Friday, 2023-07-21

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:12
maranjandelamDeploying OpenStack by Kolla with enabled-Octavia moduole , I get this error: `fatal: [control]: FAILED: Interface 'o-hm0' not present on host 'control'` (Detailes are described here: )13:50
maranjandelamWhat could be the reason for this error?13:51
*** d34dh0r5- is now known as d34dh0r5314:00
maranjandelamIf this is not the right channel to ask Kolla-related question, would you please let me know where Can I get live-chat support?14:08
*** melwitt is now known as jgwentworth18:26
*** arif-ali[m] is now known as ArifAli[m]19:21

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