Wednesday, 2024-08-14

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen01:11
*** jcosmao is now known as Guest42508:13
*** avanzaghi11 is now known as avanzaghi108:15
luchaaijer[m]Hi, i'm building a little openstack frontend, and am having some trouble regarding per-user authentication for the API.13:56
luchaaijer[m]From the docs it seems like there is no user-scoped token, so is the intention that you generate a separate token for every project the user has access to, or is there a better way to go about this?13:56
DHEtokens have to be scoped to the project the user wants to interact with. then the various services will only display content applicable. resources (virtual machines, block devices, etc) are considered owned by projects, not users.16:34
DHEit is possible to authenticate with no project, if you just need to prove you are a valid user and maybe learn what projects are available.16:34

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