Sunday, 2023-07-16

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:29
*** mhen_ is now known as mhen08:01
ownerGood day. Just confirming this is the official openstack support channel.15:54
*** owner is now known as iax15:55
iaxedit: correcting nick.15:55
iaxAnyhow, to my point: is there any functionality in OpenStack that allows for a rolling-upgrade of nodes/VMs, similar to a K8S "rolling update" or an AWS "instance refresh" for auto-scaling groups?15:56
iaxMy stack (managed by another team) currently has Heat, Masakari, and if needed, they can add Senlin. However, all the mentions of "rolling upgrades" for these plugins/features in the official documentation appear to be about upgrading the OpenStack/IaaS underyling infra itself, rather than rolling upgrades of VMs deployed using OpenStack.15:57
iaxIdeally, I'd like to have a group of VMs that I can set to an arbitrary size, guarantee they'll auto-restart if they crash or are evicted, and have some built-in mechanisms for rolling upgrades (as opposed to having to write my own service to babysit the nodes and upgrade them in-place for a zero-downtime rolling upgrade). Any feedback/advice on the topic is appreciated. Thank you.15:58

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