Friday, 2023-09-08

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asmaHi. Openstack community.  Anyone has deployed the openstack using the latest kola-ansible deployment tool?04:09
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brodieim not sure if im in the right irc. im trying to look for an anwnser to a problem im haveing im still new to openstack so am still learning how to deploy it so please bare with me17:32
brodieso may i ask the question here17:33
fricklerbrodie: feel free to just ask anything, but be patient and don't expect a quick answer17:33
brodiethanks 17:33
brodiei understand i may not get an awnser quickly but thats fine. so im learngin openstack. im currently installed rocky-linux 9.2 with openstack yoga from rpm packages and every ive got all the base components installed im about to launch my first instance but am running into an error ive traced it to nova-conductor with the error in the log showing "domain configuration does not support video model 'domain configuration does not support17:37
brodiei found there is a similer problem on 17:38
brodiejust wawnted to know if anyone else encounterd it 17:39
jrosserbrodie: did you find somewhere telling you those yoga rpm are tested/working on rocky 9.2?17:51
jrosseropenstack releases are developed/tested against specific python and libvirt versions, so if you go outside those it might be troublesome17:52
brodieok this is embarrising No i thought because they are on a 1:1 centos clone i would have better luck17:52
jrosserwell, centos 9-ish perhaps17:53
jrosserthough to be fair it looks like centos-9 was a supported environment for the yoga release17:56
brodiei thought it best not to overcomplicate with a RHEL like distro because from my undrstanding a large number of openstack deployments are on centos/rhel17:56
jrosserRH sell a product based on openstack, for sure17:56
jrosserit would be worthwhile looking at the community driven deployment tools for openstack17:58
jrosserlike openstack-ansible and kolla-ansible17:58
brodiei literaly only started a mounth ago and wrote my own ansible playbooks to deploy openstack i wanted to get into the weeds of it and see how its done from the ground up. i started simple with the documantation to install yoga line by line and then wrote playbooks for them18:00
jrosserok cool18:01
brodieit works but its that final push of getting the vm going im quite proud of what ive done so far18:01
jrosserthe bug you linked to does describe a fix18:03
jrosserunfortunatley deploying from distro packages makes it hard to apply that18:03
brodiei did try the fix but am trying another this is a test openstack system im running and even though im struggeling its kind of fun figuring this out 18:09
brodieok im back none of the fixes worked gotta say im kinda stumped19:40
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