Wednesday, 2024-07-31

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:50
spauliHi folks, we would like to run openstack with a ceph-cluster as backend for cinder and glance.  In the future, several individual openstack environments are to be connected to the ceph, which means that 2 pools (one for glance and one for cinder) have to be created for each environment. To prevent a large number of pools from being created, we would like to make use of rados namespaces at this point. However, rado07:24
fricklerspauli: your message was cut off after "However, rado", which would likely have been the interesting part. also, what's the reason for such a deployment scenario? I've never heard of a similar approach07:50
spauliHi, the rest of the message is "However, rados namespaces are not yet supported by the RADOS Block. Does anyone know if this is planned for the future or does this feature make no sense at this point? I couldn't find anything in the issues or blueprints"07:57
spaulithe reason for such a deployment is that we have to set up individual complete openstack environments for different customers (compliance reasons in our company), but the storage can be centralized here.07:57
fricklerspauli: so if ceph doesn't support this, it doesn't look like openstack can do much about it, you'd rather have to talk to the ceph developers? I'm also not sure what a reasonable limit on the number of pools in a ceph cluster would be, how many environments would you expect to have?08:17
spauliceph supports namespaces on the rados pools, the client authorizations can then be set at the namespace level. It would be best if we could use these, as we would only need 2 pools and then assign new namespaces per openstack environment.08:28
spauliThe only problem here is that the cinder RBD driver does not support rbd pool namespaces.08:28
spaulithere is no hard limit for the rbd pools but it is recommended not to have so many and the number depends on the size of the ceph cluster and we cannot yet estimate the number of openstack environments we will have either08:28

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