Friday, 2023-08-18

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:41
*** dmellado8191813 is now known as dmellado81918105:06
artemtechhi all, anybody here ever experienced network agent status aliveness flapping from :) to XXX ? flapping interval is around 1m - 3m that occurs in about 30-40% computes. currently i hosted 70 nodes (3ctrl + 67computes) with 1000+ vms on top of these computes (ussuri). is it normal behavior or any ways to avoid this flapping? thx06:59
obreartemtech: To me that is typically an indication of problems with the message-queue. In our case it is typically the rabbitmq-clusters misbehaving. 09:04
artemtech@obre, hmm okay we will try to dive in our rabbit clusters first, thx for your sharing ^^09:34
obreartemtech: Look at limits for concurrent connections; and if it is a cluster check that all cluster-members agrees who is members of the cluster. 09:38
tafkamaxI have a question regarding kolla-ansible13:01
tafkamaxmy org is testing out openstack using kolla-ansible. And as one might do, we want to modify some stuff. I cloned kolla-ansible as a fork and I was thinking it uses and setup.cfg13:02
tafkamaxAnd I started converting it to pyproject.toml13:02
tafkamaxI guess I am some ways in, but I am stuck at thinking what some setup.cfg correspond to in pyproject.toml for poetry13:03
tafkamaxI have written in poetry-python discord aswell and pasted output of my file there13:04
tafkamaxIf someone is bored feedback is welcome13:04

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