Friday, 2024-06-14

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:44
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh05:38
d1nuc0mHi all, as far as you know, are there any tools to automate image management? Eg. new OS cloud image is published and the tool uploads it and archives the old one11:07
ContinuityD1nuc0m: im not aware of anything built into OpenStack. In the past I have written my own12:01
d1nuc0mContinuity, have you shared it somehow or just as a private project?12:01
ContinuityIt was something custom written for an old employer.. 12:02
ContinuityIt worked basically by checking some of the main ftp locations, and then renaming old images, and adding new ones to openstack12:02
fricklerd1nuc0m: maybe look at (disclaimer: I'm working for them)12:04
d1nuc0mContinuity, thanks anyway12:06
d1nuc0mfrickler, thank you (I guessed it wasn't a personal project XD)12:06

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