Wednesday, 2024-05-29

d1nuc0mHi, I'm having an issue with git when trying to send a patch to opendev with git review09:47
d1nuc0mProblems encountered installing commit-msg hook09:48
d1nuc0mThe following command failed with exit code 25509:48
d1nuc0m    "scp -P29418 /home/d1nuc0m/puppet-nova/.git/hooks/commit-msg"09:48
d1nuc0mIf I run the scp manually, I get this error09:48
d1nuc0msubsystem request failed on channel 009:48
d1nuc0mConnection closed09:48
d1nuc0mSomehow it works with -O, but it is a workaround09:49
d1nuc0mscp -P29418 -O /home/d1nuc0m/puppet-nova/.git/hooks/commit-msg09:49
d1nuc0mDoes anyone know how to solve this issue?09:49
elordenadorGuys, I need help with policies, when I installed horizon using dnf install openstack-dashboard, it doesn't include policy files and it's complaining about it, I mean, there are no file or directory to /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/conf/nova.yaml, any help with it?09:50
jrosserd1nuc0m: you are possibly running an old version of git-review there09:50
d1nuc0mjrosser, is git-review-2.2.0 old?09:50
jrossera couple of years according to pypi09:51
d1nuc0mI installed it from EPEL (I'm on EL9), guess I'll have to wait for an upstream update 09:53
jrosserd1nuc0m: you don't have to wait if you install it yourself in a virtualenv with pip09:56
d1nuc0mHadn't thought about a venv, thank you!09:56

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