Wednesday, 2024-05-22

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:11
vinetosHey! Does someone know why bagpipe-bgp always attach my VM port with evpn ? I use ovs and I cannot make it work with ipvpn09:30
vinetosEven with dummy dataplane driver for evpn, bagpipe still try to announce RouteEntry as l2-evpn09:31
vinetosMay it be a compatibility issue with l2_population = true ?09:35
fricklervinetos: you may want to ask this in the #openstack-neutron channel or on the mailing list09:39
vinetosThanks, I will do post on the correct channel. Where could I find the mailing list if I do not get a answer ?09:40
fricklervinetos: well this channel isn't wrong for questions in general, it is just that your question seems very specific, so I hope you may have better chances in that project channel. for the ML see
vinetosfrickler: oh ok! big thanks!09:43
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: There will be a short Gerrit outage while we update to the latest 3.8 release in preparation for next weeks 3.9 upgrade.17:00

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