Monday, 2024-04-29

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:57
mijouHi. I just upgraded to Magnum Antelope (from Yoga). The upgrade was successful but since then Magnum reports a keystone client error with every attempt to update status of existing clusters or to create a new one (resulting in a failure to generate cluster certificate). Any trivial reason for this?10:47
int33hMorning with keystone 25.0.0 i seem to have some issues doing db_sync , sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (pymysql.err.ProgrammingError) (1146, "Table 'keystone.project' doesn't exist")11:42
int33hafter script is run the table is there but it feels like something is done in the wrong order11:43
fricklerint33h: is that with a fresh installation or after an upgrade? if the latter, what was the previous and the initial version of keystone?12:06
int33hfrickler: its a fresh install of ubuntu 24.04 so its the ubuntu packages12:09
int33hcompletly fresh lab cluster so i can tear it up and down12:10
int33hwas stuck for a day trying to get ceph running before that (seems noone realy have tested those parts of 24.04 seems a little strange for a lts :P )12:11
fricklerint33h: oh, so that's with python 3.12 which is also mostly untested upstream. ubuntu has been pretty optimistic with this I think. I suggest to open a bug report at
fricklerint33h: also, yes, faking a non-existing ceph release is even more optimistic IMHO12:16
int33hfrickler: yea i had to grab source packets from ceph and recompile cephadmlib and manualy put it in place before i got ceph running (and disable apparmour)12:42
int33hfrickler: i put in a bug report, i suspect noone has even tried to install openstack on this before they launced 24.04 12:51
int33hfeels rushed12:51
fricklerint33h: just being curious, why are you rushing to use 24.04? I mean, there's a reason LTS upgrades aren't enabled until roughly 24.04.1 is out12:55
int33him in the middle of evaluating openstack to change from vmware and i was in the middle so i figured might as well test 12:56
int33hnot worried about stability at this stage and evaluation is going to take months anyway12:57
int33hdidnt expect it to be this broken though :P12:57
int33hI created all my deployment scripts for 22.04 before 24.04 was released12:57
fricklerso you are creating your own deployment tooling?12:58
int33hyea at this stage at least, need to understand all components before i run stuff like this in production12:58
int33hand all the automated deployments was to much black magic12:58
int33hand since im probably going to tear this setup down multiple times i created bash scripts to automate it all12:59
int33hits a mess atm but just about functional :P
fricklerhmm, some may call it black magic, others call it concentrated experience from doing years of deployments. so even if you don't use it in the end, I'd suggest to at least look at what kolla and openstack-ansible do and learn from it13:00
int33hyea i used openstack-ansible before13:01
int33hbut when i ran into trouble i was to lost13:01
int33hSo im just doing this to understand everything atm13:01
int33hand when i do that i might use openstack-ansible13:01
int33him undecided though how il run it if it gets good enough for production, having comeplete control over tooling has its benefits for production13:03
int33hmy setup is pretty small, i have just a bit over 500 vm:s and some few kubernetes clusters13:05
jrosser_int33h: if you run into difficulty with openstack-ansible please ask in the #openstack-ansible IRC18:05

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