Wednesday, 2023-06-28

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:59
admin1added a new osd .. and it comes as 12    ssd   1.00000          osd.12      up         0  1.00000   ...   the weight is wrong .. as it should be 3.49909 , but it comes as 1.000 ..  ceph orch ls lists it as    Insufficient space (<10 extents) on vgs, LVM detected, locked  ....  /pg dump shows it all 12            0 B      0 B       0 B      0 B08:59
admin1[]       0               0   .. nothing in here .. 08:59
admin1so exactly how do I activate it ? 08:59
admin1so that it starts to work 08:59
guesswhat[m]any idea how this is working? horizon does not return status code different that 200, so not sure how to catch failed login .. or what is the best way how to protect frontend? mfa is not implemented in horizon, oidc/saml is quite overkill20:11

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