Friday, 2023-11-03

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:11
calvinhi total newbie to Openstack. I've got an ansible playbook that sets up servers, but i also want to delete them easily. I see that it is possible to tag some items in openstack (and add metadata to others) is it possible to delete items by tag/metadata? I can see a function "find_attr" in the python-client and in osc-lib that looks like what i want... should i use this?09:14
calvindocs are not at all helpful  here :(09:15
fricklercalvin: I don't have an easy answer for you, but depending on your requirements you may want to look into the OpenStack orchestration service called heat, which manages the whole lifecycle of resources from creation to deletion. or possibly some external tool like terraform. that may be easier than rewriting that functionality yourself09:29
calvin_frickler: thanks for the tips! i currently use ansible, and generally prefer that over terraform as a dislike saved state. but will use it if i have to!. Also will definitely check out this heat tool. thanks again09:43

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