we restarted a single control node :( 13:28

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