Wednesday, 2023-09-13

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:20
*** ozzzo1 is now known as ozzzo07:02
crabhi, we have some scripts which use the pythin api. i was querying stuff like "hypervisor.vcpus" and "hypervisor.vcpus_used"11:07
crabhowever, these were deprecated in version 2.8811:07
crabwe discoverd that "openstack hypervisor list --long" provides the details we need, and we worked out that we could connect to the api using:11:07
crabconn.compute.default_microversion = "2.1"11:08
crabhowever, im a bit concerned that this might not be the best way to resolve this issue, and might break going forward.11:08
crabif anyone has any advise i would be grateful.11:08
*** blarnath is now known as d34dh0r5315:02

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