Friday, 2024-06-21

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:36
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh06:20
jopdorp_I was wondering if anyone has experience with H100 HGX systems , or maybe DGX and GPU passthrough to KVM VMs in nova07:59
jopdorp_We're seeing an issue where the nvidia-smi command hangs07:59
jopdorp_we do install fabricmanager, and I've tried some different configs of it.07:59
jopdorp_We're trying to pass one gpu per vm, on a host that has 8xH100 SXM gpus07:59
jopdorp_nv_open_q takes 100% of a single cpu core when nvidia-smi is invoked and hangs07:59
Mc-gpu passthrough do work in nova10:09
jopdorp_gpu passthrough with pcie GPUs works for our other models13:15
jopdorp_this problem comes with the nvswitch HGX type machines that use SXM instead of normal pcie13:15
Mc-if it does not use pci, not sure how the passthrough will work, sorry :/13:22

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